Uamerica 22 121237
Uamerica 22 121237
Uamerica 22 121237
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A smart low molecular weight gelator for the triple detection of copper (II), T
mercury (II), and cyanide ions in water resources
Fatemeh Mandegania, Hassan Zali-Boeinia,∗, Zohreh Khayatb, Rosario Scopellitic
Department of Chemistry, University of Isfahan, 81746-73441, Isfahan, Iran
Department of Chemistry, Jundi Shapur University of Technology, 64615-334, Dezful, Iran
Institut des Sciences et Ingénierie Chimiques, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland
Keywords: Novel supramolecular gelators based on quinoline-indolin-2-one structure were synthesized. These gelators
Stimuli-responsive gel formed stable organogels in a mixture of DMSO/H2O (1:1). The scanning electron microscopy (SEM), IR and
Chemosensor NMR spectroscopies, and rheological measurements were used to study the properties of the gels. Among the
Heavy metal ion synthesized compounds, G2 was chosen as the best gelator and utilized as a naked eye chemosensor for the
Detection limit
selective detection of Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions alongside and CN‾ ion as toxic and hazardous materials. The gelator
Molecular logic gate
G2 was selectively transformed into a sol state in the presence of Cu2+ ion alongside with a vivid change of color
from orange to cherry red. Hg2+ ion showed a notable change in color from orange to brick red, but the gel state
remained intact. The detection limit for the gelator G2 toward Cu2+and Hg2+ were 7.25 × 10−6 mol. L−1 and
4.80 × 10−6 mol. L−1 respectively. All the tested anions had no distinct effect on the gel state and/or the color
of G2, while, in the presence of CN‾, although the gel state was again unchanged a drastic color change from
orange to dark purple was observed. The detection limit for G2 toward CN− was 1.36 × 10−4 mol. L−1. The
gelator G2 also operated simultaneously the roles of INH and OR gates in which water, Hg2+, Cu2+ ions are
inputs, and the gel state and absorbance around 600 nm (color change) are outputs.
1. Introduction Due to the biological importance and problematic issues of the ex-
istence of toxic and heavy transition metal ions in biological systems
Small molecules that are capable of making self-assembled supra- and the environment [26–28], design, synthesis, and application of
molecular architectures and entangling and immobilizing solvent mo- efficient receptors for the selective recognition of these ions are still
lecules, may produce supramolecular gels, which are defined generally matter of concerns in supramolecular chemistry [29,30]. Copper, at
as Low Molecular Weight Gelators (LMWGs). In these systems, the definite levels, plays an important function in numerous physiological
driving forces responsible for the gel formation are generally non- processes in the human body [31]. By contrast, excess of copper ion can
covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces of cause adverse effects on human health and lead to various diseases such
long alkyl chains, π-π stacking, and dipole-dipole interactions [1,2]. as increased blood pressure and neurodegenerative diseases [32]. Fur-
These intermolecular physical forces are weak and can be easily af- thermore, copper is a significant environmental pollutant as it is used in
fected by an external environmental stimulus such as heat [3], ions [4], various industries worldwide [33]. The maximum allowed copper in
pH [5], light [6,7], ultrasound [8,9], electric or magnetic fields [10], drinking water has been set to be 1.3 ppm (2.0 × 10−5 mol. L−1) by
and oxidative/reductive reactions [11]. Nowadays, considerable efforts the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [34,35]. Mercury is
have been devoted to the development of smart supramolecular gels also one of the most toxic heavy metals, which may enter into water
due to their applications in diverse fields, including tissue engineering resources or food chain, therefore causing many serious health pro-
and drug delivery [12,13], optoelectronic devices [14], pollutant re- blems in the brain, kidney, and central nervous system (CNS) even at
moval [15], reaction vessels and catalysts [16] and so on [17–21]. low concentrations [36,37]. The U.S. EPA directive for the acceptable
Moreover, the reversible nature of the self-assembling process marks concentration of mercury in drinking water is 2 ppb (9.97 × 10−9 mol.
the supramolecular gels as excellent candidates for sensing applications L−1) [38]. Similarly, the crucial role of anions in various fields, in-
[22–25]. cluding biology, medicine, industrial raw materials, and the
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Zali-Boeini).
Received 22 April 2020; Received in revised form 5 June 2020; Accepted 6 June 2020
Available online 03 July 2020
0039-9140/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Mandegani, et al. Talanta 219 (2020) 121237
corresponding environmental concerns, urges the development of Tgel value of each gelator G2 and G3 in DMSO/H2O (1:1) were mea-
highly sensitive anion sensors [39–41]. Among various anions, the sured. Tgel values of G2 and G3 at different concentrations were also
detection of cyanide ion, as an extremely poisonous but indispensable recorded. As shown in Fig. 2, while the gelator concentration increases
chemical in industry, is an attractive issue [42–44]. Even minimal from 1 to 5% w/v, Tgel values grow from 51 °C to 74 °C for G2 and
amounts of cyanide might consequence in deeply damage to numerous 54 °C–78 °C for G3. The increase in Tgel values is most likely indorsed to
biological functions and leading to convulsion, vomiting, un- the superior supramolecular interactions between gelator molecules at
consciousness, and eventual death [45–47]. The maximum allowed greater concentrations such as π–π stacking, hydrogen bonding, the
concentration of cyanide in drinking water is only 1.9 × 10−6 mol. L−1 solvophobic interaction, and van der Waals interactions of lengthy alkyl
by the World Health Organization (WHO) [48]. Up to the present, there chain.
have been numerous reports on supramolecular chemosensors for the As shown in Fig. 2, the minimum gelation concentration (MGC) of
detection of metal cations and anions [49–55]. However, supramole- G2 and G3 was 1% w/v, and therefore, they are called supergelators.
cular gel-based sensors for the detection of these ion species are still The above results indicate that G2 and G3 could form robust gels,
rare [56–61]. Accordingly, due to easy naked-eye detection via sol-gel comprising stable supramolecular frameworks with high thermal sta-
transition, the ion responsive supramolecular gels are favorable to de- bility in DMSO/H2O. Among the three synthesized compounds, even
velop. Following of our previous research on the LMWG's [62,63], in though both compounds G2 and G3 were strong gelators and exhibited
this work, new supramolecular organogelators (aqueous/organogela- nearly instant gelation, G2 has higher stability compared to G3. Our
tors) composed of indolin-2-one and quinoline moieties bearing a long research revealed that G2 gel was firm in a secured tube for at least six
chain N- alkyl substituted amide group were designed and synthesized. months at 25 °C, while G3 gel was stable only up to five weeks. Then G2
Two of the synthesized compounds (G2 and G3) were able to form was selected for additional studies as a chemosensor.
stable gels, but compound G2 was superior to G3. Hence, compound G2
was further investigated as a highly selective and sensitive sensor for 2.3. Morphological and rheological studies
the detection of Cu2+, Hg2+, and CN‾ in aqueous media at room
temperature. The aggregation morphology of DMSO/H2O (1:1) xerogels of G2
was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As shown in
2. Results and discussion Fig. 3, the closely spaced plate-like matrix is responsible for the gel
2.1. Synthetic pathway Rheological studies were utilized to investigate the viscoelastic be-
havior of the gel. Fig. 4 shows the stress and frequency response of 1%
Compounds G1-G3 were prepared in three steps using isatin DMSO/H2O (1:1) gel of G2. Variation of stress amplitudes (graph A),
(Scheme 1). 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and FT-IR analyses were used to frequencies (graph B), and shear stress (graph C) for the gel showed
characterize the final products. that the dynamic storage modulus G′ was constantly higher than the
The structure of compound B2 (the precursor of G2, R = n-C12H25) corresponding loss modulus G″ over the studied range. The stress sweep
was further established by single-crystal X-ray analysis (Fig. 1, test at a costant frequency (ω = 1 rad/s) provided an almost linear
CCDC1993195). response of both G′ and G″ at about 0.1–1% strain. In frequency sweep
experiment under constant strain value of 0.5%, both G′ and G″ were
2.2. Gelation study frequency independent over the entire experiment range, and displayed
more than five times higher magnitude of G′ than those of G″ at any
The gelation ability of compounds G1-G3 was inspected in different frequency. Moreover, the shear stress sweep trial showed the yield
types of organic solvents by the vial inversion technique. In a 2 mL vial, stress point at 44.8 Pa. The abovementioned results, especially the G′
the proper amount of gelator compound was dissolved upon heating in dominance and frequency-independence supported the viscoelastic
the desired organic solvent (1 ml) to form a homogeneous solution. nature of the gel.
Then, the solution was slowly allowed to cool to room temperature,
shaken, and left aside. After 30 min, the vial inversion test was per- 2.4. Investigation of the gelation mechanism
formed. We found that the compounds G1-G3 could not form any gels
in all tested single-solvent methods. Using water-miscible organic sol- To investigate the H-bonding role of quinolone-OH in the self-as-
vents, the solution was cooled, and the same volume of water was sembling process, the 1H NMR spectra of G2 in DMSO‑d6 and upon the
added. Thereafter, the tube inversion test was executed after 20 min. addition of D2O in DMSO‑d6 was recorded. As shown in Fig. 5, the
Among these solvents, G2 and G3 formed stable and durable gels in quinoline hydroxyl proton peak was experienced an upfield shift from
DMSO/H2O (1:1). Most likely, the addition of water enhances the sol- 10.54 ppm to a broad peak at 9.26 ppm upon the addition of D2O. These
vophobic interactions and causes the hydrophilic–lipophilic balance of results demonstrate the strong participation of the OH functional group
solvent, which acts as a driving force for the gel formation in DMSO/ in hydrogen bonding interaction and the self-assembling process of G2
H2O (1:1) mixture. In order to study the thermal stability of the gels, with the aid of D2O.
F. Mandegani, et al. Talanta 219 (2020) 121237
Fig. 1. ORTEP view of B2. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level, and H atoms are shown as small spheres of arbitrary radii.
Fig. 2. Plots of Tgel values of G2 and G3 against the gelator concentration in DMSO/H2O (1:1).
F. Mandegani, et al. Talanta 219 (2020) 121237
Fig. 4. (A) Rheological studies of 1 wt % of G2 gel in DMSO/H2O (v/v, 1:1); (B) Strain sweep under constant frequency of 1 rad/s; (C) Frequency sweep under
constant 0.5% strain.
shows that other metal cations make no notable changes on the formed To measure the sensitivity of G2 toward Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions, dif-
gels. Since, the gel to sol switch and the color transformation in the gel- ferent concentrations of Cu2+ and Hg2+ were added to DMSO solutions
gel state was selective; it was used for the oculus detection of Cu2+ and of G2 (10−5 mol. L−1), and their spectra were recorded. As shown in
Hg2+ in water. Fig. 10(A) and (B), upon a progressive increase in the concentration of
The UV absorption spectra of gelator G2 (10−4 mol. L−1) in the Cu2+ and Hg2+, the absorbance peaks at 290 nm and 269 nm, were
presence of 1 equivalent of various metal cations (Al3+, Pb2+, Cu2+, gradually increased. A good linear relationship was observed between
Hg2+, Cd2+, Mg2+, Zn2+) in DMSO were recorded. From Fig. 9, it can the absorbance intensity at 290 nm and the concentration of Cu2+ (0–1
be seen that the absorption peak around 290 nm was dramatically rose equiv.) (Fig. 10C) and absorbance intensity at 269 nm and concentra-
upon the addition of Cu2+ or Hg2+ ions into a G2 solution. No sig- tion of Hg2+ (0–1 equiv.) (Fig. 10D). Thus, the detection limit of G2 for
nificant spectral change was observed in the presence of other metal Cu2+ and Hg2+ was found to be about 7.25 × 10−6 mol. L−1 and
cations, implying that there is no bonding or feeble interactions be- 4.80 × 10−6 mol. L−1 respectively, under the examination conditions.
tween the gelator G2 and the other metal cations. Although the detection limit of G2 for Hg2+ was very far from the EPA
F. Mandegani, et al. Talanta 219 (2020) 121237
Fig. 8. Photograph of gel-to-sol transformation and color change of G2 in DMSO solution (4.2 × 10−2 mol. L−1) upon addition of (1 equiv.) of aqueous cations. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
acceptable concentration of mercury, the detection limit for the Cu2+ Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions, the Job's plot analysis was carried out. As seen in
was quite bellow the EPA allowed amount of copper ion in drinking Fig. 11(A) and (B), the Job's plot analysis showed a 1:1 stoichiometry
water. These results indicate that G2 can be employed for quantitati- for both G2: Hg2+ and G2: Cu2+.
veand rather fast detection of Cu2+ and Hg2+ over a wide range with To study the interaction behavior between G2 and Hg2+, 1H NMR
good sensitivity. spectrum of G2 in the presence of Hg2+ was recorded, and then the
Additionally, to determine the binding stoichiometry of G2 with spectra were compared. It is evident from Fig. 12 that in the presence of
Fig. 9. The UV–Vis spectra of G2 (10−4 mol. L−1) in the presence of different metal cations (1 equiv.) in DMSO.
F. Mandegani, et al. Talanta 219 (2020) 121237
Fig. 10. (A) Absorbance spectra of G2 (10−5 mol. L−1) upon the addition of Cu2+ (0–1 equiv.) and (B) Hg2+ (0–1 equiv.) in DMSO/H2O (95/5, v/v); (C) linear
relationship between the absorbance intensity at 290 nm and the concentration of Cu2+ (0–1 equiv.) and (D) the absorbance intensity at 268 nm and the con-
centration of Hg2+ (0–1 equiv.). The error bars were based on three duplicate experiments.
Hg2+ ion, the hydroxyl proton peak has wholly vanished. This ob- change. Moreover, the G2-Cu2+ interaction avoids intermolecular hy-
servation suggests that there is a strong interaction between the OH drogen bonding and weakens the π–π stacking interactions of the aro-
group and N atoms of quinoline moiety and Hg2+ ion. matic rings of G2 and prevents the gel formation process. According to
Scheme 2 is shown the suggested modes of interaction for the G2- the observed results, after the addition of Hg2+ to a DMSO solution of
Cu2+ and G2-Hg2+. Accordingly, when compound G2 interact with G2, it is more likely a sandwich-like organometallic Hg2+-metallogel
Cu2+, the mechanism of sensing can be accredited to the chelation of produces in which a color change observes but the gel state remains
G2 and Cu2+ thus forming a complex adduct, and destroying the co- unchanged.
planarity of the π-conjugated systems, leading to the observed color
Fig. 11. (A) Job's plot for the interaction of G2 with Hg2+ in aqueous DMSO (B) Job's plot for the interaction of G2 with Cu2+ in aqueous DMSO. The total
concentration of ligand and metal ions was 10−5 mol. L−1.
F. Mandegani, et al. Talanta 219 (2020) 121237
Fig. 12. 1H NMR spectra of G2 in the presence of 1.0 equiv. of Hg (NO3)2 in DMSO‑d6
2.6. Investigation of anion responsive behaviour solution of CN‾ to the DMSO solution of G2 (Fig. 15 A). After addition
of CN‾ ion (0–1 equiv.), the absorption intensity around 600 nm was
To evaluate the G2 response toward anions, an aqueous solution of increased slowly, which is characteristic of the observed dark purple
various anions as their sodium salt was added to DMSO solutions of G2 color. As realized in Fig. 15 B, there is a good linear relationship be-
under the same conditions as in metal ions. As can be seen in Fig. 13, tween the absorbance intensity at 600 nm and the concentration of CN‾
the gel formation occurred in all vials, but surprisingly in the presence with a detection limit of 1.36 × 10−4 mol. L−1.
of cyanide anion, an extreme color change from orange to dark purple Finally, to study the nature of the interaction between the gelator
was observed. These observations remark that the gelator G2 can act as G2 and cyanide ion, 1H NMR experiments were conducted. Fig. 16A
a visual sensor to detect CN‾ ions selectively in the aqueous media. shows the 1H NMR spectra of G2 in the absence and the presence of 1.0
Besides, to determine the selectivity of G2 towards the other anions, equivalent of CN‾ ion in DMSO‑d6. It was found that the addition of 1.0
the UV absorption spectra of G2 (10−4 mol. L−1) in the presence of 1 equiv. of CN‾ results in significant chemical shift and demonstrates the
equivalent of various common anions including AcO‾, CN‾, F‾, Br‾, I‾, intense interaction between G2 and CN‾ ion. Presumably, the observed
and HS‾ were added to DMSO solution of G2, and their spectral changes selectivity for the cyanide ion among the other tested anions can be
were recorded. As shown in Fig. 14, significant changes in the ab- attributed to the contribution of an entirely different interaction me-
sorption spectra were only observed upon the addition of CN‾ ion. In chanism. We assumed that G2 at first undergoes a pseudo-Michael at-
contrast, the addition of the other anions to the G2 solution showed tack by CN‾ ion and consequently, after ring closure alongside the
negligible differences. proton shift, transforms to the shown fully conjugated anion (Fig. 16B)
Based on UV–Vis spectrophotometric titrations, the sensing prop- responsible for the dark purple color. All the above mentioned results
erties of the G2 (10−5 mol. L−1) were examined by adding a standard indicate that G2 can be used as an extremely selective and fast
Fig. 13. Photograph of gel formation and color change of G2 in DMSO solution (4.2 × 10−2 mol. L−1) upon addition of aqueous solution of anions (1 equiv.). (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
F. Mandegani, et al. Talanta 219 (2020) 121237
Fig. 14. UV spectra of G2 (10−4 mol. L−1) in DMSO solution upon the addition of various anions (1equiv.).
chemosensor for the detection of CN‾ ion in the environmental water logic gate system (the INH and OR logic gate) based on gelator G2 are
resources. depicted in Fig. 17.
It is well known that molecular switches transform input stimuli Novel low-molecular weight and stimuli-responsive supramolecular
into output signals. The role of compound G2 as the molecular opera- gelators based on indolin-2-one structure have been synthesized via
tion of logic gate was also considered and established that G2 imple- three simple steps starting from isatin, and their gelation character-
ments simultaneously the functions of Inhibit (INH) and OR gates. istics, spectral data, and applications as chemosensor were studied.
Inputs for this combinational logic gate were water, Cu2+, and Hg2+ Excellent gelation ability was observed for the gelators G2 and G3 in
ions and the outputs were formation of gel and color change (absor- some water-miscible solvents, but the best results were found for G2 in
bance at 600 nm). The truth table and the corresponding scheme for the DMSO. Compound G2 was utilized as an effective colorimetric sensor to
Fig. 15. (A) UV titration of G2 (10−5 mol. L−1) with CN‾ (0–1 equiv.) in DMSO/H2O (95/5, v/v); (B) linear relationship between the absorbance intensity at 290 nm
and concentration of CN‾. The error bars were based on three duplicate experiments.
F. Mandegani, et al. Talanta 219 (2020) 121237
Fig. 16. (A) Partial 1H NMR spectra of G2 and G2 + 1 equiv. CN‾ in DMSO‑d6; (B) A proposed mechanism for the interaction of CN‾ with G2.
sense Cu2+, Hg2+, and CN‾ ions between numerous metal ions and at 138 °C. Completion of the reaction was monitored by thin-layer
anions in aqueous media. While Cu2+ ion prohibited the formation of chromatography (TLC). After cooling down to room temperature, the
gel together with a color change from orange to cherry-red, the gel state resulting mixture was treated with 30 ml of ice-cooled water, extracted
in the presence of Hg2+ remained intact, and only a color change to with ethyl acetate (3 × 30 ml), and the collected organic layers were
brick red was detected. The calculated detection limit for Cu2+ was dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate. Removing the solvent after
found to be 7.25 × 10−6 mol. L−1, which is about three times lower filtration afforded the crude products as their acetate esters. These were
than the EPA maximum allowed concentration for Cu2+. More inter- further purified by silica gel column chromatography with hexane:
estingly, G2 was able to detect CN‾ ion selectively among various en- ethyl acetate (10:1) as the eluent to yield pure compounds B1–B3.
vironmentally important anions. We found that the gel color was se- Compounds B1–B3 (5 mmol) were added to a solution of
lectively changed from orange to a dark purple color in the presence of NaOMe–MeOH (1 mol. L−1, 8 ml) and the reaction mixtures were
CN‾ ion with high sensitivity. The gelator G2, also as a molecular logic stirred at 65 °C for 1 h. After completion of the reaction, the reaction
gate, operates synchronously the functions of Inhibit (INH) and OR mixtures were cooled to room temperature. The reaction mixture was
gates in which water, Hg2+, and Cu2+ ions stands for inputs and the gel neutralized by adding a solution of NH4Cl, and the organic layer was
formation and absorbance are outputs. Consequently, G2 was proved to extracted with ethyl acetate (3 × 15 ml). The collected organic layer
be a successful and efficient chemosensor for fast instrument-free de- was dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate and concentrated under
tection of toxic metal ions such as Cu2+ and Hg2+ besides CN‾ as a reduced pressure. The crude product was purified by silica gel column
toxic anion in water resources, which are huge environmental issues. chromatography using hexane: ethyl acetate (12:1) as the eluent to
yield pure G1-G3 as deep orange powders.
4. Experimental 4.2. Procedure for Tgel measurement: To measure gel to the sol
transition temperature, gel samples of G2 and G3 in DMSO/H2O (1:1)
4.1. Procedure for the synthesis of compounds G1-G3 at different concentrations (1–5%) were prepared. Using the ‘inverse
flow’ method, the gelation temperature (Tgel) for the gels of G2 and G3
Compounds G1-G3 were synthesized in three steps from isatin were determined. After the gelation, the inverted vial was placed in a
(Scheme 1): temperature-regulated silicone oil bath. The temperature of the oil bath
The synthetic procedures for the preparation of N-alkyl isatin deri- was progressively increased, and the temperature at which the gel fell
vatives are reported in supporting information. N-alkyl isatin (5 mmol) from the bottom of the vial was taken as Tgel for that sample.
and 2-Methyl-8-quinolinol (5 mmol) were added to dried acetic anhy- 4.3. Investigation of the sensing ability of G2: To evaluate the
dride (5 ml). Then the reaction mixture was stirred and refluxed for 3 h sensing ability of G2, aqueous solutions of metal ions or anions were
F. Mandegani, et al. Talanta 219 (2020) 121237
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