2019 From Crypt To Cult Pyramid Texts On

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From Crypt to Cult – Pyramid Texts

on Middle Kingdom Mortuary Stelae

Rune Nyord, Emory University

Substitution Workshop, FU Berlin 24–25 May 2019 rune.nyord@emory.edu

Facsimile of Book of the Dead judgment scene from Denon 1802: pl. 141 (Book of the Dead of
Wahibre, now P. Bibliotheque Nationale 112–117)
Coffin Texts and other decorative elements
in the coffin of Imeni (12th Dynasty,

Pyramid Texts in the crypt of King Unas (5th

Dynasty, Saqqara).
Roman Jakobson’s two semiotic axes

Forward flow of words

(syntagmatic axis)

Word choice

(paradigmatic axis)
Stela of Montuwoser (detail) (12th Dynasty, Abydos). MMA 12.184.
Late MK stelae with Pyramid Texts
Siglum Provenance / Date Owner Location Texts
Leiden 24 Abydos? / Dyn. 13 Amenemhatseneb Leiden 24 (AP.35) PT 247

C20093 Abydos / Dyn. 13 Seneb Cairo CG 20093 PT 249

C20520 Abydos / Dyn. 13 Nehy Cairo CG 20520 PT 204–210

Tod1C Tod / Dyn. 13 Mentuwoser Cairo CG 20762 PT 77; 81

C20829 Saqqara / Dyn. 12 Neferher Cairo CG 20829 ‘Medley’
St. Petersburg Unknown / Dyn. 12– Ihy St. Petersburg PT 270
2958 13 2958
Louvre C 290 Unknown / Dyn. 12? Ipi Louvre C 290 PT 25

Parma A Abydos / Dyn. 13 Mentunakht Parma Museum stela PT 301

no. 178
Siamon Abusir? / Dyn. 13 Siamon Trento, Castello del PT *721,
Buonconsiglio 248
Categories of Pyramid Texts spells
Offering spells
25, 77, 81, 204–210, *721 [>CT 516], BD 148

Hymn to Min-Amun

Manifestation spells
247, 248, 249, ‘medley’ from CG 20829

Ferryman spell
Offering spells

Wall fragment from tomb chapel, Cairo CG 20762, Tod, first half of Dyn. 13

PT 77 Tabular offering list

PT 81
CT 788

BD 148 PT 204, 205, 207, 209, 210

‘Spell for ‘Spell for making the offering
provisioning the table flourish’

Stela, Cairo CG 20520, Abydos (ANOC 32.1), early first half of Dyn. 13
Categories of Pyramid Texts spells
Offering spells
25, 77, 81, 204–210, *721 [>CT 516], BD 148

Hymn to Min-Amun

Manifestation spells
247, 248, 249, ‘medley’ from CG 20829

Ferryman spell
Lines 1–4:

Ḥtp-dj-nsw ‘Hail to you, Min-Amun,

lord of the shrine!
Come, that you may
travel <to> your
marshes and your
mangroves of gold,
PT turquoise and lapis
Hymn to (Min-) lazuli, and that you may
Horus smell the perfume of
Shesmet. May you place
for yourself the ka of
the king beside you
like the White Crown
which is on your head.’

Stela, Parma 178, Abydos

(ANOC 67.3), first quarter
of Dyn. 13
Categories of Pyramid Texts spells
Offering spells
25, 77, 81, 204–210, *721 [>CT 516], BD 148

Hymn to Min-Amun

Manifestation spells
247, 248, 249, ‘medley’ from CG 20829

Ferryman spell
PT 249:

Recitation: May N appear as Nefertem, as

the lotus at the nostril of Re daily, and may
he come forth from the Akhet, so that the
gods become pure at seeing him.
Address to the living


PT 249

Stela, Cairo CG 20093, Abydos (ANOC 49.1), first half of Dyn. 13

What are spells PT 247–249 for?
Dyn. 12:
‘Not letting the heka-power of a man be taken
away from him in the necropolis’ (Title of CT 349
[<PT 247])

Dyn. 18:
‘Spell for causing the akh to emerge from the
gate in the sky’ (Title of PT 247 / BD 174 [<PT
247–250] in the tomb of Nakhtmin [TT 87])
PT 249:

Recitation: May N appear as Nefertem, as

PT the lotus at the nostril of Re, so that the
249 gods become pure at seeing him every day.

Detail of west wall of tomb of

Menkheperreseneb (TT 112), Dyn. 18.
Davies 1933, pl. 27.
Ideal biography
Address to the living
Pyramid Texts phrases
Offering list

Translation of lines 2–6:

‘For your local gods to love you, for you to
remain in life, for your places to remain strong,
for you to pass on your offices to your children,
you scribes, lector priests, mortuary priests, all
people, you shall say for me:
O N, you shall revive, you shall wake up, you
shall live, you shall become one of the stars,
you shall receive offerings in the temples. He
(sic) shall take on [any] shape, the ladder shall
be [… for] him, that he may ascend to the sky,
and the two cows shall be in the temple, O N,
true of voice.’
And you shall say: ‘A thousand of bread and
beer (…)’
Stela, Cairo CG 20829, Saqqara, late Dyn. 12 (prob. Amenemhat III)
Categories of Pyramid Texts spells
Offering spells
25, 77, 81, 204–210, *721 [>CT 516], BD 148

Hymn to Min-Amun

Manifestation spells
247, 248, 249, ‘medley’ from CG 20829
‘Les passages des Textes des
Ferryman spell Pyramides qui mentionnent cette
traversé se situent généralement
270 dans le contexte de l’ascension du roi
(Bickel 2004: 92)
Spell for bringing the ferryboat

May you awaken in peace, His-Face-Behind-

Him, in peace, Sight-Behind-Him, in peace,
Ḥtp-dj-nsw-formula ferryman of the sky, in peace,
ferryman of Nut, in peace, ferryman of the
gods, in peace! N has come to you that you
may sail him across in that great ferryboat in
which the gods sail. N has come to his side like
the god comes to his side. N has come to his
proximity like the gods comes to his proximity.
There is no accusation by a living against so-
and-so, there is no accusation by a mother
against so-and-so, there is no accusation by a
daughter against so-and-so, there is no charge
PT 270 by a bull against so-and-so. If you do not ferry
across [N, then he shall jump up and place
himself on the wings of Thoth, and it is he who
shall ferry N across to the sky, to yonder side]

Stela, St Petersburg 2958, unknown provenance, late Dyn. 12 – first half of Dyn. 13
Daily movement of the
Lunar celestial bodies

East West

Diagram showing the movement of the moon at the end of a lunar month. After Krauss,
Astronomische Konzepte und Jenseitsvorstellungen in den Pyramidentexten (Wiesbaden,
1997), p. 74.
‘(I contracted a lector priest
…) to perform the ceremony
in the place of embalming,
and to recite the liturgy for
the ḥm at every month-
festival and every half-
month-festival, so that my
name may be actualised, so
that my memory may exist
to this day, and so that the
shrine of this efficacious
dignitary may remain

Stela, British Museum EA 1164, Armant, late Dyn. 11

Roman Jakobson’s two semiotic axes

Forward flow of words

(syntagmatic axis)

Word choice

(paradigmatic axis)
From Crypt to Cult – Pyramid Texts
on Middle Kingdom Mortuary Stelae
Rune Nyord, Emory University

Substitution Workshop, FU Berlin 24–25 May 2019 rune.nyord@emory.edu

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