CD294 Datasheet

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SEI Capacitors, Inc.

335 Beinoris Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191 Phone: 773-774-6666 Fax: 773-774-6690

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

Features: • Long rated life of 2,000 hours at 105 °C

• High ripple current

Operating Temperature Range (°C) -40 ~ +105 -25 ~ +105 (≥ 160 V)

Rated Voltage Range (V) 16 ~ 450

Nominal Capacitance Range (uF) 39 ~ 47,000

Capacitance Tolerance (20 °C, 120 Hz) ± 20%

I ≤ 0.01CV or 1.5 mA whichever is smaller (at 20 °C, after 5 minutes)

Leakage Current (uA)
C = Nominal capacitance (uF); V = Rated voltage (V)

Rated Voltage
16 25 35 50 63 ~ 100 160 ~ 400 450
Dissipation Factor (20 °C, 120 Hz) D.F.
0.50 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.20

Rated Voltage (V) 16 ~ 100 160 ~ 200 250 ~ 450

Temperature Stability (120 Hz) Impedance Z-25 °C / Z+20 °C 4 4 4
Ratio Z-40 °C / Z+20 °C 15 - -

Time 2,000 hours

Leakage Current Not more than the initial specified value
Load Life (+105 °C)
Capacitance Change Within ± 20% of the initial value
Dissipation Factor Not more than 200% of the specified value

Time 500 hours

Leakage Current Not more than the initial specified value
Shelf Life (+105 °C)
Capacitance Change Within ± 20% of the initial value
Dissipation Factor Not more than 200% of the specified value
SEI Capacitors, Inc.
335 Beinoris Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191 Phone: 773-774-6666 Fax: 773-774-6690


Dimensions are in millimeters (mm)


Rated (Hz) 50 120 1K 10K 20K
Voltage (V)
≤ 100 0.95 1 1.10 1.15 1.15
160 ~ 250 0.87 1 1.11 1.18 1.2
≥ 315 0.80 1 1.14 1.14 1.2

Frequency Coefficient

Temperature +40 +55 +70 +85 +105

Coefficient 2.7 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.0

Temperature Coefficient
SEI Capacitors, Inc.
335 Beinoris Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191 Phone: 773-774-6666 Fax: 773-774-6690


WV 16 25 35 50 63 80 100
DxL Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple
(mm) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A)

22X25 4,700 1.4 3,300 1.3 2,200 1.1 1,200 0.96 820 0.92 560 0.76 390 0.64

22x25 6,800 1.60 4,700 1.55 3,300 1.43 1,800 1.31 1,200 1.25 820 1.11 560 1.07

22x30 10,000 1.99 6,800 1.91 3,900 1.65 2,700 1.70 1,800 1.52 1,200 1.39 820 1.35

22x35 12,000 2.28 8,200 2.14 5,600 2.02 3,300 1.98 2,200 1.73 1,500 1.61 1,000 1.54

22x40 15,000 2.64 10,000 2.40 6,800 2.28 3,900 2.25 2,700 1.97 1,800 1.83 1,200 1.74

22x45 18,000 2.98 12,000 2.69 -- -- 4,700 2.56 -- -- 2,200 2.09 1,500 1.99

22x50 -- -- -- -- 8,200 2.67 5,600 2.89 3,300 2.32 -- -- -- --

25x25 10,000 1.99 6,800 1.91 4,700 1.78 2,700 1.70 1,800 1.52 1,200 1.39 820 1.35

25x30 12,000 2.30 8,200 2.16 5,600 2.04 3,300 2.00 2,200 1.75 1,500 1.62 1,000 1.56

25x35 15,000 2.68 10,000 2.44 6,800 2.31 3,900 2.28 2,700 1.99 2,200 2.01 1,200 1.76

25x40 18,000 3.04 12,000 2.74 8,200 2.60 5,600 2.81 3,300 2.27 -- -- 1,500 2.03

25x45 22,000 3.40 15,000 3.15 10,000 2.92 -- -- 3,900 2.54 2,700 2.43 1,800 2.28

25x50 27,000 3.81 18,000 3.54 12,000 3.26 6,800 3.37 4,700 2.88 3,300 2.76 2,200 2.57

30x25 12,000 2.38 8,200 2.25 5,600 2.12 3,900 2.22 2,700 1.93 1,800 1.81 1,200 1.71

30x30 18,000 3.00 12,000 2.70 8,200 2.56 4,700 2.58 300 2.24 2,200 2.10 1,500 2.00

30x35 22,000 3.39 15,000 3.13 10,000 2.92 5,600 2.95 3,900 2.55 2,700 2.43 1,800 2.27

30x40 27,000 3.83 18,000 3.54 12,000 3.28 6,800 3.39 4,700 2.90 3,300 2.78 2,200 2.59

30x45 33,000 4.30 22,000 4.24 15,000 3.74 8,200 3.71 5,600 3.28 3,900 3.12 2,700 2.94

30x50 39,000 4.74 -- -- -- -- 10,000 4.09 6,800 3.73 4,700 3.56 3,300 3.32

35x25 18,000 3.10 12,000 2.80 8,200 2.78 4,700 2.67 3,300 2.41 2,200 2.17 1,500 2.07

35x30 27,000 3.74 15,000 3.22 12,000 3.20 6,800 3.31 4,700 2.83 3,300 2.71 2,200 2.52

35x35 33,000 4.24 22,000 3.96 15,000 3.69 8,200 3.66 5,600 3.24 3,900 3.07 2,700 2.90

35x40 39,000 4.72 -- -- 18,000 4.16 10,000 4.07 6,800 3.71 4,700 3.50 3,300 3.31

35x45 47,000 5.27 27,000 4.75 -- -- 12,000 4.50 8,200 4.16 5,600 3.87 3,900 3.69

35x50 -- -- 33,000 5.39 22,000 4.92 -- -- 10,000 4.69 6,800 4.19 4,700 4.14

Ripple Current: 105 °C, 100 Hz or 120 Hz.

Specific capacitance and case sizes are available upon request.
SEI Capacitors, Inc.
335 Beinoris Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191 Phone: 773-774-6666 Fax: 773-774-6690


WV 160 180 200 250 350 400 450

DxL Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple Cap Ripple
(mm) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A) (uF) (A)

22X25 180 0.65 220 0.65 150 0.60 100 0.45 56 0.37 39 0.32
22x25 330 1.16 270 1.08 220 1.08 180 0.94 68 0.56 68 0.47 56 0.47

22x30 390 1.43 330 1.30 330 1.30 220 1.10 100 0.70 82 0.56 68 0.56

22x35 470 1.52 470 1.50 390 1.41 270 1.13 120 0.73 120 0.64 82 0.64

22x40 560 1.62 560 1.62 470 1.50 330 1.20 150 0.79 150 0.70 100 0.70

22x45 680 1.70 -- -- 560 1.58 390 1.26 180 0.81 -- -- 120 0.73

22x50 820 1.81 680 1.76 680 1.68 470 1.37 220 0.93 180 0.78 150 0.78

25x25 470 1.55 390 1.35 330 1.35 220 1.15 100 0.70 82 0.65 68 0.65

25x30 560 1.73 470 1.62 470 1.47 330 1.30 150 0.82 120 0.70 100 0.70

25x35 680 1.81 560 1.69 560 1.65 390 1.41 180 0.89 150 0.73 120 0.73

25x40 820 1.98 680 1.72 680 1.80 470 1.52 220 0.97 180 0.82 150 0.82

25x45 1,000 2.04 820 1.78 -- -- 560 1.59 -- -- 220 0.87 180 0.87

25x50 1,200 2.12 1,000 1.91 820 1.87 680 1.66 270 1.01 270 0.94 220 0.94

30x25 680 1.82 560 1.67 470 1.56 330 1.30 150 0.82 120 0.78 100 0.78

30x30 820 1.98 680 1.74 680 1.82 470 1.36 180 0.90 180 0.83 150 0.83

30x35 1,000 2.14 820 1.85 820 1.99 560 1.57 270 1.05 220 0.86 180 0.86

30x40 1,200 2.22 1,000 2.01 -- -- 680 1.76 -- -- 270 0.95 220 0.95

30x45 1,500 2.46 1,200 2.19 1,000 2.17 820 1.83 330 1.16 330 1.11 270 1.11
30x50 -- -- 1,500 2.36 1,200 2.22 1,000 1.87 390 1.26 390 1.15 330 1.15

35x25 820 1.93 680 1.92 680 1.96 470 1.40 220 0.98 180 0.86 150 0.86

35x30 1,200 2.40 1,000 2.16 820 2.07 560 1.56 270 1.01 270 0.91 220 0.91

35x35 1,500 2.53 1,200 2.34 1,000 2.22 820 1.82 330 1.16 330 1.13 270 1.13

35x40 -- -- 1,500 2.56 1,200 2.42 1,000 1.99 390 1.26 390 1.26 330 1.26

35x45 1,800 2.98 1,800 2.67 1,500 2.59 1,200 2.10 470 1.35 470 1.31 390 1.31

35x50 2,200 3.10 -- -- 1,800 2.70 -- -- 560 1.51 560 1.50 470 1.50

Ripple Current: 105 °C, 100 Hz or 120 Hz.

Specific capacitance and case sizes are available upon request.

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