Annual Implementation Plan

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S.Y. 2022-2023

School Project Output Activities Person(s) Schedule/ Budget per Budget Source
Improvement Objective for the Responsible Venue Activity
Project Title year
MATHINIK Decrease Decreased Intervention and Students 2022- July 4,000.00 School MOOE
number of number of exercises in the 2023
MATH: non- non – four basic Teachers
Improving numerates numerates operations.
Numeracy and enhance School Head
Skills, students’ Provide explicit
Influencing K- numeracy instruction on
12 Learners skills. problem solving

Integrate web
tools and game
available for

Use of
manipulatives in
numeracy skills.

Assessment and
reporting to
monitor the
Project LETS Decrease the Decreased Implementation Students August 3,000.00 Donations, School
REAP number of the of learning 2022-July MOOE
non-readers number of support system Parents, 2023
(Learners and enhance
Enjoying The students’ non – Provide explicit Teachers
Skill of Reading literacy skills. readers instruction in
through and reading program School Head
Enrichment enhanced
Activities and students’ Incorporate web
Programs literacy tools and net
skills. application
available for

Use of strategies
to increase the
level of reading
such as but not
limited to “read
one word a day”,
“Direct and
connect”, “Praise
what I read” etc.

Assessment and
reporting to
monitor the
Project Decrease the Decreased Implementation Students August 3,000.00 Donations, School
KABASA number of the of learning 2022-July MOOE
FILIPINO non-readers number of support system Parents, 2023
and enhance
students’ non – Provide explicit Teachers
literacy skills. readers instruction in
and reading program School Head
students’ Incorporate web
literacy tools and net
skills. application
available for

Assessment and
reporting to
monitor the

Project ARAL Collect Collected Partner with other Students August 3,000.00 Donations
teaching- teaching- governmental or 2022-July
Acquiring learning learning non-governmental Parents, 2023
References and references references organizations to
Learning and materials and collect teaching- Teachers
Materials for materials learning
Students references and School Head
Project SMARF Build a Construct Partner with other Students October 50, 000.00 School MOOE
functional ed a governmental or 2022-July
School School functional non-governmental Parents, 2023
Materials Materials School organizations
Recovery Recovery Materials with similar pro- Teachers
Facility Facility Recovery environmental
(MRF) that Facility values and School Head
can be used as (MRF) advocacies to
storage and that can gather additional
and non-
processing be used as funds for the
facility for storage building of a
recyclable and functional School
materials processing MRF
collected facility for
within the recyclable
school. materials

Project 2G: Capacitate the Instilled Partner with Students October 20, 000.00 School MOOE
Ganadong learners with value of governmental 2022-July
Gulayan the value of urban and/or non- Parents, 2023
urban gardening governmental
gardening. to the institutions in the Teachers
learners. construction
and/or School Head
Improved development of a
Improve and and Governmental
functional school
increase increased and non-
nursery and seed
vegetable and vegetable governmental
bank area.
fruit and fruit
production by productio
planting at n by Collect seeds and
home, school planting at seedlings,
and in the home, whether native,
community. school endemic or
and in the indigenous.
Create and
sustain a Built and Integrate in the
functional sustained classroom, the
seedbank and a values of
nursery in the functional gardening and
school. seedbank vegetable/fruit
and production via
nursery in hands-on
the activities.

Project ABOT- Procure a Acquired Partner with other Students October 20,000.00 Donations, PTA
KAMAY sufficient a governmental or 2022-July
number of sufficient non-governmental Parents, 2023
drafting tables number of organizations to
to be used in drafting procure a Teachers
technical tables to sufficient number
drawing be used in of drafting tables School Head
classes. technical to be used in Governmental
drawing technical drawing and non-
classes. classes. governmental

Project Busog Lessen the 30 School Feeding Students August 1,000.00 Donations
Lusog number of students Program 2022-July
malnourished fed on a Parents 2023 Canteen funds
learners regular Check students’
basis for 4 Teachers
months BMI
School Head

Provide a
checklist of food/
or make a
brochure to
healthy food as
per DepEd Order
8, s. 2007

Collaborate with
the SHS
teacher to plant/
cultivate/ provide
vegetables to
school feeding

Provide lecture/
seminar with
parents regarding
nutritional health

Project DRRM

Project BKD
Project AGRI


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