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Logistics Best Practice Guide

A guide to implement best practices in logistics in

order to save energy and reduce the environmental
impact of logistics.
CLECAT’s Best Practice Guide to save energy and reduce

PREFACE .......................................................................................................... 5

I. Introduction .............................................................................................. 5

II. Aim of the exercise................................................................................. 5

1. Promoting best practice .............................................................................. 5
2. Best practice is you!.................................................................................... 6

III. General areas for improvement.............................................................. 7

1. Technology ................................................................................................ 7
2. Personnel................................................................................................... 9
3. Smart/strategic logistics ............................................................................ 10

IV. Concluding remarks.............................................................................. 12

BEST PRACTICE EXAMPLES............................................................................ 13

I. Technical ................................................................................................. 13
1. Information Technology for Efficient Road Freight Operations (Department for
Transport, UK with RHA and FTA)........................................................................ 13
2. Telematics for Efficient Road Freight Operations (Freight Best Practice /
Department for Transport, UK) ............................................................................ 14
3. Solar roof to save energy (FedEx, USA) ...................................................... 14
4. Fuel Saving Devices (Department for Transport, UK) ................................... 15
5. Fuel Management Guide............................................................................ 15
6. SmartWay, US Environment Protection Agency. .......................................... 15
7. Reduction of Waste through an Oil Treatment Plant .................................... 16
8. Reduced Water Consumption by Using a Modern Washing Facility ................ 16
9. Introduction of Power Saving Technology ................................................... 16
10. Double-deck Cargo for Increased Efficiency (Emons Cargo).......................... 16
11. Use of Intermodal Transport (Ewals Cargo Care)......................................... 16
12. Monitoring Fuel Consumption (Ewals Cargo Care)........................................ 17
13. Reduction of Emissions by Use of Low-emission vehicles (H.P Therkelsen A/S)
14. Improved Vehicle Utilization through Mobile Sludge Drainage (Joma
Slamsugningsservice AB) .................................................................................... 17
15. Eco Guardian – Lower Emissions and Fuel Consumption by a Comparative Trial
of Vehicle Technologies (J. W. Suckling Transport Limited) .................................... 18
16. Water-saving Equipment and Use of Rainwater for Vehicle Cleaning (Metzger
Spedition GmbH)................................................................................................ 18
17. Reduction of Water Consumption (Transportes Campillo SA) ........................ 18
18. Hybrid shunting locomotive (Port of Rotterdam).......................................... 18
19. Transport of waste materials by water (London Waste and
Bywaters/SmartBarge Ltd, UK) ............................................................................ 19
20. Improvement in aerodynamics (Aspray Transport Ltd / Freight Best Practice) 19

21. The Benefits of Operating Electric Vehicles in an Urban Environment (TNT /
Freight Best Practice).......................................................................................... 19
22. Innovation Secures Future at Rural Haulier (Andrew Black Limited) .............. 20

II. Organisational ...................................................................................... 21

1. The European Environmental Agency’s Good practice in Logistics Manual ...... 21
2. Fuel Management for transport operators (Thorntons plc)............................ 21
3. Fuel saving tips, Department for Transport, UK ........................................... 21
4. Performance Management for Efficient Road Freight Operations ................... 22
5. BESTUFS – Best Urban Freight Transport.................................................... 22
6. Consolidation of Transports (Sieber)........................................................... 22
7. Transport Collaboration – Carpathia Express (Czech Republic)...................... 23
8. Telematics at SME’s (Sieber)...................................................................... 23
9. Improvement in Utilization through Customer Incentives (Aamaals
Miljöhantering)................................................................................................... 24
10. Measuring, Monitoring and Reducing Fuel Consumption (Egon Sörensen
Transport A/S) ................................................................................................... 24
11. Tankshare – Improved Utilization through Groupage Freight Service (J. W.
Suckling Transport Limited)................................................................................. 24
12. Improved Material Planning through Communication (K. I. Transport)........... 24
13. Security and Resource Efficiency through an Integrated Management System
(Nijman/Zeetank Holding BV) .............................................................................. 25
14. Loss Prevention for the Vehicle Fleet (Nobilia International) ......................... 25
15. Reduction of Environmental Impacts by Management (Otto Görgens Spedition-
Transportlogistik / Lübeck).................................................................................. 26
16. Regulations for Good Common Practices in the Road Transport of Dangerous
Goods (Trancister Sociedade de Transportes SA) .................................................. 26
17. Improved Efficiency through New Information and Communication Technology
(NICT) (Transportes Luís Simões) ........................................................................ 26
18. Implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) (Transportes
Ochoa SA) ......................................................................................................... 27
19. BT Transport Exchange Group – Improving efficiencies within a scheduled
trunking service.................................................................................................. 27
20. Cargo Domizil – Intermodal less than truckload transport............................. 27
21. INDITEX – Pro-Kyoto Project ..................................................................... 28
22. MAPEI - Optimising goods collection cycle time ........................................... 28
23. Mercadona and Renfe: Intermodal Collaboration Distribution........................ 29
24. Sharp‘s collaboration with the green transport marketplace, SmartWay ......... 29
25. Cargo shuttle between Port of Barcelona and SEAT ..................................... 30
26. Freight Best Practice “Fuel Efficiency Intervention Trials - How to Test and
Save” 30
27. “Tesco Sets the Pace on Low Carbon and Efficiency” (TESCO / Freight Best
Practice) ............................................................................................................ 30
28. Short Haul Rail Freight (Lafarge Cement Ltd / The Malcolm Group / Freightliner
Ltd / Freight Best Practice).................................................................................. 30
29. Transportation of healthcare products by inland navigation (Baxter) ............. 31
30. Shell Chemicals Europe and Bertschi AG network redesign ........................... 31
31. Reconfiguration of the supply chain structure (IKEA) ................................... 32
32. Lovosice Inter-Modal Terminal (CD / Duss Terminal) ................................... 32

III. Workforce............................................................................................. 33
1. Impact of EcoDriving on emissions and fuel consumption............................. 33
2. The Fuel Efficient Truck Driver’s Handbook ................................................. 33
3. Engine Idling (case studies by Lloyd Fraser Group plc, Allies Bakeries Ltd, Ralph
Coleman International Ltd, Leggett’s Transport Ltd) .............................................. 33
4. Reduced Fuel Consumption and Accidents through Driver Training (Berger
Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH) ............................................................................. 34
5. Bonus System to Encourage Drivers to Drive Safely and Fuel-efficiently (H.P.
Therkelsen) ....................................................................................................... 34
6. Driver Training for Improved Safety and Fuel Efficiency (Metzger Spedition
GmbH) .............................................................................................................. 34
7. Reduction of Accidents by an Internal Training Programme: “Challenge of the
Day” (Nijman/Zeetank Holding BV) ...................................................................... 34
8. Safe Loading and its Implications (Otto Görgens Spedition-Transportlogistik /
Lübeck) ............................................................................................................. 35
9. Reduction of Fuel Consumption supported by Monitoring (Transportes Campillo
SA) 35
10. Reducing Accidents by Implementing a Safety Manual (Transportes Luís
Simões) ............................................................................................................. 36
11. Improved Efficiency through use of a Guidance and Communication System
(VSV Frakt AB) ................................................................................................... 36
12. Driver Training for Improved Safety and Fuel Efficiency (Wullkotte & Hackmann
Trucking & Transport GbR) ................................................................................. 37
13. Fuel Saving in a Scottish Haulage Fleet (John Mitchell [Grangemouth] Ltd /
Freight Best Practice).......................................................................................... 37

LITERATURE AND USEFUL LINKS .................................................................. 38

I. Introduction

The challenge to mitigate the consequences of human activities on the environment has
become one of the major concerns characterising and influencing today’s business world.
The battle to preserve our environment has gained momentum over the years and is
now part of the policy of a growing number of enterprises. The ongoing battle against
climate change owing to GHG emissions has also come to the fore in policy and business
alike. These two different yet intertwined predicaments have not failed to impact upon
logistics activities, questioning some of the basic principles of this discipline. Transport
services appear to be one of the biggest sources of CO2 emissions and some of the
transport emissions are also pollutants. This is however an industry, which is, on the one
hand, indispensable for growth and employment and yet on the other hand has
enduring difficulties freeing its dependence on fossil fuels .

This being said, logistics is not only transport: a more wide-range view on what can be
done to improve the environmental performance of logistics can contribute to our
industry’s footprint in an area where legislation is finding it increasingly difficult to step

The need to decrease emissions, but also to save energy and money, should be at the
heart of our companies’ thinking. Luckily these needs – lessening emissions, decreasing
the use of energy and saving money – are connected and may respond to the same
drivers: not only the logistics service provider, but also the transport user are likely to
benefit from savings that may be environmental as well as economical. There is an
abundance of possibilities and many companies have already found ways to improve
their business models with individual solutions, which have the potential to be developed
into best practices. Their experience is the source of the best practice models that
benefit and encourage others to do the same.

In other words we are not trying to re-invent the wheel in this booklet: we are trying to
disseminate the best practices that we have managed to collect from different sources,
and make them available to others, whether they are logistics service providers or users.
Whilst this may appear a minimalist approach, we believe it can be extremely helpful in
an area where sharing knowledge and know-how is crucial.

II. Aim of the exercise

1. Promoting best practice

CLECAT has therefore decided to produce a guide for companies that have the intention
to implement best practices in their operations, with the aim of leading them to select
the best case in their business environment, in order to achieve an improved
sustainability and environmental performance in their activity. This paper compiles
several of these best practice cases for companies to evaluate, apply and use.

This paper focuses to a large extent on possible savings in resources, especially in the
road sector. As regards other modes of transport, their share in the modal split is much
smaller, they also seem to generate less best practice examples than is the case in road
transport. Whether this is the result of a lack of best practices in general, or whether
CLECAT did not receive enough feedback on this point is not completely clear at the
moment. We have also tried to include best practice cases that are not necessarily
related to transport, they include the economical use of heating/lighting/paper, the
introduction of better recycling systems or more efficient waste disposal, analysis of fuel
consumption, optimised servicing, and journey management.

Best practices work properly, if people apply them on a daily basis. As stated above, this
document is a living document, which will be circulated to CLECAT members once the
first edition is published. The majority of best practices, described in this booklet are
brief descriptions covering specifics like the aim, the time line and the costs of the
relevant best practice. The Best Practice Guide is envisioned as guidance material and
thus not as an exhaustive explanation or description. If more information is required the
CLECAT Secretariat will be more than happy to either establish direct contact with the
BP owners or provide more detailed information if already available. Additional
information is also readily available on the internet: the relevant web addresses are
provided beside the BP example.

As a starting point CLECAT has compiled a list in which areas best practices can be
found and are useful. The general list aims at providing food for thought for new ideas
and/or as incentive to report to CLECAT any positive achievements a company has
developed for its business. In the sections following, one can then find the concrete best
practices, divided into best practices divided into a Technical and an
Organisational/Workforce section.

At the end of this document you will find a short literature review with the most relevant
sources and further information.

2. Best practice is you!

We understand this exercise as a work in progress; this means we have the intention to
receive what CLECAT Members (and others) think of reporting as good practice,
whenever they are made aware of a positive experience.

To reiterate: this compilation has another important aim, namely promote active
participation and new additions to the Best Practice Guide from the transport industry in
general, and from the forwarders’ community and CLECAT member companies in
particular. The Best Practice Guide is a compilation that is meant to be an inspiration to
others and will guarantee a wide-range appeal and publicity in exchange for information
on a company’s efforts to promote environmentally-friendly, sustainable transport

We therefore hope that you can also get inspired by reading the examples provided in
this guide, and send us your best practices as soon as possible. Keep in mind: this is an
ongoing exercise and a living document. Due to the nature of best practices, that are
developed, refined and then possibly exchanged again, once new technology or

management improvements have been developed, this publication can never be
complete or finished. Every additional best practice will make it however more complete
and meaningful. Please do contribute to making it as complete as possible.

Some may see this in the light of competition. We do not believe it should be seen as in
a competition between companies for the same market segment, but as a means of
letting others benefit from other experiences. The addition of your best practice is a
business chance, not a danger to your business. The inclusion in this compendium may
result in a better or greener public image of your company, raising its profile with
possible future clients.

We therefore encourage both Members and third parties to send their feedback and
experiences to the CLECAT Secretariat ( for possible inclusion in the
next editions. A short abstract, possibly with the results of the best practice and a link,
providing more information, would be enough. This only takes a few minutes and will
provide your company with great visibility.

III. General areas for improvement

1. Technology

There are various improvements in the area of technology, which can benefit a company
enormously. Sometimes best practices will only bring minor changes and benefits in a
business process, sometimes one can make heavy investments, which although will only
pay off after some/long time of usage, the savings will build up over time and be very
significant. Whether the amount of money saved from new technology justifies the
(sometimes big) investment in new machinery/software or whether the economic
benefits of introducing new technology sometimes remain a risk, all are ideas best
evaluated case by case. The environmental benefits on the other hand are often clearly
noticeable, but again it often remains unclear which are the economic benefits, or even
worse, which are the hindrances leading to the sad equation “good for the environment:
bad for business”. However, it can not be stated often enough, and the best practices
shown in this document confirm this perception: many best practices that have had a
positive impact on the environment are also beneficial in their economic performance.
This can happen either directly, e.g. through less fuel consumption, or indirectly, e.g.
because customers are looking for a CO2 neutral transport and reward the positive
efforts made by their service provider by selecting their service over and above others.

The following paragraphs are a general introduction to this section on technology and
can maybe generate some further ideas in other areas.

Before starting with evaluating the benefits of any best practice, the company in
question should define for itself what is to be considered “green” in their perception. As
soon as it is clear what one wants to achieve, it is possible to research specific best
practices, which best suit the company’s business needs. An analysis of the company
can help to see what effects one can measure directly and what can only be measured
indirectly. Transport related benefits will always be indirect, if a company does not have
its own fleet. It is a critical first step to take informed and intelligent decisions.

On this specific point we wish to suggest that elements of environmental best practice
may be usefully introduced in the quality management of the company, even before
contemplating environmental standards such as ISO 140001.

Just to quote some of the most common measures that are advantageous in road
transport logistics, new kinds of radial tyres technology, with proper maintenance, can
run over 100,000 kilometres on the original tread. Another option is re-treadability,
which means that truck tyres are produced so that they are capable of being re-treaded
two or more times with careful and observant maintenance. Not only should a company
be trying to reduce waste during production, it can also recycle used tyres for energy
production. After retaining re-treadable casings, burning whole tyres in cement furnaces
and power stations is becoming more common overseas and particularly Australia - with
tyres producing more power than coal.2

A company has to keep its truck fleet up to date, because newer trucks will for
example feature the latest emissions-control technologies. With new software,
companies have the possibility to continually monitor engine performance. Investment in
new technologies will help reduce emissions and energy consumption at the same time.

Another idea would be to have primarily team-driven vehicles, which would result in
fewer empty runs (by generating a lot more revenue per kilometre). For this strategy to
be successful there should be no imbalance between inbound and outbound freight: this
means that one of the greatest efforts should also be made to adjust the commercial
policy in order to archive this result. Transportation management systems can help
analyze identifying profitable/unprofitable routes.

On Route planning, please see section 3 below.

It is possible to use a weight-based calculation to determine the amount of carbon a

shipment emits and then offset that through the purchase of carbon credit, which can
be traded in certain credits exchange platforms. 3 CLECAT is closely monitoring any
related activity in the EU, which would introduce a harmonized method to calculate the
amount of CO2 emissions for a specific transport mode or quantity of freight.

With the installation of alternative energy sources, e.g. solar photovoltaic4, solar hot
water, wind, ground source heat pump, and biomass systems, companies can save
energy/heating in their office buildings as well as in their warehouses. Offices and
warehouses that are built with modern eco-friendly criteria5 can make significant cuts on
the company’s energy bill.

See for example:
“8 steps to a greener supply chain“:
See also Best Practice I.3.: FedEx plans to install the largest rooftop solar-electric system in the
US at its distribution hub in Woodbridge, N.J. This is the fifth solar power project for FedEx and
will produce 2.42 megawatt solar power.
For example:

When evaluating facilities and vehicles, energy consumption data can help find
energy sources of energy waste, e.g. electrical equipment, which uses energy just by
being in standby mode.6 As it was noted above, the identification of a carbon footprint is
an important feature for conducting any kind of ‘green business’. There are companies,
who can deliver such a service7, but it would be more attractive and valuable to come to
a European standard, instead of struggling with several conflicting solutions.

Environmental reporting8 is sometimes expected from appropriate authorities in EU

Member States. What looks at first sight like a bureaucratic burden, can also help
identify sources where energy is wasted. The best idea is to introduce elements of
environmental reporting on a voluntary basis and make it a promotional feature of the

Packaging reduction will inevitably lead to better economic performance, as well as

being an advantage for the environment. Often packaging has already been optimized,
but it everyone’s experience that packing still offers ample possibilities for improvement.
It is worth re-thinking the packaging policy for many products and adjust/retrofit to the
newest technology.9 It may also be worth considering this activity as an additional and
innovative service that logistics service providers could propose to their customers.

Waste itself is inevitable and unavoidable, but there is always room left for waste
reduction, which will lead to a better environmental performance as well as economic
benefits through savings on waste disposal fees. Recycling is an option to enhance the
environmental performance, in other words disposing/recycling items like computers,
monitors, keyboards and fluorescent bulbs can save money and can also be proposed as
a service to third parties.

We shall not deal with bio-fuels and additives in this section, as this is a topic that is
worth a more detailed and dedicated publication. The same goes for all new vehicle
related technology (hybrid, electrical, hydrogen, etc.)

2. Personnel

In the area of personnel there are various possibilities to enhance both the economic
and environmental performance at the same time. Thinking of logistics the most notable
and well known is driver education and training, which focuses on making drivers
aware of fuel-efficient driving, and contributes to enhancing the safety of both driver
and goods. This generates savings in the form of lower insurance premiums, less energy
consumption and better use of resources.

For general energy consumption data in the transport sector in the USA, see the Transportation
Energy Data Book:
E.g. aimed at helping small businesses all over the
world understand their impact on climate change
See for example:
53C38F2524DF/0/SS_LogisticsTransportation_ENG.pdf (Logistics and Transportation) or
76E24679226B/0/SS_FinancialServicesEnvironmental_ENG.pdf (environmental reporting)
E.g. Wal-Mart in the US urged their suppliers to reduce packaging and conserve natural
resources. Through this initiative 667.000 metric tons of CO2 will be saved. About $ 11 billion is
expected in savings from a 5% reduction in 10% of the global packaging industry.

Examples of driver education measures can be found in the detailed best practices
below. Some examples for driver education: teaching drivers about tyre maintenance
and optimal tyre pressures etc. This contributes to lifting the current low levels of tyre
maintenance and prolonging the life-cycle of tyres. Driver training programmes can give
incentives to drivers who perform efficiently in achieving fuel economy through reducing
idle time and keeping speed limits within a certain range: engine control modules can be
used to set maximum speed limits, which again will help to diminish waste of fuel and

Offices benchmarking tools can improve the work flow. A company should calculate
an ideal benchmark based on the type of office space, number of workstations and
standard occupancy. As a next step benchmarking should be carried out to be tailored to
the specificities of the relevant building. The tailoring allows working hours, including
weekend working, to be specified for each type of office space within the building.
Details of catering, vending and IT equipment and machine/computer rooms can be

A very simple, but effective way to save electricity: turn off lights (or other
electrical equipment) when not used. One has to keep in mind that it is always
cheaper to turn lights off than to leave them on. Improving awareness of energy wasted
can save up to 15% of energy costs.10 However different kinds of lighting might require
different solutions (e.g. High Pressure Sodium, like some of the laps used in warehouses,
cannot be quickly turned off and back on again).

To the same effect one should make good use of natural lighting, as most people prefer
to work in natural light. One can do this by ensuring that windows and roof lights are
not obstructed, and are regularly cleaned, inside and out. Blinds should be used only if
necessary, as they are often left closed leading to artificial lighting being used,
regardless of daylight availability. It is unlikely that glare will affect the same part of a
building all day.

If a company is just establishing itself or it plans to expand and set up new facilities, it
could be beneficial to locate these facilities in the vicinity of employees’ apartments.
Companies could otherwise also pay employees’ public transport tickets, bicycles, and
encourage car-pooling (driving together with other employees). The shorter the way of
the employee to his work, the better the environmental performance and the
performance of the employee due to less travel time.

It is fundamental that simple savings practices are promoted among the staff.

3. Smart/strategic logistics

A third area of possible improvements, in addition to technology and personnel, is an

area, which will be called smart or strategic logistics, i.e. the improved management of
the supply-chain. In the main section further down you will find various examples of
such smart logistics solutions. These have the great advantage over technology that the
costs are limited and they will often remain as an integral part of the business process


over a long period of time, while technology often has to be replaced after some years
to have the newest or best available technology. The training of personnel is also
producing long term effects, but personnel may leave (with the training it has received)
and starting from scratch become necessary, once new employees are hired.

There are various ways to improve the management of the supply-chain. Some of the
following examples have been put into practice by companies with great success. You
will find more information of those success stories later in the document.

Route planning enables a company to identify less profitable (or more costly) routes,
whose planning can be optimized. In commercial Route Planning less profitable routes
can be abandoned to the competition, if no other solution is available. Modern computer
programmes, in addition with tracking and tracing technology and reporting schemes,
are able to calculate the best solutions and the best routes. Identifying a non-profitable
route is the first step to amending the situation. Here software can also help, but often a
forwarder will need to look for solutions without the help of management software, once
the problem is identified (e.g. find new customers to decrease empty running).

Intermodal solutions can bring great benefits, because they combine the best of
various modes of transport, possibly to improve the overall performance. When carrying
goods from A to B, it is generally advisable to look for alternative solutions and compare
them. It is thus possible to create geographical shortcuts in the trips (e.g. in several
places in the Mediterranean), decrease the dependency on fossil fuel, whilst reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. Transhipping cargo units may be costly and this is the
reasons why it is essential to cut on costs wherever possible, e.g. by using the European
Modular System at the end legs of intermodal trips.

Smarter city distribution is a planning system that enables forwarders to optimize

the use of urban infrastructure and allows them to put the specificities of city delivery
requirements to value. CLECAT has identified a series of public measures at European
level that would help accommodate freight transport in inner urban areas, e.g. dedicated
bus/HGV lanes, 24 hour delivery times, enhanced public transport use for passengers,
building of infrastructure for electric vehicles, hybrid technology in busses and delivery
vans, multi purpose city distribution centres, etc. At local level some of these measures
have already been tested and successfully put in practise. As a forwarder, one should
explore these possibilities, approach local policy-makers and administrations and start
collective negotiations in order to achieve better managed freight transport even in city

The Consolidation of cargo is one of the best techniques to cut costs and emissions.
It increases logistics service providers’ revenues whilst offering lower costs to shippers
and providing environmental advantages to all. Consolidation works both in transit
(groupage services) and when goods are standing still (third party warehouses)
Consolidation has only advantages: less freight traffic, less environmental damages,
better utilization of vehicle fleet, less space occupancy, etc. The only problem is
overcoming the “ownership” prejudice, which often makes ones’ “own” warehouse, truck,
van, aircraft look better than a shared one. There will be Best Practices examples further
on in this document about consolidations and their advantages.

IV. Concluding remarks

CLECAT hopes to provide with this guide a tool for companies to improve their way of
doing business, primarily from an environmental point of view, but also from an
economic point of view. Best practices are an important tool to gain sometimes small,
but sometimes also big improvements that in the long run can be visible in a company’s
balance at the end of the year.

While the term ‘best practices’ implies that some source has the final answer to a matter
in dispute or disarray, one has to acknowledge that best practice, in the sense it is used
in this document (i.e. any kind of improvement in technology, operation or workforce
management, resulting in economic and/or environmental benefits for the relevant
company), should never be seen as a final solution, but rather as one important step
towards a constant improvement in the flow of business operations. In this light we
believe that sustainability best practices should be inserted straight into the quality
management of our companies and become an integral part of it.

The practitioner is best placed to evaluate a new measure and report on its success for
the benefit of its company and, by means of this or similar instruments, the trading
community, its customers and the environment at large. For this reason all are
encouraged to submit their experiences and suggestions, especially the very rarely seen
best practice examples in the area of air, rail and maritime transport would provide a
welcome and important addition to this Best Practice Guide.


The following part is the most important part of this document: the descriptions and
references to the various best practices experienced and reported by companies and
organisations. It is divided in 3 different sections: best practices relating to Technical,
Organisational and Workforce aspects.

Each best practice case will contain a header, which describes why this is to be
considered a best practice for a given company. This is followed by the aim which stood
at the beginning of the company’s decision to improve its performance. A short
methodological presentation follows, whilst at the same time it precedes the costs
analysis (if available) and the results. More information is normally available at the web
links that appear at the very end of each section.

It has to be stressed that there is always more information available for each of the best
practices listed hereunder. This CLECAT document just gives the highlights. All are
welcome to contact CLECAT’s Secretariat for specific questions. Your question will either
be answered directly or you will be put in contact with the companies that successfully
introduced the related measure into their business paradigm.

I. Technical

1. Information Technology for Efficient Road Freight Operations (Department for

Transport, UK with RHA and FTA)
Aim: Help logistics and transport professionals to better understand a range of different
IT systems that can be used within their operation, and offer practical advice to help
them choose and implement a system.
Methods: Use Fleet Management Systems to gain extra benefits: Fleet management
systems are essentially advanced database applications that can help you manage the
day-to-day administration necessary to keep vehicles on the road (keeping track of
when vehicles need to be inspected, when MOTs are due, etc), and help you manage
information about your fleet over time which you can use to generate reports and KPIs
on a wide range of operational areas (including fuel use, accidents, maintenance costs
and service history). Fleet management systems are generally made up of a number of
modules or database tables on different operational areas, such as vehicles, drivers and
the workshop, and these are all tied together to allow you to generate information on
your fleet activity as a whole.
In principle there are different factors, which can be managed to achieve efficiency
gains  managing deliveries (paperless manifest/POD systems), one freight exchanges,
traffic information systems, simple journey planning tools, CVRS 11 systems, haulage
pricing tools/job costing systems, managing vehicle systems (in-cab communication
systems, vehicle tracking systems, satellite navigation systems, vehicle diagnostics
systems), managing products (warehouse management systems, voice picking systems,
product scanning and tracking systems – RFID, supply chain planning and management
systems), managing loads (trailer tracking systems, telematics-based temperature

Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation (CVSR)

control monitoring systems, vehicle weighing systems, security systems), managing
drivers (driver information systems, digital tachographs and hours compliance tools),
and managing fuel (fuel recording systems).
Steps to take: identify the need  select the system  implement the system 
monitor and improve the system (there are further steps and cautionary principles
mentioned in the document).
Costs: € 52.250 (for a case study)
Results: Financial benefit of € 123.000 each year.
Link / More Information:

2. Telematics for Efficient Road Freight Operations (Freight Best Practice / Department
for Transport, UK)
Aim: Telematics can provide information about performance that may be difficult to
collect by other means. This data can identify mechanical problems or poor driving
styles that can have a significant adverse effect on operating costs: excessive or
deteriorating fuel consumption; over-revving within a gear; harsh braking; gear
changing at inefficient engine revs; accelerator pedal pushed to the floor when
Method: Report identifies 6 key areas, where telematics can be useful: Vehicle and
driver data; paperless manifest and proof-of-delivery systems; vehicle and trailer and
asset tracking systems; satellite navigation systems; safety and security systems
Potential benefits of telematics  reduced fuel consumption through effective fuel
monitoring, to identify losses and improve future vehicle specification; reduced fuel
consumption and maintenance costs through effective driver performance costs through
effective driver performance monitoring, promoting improved driving styles; reduced
accident rates which could lead to lower insurance costs; increased vehicle and load
security; vehicle and driver information can be used to set up driver league tables.
Costs: for additional technical equipment and improvements
Results: Very wide applicability of telematics, which can be used to solve various
problems. Example areas for improvement are high vehicle maintenance costs, high
road accident rate, inaccurate time sheets, invoicing errors, or unpredictable traffic
delays en route.
Link/More Information:

3. Solar roof to save energy (FedEx, USA)

Aim: substituting power generation with renewable sources using existing assets.
Method: FedEx Ground plans to install the nation’s largest rooftop solar-electric system
at its distribution hub in Woodbridge, N.J. The solar power project is the third between a
FedEx operating company and BP Solar and the fifth solar power project for FedEx. The
2.42 megawatt solar power system will cover approximately 3.3 acres of rooftop space
with approximately 12,400 solar panels. When completed, the system will be capable of
producing approximately 2.6 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a year and could provide
up to 30 percent of the hub’s annual energy needs.
As part of the agreement, BP will install and operate the solar power system and FedEx
will purchase the power generated. Installation is scheduled to begin in August 2009
and expected to be completed by November 2009.

Results: When the system is fully operating, the combined environmental benefits based
on a projected annual reduction of approximately 1,867 metric tons of CO2 emissions,
are equivalent to one of the following:
• More than 340 passenger cars not driven for one year.
• 802,129 litres of gasoline not burned.
• 4,300 barrels of oil not consumed.
• 259 households’ electricity use for one year.
• 47,872 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.
• 13 acres of forest preserved from deforestation.
Data is derived from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s greenhouse gas
equivalencies calculator.
Link/More information:

4. Fuel Saving Devices (Department for Transport, UK)

Aim: It is important for managers to find the solution custom-made for the requirements
of each company. The guide provides several examples and tips how to discern which
methods and technologies will give you the most benefit.
Methods: Be aware of the 5 stages of the fuel process: delivery/storage/dispensing;
vehicle tank to engine; through engine to flywheel; flywheel to road wheel; energy to
vehicle motion  fuel can be lost at every one of these stages.
Become familiar with the various product types: aftermarket fuel additives; combustion
improvers (catalysts and magnets); lubricating oils and additives; claims for oil additives;
Euro IV and Euro V Legislation (operators at the moments can meet these requirements
using either the Selective catalytic reduction or Exhaust gas recirculation methods).
Key to a successful introduction is product testing. Avoid poorly organised trials, ignoring
seasonality, poor quality data. If possible contact manufacturers who could possess the
test results on various parameters, which one need to take into account.
Costs: Additional equipment / fleet upgrade
Results: Fuel savings, depending on which method is used
Link/More Information:

5. Fuel Management Guide

Aim: To save fuel this guide has gathered a large amount of measures with backup
strategies and tips for monitoring the process along the way.
Methods: Provide information, advice, and suggestions to improve the fuel performance
of your goods vehicle fleet. Provide information about a Fuel Management Programme
and how to implement it. Provide a checklist of key points to consider.
Costs: varies
Results: Fuel savings through better management and technology. For details, see the
Link/More Information:
(85 pages)

6. SmartWay, US Environment Protection Agency.

Aim: The SmartWay brand identifies products and services that reduce transportation-
related emissions and optimises fuel consumption.
Method: engage in SmartWay programmes, which result in significant, measurable air
quality and/or greenhouse gas improvements while maintaining or improving current
levels of other emissions and/or pollutants.
Cost: depends on the programme.

Result: depends on the programme. Generally savings in fuel consumption and
reduction of GHG emissions.
Links/More information:

7. Reduction of Waste through an Oil Treatment Plant

Aim: to have waste water treatment as additional service for customers.
Costs: ca. € 1 million
Results: overall reduction in waste and more efficient processing. A positive return of
investment after 5 years. High customer satisfaction.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

8. Reduced Water Consumption by Using a Modern Washing Facility

Method: investment into a new washing facility, which allows the company to wash
9,000 trucks per year.
Costs: € 100,000.
Results: wash-water usage reduced by almost 50%. Reduced clean-water costs from €
1,835 down to € 917.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

9. Introduction of Power Saving Technology

Aim: reduce electricity consumption.
Methods: several technical improvements, e.g. motion detectors and relays for
refrigerator compressors. The electricity meter is read regularly to monitor electricity
Costs: € 2,500
Results: in the first 6 months after installation € 1,200 could be saved. The investment
will be amortized in just over one year.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

10. Double-deck Cargo for Increased Efficiency (Emons Cargo)

Aim: to reduce the number of transport movements by developing a double-deck truck.
Method: based on a technique used in the glass industry, trailer capacity was increased
from 33 to 52 europallets. All trailers are equipped with their own handling equipment.
Costs: a double-deck trailer costs € 90,000.
Results: 52% additional capacity compared to a conventional 33-pallet trailer, equalling
a 34% reduction of kilometres driven. 5% of all full-load shipments in Europe would be
suitable for transport with the double-deck.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

11. Use of Intermodal Transport (Ewals Cargo Care)

Aim: to enhance and draw advantages from intermodal transport.
Methods: Ewals has set up a hub-and-spoke network for long-distance haulage. At least
two modes are used to transport the cargo from pick-up to delivery.
Costs: no extra costs, because intermodal transport over long distances is competitive
with road transport.

Results: CO2 could be reduced by at least 32% in comparison to road transport. The
intermodal transport has reached and even bettered the goal of 92% utilization.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

12. Monitoring Fuel Consumption (Ewals Cargo Care)

Aim: Reducing fuel consumption
Method: development of special data sheets to monitor fuel consumption per truck.
Processing of the data with the help of a computer programme.
Costs: none (sheets were developed during working hours)
Results: management can result quickly to unusually high fuel consumption. Employees
are motivated to drive economically, because they will be compared to their colleagues.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

13. Reduction of Emissions by Use of Low-emission vehicles (H.P Therkelsen A/S)

Aim: lower emission with the purchase of up-to-date EURO level trucks (at that time
EURO 3). Because they have a higher fuel consumption, the company launched an
initiative to increase transport efficiency.
Methods: investment in new technology (navigation systems and modern
communication technology).
Costs: € 350,000 in new communication technology.
Results: Significant reduction in NOX, HC and CO2 emissions. Improved information flow
means better co-operation between scheduler and driver as well as the company and its
major customers. Drivers are motivated by the opportunity to drive new, modern
vehicles. Because of the new communication system, they are also less disturbed by
phone calls and paperwork.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

14. Improved Vehicle Utilization through Mobile Sludge Drainage (Joma

Slamsugningsservice AB)
Aim: The company searched for suitable technologies to reduce environmental impact.
The Moos KSA system, with a specially equipped tank vehicle, was introduced for
suctioning sludge from cesspits. When the waste water is sucked up into the vehicle’s
tank, a polymer is added that causes the sludge to flake, making it easier for the water
to pass through the tank’s filters.
Method: The project owner decided to focus on the Mobile sludge drainage concept and
proposed this idea to its main client, Gislaveds commune (the local authority). The
authority approved the concept and the company opened negotiations with the
equipment supplier, Simon Moos in Denmark.
Costs: Equipping a truck with the Moos KSA system involved extra costs of about SEK
517,000 (€ 54,600).
Results: Driving distances, and thus emissions, have been radically reduced because the
tank does not need to be emptied so often. Also, among other positive results, operating
costs are approximately one sixth of those of conventional equipment because of the
reduction in driving distances.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

15. Eco Guardian – Lower Emissions and Fuel Consumption by a Comparative Trial of
Vehicle Technologies (J. W. Suckling Transport Limited)
Aim: The objective of the Eco Guardian project (stage 1) was to conduct a comparative
trial between two initially identical vehicles, one of which was then equipped with
particle filters and operated on ultra-low-sulphur diesel (ULSD). The trial covered fuel
consumption, emissions of the four main air pollutants (HC, CO, NOx and particles) and
the costs involved.
Method: The measure was verified twice, the first time immediately after
implementation (first test), the second time after six months in use (second test).
Costs: The cost of the tests amounted to ca. € 35.500.
Results: Reduction in total costs through higher fuel efficiency. Fuel efficiency: The Eco
Guardian vehicle recorded an improvement of nearly 2% in fuel consumption against the
control vehicle. Emissions: The Eco Guardian vehicle recorded significant reductions in
emissions of all four air pollutants.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

16. Water-saving Equipment and Use of Rainwater for Vehicle Cleaning (Metzger
Spedition GmbH)
Aim: High-pressure cleaners produce large volumes of wastewater.
Method: A new water-saving high-pressure cleaner was put into operation in 1996. It
has led to a significant reduction in water consumption and the associated costs. The
installation of water cisterns enables high-priced drinking water to be substituted by
rainwater (which is free of charge).
Costs: The price of the high-pressure cleaner unit was € 2.820.
Results: The costs of drinking water and sewage disposal were reduced by more than
50% for 1999 compared with 1995.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

17. Reduction of Water Consumption (Transportes Campillo SA)

Aim: The goal was to reduce water consumption at the company site in Valencia.
Method: The following measures were taken: daily monitoring of the water meter;
monthly and yearly recording of water consumption; inspection of the plumbing system;
purchase of a high-pressure truck washing system; installation of a drip watering system
for the gardens outside the building; installation of toilets that use less water for
Costs: The cost of the high-pressure washing system was about € 2.750. The drip
watering system for the gardens cost € 3.365.
Results: the consumption of drinking water was reduced by nearly 50%, reducing
company costs by € 800 per year.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

18. Hybrid shunting locomotive (Port of Rotterdam)

Aim: ALSTOM Transport, in cooperation with the Port of Rotterdam Authority and
Rotterdam Rail Feeding, is starting up a practical trial with a hybrid shunting locomotive.
Methods: The new locomotive saves energy by reusing braking power. The difference
between conventional and hybrid engineering is in the drive technology. The diesel
engine in the hybrid locomotive is smaller, and in principle is not kept running during the

often long waiting times in the shunting process. The auxiliary and drive systems are
then powered by a battery. With a hybrid locomotive the diesel engine runs at maximum
capacity only when there is a demand for maximum power or in order to charge the
Because of the relatively small diesel generator and the battery pack, savings can be
made on fuel and maintenance costs, and so the investment in such a locomotive can be
recouped in just a few years and the emissions of exhaust fumes, particulates and noise
substantially reduced.
Costs: not known
(Estimated) Results: Alstom expects to achieve fuel savings of at least 40% and to halve
the volume of CO2, NOx and particulate emissions. Noise will also certainly be reduced
by 15 dBa and the company is counting on reducing maintenance costs.
Link/More information: directly from the Port of Rotterdam.

19. Transport of waste materials by water (London Waste and Bywaters/SmartBarge Ltd,
Aim: Using a new barge concept of a container with recyclables.
Methods: Containers are transported half a mile by road to a material recycling facility
for sorting. For the return sailing the barge was loaded with a container of residual
waste and returned to an energy recovery facility. Unlike conventional steel barges,
SmartBarge is made up of modular components incorporating a steel chassis and rotor-
moulded polyethylene float sections. The modules lock together and act like a life ring
around the hold or the container, being carried.
Costs: £ 7 million
(Estimated) Results: the SmartBarge has a tremendous flexibility as it can be filled with
different types of containers and different loads. Reducing GHG emissions (water
transport has 20% of the carbon footprint of road).
Link/More information:
1775&section=waste_management (with further links to the companies involved)

20. Improvement in aerodynamics (Aspray Transport Ltd / Freight Best Practice)

Aim: Improve fuel efficiency by retrofitting with aftermarket options.
Methods: Review the options and use the relevant Freight Best Practice guide (see
below) to get an overview of the different options. Cost/benefit analysis with the help of
special software.
Costs: for new technology/equipment
Results: Fuel savings, depending on the measures that have been applied
Link/More information: Freight Best Practice’s “The Quick Guide to Truck Aerodynamics”
( and
“Aerodynamics for Efficient Road. Freight Operations”

21. The Benefits of Operating Electric Vehicles in an Urban Environment (TNT / Freight
Best Practice)
Aim: use the advantages of electric vehicles in urban transport.
Methods: exchanging diesel vehicles with electric vehicles makes it necessary to change
some operational practices.
Costs: investment in a new vehicle fleet. Specific costs unknown.

Results: Fuel cost approximately 20% of diesel equivalent: potential for reduced
maintenance through fewer mechanical parts.
Link/More information:

22. Innovation Secures Future at Rural Haulier (Andrew Black Limited)

Aim: identify and invest in new technology for vehicles to improve performance.
Methods: the following technologies have been investigated (details in the study): Fleet
tracking and telematics; onboard weight; weight saving equipment; lift axles and tyres
saving; braking optimizer. In addition business processes can be improved, in this case:
clean vehicles (save time and effort for maintenance); wheel alignment; diagnostic
equipment; disc brake re-grinding.
Costs: depending on your vehicle fleet. For 30 vehicles all measures taken together cost:
ca. £ 350,000.
Results: Minimising vehicle downtime and maintenance; reducing tyre wear and
improving fuel consumption. Annual savings in CO2 and costs have been amortised after
3-7 years.
Link/More information:

II. Organisational

1. The European Environmental Agency’s Good practice in Logistics Manual

Aim: General, comprehensive document, which lists good environmental practices in the
logistics sector. While the main focus lies in the Mediterranean area, the basic concepts
can be applicable everywhere.
Method: Divided into 4 chapters. Most important are chapters 2, 3 and 4.
• Chapter 2 describes how to plan and carry out the introduction of a
programme of good environmental practises (PGEP) in accordance with the
dimensions and specific nature of a business, ranging from the independent
transporter to a complex logistics operator.
• Chapter 3 describes the environmental impacts created by the sector’s
activities and good environmental practises (GEPs) that can be introduced to
reduce them.
• Chapter 4 contains a driver’s manual, which gathers together good
environmental practises for raising quality and decreasing environmental
impact and a guide for an initial evaluation of the environmental situation of
a business in this sector.
Costs: depending on the best practice.
Results: depending on the best practice.
More information:

2. Fuel Management for transport operators (Thorntons plc)

Aim: Fuel improvements can be improved by adopting simple measures involving the
monitoring and publishing of fuel performance results. Eliminating errors from manually
collected data is essential, if good results are to be obtained.
Methods: drivers/management adopting a disciplined approach to fuel management;
regularly calibrating the on-site pump; correctly recording the fuel obtained in transit;
ensuring that vehicle tanks are completely full each time odometer readings are taken;
checking the record for mistakes; accurately monitor fuel performance of a group of
similar vehicles selected from the fleet; inform the drivers how their vehicles were
performing; train and encourage the drivers to improve the fuel performance of their
vehicles; measure and report the improvements.
Costs: for training of drivers, new technology/equipment
Results: immediate fuel savings results. Additional savings can be made by the use of
suitable on-board data-loggers (apparently they will pay off between 6-18 months after
purchase)  savings account between 4.4 – 8.4% of the operational cost.
Link/More Information:

3. Fuel saving tips, Department for Transport, UK

Aim: The brochure, mentioned below, is a short, comprehensive guide with several tips
for fuel saving. It gives an overview over short and simple fuel saving tips, particularly
aimed at small-fleet operators and owner-drivers. Because of its size, it can be taken
onboard a vehicle for the driver’s consideration.
Methods: Fill in your truck operating costs; identify resistance of your truck (tyres, trailer
front fairing, air dam, etc.)
Costs: none
Results: Fuel savings equal economic benefits
Link/More Information:

4. Performance Management for Efficient Road Freight Operations
Aim: The guide gives decision-makers an understanding of performance management
concepts in freight operations, as well as advice on putting a performance management
process in place.
Methods: Various case studies on improving the management of freight operators.
Provides a guide to be used as a reference document, providing guidance on concepts
relating to performance management in freight operations and introducing the types of
key performance indicators that can be measured in an operation.
Main themes covered by the guide: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); roles of
management; measuring process; measuring tools; analysis of results; benchmarking;
strategies to increase performance.
Costs: depending on the measures: none or costs for new equipment
Results: depending on the measures
Link/More Information:

5. BESTUFS – Best Urban Freight Transport

Aim: Aimed not only at practitioners, but also at regulators. Main focus is urban freight
logistics. Not only efficiency, but also sustainability is addressed. It is divided in three
parts: goods vehicle access and loading approaches in urban areas; principal issues
involved in the last mile solutions; principal issues associated with urban consolidation
Methods: Many measures, including: signings, lorry routes, urban freight information
and maps, on-street loading bays, nearby delivery area (ELP), urban consolidation
centres, vehicle weight and size regulations, time regulations, imposing and enforcing
access and loading regulations, environmental zones/emission standard regulations,
night delivery, lorry lanes, road charging systems.
Other areas of interest are the efficient usage of infrastructure, technology in urban
freight, environmentally-friendly articles and the possibility of joint working between
public and private sectors.
Costs: depending on the measure
Results: depending on the measure
Link/More Information:

6. Consolidation of Transports (Sieber)

Aim: Wishing to concentrate on its core competencies, Sieber‘s customer, a medium-
sized electronics manufacturer, did not want to invest in new warehouse facilities, but
rather to invest in its production capacity. The customer wanted elements of its
procurement processes to be executed by an external service provider in order to
reduce the complexity of its own procurement activities.
Methods: Sieber was able to offer dedicated warehousing capacity to the customer,
which could be adapted flexibly to the volume and dimensions of the goods the
customer needed to stock. Sieber also took over the organisation of deliveries,
consolidating and delivering product components in the right sequence to the customer.
This solution reduced the number of deliveries through the mountains by factor of 100.
Challenges to overcome: Organisation of transport to the new warehouse and the
management of the associated processes; handover of procurement – information
provided by the customer to Sieber; allocation and process design of warehousing
capacity at Sieber;

Costs: additional costs through warehouse management, but also additional revenues.
Results: Economic and environmental benefits through consolidation and reduction of
freight traffic between the logistics provider and manufacturer
Link/More Information:
52c3ac9b41 (it is necessary to have a login for the website)

7. Transport Collaboration – Carpathia Express (Czech Republic)

Aim: The productivity of rail transport has been steadily declining in recent years. This
fact, together with a desire to develop a new innovative product for existing, as well as
potential customers, has lead a team of logistics professionals to design a brand new
commercial logistics project. It builds on the close cooperation of these three
traditionally competing freight forwarders and three national rail transport providers with
the ultimate aim of maximizing the resource utilization of all parties involved and at the
same time increasing the productivity and competitiveness of rail transport.
Methods: Pooling the individual customers of the project partners into services
subsequently provided by the Carpathia Group; forming a common sales strategy;
increasing productivity and countering negative trends in the transport industry, despite
the overall decline of rail freight volumes (on a given route); radical reduction of
contemporary standard transport journey times; cut overall costs in a way that enables
operators to cut the prices charged to their customers substantially; increase in
competitiveness; ensuring transport and pricing flexibility while adhering to fair-play
Costs: not available
Results: Average 66% saving on journey times compared to other transport modes; high
quality ‘one-stop-shop’- type of service for project customers including checking, space
reservation, dispatch operations, etc.; the product developed product is widely available
and beneficial not only for local customers, but also for customers located in western
and northern Europe; the original customer portfolio during initial 6 months of
commercial operations was extended by 400%.
Link / More Information:
Express.pdf&t=1253291659&hash=6e3fafb945e706dab4af3a9171929563 (it is
necessary to have a login for the website)

8. Telematics at SME’s (Sieber)

Aim: Rising fuel expenses are the driver for investments in fuel-saving technologies -
even for an SME.
Methods: The company engages the collaboration of the drivers in the improvement
process. It uses telematics solutions in order to reduce the fuel consumption of its truck
fleet by monitoring the driving style of its staff.
Costs: For new equipment (telematics systems)
Results: Telematics monitors the driver’s driving behaviour. Conversation between
workshop personnel and the drivers helps improve driving styles. Sieber drivers have
saved at least two litres per 100 km.
The savings achieved, from reduced fuel consumption and reduced component wear,
e.g. on brakes, are 1.5 to 2 times the cost of system implementation and maintenance.

Link / More Information:
38bebd3 (it is necessary to have a login for the website)

9. Improvement in Utilization through Customer Incentives (Aamaals Miljöhantering)

Aim: to prevent empty trips, improve company profits and reduce emissions by
improving vehicle utilization.
Methods: The company found cargo to be transported back to their facility. An incentive
programme was put in place and the company was able to offer better prices to their
Costs: none
Results: benefits for the environment, vehicle utilization today averages 90%
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

10. Measuring, Monitoring and Reducing Fuel Consumption (Egon Sörensen Transport
Aim: reduce fuel consumption.
Method: drivers have to record their mileage and fuel consumption after each trip. Also
recorded are the amount of goods and the route. Software can analyze the data and
show savings and possibilities to decrease the environmental impact of transportation.
Results: Fuel consumption could be reduced by nearly 6,800 litres, equalling a cost
reduction of ca. € 4.500.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

11. Tankshare – Improved Utilization through Groupage Freight Service (J. W. Suckling
Transport Limited)
Aim: minimized empty running through shared utilization of transport capacity by its
Method: In April 2000, a pilot scheme was launched and attracted significant interest
amongst oil companies. Fourteen companies used the service during its pilot stage,
paying rates based on a simple price-per-litre basis, by postcode, depending on delivery
load size.
Costs: TankShare is a commercial initiative and, apart from the purchase of new vehicles,
required no specific funding to launch.
Results: Improved vehicle utilization and consequent reduction in empty running.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

12. Improved Material Planning through Communication (K. I. Transport)

Aim: a communication group was founded that consists of members from the transport
company and its most important transport buyer. The goal of this group is to improve
communication, thereby ensuring a faster exchange of data and knowledge about
specific transport tasks, and understanding of the importance of the data needed by
transport companies.
Method: the flow of information and goods was analysed from receipt of an order to
delivery of the goods to the customer. In this co-operative approach by shippers and the
transport company, the individual processes were clearly distinguished and possible

areas of improvement were identified, particularly in the working conditions for staff in
the material-planning department.
Costs: no extra costs
Results: By increasing the overall planning time for individual transport tasks from two
to six hours, capacity utilization of the vehicles was increased by 5-10%. Overall,
employees spend less time planning, loading and executing transport tasks (for example,
adhering to rest times and other regulations). The amount of damaged goods was
reduced by 10% per year. Fuel costs were reduced. Fewer mistakes were made,
communication was improved and IT was integrated more smoothly. Communication is
now more direct and effective (members of the communication group know who they
can contact in the other company). Mistakes are uncovered and resolved more quickly.
Customer loyalty is increased.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

13. Security and Resource Efficiency through an Integrated Management System

(Nijman/Zeetank Holding BV)
Aim: The company wanted to ease the transport of Dangerous Goods, especially those
transported through various countries, by creating a software that can ensure
compliance with all the safety and environmental requirements.
Method: Create an Integrated Management System (IMS) in accordance with ISO
9901/OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Systems) 18001 to comply
with safety and environmental standards. Also the SQAS (Safety Quality Assessment
System), the IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods) code and the DGSA
(Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser) directive were involved in building up the system.
The key step for implementing the IMS was selection and purchase of suitable quality
management software. This software includes a quality monitoring tool, a safety
management tool and also an environmental tool.
Costs: unknown.
Results: time savings and quality assurance. Through better understanding of the
supply-chain they were also able to optimise multimodal transport, which in effect
reduces the CO2 output.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

14. Loss Prevention for the Vehicle Fleet (Nobilia International)

Aim: Because of possible injuries and traffic jams, traffic accidents represent a problem
for transport policies. However, they also have a direct economic effect on the transport
operator. For this reason, Nobilia International implemented a loss prevention system for
its vehicle fleet.
Method: the following processes, procedures and risks were analysed in depth: office
management; driver recruitment, deployment and organization; material planning
processes; route planning; loading risks; vehicle safety equipment; number and type of
accidents; time and location of accidents. When all the data had been analysed, a
customized loss prevention concept was developed that highlighted three areas in
particular: driver training, driver recruitment and accident analysis.
Costs: not yet known
Results: a 57% reduction in the number of accidents; less serious consequences of
accidents (injuries, traffic jams); better fuel efficiency because of less damage to the
trucks; a reduction in emissions through the use of EURO 3 trucks. By reducing the

number of accidents from 88 to 38, the total cost of accidents was reduced from €
306.000 to € 132.100.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

15. Reduction of Environmental Impacts by Management (Otto Görgens Spedition-

Transportlogistik / Lübeck)
Aim: In collaboration with BGL, DaimlerChrysler and DEKRA Automobile Ltd, the
company created a strategic concept for emission reduction while carrying out inventory
control of its vehicles, volume of cargo, frequency of repair work, fuel consumption and
the resulting environmental impacts.
Method: Each driver himself keeps logs and creates graphs and diagrams with regard to
load status, road/traffic conditions and fuel consumption. Real fuel consumption can be
calculated using the diagrams from the driver logs and record sheets from the
tachometer, which show distance driven and speed. The programme is further
supplemented by the monitoring of repair costs, analysis of weak points and continued
education for all drivers. To calculate future fuel consumption, the company determines
the number of vehicles required based on expected cargo volumes, and this is made into
a target specification.
Costs: A total of € 920.000 was invested in new vehicles. The cost for the contract
worker was € 12.780.
Results: The following results have been achieved: savings in fuel: 19.3%; savings in
oil: 5.0%; CO2 emissions reduced by 38.7%; NOx emissions reduced by 28.6%; all
vehicles run more quietly due to state-of-the-art technology.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

16. Regulations for Good Common Practices in the Road Transport of Dangerous Goods
(Trancister Sociedade de Transportes SA)
Aim: The main goals are the reduction of accidents, crossovers, spillages and incidents
that cause new accidents. The motto of the project is “No accidents in three years’ time”.
Method: The project involves a large number of procedures that can be summarized in
the categories driver regulations and vehicle regulations (audits, safety management
systems, set of procedures with the aim of increasing safety throughout the company’s
activities, Project “Operational System of Supporting Accidents”, ISO 9002 certification).
Costs: The cost of implementation is estimated as 2-3% of annual turnover.
Results: Elimination of spillages (oil pollution), reductions in fuel consumption through
training and defensive driving, reduced accidents through increased training, increased
general safety, improved corporate image.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

17. Improved Efficiency through New Information and Communication Technology

(NICT) (Transportes Luís Simões)
Aim: improve communication between all operational centres, customers and drivers.
Method: installation and implementation of the NICT. The first consists of an analysis of
the company’s current communications infrastructure. The second is the “Strategic Plan
for Communications”. This plan outlines recommendations for the reorganization and
optimization of existing systems in terms of functionality and research costs. The main
aspects covered are the local and extended network infrastructure, mobile

communications with the vehicles, Intranet and Internet architecture, communications
with customers and system security.
Costs: Investments over the past year in new information and communication
technology have amounted to about € 550.000
Results: Reducing the number of empty trips by ca. 2%; easier control of the company’s
objectives; better communication between clients, drivers and centres; simplified
administrative processes; substantial reduction in communication costs.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

18. Implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) (Transportes

Ochoa SA)
Aim: reduce their consumption of raw materials, water and energy while at the same
time benefiting from various advantages such as decreased costs, higher
competitiveness and an improved public image
Method: the company started the implementation process for an EMS in 1999 by
participating in the SIGMA I and SIGMA II projects. The system is in accordance with
the ISO 14001 standard. Necessary steps: selection of a consultancy company
preparation of an “Initial Environmental Revision” by the Bureau Veritas Español based
on data collected at the company’s sites in Madrid and Zaragoza; development of a work
plan and time schedule for EMS implementation; development of documentation
(management manual, operational processes manual).
Costs: The breakdown of implementation costs to date is as follows: Consultancy fees
and EMS development costs € 11.840; Legal consultancy fees € 2.400; Personnel costs €
22.550; Estimated certification costs: initial audit € 2.200; Periodic audits € 750 each.
Results: The average fuel consumption in 1998 was 29.52 litres/100 km, reduced to
28.17 litres/100 km in 2000, representing a decrease of 4.56% in just two years
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

19. BT Transport Exchange Group – Improving efficiencies within a scheduled trunking

Aim: maximise load utilisation on certain lanes and meet Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) obligations to minimise carbon footprint within their transport division.
Method: Haulage Exchange is the UK’s pre-eminent freight exchange for the road
transport industry. In summer 2008 the company developed a new section of the
exchange: “Regular Runs”. “Regular Runs” enables professional operators to advertise
scheduled vehicle movements to a wide audience of transport professionals, and thereby
gain a number of benefits.
Costs: not known
Results: improved vehicle utilization, enhanced communication with new trading
partners, streamlined communication, and reduced carbon footprint.
Links/More information:
3ac9dc1fe241 (it is necessary to have a login for the website)

20. Cargo Domizil – Intermodal less than truckload transport

Aim: Cargo Domizil created as a division of SBB (The Swiss Rail) to execute unit load rail
shipments. Nowadays it is in the hand of consortium, which uses the company’s rail

capacity to solve the problems of the Swiss night trucking ban and the high tolls for
trucks on Swiss roads.
Method: Cargo Domizil offers less-than-full-truckload (LTL) shipments via combined
rail/road facilities. Cargo Domizil trucks collect consignments during the afternoon and
take them to these rail-side depots. From there they are loaded on trains, forwarded to
Olten near Zurich and sorted by the SBB and sent to their destination depot overnight.
Structural changes were accompanied by a training programme.
Costs: Not known.
Results: Besides overcoming the night-time trucking ban and avoiding expensive road
tolls, the use of rail offers significant advantages in Switzerland’s mountainous regions,
which are sometimes difficult to reach for large trucks.
Links/More information:
374&hash=071354b0051ad0595b699f71a2f00161 (it is necessary to have a login for the

21. INDITEX – Pro-Kyoto Project

Aim: To tackle and decrease their CO2 emissions.
Method: Development of a Strategic Environmental Plan (2007-2010). One of the
initiatives, which have been established and will be implemented by 2010, deals with
logistics aspects:
• A Bio-Diesel programme for their entire vehicle fleet. For this purpose a supply
network will be set up at loading points and along trucking routes.
• Fleet driver training courses on fuel-efficient driving, with all vehicles complying
with the EU’s EURO 5 standard.
• Zero-emission vehicles to be used in factories and logistic centres.
• In addition INDITEX plans to measure their Carbon Footprint and adopt
strategies to reduce it.
Costs: not available
Results: Perceptions of the company will be enhanced by the company’s environmental
good practice. Reduced energy consumption produces increased economic efficiency.
The use of biofuels accounts for 80% of the CO2 reductions, which add up to 850 tonnes
per year.
Links/More information:
44adb (it is necessary to have a login for the website)

22. MAPEI - Optimising goods collection cycle time

Aim: Inbound (raw materials) and outbound flows (finished products) are carried by
truck, representing 250 trucks/day (average). Due to the increased production volume
and the number of trucks arriving at and leaving the plant, traffic congestion increased
around the plant, leading to negative environmental and safety impacts. The logistics
system was therefore re-organised in order to optimise the cycle time for load picks-ups
from the factory.
Method: The plant was reorganised from a logistics point of view, with the creation of
new entry points, preventing queues of trucks. A new storage tank was built with high-
speed loading pumps for bulk liquids, to cycle time. Logistics processes were modified,
with overnight preparation of shipments of pre-packed products.

Costs: not available
Results: Reduction of average loading time, now standing at 78 minutes, in comparison
to 130 minutes in a similar MAPEI plant that was not re-organised (- 40%).
Links/More information:
58 (it is necessary to have a login for the website)

23. Mercadona and Renfe: Intermodal Collaboration Distribution

Aim: The company is sustainability-oriented and wanted their suppliers to join in
pursuing the company’s objectives to obtain a win-win result. Taking into account
environmental concerns, the company developed and launched an environmental plan
involving its main logistics and transport supplier, called Acotral.
Method: Mercadona, with Acotral and Renfe, developed a plan to promote sustainable
transportation in Spain, and signed a contract with Acotral and Renfe for them to
transport non-fresh food and non-food goods. The contract specified that Renfe had to
provide eight trains a week from Sevilla to Tarragona and from Sevilla and Valencia
in a round trip. This new route connects suppliers’ warehouses in the south of Spain
with Mercadona Distribution Centres in the east coast.
Costs: not available
Results: This solution enabled Mercadona to reduce CO2 emissions by over 12.000
tonnes due to the number of its truck deliveries being reduced by up to 9.152 truck
delivery journeys. Fuel consumption has been cut with less truck use, and there has
been a 70% energy consumption saving.
Links/More information:
9150aebc6f326e688e65e9b08f451c0 (it is necessary to have a login for the website)

24. Sharp‘s collaboration with the green transport marketplace, SmartWay

Aim: The company’s goal was to get involved in the area of transportation and optimise
the environmental performance of their supply-chain.
Method: Sharp decided to join a transport partnership - called SmartWay (see links at
the end of this paper and also Best Practice I.6. further up) - which was implemented by
the US governmental organisation EPA. A partnership between shippers and carriers,
who committed to operating green transport practices, also led to increased revenue
and cost savings. SmartWay Transport is a voluntary partnership between various
freight industry sectors and the US Environmental Protection Agency that establishes
incentives for fuel efficiency improvements and greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
Costs: not available
Results: Reduced CO2 emissions by 1,383 tons, NOx by 26,5 tons, particulate matter by
1,1 tons and increased the percentage of rail shipments from 7% to 12% of the annual
tonnage. Implemented a “No-Idling” policy at Logistics Centres. Increased the
percentage of Sharp‘s SmartWay carrier usage from 33% tons in the first year to 97%
by the fourth year.
Links/More information:
9 (it is necessary to have a login for the website)

25. Cargo shuttle between Port of Barcelona and SEAT
Aim: to reduce lorry movements and introduce an environmentally friendly method of
transporting cargo from the port of Barcelona to the construction plant of SEAT in
Methods: Cargometro is a joint venture of three regional operators: FGC, RENFE
Operadora and Comsa Rail Transport. It uses the 17.5 km dual-gauge freight route
between Route Can Tunis and Castellbisbal, built under the Madrid – Barcelona high
speed programme. The transport of the manufactured cars is being done by the
company Autometro.
Costs: the regional government has invested € 8.6 million. The contract with SEAT has a
duration of 10 years.
Results: it is expected to remove 32 000 lorry movements from the roads per year.
Link/More information: directly from the company. Overview (in Spanish) can be found

26. Freight Best Practice “Fuel Efficiency Intervention Trials - How to Test and Save”
Aim: Provide a tool for improving fuel efficiency of heavy goods vehicle fleets. From the
publication: “A fuel efficiency intervention is defined as a device, system or action
introduced by a vehicle operator to reduce fuel use.”
Methods: The brochure (see link below) provides a 12-step process which enables
companies to develop a transition to new technology. The brochure also includes 12
case studies of companies that used the freight best practice tools with success.
Costs: depending on the measures that are being implemented. Costs will need to cover
new equipment/technology.
Results: depending on the measures improvement of fuel efficiency.
Link/More information:

27. “Tesco Sets the Pace on Low Carbon and Efficiency” (TESCO / Freight Best Practice)
Aim: To improve efficiency and reduce carbon emissions from its distribution operation.
Methods: More efficient fleet management by reviewing and assessing all its activities
and the interfaces between the main operational areas, including: primary distribution;
planning and loading; methods of transportation; network efficiency; delivery to stores.
As a result they updated their warehouse management system and standardised all
settings within the transport planning tools. They also looked for alternatives to road, i.e.
multimodal transport. In addition TESCO increasingly used double-deck trailers for their
road operations.
Costs: unknown.
Results: switching to multimodal transport has resulted in a drop of CO2 emissions by
over 2,750 tonnes per year. In one year they increased the use of double-deck units by
7% from 191 to 205 trips per day, taking 1,221,492 km off the road and saving 948
tonnes per year of CO2. All measures together saved 7,489 tonnes of CO2 per year.
Link/More information:

28. Short Haul Rail Freight (Lafarge Cement Ltd / The Malcolm Group / Freightliner Ltd /
Freight Best Practice)
Aim: prove the profitability of short haul rail freight in comparison to road haulage. The
main challenges faced by rail freight are the tendency for longer end to end journey

times and the need to double handle products where an onward road journey is
Methods: multi-modal service, providing the end-to-end delivery of products using road
to rail and then back to road for final delivery. This provides a seamless customer
collection and delivery service for products that can be containerised. From the
customer’s point of view this can be cost effective for just a single container using the
Costs: not applicable.
Results: significant savings in fuel and reduction of CO2 output (e.g. for Malcolm annual
fuel use was reduced from 352,538 litres to 158,326 litres, and CO2 output was reduced
from 927 tonnes per year to 416 tonnes).
Link/More information:

29. Transportation of healthcare products by inland navigation (Baxter)

Aim: improve speed and reliability, lower transport costs and emissions, and improve
overall efficiency of the Baxter distribution centre’s supply chain in the Benelux region.
Method: Baxter shifted all of its incoming containers from the deep-sea ports of
Antwerp-Rotterdam and Zeebrugge away from trucks and onto inland navigation barges.
With this container traffic now entirely on the inland waterways, Baxter has decreased
its transport costs by 23 percent, while maintaining efficiency through increased
reliability – a clear preference for consistently on-time deliveries over speed – virtually
no congestion costs, and huge reductions in CO2 emissions.
Costs: unknown
Results: costs are down 40% down compared to previous solutions. Barges also only
consume 20% of the fuel needed for road transport.
Link/More information: Baxter won the CLECAT/FIATA/ITF joint prize for Joint Prize for
Innovation in Transport and Logistics along the Global Supply Chain in 2009. More
information can be found here:

30. Shell Chemicals Europe and Bertschi AG network redesign

Aim: Shell was facing the problem of lacking sufficient storage capacity for the chemical
substances produced at its site in Wilton (Northeast England). They wanted to reduce
the complexity in their production and storage process and also reduce the lead times to
the final customer.
Methods: Bertschi as their Logistics Service Provider proposed a concept for the direct
loading of the finished goods from the production tanks into tank containers 24/7.
Bertschi invested in the training of their drivers, so that they could self-load their
vehicles. The process of increasing the transport efficiency required Shell to standardise
the size of its produced batches to 50+-ton. This enabled Bertschi to improve its
transport efficiency by loading two 25-ton tanks rather than splitting the orders in 23-
ton loads. Furthermore, Bertschi contributed to the increase in transport efficiency by
improving back loads within their tanker fleet. All together both companies strived for
much greater cooperation on the internal and external level.
Costs: significant costs for redesigning the supply-chain, in this case connected with
investment in a new site.
Results: intensified use of intermodal traffic led to a decrease in CO2 emissions
Link/More information:

h=31c4728772f7ae43aab62a42da2a2919 (it is necessary to have a login for the

31. Reconfiguration of the supply chain structure (IKEA)

Aim: to optimize the supply chain structure in Poland.
Methods: IKEA evaluated logistics potential of all Polish suppliers. The most important
issue was geographical concentration (50-100 km) of producers. A leader of the project
was chosen and cooperation between the leader and the smaller suppliers was
established. By consolidating the whole stock of products into one warehouse the overall
efficiency was improved.
Costs: unknown.
Results: not only reduction in transport costs, but also environmental gains 
development of European “green” corridors; positive impact on resources utilisation;
decreased fuel consumption; more effective land and facilities use; reduction of CO2 and
noise emission
Link/More information:
53361493&hash=efcea0e401faa78915b2aeb564152b2a (it is necessary to have a login
for the website)

32. Lovosice Inter-Modal Terminal (CD / Duss Terminal)

Aim: A terminal designed for loading and unloading of trucks onto railroad wagons
became obsolete after the EU accession of the Czech Republic. The company looked for
a new use. Since then also rail transport suffered a decline, while road transport was
increasing. The aim was to turn around this development and increase the share of rail
and intermodal transport.
Methods: The companies involved was of the opinion that demand for inter-modal
transport can only be boosted by constructing a new or major reconstruction of an
existing inter-modal facility, which would enable fast, safe, and affordable handling with
individual cargo units. Dudd mbh maintains and develops the inter-modal terminal in
Lovosice, and helps to attract traditional customers of road transport to inter-modal by
superior service, customized solutions, and reasonable pricing justified by large enough
volumes of its operations.
Costs: unknown
Results: decreased noise pollution caused by trucks on the roads; contribution to de-
coupling of overall increase of transport volumes and traffic congestions on the roads;
optional third mode available nearby by rail access to the Elbe river port
Link/More information:
ash=a4d69dd64c625674faf9430e882b17a6 (it is necessary to have a login for the

III. Workforce

1. Impact of EcoDriving on emissions and fuel consumption

Aim: Examine the connection between fuel consumption and eco-driving.
Methods: Apply eco-driving measures: the study examines whether eco-driving has any
negative impacts, the study has been used to make measurements of driving styles, fuel
consumption and emissions before/after.
Costs: not known
Results: In the study, fuel consumption was reduced by an average of 10.9%, which
should be regarded as typical for training in EcoDriving. There is a clear-cut relationship
between the percentage of time at more than half-throttle and higher emissions of
hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. It was not, however, possible to demonstrate any
relationship between the percentage of time at more than half-throttle and fuel
consumption and the emission of nitrogen oxides.
Link/More Information:

2. The Fuel Efficient Truck Driver’s Handbook

Aim: As a driver, you have a significant impact on fuel consumption. Alert, positive and
professional drivers can reduce fuel use and hence vehicle emissions, operating costs
and contribute to greater road safety.
Method: publication of a handbook, that collects various measures targeted at improving
fuel efficiency by addressing the driver of the transport vehicle.
Costs: negligible
Results: fuel savings
Link/More Information:

3. Engine Idling (case studies by Lloyd Fraser Group plc, Allies Bakeries Ltd, Ralph
Coleman International Ltd, Leggett’s Transport Ltd)
Aim: Excessive idling of HGV engines is simply a waste of fuel and money. With modern
vehicles, the cost of switching off the engine and starting up again is usually less than
the cost of leaving the engine idling.
Methods: 4 stages: Plan your campaign  brief your drivers  run the campaign 
communicate the results
Duration: advisable to have a trial period: 2 weeks without anti-idling, 2 weeks with
anti-idling measures
Costs: training and communication
Results: if results of the trial would be extended to a whole year, the company (Lloyd
Fraser) would save 65.000 litres of diesel, € 65.250 and 170 tonnes of CO2. The other
companies have also experienced significant savings.
Link/More Information:

4. Reduced Fuel Consumption and Accidents through Driver Training (Berger
Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH)
Aim: reduction of fuel consumption.
Method: driver education, each truck is equipped with a driver handbook that includes
information on economical driving methods. To evaluate the programme a measurement
system was created.
Costs: € 72.000 for training courses and evaluation
Results: fuel consumption was reduced, saving 1.12%, saving € 73.000 in 6 months.
More dramatic was the reduction of accidents, with a reduction of 25%, which
amounted to savings of € 88.000 in 6 months.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

5. Bonus System to Encourage Drivers to Drive Safely and Fuel-efficiently (H.P.

Aim: improve driver safety and fuel-efficiency.
Method: driver training and a bonus system for drivers.
Costs: Monitoring of costs for each vehicle ca. € 1.000.
Results: lower risk of accidents and less environmental impact. Between ’97 and 2000 -
23% reduction of losses and -21% decrease of insurance premiums for vehicles and
goods as well as a continuous reduction in fuel consumption.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

6. Driver Training for Improved Safety and Fuel Efficiency (Metzger Spedition GmbH)
Aim: Improved safety and fuel efficiency. A driver training programme was initiated in
Method: All drivers took part in “economy” and “safe driving” classes. The training
focuses on teaching drivers, even the most experienced, moderate driving methods and
correct gearbox handling. Appropriate incentives were introduced to encourage and
reward above-average economical and, thus, ecological driving behaviour.
Costs: The training costs in 1997 amounted to € 6.100, which is equivalent to € 120 per
year for each of the 50 drivers who had to be trained.
Results: Fuel efficiency has increased by 12%. The company has saved a total of 30.000
litres in fuel. At the same time, CO2 emissions have been reduced by a total of 81.000
kg. The number of accidents has decreased by more than 8%.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

7. Reduction of Accidents by an Internal Training Programme: “Challenge of the Day”

(Nijman/Zeetank Holding BV)
Aim: The company in question decided to develop internal training for logistic operations
with the goal of achieving the highest possible level for this type of programme.
Method: Theoretical introduction, which can be quality/ safety/ environmental
information and a legislation item (for example, the IMDG code). Background
information on a customer, such as company organization; product information or
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). “Challenge of the day”. This module is used to help
participants learn from mistakes by examining case studies from actual company

Costs: The course was written internally during office hours and consisted of a
compilation of historical data, practice examples, etc. The total costs were about €
12.000 (200 hr at € 60/hr). The cost of the training itself is approximately € 2.500 per
Results: One result of the internal training programme is the 16% reduction in road
accidents. Nevertheless, because of the overall reduction in road accidents, the company
received an insurance rebate of some € 7.500. Integration of new employees has
become a much easier task thanks to the internal training programme.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

8. Safe Loading and its Implications (Otto Görgens Spedition-Transportlogistik /

Aim: Training for safe loading of trucks was carried out within the context of certifying
the company to the BGL label and ISO 9002 standards. All vehicles were equipped with
improved load restraint systems. The company became involved in improving safety
aspects because management decided to participate in a research group. The purpose
of this group was to create guidelines for securing cargo.
Method: The following procedures are planned or have already been implemented in
order to ensure that all participants adhere to the guidelines for secure and reliable
loading of trucks: training and re-training for all drivers and loaders; provision of a
sufficient quantity of load restraint systems; implementation of self-monitoring;
development of application-oriented regulations for effective safe loading. An important
part of this measure was to convince the drivers and loaders to pay more attention to
securing cargo and to provide them with state-of-the-art load fastening systems.
Costs: The initial costs for training, monitoring and acquisition of load fastening systems
amounted to € 3.600 in all. Annual recurring costs for training and material procurement
will be approximately the same
Results: The positive effects are reduced fuel consumption resulting from optimized load
distribution and avoidance of spillage of dangerous substances.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

9. Reduction of Fuel Consumption supported by Monitoring (Transportes Campillo SA)

Aim: reduce fuel consumption by purchasing vehicles with automatic transmissions,
driver training and the assignment of one driver as an instructor, and monitoring fuel
consumption for each trip.
Method: creation of tables that analyse fuel consumption by route, type of vehicle and
transported weight. In total, 49 tables have been established for routes to nearly every
country in Europe, with each table containing data on three types of vehicle. Separate
tables have been created to show the fuel consumption for each driver.
Costs: The cost of developing and maintaining the tables is difficult to quantify as this
was still an ongoing process. Driver training cost about € 3.600 and was carried out by a
technician from IVECO.
Results: A significant reduction in fuel consumption was achieved. This reduction was
largely due to driver training and the purchase of vehicles with automatic transmissions.
Relating information from the graphs with the recorded kilometres driven by each driver,
the illustration shows that, between 1998 and 2000, while the total distance driven
increased by 42.992 km, fuel consumption was reduced by 104.034 litres, equivalent to

Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

10. Reducing Accidents by Implementing a Safety Manual (Transportes Luís Simões)

Aim: TLS aims to improve working conditions by reducing accidents and promoting a
high quality of life for its employees.
Method: developed a safety manual that defines and records the operations and
procedures in use within the company. This manual is continuously updated and helps
to ensure that all work sites use procedures that promote safety, health and hygiene. It
also designates employees responsible for certain tasks and indicates when those tasks
should be executed.
Costs: Although very difficult to quantify, direct cost benefits result from use of the
safety manual: lower costs because of the reduction in injuries and incapacities; lower
costs because of fewer operational failures; lower training costs for new employees.
Results: The safety manual promotes and protects the health of employees and results
in fewer work-related accidents; improved quality of service; lower rate of absenteeism;
improvement of the internal and external image of the company.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

11. Improved Efficiency through use of a Guidance and Communication System (VSV
Frakt AB)
Aim: sustainable development by offering harvesting and transport systems that have a
lower impact on the environment
Method: the introduction of an EMS and further increase the efficiency of its haulage
work, the company has developed a computerized system for transport guidance and
communication. The system is called TROMB (Transport Och Mobil Beordring, Transport
and Mobile Instructions). TROMB supports mobile communications and consists of a
Geographical Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), e-mail and
emergency alarms. Each mobile unit consists of a computer, keyboard, mouse, monitor,
GPS receiver, Mobitex, DARC (Data Radio Channel) communication and an alarm.
Mobitex is a wireless network architecture necessary to support wireless terminals. This
system is the basis for: transport planning; the distribution of transport orders; direct
mailing to the logging truck; alarms in case of accident.
Costs: cost is considerably higher than for a standard office computer. Each mobile unit
costs about SEK 60.000 (€ 6.300) including mounting, accessories and antennas. The
forestry research unit in Skogforsk nevertheless calculates that the system can be
amortized in under two years.
Results: On the basis of an annual survey of all logging trucks, it is estimated that the
TROMB system will reduce CO2, NOx, and particle emissions by 5% per transported
tonne between 1998 and 2003. Information can easily be transferred between the
mobile communication systems and the onboard units. This means that the logging
trucks can operate over larger geographical areas and 24 hours a day. Also, the rate of
returning cargo has increased. Telephone costs have decreased because of the e-mail
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

12. Driver Training for Improved Safety and Fuel Efficiency (Wullkotte & Hackmann
Trucking & Transport GbR)
Aim: driver training programme to improve skills appropriately
Methods: The drivers are responsible for determining their fuel consumption. Any
irregularities are analysed immediately and possible causes are discussed. If extra
maintenance is required, the schedule is checked to see of this can be programmed in
Costs: The training costs are € 610 per employee per year. This includes: training in safe
and economical driving; training by specialists in transporting dangerous goods; training
by specialists in occupational safety methods; training by company management.
Results: Based on an average of 145.000 km per driver per year, the costs for driver
training are € 0.42/100 km. If the driver saves an average of 0.75 litres of fuel per 100
km through economical driving, then € 0.53/100 km is saved in fuel costs. The result is
a cost advantage of € 0.10/100 km or € 151 per year.
Links/More information: IRU Best Practice Guide:

13. Fuel Saving in a Scottish Haulage Fleet (John Mitchell [Grangemouth] Ltd / Freight
Best Practice)
Aim: reduce running costs of their fleet by investing in driver training, anti-idling policy
and aerodynamics specification.
Methods: Driver training with the help of the Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving (SAFED)
programme. For modern vehicles the cost of switching off the engine and starting up
again is usually less than the cost of leaving the engine idling. Thus the company
invested in an anti-idling campaign.
Costs: relatively low – driver education.
Results: 7% reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 output and fuel costs saved in the
amount of £ 274,089 through driver training. Anti-idling measures led to weekly savings
of £ 700 per week.
Link/More information:

Literature and useful links
(Availability checked 06/2009)

Freight Best Practice website (includes various case studies and best practice
(additions on a regular basis)
IRU: Best Industry Practices
o 1st issue of Best Practice document:
filesystem-action?file=en_Publications/bip_2001-gb.pdf (2001)
o 2nd issue of Best Practice document:
filesystem-action?file=en_Publications/bip04.E.pdf (2004)
BESTUFS – Best Urban Freight Solutions: Swedish project on Urban Freight best
o Reports available under BESTUFS I and BESTUFS II
ETTAR project (Environmental Technologies, Training and Awareness-Raising)
bestLog - Creating a Dissemination and Promotion Platform for Logistics Best
Practice (2009)
Green Logistics – Research into the sustainability of logistics systems and supply
Energy Saving Trust
European Environmental Agency – reports on transport best practices and
activities of member states
On the Road to Climate Neutral Freight Transportation
SAFED (Safe And Fuel Efficient Driving)
Transportation Energy Data Book (U.S. Department of Energy, published 2008)
SmartWay (US Environmental Protection Agency)


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