Kespeech An Open Source Speech
Kespeech An Open Source Speech
Kespeech An Open Source Speech
Zhiyuan Tang† , Dong Wang‡ , Yanguang Xu† , Jianwei Sun† , Xiaoning Lei†
Shuaijiang Zhao† , Cheng Wen† , Xingjun Tan† , Chuandong Xie†
Shuran Zhou† , Rui Yan† , Chenjia Lv† , Yang Han† , Wei Zou† , Xiangang Li†
Beike, Beijing, China
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
This paper introduces an open source speech dataset, KeSpeech, which involves
1,542 hours of speech signals recorded by 27,237 speakers in 34 cities in China,
and the pronunciation includes standard Mandarin and its 8 subdialects. The new
dataset possesses several properties. Firstly, the dataset provides multiple labels
including content transcription, speaker identity and subdialect, hence supporting
a variety of speech processing tasks, such as speech recognition, speaker recog-
nition, and subdialect identification, as well as other advanced techniques like
multi-task learning and conditional learning. Secondly, some of the text samples
were parallel recorded with both the standard Mandarin and a particular subdi-
alect, allowing for new applications such as subdialect style conversion. Thirdly,
the number of speakers is much larger than other open-source datasets, making it
suitable for tasks that require training data from vast speakers. Finally, the speech
signals were recorded in two phases, which opens the opportunity for the study of
the time variance property of human speech. We present the design principle of
the KeSpeech dataset and four baseline systems based on the new data resource:
speech recognition, speaker verification, subdialect identification and voice con-
version. The dataset is free for all academic usage.
1 Introduction
Deep learning empowers many speech applications such as automatic speech recognition (ASR)
and speaker recognition (SRE) [1, 2]. Labeled speech data plays a significant role in the supervised
learning of deep learning models and determines the generalization and applicability of those mod-
els. With the rapid development of deep learning for speech processing, especially the end-to-end
paradigm, the size of supervised data that is required grows exponentially in order to train a feasi-
ble neural network model. A lot of open source datasets have been published to meet this urgent
need, and many of them are available on OpenSLR1 . For example, LibriSpeech [3] is a very popu-
lar open source English ASR dataset with a large-scale duration of 1,000 hours, and Thchs-30 [4]
and AISHELL-1/2 [5, 6] are usually used for the training and evaluation of Chinese ASR. Recently,
very large-scale open source speech corpora emerge to promote industry-level research, such as the
GigaSpeech corpus [7] which contains 10,000 hours of transcribed English audio, and The People’s
Speech [8] which is a 31,400-hour and growing supervised conversational English dataset. In the
scope of SRE, less task-specific datasets have been open-sourced as many ASR corpora with speaker
identity can be repurposed. The most commonly referenced SRE corpora are VoxCeleb1/2 [9, 10]
35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021) Track on Datasets and Benchmarks.
and CN-Celeb [11] collected from public media and spoken with English (mostly) and Chinese
Although the increasing amount of open source supervised speech data facilitates the high data-
consuming deep learning training, there still remains many challenges in terms of data diversity and
scale. Precisely, most speech datasets were designed with single label for a specific task, preventing
effective multi-task learning and conditional learning on other information, such as the joint learning
of ASR and SRE, phonetic-aware SRE and language-agnostic SRE. Moreover, many of them focus
on most spoken languages with standard pronunciation, such as American English and standard
Chinese, regardless of dialect or heavy accent, that hurts the diversity of language research and the
protection of minority languages or dialects. As for Chinese ASR, due to the rich variety of Chinese
dialects and subdialects, the appeal to dialect speech corpus is much more urgent. As for SRE
without consideration of language dependency, limited number of speakers in existing open source
corpora prevents deep learning from taking a step further, considering VoxCeleb only contains not
more than 8,000 speakers.
In this paper, we introduce a large scale speech dataset named KeSpeech which was crowdsourced
from tens of thousands of brokers with the Beike platform for real estate transactions and housing
services in China. Specifically, the KeSpeech dataset contains 1,542 hours of transcribed audio in
Mandarin (standard Chinese) or Mandarin subdialect from 27,237 speakers in 34 cities across China,
making it possible for multi-subdialect ASR and large-scale SRE development. Besides the labels
of transcription and speaker information, KeSpeech also provides subdialect type for each utterance,
which can be utilized for subdialect identification to determine where the speaker is from. Overall,
the KeSpeech dataset has special attributes as follows:
• Multi-label: The dataset provides multiple labels like transcription, speaker information
and subdialect type to support a variety of speech tasks, such as ASR, SRE, subdialect
identification and their multi-task learning and conditional learning on each other. How
subdialect and phonetic information influence the performance of SRE model can also be
• Multi-scenario: The audio was recorded with mobile phones from many different brands in
plenty of different environments. The massive number of speakers, both female and male,
are from 34 cities with a wide range of age.
• Parallel: Part of the text samples were parallel recorded in both standard Chinese and a
Mandarin subdialect by a same person, allowing for easily evaluating subdialect style con-
version and more effective subdialect adaptation in Chinese ASR. To what extent subdialect
could affect the SRE can also be investigated.
• Large-scale speakers: As far as we know, the speaker number from this dataset reaches the
highest among any other open source SRE corpora, that can obviously boost the industry-
level SRE development.
• Time interval: There is at least a 2-week interval between the two phases of recording for
most of the speakers (17,558 out of total 27,237), allowing for the study of time variance
in speaker recognition. The speakers probably had different background environments for
the second recording, resulting in more diverse data which is favorable for generalization
in ASR training.
After the description of the dataset and its construction, we conduct a series of experiments on
several speech tasks, i.e., speech recognition, speaker verification, subdialect identification and voice
conversion, to demonstrate the value the dataset can provide for those tasks and inspirations by
analyzing the experiment results. We also do some discussion about the limitations, potential risks
and research topics related to this dataset.
2 Related Work
KeSpeech supports multiple speech tasks, while during the review of related work, we focus on ASR
and SRE which the dataset can benefit the most. KeSpeech focuses on Chinese, so we present some
open source benchmark speech corpora for Chinese related research and development, and compare
them with KeSpeech in terms of duration, number of speakers and label in Table 1. As most SRE
Table 1: Comparison between benchmark speech datasets and KeSpeech (In the literature, Mandarin
generally stands for standard Chinese, though it actually indicates a group of subdialects).
practice is independent of language, we present several open source SRE benchmark speech corpora
regardless of language, dialect or accent. The comparison between SRE benchmark datasets and
ours is also presented in Table 1.
Table 1 shows that the previous open source Chinese ASR corpora were generally designed for
standard Chinese or accented one from limited region, regardless of multiple dialects and wide geo-
graphical distribution. On the other hand, commonly used SRE benchmark datasets have relatively
small number of speakers, and their lack of text transcription makes it hard to do phonetic-aware
SRE training or joint learning with ASR. KeSpeech is expected to diminish those disadvantages by
providing multiple subdialects and large scale speakers across dozens of cities in China, and is also
highly complementary to existed open source datasets.
3 Data Description
3.1 License
The dataset can be freely downloaded2 and noncommercially used with a custom license3 . Besides
the preset tasks in the dataset directory, the users can define their own ones under the license.
China has 56 ethnic groups with a quite wide geographical span, thus resulting in a great variety of
Chinese dialects. Besides the official standard Chinese, the active Chinese dialects can be generally
divided into ten categories, i.e., Mandarin dialect, Jin dialect, Wu dialect, Hui dialect, Min dialect,
Cantonese, Hakka, Gan dialect, Xiang dialect and Pinghua dialect, among which Mandarin is the
most spoken one by more than 70% of the Chinese population and is also the basis of standard
Chinese [14].
Standard Chinese originated from Northern Mandarin, so it can also be described as standard North-
ern Mandarin, standard Beijing Mandarin, standard Mandarin or simply Mandarin [15]. In the
literature of most Chinese speech corpora and ASR research, when speaking of Mandarin, it often
refers to standard Chinese. In this paper and KeSpeech, the single word ‘Mandarin’ stands for stan-
dard Chinese or some accents very close to standard Chinese. Nevertheless, as a group of dialects,
Mandarin still contains many distinguishable subdialects far from standard Chinese. According to
the predominant number of people who speak it, the Language Atlas of China [14] divides Mandarin
into eight subdialects which are the focus of KeSpeech. The eight Mandarin subdialects and their
locations of city or province are described as follows (some cities or provinces may be involved in
several subdialects):
• Beijing Mandarin: Though named after the city Beijing, this subdialect is composed of a
number of similar dialects spoken by many areas in North China including Beijing, Tianjin,
Hebei, Chaoyang and Chifeng. Specially, Beijing Mandarin lays the foundation for stan-
dard Chinese and Luanping County, the home of standard Chinese in Hebei, provides the
phonological specification for standard Chinese.
• Southwestern Mandarin or Upper Yangtze Mandarin: This subdialect is spoken in South-
west China including Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan and Guangxi.
• Zhongyuan Mandarin or Central Plains Mandarin: This subdialect is spoken in Central
China including Shaanxi, Henan, Shanxi, Gansu, Hebei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Xinjiang and
• Northeastern Mandarin: This subdialect is spoken in Northeast China including Hei-
longjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei and Inner Mongolia.
• Lan-Yin Mandarin: The name is a compound of two capitals of two adjacent provinces, i.e.
Lanzhou of Gansu and Yinchuan of Ningxia, so this subdialect is mainly spoken by people
from Lanzhou and Yinchuan and their nearby areas even including some parts in Xinjiang
and Inner Mongolia.
• Jiang-Huai Mandarin or Lower Yangtze Mandarin: Jiang-Huai means the area around
Changjiang (Yangtze river) and Huai river, including part of Anhui, Hubei, Jiangsu and
Jiangxi, so this subdialect encompasses similar dialects spoken in those places.
• Ji-Lu Mandarin: Ji and Lu are the abbreviations of two provinces Hebei and Shandong
respectively, so this subdialect involves similar dialects in most areas of the two provinces
and nearby areas in Tianjin, Beijing, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia.
• Jiao-Liao Mandarin: Jiao and Liao stand for two peninsulas, i.e., Jiaodong and Liaodong,
which are connected by the Bohai Sea. The representative cities in these two peninsulas
include Dalian, Dandong, Yingkou, Yantai, Weihai and Qingdao. This subdialect is also
spoken in some areas in Jilin next to Liaodong.
As for mutual intelligibility with standard Chinese in terms of both pronunciation and text, Northern
subdialects, i.e., Beijing and Northeastern, are obviously on the top, and other Mandarin varieties
can also be roughly understood by people who speak standard Chinese. Each subdialect has its own
special vocabulary, while vocabulary of standard Chinese constitutes the main part of all subdialects.
That is to say, any sentence from standard Chinese can be spoken by Mandarin subdialects.
The dataset is published as a data directory, named KeSpeech, which contains three subdirectories,
i.e., Audio, Metadata and Tasks. The Audio directory contains all the audio files with WAV format
recorded with 16 kHz sampling rate. The Tasks directory presets several speech tasks based on
the whole dataset including speech recognition, speaker verification and subdialect identification,
which will be elaborately described in Section 4. The Metadata presents all label information and
other related things with Kaldi style [16], and the details are described as follows:
• city2Chinese, subdialect2Chinese, city2subdialect: The first two files shows the relation-
ship between English name and Chinese characters for both city and subdialect. The
city2subdialect indicates which subdialect is mainly spoken in the city.
• phase1.text, phase1.wav.scp, phase2.text, phase2.wav.scp: These files tell the transcription
text and audio path for each utterance for data collection phase 1 and 2. Each utterance has
a unique identity number. There is an interval of two weeks between phase 1 and 2.
• phase1.utt2style, phase1.utt2subdialect: As in the phase 1 of data collection, we have sam-
ples spoken with Mandarin or its subdialects, the former file tells whether an utterance was
labeled by human as ‘Mandarin’ or ‘Dialect’. With phase1.utt2subdialect, one can find
which subdialect each utterance is exactly spoken with.
• phase2.utt2env: All data collected in phase 2 was spoken with Mandarin, while we provide
the background environment information labeled by human as ‘clean’ or ‘noisy’.
• spk2age, spk2city, spk2gender, spk2utt, utt2spk: These files describe the information of
the speakers, such as their age, gender, city where they were born and what utterances they
have spoken. Each speaker has a unique identity number.
3.4 Statistics
There are a total of 27,237 speakers in the dataset with 9,739 females and 17,498 males. Figure 1
shows the speaker distribution with respect to age and gender. Males who are younger are almost
Speaker Number
twice as many as the females in the dataset. The number of females starts to catch up as the age
increases. Figure 2 shows the speaker distribution in 34 cities involved in KeSpeech. The quantity
imbalance occurs due to a large difference in number of volunteers from different cities. Table 2
Na n g
Xi g
B a an
Ha g
Ch in g
ng g
Yi o u
Da g
Da han
en a o
Ch ji ng
on an
Ya i
izu ai
Ch n g
an an
ao e
uz n
en i
La ang
Be u
Ku h un
W ei
Yi h ou
n g
Qi gdu
Gu ng
on g
G i
La l ian
Sh efe
Ta q in
Ch ngd
Zh h on
Ya don
W uil i
Sh ei h
Zh ngd
Ch Ji n
Ch gsh
shows how many hours, utterances and speakers each subdialect contains. This will further instruct
us to prepare training set and test set for differentCity
speech tasks. In addition, some speakers spoke
both Mandarin and subdialect, and phase 1 and 2 of data collection share most of all speakers.
1000 Female Male
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Speaker age
Figure 1: Number of speakers with different ages for female and male in KeSpeech.
Speaker Number
Na n g
Xi g
B a an
Ha g
Ch in g
ng g
Yi o u
Da g
Da han
en a o
Ch ji ng
on an
Ya i
izu ai
an an
ao e
Ch n g
uz n
en i
La ang
Be u
Ku h un
W ei
Yi h ou
n g
Qi gdu
Gu ng
on g
G i
La l ian
Sh efe
Ta q in
Ch ngd
Zh h on
Ya don
W uil i
Sh ei h
Zh ngd
Ch Ji n
Ch gsh
200 Phase Subdialect #Hours #Utterances #Speakers
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26Mandarin
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 589 370,819
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5022,621
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Zhongyuan Mandarin Speaker age 84 52,012 3,038
Southwestern Mandarin 75 48,465 2,646
Ji-Lu Mandarin 59 36,921 2,832
1 Jiang-Huai Mandarin 46 30,008 2,913
Lan-Yin Mandarin 35 22,324 1,215
Jiao-Liao Mandarin 34 21,847 1,968
Northeastern Mandarin 8 5,205 1,264
Beijing Mandarin 4 2,538 386
2 Mandarin 608 385,915 17,750
Totally 1,542 976,054 27,237
3.5.1 Crowdsourcing
Text Selection We randomly selected 1.4 million text segments from the news genre in
CLUECorpus2020-small [17] as the text source for recording, and each candidate segment gener-
ally contained 12 to 18 Chinese characters. The news genre in CLUECorpus2020-small was crawled
from the public We Media (self-media) platform and it involves almost all common topics like sports,
finance, entertainment and technology. Finally, KeSpeech used 729,972 unique text segments.
City and Broker Selection We recruited volunteers for recording audio from brokers working on
the Beike platform, while we needed firstly to determine which broker the recording task should
be delivered to. We suppose that the broker may probably speak the local dialect where he or she
was born or even grown. With the Beike platform we could find each broker’s city of birth, so we
selected several relatively big or representative cities for each subdialect, and then pushed the task
to brokers in those cities with a request of recording with their familiar dialect. The cities selected
for each subdialect are listed as follows:
Task Performing After the preparation of candidate text pool for recording audio and targeted bro-
kers who might speak a dialect in their birthplace, we delivered the recording task to the brokers
through a mobile application which was used by all registered brokers on the platform. The appli-
cation supports different kinds of crowdsourcing tasks including audio recording by reading some
text and it records audio with WAV format by 16 kHz sampling rate. The task required each speaker
to produce at least 20 utterances whose text was randomly picked from the text pool. The partici-
pants were rewarded with a simple virtual currency which could only be used on the platform. We
finished the crowdsourcing task when the growth of audio quantity became very slow as less people
participated in the task, then we collected all data for postprocessing.
Parallel Task We built another crowdsourcing task, i.e. phase 2, with an interval of two weeks after
the above task, i.e. phase 1. The phase 2 task aimed to collect standard Mandarin audio samples
parallel to subdialect ones in phase 1 in terms of same speaker and same text. The crowdsourcing
procedure of phase 2 was almost the same as phase 1 except that the targeted speakers and text
were already used in phase 1. After combination of the data from phase 1 and 2, we found that
many utterances in phase 1 were not spoken in subdialect but Mandarin, and some speakers just
participated in only one of the two phases.
Notably, candidate brokers had to sign an agreement 4 for open-sourcing their speech for academic
usage before further recording for the two crowdsourcing tasks.
3.5.2 Postprocessing
Transcription Validation and Subdialect Labeling All audio data was collected after completion
of the above two crowdsourcing tasks. We then employed two professional data companies to do the
manual labeling with three steps, i.e., labeling by one person, full inspection by another person and
random inspection by a third person. To increase the labeling quality, we split the audio samples per
person of each phase to two parts to the two data companies respectively. For data from phase 1, the
audio was labeled with ‘Mandarin’ or ‘Dialect’ by a native person from the city where its speaker
was born. The label Mandarin means the audio is almost standard Mandarin, and Dialect means the
auditor thought it’s the local dialect. For data from phase 2, the audio was not additionally labeled
by dialect as it’s all Mandarin, while it was labeled ‘clean’ or ‘noisy’ by the auditor according to
its background condition. For data from both phase 1 and 2, the transcription of each audio was
checked and corrected, as some of the audio did not actually correspond to the reference text.
Anonymization The speaker identity information was anonymized so as to remove any relationship
with the volunteers on the Beike platform. Other non-sensitive speaker information such as age and
gender was acquired from the registration on the platform.
4 Tasks and Baselines
KeSpeech presets several speech tasks, i.e. speech recognition, speaker verification and subdialect
identification, by preparing training set, development set and test set, which serve for benchmark
training and evaluation. Voice conversion is also conducted to demonstrate potential usage.
Each set of ASR task has a file ‘utt2subdialect’ indicating the subdialect an utterance belongs to, with
which we can regroup the set into ones containing only one type of subdialect and then recombine
them as needed. Specifically, the development and test sets contain randomly selected 100 and 2,000
speakers with all their audio samples respectively, and the speakers were involved in both phase 1
and 2. We build different baselines according to the selection of training data from the whole training
set. All baselines follow the pipeline and configuration provided by a state-of-the-art ESPnet ASR
recipe5 , and are trained with 8 GPUs of NVIDIA V100.
Table 3: CER(%) results of ASR baselines (BJ: Beijing, ZY: Zhongyuan, SW: Southwestern, NE:
Northeastern, LY: Lan-Yin, JH: Jiang-Huai).
Training subset Test subset AISHELL-1
Mandarin BJ SW ZY NE LY JH Ji-Lu Jiao-Liao dev test
Each subdialect - 97.4 18.3 16.9 54.4 25.4 29.2 22.3 26.0 - -
All subdialects 13.7 17.5 18.1 16.0 18.9 16.7 22.6 16.4 17.4 11.9 11.9
Mandarin 6.9 17.9 17.7 18.7 12.1 22.1 20.6 15.8 15.5 5.7 6.0
Whole training set 6.1 11.5 11.9 9.6 10.2 11.7 15.9 11.5 11.7 5.2 5.3
Table 3 presents the Character Error Rate (CER) results for each subdialect and Mandarin subset
in the test set respectively with different selection of training data. In the first line of the results,
each subdialect in test set is evaluated on its own ASR system trained only on that subdialect from
the whole training set, while the second line shares the same model trained on all combined sub-
dialects, the third line shares the same model trained on all Mandarin, and the last line has its
model trained on the whole training set. In the results, the high CERs for Beijing and Northeast-
ern Mandarin with their own ASR models are due to the scarcity of training data as shown in Ta-
ble 2, which can be greatly decreased when other subdialects or Mandarin are involved for training.
Obviously, Mandarin training data can benefit the subdialects, especially Test subset
similar ones, and vice versa, while there is still much work to do on sub-
dialect recognition to catch up with the performance on Mandarin. With SW ZY Ji-Lu
the model trained with all subdialects, the performance on Mandarin is
Training subset
Different with other tasks, speaker verification has a development set for training and four evaluation
sets for analysis on different variations, including time interval and subdialect type. The evaluation
sets reorganized from the test set of above ASR are described in Table 4. Three SRE models are
trained respectively with 2 GPUs of NVIDIA V100 following the pipeline and configuration of
popular open-source SRE recipes, i.e., Kaldi-xvector6 without data augmentation, ResNet-347 and
Table 4: Evaluation sets for speaker verification (Enrollment and Test have exactly the same speak-
Table 5 reports results on the evaluation sets in terms of equal error rate (EER) and the minimum
of the normalized detection cost function (DCF) at PT arget = 10−2 . The combined evaluation
achieves significantly better performance among others due to data diversity of enrollment and test
set. The worse performance of both Eval-phase1-phase2 and Eval-Mandarin-Mandarin indicates
that time variance has a negative impact on SRE. The gap between Eval-Mandarin-Mandarin and
Eval-subdialect-Mandarin can be attributed to subdialect switch between enrollment and test.
We reuse the training, development and test sets of above ASR for this task but just keeping the data
of phase 1, and each set has a file ‘utt2subdialect’ indicating the subdialect an utterance belongs to,
which serves as the supervision this task needed. We train three models by adopting above SRE
architectures and following the same pipeline and configuration except the label preparation. As the
data of Northeastern and Beijing Mandarin is not enough for training a reasonable deep learning
system as shown in Table 2 and 3, we just use the rest 6 subdialects for experiment.
Table 6: Results of subdialect identification (JH: Jiang-Huai, LY: Lan-Yin, SE: Southeastern, ZY:
4.4 Voice Conversion
To demonstrate potential usage of the dataset, we also conduct a toy cross-subdialect voice conver-
sion experiment with the Fastspeech-VC framework [20], that is, enveloping a source utterance in
one subdialect with the timbre of target person who speaks another subdialect. This task is not preset
in KeSpeech.
In the evaluation, source utterances are selected from one male (speaker A) and female (speaker B)
who can speak Zhongyuan and Jiao-Liao Mandarin respectively. Besides subdialect utterances, the
source utterances also contain some Mandarin (standard Chinese) from the same speakers A and
B. Target speaker information is conveyed by some Southwestern Mandarin utterances. All audio
samples in this section are available at our demo page9 .
Table 7: MOS on naturalness of converted voices and speaker similarity between converted voices
and those of target speaker.
Table 7 presents mean opinion score (MOS) of naturalness from 10 female and 10 male Chinese by
scoring with bad (1), poor (2), fair (3), good (4) or excellent (5). The table also presents speaker
similarity between converted voices and those of target speaker by computing the cosine similarity
between the speaker embeddings extracted with above SRE Kaldi-xvector. The results reveal that
the voice can be converted independent of subdialect, and more complex conversion can be explored.
5 Discussion
5.1 Data Limitations
Subjectivity of Labeling Although the labeling procedure was conducted by professional data com-
panies, the labeling of subdialect type was of much subjectivity for some accented utterances that
can not be classified definitely into Mandarin (standard Chinese) or subdialect.
Data Imbalance Due to the broker distribution on the platform, speaker distribution is not very
balanced in each subdialect or city, so as the audio duration. All subdialects account for only a
third of the total duration and two subdialects have not enough training data to build a feasible ASR
system from scratch.
Diversity inside Subdialect Each subdialect often covers a large area in China, resulting in many
similar dialects inside that subdialect, that hurts subdialect identification. Furthermore, some subdi-
alects, such as those in North China, are too similar to be distinguished.
As the text was from open-source corpus with no private or sensitive information, the biggest eth-
ical concern in this dataset is about speaker identity. Although all speaker identity numbers were
randomly generated and have no relationship at all with the original ones, there still exists some
potential risks that one can de-anonymize that by, for example, comparing the whole dataset to the
voice of a specific broker on the platform to retrieve all his/her audio for malicious purposes. On the
other hand, all speakers comprise a subset of the Beike brokers, so the platform (if voice authentica-
tion is allowed) may be invaded with voice of any one regardless of the specific identity. To reduce
the risks as much as possible, we host and maintain the dataset on Beike’s own cloud for better mon-
itoring data usage. With the dataset’s license, any academic institutions should detail their research
plan with a request form, and we will evaluate it carefully. We will also inspect if the data is validly
used from time to time, by following the work of users or communicating with them directly.
Robust ASR and SRE The multi-subdialect and multi-scenario information in KeSpeech can be
employed to build robust ASR and SRE. Effective subdialect adaptation for existed ASR models
and transfer learning between Mandarin and subdialect can also be studied. The subdialect type
and time variance all have bad influence on usual SRE, that appeals for robust SRE training with
phonetic-aware, subdialect-agnostic or time-invariant methods.
Speech Factorization With multiple labels in KeSpeech, the speech can be disentangled into factors
including at least subdialect type, speaker identity and content, with which subdialect conversion and
other reconstruction can be explored.
Multi-task Learning Different speech tasks can benefit each other by giving complementary infor-
mation or counteracting task-independent information, while performing all tasks in one model like
human is full of challenges. KeSpeech, combined with other corpora, will promote this direction.
6 Conclusions
This paper introduced a large-scale open source speech corpus, which was crowdscourced from tens
of thousands of volunteers and recorded with the most spoken dialect Mandarin in China and its
eight subdialects. The dataset is structurally organized and presets several benchmark speech tasks
for academic reference, i.e., speech recognition, speaker verification and subdialect identification
whose baseline results were also presented. The paper also described the limitations, potential risks
and research directions for the dataset.
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1. For all authors...
(a) Do the main claims made in the abstract and introduction accurately reflect the paper’s
contributions and scope? [Yes]
(b) Did you describe the limitations of your work? [Yes] See Section 5.1.
(c) Did you discuss any potential negative societal impacts of your work? [Yes] See
Section 5.2.
(d) Have you read the ethics review guidelines and ensured that your paper conforms to
them? [Yes]
2. If you are including theoretical results...
(a) Did you state the full set of assumptions of all theoretical results? [N/A]
(b) Did you include complete proofs of all theoretical results? [N/A]
3. If you ran experiments (e.g. for benchmarks)...
(a) Did you include the code, data, and instructions needed to reproduce the main ex-
perimental results (either in the supplemental material or as a URL)? [Yes] For each
speech task, we used the standard open source recipe. We also reported the GPU
resource in the training.
(b) Did you specify all the training details (e.g., data splits, hyperparameters, how they
were chosen)? [Yes] We followed the pipeline and configuration of the standard open
source recipe.
(c) Did you report error bars (e.g., with respect to the random seed after running experi-
ments multiple times)? [No] We ran the experiments once to save time.
(d) Did you include the total amount of compute and the type of resources used (e.g., type
of GPUs, internal cluster, or cloud provider)? [Yes]
4. If you are using existing assets (e.g., code, data, models) or curating/releasing new assets...
(a) If your work uses existing assets, did you cite the creators? [N/A]
(b) Did you mention the license of the assets? [N/A]
(c) Did you include any new assets either in the supplemental material or as a URL? [No]
(d) Did you discuss whether and how consent was obtained from people whose data
you’re using/curating? [Yes] See Section 3.5.1. Candidates had to sign an agreement
for open-sourcing their speech for academic usage.
(e) Did you discuss whether the data you are using/curating contains personally identifi-
able information or offensive content? [Yes] See Section 3.5.2, we removed sensitive
speaker identity information.
5. If you used crowdsourcing or conducted research with human subjects...
(a) Did you include the full text of instructions given to participants and screenshots, if
applicable? [No] Our recording task was easy.
(b) Did you describe any potential participant risks, with links to Institutional Review
Board (IRB) approvals, if applicable? [No]
(c) Did you include the estimated hourly wage paid to participants and the total amount
spent on participant compensation? [No] We performed the task with other reward
instead of money.