Cia 3 Dafm
Cia 3 Dafm
Cia 3 Dafm
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 3
2. Chi-Square 3
4. Correlation 11
5. Regression 13
6. References 17
The coronavirus outbreak and subsequent lockdowns have boosted the online gaming sector,
causing adverse implications on people's minds and bodies. Gaming is highly addictive to a
vast proportion of adults and teenagers all around the world.
According to research published in the Indian Journal of Public Health, 50.8 percent of
participants will spend more gaming after the lockdown. During the epidemic, the number of
players in games like Call of Duty and FIFA increased dramatically.
Hence, A survey was conducted on the game call of duty to find the game addiction for
comparing several factors like the influence of decision to play the game, hours spent on
playing the game, level of satisfaction, sleep routine, emotional imbalance, and for how many
months have the players been playing the game.
Chi-square tests enable us to test whether more than two population proportions can be
considered equal. Chi-square tests allow us to do a lot more than just test for the equality of
several proportions. Suppose we classify a population into several categories for two
attributes (age and job performance). In that case, we can then use a chi-square test to
determine whether the two attributes are independent of each other.
Null Hypothesis (H0): The null hypothesis, denoted H0, represents the hypothesis
that is assumed to be valid unless the data provide convincing evidence that it is false.
This usually represents the "status quo" or some claim about the population parameter
that the researcher wants to test.
Gender What influenced your decision to play "Call of Duty"?
Male Own Interest
Male Peer Influence
Female Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Female Own Interest
Male Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Female Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Male Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Female Peer Influence
Female Peer Influence
Male Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Female Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Female Own Interest
Female Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Female Peer Influence
Male Peer Influence
Male Peer Influence
Female Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Female Peer Influence
Female Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Female Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Female Peer Influence
Female Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Female Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Female Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Male Peer Influence
Female Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Male Peer Influence
Male Own Interest
Male Own Interest
Problem: Determining the relationship between Gender and Decision to play Call of Duty.
H0: Independent - There is no association between gender and decision to play.
H1: Dependent - There is an association between gender and decision to play.
Step 1: Observed Value
Own Interest Peer Influence
Female 7 11 18
Male 24 8 32
Total 31 19 50
Step 5: (Observes Value – Expected Value)^2
(O-E)^2/E Own Interest Peer Influence
Female 1.550681 0.298188
Male 0.102803 1.423158
Step 8:
α =5 %=0.05
Step 9
Table Value= 3.84
3.37 < 3.84
Step 10
Inference: Therefore, H0 is accepted, and the condition is not satisfied. Hence age and
gender are independent. From the chi-square test, the Null Hypothesis (H0) is accepted, and
we can infer that gender and age have no relation and are independent.
Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA)
Analysis of variance (often abbreviated ANOVA) will enable us to test for the significance of
the differences among more than two sample means. Using analysis of variance, we will be
able to make inferences about whether or samples are drawn from populations having the
same mean. To use analysis of variance, we must assume that each of the samples is drawn
from a normal population and that each of these populations has the same variance, σ 2.
However, if the sample sizes are large enough, we do not need the assumption of normality.
Analysis of variance is based on comparing two different estimates of the variance, σ 2, of
our overall population.
1-2 hours Unhappy
2-4 hours Unhappy
1-2 hours Neutral
1-2 hours Happy
1-2 hours Neutral
2-4 hours Neutral
1-2 hours Neutral
1-2 hours Neutral
1-2 hours Happy
2-4 hours Neutral
1-2 hours Unhappy
1-2 hours Unhappy
1-2 hours Neutral
1-2 hours Happy
2-4 hours Neutral
1-2 hours Unhappy
2-4 hours Unhappy
1-2 hours Unhappy
1-2 hours Neutral
More than 4 Happy
1-2 hours Unhappy
1-2 hours Unhappy
More than 4 Unhappy
1-2 hours Happy
1-2 hours Happy
2-4 hours Unhappy
1-2 hours Neutral
1-2 hours Unhappy
2-4 hours Neutral
Between SSC C-1 SSC MSC
Samples C−1 MSE
Problem: Does the number of hours spent on playing Call of Duty determine the players'
level of satisfaction?
Step 1
H0: Number of hours spent on playing Call of Duty does not affect the Level of Satisfaction
H1: Number of hours spent on playing Call of Duty affects the Level of Satisfaction
H0: µ1 = µ2 = µ3
H1: µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3
Step 2
α = 5% = 0.05
Step 3: F Test
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
8 2 3 1.5 0.5
13 2 7 3.5 24.5
11 2 8 4 8
Source of SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 7 2 3.5 0.31818182 0.749343 9.552094
Within Groups 33 3 11
Total 40 5
Step 4
Reject H0 if F value > Critical Value or Table Value
Step 5
Inference: As per ANOVA Single Factor Test, the condition is not satisfied, and H0 is
accepted. Hence, the number of hours spent playing Call of Duty does not affect the Level of
Correlation analysis is the statistical tool we can use to describe the degree to which one
variable is linearly related to another. Often, correlation analysis is used in conjunction with
regression analysis to measure how well the regression line explains the variation of the
dependent variable Y. Correlation can also be used by itself, however, to measure the degree
of association between two variables. Statisticians have developed two measures for
describing the correlation between two variables: the coefficient of determination and the
coefficient of correlation. Introducing these two measures of association is the purpose of this
20-30 1-2 hours 21 5 -2.9 2.22 -6.438 8.41 4.9284
20-30 1-2 hours 23 2 -0.9 -0.78 0.702 0.81 0.6084
20-30 1-2 hours 22 5 -1.9 2.22 -4.218 3.61 4.9284
20-30 1-2 hours 26 4 2.1 1.22 2.562 4.41 1.4884
20-30 1-2 hours 28 3 4.1 0.22 0.902 16.81 0.0484
20-30 1-2 hours 29 1 5.1 -1.78 -9.078 26.01 3.1684
Below 2-4 hours 17 3 -6.9 0.22 -1.518 47.61 0.0484
20-30 2-4 hours 23 3 -0.9 0.22 -0.198 0.81 0.0484
20-30 1-2 hours 27 2 3.1 -0.78 -2.418 9.61 0.6084
20-30 2-4 hours 27 1 3.1 -1.78 -5.518 9.61 3.1684
Below 2-4 hours 15 5 -8.9 2.22 -19.758 79.21 4.9284
20-30 1-2 hours 24 4 0.1 1.22 0.122 0.01 1.4884
20-30 1-2 hours 28 4 4.1 1.22 5.002 16.81 1.4884
20-30 2-4 hours 21 2 -2.9 -0.78 2.262 8.41 0.6084
20-30 2-4 hours 21 3 -2.9 0.22 -0.638 8.41 0.0484
20-30 2-4 hours 25 3 1.1 0.22 0.242 1.21 0.0484
20-30 1-2 hours 29 2 5.1 -0.78 -3.978 26.01 0.6084
20-30 2-4 hours 25 1 1.1 -1.78 -1.958 1.21 3.1684
20-30 1-2 hours 21 5 -2.9 2.22 -6.438 8.41 4.9284
20-30 1-2 hours 25 4 1.1 1.22 1.342 1.21 1.4884
20-30 1-2 hours 21 5 -2.9 2.22 -6.438 8.41 4.9284
20-30 2-4 hours 29 4 5.1 1.22 6.222 26.01 1.4884
20-30 1-2 hours 28 5 4.1 2.22 9.102 16.81 4.9284
20-30 1-2 hours 28 2 4.1 -0.78 -3.198 16.81 0.6084
20-30 1-2 hours 29 4 5.1 1.22 6.222 26.01 1.4884
20-30 2-4 hours 28 2 4.1 -0.78 -3.198 16.81 0.6084
20-30 1-2 hours 30 1 6.1 -1.78 -10.858 37.21 3.1684
20-30 1-2 hours 23 1 -0.9 -1.78 1.602 0.81 3.1684
20-30 1-2 hours 27 2 3.1 -0.78 -2.418 9.61 0.6084
20-30 1-2 hours 20 4 -3.9 1.22 -4.758 15.21 1.4884
20-30 2-4 hours 26 1 2.1 -1.78 -3.738 4.41 3.1684
20-30 1-2 hours 23 2 -0.9 -0.78 0.702 0.81 0.6084
20-30 2-4 hours 29 2 5.1 -0.78 -3.978 26.01 0.6084
20-30 1-2 hours 28 1 4.1 -1.78 -7.298 16.81 3.1684
Below 1-2 hours 18 3 -5.9 0.22 -1.298 34.81 0.0484
20-30 more than 4 20 3 -3.9 0.22 -0.858 15.21 0.0484
Below 1-2 hours 15 1 -8.9 -1.78 15.842 79.21 3.1684
20-30 1-2 hours 22 5 -1.9 2.22 -4.218 3.61 4.9284
20-30 more than 4 29 1 5.1 -1.78 -9.078 26.01 3.1684
Below 1-2 hours 16 4 -7.9 1.22 -9.638 62.41 1.4884
Below 1-2 hours 17 2 -6.9 -0.78 5.382 47.61 0.6084
Below 2-4 hours 19 2 -4.9 -0.78 3.822 24.01 0.6084
20-30 1-2 hours 20 1 -3.9 -1.78 6.942 15.21 3.1684
20-30 1-2 hours 26 1 2.1 -1.78 -3.738 4.41 3.1684
20-30 2-4 hours 22 2 -1.9 -0.78 1.482 3.61 0.6084
23.9 2.78 -58.1 916.5 102.58
Problem: To find the relationship between the age of the players and the hours spent playing
Call of Duty.
r = -0.18949
= -18.9487%
There is a negative correlation of 0.18 between the age of the players and the number of
hours spent playing Call of Duty. A negative correlation is a relationship between two
variables in which one increases while the other falls, and vice versa. When two variables
tend to move in opposite sizes and directions, such as when one increases, the other drops,
and vice versa, this is known as a negative or inverse correlation. As a result of the foregoing
calculations, it is discovered that the age of the players and time spent per day the game
moves in an opposite direction.
29 5
21 3
19 2
30 1
26 5
21 5
23 2
22 5
26 4
28 3
29 1
17 3
23 3
27 2
27 1
15 5
24 4
28 4
21 2
21 3
25 3
29 2
25 1
21 5
25 4
21 5
29 4
28 5
28 2
29 4
28 2
30 1
23 1
27 2
20 4
26 1
23 2
29 2
28 1
18 3
20 3
15 1
22 5
29 1
16 4
17 2
19 2
20 1
26 1
22 2
Problem: To find the impact on the number of hours spent playing Call of Duty based on the
age of the players.
Note: Regression is an extension of correlation. So the data from the correlation table has
been used here too.
H0: The age of the players doesn't affect the number of hours spent on a game.
H1: The age of the players affects the number of hours spent on a game.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.189486621
R Square 0.035905179
Adjusted R Square 0.015819871
Standard Error 1.435392271
Observations 50
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 3.683153301 3.6832 1.7876 0.187516957
Residual 48 98.8968467 2.0604
Total 49 102.58
Step 2: Prediction
R: 0.189486620577942
Conclusion: There is an 18.95% relation between the age of the players and the number of
hours spent on the game.
R2 = 0.0359051793780488
Conclusion: 3.59% of time spent on the game can be predicted by the player's age.
Result: Time Spent= 2.710 hours
Conclusion: The Predicted time spent on playing Call of Duty by a 25-year-old is 2.71 hours.
Y-Time Spent
14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
The above scatter diagram represents a low degree of correlation. The two variables, i.e., the
players' age and hours spent on playing Call of Duty, are negatively correlated.
Statistics for Management by Richard I. Levin, Masood H. Siddiqui, David S. Rubin, and
Sanjay Rastogi
Statistics for Business and Economics by David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A.
Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, and James J. Cochran