The document discusses improving organization and visual control in a workplace through implementing the 5S methodology. It provides a checklist to evaluate the current state of organization and identify areas for improvement. The checklist covers issues like ensuring unneeded items are removed, tools and equipment have clearly defined storage locations, production areas are properly identified and labeled, and safety equipment is easily accessible. Implementing changes like these would help create a more visually organized workplace with an established system for maintaining order.
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The document discusses improving organization and visual control in a workplace through implementing the 5S methodology. It provides a checklist to evaluate the current state of organization and identify areas for improvement. The checklist covers issues like ensuring unneeded items are removed, tools and equipment have clearly defined storage locations, production areas are properly identified and labeled, and safety equipment is easily accessible. Implementing changes like these would help create a more visually organized workplace with an established system for maintaining order.
The document discusses improving organization and visual control in a workplace through implementing the 5S methodology. It provides a checklist to evaluate the current state of organization and identify areas for improvement. The checklist covers issues like ensuring unneeded items are removed, tools and equipment have clearly defined storage locations, production areas are properly identified and labeled, and safety equipment is easily accessible. Implementing changes like these would help create a more visually organized workplace with an established system for maintaining order.
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The document discusses improving organization and visual control in a workplace through implementing the 5S methodology. It provides a checklist to evaluate the current state of organization and identify areas for improvement. The checklist covers issues like ensuring unneeded items are removed, tools and equipment have clearly defined storage locations, production areas are properly identified and labeled, and safety equipment is easily accessible. Implementing changes like these would help create a more visually organized workplace with an established system for maintaining order.
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Check item Question
AND UNNEEDED ELMNATON OF UNNEEDED TEMS S N PROGRESS UNNEEDED AND NEEDED TEMS HAVE BEEN SEPARATED CLEAR LOCATON FOR ALL NEEDED TEMS LOCATONS FOR ALL NEEDED TEMS ARE CLEAR AND VSUAL 1. Unneeded paIIets / boxes / raw materiaIs / consumabIes / finished products in the workpIace Is the workpIace cIuttered with unnecessary paIIets, raw materiaIs, drums, inventory or finished products? Are there any obsoIete products in the workpIace? Have chemicaIs and consumabIes been sorted according to their use and their nature? Large quantities of finished products and raw materials are stored in the work area and in corridors instead of being stored in the warehouse or in a specific area. There are pallets, drums, packaging materials in the work areas and in corridors. Safety e Unneeded raw materials, packaging materials, inventory and finished products have been eliminated from the workplace. The work area only includes materials used on a daily basis. Corridors and safety exits are clear. Chemical products, scrap materials and The necessary quantities of materials, packaging or pallets have been defined. The areas for boxes, pallets and finished products around the machines or in the work area are defined. Dangerous products and consumables have been sorted according to their n There are no unneeded drums or pallets in the work and storage areas. All products, consumables and materials have specific locations defined on the basis of a 5S flow map (which identifies the best locations to reduce motion waste), and they are kept in All locations for finished products, materials, packaging materials, are visually indicated. Minimum and maximum levels have been defined, with a visual system for replenishment. An area for tagged products (with no clearly defined usage) has been clearly 1 2 3-4 5 6 2. Unneeded tooIs, jigs, support materiaI or accessories Are there any unneeded tooIs, jigs, dies, mouIds or accessories (wrenches, scrapers, gIoves...) in the work area? Is it possibIe to distinguish between needed and unneeded items? Unneeded tools, jigs and accessories lie about in the workplace, in drawers, on machines, drums, or on the worktables. Shelves and cupboards are filled with useless tools and other old items. Machine tools are put away in a jumble. Some tools are in perso Tools/items on shelves, in cupboards have been partly sorted and put away, and tagging of unneeded items is in progress. Machine tooling is put away in specific spaces. There are still a few non-defined tools or items on cupboards, machines or about. No unneeded items can be found in the workplace: the items with no specific location are clearly identified for action. Machine toolings and jigs have been sorted out and put away in a specific place. Screws, electric and mechanical pieces are being sorte Only tools and items used regularly for daily/shift production can be found in the workplace: their locations are clearly marked, together with necessary quantities. Cupboards have been completely cleared of useless items. There are no tools in personal l There are only the needed tools in the workplace: a list has been established. There are only clearly identified items in cupboards or on shelves. There are no more personal toolboxes, except for specific uses. The tagging process is carried out every tim 1 2 3-4 5 6 3. Unneeded machine or other equipment Are there any unused machines or other equipment in the workpIace? (worktabIes, sheIving, packing machine, etc). There is some unused equipment in the workplace, in the aisles or in the storage areas. Forklift trucks have no specific locations. Unneeded machines have been removed. There are still a couple of unused or very rarely used equipment in the workplace. All machines in the area have a specific use, and all unneeded items have been removed. Forklift trucks have a defined location. Sporadically used machines/equipment are put away in a specific location. The machine and protection guards have been identifi All equipment in the area has a specific use. They have defined locations and their names are displayed. All forklift trucks have a clearly defined location in every area where they can be used. All equipment in the work area has a specific use and a clear location. Forklift trucks have specific allocated spaces everywhere they are used. All machines or equipment used sporadically have a specific location, well indicated, and anybody can get them 1 2 3-4 5 6 4 Unneeded documentation, visuaI dispIays, books, drawings Are there any unneeded or obsoIete instructions, procedures, memos, drawings or visuaI dispIays in the fiIe cabinets, on the workstation and on the waIIs? The workplace (workstation/monitoring room) contains documents/files that are unneeded or that have been kept in the wrong place (old calendars, memos, files, drawings, catalogues.). nstructions on the desks or workstation are not all related to current work. A few old memos. Drawers are still full of papers and each team runs its own document system. All unneeded papers, documents and files have been discarded, and the necessary documents have been sorted depending on how frequently they are used. Teams have standardized their documents. All procedures and notes are up-to-date and forms/instructions are related to current work. A location has been defined for the support documentation necessary for all operators. Only the documents necessary for daily production activities and process monitoring can be found in the workplace, in specific and visually indicated locations. 1 2 3-4 5 6 (*) PPE: PersonaI protection equipment Suggested methodoIogies: YeIIow tagging for undefined items - Tagging Iist and action pIan. INITIAL SITUATION FIRST IMPROVEMENTS DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATED SYSTEM EXCELLENCE 1st S: Sort through/sort out EIiminate what is unneeded and decide what is needed 58 EVALUATON 8HEET 8aint-Gobain HPM 8ector 28/06/05 Productivity Group Europe Check item Question LACK OF ORGANZATON AND ORDER WORKPLACE ORGANZATON S N PROGRESS LOCATONS ARE BENG VSUALLY DENTFED A VSUAL CONTROL SYSTEMS BENG MPLEMENTED A VSUALLY ORGANZED WORKPLACE 1. Identification of production units ,piping, machines, running condition and fIow Are production units, workshops, machines, piping, production Iines and processes cIearIy identified and visuaIIy dispIayed? There are no (or very limited) visual indications of the names of the production units, nature of processes, areas, names or numbers of lines and machines. Production units, machine names, as well as process types, are indicated. All machine guards are in place, All units, lines and machines are identified with a name or a number that is clearly indicated and visible from a distance. Machines and workstations are well-lit. Piping contents and direction of flow have been identified. There are visual markings for all equipment, silos, supplying inlets, and a system has been implemented to identify when they are functioning. All equipment, their functioning conditions, and the safety conditions that are to be respected are clearly marked with a visual control system. 1 2 3-4 5 6 2. Organization of tooIs, jigs, support materiaIs and machine accessories. Location for PPE* and safety materiaI Are accessories, jigs and tooIs arranged and ordered rationaIIy, in order that they can be easiIy taken and returned into pIace, depending on how often and where they are used? The locations for the tools necessary to the workstation are not visible. Tools have no allocated space. Machines tooling and fixtures are in a jumble in dark, unidentified areas. Tools have a defined location, but they are not always in that location. Fixtures, toolings and machine accessories are stored in specific areas. Tools have a defined location, with a clear labeling and color codes. Tooling, machine accessories and jigs are organized according to size and frequency of use. The tools necessary in each point of use have been supplied and have a specific location, cle Tools are actually in the right place, and they are visible at once. Tools locations are visually controlled, with clear and legible markings of their dimensions or conditions for use. A list of the necessary tools is displayed at every workstation. Equipment accessories are well-defined. Codes and colors indicate where they are to be put away. A standard for arranging tools and accessories has been created and is displayed. 1 2 3-4 5 6 3. DeIimitation of fIoor areas, aisIes, storage areas for materiaIs and finished products. Location and suppIies of items in sheIves/on storage racks (consumabIes, bottIes, roIIs, tapes, etc). Are there any markings to cIearIy identify fIoor areas, aisIes, waIkways, scrap and storage spaces? Are there IabeIs indicating aII items Iocation and their quantities on sheIves? Are PPE* and safety materiaIs arranged rationaIIy and easiIy-accessibIe? There are no signs to indicate floor areas, passageways and pedestrian areas. Areas for storage and scrap, safety issues are not indicated or have disappeared. The labels indicating locations in cupboards or shelves are nonexistent, spoiled or cannot be r Storage areas, pedestrian areas, exits, safety issues and passageways are identified, but not respected. Markings are not always clear, or there are a few location indicators, but they are not always respected or not precise enough. PPE* have a specific l Storage areas, pedestrian areas, aisles and passageways are well indicated. Passageways are clear. All storage is carried-out as indicated. Forklift trucks locations are identified. tems in cupboards or on racks are well-identified, marked and labeled. M Storage areas, pedestrian areas and passageways are visualized or painted with specific colors. All storage are carried out in the areas indicated. Passageways are clear, and dangerous areas as well as forklift trucks, ramps paths can be identified at a g Materials, packaging and finished products locations, as well as flow directions and hazardous areas, can be identified at a glance. A list of contents is displayed on all cupboards and shelves. A visual system has been set up for the replenishment of the 1 2 3-4 5 6 4 Presence of the necessary documents in the production unit and at the workstation (SHE* documents, job forms, work instructions, etc) Are aII documents essentiaI to the activity weII-arranged and cIearIy identified? All necessary documents (SHE* documents, batch forms, quality forms, etc) cannot be found on the workstation, or they are in a jumble and difficult to identify and read. All SHE* documents and other documents have an allocated space and are available on the workstation SHE* documents and job instructions are well organized and visible, and specific spaces with color codes corresponding to the nature of documents have been defined. Job instructions, batch forms, order forms, quality forms and other documents (specific operating procedures) are visually marked, codified with well-defined sequences. nstructions, standard operating procedures and safety instructions can be identified at a glance on each workstation, and globally in all areas of the workplace. 1 2 3-4 5 6 (*) PPE: PersonaI protection equipment Suggested methodoIogies: 5S fIow map (*) SHE: Safety, Human, Environment CoIor codes / addresses codes Photos INITIAL SITUATION FIRST IMPROVEMENTS DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATED SYSTEM EXCELLENCE Define a specific Iocation for every item needed 2nd S: Set in order 8aint-Gobain HPM 8ector 28/06/05 Productivity Group Europe 3rd S: Shine and sweep Check item Question ENVRONMENT NOT CLEAN CLEANLNESS S N PROGRESS CONDTONS FOR A CLEAN ENVRONMENT ARE BENG ESTABLSHED CLEANNG AND NSPECTNG BECOME A HABT CLEANNG AND NSPECTNG ARE PART OF THE CULTURE 1. CIeaning tooIs, materiaIs and equipment Are cIeaning tooIs, equipment materiaIs avaiIabIe, accessibIe and adapted? The necessary tools (shovel, clothes, brushes), products (detergents) and equipment (vacuum cleaners) for everyday cleaning are not all available or in a good state, or they have no defined location. Cleaning tools and materials have been identified, they have been allocated a space, but they are not all in that space. Cleaning tools, materials and equipment are available and they have a specific allocated space. There are clearly defined and visualized locations for cleaning instruments, materials and equipment, with available material everywhere it is needed, in different points of the workplace. All addresses are marked. Cleaning tools, materials and equipment are clearly identified in well-defined areas: their list has been established in every production unit and the operators in charge of their maintenance and replenishment are indicated. 1 2 3-4 5 6 2. CIeanIiness of workstations, machines, equipment, accessories and piping. EIimination of sources for dirt and contamination Are machines, workstations, piping, cabinets, sheIves cIean? Have contamination and dirt causes (Ieaks, dust) been identified and treated? Workstations, machines are dirty: there are overflows, swarm, leakages, dust, fingerprints. Dirt and contamination sources are not treated: there are oil leaks, dust and overflows. Machines are not very clean: all overflows, leaks and dust are not under control. Workstations (drawers, cupboards, shelves) are not completely clean. Some contamination sources are identified with tags. Some of them have been treated or are being treated Machines are moderately clean: there are still cables, PPE and areas difficult to reach. Workstations are clean. The main contamination sources are identified with tags and they are being improved or a team is analyzing the problem. Workstations , machines and piping are clean. equipment, machine accessories, tools and racks are clean. All identified contamination sources are being improved or are planned to be. Machines are quite clean, and hard-to-reach areas have been removed or adjusted. Workstations are perfectly clean, there are no fingerprint or dust. All contamination sources are being improved. Some improvements projects are still going on and are displa 1 2 3-4 5 6 3. CIeanIiness of fIoors and scrap areas Are fIoors, aisIes and scraps, scrap areas cIean? Floors are dirty; there is dust, oil and product stains. Containers and bins are dirty and they sometimes overflow. Floors and passageways are rather clean, but floors in the work areas are dirty, soiled with oil and dust. Containers and bins are emptied regularly. Floors are clean, bin/scraps areas and containers are clean and emptied regularly. Floors are quite clean, even nearby or under machines and piping, and in all work and storage areas. Floors and all the workplace areas are perfectly clean and markings are in a very good condition. A team is responsible for every area in the plant. Responsibilities are defined for control of cleaning and extraction systems. 1 2 3-4 5 6 4 CIeanIiness behaviors and ruIes Is cIeanIiness a usuaI team concern? Is cIeaning an ongoing team activity? Cleaning programs are nonexistent, not regular or not applied; weekly cleaning has not been done; clothes are dirty. Cleaning programs are displayed. They are not always completed for lack of time. The cleaning activities planned at the workstation are adhered to. The workplace is divided into areas, and teams are responsible for them. The planned cleaning activities are carried out according to the programs. Working clothes are clean. The planned cleaning activities are carried out according to schedule. Working clothes are clean. Cleanliness criteria are on display on every machines. Changing-rooms, similarly to all the workplaces, are quite clean and well-kept. 1 2 3-4 5 6 Suggested methodoIogies: INITIAL SITUATION EXCELLENCE INTEGRATED SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FIRST IMPROVEMENTS Keep the workpIace cIean and eIiminate abnormaIities Red tags - CIeaning program - Photo showing a cIeaning standard - Map of the setting with divided areas 8aint-Gobain HPM 8ector 28/06/05 Productivity Group Europe Check item Question LACK OF STANDARDS A FEW STANDARDS ARE ESTABLSHED STANDARDS ARE BENG DEVELOPED A VSUAL CONTROL SYSTEMS N PLACE ALL STUATONS ARE UNDER CONTROL 1 VisuaI standards for marking, signboarding and tooIs management Are there existing standards and a shared coding system for areas, tooIs ,pipes and equipment markings? Marking rules and color codes are not clearly defined for the site. Standard colors have been defined for floor markings (raw materials, finished products, bins, etc) and are implemented in all workplaces. Colors, coding systems for tools , jigs and pipes have been defined and are implemented. Tools are marked with defined color codes: locations are identified according to color standards and to an established codification system. Moulds, fixtures and machine accessories are marked out with defined codes. A visual system has been defined for tools, equipment and accessories organization and management. A reference book has been created with all the standard operating procedures for cleaning and organization of moulds, dies and jig storage, et). 1 2 3-4 5 6 2 OrderIiness and cIeaning standards Have cIeaning routines, OrderIiness standards and inspection routines been visuaIIy standardized? There are no cleanliness standards. Cleaning and inspection programs are neither visible nor clearly formalized. There are a few cleaning rules or instructions for some workstations, but they are incomplete. The standards to avoid dirt have been defined by teams and displayed where dirty operations take place. Cleaning and inspection routines, as well as cleanliness criteria, are displayed. All disposal recipients have been identified, and all discarded mater Cleanliness and cleaning standards are displayed and integrated into daily team activities. Each team manages its own cleaning schedule and inspections, has a checklist of specific control points, and all areas are clean and under control. 1 2 3-4 5 6 3 Production operating procedures, safety and quaIity standards Are production ruIes operating procedures and safety standards, cIear and accessibIe? Are there dangerous activities in the workpIace that have not been defined and visuaIized by a standard? Operating rules and procedures are not clear; the process is uncertain or it results from a habit. There are no traces of quality forms or specific instructions. There are no appropriate and visualized safety rules for hazardous operations. No visible saf Some rules are formalized, operators are trained and work according to habits. There are instruction and quality forms at the workstation. safety instructions are displayed where hazardous actions take place. Displays and visual controls of safety condit nstructions are clear and visually indicated on all workstations: production and process parameters (weight, pressure, temperature) are visually indicated. All rules for dangerous activities have been standardized and displayed where operations take plac Quality parameters and standard operating procedures are displayed at each workstation. Visual standards for hazardous activities are clearly displayed where hazardous operations take place, and they are adhered to. The process is defined by clear, visual standards which are adhered to. Process malfunctions will be seen at a glance. Mistake-proofing systems are developed to prevent dangerous operations. 1 2 3-4 5 6 4 ConsumabIes, suppIies and raw materiaIs management Are there standards for the management and suppIying of consumabIes and raw materiaIs? There are no standards for the management of consumables, cleaning products and materials in the workplace. There are occasional stock shortage situations. Minimum and maximum quantities for products used regularly have been defined. The management of consumables/ various kinds of products is under the responsibility of teams operators: a visual standard allows to see at a glance when products need resupplying. Teams have a checklist that they can refer to for a regular checking of reorder levels. Checklists are displayed and integrated into teams routines, and replenishment standards are fully respected. Systems have been set up with warehouses or suppliers (FFO, Kanban system) for the regular replenishment of products necessary to the teams, and they are fully respected. 1 2 3-4 5 6 INITIAL SITUATION FIRST IMPROVEMENTS DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATED SYSTEM EXCELLENCE Create a visuaIIy managed workpIace 4th S: Standardize 8aint-Gobain HPM 8ector 28/06/05 Productivity Group Europe Check item Question NO REGULAR 5S ACTVTY REGULAR 5S ACTVTES ARE STARTNG CONTNUOUS MPROVEMENT ACTVTES ARE BENG DEPLOYED A CONTNUOUS MPROVEMENT CULTURE S ESTABLSHED NTENSVE CONTNUOUS MPROVEMENT ACTVTES ALL OVER THE PLANT 1 1. 5S project with management commitment and a Steering Committee Is there a formaI 5S program with management commitment? Is the 5S vision shared in the pIant? Are targets cIearIy communicated? Are there an audit system and a reporting system in pIace? The 5S are not integrated into the activity. No formal program . Management is not aware of the benefits. The Steering Committee members do not carry out any audits. The nature and the objectives of the 5S project are not displayed and known by everyone. The Steering Committee has started audits and performance meetings, but they are not carried out regularly. 5S achievements are amongst the managerial staff priorities and they are followed during workshop meetings. The Steering Committee audits are scheduled on a regular basis in the workshops. 5S are part of team activities. The Steering Committee audits are part of the reporting system and teams priorities are regularly defined with the managerial staff and the Steering Committee. Steering Committee audit programs and results for all production units and all the teams priorities are displayed in a place shared by all personnel 1 2 3-4 5 6 2. 5S training and team activities. Audits and foIIow-up Have aII operators been trained to the 5S and is there a continuous 5S team activity aII over the pIant, with a reguIar audit pIan cIearIy defined for aII the teams? All workshop operators have not been trained to the 5S and there is no evidence of team activity. A large part of workshop operators have been trained to the 5S, the 5S team activity board is set up, but regular team activities have not started yet. All documents are not up-to-date. Some audits have been scheduled, but they are irregular, and the last All workshop operators have been trained in 5S. Each team is responsible for an area, and a meeting point with an activity board has been set up. Regular meetings and teams are developing. Audits are made by the whole team, supervisors and operators, as Everyone takes part in the 5S activities and each team is responsible for an area. Some time is allocated to the 5S activities. Team members photos are displayed on activity boards together with team action plans. Audits are made regularly and lead to im Each team is responsible for an area in the workplace. The activity board is a regular and systematic meeting for the team; documents are up-to-date. There is a 5S coordinator in each team. The planning of team audits as well as all the elements of the te 1 2 3-4 5 6 3. Ideas for improvement, probIems soIving and action projects Have improvement suggestions, projects and action pIans been structured and visuaIIy dispIayed, and are they visibIe to everyone? There are no recent improvement suggestions, or visible action projects. A couple of recent improvement ideas and a couple of issues have been targeted for an improvement project and are displayed in the workshop. Several improvement ideas have been put forward, they are recent and well displayed on the team activity board. Meetings aimed at solving some particular issues have been scheduled. All identified issues are subject to improvement projects and displayed on activity boards. Abnormalities are subject to a clear improvement process. Action plans are shared out between team members and displayed on the team activity board. A process for the treatment of abnormalities (problem solving methodology) and the follow-up of improvement ideas has been set up. Teams have set up a very efficient and shared organization for problem analysis and action plans follow-up. 1 2 3-4 5 6 4 Performance indicators Is everyone informed of the workpIace past and present achievements? There is no displayed indicator of the production unit performance and of the 5S progress. There are a few performance indicators, but they are not up-to-date, they are still too global or do not reflect correctly the production unit performance. The workplace performance indicators are displayed and up-to-date. The results for 5S audits and indicators related to improvements due to the 5S are displayed on the activity board or in the production unit. The performance indicators are followed by the teams and the 5S action plans progress are being related to a process indicator and to a financial indicator. All teams develop their own action projects, process and performance indicators. 1 2 3-4 5 6 INITIAL SITUATION FIRST IMPROVEMENTS DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATED SYSTEM EXCELLENCE Sustain improvements and make further company wide improvements 5th S: Sustain 8aint-Gobain HPM 8ector 28/06/05 Productivity Group Europe 1st S: Sort through/sort out EIiminate what is unneeded and decide what is needed Check item Question 1 2 3-4 5 6 NTAL STUATON FRST MPROVEMENTS DEVELOPMENT NTEGRATED SYSTEM EXCELLENCE 1. Unneeded objects Are there any unneeded things (newspapers, sampIes, various items) on sheIves and in fiIe cabinets? 0 2. Unneeded fiIes Are there any fiIes requiring specific archiving? 0 3. CabIes and wires Are there any computer cabIes and wires Iying about on the fIoor? 0 4, WaIIs, equipment and partitions Are waIIs, machines or boards covered in unneeded caIendars and posters? 0 TotaI S1 0 SCORE OFFCE 58 CHECK L8T 8aint-Gobain - HPM 8ector 28/06/2005 P(oducl|v|lv 0(oup Eu(ope 8aint-Gobain - HPM 8ector 28/06/2005 P(oducl|v|lv 0(oup Eu(ope 2nd S: Set in order Define a specific Iocation for every item needed Check item Question 1 2 3-4 5 6 NTAL STUATON FRST MPROVEMENTS DEVELOPMENT NTEGRATED SYSTEM EXCELLENCE SCORE 1. SheIves and fiIing cabinets Are sheIves and fiIing cabinets identified with IabeIs, markings and visibIe codes? 2 2 2. Documents, fiIes and binders identification Is there any indication of titIe, number, name of person in charge, and/or date on fiIe or binders? 2 2 3. Easiness of use Are documents, stationery, materiaIs weII-ordered and easy to reach and return to their Iocation? 1 1 4, Areas indication Are the various areas, cabinets, and offices cIearIy identified? 2 2 TotaI S2 7 8aint-Gobain - HPM 8ector 28/06/2005 P(oducl|v|lv 0(oup Eu(ope 8aint-Gobain - HPM 8ector 28/06/2005 P(oducl|v|lv 0(oup Eu(ope 3rd S: Shine and sweep Keep the workpIace cIean and eIiminate abnormaIities Check item Question 1 2 3-4 5 6 NTAL STUATON FRST MPROVEMENTS DEVELOPMENT NTEGRATED SYSTEM EXCELLENCE SCORE 1. CIeanIiness of fIoors and waIIs Are fIoors, carpets and waIIs cIean, do paintworks need re- doing? Are windows, sheIves and pIants reguIarIy dusted and cIeaned? 0 2. Updating tasks Is there a specific person in charge of keeping fiIes up-to- date for each subject? 0 3. Wastebaskets Are wastebaskets and destroyer bins reguIarIy emptied before they overfIow? 0 4, FeeIing of tidiness and cIeanIiness Offices are cIean, few documents are not fiIed. 0 TotaI S3 0 4th S: Standardize Create a visuaIIy managed workpIace Check item Question 1 2 3-4 5 6 NTAL STUATON FRST MPROVEMENTS DEVELOPMENT NTEGRATED SYSTEM EXCELLENCE 1, VisuaIization The Iocation of fiIes, books, articIes and stationary can be seen at a gIance. AII cabinets are visuaIIy defined with their contents. 0 2, ConfidentiaI documents and archiving Is there a procedure for deaIing with confidentiaI documents and archives? 0 3, Shared fiIing Have team defined a shared fiIing system in the computer system and are the work-in-process fiIes managed with a visuaI system indicating progress IeveI and things to do? 0 4, Stationary Are minimum suppIies IeveIs cIearIy indicated? 0 TotaI S4 0 Sustain improvements and make further company wide improvements Check item Question 1 2 3-4 5 6 NTAL STUATON FRST MPROVEMENTS DEVELOPMENT NTEGRATED SYSTEM EXCELLENCE SCORE 1, Meetings Do team members carry out reguIar meetings in a specific area? 0 2. Work scheduIes and performance Are activity scheduIing, departments tasks and performance indicators cIear and visuaIized? 0 3. ScheduIes Are meetings and traveIing scheduIes cIearIy visuaIized and dispIayed? 0 4, Audits and updating Have dates been set within the team for audits, and to update and dispose of documents? 0 TotaI S5 0