Teacher Burnout Annie Gross
Teacher Burnout Annie Gross
Teacher Burnout Annie Gross
DOI 10.1007/s10648-009-9106-y
Mei-Lin Chang
Teacher burnout affects the teacher workforce externally as well as internally. Externally,
the harm to the teacher workforce is traceable and measurable, through teacher attrition and
teacher shortage. In the USA, up to 25% of beginning teachers leave the teaching field
before their third year, and almost 40% leave the profession within the first 5 years of
teaching (Milner and Woolfolk Hoy 2003; National Center for Education Statistics 2004;
National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future 2003; Smith and Ingersoll 2004).
Internally, for some teachers who remain in the profession, fatigue may lead to
ineffectiveness and burnout that inadvertently harms classrooms and the school (Olivier
and Venter 2003). International surveys conducted by International Labor Organization–
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Joint Committee revealed
that 25–33% of teachers suffer significantly from stress (Macdonald 1999). In Germany,
fewer than 10% of the teachers remain until retirement; in Britain, the number of teachers
who leave the profession is also more than the number of teachers who stay until retirement
(Macdonald 1999). The resulting shortage of teachers has not only caused a staffing
problem in schools but also may degrade the quality of instruction in the classroom due to
high turnover.
The emotional needs, labor, and work required for a teacher are significant compared to
other professions. Although burnout symptoms among teachers have been studied for
decades, few scholars have examined teacher burnout through the lens of emotion
regulation and the antecedent appraisals. In this article, I argue that the habitual patterns in
teachers’ judgments about student behavior and other teaching tasks may contribute
significantly to teachers’ repeated experience of distinct unpleasant emotions and may
eventually lead to certain degrees of burnout, as depicted by Fig. 1. In addition, teachers
who experience higher levels of burnout tend to withdraw from student–teacher relation-
ships and tend to feel inefficacious about their teaching tasks (Burke et al. 1996). As a
result, they may face more problems in classroom management with regard to students’
behaviors (as depicted by the dotted line in Fig. 1). I argue that by helping teachers become
aware of and interpret and question the judgments that underlie their emotions, we may
help teachers better understand how their judgments triggered their unpleasant emotions
and help them learn how to regulate those emotions effectively.
The purpose of this article is to review the existing literature on teacher burnout and related
unpleasant emotions. I explore the existing literature focused on why some teachers feel
burnout, while others do not. Historically, the work on burnout has been focused on
individual characteristics and organizational factors. I look beyond these factors to examine
inter- and intrapersonal factors that may contribute to burnout. Specifically, I examine how
the judgments teachers make may lead to their experience of emotional exhaustion.
Fig. 1 Concept model for reviewing teacher emotions and teacher burnout
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Review procedures included a directed search for articles written over the past 30 years
specifically on teacher burnout and teacher emotions in the following databases: Academic
Search Complete, Education Resources Information Center, Education Research Complete,
and the Psychology and Behavioral Science Collection. Across the literature, findings
reveal that our current understanding of teacher burnout is limited to teachers’ feelings of
emotional exhaustion, but not connected with teachers’ discrete emotions and how their
appraisals of events contribute to the emotions or emotional exhaustion. Although
emotional exhaustion has been the most prominent dimension for defining teacher burnout,
few studies have examined the emotional aspects of teachers’ lives in the field (see review
by Sutton and Wheatley 2003). Particularly, there is no existing review of studies on
teachers’ discrete emotions involved in teaching and their relation to burnout.
The central thesis in this article is that there is a notable disconnect between teacher
burnout studies and teacher emotion studies. Therefore, this article aims to synthesize and
bridge the literature on teacher burnout and the unpleasant emotions involved in teaching.
In the first section, the sources contributing to teacher burnout are organized into three
factors: individual, social and organizational, and transactional factors. In the second
section, I reviewed studies on discrete emotions that may bridge our understandings of
teacher burnout with the relationship to emotional aspects of teaching. As Sutton and
Wheatley (2003) suggested, it is necessary to understand how teachers’ appraisals
contribute to classroom management or discipline issues. In the third section, I further
reviewed appraisal theories as the antecedents of emotions. Lastly, I reviewed studies on
teacher emotion regulation and effective coping that may contribute to ease teacher burnout.
I then proposed implications and future research agenda based upon the reviews of the
above four sections.
Burnout is a syndrome that initially appeared in articles through descriptive and qualitative
observations by early researchers in human services and healthcare in the mid-1970s. It was
examined using an empirical approach in 1980 (see Maslach et al. 2001). Freudenberger
(1974), a psychiatrist, observed the wear-out symptoms among staff working in free clinics
and defined burnout as a symptom of emotional depletion and a loss of motivation and
commitment. Maslach (1976), a social psychologist, interviewed human service workers
about their emotional stress at work. Maslach found that the burnout phenomenon
commonly exists in the care-giving and service occupations, in which the emotions,
motives, and values between provider and recipient are the underlying interpersonal context
for burnout.
Before the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) developed by Maslach and Jackson
(1981), burnout was a “slippery” concept and was not systematically studied (as cited in
Maslach et al. 2001, p. 402). Maslach and Leiter (1997) defined burnout as “an erosion of
engagement that what started out as important, meaningful, and challenging work becomes
unpleasant, unfulfilling, and meaningless” (see Maslach et al. 2001, p. 416). Accordingly,
burnout happens when exhaustion replaces feeling energized, cynicism replaces being
hopeful and being involved, and ineffectiveness replaces feeling efficacious.
In the field of teacher education, early researchers studied teacher burnout through the
lens of teacher stress (Smylie 1999). Their findings suggest that special education teachers
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are the most prone to high stress and burnout (McIntyre 1983). In the early 1980s,
researchers in teacher education identified the underlying factors in teacher stress and
burnout from demographic information such as sex, age, marital status, years of teaching
experience, and level of education. In the late 1980s, researchers began to examine the
work-related factors, such as teacher–pupil ratio, grade level taught, types of exceptional
children taught, and workload. In the early research, workload appeared to be the most
salient element that contributed to burnout. Therefore, some models were proposed to
examine teacher burnout in relation to workload. For example, the demand–control model
(DCM; Karasek 1979) explains that job stress is caused by a combination of high job
demands and low job control. DCM was later expanded to the job demands–resources (JD-
R) model in a study of a large sample of Finnish teachers that included resources as a
mediator between demands and control (Demorouti et al. 2001). The job–demand variables
include the physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects of the jobs that require
sustained physical and/or psychological efforts or costs, such as disruptive pupil behaviors,
work overload, and poor physical work environment. The job–resources variables include
the physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects of the job that may reduce job
demands and the associated psychological efforts or costs. They are functional in achieving
goals and stimulate personal growth, such as job control, access to information, supervisory
support, innovative school climate, and social climate. In the JD-R model, job–demands
variables predict health problems through burnout; the job–resources variables predict
organizational commitment through work engagement.
In the 1990s, researchers used theoretical models to examine the interaction of teacher
burnout and the work environment. For example, Blasé (1982) interviewed 43 high school
teachers and proposed the teacher performance–motivation theory. Blasé utilized a dynamic
and reciprocal student–teacher relationship model to study teacher performance. This model
includes the following variables: coping sources, rewards, work satisfaction, work
involvement, work motivation, and work effort. Blasé concluded that teacher burnout is
mainly a function of “prolonged job strain that results from the inadequacy of coping
resources and the absence of equitable rewards in relation to the demands of work-related
stressors” (p. 109). Early studies of burnout suggested that burnout is a syndrome caused by
prolonged stress and is related to the work environment.
In recent decades, Maslach’s work on burnout has emerged as the dominant framework
for studying burnout because of the defining psychological constructs she developed.
Particularly, scholars have adopted the MBI scale developed by Maslach and Jackson
(1981) which measures the psychological syndrome of burnout in three dimensions:
emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy.
Emotional exhaustion This is the core element of burnout and the most obvious
manifestation of this complex syndrome. Maslach et al. (2001) noted that when people
describe themselves or others as experiencing burnout, they most often refer to the
experience of exhaustion. Evers et al. (2004) referred to emotional exhaustion as feelings of
being emotionally overextended and having depleted one’s emotional resources. Schwarzer
et al. (2000) described fatigue, debilitation, loss of energy, and wearing out as character-
istics of this component. However, emotional exhaustion is a personal psychological status
which cannot capture other behaviors that relate to burnout. Maslach et al. argued that “the
emotional demands of the work can exhaust a service provider's capacity to be involved
with, and responsive to, the needs of service recipients” (p. 403). Therefore, Maslach et al.
(2001) further proposed depersonalization as another relevant dimension of burnout.
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In reviewing the studies of teacher burnout, the psychological property of burnout seems to
be a temporary state on a continuum rather than just an end-product. From a study of
teacher career development, Fessler and Christensen (1992, as cited in Fullan 2001)
interviewed 160 teachers across the career span and found that career frustration and
burnout are typical for midcareer teachers. They also found that teachers at career
frustration might return to enthusiastic and growing state if they engaged in professional
development that was revitalizing. Thus, burnout may be an end-product for teachers who
leave the profession with cynicism. It also may be a temporary state if someone overcomes
it through the career.
In addition, the most widely used scales to capture burnout are the MBI scale by
Maslach and Jackson (1981) and the Burnout Measure by Pines and Aronson (1988, as
cited in Schaufeli et al. 1993). These two scales use either a six or seven-point measure
burnout by frequency. Given the nature of the scale, the feelings of burnout are typically
captured as a continuum.
Furthermore, existing studies on burnout typically involved one-time survey data. Thus,
when teacher burnouts were reported, it is difficult to claim that teachers were actually
experiencing an erosion of engagement and burned out or were just experiencing “feelings”
of burnout when burnout were reported. For example, Carson (2006) found that burnout
feelings were captured from teachers’ daily report through personal digital assistance
(PDA). In his study, teachers were having either low, moderate, or high levels of burnout.
Carson’s study suggests that burnout could be an emotional state for teachers.
Friedman and Farber (1992) found that teachers often report that even they are worn out,
they still feel satisfied with teaching and believe they would choose teaching again if they
were to start their professional lives over. In other words, teachers may have “feelings” of
burnout in which they feel emotional exhausted, fatigue, or weaning out but they may still
feel satisfied or efficacious about teaching tasks.
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Sources of burnout
The sources of teacher burnout are believed to have multifaceted factors (Maslach et al.
2001). I categorized the studies on teacher burnout into three groups along the sources of
burnout they identify: individual factors, organizational factors, and transactional factors
(see Fig. 2). Individual factors include demographic variables or personality variables (e.g.,
age, gender, years of teaching experience, personality, etc.; Friedman and Farber 1992;
Greenglass and Burke 1988; Maslach and Jackson 1981). Organizational factors include
institutional and job characteristics, e.g., inappropriate work demands, socioeconomic status
of school, and administrative support, etc. (Brissie et al. 1988; Evers et al. 2004; Farber
1984; Maslach et al. 2001). Studies identifying sources of burnout as individual factors
provided the answers to “who” experiences burnout, while studies identifying sources of
burnout as social and organizational factors provided the answers to “what” makes teachers
burn out.
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Fig. 2 Studying on sources of burnout: a movement from individual, organizational factors to transactional
While the paradigm of educational research has shifted to a more social constructive
approach, more and more studies explore teacher burnout as the result of an interaction
between individual and organizational factors. In this article, I categorized the interaction
effects as transactional factors based on the transactional model proposed by Lazarus and
colleagues (Lazarus and Folkman 1984). In examining job stress, Lazarus and colleagues
identified the critical components in determining the intensity of stress as an individual’s
perceptions and beliefs to interpret the stressor and that individual’s perceived resources of
coping with the stress. Transactional factors include interactions of individual factors with
organizational and/or social factors, such as an employee’s perceptions of leadership style,
teachers’ attribution of student misbehaviors, and teachers’ perceptions of exchange of
investments and outcomes (Bibou-nakou et al. 1999; Evers et al. 2004; Friedman 1995;
Van Horn et al. 1999). In Fig. 2, the overlapping area between individual factors and
organizational factors indicates the transactional factors due to the interaction of these two
Studies that identify the individual factors as sources of burnout aimed to answer the
question of “who” experiences higher levels of burned out. In an early study in clinical
service, Freudenberger (1974) stated that people who are dedicated and committed are the
ones prone to burnout. In teacher burnout studies, younger teachers between 20 and
30 years old have a higher propensity for burnout (Farber 1984; Friedman and Farber 1992)
than teachers between the ages of 30 and 40, particularly in the dimensions of emotional
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exhaustion and depersonalization. Teachers older than 45 reported significantly lower levels
of personal accomplishments (Friedman and Farber 1992; Gold 1985). However, findings
regarding age as a predictor of teacher burnout are not very consistent across the literature.
For instance, some studies have found no evidence for age as a predictor of teacher burnout
(Brissie et al. 1988; Zabel and Zabel 2001).
In terms of gender, mixed results also exist in the literature. Some studies have found no
significant differences in teacher burnout in terms of gender (e.g., Farber 1984; Kahn et al.
2006), while some studies found male teachers reported higher levels of burnout than
female teachers (e.g., Bibou-nakou et al. 1999; Burke and Greenglass 1993). Within studies
in which gender differences were found, consistent findings revealed that female teachers
reported higher levels of emotional exhaustion, while male teachers reported higher levels
of depersonalization and inefficacy (Gold 1985; Burke and Greenglass 1993; Sari 2004).
Other demographic characteristics found to be related to teacher burnout include marital
status, with single teachers more prone to burnout (Maslach and Jackson 1981; Gold 1985),
marriage dissatisfaction for female teachers (Greenglass and Burke 1988), teaching
experience less than 5 years (Capel 1991) or over 15 years (Friedman 1991), and higher
level of education (Maslach and Jackson 1981). However, these results were not consistent
across teacher burnout studies (Carson 2006).
While demographic variables provide limited and mixed results, studies that explore
personality traits yield more consistent findings. Early studies of burnout research argued
that the best and most idealistic workers would be prone to burnout because they are
dedicated to their work and end up doing too much in support of their ideals. Maslach et al.
(2001) asserted that those burned out workers may feel their sacrifice has not been
sufficient to achieve their goals or they may simply have experienced long exposure to
chronic job stressors.
Other personality traits found to predict burnout are low hardiness (e.g., involvement in
activities, openness to change), type-A personality, lower self-esteem, and high expect-
ations (Maslach et al. 2001). People who are feeling types rather than thinking types,
people who have an external locus of control, and people who cope with passive and
defensive ways are also identified as reaching burnout more easily (Semmer 1996, as cited
in Maslach et al. 2001). Lastly, burnout is also found to be related to the Big Five
personality dimensions (see Goldberg 1993): neuroticism which includes anxiety, hostility,
depression, self-consciousness, and vulnerability (Maslach et al. 2001; Zellars et al. 2004).
The studies mentioned above focus on individual factors, individual characteristics, and
personalities that lead to burnout. Demographic variables have been contradictory and thus
provide only a limited explanation of the sources of burnout. Although personality
characteristics seem to predict burnout more effectively than do the demographic variables,
their ability to predict burnout is still questionable. Personalities are not necessarily fixed
variables, and people may respond differently to stressors from situation to situation
(Lazarus and Folkman 1987). Thus, another huge body of burnout research that focuses on
social and organizational factors may provide a more holistic view of the sources of
Maslach et al. 2001), lower school social economic status, organizational rigidity (Brissie et
al. 1988), excessive work demands, inadequate salary or resources (Milstein et al. 1984),
insufficient teacher preparation or training in dealing with student discipline problems
(Farber 1984; Gold and Bachelor 1988), lack of teacher participation in school decision
making (Brissie et al. 1988), and other physical variables, such as overcrowded classrooms,
poor workplaces, and poor work conditions (see Carson 2006).
Cross-cultural studies in the current literature examined teacher burnout by institutional
factors on a national level (Maslach et al. 2001; Pines 2002; Schwarzer et al. 2000).
Maslach et al. (2001) stated that compared to international samples, people in western
Europe appear to have the lowest burnout, while people in Asia and eastern Europe
demonstrate significantly higher levels of burnout. In particular, teachers in Japan and
Taiwan have the highest levels of burnout among teachers in Asia. Schwarzer et al. (2000)
found no significant difference between teachers in Germany and teachers in Hong Kong
on their levels of burnout, although teachers in Hong Kong had a slightly lower perceived
personal accomplishment. However, when compared with US norms, teachers in Hong
Kong reported significantly lower scores on perceived personal accomplishment and
depersonalization and higher scores on emotional exhaustion.
In examining organizational factors as the sources of burnout, I argue that we need to
further examine the inherent cultural beliefs or economic development of different countries
or cultures. For example, Pines (2002) examined burnout among teachers in Israel and in
the USA. In the study, Pines interviewed 97 Israeli teachers and compared their burnout
level with four American teachers and found that Israeli teachers are under higher stress
than American teachers because of larger class sizes, longer work hours, less instructional
support, and fewer resources; in addition, they were exposed to a dangerous environment.
Despite these conditions, American teachers reported higher levels of burnout than Israeli
teachers. Pines explained that this may be because Israeli teachers have a greater sense of
significance in serving as a teacher. More cross-cultural studies are needed to explore how
cultural beliefs and economic development such as teachers’ social and economic status
may impact the issue of teacher burnout.
Transactional factors as sources of burnout: “who” gets burned out in “which” situations?
Transactional factors suggest the relationship between individual factors with organizational
factors. Studies that examined transactional factors provided answers to “who” experiences
higher levels of burnout in “which” situations. Several studies have examined transactional
factors as sources of teacher burnout, such as teachers’ self-concept (Huges 1987), self-
efficacy (Brouwers et al. 1999; Chan 2006), teachers’ socially reflected self-concepts
(Friedman and Farber 1992), teachers’ attribution of student misbehaviors (Friedman 1995;
Bibou-nakou et al. 1999), cycles of student–teacher interactions (Blasé 1982), and internal
rewards or professional satisfaction (Farber 1984; Friedman and Farber 1992).
Bibou-nakou et al. (1999) examined teacher burnout with 200 elementary school
teachers in Greece. Specifically, they examined teachers’ causal attributions and their
relationship with burnout. The results revealed that punitive actions were correlated with
diminished personal achievement, whereas social–integrative coping was associated with
reduced feelings of depersonalization. They further argued that teachers’ personal
accomplishment was higher in the group of teachers who attributed students’ disobedience
to internal student-related factors. That is to say, teachers who did not take students’
disruptive behaviors personally reported higher personal accomplishment in teaching and
thus less feelings of burnout. Moreover, Evers et al. (2004) examined burnout among
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teachers in The Netherlands and suggested that teachers’ competence to cope with
disruptive classroom behaviors was significantly related to each dimension of burnout.
Pines (2002) also suggested that disruptive student behaviors stress teachers because when
students lack interest in learning and lack attention in class, teachers may feel they are
insignificant or perceive themselves as failures.
Teachers’ perceptions of social support appear to have a strong link with teacher
burnout. Kahn et al. (2006) claimed that varied degrees of emotional and social support
may predict burnout differently. Generally, social support provides opportunities for
reappraisal and adaptive responses to work stress, thereby easing burnout. Positive support
is associated with less degree of burnout because positive reappraisal and the formation of
adaptive responses are reflected by positive communication. However, teachers’ coping
efforts may fail if the communications are focused on negative topics that reflect failed
efforts to provide adaptive responses; thus, feelings of burnout may increase.
Teachers’ perceptions of social relationships are also found to be related to feelings of
burnout. When teachers perceive they invest more than what they get back from their
schools, or when outcomes from students are lower than they had expected, they are prone
to experience burnout (Van Horn et al. 1999). Similarly, Taris et al. (2004) found that the
inequity teachers experience in three exchange relationships (with students, colleagues, and
the schools) is related to teacher burnout, particularly in emotional exhaustion.
By examining transactional factors, scholars offered deep insight into why some teachers
feel drained by problematic student behaviors. In the same situation of disruptive student
behavior, one teacher may feel threatened, while another may not. Teachers are affected
unequally by exposure to the same disruptive behaviors on the part of students. Some
scholars believe that this is because teachers respond to the potential stressors of burnout
based on their goals and beliefs (Friedman 1995). In other words, teachers do not
necessarily feel burnout simply by dealing with the disruptive behaviors of students, but
may feel so because of their perception, appraisal, attribution, and feelings about those
In sum, the literature on teacher burnout indicates the shift from examining individual
(internal) and organizational (external) factors in isolation from each other to examine
teachers’ individual experiences in the context of transactional factors. The emerging body
of research on transactional factors offers deeper insight into teacher burnout. A synthesis
of burnout studies in the last two decades indicates that student disruptive behavior is the
top factor that contributes to teacher burnout (Bibou-nakou et al. 1999; Evers et al. 2004;
Gold 1985; Pines 2002).
While it may be argued that student disruptive behaviors are the determinant factors of
teacher burnout, I argue that they cannot be the sole factor contributing to teacher burnout
and that understanding teachers’ “beliefs” of student disruptive behaviors may provide us
more insight. Teacher beliefs shape how teachers think and act in the classroom (Woolfolk
Hoy et al. 2006, 2009). Consequently, it is important to inquire about teachers’ beliefs and
cognitive processes in influencing teachers’ emotional reactions to the sources of burnout.
If classroom disruptive behavior is identified as the prominent source of teacher burnout,
how does one teacher manage to survive, while the other is depleted by it?
As proposed in Fig. 1, I believe we need to further examine teachers’ emotional
experiences and antecedent cognitive appraisals to answer this question. What is the
emotion teachers generally experience that may contribute to their burnout? Is it anger? Is it
frustration? Or is it the culmination of unpleasant emotions over time that leads teachers to
repeatedly experience burnout? Next, I will review the literature on teacher emotions and
how the emotional aspects of teaching potentially lead to burnout.
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Emotional labor and emotional intensity in teaching: why are teachers exhausted?
“Teachers wear many hats such as friend, protector, mentor, disciplinarian, and gatekeeper
to academic success” (Davis 2001, p. 431). Teaching offers opportunities to feel closeness
and intimacy in student and colleague relationships which in turn offers opportunities for
many pleasant emotional experiences such as passion, excitement, joy, pride, and hope.
However, teaching also offers opportunities to feel worried, frustrated, guilty, angry,
powerless, fearful, vulnerable, and disappointed. Teachers’ emotions change day by day,
class by class, sometimes even moment by moment. Due to the complexity of teacher–
student relationships teachers need to engage in and maintain teaching requires an extensive
degree of emotional work (Hargreaves 1998; Sutton 2007). Accordingly, teachers may feel
exhausted from the emotional labor when they are engaged in student–teacher relationships.
Teachers often engage in emotional labor by performing emotional understandings to
connect with students (Hargreaves 1998). Emotional labor is defined as what employees
perform when they are required to feel, or at least project the appearance of feeling certain
emotions as they engage in job-relevant interactions (Hochschild 1983). Hochschild
claimed that in some occupations, employees are required to manage their emotions to
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produce desired customer responses and thus engage in emotional labor. Among the
emotional labor studies (Abraham 1999; Morris and Feldman 1997), emotional dissonance
(inconsistency between the emotions employees feel and display) is found to be a predictor
of emotional exhaustion. In studying emotional labor and burnout in teaching, Carson
(2006) found that burnout was associated with emotional display rules (exhibiting positive
emotions or suppressing negative emotions).
The beginning years of a teaching career usually evoke intense emotions for teachers
(Bullough and Draper 2004; Chang 2009; Hargreaves 2005; Intrator 2006; Liljestrom et al.
2007). Bullough and Baughman (1997) found that many novice teachers do not realize the
profound all-encompassing emotional work involved in teaching until their first year.
Similarly, Intrator (2006) found that new teachers experience a dramatic range of intense
emotions and passions evoked by the fear of not being liked or respected, the vulnerability
that comes with awareness of judgment by others, the anxiety of not being familiar with the
subject matter, and the discomfort that comes from having to make rapid-fire and uncertain
In addition, unpleasant emotions are usually caused by poor relationships (Oatley 1991).
Hargreaves (2000) interviewed 53 teachers in 15 schools and concluded that teachers feel
bad when they do not feel connected with their students, when they feel they are being
misunderstood, when they are unjustly accused by others, or when they are treated as a
stereotype. In later research, Hargreaves (2002) found that betrayal in relationships with
colleagues or administrators served as another trigger of unpleasant emotions for many
School reform has also been found to be related to teachers’ unpleasant emotions (Day
and Leitch 2001; Hargreaves and Tucker 1991; Zembylas and Barker 2007). In particular,
teachers feel bad when reforms are characterized by conflict, change, and ambiguity
(Schmidt and Datnow 2005). Day and Leitch (2001) interviewed teachers in England and
The Netherlands and found that many teachers share a common struggle with change and
reform movements and thus are exhausted. Teachers and schools are given too little time to
adopt the changes; therefore, teachers report feelings like “being on an escalator and not
being able to get off until you have carried out the next change” (p. 409). Similarly,
Calderhead (2001) believed that reform movements often cause uncertainty and anxiety for
teachers. Some teachers may feel that they lose the reassurance of doing a good job because
they can no longer evaluate their performance by the normal indicators. Reform also
provokes anxiety and demotivates teachers due to the lack of identity, sense of purpose, and
effectiveness during the reform. In addition, many teachers often feel burned out because of
the extensive efforts needed to meet parents’ or administrators’ expectations due to reform.
In conclusion, teachers may become emotionally exhausted due to the intensive
emotional work and emotional labor required in teaching. Reform efforts and poor
relationships often drain teachers. Teachers also often feel burned out because of the
extensive emotional labor they are engaged in to maintain student–teacher relationships.
Unpleasant emotions and their antecedents: the underlying appraisals behind emotions
As the theoretical model proposed in Fig. 1, in order to understand why teachers are
emotionally exhausted, it is important to examine teachers’ habitual patterns in judging
students’ behaviors, including the antecedents of teachers’ emotions. Appraisal theory
argues a cognitive view of emotions, meaning that emotions are elicited by judgments (i.e.,
appraisals) of events and situations (Smith and Lazarus 1990; Roseman and Smith 2001).
From this perspective, emotions are a response to interpretations of events, rather than to
Educ Psychol Rev (2009) 21:193–218 205
events themselves (Roseman and Smith 2001). For example, anger may be elicited by
appraisals of unfair treatment or blaming another person for an undesired event. In addition,
the judgments we make are based on meanings we assign to events (Smith and Kirby
2001). Accordingly, the judgments teachers make about the behaviors in the classroom may
underlie the emotions that are aroused.
Lazarus (1993, 2000) stated that intensity of aroused emotions depends on the way in
which we evaluate the significance of events through primary and secondary appraisals.
The components of primary appraisals are relevance (importance of the events) and goal
congruence. The components of the secondary appraisals are accountability/agency, coping
potential, and future expectancy (Smith and Lazarus 1990).
In primary appraisal, relevance/importance and goal congruence of the event are believed to
be the two most important factors in determining the significance of an emotional encounter
(Lazarus 1991, 2000). The more relevant a teacher judges an incident or interaction, the more
intense the emotional experience is. In the classroom context, student–teacher relationships
can serve as a thermometer for relevance. As Ben-Ze’ve (2000) defined “emotional
closeness” in terms of time, space, effect, or degree, teachers share a proximal space with
students and interact with students intensively. Therefore, the more a teacher cares about
students, the higher degree of relevance would be appraised in an emotional encounter.
Teachers’ judgments of relevance may also be a function of their perceived psychological
proximity (Muller et al. 1999; Newberry and Davis 2008). In other words, relationships may
be viewed as more relevant to a teacher’s goals when the teacher perceives the students to be
closer. For example, when a classroom incident occurs, the less a teacher cares about the
student or the less she cares about the lesson, the less likely the incident would be judged to
be important. Thus, emotions may not be elicited in this situation.
Goal congruence is another major component of primary appraisals (Lazarus 1991). In a
classroom, a teacher may set several goals in teaching tasks: maintaining order, managing
students’ behaviors, following lesson plans, and helping students reach learning goals. As
burnout literature suggests that students’ disruptive behaviors are the major sources drain
teachers, it is very likely that students’ disruptive behaviors could be a threat to teachers’
goal achievement. This goal incongruence might increase the intensity of emotions (Schutz
et al. 2004).
In secondary appraisal, teachers make judgments regarding the nature of the event that
forms the kind of emotion and its intensity. While the event is considered to be incongruent
and relevant to the primary appraisal, the next process is to determine the accountability/
agency of the events, the controllability over the events, the coping potential to deal with
the events, and the future expectancy of the events (Ben-Ze’ve 2000).
Accountability refers to the nature of the agency generating the emotional encounter; the
related major issues are degree of controllability, invested effort, and intent (Ben-Ze’ve
2000). In other words, one may ask questions like who is responsible for the event? How
much control do I have over it? What can I do with it? Am I capable of doing it? What
might be the consequences of acting or not acting? Evaluations from these questions may
influence the types of emotions elicited. For example, when one views others as the ones to
blame for the arousal event, anger may be elicited, while if the self is thought to be
responsible for the arousal event, guilt may be elicited. Perceived coping potential and
future expectancy would further determine the intensity of the emotions. When coping
potential is perceived to be low, or when the events are perceived to be likely to occur
again, the intensity of emotions may be higher.
In consistent with appraisal theories in the literature, Chang (2009) studied 554
teachers’ emotional responses in self-reported classroom disruptive behavior and found that
206 Educ Psychol Rev (2009) 21:193–218
the judgments teachers made regarding student behaviors influenced the unpleasant
emotions teacher felt; particularly, goal incongruence and lower perceptions of coping
potential significantly covariate with teachers’ unpleasant emotions.
In sum, emotions are aroused by the appraisals we make about events. The judgments
and evaluations about the causes of events influence the types of emotions we may have as
well as the intensity of emotions we may feel. Different emotions are elicited by varied
degrees of appraisals we make with regards to the goal congruence, importance/relevance
of the events, agency, and control/coping potentials.
Table 1 outlines how teachers’ judgments of misbehaviors may systematically vary to
produce different unpleasant emotions (Lazarus 2001; Roseman and Smith 2001). The
common underlying appraisals for anger, frustration, anxiety, and guilt are high motive
incongruent and high relevance. In other words, these unpleasant emotions are aroused
because of the perceived incongruence of one’s goal in high importance situations, and yet,
these emotions can be discerned by their unique appraisals. In terms of agency, anger is
usually other-caused, guilt is self-caused, and frustration and anxiety are usually
circumstance-caused emotions. While anger and guilt are aroused when events are
perceived to have high control potential, frustration and anxiety are usually aroused when
events are perceived to have low control potential.
and Sleegers 2006), guilt (Hargreaves and Tucker 1991; Prawat et al. 1983), shame (Bibby
2002; Carson 2006), and sadness (Sutton 2000, as cited in Sutton and Wheatley 2003).
Above studies examined the sources that trigger teachers’ unpleasant emotions.
Frustration and anger Frustration is the most frequently experienced unpleasant emotion
reported by teachers (Chang 2009; Sutton 2007). The sources of frustration are mostly
from factors outside the classroom: administrative work, externally mandated change or
reformation, and conflicts between their teaching goals and the expectations from school
administration (Golby 1996; Hargreaves 2004; Zembylas 2003).
Teacher anger may be caused by goal related incongruence, such as student misbehavior
or student failure (Chang 2009). This is particularly true if teachers perceive the
misbehaviors or failure as intentional or controllable on the part of the student (Brophy
and McCaslin 1992; Graham 1994; Prawat et al. 1983), or if they perceive high-ability
students failing due to lack of effort or if they believe misbehaviors are disrespectful
(Prawat et al. 1983). Teacher anger also may be triggered by externally mandated change or
by reforms they do not believe are beneficial to their instruction or students.
Frustration is usually circumstance-caused instead of specific-other caused. The core
relation theme for frustration is usually feelings of no control over a repeatedly undesired
situation. In other words, teachers feel frustrated when misbehaviors or difficulty in
teaching are caused not by a specific student but by circumstances over which teachers
often feel they have no control. However, according to Sutton (2007), the distinctions
between frustration and anger were blurred in several areas in terms of bodily responses,
intrusive thoughts, immediate actions, and coping strategies. In addition, most teachers
perceived that being angry is not considered appropriate for a professional image in the
208 Educ Psychol Rev (2009) 21:193–218
classroom and therefore tend to report or express frustration (Liljestrom et al. 2007; Sutton
2007). Because frustration sounds more socially acceptable, teachers tend to report
frustration rather than anger. Moreover, anger may turn into frustration because teachers
feel there is nothing they can do about repeated misbehaviors or situations. Therefore, the
main distinction we can draw between frustration and anger is appraisals of agency/
accountability of incidents. Teachers may feel frustrated when they appraise the incidents
are caused by circumstances, and they may feel anger when the incidents are caused by
specific students.
One more distinction between frustration and anger is the threatening component in
anger. Different from frustration, anger is usually accompanied by threat and harm. Anger is
aroused in the face of a specific, undeserved offense in which the action is believed to be
unjustified and controllable (Ben-Ze’ve 2000; Lazarus 2001). For instance, teachers may
feel anger toward disruptive students when they believe the behaviors are unjust and
controllable by students. Teachers who feel anger often feel they are being depreciated or
undermined by others, such as students, parents, and administrators, as if their dignity is
being hurt or their authority is being threatened.
Guilt Guilt is another unpleasant emotion teachers commonly feel due to the nature of
caring and feeling responsible for students (Hargreaves and Tuckers 1991; Prawat et al.
1983; van Veen et al. 2005; Zembylas 2003). Guilt is a self-caused emotion, which is
common for teachers who perceive they are responsible for high importance and high
incongruence situations. It often involves the moral purposes embedded in teachers’
professional missions. The core relational theme for guilt is having transgressed a moral
imperative or having violated an internalized social norm or value (Ben-Ze’ve 2000;
Lazarus 2001). For example, teachers may feel guilty because they perceive they are
responsible for the ignorance of students who have trouble at home or at school.
Hargreaves and Tuckers (1991) analyzed the nature of guilt in teaching and pointed out
that teachers’ guilt resulted from conflicts among several factors: teachers’ commitment to
nurture children, the ambiguity inherent in determining teachers’ effects on their students,
increasing demands of accountability, and personal perfectionism. In the study, the
researchers discussed two kinds of guilt in teaching: persecutory and depressive guilt.
Persecutory guilt comes with accountability demands and bureaucratic controls. Depressive
guilt originates from early childhood and is called out in later life in situations where
“individuals feel they have ignored, betrayed, or failed to protect the people or values that
symbolize their good internal object” (p. 495). For instance, persecutory guilt leads teachers
to concentrate on covering the required content without compromise. Depressive guilt
appears when teachers find themselves having failed to recognize a child who is being
abused at home. The researchers further concluded the consequences of guilt can be
resentment, burnout, and cynicism.
Teacher guilt is also related to feelings of responsibility. Prawat et al. (1983) found
teachers feel guilty when students give up on learning. According to Liljestrom and
colleagues (2007), some teachers perceived it to be their responsibility, or moral duty, to
help students and their family as part of their professional roles. Weiner (1995) indicates
that teachers are likely to be aware of the low aptitude of a student and judge that they
“should have” tried harder. When teachers attribute the responsibilities to students, does it
reduce their feelings of responsibility? It might be true that attributing responsibilities to
students reduces teachers’ feeling of responsibility; however, to assign the responsibilities
to students also implies that one believes students have control and should have done better,
which in turn might generate emotions such as anger (Weiner 1995).
Educ Psychol Rev (2009) 21:193–218 209
In order to adapt to the arousal they may feel while teaching, teachers need to be able to
regulate their emotions with effective coping strategies. Emotion regulation refers to the
heterogeneous set of processes by which emotions are themselves regulated (Gross 1998,
1999; Gross and John 2003). Gross and John defined emotion regulation as a theoretical
conceptualization of physiological, behavioral, and cognitive processes that enable
individuals to modulate the experience and expression of positive and negative emotions.
Bullough and Baughman (1997) studied a teacher’s life for 8 years and found that
self-regulatory knowledge plays a critical role in emotion regulation. Self-regulatory
knowledge refers to how experts know themselves and how they process the knowledge
they own. Bullough suggests that “the determination of which levels of stress are
productive and which levels are not is a matter of a teachers’ self-regulatory knowledge
(p. 104).” In other words, teachers need to be self-reflective in monitoring their own stress
levels or emotions that are taking place while in the classroom.
Emotion regulation can be described as a continuum from conscious, effortful, and
controlled regulation to unconscious, effortless, and automatic regulation, where context
may make things better or worse (Gross and Thompson 2007). Gross (2002) proposed the
framework of regulating emotion in two forms: reappraisal and suppression. Through
reappraisal, one changes thinking about a situation in order to decrease its emotional
impact. Reappraisal decreases unpleasant emotional experiences and expressions, while
increasing pleasant emotional experiences and expressions. Unlike reappraisal, during
suppression, one inhibits ongoing emotion-expressive behavior. Suppression not only has
little impact on unpleasant emotions but also “consumes cognitive resources, impairing
memory for information presented during the emotion regulation period” (Gross 2002, p.
289). For example, if a teacher in the face of arousal events in the classroom chooses to
suppress emotions and pretends to be calm, it is likely the teacher will have limited
cognitive capacity to carry out the lesson and the unpleasant emotion is not likely to go
Unfortunately, teachers often neglect or suppress their emotions because the work and
the power structures in schools could pose serious threats to teachers’ objectives and
210 Educ Psychol Rev (2009) 21:193–218
therefore influence teachers’ expressions of intense emotional distress and anger (see
Liljestrom et al. 2007). Sutton and Wheatley (2003) asserted that suppression of emotions
requires continuous self-monitoring and self-corrective actions for as long as emotion
processes last thus reducing cognitive resources for other activities. Studies have found that
emotional regulation strategies like suppressing, faking, or hiding of true emotions led to
greater overall burnout (Carson 2007; Chang 2009). For example, Carson (2007) used
surveys and PDA diaries to investigate the relations between teacher burnout, teachers’
emotions, and emotional regulation. These results are consistent with Brotheridge and
Grandey’s (2002) study, which showed surface acting (e.g., hiding anger, and fear) is
significantly related to emotional exhaustion (also see Grandey 2003). Previous research
also noted that suppressing anger is costly to an individual’s well-being. Therefore, it is
imperative that teacher educators understand effective emotional regulation and coping
strategies so that we can provide teachers with strategies to understand the emotional
aspects of teaching and help teachers not to “neglect” their own emotions.
One way to help regulate emotion is through coping mechanisms. Coping involves
identifying and labeling what you are feeling as well as selecting strategies to enhance or
dampen what are you feeling (Davis et al. 2008; Lazarus 2000). In the literature, views
about coping have shifted from perceiving coping as a reaction or a response to emotions to
recognizing coping as an integral part of emotions (see Lazarus 2000). In accordance with a
reciprocal dynamic view of coping with emotion, coping is defined as “constantly changing
cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that
are appraised as taxing or exceeding the resources of the person” (Lazarus and Folkman
1984, p. 141). In this view, coping is believed to be an integral part of the process of
emotion instead of just a response. Specifically, Lazarus (2001) asserted that the evaluation
of coping options is a major component in secondary appraisals in which one appraises
what can be done in the troubled person–environment relationship.
Generally, types of coping include task-focused coping (i.e., problem-focused coping)
and emotion-focused coping (Lazarus 2000). Problem-focused coping aims to obtain
information about the troubled person–environment relationship and change the reality.
Emotion-focused coping aims to regulate the emotions that were elicited by the events.
Some scholars argue problem-focused coping is superior to emotion-focused coping in
terms of managing the emotions with positive outcomes (Lazarus 2006). However,
Lazarus argues these two functions are reciprocal to each other and therefore each
function facilitates the other and should be considered as combined efforts of coping.
Both emotion-focused coping (e.g., seeking social support) and problem-focused coping
(e.g., making a plan to solve the situation) are found to be effective in easing burnout (see
Lazarus 2006).
In terms of coping strategies, teachers who cope using an avoidance approach (e.g.,
suppression of emotion or disengagement from stressful situations) tend to report higher
levels of stress or burnout (Chang 2009; Griffith et al. 1999; Mearns and Cain 2003). In
addition, Schutz et al. (2004) proposed a third dimension of coping process: regaining-task-
focused processing, which may be essential to bridge the coping process from emotion-
focused to problem-focused. Regaining-task-focused processes include tension reduction
and importance-reappraisal strategies (also see Schutz and Davis 2000). In this process, one
attempts to get back on task and regain perspective on tasks by techniques such as tension
reduction: slowing down breath, taking a minute to stop and stretch, or talking self through
the steps (Schutz and Davis 2000). Further, importance reappraisal involves reevaluating
the relative importance of the task to one's goal. As noted by Gross and John (2003),
reappraisals not only decrease the unpleasant emotions but also increase pleasant emotions.
Educ Psychol Rev (2009) 21:193–218 211
For example, while a teacher experiences intensive anger with a disruptive student, it may
be necessary for teachers to cope with the emotions first by slowing breathing and self-
talking to soothe emotions and then to deal with the actual problems by focusing on
reevaluating the events and changing perspectives. This results in helping teachers focusing
on solving the problem or implementing related tasks in order to deal with the disruptive
In recent coping literature, Greenglass (2002) believes that proactive coping could be an
effective tool in stress and emotion management. Proactive coping is a coping strategy that
is oriented toward future expectancy. It emphasizes one’s personal capacity in goal
management (foresee the problems and seek challenges) rather than risk management (be
responsive to the problems). Coping in traditional contexts is reactive and reflects the
compensation for loss or harm. However, people who are proactive seek challenges and
hold neutral views about challenges instead of viewing them as threats, harm, or loss.
Therefore, proactive coping incorporates a positive approach to dealing with stressors and
integrates the processes of self-regulatory goal attainment. In consistent with Greenglass’
theory, Chang (2009) found that proactive coping is a significant latent factor that
negatively covariates with teacher burnout.
The idea of proactive coping is similar to the concept of “Thriving with Social Process
(TSP)” by Ford and Smith (2007). TSP has four components of human motivation—goals,
capability beliefs, context beliefs, and emotions. The core of the TSP motivational patterns
is “an active approach goal orientation informed by a fundamental concern of social
purpose (p. 153)”. According to Ford and Smith, the key to establishing a thriving
motivational pattern is to cultivate strong leadership qualities in the personal goal
component of system functioning:
Such qualities include a clear understanding of one’s core personal goals (current and
emergent) and the ability to stay focused on those goals, a willingness to explore
alternatives and take risks when change is needed to maintain progress toward that
mission, and a persistent bias toward initiating action so as to minimize the possibility
of becoming mired in evaluative thoughts and feelings or having external circum-
stances dictate options and opportunities. (p. 161)
Similar to the TSP theory, proactive coping also emphasizes the personal goal attainment
and the capacity to overcome obstacles with an active approach. In other words, to prevent
burnout, teachers need to foresee the challenges in the classroom, explore alternatives in
facing the challenges, and be persistent in the actions when deal with the classroom
Further, TSP also addresses the potential of a thriving pattern in our motivational states
in preventing burnout. Since one of the symptoms of burnout is the erosion of engagement,
a thriving pattern suggests the cultivation of habits “of evaluative thinking and feeling that
facilitate rather than inhibit engagement” (p. 162).
In conclusion, to be proactive to feelings of burnout, teachers need to understand how
their appraisal processes are functioning in the classroom and how these may be habitual
patterns that lead to unpleasant emotions as suggested in Fig. 1. In other words, teachers
need to be reflective about the judgments they are making about students’ behaviors. If
there is a habitual pattern that leads teachers to feel emotionally drained by students’
misbehaviors, it is possible to reduce the level of emotional stress if teachers learn to
reevaluate and reappraise the situations. Moreover, being proactive and adopting a thriving
pattern would help teachers to keep engaging in the teaching tasks and in the teacher–
student relationships.
212 Educ Psychol Rev (2009) 21:193–218
Without effective emotion regulation and coping strategies, teachers are more likely to
experience higher levels of burnout, especially on the dimension of emotional exhaustion. If
burnout, as a syndrome, is related to the repeated experiences of anxiety, anger, frustration,
and guilt, how can we prevent teacher burnout by helping teachers regulate their emotions?
Teacher beliefs shape how teachers think and act in the classroom (Woolfolk Hoy et al.
2006, 2009). In order to help teachers in emotion management, teacher educators can focus
on increasing four understandings: acknowledging that teaching is an emotional profession,
identifying and reflecting on emotions and the underlying cognitive appraisals, regulating
their emotions appropriately, and coping with emotions effectively.
First, teachers must understand that emotions are an integral part of teaching (Hargreaves
1998; Sutton and Wheatley 2003). The teaching profession is usually considered a caring
job. However, as it is described in the above literature, teaching involves complex student–
teacher relationships, as well as emotions; it is not just about caring. However, the more
teachers care about students, the more likely they are to get angry or frustrated by students.
For professions in which people work closely with people, like counseling or clinical
psychology, professional training addresses the distinction between transference and
empathy, which is designed to help counselors or clinical psychologists become detached
from their emotions. Teachers work very closely with students every day and experience
various emotions. Thus, teachers should be trained to carefully deal with affect or emotional
domains in the student–teacher relationships.
In addition, beginning teachers should understand the dramatic range of intense
emotions they will experience so they may enter the profession with a realistic view
instead of an overoptimistic view of teaching. Liljestrom et al. (2007) modified the
emotional politics framework by Hargreaves (1998) and proposed a framework for the
emotions of teaching embedded within the social–cultural contexts of schooling. They
argued that:
& Teaching is an emotional practice
& Teaching and learning involve emotional understanding
& Teaching is a form of emotional labor
& Teachers’ emotions are inseparable from their moral purposes and their ability to
achieve those purposes
& Teachers’ emotions are rooted in and affect their selves, identities, and relationships
with others
& Teachers’ emotions are shaped by experiences of power and powerlessness
& Teachers’ emotions vary with culture and context (p. 277)
With such a realistic view of emotion in mind, teachers then may be more accepting of
their emotions and thus more neutral in labeling their emotional experiences.
Second, teachers must accurately label their emotional experiences, identify ineffective
patterns of judgments of classroom events, and reflect on the emotions they feel and the
judgments they make that underlie the emotions. Teachers need to have a realistic
understanding of how emotions are embedded in teaching and should abandon the view that
unpleasant emotions are irrational or wrong in the classroom. They need to understand
affects are motivators of action (Graham 1994) and that emotions are functional in the
processes of teaching and learning (Davis et al. 2008; Winograd 2003). To accurately label
their emotional experiences, teachers are encouraged to holding a positive view of emotions
Educ Psychol Rev (2009) 21:193–218 213
in the classroom instead of avoiding talking about unpleasant emotions, such as anger. For
example, if a teacher is feeling angry, one should ask: what behavior is eliciting this
emotion? Is it solely due to the student’s disruptive behavior or is it caused by my
judgments of being undermined or disrespected?
After labeling the emotions and identifying the judgments they are making about the events,
teachers need to be reflective on how they feel and the judgments they are making (Chang and
Davis 2009). Teacher educators need to assist teachers in reflecting on judgments of events in
a detached and realistic manner. Following the previous example, if anger is elicited by
judgments of being undermined or disrespected, the teacher then must ask if it is true that the
student disrespected her. The central question for teachers to reflect on is, do we judge
students as disrespectful because we are not familiar with the norms behind their behaviors?
Third, one way to effectively regulate emotions is by using reappraisal strategies to
adjust goals and understandings of students’ behaviors. After reflecting on the emotions and
the judgments teachers are making about the events, teachers should use reappraisal
strategies instead of suppression to regulate the unpleasant emotions they are feeling. Then,
they need to adjust their goals and understandings of students’ behaviors. Instead of judging
students as disrespectful, teachers need to learn to understand how and why students
behave. Following the previous example, the teacher needs to reflect on questions such as
how does this child understand authority? What are his/her goals? Can those goals be
attained in another way? If students are trying to gain power through aggressive behaviors,
how can this dominance transformed into leadership? Teacher educators should train
teachers to reflect on these productive questions.
Lastly, teachers need to adopt effective and multiple coping strategies to regain their
composure and to be proactive toward classroom problems. Ideally, teachers need to
effectively adopt both emotion-focused coping and task-focused coping strategies. Research
has shown coping resources are essential to easing stress and burnout (Lazarus 2006). Solely
relying on one method of coping does not necessarily lead to decreasing emotional intensity
or decreasing stress. One thing teachers must be bear in mind is that avoidance (e.g.,
suppression, disengagement) is the worst way to cope with the troubled person–
environment problem. Emotion-focused coping strategies allow teachers to label and
acknowledge the actual emotions they are experiencing as well as to temporarily regulate
emotions through social recognition. Task-focused coping strategies encourage teachers to
focus on actual problems and direct actions to change the situations (Davis et al. 2008).
There is no “right or wrong” way or “best” way in applying the coping strategies. Effective
coping strategies depend on one’s capacity to understand and regulate oneself in different
situations. Therefore, a better way to ensure successful coping is to make multiple coping
resources available. In addition, teachers need to be proactive in classroom management.
One who foresees potential risk in the classroom will be more prepared to face problems
and not feel threat or loss from classroom discipline issues.
First, existing studies on teacher burnout have heavily relied on one-time survey data. To
better understand how teachers may prevent burnout or revitalize from burnout, we need
more longitudinal and qualitative data. With longitudinal and qualitative data, we may
further investigate how feelings of burnout may vary depending on teachers’ current states
during academic year or during different stages of their career. We may also further
214 Educ Psychol Rev (2009) 21:193–218
investigate and answer questions about the properties of burnout, such as can you know
when you are burned out? Can you be wrong in thinking you are burned out?
Second, further studies can focus on teachers who are resilient and enthusiastic in their
career. What are the traits of those teachers? How do those teachers make appropriate appraisals
on students’ behaviors? How do those teachers employ effective emotion regulation strategies
and coping strategies in the face of challenging situations in the classroom?
Third, though many teachers experience burn out, there are some who stay engaged and
revitalized. How do they keep themselves energized? What are the external strategies and
internal coping mechanisms they manifest that allow them to deal with the same students as
those who burn out, yet not be affected in the same way?
In addition, the subject between teacher emotions and teacher burnout is still an
unexplored research area. The following questions still need to be further explored. How
can reappraisal help teachers to rejuvenate and restore their energy? What are the appraisal
processes in teachers’ emotional arousals? What are the processes involved in emotion
regulation? What are the different processes used when regulating different emotions, such
as anger and frustration? What are the most effective coping strategies in dealing with anger
and frustration?
Lastly, emotion studies should employ some technology devices to study in-the-moment
emotions. Studies on teacher emotions have relied heavily on interviews. Interviewing data
are usually based on recalling memories of participants; thus, they could be twisted based
on postinterpretation of the events. To further understand teachers’ in-the-moment
appraisals and regulation strategies, it is necessary to study teacher emotions through some
technology devices. For example, we may use some digital devices to record teachers’
physiological responses to the disruptive events and then have teachers to reflect on the
events after the class on the PDA or web tools. In addition, intervention may also be
introduced to teachers through those digital devices, such as instant feedback on their
appraisals of the events. With intervention, we may find better ways to help teachers cope
with unpleasant emotions and potential burnout in teaching professions.
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