2d Lesson Plan-Landscape Atmospheric Perspective

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Name of lesson: Landscapes - Atmospheric Perspective

Grade level: 6-8

Unit of study: Painting - Tints and Shades

Materials: Pencil, Paper, Acrylic Paint or watercolors

Time frame: 1 week

National Core Art Standards:

VA:Cr2.3.7a: Apply visual organizational strategies to design and produce a work of art, design,
or media that clearly communicates information or ideas.

VA:Cr1.2.7a: Develop criteria to guide making a work of art or design to meet an identified goal.

Lesson Objectives (what will the students do):

Students will create a landscape that repeats into the distance.
Students will select a color for their landscape to make tints and shades from.

Learning Targets (what do you want the students to leave with):

Students will understand the use and differences of tints and shades to create a landscape

Procedures (what will you do , what will they do):

I Do:
Identify tints and shades of colors.
Demonstrate how to create the tints and shades.

You Do:
Create thumbnail sketches of proposed plans.
Create landscape drawing
Mix tints and shapes to develop a landscape with depth.
Write an artist statement that explains artwork.

- Vincent Van Gogh: A Starry Night

1. Thumbnail ideas.
2. Execution of tint and shade use.
3. Explanation in artist statement.


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