Art Is Everywhere

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“Art is Everywhere”

From this definition of art we can say that art surrounds us. In every object we see, in our homes and even nature
which God has made so beautiful, there is art. Art is not just the paintings or sculptures we see in the museums.
Art is everywhere, the buildings, the landscapes, cars, clothes and many more. All of that is art in some way. We
may not realize it at first but, yes, all these are some form of art.

Art as expression and communication

We express our emotional state by some visible signs and activities. Art is a means of communicating with a
different type of vocabulary, one that doesn't use words. Through history, people have pursued their urge for
self-expression, sometimes in opposition to what came before. Artists use many kinds of materials and create
objects and images to convey deeper truths.

“Art as a Creation”
A work of art is created by an artist, in order then to develop an independent existence in the eye of the beholder
over which the creator loses all control. The word "CREATION" refers to the act of combining or re-ordering already
existing materials so that a new object is formed.
Art is a planned activity. Sometimes the art object maybe the result of a cooperative activity, by a team of artist
motivated by a common goal, as in the production of a play or movie.
“Art as experience”
Artistic expression is not "spontaneous." The mere spewing forth of emotion is not artistic expression. Art requires
long periods of activity and reflection, and comes only to those absorbed in observing experience. An artist's work
requires reflection on past experience and a sifting of emotions and meanings from that prior experience. For an
activity to be converted into an artistic expression, there must be excitement, turmoil and an urge from within to
go outward. Art is expressive when there is complete absorption in the subject and a unison of present and past
experience is achieved. Three major kinds of experience involve in the artistic activity.
Experience which the artist which the artist wants to communicate.
Act of expressing this experience that of creating the art object or form.
Artist's gratifying experience of having accomplished something significant.
Art is not nature. A work of art is man-made, and although it may closely resembled nature, it can never duplicate


A thing of beauty is one which gives us pleasure when we perceive it. The delight that we experience is called "
AESTHETIC PLEASURE", "AESTHETIC" came from the greek word which means " to perceive with the senses ".

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