Community Health Nursing Action Plan
Community Health Nursing Action Plan
Community Health Nursing Action Plan
JUNE 10, Enumerate and discuss Pre-conference Identify the 15 mins Melanie Rodicol Notebook
2015 the activities that activities to be Ballpen
should be accomplished accomplished
for the day. in the
Conduct house-to- Home visiting Visit at least 5 1 hour Student Nurses Notebook
house visit in every household Ballpen
family in each area of that is Ob bag
assignment adjacent to Bp apparatus
the house of
the host
Determine problems/ Case List down 30 mins Student Nurses Family health record
new cases arising in the finding/follow- health cases Ballpen
community up that have
in the
Bring-up-to date the Updating of Update the 1 hours Student Nurses Family health record
previous records and files files for the Ballpen
files of the families new members
situated in their of the family.
respective zone
Invite and inform all the Information Inform all the 30 mins Student Nurses invitation
potentials leaders of dissemination potentials
each purok. leaders of
each purok.
Plan and prepare the Preparation of Enumerate 1 hour Student Nurses Visual aids
materials to be used for PL’s the problems Notebook
the presentation. orientation and concerns Registration form
that were Name tags
encountered Camera
in the Food and drinks
Orient potentials Pl’s orientation Discuss the 3 hours Student Nurses Visual aids
leaders for the all COPAR to the Notebook
activity to be potential Registration form
implemented in the leaders and Name tags
community and help make them Camera
them to improve their aware of their Food and drinks
leadership skills. community
Identify all the issues Post- List down all 15 mins Student Nurses Notebook
and concerns that have conference the problems Ballpen
occurred during the encountered Family health record
community duty and plan for
the next