Forensic Toxicology

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1oxicsl48 "A Subtantes are poisons, ere it nme uhich

poison. The right dote disave sheks a poiten tpon emdy"

osh a

Poyeicin Pornceltu

loxiedlgay is fhe
studa of por tans
It ic concernesd ith ne chemical ond physical propertier of toris tuasto.
Ces 0d fheir physio logi eal effechs on living9 orgónism 7he qualtriun
n quantifoti ve methode por their anglusie in bióbgical ond nn- bit lgra
aferiols and the develop menf of procedures for me retmest of poit

por&en is ang aubstance ohth token in afpieie quoni ail oue
aHh or death
forensic boxricolpgist it primarily coocerned aith he defachion ael estimatios
F P isons in tisues ond body tloid obfained at autopsy , or occagsioel
In_ blood urine_or gagric marerial obtained from
hvun4 person
Drugc abuse
Drug is'a substance ohich may have medical, intoxicatip. pepormat
entancing or other effecks ohen aken_0r_put into honan badyu or he hody
of anothér animal andis not considered foo
>h drug that is taken for non mecical reatone lusually 4or i - alerip
ee s dyg of abus Drug obuse con lead da husical and meotal
damage and loith some substaoces) depeneene and addichion
Drug abuse is a uce of drug or substhnce in ohich con s umer taks
The substance io such quaoi or by usin9 such mehodr whith are
neaher superviced nor appra ved b an4 medical prafeccional
9 ng abuse is nt restricded to psyeho-attve er moodl changing drg
Some substance is used ifh an objective fhaf is agains the politr
and rules of he place los stereidc ore
used in
Spots effr ehh ecing
pespor mance), His alco called o9 sukvante a buke

ladioistratrd by mau h
Akaqe sedahive dase aTbihmto y 16-90 mg

A. Based on
atural Drus: derivedArom dnd reqluire li7Hle or.O0proce

Ecannabis,opiumoca pasTe
emi-cuothetic produter bu suoecting ome chemal poE
S9cocainec ,herain
ohehic iChemicol procesu are the sole bapis at produchion dg 1hee drug
melth aualone _Inandbax), amphetomine Hype sthimulanks ,dazpin,
8-Based net they-produce
Tim.ulant pychoaekive drugs that mduce temporay_imprevenmeDAS_In eith
menfal or phASicol cunctigns or both ioclude kuhstonces That wake one u

timulate the mindmoQy_even couse cuphovia but ds not offect

Egamphetamin.ea, me toro phetamined coffeine , nieofine ,cocaine ,et.
SumptomsS eete d
Acute Tntovicahion eupherio ,Inereosed motor 4spech activiby increared

Chrnic intoxicatioo :Sleep problem, supprescion 4 oppefite
kass ef appefite Mood
Rapid nd ireguar_heart beat

i.Aitdraal ymphame Na ,elevote B PSehog
Ho Severe iveysiolbg itel ailure, distu rhed sleep ,moderde
depression ,Exireme fatia ue
Deprescant i dnuanere): includes all he
Yeducinganecihetic of
cQuplee NIh substance) uhich may induce relaxingcolmative ,anie
change in perreption
ike alahol tophotbarbitursts feelicas: Alcohol
create a feling o oc~ on_ CNS o
sress Barbi
Tte turate4Benzodiazepire
sheep.. violfnchions so rela
ell being_and prduce
Shot harbiturakeobsabed more chaly (Phenabarbida!
abtorbedather quickly (Peiokarb
in! ec
kOace the ballutinogen 1s in your body, chemitol Ike cerotonin and aceleholine
hallutin atianu (tan lay 3044 h»)
ntefere ifh neurotransttens on caute
DMIdimeyl4ryphmine ) peilybia
iocludej tuens
3Malutinggens produre fhat alH#eratons in oomal thought prncees,perrep.
ion od ma0d, a lHer sontou proesting in the brain
Peyehedelies q.4sD,
Peyeh mescaline
acid diylamide) is cynthe sized trom lytegic aud,a mbstane
deived m erget la ype of pungur that ottark cenain pe f grains)brs.
1his i poteok rug. 0oly 2S cufticient do cause halatindtiont for 12
bDiccociative lg: Mogic muchroo tamim, PCP)
PCP(phenyleyelidine is sypthesized sinple chemical procels. i s e t
mIyed oi fh other drugs like ASD or omphetamine and is sald a e peoder,
copsues or tobleh or y lig wie
eriants£g, Dabura JisenWeed
Narcei cs: -
Su hsrtanes thot act
CNs and bripg reliep fron poin ond

produte cleep.. 0pium maphine ,hereine, codé in , gyoietie e

*Mereine in

impure form-) brownSy907
10-1 km more potent fih on morphine
pium o y nil juie obd from unnpe pod pope lbpaver soma orm)
Symp toms
Euphona, Drauginas &apathy , Impoined reasoning; conuukion, comgdesth
(over dare heroin)
Feli ef unaell penistenf body poin , lasomnia.
ni' oll efftt lHinmulatons, depraand, helcinageng,narcohe?)
S Loonabis : lbooobit plonks predute a rap chemicols knoun.os Coongbineid
u hich pradutey mefal ond phycical efecfs when takoo
At .0
a ut
drug, usuall tomes
infarm o dned tlouer buds (neijanel, reuin (ren
r vorio ur extrac colechuel knsan o hashish oil,
deophor1a, Akemd sense,Impaired nemo,Bor mshr séille
foor cosoihve skils , vespi mhy problems,impotence yehoi
Slep dshurban ces , Irikabli, Trema EDeprestio
C.Ve lahle sàleenk Pe re leam derivaivs &ve lahile HC.
oreosic Toxit olag
-1 is the applicahion of Con vetional toxico lpgy for The puparer the crhni.
nal inveshgation to ásos legal adminisrations
od urdanerhl dori
1t cendidered
is as a hybrid o Anauficol themisy
d ih advaneed brensleh médieine ericties t the debimeehu
i s primoril coeened te medico- legal charac
ec o echemitals humoo md oimals

br a torensic toxicologist he mechanism ot fhxicity tten provjded pertep-

tion as to hso a chemaeal or physical ge caneause deaih or indue ineapo.
citoion he mechanis hoxic is undersood toie efpect
re lated chemitals eon be preeditted
Ang edible item i
HColle.ction_ot toxicalaaical exhihits -

Wroppers Vials,n 7ige


1 Survival cases: "iguorbottle

Foodedicine drink
llooing_ma teriak may be colleched por analuei Conainerfrm ohich poke
hsay lad minustereld.
- Stomath 10as - Baod sample
- Vomied marerial 4shrained clothes,eb - Urine &tåeces (it auailakle)
-Supected nsterial_vecouered fram the possescion a 1he vichim w accuse
nd Tem he scenet Lrime lke tooel er drink,residual_polsonau_materio
Mair nail cippiogs in code) o chronre pois bniy

tora ace)
Aolloe ing sampler muei se collected and prese rved
Stooath and uhole at iks conrenhe (or stomech aasheiher_is avalable ono
one feet af provimal part of cmall intenshine albpg wth its Ontenk2
2504 o kiver Jpreteraby porhian contaioipg goll blaoer and ih ctent halp
ofeach krdney)
Bhod 50 mEn case_of akohol tofher tolaie paisan
poisonipg Cd poiconiag

-A piece of injected skin_ aith tis.cue (10 onNh coe teah de fo

-Apiece it unijecked (10en3) drugs, dle o gunshok 4
$nake pisning and o co-
daubh btdeg dur o inje
Hon of synringe
IYesetaten Toxicolagical rhieiks follewinghings shold kept in mind sh
20tainej9 ng-exhiei
- All virerg must be 1abekeph separafely in beftles af 1-2I wih uide
8losd should be kepf in a tgh/ coðkainer
arhele should
All the packed suspected be Sea/ed and abelled properly,.
Somple related d»
care atohol vo/arile poitod shou/e%} be kpk ia
4/her a


Cose Maleriak to be sent Pruervnhv th be uwed receruatives of
USe d

Alsrmal Viscera Rectipied spintt or

4 Alcoho ormalih
Sodium luoricle

Vistera mast be_preserved_ia sauraBed aCl_sslation. bol must be
preserved in 1 Sodiun floride solution. n case of alcohol paieig
ánd poicooing bu valatile poisens ,s ample shouldn be_preservedin
a lcdhol c cera couldbt_be precbrved in recttied tpinit or foumalin
h case of_acid poisooing, vis terd sbauldot_be prereredin coninan t
pluhonasttead rechpëd splrik can be_uced_be precervafives
Dformation nhe includes alopg oh sgtnple_t taxiralggical_exhibi n caeg
Namee, 0ejght and haighi at deod sertoh.
ed ate lat ime
- Ater aba hauootrmueh tine q eating doe pm poisonirg as ohoerved

Vamited_or 1
- blasthe pescen tpcanscioas ar hejshe has menthonee pain er untenfart in ay
the person uas sick ,uhich medicine wns gien1 parf)
-Alame opoisons cited by dead pertonAr_Egewigheised
- Name e kuspected poitoH ineludt oble, ba?tle taniner if pugd near vicin
phaken h ne hspital,ipclude dhehgil t remnol give.hainclue me
Colle thion Jordoth noy, bloo and rine.
- Alditisnal injarmahoa (it vichim is
pregnun, ottupafios t,and oher peeons!informakon
4bel 9boukdeod perkenton dher peopk
Clastifadioa opoitooe in sufticieed amt

Foion it a maherial hch when adminis trated, inh

aled or
ingested, epobl
oatctiag deofy on the human body

Catspich o
onn be dohe octording f6 mde at ot hen 44eheie
af paicear
Mode af oction helpe in deferminigg the tape of polton ohd chenicol netur
poic on bepe in anayrig I.
A Rased on mode ef action
Cerres ire poitons:IH te highly active initant and ot only preduees toglo-
mmatian bot alsa octual uleeraBion_of the tissues. Basicao comasive poi
destroy and ersdes the surpaté with ahich ih comet 'n tonkac! ieh
redeces ocal acfionhey act by extrocting oater from fhe titaves and
gulefe cellular proteins and converf emaglo bin tnho hematin.
ngroup congich a &hropg acide ond shopg ilkalitHsoaHD,,He!,
Dx l i e acid carbolic acids, oaliculic acid, NabH,corbenatas,ommsnium,Na,

tant peisons ea9ses poin in abdomen , vomting épargig. Coresurin

dilure dolutions act as irritats. In posh-mortem opearangeThey or uta
euidert to he naked yt ond thoos redntse or ulceráton ot the gathronht
-mfe are
norganit imitant consisk ot non-metallic 4metalhie poitos ,Cl,87
1 ete end metalic inelude As, Sb, Hg, Pb ,ca, h,2», Ma,Ba,raocht
Or gonic irvitaot: compises aninaenoker .insecs, conharides spider,ek)
and plant po iton (ebtu Precatreus , cartor , ergo , alotrepic ,norkipg naf, et
Crab's eye 1Ralesepali)
cMe chanical include coaney poudered glars,cheped hait,drid
tubshoce :durt.
Spange ond diamond
3 Saemetc paidons- hit clas direly afpe he ain o

Neuretier puicons ah cheth en nervou en hgh 1ome nturhe
a lacal miaat action Fg.alkahid poitangbisroton.cir t pal
thet bave dpengic action on the cerebua spinal 4peripherdl neu
he paitobeng kron_a serehrol,spinal épenphtril racp
Cerebml poiconmg have a somnigeeo ley gpiads) inebrist ( ol
an0Rstheties,dedhhves Lhupnabics fuelsarochernital ampounds)or delirig,
effect (hy dhotarnbeladsone,conmab
Spinol poionr include_nux Vomica and ik alkalbids and gekeian
Peripheral poisong include curare_and conium
Larciat paitans i..ach onthe heak inchuderdigikalie akander
Asphuyior poisons-octr on tha recpiratory syetem. It intludeu ieipin
Aouch os CO, CO hwes tome_o4r Jade
dgtelaneous poisons hext are poison having diteengd
1 dnolgesties Aotipy refies onhihismnicdranquitzsr ,0iat
s:ontt, streel drgr desianer
1 Gasedus poisons ilhese are_in gaseous state and i iahaled ,hamper
Competen te at blaod as a_tarrier a oxgen_ond mgs domoge the kisue
of fhe air patsqges ond lurgs. Co, co M,S , So2 cI,Ng0, tear,
Vplatile pogoni poi sont: -Acute pois ening_aith vo latile substanter
follb os th e slbuo inholation of
vopous Yn order to became intoxitaked. anst
phosphine,arsine photgene chloride , edt.
9.Volahile Ormnic hoirons-ae oganit chemkalk that have high VP ot ordinary

TO0m tmperature The high P recuH prom lo 8Pcousec lage no

mol ues
to ub imate from. the liguid or solid form a the compound
and enler he turaundigg air. wlabtlhonol formoldebde ,oonholea

4-Non-volahle inor snic (anion poicons: :halides,dichroma es, ehlor.

akes,azide, nitikes sulphate,phosphide ,cyanide,efe
5 on-volatile rganic (eaions) poicon : f: H As,Ba,Th, Pé, S,D

Non-volatile oganic ne utral poisons (pesticides):opnophe sphaBe s .

arganochlorates, carbamakts, pyrethroides.
7. Non-volatile organic acidic_compound lacidic drgs): ore dcidit in
naturehese react ith bokes to form sake. Ea , borbiturahes
sulpho phenolie compound: lphenol, éresolk, ehe) , saliylales.
8. Non-volatle orgonic alkaline comppunds (bosc drugs): 14 fhe drgt cotan
a N atom uth a lone pair_of olectrops omble or n uih pro
the ill behave as baku anl alkabids denzodizepin e

9Plaol polcong s Active cmp ane_constituenbs of plonBe that exet toxie

effecs are orgaoic compobnas ond non-volailE io nature. E Dhatun
aconite olea nder nux vomica ,etc

10-iscellanews poigonsmay be.oganic or inorgonit volotile or n00 -uolahle

br ani mal plant origin or toxins produced heresf
Mechon ical palsons diamond dasglass podadler, chopped baiv
1 Fpod poisohingmycotoxing
:Aninal igect poiconsSnhake venoms Scorpions poiso beer, poisons
pes poiSoning:On The bauis made e poioning
t ehich is copabla of prod
foisaning esers to eyposuie doa
an adtrse res ponse in a hiologicglsycte
1 Homicidal poucóning
Killing of a haman being by the_adhministrahorn apaison
Ldeal hamicidal_poiconis cheop,easily avaiblk-, odourless, hghy foxic,no
residuol pro duet lett,itcihle ith food or drink,colourles, fosdelere
Shos n a post-mortem_changes signs and sumptoms resemdes
diseareno antidate available_ond poi.con is not traced in he viscer
ArsenicAcanike Digitalis Abros_precahrius Strythoas Duy volco._

Intake e tome poisanaus substonce by indiuidual himcelp for selp_ kilin
Joealsuicical poicons chould be easilg auailable euce ná pain o7 es pan
Cheap Hegtelecr or plea.mni tasfe copable op heipg da ken' wth food or dhink
Include opium abiturahe drganophasphorusdaral acid,CusoG_ , vt pest
Lontaining inc phasp.hide mic acid
3-Accidental poisenáng
General hke place due do storoge opoisonouS 4 Don-p0isopous aubston ot
thesame place.
Noticeable acidenhal poisons_inclade ospininonanphasphottus,Caso, sele
aFoo poisoningocor oue n lock s Santafion public hogiene
can_ occur in man ays and mabe 16olated instonces_or may constiare
m epidemi mase and poiso.ning ögital caues_are micrabd, 2ans
fungi, plants animals,eft. and na tur due chemitol ogeh inkrodere
duwng 4ood preesting like heaug meals peshiidestosd addive
larhthidans 'HaveHog qen, cdleurliny agen, ruettgg ajen ,preservahve
L hogenic poisronig arises from the action af dactorr ,for instonce
iniechon af ong otuHiDn or of'oan appropake coluhon in gn on moppropr Ae

maont.hast injestioog of solohons o Ma solk,unboperd'eltons

high ollkliny or acidit o o a suesha ite o oith dhe prherh is hyper.
c Synergistic paisonin 0Ccur when the collective efpecks ay too chemicols
ore ouch dreater tan the sum ot the elfeet ot eath ggehk gíven alone.
Ea,Borth C4 and ethalnl are
hepatoebwic ampoundeput pgether hey
braduce much more liver enesa fhan_ sum of their indiwidu al efpecds an
liver ato given daseBarhituraBe s have synergistic estecd wth ethanol 4
anhhi's tomine ethanohave iàth beneodiazesines

dHarochemical poi&anin9 sue o pesticides like organop.hosphates.carbomgte=

chlorinated MCs, pyrethroids anod aluminium|2inc phsphide

Drug poisoning -Overdosage atdrug commool occure acidenalhtrauapee=

iniecion_caryíes the highest risk of occidlental pais oning
Dothe basis of duration of exposureSigps andumptoms
1Fulminate poisoning0uing to mascive dose dédth pccurs veg ropdy othou
anyonse o ptoms
Acute poi renipg oecur elther by a sipgle high dore s7 ceveral small dore e
orer a chor mterual of Hne (se,minor hou or Yepeakad_espasur orebouka day
Teense of sign and sumpomg are relstively inshotanea ddepends bnh detrege
3. Ss-otulChronic poisoning:faused bysmaller doseg over a periad of fina,
Tesultina in gradual de Ferioraing sadethal epeka)
S4b-acute poisoningshoas edfure of hoth chronlie éocuka. t reer h cmhiuw
D7Tepealed espacure h chenicals 4or more thon 12 hrs but usualy leu han
mon fh
Extra ctien fe boipt

peleon pacropeisons ldrugs usiog aluant extratag hncho

#Pealahou up
frero i.eycal s0mpi9 tuf
Cena, bady tladi

xraetion is a
very common la horatory procedore using for isela
octen (diguid- iguid oxtrachon) is me bacic pejerned
mebe as i is e conomical and e asy Ho pezorm
he xraehion of the analyhe is baged dn the traneer ofo l
Jubstaote from oneliqu id phose into another hiq. phase bered U
he etra cion tolveots are organic elatile andimiaéible ia th ahe opem
layer and he taa layers are dishind/ separafed
orgaoie lyer is pacred through onhydiout'sodhum tuphore to Rnae ip.
The dps poison dhich diccoe infa orante calver ave leth pr eva
pordio, ths fhe pure dugl poison ís exfracteol

daigslpoICDsron viccerc
re- treatmeot
50_tieue in 1o0 ml beaker ouf ioto emallpieces macerafedprapery
material was tronsfered h he plask (conienl28) uith 10g mkgro ur
Jedlum Sulphake and 10 mo4 gloaial acetic_acid
he lask was placed on baili water baih af 60'C 4or 8-9 haune

Cn fents are then cobled ahdl piltered ucing iltr paper. 1he piltrate wa
utea jor xtractio n ot dif. drgs paicon~ åt pek folloaing methodr

Aeidie Bxtrac hion

the filtrate is transferred o sepau tig funnel and 50ml dietd efhs
as added fo i ond chaken, for 5 6 minutet .
he ether lager separated_LAE1)

-Ihe gues lquer woes again exdracted uith 40 ml diethyul efher

ml'diethyl efer resp. h ether layerr were sepavated (aeh 4 AE3).
poo leo and pecsed
theeyph opad
All thret organic layers were
4unnel andhen
anhysrs Nazs0q 0ver a

and used or T{¢

acie Exos fion
acidic_ lauer_abtd. pom_oeidit extractienws ade a
ihe agueour shoula be nf1o1o)
lineyadling ommanium hyoonide lph ina
exttacfed with_S0mi diethy ether ths
ceparating fuhoel md
miXtura 73:1) and shaken 4orS-10 mio
- The. efher layer_wos stparafes[BE1J.
- The agueous Tayer_uwas opain_exthacted with 40ml dZ07 eher
chbratorm mixuee_l3: 1resp. The ether layers
wee sepaakefd
BEL 48¬3)
AlLhree orgonic_dract were combined dpocred hraugh a pod
drus NaS0q over a funnel, then avapargtee to drgoea 4 ured piiy

Neutral Etrachion neuhold

- The aque ous basia loyer_obtd. ofter hosic was
by aaing glacial aceic ocid lphr 7) n o sepa rafiog funoel d-
Ytrathe h 50 ma4_ehlangorm ond shaken 4or S0'ninte
he chlorepovon layer o0s 8eparabed/NEL
lhe agueous layer as 09ainextracted Loith 0ml and ml ch
aim iespec Fivey The ejhor logersnere eparated (ME2 4NES)
AL he oFgaare extracf_ore combined ondpast_thraygh a pad 4
on hydrous NagSb, over o 4unel fhen evaporateal to drynesh one
txtmchenfran bloeo
e treotment
0 mA blaool ns taken in _conie al plosk wifh 100 m sedium
dungstate an od ml af done. H,sog aodoled and mixed
Thmixture uoas hén heafed tor 2-3 minude af 60C

Centente Leere Then coole o and 4ilteveo usiog piler poppr. 1h

2ilale os_vsed for ertraction af olt. drvga/pe itehs
extroction lseme deua fram visera
2 mlop die foul ether >0 ml and 1S ml of_ ether

Basic ertroctioo
etratted with 2Sml, 20m4 n l ether: chlarofarm 3:1) mittur
Neuteal ex troction
vtrattead oith sml, 20nl 41S mi chkxo fasm

Acidic extroction
10 mi
urine comple wos mode ocidic by addiog HPO% ar tototie.

cid to i, then it isaddedto teporating unnelond 30 m/ q

diethyl tther woc_a dded to if ond' shaken for S-10 minudes
Sn 4 20 ml tfher respéchly
Basic extraction : (30 2,20her:chloreioren( n
Neutral extrachion: 30, 252 20 ml chbrof orn
hunitr lund

Na preteatmeof reg for thic becouse mast

4hisluid is woter
Atudic extsachion
ml vitreouc humour Sample: was added to ceparatio

T10m 10m ethe) p) 4ded to it and shaken'por S-0 oi'ub
VireousHumbar t1Sol op ehe oddes 4 sholken fu s-,
,nit loyer,
(Aeie erfrot)- -Made olkelimeAguepus
Dsed tor identizicatinn
o_acisit dmg) iS ml chloroform :ether (1:3) hydrny-
added 4 chaken for S-10 mio
Organic tayer Aqueous laye
(Basic extrati)
(ked for idenfigicohsn basic Made
-1S ml
neutral with glocial octhies
drugs) chlsrofotm &Aded 4shokeni-
S-L0 miquh
Organie loyer
tNettra erwatt)
Aqueous layer
-Used (Dir cardey
por identiticatioa q neural dy
Tdeot ah on techn igue
HIcn te riue
les preeie
Prasunivt at f, Nortohis drugs 4hodrgpic dubitana
hive tesk indiate that the sispectescuhstonre je preamt o
nat. is wulcolazimetic lielcolaur fort).
A presumpfive Hest forillicik drupsi based on spot tesks Thot pod
ncespekigic celors for specipie duge aldo inelueas the
sical examinadion_(iualor micrascopic eroninatioa) 4o uodexkand
phgsical praperties ond charatterictics ot suaetoncas.
1 Opium
A Marquis test > Bmoll amt a[Cuspected moteial +3 drops of woter
-Ad a drop of teagei 1-0Sml o4 0/ HeHS to 1d ml ar glaciolg
Adedráp ot ont.H,$ D
Purple to violet colour indicates_ postibe presente _o;_opium
amattrial+3drsp ot ater)+ Ldrap Fesia
3.ene solphare Fest9 brownish purple _colour tnelcafe pres ence of opium

. Morphins Cedeine , Herein (reager h*3

A. Ma rqui's est Vialed to reddsh-purple_eolour
B.Mecke tesB > Blue to green colour (reageot1g selenipus ain 0
CNitric acid Yellauo cblor slou changing fo ght reen (hereio)
Oraoge color changing rapraly to re,hen soaly o yellou
Drange color sodly toyellow (codeioin)
D.Feo Red colb indicates _pa~aiby morphiael2 dep eoo
Suspected ma

A. fost Bue_B Sll Test
- smallamd. of material in tast the +mall ont-o reogeed 1/p d L
+sdrop of chbrototn, shake fest tuhe or 1 ir ¥daplaokyenus o,
01N Na0M Soluhon, shake #or mihufes
Purple -red colotur ot the lower(ehlorotwn)Jayer indicetau popst 9
he hwerlehlorojarm) laye
Violed tolor qy

8. Du quenois evin Te n tet trh

Smal and.sf maberal ml stnaqend 1,chake
in 1o0ml
(2 vaillin2sml a S.
o tHjeMo)

c m d Hel , sheake for ew sec
ted 1sn
and allo w ixfure h
rf min color develops within 2-3 min add 2
chlbhyerm 0nd shoke the miture
1 Cecaine
ACeball thia cyanafe test -> Blue colau
marerral in ttl tube 1 adrop of_16.a4. HC/
sol, Shake_4or .
1 orap 2S1._cobalt ) hiozuanate 'solution
ef ,shake fer
8. Moadipiesd tanl hiogyonah 1esfo best)
materíol tS drap at reaqeot 1(19 cobaf () hioguon ae iccoled
Ao blue ceiour, add a adaolant07 acetie aci9,4 so ml glgeeine
material irst I blue tobur till nat develaped,csdaine ok

1f solturn ed blue ,add 1drop af cone. HCl > tutn_pinklit (Ocoine

1f turn_tomplehe ly pink ,add Sdap z CHClg_ond shake preei
Btye co lor reopper in hwer ltMCZ)
1ayer indicatinq pRsMLe t
C Methyl Beszoate fuf
moterial+ 0 drop of ra9gent 1Sa koM_diecolued loo ol absoluke ek
shaken or t0 sec'>4 smel similar to
methyl henzoae Cocorn
,c prte
D. Waaner best
rial4S drop wa ter thaken 4orfe sec
o ,
Bro n Pp. indi cate cocaine hudra chlaride arep 71. 1d
RA in
Cocaine base do en give pd aith his reag mi wore
5: Am mintMelamjedamine d afher ayehamine deriveti
4. Morquis lesf
Yellosto yelleschengt+ b
bradn DM
E Aalamjsbaaune)
Ye lorece te en DMA a DoD(krelsmpedamina)
Blaek olour MDA or MDNA or MDE N-Ow MDA

6. sulpuricArd Js Ne cohur ifh oryetomine 4meanphu

bthe derivativ vrgvt tolaus
. Snonet: Blue colbur mefomfetamin e
ma ternal+f drop a reogeot (0.9a sodium oitroprue in 0 da
10 m c o j
dreps of R} Né,coz
DSman ea oih acetans : Harple eolaur ompetamine
material t {drop reage0t (1g su.oitropruride in 10dml S%q ateto,
drap 27. Na,co
e Galie acid Test matenial + 1drop reageas l0s9 ale ocid m10m)
g b t to dark reen (MDA or MÓNA or MDE N-u MDA* nre

Pemoline material 1 drop etrecqen1 3 DNR in 00l me an

Zimmerma9n tesk : Deep red colou?7
3.Dinitrobeozene test :R dop reaggo material +2drop ot fo/ Lion

o1,2 NB Moderae purple g DMB in t00 ml polyehylbne kre

b13 DNB: Deep red
)1,4 DNB: Dee yeld
A Dile- koppaggi fest : keddish puple
Maferial3rop ot reeaB (o1a eoblt l) arehate
bolute teehydae, in t00m
+3 deop ntthenol, gdd 0:2 mgi ic
regent(mix Snl isopmpylamine + I5ml abo lute methono
&Diozepom and other henzodiaeepioe
or pink
test ) Reddish purple
B.Hel dest2drop He) yelloa 'colaur
C. Vitali- Mario Tesk Yelow 0ropge woterbath
maferial40Sml cooeHN2 , heat over to dry ISa),
timl y 0-1N etharolic koW sol)

3. Methagu alone
A. Coball thioyonaBe eblue colour
0yseride AsD)
A Ehzich test Viole! cobur_othin foo _minute

11 Mesealine
AMarguis lesk Oronge colour
B.Libermao0 Tes blbck colour 1 drop_at resgert 1 so djum aitie
18ml con uasoa

A.Margis ask Dronge cobur .Ehhich tesk Violel cobur

A.Cobalk hiasyeoate te! Blue tobon B.Mecke et Prk olr
19 Fentanul/ opha - nehylAeutagyl 1S Pethicline
A.MalquTS test orang ol our 4 Marg ist Hest 2 Orooge obur
B-Aibermann desd Red ony
A-Marquis fest nk toour
develkoingaholy 4 thangiog to vie
B.HND-, tst 0sagge ) O_ red
m deri al + drep Yagayt
10drop(3m) o toe
HNO, to

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