Pleasure of Allah 080718

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In the name of Allah:

And (as for) the foremost, the first of

the Muhajirs and the Ansars, and those
who followed them in goodness, Allah
is well pleased with them and they are
well pleased with Him, and He has
prepared for them gardens beneath
which rivers flow, to abide in them for
ever; that is the mighty achievement.

Surely Allah has bought of the believers

their persons and their property for this,
that they shall have the garden; they fight
in Allah's way, so they slay and are slain;
a promise which is binding on Him in the
Taurat and the Injeel and the Quran; and
who is more faithful to his covenant than
Allah? Rejoice therefore in the pledge,
which you have made; and that is the
mighty achievement. (9:111)
(Triumphant) are those who turn
repentant (to Allah), those who serve
(Him), those who praise (Him), those
who fast, those who bow down, those
who fall prostrate (in worship), those
who enjoin the right and who forbid the
wrong and those who keep the limits
(ordained) of Allah - And give glad
tidings to believers! (112)

Allah will say: This is the day when

their truth shall benefit the truthful
ones; they shall have gardens beneath
which rivers flow to abide in them for
ever: Allah is well pleased with them
and they are well pleased with Allah;
this is the mighty achievement.
Based on what we have said above, the
clause Allah is well pleased with them
and they are well pleased with Him in
verse 9:100 is probably not a
descriptive statement about the
Muhajirs and Ansars but rather a
conditional statement. In other words,
the promise of gardens for them is
based on the pleasure of Allah and the
latter is not absolute but based on


9;100. Les tout premiers [croyants] parmi
les Emigrs et les Auxiliaires et ceux qui les
ont suivis dans un beau comportement,
Allah les agre, et ils l'agrent. Il a prpar
pour eux des Jardins sous lesquels coulent
les ruisseaux, et ils y demeureront
ternellement. Voil l'norme succs !

( )


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9:111. Certes, Allah a achet des croyants,
leurs personnes et leurs biens en change
du Paradis. Ils combattent dans le sentier
d'Allah: ils tuent, et ils se font tuer. C'est
une promesse authentique qu'Il a prise sur
Lui-mme dans la Thora, l'Evangile et le
Coran. Et qui est plus fidle qu'Allah son
engagement? Rjouissez-vous donc de
l'change que vous avez fait: Et c'est l le
trs grand succs.
112. Ils sont ceux qui se repentent, qui
adorent, qui louent, qui parcourent la terre
(ou qui jenent), qui s'inclinent, qui se
prosternent, qui commandent le
convenable et interdisent le blmable et
qui observent les lois d'Allah... et fais
bonne annonce aux croyants.

certain circumstances like being

truthful as mentioned in the next verse.
The above discourse shows that the
promise of Allah is but a true promise
and based on Allahs pleasure or
displeasure. On the other hand, Allahs
pleasure or displeasure is conditional.
Divine Pleasure is not necessarily
everlasting and can be reversed to
displeasure if the person behaves
differently. This means that Allah can
be displeased with the same person He
was pleased with before if the behavior
or condition of the person changes.
May Allah forgive us for our

((5 (
5:119. Allah dira: Voil le jour o leur
vracit va profiter aux vridiques: ils
auront des Jardins sous lesquels coulent les
ruisseaux pour y demeurer ternellement.
Allah les a agrs et eux L'ont agr. Voil
l'norme succs.




Reference (in parts):

A discourse on the Promise and
Pleasure of Allah
From the Qur'anic Perspective
By Ali A. Khalfan




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