Research: Enfolding-Unfolding - Laura U. Marks

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Research: Enfolding-

Unfolding | Laura U. Marks

Enfolding-unfolding aesthetics

A method to analyze images and histories as enfolded and

selectively unfolded, arriving to our bodies from the
cosmos. Enfolding-unfolding aesthetics draws on the
triadic logic of C.S. Peirce, Henri Bergson, Leibniz’s
philosophy and Deleuze’s revision of it, medieval Isma‘ili
thought on latency and manifestation, Ibn Sînâ and
Deleuze on the univocity of being, and the process
philosophies of A.N. Whitehead and Mulla Sadra. It
originated with physicist David Böhm's theory of the
implicate order.

I use this method in many writings, including Enfoldment

and Infinity (2010) and Hanan al-Cinema (2015). My
forthcoming book Enfolding-Unfolding Aesthetics: From
Your Body to the Cosmos (Duke University Press) is a
practical guide to enfolding-unfolding aesthetics.
“Enfolding-unfolding aesthetics,” commissioned pages for
Tenderfoot, artist Laura White’s blog on material

"Radical gestures of unfolding in films by Mohamed

Soueid and The Otolith Group,” Gestures of Seeing in Film,
Video and Drawing, ed. Asbjørn Grønstad, Henrik
Gustafsson, and Øyvind Vågnes (London: Routledge,
2016), 69-88.

“Monad, Database, Remix: Manners of Unfolding in The

Last Angel of History," Black Camera 6:2 (2015), special
issue on John Akomfrah, ed. Matthias de Groof and
Stephanie Symons. 112-134. On Selected Writings page

“Enfolding-Unfolding aesthetics, or the unthought at the

heart of wood,” in Technology and Desire: The
Transgressive Art of Moving Images, ed. Rania Gaafar and
Martin Schulz (Karlsruhe: ZKM and London: Intellect
Books, 2013) On Selected Writings page

“Thinking like a carpet: embodied perception and

individuation in algorithmic media,” in Entautomatisierung
[Deautomatization], ed. Annette Brauerhoch et al.
(Paderborn, Germany: Wilhelm Fink, 2012) On Selected
Writings page

“Noise in Enfolding-Unfolding Aesthetics,” The Oxford

Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media, ed. Amy
Herzog, John Richardson and Carol Vernallis (Oxford UP,
2013). On Selected Writings page.

Enfoldment and Infinity: An Islamic Genealogy of New

Media Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010.

“Information, Secrets, and Enigmas: An Enfolding-

Unfolding Aesthetics for Cinema,” Screen 50th
anniversary issue 50:1 (Spring 2009), 86-98

“Experience – Information – Image: a historiography of

unfolding. Arab cinema as example,” Cultural Studies
Review (March 2007): 85-98, special issue on “History
Experiments.” Another version is “Geopolitics hides
something in the image; Arab cinema unfolds something
else,” in Cinema at the Periphery, ed. Bélen Vidal
(University of Edinburgh Press). Available on Selected
Writings page

On experience in the information age see “Immigrant

semiosis,” in Fluid Screens, Expanded Cinema: Digital
Futures, ed. Susan Lord and Janine Marchessault
(University of Toronto Press, 2007), 284-303. On
Selected Writings page

I developed enfolding-unfolding aesthetics with designer

Raegan Kelly as an animated diagram for Vectors: Journal
of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular 1:3

The model originated in “Invisible Media,” in New Media:

Theories and Practices of Digitextuality, ed. Anna Everett
and John T. Caldwell (Routledge, 2003)

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