Annexures A1, A2, A3

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Annexure-A1 of ‘CROP-2020’ Policy


(A Govt. of India Enterprise)


AT___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Issued to: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Signature of Officer issuing the documents: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Designation: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Date of issue: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

This document consists of --------------pages

O/o ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

BSNL, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___

(A Government of India Enterprise)
EOI No:- Dated:


1. Sealed Expression of Interest (hereinafter called EOI) for leasing out of built up space on rent in ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___, is hereby invited in two bid system in
the prescribed Performa by the O/o ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ BSNL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ up to 1500 hrs
on the date mentioned below.
2. The following organizations are eligible to submit their bids:
a) Public Organizations, which, for the purpose of renting, shall mean –
(i) Central/ State Government offices
(ii) Central/ State PSUs and their subsidiaries/ joint ventures.
(iii) Autonomous bodies/ Boards/ Councils/ Commissions/ Statutory bodies/ Regulatory
bodies etc. running with the budgetary support of Government or controlled by the
Government or set-up by a Government Act/Executive order.
(iv) Constitutional bodies, Judicial & Quasi-Judicial bodies and Organisations set up by an
Act of Parliament.
b) Scheduled Banks, both Governments owned as well as Private, except the Co-operative
c) International bodies, and
d) Reputed Private Organisations with annual turnover of not less than Rs. 25 Crores in Delhi /
Mumbai / Chennai / Kolkata, Rs.10 Crores in other State/UT Capitals and Rs. 5 Crores in
other cities and towns.(Strike out which ever is not applicable)
Note:- The vacant spaces shall not be rented out to other Telecom Service Providers for
their Telecom operations.
3. Bid form consisting of eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, and the Performa of the EOI can be
had from the aforesaid office from 11:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs on all the working days, up to penultimate
day of the last date of submission of the EOI.
4. The bid form can also be downloaded from the website ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
5. Details for obtaining bid forms, receipt and opening thereof shall be as follows:-
SN Stage Date and Time
a Last date for receipt of application for issue of bid *
b Last date for issue of bid form *
c Date of pre-bid conference, if any *
d Last date and time for receipt of sealed bids UP TO 15:00 Hrs on *
e Time and date for opening of technical & At 15:30 hrs on *
financial Bid

(*) – To be filled by the officer calling EOI.

6. The Eligibility Bid will be opened in the presence of the representatives of the bidders at 15:30 hrs.
on the last date of receipt of the bids.
7. Financial bid shall be opened only of those bidders who qualify in Eligibility-cum-Technical bid in
the presence of the representatives of the bidders.
8. In case of the attested copies of the documents/testimonials/certificates original copies thereof should
be produced on demand at the time of opening of the Bid.
9. The bid in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled is liable to be summarily rejected.
10. Canvassing in any form whether directly or indirectly, in connection with the bids is strictly
prohibited and the bid submitted by the Consultant who resorts to canvassing shall be liable to
11. BSNL does not bind itself to accept the highest or any other bid, and reserves itself the right to reject
any or all the bids without assigning any reasons.
12. No conditional bid including conditional rebate shall be accepted. Conditional bid will be liable to be
summarily rejected.
13. The bid forms shall not be issued by post/courier. Further, Bids shall not be received by

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

BSNL___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___

a) The Contract means the documents forming the EOI document and acceptance thereof and the
formal agreement executed between the competent authority on behalf of BSNL and the bidder,
together with the documents referred to therein including these conditions and instructions issued
from time to time by the Engineer-in-charge and all these documents taken together, shall be
deemed to form one contract and shall be complementary to one another.
b) The Site or Area shall mean the vacant space or any area which is to be given on rent.
c) The BIDDER shall mean eligible organization bidding for the space to be taken on rent under the
contract and shall include the legal personal representative or such individual or the persons
representing such eligible organizations.
d) The BSNL shall mean Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (A Government of India Enterprise)
having its registered office at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Harish Chandra Mathur lane, Janpath,
New Delhi-110001 and shall include their legal representatives, employees and permitted
e) The Engineer-in-Charge or E-in-C means the Officer who shall be in-charge of the building and
who shall sign the agreement on behalf of the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.
f) Department means Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and shall include their legal representatives,
employees and permitted assigns, who invite EOI on behalf of BSNL.
g) The Arbitrator means the authority nominated by Chief General Manager (CGM) for
h) Where the context so requires, words imparting the singular only also include the plural and vice
versa. Any reference to masculine gender shall whenever required include feminine gender and
vice versa.
a) BSNL intends to lease out the built-up space in the building on rent basis to the organizations
as mentioned in para ‘2’ of Section-I. Tentative requisite details of the vacant space are
available at SECTION VII. The likely usage for which the said built up space may be put to
use is for office purpose, IT & ITES related work, training institutes etc. However, the Bidder
is required to actually visit the site and its locality to gather all the requisite information for
quoting his rates.
b) Preferably, the initial leasing period will be three years with provision for extension up to 9
years with escalation in rent after every three years provided that such escalation shall be
with 15% increase in rent (i.e. @ 5% per annum) of the last rent paid at the time of such
c) The Bidder shall sign lease agreement for the built up space within 1 month of the acceptance
of his bid.
The bidder shall be required to furnish the declaration as per Section IV along with the bid.
The appraisal requirements, bidding procedures and contract terms and conditions are prescribed in
the EOI Documents. The Bid / EOI documents include the following:
(a) Notice Inviting EOI Section I
(b) Guidelines to Bidders Section II
(c) Commercial Conditions of Contract Section III

(d) Declaration Section IV
(e) Bid Forwarding letter Section V
(f) Letter of authorization to attend bid opening Section VI
(g) Details of Locations Section VII
(h) Proforma for Declaration for downloaded EOI document Section VIII
(i) Standard Lease Agreement Section IX
(j) Price Schedule (Financial Bid) Section X
The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and conditions in the EOI Documents.
Failure to furnish any information required as per the EOI Documents or incomplete submission of the
bids document in any respect shall be at the bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of the bid.
a. The Bidder must use only the prescribed Proforma for the bid document issued by BSNL or
downloaded from the website ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in the same form in A4 size paper.
b. Submission of the bid by a Bidder would imply that the Bidder has carefully read and agreed to
the terms and conditions contained in the bid document.
c. No conditional bid including conditional rebate/enhancement shall be accepted. Conditional bid
will be liable to be summarily rejected.
d. The bid shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 120 (One hundred and twenty) days
from the date of submission of the bids, which may be extended, if required, by mutual
agreement and the Bidder shall not cancel, alter terms and conditions or withdraw the offer
during this period.
e. This bid document shall form a part of the contract agreement.
f. Canvassing in any form whether directly or indirectly, in connection with the bid is strictly
prohibited. Bid submitted by the Bidder, who is found to be canvassing, will be liable to
g. BSNL does not bind itself to accept the highest bid. Further, BSNL also reserve to itself the right
to reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason.
h. If the date fixed for opening of bids is subsequently declared as holiday by the BSNL, the revised
date will be notified. However, in absence of such notification, the bids will be opened on next
working day, time and venue remaining unaltered.
i. Any clarification issued by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. in response to queries raised by
prospective bidders shall form an integral part of Bid Documents and it may amount to
amendment of relevant clauses of the Bid Documents.
j. Bidder may apply for any location(s) in the circle (out of the locations mentioned in Section VII)
in the prescribed format/procedure.
k. References, information and certificates from the respective bidder submitted in compliance of
terms and conditions of the bid document should be duly signed by the authorized signatory. In
case of the documents from a Government organizations / PSUs, it should be signed by the
person not below the rank of Executive Engineer / Under Secretary or equivalent.
a) The bid should be signed by the authorized officer not below the rank of the officer in Under
Secretary/STS grade or equivalent in case of Government organizations / PSUs and by duly
authorized signatory in case of others.
b) Over-writing should be avoided. Correction, if any, should be made up by neatly crossing out,
initialing, dating and rewriting. Correction fluid/tape should not be used.

c) The Bidder or his authorized representative shall sign and put his seal on each page of the EOI
document before submission in token of acceptance of the terms and conditions of the bid.
a) The Bid shall be in two bid system.
b) The Bid to be submitted should be in the sealed envelopes in the following manners:-
i. The third envelope (sealed) superscribed thereon “EOI for leasing out built up space on
rent ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ” should contain the following two envelopes.
ii. The first envelope (sealed) superscribed thereon “Eligibility details” should contain the,
the ‘DECLARATION’ as prescribed in the terms & conditions of the bid document,
details in the prescribed proforma & attested copies of the documents/
testimonials/certificates meeting the eligibility conditions.
iii. The second envelope (sealed) superscribed thereon “Financial Bid’ should contain
financial bid in the prescribed Proforma (SECTION X).
iv. Any deviation from the above manner shall render the bid liable for the rejection.
c) The bidders should submit their bid on the prescribed time and date at the address mentioned
“O/o ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ BSNL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
d) Any bid received after the prescribed deadline of date and time shall not be opened and
summarily rejected.
e) The Eligibility-cum-Technical Bid will be opened in the presence of the representatives of the
bidders at 15:30 hrs. on the last date of receipt of the bids.
f) Financial bid shall be opened only of those bidders who qualify in Eligibility-cum-Technical bid
in the presence of the representatives of the bidders on the same day.
g) The bidder’s representatives who are present at the time of opening of bid shall sign an
attendance register. Authority letter to this effect shall be submitted by the bidder before they are
allowed to participate in bid opening. (A FORMAT IS GIVEN IN SECTION VI).
h) A maximum of two representatives for any bidder shall be authorized and permitted to attend the
bid opening.
i) The Bidder’s names, modifications, bid withdrawals and such other details as the BSNL may at
its discretion, consider appropriate will be announced at the time of opening.
j) Bid shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days after the date of opening. The bid
in which the bidder has restricted its validity for the period shorter than the aforesaid shall be
rejected by BSNL as non-responsive. In certain circumstances, BSNL may request in writing to
the bidders for extending validity of their bid.
k) The un-opened bids shall be returned to the bidder after final decision is taken on the bids.
a) Eligibility cum Technical Bid:
i. Declaration in the prescribed Proforma as in Section IV.
ii. The prescribed bid document with each page duly signed by the authorized signatory
with seal in token of acceptance of its terms and conditions in accordance with clause 7.
iii. Proof of eligibility i.e.
A. For Public Organisations – A statement on the letter head of the department /
company giving details about their organization.

B. For international bodies - A statement on the letter head of the company giving
details about their affiliation with UN or any other international organization.
C. For reputed private organizations – Certificate of incorporation, Income tax returns
along with balance sheets duly authenticated by the CA for the last three years.
iv. Certificate in case of down loaded bids as per SECTION VIII.
b) Financial Bid:-
(I) The Bidder shall give the unit price per square meter of Plinth area/Carpet area or
per unit basis (as asked for in Financial Bid) per month for the location applied for,
listed in the Price schedule and the unit prices indicated shall be exclusive of taxes
and operational & maintenance(O&M) charges in the performa given in SECTION
i. The Successful Bidder shall furnish the BSNL a sum of Rs. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (Rupees ___ ___
___ ___ ___) as advance rent of one month and Interest free Security Deposit of an amount equal
to three (3) months rent to the BSNL in the form of Demand Draft drawn on Scheduled Bank in
favour of Accounts Officer, O/o ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ BSNL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ within 7 days
after the receipt of the LOI along with Draft lease agreement. The Security Deposit shall be
accompanied by two copies of the Agreement. This shall be followed by signing of the Agreement
with BSNL, within seven days of the receipt of Security Deposit.
ii. The proceeds of the Security Deposit shall be payable to the BSNL as compensation for any loss
resulting from the Bidder’s failure to discharge its obligations under the lease agreement.
iii. The Security Deposit will be discharged by the BSNL after successful completion of the lease
The evaluation and comparison of bids shall be based on the rentals offered in the Price Schedules in
Section X.
a. BSNL reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all
bids, at any time prior to award of lease without assigning any reason whatsoever and without thereby
incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders on the grounds of BSNL’s action.
b. BSNL reserves the right to lease out the premises of same location to different bidders.
i. The issue of an LOI shall constitute the intention of the BSNL to enter into an agreement with the
bidder for leasing the premises.
ii. Within 7 days of issue of the LOI, the bidder shall give it’s acceptance along with Security
Deposit in conformity with terms of bid document.
i. The issue of LOI followed by acceptance by the bidder(s) shall constitute the award of lease to
the bidder(s). Detailed lease agreement as per Section IX shall be signed within seven days from
the date of receipt of Security Deposit.
14. ANNULMENT OF AWARD Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirement of
clause 9 (i) shall constitute sufficient ground for the annulment of the award in which event the BSNL
shall call for fresh bids.

The general terms and conditions of lease are given in Standard Lease Agreement provided in Section
Should the Bidder fail to perform contractual obligations including payment of monthly lease rent
within the period prescribed, the BSNL shall be entitled to recover amount with interest at the rate of
bank rate (presently ***%) plus 4% for the period of delay. Quantum of liquidated damages assessed
and levied by the BSNL shall be final and not challengeable by the bidder.
i. If, at any time, during the continuance of this contract, the performance in whole or in part by
either party of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reasons of any war, or
hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions, strikes, lockouts, or act of God (hereinafter referred to as events) provided
notice of happenings of any such eventuality is given by either party to the other within 3 days
from the date of occurrence thereof, neither party shall by reason of such event be entitled to
terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages against other in respect of
such non-performance or delay in performance, and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed
as soon as practicable after such an event come to an end or cease to exist, and the decision of the
BSNL as to whether the services have been so resumed or not shall be final and conclusive. Further
that if the performance in whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or
delayed by reasons of any such event for a period exceeding 10 days, either party may, at its
option, terminate the contract.
ii. Provided, also that if the contract is terminated under this clause, the BSNL shall be at liberty to
transfer the work and the funds from the bidder to any other Bank to be appointed by the BSNL,
without any financial implications being imposed by the original bidder on BSNL arising out of
such transfer.
The BSNL may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of
default, sent to the bidder, terminate this contract in whole or in part,
a) If the bidder fails to meet its contractual obligations within the time period (s) specified in the
lease agreement, or any extension thereof granted by the BSNL pursuant to clause 12, Section II;
b) If the bidder, in either of the above circumstances, does not remedy it’s failure within a period
of 10 days (or such longer period as the BSNL may authorize in writing) after receipt of the default
notice from the BSNL.
c) In the event the BSNL terminates the contract in whole or in part, the BSNL may proceed, upon
such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate.
The BSNL may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the Bidder, without
compensation to the bidder, if the bidder becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent as declared by the
competent court provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or
remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the BSNL.
Except as otherwise provided elsewhere in this EoI, in the event of any disputes, controversy or
differences arising out of or relating to this agreement or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof
between the parties, such party or parties shall make a request to the other party or parties to

amicably settle such differences or disputes and parties shall thereupon make every effort to settle
the same amicably within a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date of making of such request.
Where parties are unable to settle the disputes through conciliation, the same shall be referred to the
CGM, __ ___ ___ ___ for referral of such disputes to a sole arbitrator (chosen from the name(s)
provided by BSNL), to be mutually decided by the parties, as per the provisions of the Arbitration
and Conciliation Act 1996, any amendment thereof and any notification issued or rules made there
under from time to time.
The venue of the arbitration proceeding shall be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The fees, if any, of the arbitrator shall, if required to be paid before the award is made and
published, be paid half and half by each of the parties. The cost of the reference and of the award
(including fees, if any, of the arbitrator) shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator who may direct to
any, by whom and in what manner, such cost or any part thereof, shall be paid and fix or settle the
amount of costs to be so paid.
In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of the
provisions of this EOI where bidder is a Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE)/ Port Trust or
Government Department / Organization (excluding disputes concerning Railways, Income Tax,
Customs & Excise Departments), such dispute or difference shall be taken up by either party for
resolution through Administrative Mechanism for Resolution of CPSEs Disputes (AMRCD) as
mentioned in DPE OM No. 4(1)/2013-DPE(GM)/FTS-1835 dated 22-05-2018.


The ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
BSNL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Sub : Submission of EOI for leasing out built up space in the Building at ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Dear Sir,
I/We have read and examined the EOI document, terms and Conditions thereof and other documents and
Rules referred to in the EOI document and all other contents in the EOI document for leasing out the
built up space.
I/We hereby submit our bid for as per the stated scope of work within the specified time schedule.
I/We hereby submit all the documents mentioned in the EOI document.
I/We agree to keep the offer open for One Twenty (120) days from the last due date of submission
thereof and not to make any modifications in its terms and conditions. If, I/We withdraw my/our offer
before the said period or before issue of letter of acceptance, whichever is earlier, or makes any
modifications in my/our offer BSNL shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to
cancel the bid. Further, if I/We fail to occupy the space allotted to us within one month and fail to sign
the lease deed within prescribed time, I/We hereby agree that the said BSNL shall without prejudice to
any other right or remedy, be at liberty to cancel the bid.

Signature of the Bidder

Seal of Bidder

EOI No. ____________ Date ________

The ………………..
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
BSNL ……………….

Dear Sir,
1. Having examined the conditions of EOI document and specifications including addenda
Nos...................... the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, undersigned, offer our bid to
take BSNL premises on lease in conformity with the said conditions of contract.
2. We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to occupy the space immediately as per terms of the Bid
3. We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for Bid opening and it
shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
4. Until a formal Letter of Intent of Contract is prepared and executed, this Bid together with your
written acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding contract between us.
5. Bid submitted by us is properly sealed and prepared so as to prevent any subsequent alteration and
6. We understand that you are not bound to accept the highest or any bid, you may receive.

Dated this ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ day of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 20___

Name and Signature ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

In the capacity of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Duly authorised to sign the bid for and on behalf of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
witness ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Address ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

(To reach before bid opening)
The ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited,
BSNL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Subject: Authorisation for attending bid opening on ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (date)
in the EOI of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
Following persons are hereby authorised to attend the bid opening for the EOI mentioned above on
behalf of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (Bidder) in order of
preference given below.
Order of Preference Name Specimen Signatures

Alternate Representative
Signatures of bidder
Officer authorised to sign the bid
Documents on behalf of the bidder.

Note :
1. Maximum of two representatives will be permitted to attend bid opening. In cases where it is
restricted to one, first preference will be allowed. Alternate representative will be permitted when
regular representatives are not able to attend.
2. Permission for entry to the hall where bids are opened may be refused in case authorisation as
prescribed above is not recovered.




Sl. Name of the Name of the Name of the Area available for
No. District city/Town/Village Building with renting
complete Address

Detailed attributes of vacant space:

A. Super built up area with Floor(s) on which the vacant space is available.
B. Whether separate entry is available or not.
C. Lift availability.
D. AC environment availability.
E. Power back up availability.
F. Common or separate security.
G. Other salient features of the space.

Note: For all vacant spaces mentioned in above table, separate detailed attributes of each area
shall be given. Circle may improve the above format to bring out the details more clearly.


It is to certify that
1. I/We have submitted the bid in the Proforma as downloaded directly from the website.
2. I/We have submitted EOI documents which are same / identical as available in the website.
3. I/We have not made any modification / corrections / additions etc. in the EOI documents
downloaded from web by me / us.
4. I/We have checked no page is missing and all pages are available & that all pages of EOI
document submitted by us are clear and legible.
5. I/We have signed (with stamp) all the pages of the EOI document before submitting the
6. I/We have sealed the EOI documents properly before submitting the same.
7. I/We have read carefully and understood the important instructions to the all bidders who
have downloaded the tenders from the web.
8. In case at any stage later, it is found there is difference in our downloaded EOI documents
from the original, BSNL shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit
without any prior intimation to me / us.
9. In case at any stage later, it is found that there is difference in our downloaded EOI
documents from the original, the lease agreement will be cancelled. The department will not
pay any damages to me / us on this account.
10. In case at any stage later, it is found that there is difference in our downloaded EOI
documents from the original, I/We may also be debarred for further participation in the EOI
in the concerned BSNL Circle.

ADDRESS: . . . . . . . …….. . . . .
PHONE NOS.: . . . . . .
Mobile No:………………..
E-MAIL . . . . …………….. . .



(As per Annexure-A2)

The ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
BSNL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


With reference to the EOI no. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ dated ___ ___ ___ ___ ___, we, ___ ___ ___ ___
___ I/We offer the following price to take the said premises of BSNL on lease basis in accordance
with the terms and conditions mentioned therein, as under:

Sl. Location & Total Monthly Lease rent per Total monthly Likely usage of
No Address Super Square Meter of Plinth rent the rented space
built-up area/Carpet Area**
(In Rupees)
area excluding applicable
(SqM) taxes and O&M charges
(In Rupees)
1. …*… …*..

2 …*….. …*…

* To be filled by the officer inviting EOI.

**- Strike off whichever is not applicable
Yours Faithfully

Signature of the Authorised Signatory of the Bidder with seal

i. Amount to be mentioned clearly in Indian form of international numerals.

ii. No corrections/alterations are permitted while mentioning the amount.
iii. Amount to be written in both figures and words. If there is any difference between figures and
words, the words will prevail.

Annexure-A2 of ‘CROP-2020’ Policy



…….. .......
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, a Government Company incorporated under Companies Act 1956 and
having its registered office at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Harish Chandra Mathur Lane New Delhi
110001 and also having inter alia one of its field Unit/office at ……………………….. (hereinafter
referred as ‘BSNL’ or ‘Lessor’ which expression shall include its successors, assigns, administrators,
liquidators and receivers ,wherever the context of meaning shall so require or permit) of the ONE
……………………………herein after Called ‘The Lessee’s (which expression shall include its
successors assigns, administrators, liquidators and receivers, wherever the context of meaning shall so
require or permit) of the OTHER PART.
Whereas BSNL /Lessor has invited the EOI No. …….. ……….. …….. dated …….. for ….. ………..
……….. ………………. . Based upon the evaluation of EOI Lessee ……… ………. …………
…………. … has been short listed for ……… …………… ……….. on the terms & conditions as
agreed herein in this agreement.
NOTE: Where the context so requires, words imparting the singular only also include the plural and
vice versa. Any reference to masculine gender shall wherever required include feminine gender and
vice versa.
1. In consideration of the rent hereinafter reserved and of the other conditions herein contained, the
Lessor agrees to let out and Lessee agrees to take on lease the premises known as ……… ………
………… …………… ……………… ………… … ………… ……… ……… …… ………
……… ……… ……… ……………………………………………………together with all fixtures
and fittings standing and being thereon building related services (external & internal called “THE
SAID PREMISES”) more particularly described in SCHEDULE A.
2. The lease shall commence/shall be deemed to have been commenced on the……………… Day of
…… …… …… ….. Two thousand and …… …… …… …… ….. and shall, subject to the terms
hereof, continue for a term of three year(s) with an option to extend the period of lease for a
further term as set out in Clause 18 hereof.
3. The Lessee shall, subject to the terms hereof, pay gross rent in monthly arrears for the said
premises at the rate of Rs. ….......... per month which shall be deemed to be exclusive of
maintenance and all the taxes payable to municipal or other local/state/other bodies (except
Property/House Tax). The rent along with operation & maintenance charge as stipulated in para 4
is payable in advance before 10th of every month failing which the amount with interest at the rate
of bank rate (presently *** %) plus 4% for the period of delay shall be recovered by BSNL
(Lessor). In the event of the tenancy hereby created, being terminated as provided by these
presents, the Lessee shall pay only a proportionate part of the rent for the fraction of the current

month up to the date of such termination. The monthly rent is hereby agreed to remain fixed
during the period of lease of three years subject to provisions in clause 9.
4. The operation and maintenance charges at the rate of Rs. …*… per sqm per month with applicable
taxes will be charged over and above the monthly rent and it will be proportionately enhanced with
respect to enhancement of the rent. The operation and maintenance of the following items (*) are
covered under the said charges:
i. Air conditioning & mechanical ventilation
ii. Electrical fixtures, fittings, installations, compound lights and pumps.
iii. Lifts.
iv. Sub station.
v. Diesel generators.
vi. Building management systems.
vii. Fire fighting systems.
viii. Water treatment plant.
ix. Sewarage treatment plant.
x. Deployment of security for entire campus and common area.
xi. Housekeeping for entire campus in common area.
xii. Any other amenities.
*(Give details. Strike out / add the facilities as per actual site conditions)
Security arrangement of the premises under possession of the Lessee shall be the responsibility of
Lessee. Lessor (BSNL) shall not be responsible for any loss of installation, equipment etc. The rate of
maintenance charges as stated in Para 4 above are exclusive of electricity, water charges etc.
Rented premises shall not display any publicity material of competing telecom companies. Further,
BSNL shall reserve the right for utilizing the premises for publicity/other purposes.
5. That the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor a sum of Rs.................................(Rupees
...................................) as advance rent of one month and a sum of Rs............ (Rupees ..............)
(three months rent) as Security Deposit on signing of this agreement, free of interest, which will be
refunded at the time of the premises having been handed back properly to the Lessor with the
fittings and fixtures etc. in good condition, all alterations made with due permission of Lessor are
restored, all dues having been cleared. Otherwise the same shall be adjusted against the said
security deposit.
That the Lessor shall have right to adjust from security deposit, the mutually agreed sum, which
has to be incurred by him on account of major damages to the building/premises. The major
damages, levy, shall be ascertained jointly by Lessor & Lessee. The Lessee shall not be liable to
pay normal wear and tear.
6. The said premises shall be deemed to include the fixtures and fittings existing thereon as shown in
Schedule ‘B’ and the Lessee shall upon the expiration of the term hereby created or any renewal
thereof and subject to clause 14 hereof yield up the said premises including fixtures and fittings in
as good a condition as received.
7. The Lessee shall be entitled to use the said premises for the purpose for lawful business of Lessee
and is not detrimental to the interest of the Lessor.

8. The Lessee shall not sublet assign or otherwise part with the whole or any part or parts of the said
premises during the period of tenancy nor will allow at the time of vacating the premises and will
handover peacefully vacant possession to the Lessor or his authorised agent.
9. That the Municipal Tax (except Property/House Tax) or other local tax levied by local authority
and water charges are be borne by the Lessee proportionately including any future revision with
retrospective effect for the area of occupation. Any other tax or any hike imposed by the
appropriate authority is to be borne by the Lessee. Goods and Services tax at the prescribed rates is
to be borne by the Lessee. It is made absolutely clear, in this deed that it shall be the sole
responsibility of the Lessee to pay all such charges as stated in paras 9 & 10 to Govt. and /or other
Govt. authorities. It is agreed that in case the lesser is required to pay or forced to pay such taxes,
charges, the Lessor may pay the same and deduct the same from the security deposit, in such
events, short fall in any security deposit during the currency of agreement shall be payable by
Lessee with the following monthly rent payable, so as to secure deposit of Rs … … … keeps
deposited with Lessor throughout the lease period. The lease is subject to the local authority bye
laws. The Lessee shall comply with municipal and other charges. If the Govt/local authority
objects to lease out the BSNL premises, then the bidder has to vacate the same and BSNL shall not
be liable to pay any compensation for the same.
10. That the Lessee shall pay all charges in respect of electric power, light used in the said premises in
accordance with the separate meter / sub-meters installed therein during the currency of this
agreement including proportionate fixed charges against bills raised by the appropriate authorities
beginning from the date of taking over the demised possession of the said premises. The cost of
separate meter /sub-meter including its installations shall be borne by the Lessee.
11. That at the time of occupation, the Lessee shall see that all fittings and fixtures are in perfect order
and shall be responsible to restore this in the same condition in which they have been taken over
except natural wear and tear.
12. That the Lessee shall allow the Lessor or his authorized agent to enter the said premises at the
reasonable hours or when necessary for inspection/repair etc.
13. The responsibility for registration / documentation of this indenture would be that of the Lessee
and all expenses in that regard would be borne by the Lessee / tenant. The registration of this
agreement should be got done by the Lessee within a period of ……. months (time period as per
local laws, rules and regulations to be mentioned) from the date it is signed. One copy of the
registered document would be supplied by the Lessee to the Lessor within 15 days of the
registration thereof.
14. That the Lessee shall be entitled to erect and fix up partitions, cubicles and other fixtures and
fitting and meters into or upon the said premises or any part thereof after getting approval of the
same from the Lessor provided that same shall in all events confirm the building bye laws of the
authority concerned for time being. However, at the expiry of this lease or extension. If any, the
Lessee will hand over vacant possession of the said premises in its normal original condition after
removing at its own cost all and fixture installed by the Lessee. The Lessee shall not make any
structural changes, addition/alterations in the premises.
15. That day to day repairs arising out of the normal wear and tear or resulting from any modifications
by the Lessee shall be done by the Lessee at his own cost but any major structural repairs will have
to be done by the Lessor at his own cost. Lessor shall have power to remove any the fixture/fittings
or modification done by the Lessee if it is felt that such changes as done under clause 14 will
damage the structure of the building.
16. The Lessor shall not be liable for loss of profit or loss of goodwill arising from the occupation of
the said premises by the Lessee and the Lessee shall make no claim in respect thereof.
17. The Lessee agrees with the Lessor to abide by the terms and conditions of the lease deed and shall
peacefully hold and enjoy the said premises during the said terms and any renewal thereof without

any interruption or disturbance to the Lessor by him or any person claiming by or through or under
18. If the Lessee shall be desirous of extending the lease of the said premises after the expiration of the
term hereby granted, it will give a notice in writing to the Lessor not less than one month before
the expiration of the term hereby granted to the Lessor. Thereupon the Lessor may renew the lease
for a further period of three years in accordance with the covenants, agreements and conditions as
in the present agreement including the present covenant for renewal provided that such revision
shall be with 15% increase in rent (i.e. @ 5% per annum) of the last rent paid at the time of such
revision.. However, it is agreed condition that if no such mutual agreement is reached the Lessee
shall vacate the premises on the expiry of the time of lease deed. Only two such extensions of
maximum duration of 3 years each may be considered and the Lessee shall have to vacate the
premises after a total period of 9 years.
19. The Lessor shall be entitled to terminate the lease at any time giving to the Lessee a three month
advance notice in writing of its intention to do so.
20. That in case of default of non-payment of the lease amount for the maximum period of three (3)
months, then this agreement shall stand automatically terminated and the Lessee shall have to
vacate the premises immediately. No claim whatsoever will be entertained.
21. The Lessor has right to recover any amount due to Lessee from the Security Deposit available with
Lessor and the decision of the Lessor will be final and binding on the Lessee.
22. Any notice to be made or given to the Lessor under these presents or in connection with the said
premises shall be considered as duly given if sent by the Lessee through the post by registered
letter/speed post addressed to the officer who signs this agreement on behalf of Lessor and a copy
to the Head of BSNL Field Unit/circle concerned and any notice given to the Lessee shall be
considered as duly given if sent by the Lessor through the post by registered letter/speed post
addressed to the Lessee at their last known place of abode. Any demand or notice sent by the
registered post in either case shall be assumed to have been delivered in the usual course of Post.
23. That in case of any dispute with regard to this LEASE AGREEMENT, the same shall be subject to
the jurisdiction of Courts at ______________ (i.e. Place/ circle where agreement is signed) and
Indian Law shall be applicable. However during the pendency of the dispute, “the Lessee shall not
stop payment of rent and other CHARGES if it is in possession of the demise premises and other
terms shall also continue to apply.”
24. Except as otherwise provided elsewhere in the contract, in the event of any disputes, controversy
or differences arising out of or relating to this agreement or the breach, termination or invalidity
thereof between the parties, such party or parties shall make a request to the other party or parties
to amicably settle such differences or disputes and parties shall thereupon make every effort to
settle the same amicably within a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date of making of such
Where parties are unable to settle the disputes through conciliation, the same shall be referred to
the authority in BSNL (CMD/CGM/GMTD, as the case may be) for referral of such disputes to a
sole arbitrator (chosen from the name(s) provided by BSNL), to be mutually decided by the
parties, as per the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, any amendment thereof
and any notification issued or rules made there under from time to time.
The venue of the arbitration proceeding shall be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (New Delhi or Circle/SSA
HQ, as the case may be)
The fees, if any, of the arbitrator shall, if required to be paid before the award is made and
published, be paid half and half by each of the parties. The cost of the reference and of the award
(including fees, if any, of the arbitrator) shall be in the discretion of the arbitrator who may direct
to any, by whom and in what manner, such cost or any part thereof, shall be paid and fix or settle
the amount of costs to be so paid.

In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of the
provisions of this agreement where Lessee is a Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE)/ Port Trust
or Government Department / Organization (excluding disputes concerning Railways, Income Tax,
Customs & Excise Departments), such dispute or difference shall be taken up by either party for
resolution through Administrative Mechanism for Resolution of CPSEs Disputes (AMRCD) as
mentioned in DPE OM No. 4(1)/2013-DPE(GM)/FTS-1835 dated 22-05-2018.
25. In the event of Lessee committing any breach of terms & conditions herein contained and Lessee
has not rectified the said breach within ……. days, after the same has been brought to their notice
by the Lessor, the Lessor shall be at liberty to terminate the agreement by giving one month’s
notice in writing terminating the lease & upon expiring of such notice Lessee shall stand
26. Upon the termination or earlier determination of this agreement, in the event of the Lessee failing
to remove the employees/representative, his belonging, furniture & fixtures etc & hand over the
vacant and peaceful possession thereof to the Lessor, it is agreed that Lessee shall pay to all Lessor
mesne profit of Rs. _______ per day in addition to the monthly rent payable, without prejudice to
other rightful remedy, from the date of such default until such time of the Lesee have removed
their articles, belonging, fixture, effects, employee etc. from said premises and handed over
peaceful possession of these to the Licensor. The said mesne profit in case not paid regularly will
be adjusted / deducted from the security deposit lodged with the Lessor. The payment of mesne
profit however does not absolve the Lessee to their obligations to vacant the premises on the
expiry or termination of this agreement.
27. That the Lessee shall abide by all laws, byelaws, rules & regulations of government or local
authority. The Lessee shall not use the premises for the things/ business which is prohibited by any
law of land. The Lessee shall not or attempt to do so or cause or suffer to be done anything which
may or is likely to jeopardize or prejudice to the interest of the Lessor. In event of default being
committed, the Lessee undertakes to exclusively own such liability & responsibility & shall keep
the Lessor fully horning & indemnified in respect of such liability
28. That the Lessor and their agents, employees shall be entitled to visit & inspect the said premises or
any part thereof, at all reasonable times for the purpose of either viewing the conditions of said
demised premises or otherwise. The Lessee shall not hinder or obstruct any such visitor from
visiting the said premises or any part thereof.
29. This lease agreement has been executed in duplicate. One counter part of the lease agreement to be
retained by the Lessee and the other by the Lessor.
The premises include …. Sqm of open land and a super built up area of about …........ Sqm
on …… …… …… …… floor of the building known as … …… …… …… …. …… ……
…… …… … in the city of … …… …… …… …. situated on plot/and bearing Survey Nos.
………. with boundaries of the compound described herein below:
North -
South -
East -
West -
along with all rights and privileges of land lord regarding use of corridors, stairs, parking
spaces etc. Parking of ... No. of vehicles shall be allowed in the compound.
Details of fixtures and fittings:

…… …… ……. has been affixed in the manner hereinafter mentioned and the lease
agreement has been signed for and on behalf of the Lessee on the day and year first above
written by …… …… …… …… …

Signed for and on behalf of Signed for and on behalf of

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited __ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Name: Name:
Designation: Designation:
(In case Lessee is a company) Having authority to sign on
behalf of the Lessee Vide resolution dated … …… of …
…… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… )

Date: .....................
Place: ...................

1. …………………………………
2. ………………………………..

Note:- Portions which are not applicable may be scored off at the time of filling up of the Standard
Lease Agreement (SLA) format.

Annexure –A3 of ‘CROP-2020’ Policy

Scrutiny of the offers received in response to the EOI

1. Description of vacant space:

a) Total available super built-up area -

b) Location indicating the type of building i.e. Technical or administrative –
c) Whether the land on which the said building is constructed is in the name of DOT or BSNL
or others –
d) Proportionate book value of the portion proposed to be rented out –
e) Whether the whole building is vacant or some portion of the building is vacant –
f) Other details about the vacant space and facilities, such as:
i. Area with Floor(s) on which the vacant space is available –
ii. Whether separate entry is available or not -
iii. Lift availability.
iv. AC environment availability -
v. Power back up availability -
vi. Common or separate security -
vii. Other salient features of the space -

2. Certification of the vacant space being beyond requirement of BSNL:

Sl. No. Location of the rented Area of Rent being Reason for not shifting
building and its use i.e rented space paid by this rented building to the
whether being used for BSNL per proposed vacant area
office, technical or CSC month



3. Mode of receipt of offers:

i. Whether received in response to EOI - Yes/No

(If the EOI was not called, the reasons for the same be given)

ii. If received through other mode details thereof –

4. Details of the offers received:

Sl. No. Name of the Offered Rent per Remarks

Organization making month
the offer

5. Whether the bidder is as per the approved list? Yes / No.

6. Rent received vs fair rent:

A) Fair rent assessed by FRAC (FRAC report to be enclosed) -

B) Highest rent offer received -

C) % above/below the fair rent -

7. Whether approval of DOT required before approval –

8. If yes, details of the action taken -

9. Whether Presidential approval required before approval –

10. If yes, details of the action taken -

11. Recommendations of the Standing committee –

12. Competent Authority for approval of the rent case –

13. Observations of the CGM/Circle head –

a. If the case is within competence of the circle head – Approval or otherwise

b. If beyond competence of the circle head then the case is to be sent to corporate office with due

(All cases sent to Corporate Office shall be with due recommendations of the Circle Head based on
the recommendations of the standing committee and with concurrence of circle IFA)

(A Govt. of India Enterprise) Annexure-B1
recent identity card
Category:[Check whichever is applicable] Type & Location of quarter applied for: size photograph
a) Serving employee of BSNL duly attested by
b) Retired employee of BSNL. ___________________________________ unit officer
c) Serving / Retired employee of DoT.
d) Serving employee of a Public Organisation

1. Name of Applicant – Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. ______________________________________________________________
2. Name of Father/Husband - ________________________________ 3. Date of Birth of applicant ______________
4. Current Residential Address ____________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________ State ______________________________ Pin Code ______________
5. Phone____________________ Mobile ____________________ Email _________________________________
6. PAN No. ______________________ Aadhaar No. __________________________________________________
7. Name of Organisation _________________________________________________________________________
8. Designation of Applicant _______________________________________________________________________
9. Full office address ____________________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________ State _______________________________ Pin Code ______________
10. Address of DDO for salary/pension______________________________________________________________
City ______________________________ State ______________________________ Pin Code ______________
Phone_____________________ Mobile ____________________ Email _________________________________
11. Pay Scale/ pay scale at retirement (Also mention CDA/IDA) __________________________________________
12. Present Pay: (Basic) Rs.___________________ (DA) Rs. ____________________
13. Type of Quarter entitled for: (As per BSNL/DoE norms) _________ (As per Section-9 of CROP Policy)_________
14. Duration/ Period for which accommodation is required _______________________________________________
15. Details of BSNL residential accommodation(s), if any, already in possession of Applicant or his family-
16. Name of Guarantor – Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. ____________________________________________________________
HR No. _______________ Due date of retirement ________________ Mobile no. ________________________
Designation ____________________ Office address _______________________________________________

Signature of applicant

It is certified that the applicant is a bonafide permanent employee of our organisation and it is recommended to lease
the residential accommodation to him/her.

(Controlling officer)
Date: ____________
Place: ___________
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)


Certified that I will abide by all the terms an d conditions for ren ting of resi dential accommodation as
mentioned below –
1. I will use the accommodation only for myself and my family. I will not sublet the accommodation.
2. I understand that the lock-in -period for occupancy shall be 3 months a nd if I surre nder the
accommodation within the lock-in period, the rent fo r the lock-in period shall also be recovered from
the security deposit. Either pa rty can issue an ad vance notice of 2 months to vacate the rented
accommodation after completion of lock in period.
3. In addition to the prescribed rent, Service Charges (as fixed by the concerned CGM), water charges,
electricity charges and GST as applicable will also be paid by me. All income tax liabilities and other
taxes, if applicable, will be borne by me only. No perquisite tax and rebate in income tax, i f any, shall
be borne by BSNL.
4. I will pay the monthly rent in advance by the 5 day of each month.(In case of a BSNL se rving
employee, all dues will be recovered from his sala ry through the concerned drawing officer.) If the
rent or any other dues remain unpaid upto 15 days from the due date of payment, an interest at the
rate of 12% per annum for the period of delay ca lculated on day-to-day basis shall be pa id by me .
Such interest shall be compounded on a monthly basis.
5. I will vacate the accommodation on completion of lease pe riod or on completion of notice period
whichever is earlier. Further, if I am transferred from my present post or retire or resign from service,
I will immediately inform the allotting authority.
6. If I occu py the a ccommodation beyond the pe riod permitted by BSNL, I shall be li able to pay
damages equal to twice the normal rent of such accommodation for the first 4 months of unauthorized
occupation and four times the norma l rent t hereafter. An interest @ 12% per annum (to be
compounded monthly) sh all also b e charged on the due am ount. I further agree that this shall be
without prejudice to other actions for eviction, disconnection of utility connections, etc. to be taken by
the BSNL against me.
7. I understand that only minimum main tenance by providing labour connected with wate r supply,
sanitation, etc. will be d one by BSNL. Any repai rs including painting and other material replacement
has to be borne by me. I also agree that before carrying out any civil or electrical works (not involving
any structural change) in the accommodation, I sh all have to ta ke permission from the concern ed
civil/electrical enquiry office of BSNL.
8. On vacating, I shall handover the accommodation in the same or better condition as it was handed
over to me. If any dama ge is found, the same shall be rectified at my cost or t he estimated cost of
repairs will be recovered from the Security Deposit.
9. I shall be bo und by all the rule s and regulatio ns which are applicable for allotment of BSNL staff
quarters regarding conduct, sharing, water and electricity charges etc. The lease will be liable to be
cancelled in case of any misuse or breach of lease/allotment conditions.
10. I shall not derive any financial be nefit in lieu of th is allotment. If at any stage, it is found that I a m
deriving any financial benefit, the allotment may be cancelled. In case of BSNL employee, disciplinary
action shall be initiated as per extant BSNL Conduct Rules.
11. I shall be responsible for all the acts and/ or omissions of my family members/ relative s. Any illegal
activity or any nuisan ce to neighb ours may render me ineligible for allotment and may lead to
termination of lease at the discretio n of CGM, BSNL without prejudice to any other action as deemed
fit by BSNL.

Name & Signature of applicant

Date __________
Place ___________
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

1. Name of Allottee – Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. _______________________________________________________________
2. Phone______________________ Mobile _____________________ Email _______________________________
3. Name of Parent Department _______________________________________ 4. Staff No./HR No. _____________
5. Name of Present Organisation __________________________________________________________________
6. Designation: _______________________________________________________________________________
7. Complete office address _______________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________ State ______________________________ Pin Code ________________
8. Address of DDO for salary/pension______________________________________________________________
City ____________________________ State ______________________________ Pin Code ________________
Phone______________________ Mobile _____________________ Email _______________________________
9. Pay Scale/ pay scale at retirement (Also mention CDA/IDA) ___________________________________________
10. Present Pay: (Basic) Rs._________________ (DA) Rs. ________________


11. Type & Address of quarter allotted ______________________________________________________________
City __________________________ State ______________________________ Pin Code _________________
12. Event due to which allotment period ceased: (eg. Transfer, Retirement, Death etc.) ________________________
13. Date of Event __________________ 14. Normal Retention Period (____ months) i.e. ________ to _________
15. Last possible date considering maximum period of 2 years beyond Normal Retention period _______________
16. Details of previous retentions allowed beyond Normal Retention period:
(a) Retention from __________ to __________ allowed vide order ___________________________________
(b) Retention from __________ to __________ allowed vide order ___________________________________
(c) Retention from __________ to __________ allowed vide order ___________________________________

17. Period for which accommodation is to be retained now: From ____________to ___________
18. Is the present accommodation a post attached quarter? ____________________________________________
19. Reasons for which further retention of quarter is being requested:_____________________________________
20. Details of any other residential accommodation provided by Govt/BSNL to allottee or his family:
21. Does the allottee or his family own any house in the city where quarter retention is sought: ________________

I hereby declare that the information furnished by me at Para 1 to 21 above are correct to the best of my knowledge
and that if any information is found incorrect, I am liable to be charged damage rates as demanded by BSNL, besides
any other disciplinary action which the Department may deem fit.
I also undertake that if my above request for retention of quarter is not approved for whatever reasons, I will pay
damage rent as decided by BSNL. I also undertake to accept the retention of quarter at the rent decided by BSNL.
Date: ___________
Place: __________
Signature of the allottee
Name and Designation of the allottee
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

Certified that I will abide by all the terms and conditions for renting of residential accommodation as
mentioned below –
1. I will use the accommodation only for myself and my family. I will not sublet the accommodation.
2. I understand that BSNL can issue an advance notice of 2 months to vacate the rented
accommodation anytime during the period of lease.
3. In addition to the prescribed rent, Service Charges (as fixed by the concerned CGM), water charges,
electricity charges and GST as applicable will also be paid by me. All income tax liabilities and other
taxes, if applicable, will be borne by me only. No perquisite tax and rebate in income tax, if any, shall
be borne by BSNL.
4. I will pay the monthly rent in advance by the 5th day of each month.(In case of a BSNL serving
employee, all dues will be recovered from his salary through the concerned drawing officer.) If the
rent or any other dues remain unpaid upto 15 days from the due date of payment, an interest at the
rate of 12% per annum for the period of delay calculated on day-to-day basis shall be paid by me.
Such interest shall be compounded on a monthly basis.
5. I will vacate the accommodation on completion of lease period or on completion of notice period
whichever is earlier. Further, if I am transferred from my present post or retire or resign from service,
I will immediately inform the allotting authority.
6. If I occupy the accommodation beyond the period permitted by BSNL, I shall be liable to pay
damages equal to twice the normal rent of such accommodation for the first 4 months of unauthorized
occupation and four times the normal rent thereafter. An interest @ 12% per annum (to be
compounded monthly) shall also be charged on the due amount. I further agree that this shall be
without prejudice to other actions for eviction, disconnection of utility connections, etc. to be taken by
the BSNL against me.
7. I understand that only minimum maintenance by providing labour connected with water supply,
sanitation, etc. will be done by BSNL. Any repairs including painting and other material replacement
has to be borne by me. I also agree that before carrying out any civil or electrical works (not involving
any structural change) in the accommodation, I shall have to take permission from the concerned
civil/electrical enquiry office of BSNL.
8. On vacating, I shall handover the accommodation in the same or better condition as it was handed
over to me. If any damage is found, the same shall be rectified at my cost or the estimated cost of
repairs will be recovered from my Salary/Security Deposit/Dues, if any.
9. I shall be bound by all the rules and regulations which are applicable for allotment of BSNL staff
quarters regarding conduct, sharing, water and electricity charges etc. The lease will be liable to be
cancelled in case of any misuse or breach of lease/allotment conditions.
10. I shall not derive any financial benefit in lieu of this allotment. If at any stage, it is found that I am
deriving any financial benefit, the allotment may be cancelled. In case of BSNL employee, disciplinary
action shall be initiated as per extant BSNL Conduct Rules.
11. I shall be responsible for all the acts and/ or omissions of my family members/ relatives. Any illegal
activity or any nuisance to neighbours may render me ineligible for allotment and may lead to
termination of lease at the discretion of CGM, BSNL without prejudice to any other action as deemed
fit by BSNL.

Name & Signature of applicant

Date __________

Place ___________

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