Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
Stelios Antoniou and Fanis Moschas
Module 4
Seismic Assessment & Retrofitting of Existing RC Structures: Main features of
SeismoBuild, Modelling and Assessment of a 2‐storey Reinforced Concrete building,
Checks, Creation of the Technical Report and CAD Drawings.
This module will walk you through your first analyses with SeismoBuild. We will show you step by
step the Structural Assessment of a 2‐storey Reinforced Concrete Building. All SeismoBuild’s main
features will be demonstrated from the Building Modeller, the insertion of the structural
members and the Code Requirements through to the Checks, the exportation of the Technical
Report and the CAD drawings..
About SeismoBuild
SeismoBuild is a Finite Element package for structural assessment, capable of carrying out all the
Code defined checks, taking into account both geometric nonlinearities and material inelasticity.
The software consists of six main modules: the Building Modelling module, in which it is possible
to define the input data of the structural model, the Code Requirements module, whereby the
Code‐based parameters and options are defined, the Eigenvalue Analysis and Pushover Analysis
modules, where the selected analyses are carried out and their results are obtained, the Checks
module, in which all the checks for the structural members, according to the selected Code, are
carried out and finally the Report module to output the results of the building assessment; all is
handled through a completely visual interface.
With the Building Modeller facility the user can create regular or irregular 3D structural models
on the fly. The whole process takes no more than a few minutes. No input or configuration files,
programming scripts or any other time‐consuming and complex text editing procedures are
required. Moreover, the Processor in the Eigenvalue and Pushover analysis modules, features
real‐time plotting of displacement curves and deformed shape of the structure, together with the
possibility of pausing and re‐starting the analysis, whilst the Post‐Processor, where the results of
the analyses are exported, offers advanced post‐processing facilities, including the ability to
custom‐format all derived plots and deformed shapes, thus increasing the productivity of users; it
is also possible to create AVI movie files to better illustrate the sequence of structural
Building Modelling
Code Requirements
Eigenvalue Analysis
Pushover Analysis
Structure of the software
The software is fully integrated with the Windows environment. All information visible within the
graphical interface of SeismoBuild can be copied to external software applications (e.g. to word
processing programs, such as Microsoft Word), including output data, high quality graphs, the
models' deformed and undeformed shapes and much more.
Tutorial ‐ Assessment of a Two‐Storey
Problem Description
Let us try to model a three dimensional, two‐storey reinforced concrete building for which you
are asked to assess its capacity according to the Eurocodes. The Building Modeller facility offers a
fast and easy definition of the building. The geometry of the first and second floor is shown in the
corresponding plan‐views below:
4.00 6.00
Plan view of 1st floor of the building
NOTE: A movie describing Τutorial N.1 can be found on Seismosoft‘s YouTube channel.
6 .1 5
1 .4 8
1.45 6.00
Plan view of 2nd floor of the building
Getting started: a new project
When opening SeismoBuild a window appears for selecting the new project’s structural Code,
units and rebar typology. For this tutorial we will choose:
Eurocode 8, Part 3
SI Units
European sizes for rebar typology
Select Structural Code & Units window
When selecting the Building Modelling module command, the Building Modeller initialisation
window opens, from which the number of storeys, the storeys’ heights, and other basic settings
may be defined.
For this tutorial the following settings have been chosen:
2 Storeys
Storeys’ heights: 3m
Do not accept beams with free span less than: 0.1m
Include beam effective widths
Building Modeller Initialisation module‐Structural Configuration
Proceed by clicking OK.
A CAD drawing is imported as a background to facilitate the definition of the elements’
geometry.from the main menu (File > Import DWG...) or through the corresponding toolbar
button . A window appears for selecting the DWG/DXF units, and the user is given the
possibility to move the drawing to the (0,0) origin of the CAD coordinates.
Building Modeller – Imported Cad Settings
Building Modeller – CAD drawing insertion
Insert the structural members from the main menu (Insert > Insert Rectangular Column) or
through the toolbar button for rectangular columns. The Properties Window of the column
will appear on the right‐hand side of the screen.
Select the section’s dimensions from the Standard Sections or modify them by clicking on them on
the View Geometry window. The rotation of the column on plan‐view can be changed by the 0o,
90o, 180o and 270o buttons or by assigning the proper angle on the corresponding editbox of the
Properties Window.
Building Modeller – Column Properties
Assign a common foundation level of ‐1000mm to all the columns. Although different foundation
levels may be defined for the columns.
Column Properties – Foundation Level
Define the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement.
Column Properties – Longtitudinal & Transverse Reinforcement
The material set should be defined for every structural member. By default there are two material
sets in the program, one for the existing members, called Default_Existing, which is used in the
current tutorial, and one for the new members added for rehabilitation, called Default_New.
Herein the Default_Existing material set is selected.
Building Modeller – Material Sets
Building Modeller – Modify Existing Material Scheme
We will not insert any FRP wrapping in this tutorial.
Define the settings of the structural member according to the selected Code by clicking on the
Advanced Member Properties button. The selected properties for the inserted members are
shown in the figure below:
Building Modeller – Advanced Member Properties
Use the default Member Modelling parameters.
Building Modeller – Modelling Parameters
Choose the 'insertion point' of the element by clicking on the corner, middle or side points of the
section's plot on the Properties Window
Column Properties – View/Modify Geometry
The dimensions and the reinforcement of the members (columns, beams and walls) of the first
and second floor are shown in the following tables:
Insert the beams from the main menu (Insert > Insert Beam) or through the corresponding toolbar
button , in a similar fashion to the walls. Again, it is possible to easily define the geometry
(width and depth), the reinforcement (longitudinal and transverse reinforcement at the start,
middle and end sections), the material set, the advanced properties, the modelling parameters
and select the insertion line on the plan view by clicking on the preferred axis (left, centre or
right). Additional distributed load may also be defined, which will serve to define any permanent
load not associated to the self‐weight of the structural system (e.g. finishings, infills, etc).
Building Modeller – Insert Elements
Building Modeller – Beam Element Properties
In order to insert the slabs go to the main menu (Insert > Insert Slab) or click the toolbar
button, assign the slab’s properties (height, reinforcement, additional permanent and live loads),
and click on any closed area surrounded by structural elements (columns, walls and beams). A
"Type of Loaded Area" button is available so that the live loads are automatically assigned
according to the loading category of the selected Code. It is noted that the self‐weight of the slabs
is automatically calculated according to the slabs’ geometry, materials and specific weight or a
user‐defined value may be assigned.
Building Modeller – Slab Element Properties
Building Modeller – Categories of Loaded Areas for Slabs
After inserting all the elements you can change the properties of any member by clicking on it.
Now automatically create the 2nd floor based on the already created 1st one from the main menu
(Tools > Copy Floor...) or through the button.
Building Modeller – Copy floor dialogue box
Delete the elements that are not present in the 2nd floor from the main menu command (Tools >
Delete...) or through the button, or by selecting a rectangular area on the Main Window and
pressing the delete button.
Building Modeller – Delete element dialogue box
You may renumber the structural members from the main menu (Tools > Renumber Elements) or
through the button. By clicking on a member the selected number is assigned to it, and the
numbering of all other members is changed accordingly.
Building Modeller – Renumber elements
In order to insert the cantilevered slab, a Free Edge must be added from the main menu (Insert >
Insert Slab Edges & Cantilevers) or through the corresponding toolbar button . Once drawn,
the Slab Edge is used to outline the shape of the slab. After defining the cantilever's corner points,
click the Apply button or alternatively click the Reset button, if you want to redraw it. After the
definition of the free edges that are needed to define a closed area, users can insert a new slab.
You may also model cantilevered slabs from the main menu (Insert > Insert Slab by Perimeter) or
through the corresponding toolbar button by defining the cantilener’s corner points and
clicking the Apply& Insert Slab button.
Building Modeller – Add Free Edge
Building Modeller – Insert Slab By Perimeter
When you create a building model, it is relatively common that one or more very short beams
have been created unintentionally, due to graphical reasons (e.g. by extending slightly a beam’s
end beyond a column edge). For this reason, a check from the main menu (Tools > Verify
Connectivity...) or through the toolbar button for the existence of any beam with free span
smaller than its section height should be carried out. If such beams exist, the following message
appears, and the user can select to remove or keep the element.
Building Modeller – Verify connectivity
Finally, you may view the 3D model of the current floor to check for its correct definition through
the toolbar button.
Building Modeller – View Storey 3D Window
With the building model now fully defined, save the project as a SeismoBuild file (with the *.bpf
extension, e.g. Tutorial_1.bpf) from the main menu (File >Save As...)/(File >Save) or through the
toolbar button.
You are ready to go to the SeismoBuild Main Window. This can be done from the main menu (File
> Exit & Create 3D Model) or through the corresponding toolbar button .
SeismoBuild Main Window
Code Requirements
Through the Code requirements module you are able to define the Code‐based parameters and
The Code parameters and options are defined for the scope of this tutorial through the following
All the limit states available in EC8 are to be used in the checks, that is the Limit States of
Damage limitation, of Significant Damage and of Near Collapse;
The Nonlinear Static Procedure type of analysis is selected, with the eight basic loading
patterns (uniform or modal uniaxial patterns without eccentricities);
The Knowledge Level 2 is chosen, with a confidence factor value equal to 1.2;
The peak ground acceleration is set equal to 0.24g, whereas the default values are
employed for the other parameters (5% damping, Type 1 spectral shape, ground type A and
Importance class II);
The Permanent Loads and Live Loads Coefficients are set equal to 1.0 and 0.3, respectively;
Select all the checks to be carried out, that is Members Chord Rotations checks, Members
Shear Forces, Joints Shear Forces, Joints Horizontal Hoops Area and Joints Vertical
Reinforcement Area checks. Finally, leave the program default values for all the safety
Analysis & Modelling Parameters
In the Analysis & Modelling Parameters module, accessed through the main menu (Tools
>Analysis & Modelling Parameters) or through the toolbar button, the parameters specific to
the numerical analysis may be defined. Predefined analysis schemes are available for the users’
convenience and in order to avoid the introduction of parameter values that may lead to
convergence difficulties in the analyses. In the following figure the selected analyses & modelling
parameters are shown:
Analysis Parameters module
Eigenvalue Analysis
Run the eigenvalue analysis through this module.
Eigenvalue Analysis
After running the analysis, you may see the results by clicking on the Show Results button
Eigenvalue Analysis Results
Pushover Analysis
Click on the Run button to run all the selected pushover analyses.
Running the analysis
NOTE: You may choose between three graphical options: (i) see only essential information, (ii) real‐time plotting
(in this case the Base shear vs. Top displacement capacity curve is shown) and (iii) real‐time drawing of the
deformed shape. The former is the fastest option.
When the analyses have arrived to the end, you may see the results by clicking on the Show
Results button .
Pushover Analysis Results
You may choose which analysis results to view from the corresponding drop‐down menu on the
Select the Pushover Analysis to view
A detailed description of the Pushover Results is available in the Pushover Analysis section.
SeismoBuild provides the option to automatically undertake chord‐rotation and shear checks for
structural elements, as well as the necessary beam‐column joints checks (shear forces, horizontal
hoops area and vertical reinforcement area), according to the expressions defined in the selected
Code, and for the selected limit states. This can be visualised in the Checks module of the
program's Main Window.
The Checks area features a series of pages where the results of the structural members’ checks
can be visualised, in table and graphical format, and then copied into any other Windows
application. Users may select the limit state, as well as the analysis, the floor, the type of
members and the local axis to view the results. The elements, where the demand has exceeded
the capacity, are displayed in red both in the table and the 3D plot, as it is depicted in the figure
Checks Module (Members Chord Rotations)
After running the analyses and finishing the checks process, you may create the technical report
of the assessment. Once you click on the Report button a window will appear in order to define
the print output options. Click the OK button and the report will automatically be created and
shown on screen. The report may be exported in PDF, RTF or HTML file formats, the two latter
being editable.
NOTE: Creating a report for a typical 4 or 5‐storey building may take up to 4‐5 minute to complete.
Print‐out Options (General information)
Technical Report
CAD Drawing
Finally, you may export a variety of CAD drawing files of the structural model (plan views,
members' cross sections and reinforcement tables), together with specially created *.ctb files that
are needed for plotting. It is noted that running the analyses is not a prerequisite for the
exportation of the Cad drawing files, and only the introduction of the structural configuration in
the Building Modeller is required.
Export to DWG
CAD drawing
Congratulation, you have finished your first tutorial!
SeismoBuild Main Menu
Main menu and Toolbar
SeismoBuild has a simple and ‘easy to understand’ user interface. The program's Main Window, is
subdivided into the following components:
Main menu and toolbar: at the top of the program window;
3D Model window: on the centre of the screen
Settings bar for the 3D Model: on the right of the program window;
Procedure steps list: on the left of the program window.
Main Window Area
Main menu
The main menu is the command menu of the program. It consists of the following sub‐menus:
Main toolbar
The main toolbar provides quick access to frequently used items from the menu.
Main toolbar
An overview of all the commands necessary to run SeismoBuild is shown below:
Export CAD Drawings
A variety of CAD drawing files of the structural model (plan views, cross sections and
reinforcement tables) may be quickly created and exported from the main menu (File > Export
CAD drawings), together with specially created *.ctb files that are needed for plotting.
Users may define the number of exported files (one file per floor) and the information to be
included in the CAD file, the units etc.
Export to DWG module
Export Data to SeismoStruct
The possibility of exporting SeismoStruct projects from the main menu (File > Export Data to
SeismoStruct) is available. All the SeismoStruct projects for all the selected analyses (the
eigenvalue analysis and all the pushover analyses) will be exported to the folder of the
SeismoBuild project.
Send Message to Seismosoft
Commercial users may send a message to Seismosoft from the main menu (Help > Send Message
to Seismosoft) or through the toolbar button. Once the “Attach Input File” checkbox is
selected the model is automatically attached and will be sent to the Seismosoft Support group. It
is noted that this facility is available in the Commercial Version only.
Send your Message to Seismosoft module
Analysis & Modelling Parameters
All the parameters required for the nonlinear analytical calculations may be defined from the
main menu (Tools > Analysis & Modelling Parameters) or from the button.
Analysis & Modelling Parameters module
3D Plot options
The 3D Plot settings of the structural model can be adjusted to best meet the user's preferences
and requirements.
Display Layout
With this facility, accessible through the button on the right, users can (i) select a pre‐defined
layout, such as Standard Layout (default) and Structural Model (the latter is particularly useful to
visualise internal forces results), (ii) save their personal Display Layouts or (iii) change the 3D Plot
Display Layout
Save Current Layout
Users may wish to save the changes made in the 3D Plot Options. To do so they have to:
1. Click on the button ;
2. Assign a name to the new layout configuration;
3. Click the OK button to confirm the operation.
The new layout will appear in the corresponding drop‐down menu. Further, users may always
return to the initial default layout by selecting the Standard Layout option from the drop‐down
3D Plot Options…
The full range of plotting adjustment parameters, on the other hand, can be found in the 3D Plot
Options dialog box, accessible from the main menu (Tools > 3D Plot Options…) or through the
Within the 3D Plot Options menu, there are a number of submenus from which users can, not
only select which model components (nodes, structural members, etc.) to show in the plot, but
also change a myriad of settings such as the colour/transparency of elements, the plot axes and
background panels, the colour and size of text descriptors, and so on.
3D Plot Options menu
By default, the 3D Plot is automatically updated. In cases where the structural model is very large
(several hundreds of elements) and/or the user is using a laptop running on batteries with a
slowed‐down CPU (so as to increase the duration of battery), the program takes some seconds to
update the view. Hence, it might prove to be more convenient for users to disable this feature
(uncheck the Automatic 3D Plot Update option in the 3D Plot Options General submenu) and thus
opt for manual updating instead, carried out with the Update 3D Plot command found in the 3D
Plot Options on the right of the screen.
Basic Display Settings
These are a list of settings accessible through the button on the right, users can tweak the
most commonly used plotting features (view type, rendering options, names show, members’
axes representation, element transparency, and so on) using the available check‐boxes and drop‐
down menus.
Basic Display Settings
Cut Planes
In addition to the previous features, also the Cut Planes option can be activated through the
button on the right.
Cut Planes
Additional operations
Users can also quickly zoom, rotate, and move the 3D/2D plot of the structural model, by using
either the mouse (highly recommended) or keyboard shortcuts. Further, it is also possible to
point&click elements to quickly go to the Building Modeller to view/modify element’s properties,
or right‐click and select "Member Configuration...".
Building Modeller
A special CAD‐based facility is introduced to facilitate the creation of building models. Currently,
only reinforced concrete buildings can be created; in subsequent releases of the program steel
and composite models will be also supported.
The Building Modeller is accessed from the program Main Window by clicking on the Building
Modelling button .
Modelling Settings
Users are able to define the geometry of the new building and the main settings of the model in
the Initialize Building Modelling dialog box.
Structural Configuration
In the Structural Configuration tab the number of storeys and their heights are defined; a number
from 1 to 100 storeys, with different heights at each storey and the possibility of applying a
common height to a range of storeys, may be selected. Up to three underground floors
(basement storeys) and their heights may also be defined. The default selection for this module is
3 storeys with 3.00m height each without basement storeys.
Modelling Settings – Structural Configuration
Structural Modelling
The option of not accepting beams shorter than a specific length is available through the
Structural Modelling tab to avoid the creation of very short beams, by mistake (e.g. by extending
slightly a beam’s edge after the column at its end). The default value for this option is 0.1m.
Users may also decide whether to include the effective slab width in the beams modelling. The
choice of considering zero axial forces in shear checks of beam members is also available.
Finally, the definition of the control node is made within this module. Users may select directly
the floor of the control node, or alternatively choose the automatic definition, in which the
control node is defined at the center of mass of the upper floor or at the floor lower to that (in
the case of having a top floor mass less than 10% of the lower floor’s), depending on the choice
made in the Advanced Settings> Advanced Building Properties.
Modelling Settings – Structural Modelling
It is noted that the Building Modeller settings can be changed later through the toolbar
Building Modeller Main Window
After defining the building’s main settings, the Building Modeller Main Window appears, as
shown in the figure below.
Building Modeller Main Window
Inserting a background
The possibility of inserting as background a CAD drawing is offered from the main menu (File >
Import DWG...) or through the corresponding toolbar button . Once the drawing is inserted the
user is asked to specify drawing’s units and to choose whether to move the DWG/DXF file to (0,0),
i.e. to the origin of the coordinates system. Selecting this checkbox moves the bottom‐left edge of
the drawing to the (0,0) coordinates, irrespective of its initial CAD coordinates.
Imported Cad Settings window
Note that the axes origin can be further moved to a different point that might be more suitable
after loading the CAD file with the Move Axes Center ( ) toolbar button, also accessible from the
main menu (View > Move Axes Center). The option of moving the imported CAD file is also
available through the Move DWG ( ) toolbar button or from the main menu (View > Move
DWG). Further, from the main menu (View > Show/Hide DWG) or through the toolbar button
is defined whether the CAD drawing will be visible or not.
Users may also move the building in plan view from the main menu (Tools > Move Building) or
from the corresponding toolbar button by either assigning the relative coordinates or by
selecting the base point and the second point graphically.
Move Building window
The option of rotating the building in plan view is also available from the main menu (Tools >
Rotate Building) or from the toolbar button. Users should specify the base point by its
coordinates or graphically and assign the rotation angle.
Rotate Building window
Finally, the layout of an existing floor may be used as background in order to easily introduce new
members on another storey.
New Floor & Background
Inserting Structural Members
The Material Sets, the Advanced Member Properties and the Modelling Parameters are common
to all the sections’ properties windows while FRP Wrapping is available only for columns. Note
that a How‐To documents list is introduced for a quick access to all the required information
regarding modelling within the Building Modeller.
Material Sets
The material sets properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material Sets),
through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets button within
the member’s properties window. The required values for the definition of the materials
properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members. For existing
materials the mean strength value and the mean strength value minus the standard deviation are
required, whereas for new materials the characteristic strength value and the mean strength
value should be assigned. By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing
elements and one for the new ones. Users may modify the values of the default sets, but they can
also add new material sets to cover the needs of their model (e.g. when different material
strengths are employed).
Material Sets Window
Add New Material Scheme
NOTE 1: There is a limit to the number of the defined material schemes equal to 10. The default material sets
cannot be removed.
NOTE 2: The option of applying predefined material strengths, depending on the year of construction of the
building, is available when this is allowed from the selected Code.
Advanced Member Properties
The member’s code‐based settings may be defined from the Advanced Member Properties dialog
box accessed by the Properties Window. Herein, users may determine the element’s classification
(i.e. primary or secondary seismic member), whether it is with or without detailing for earthquake
resistance, its cover thickness, the type of the longitudinal bars (cold‐worked brittle steel and
smooth (plain) longitudinal bars may be assigned), the type and length of lapping for the
longitudinal bars, as well as the accessibility of area of intervention (needed for the Greek Seismic
interventions Code only). It is noted that the length of lapping may be defined in three ways; (i)
the members have adequate relative lap length, compared with the minimum lap length for
ultimate deformation (default option); (ii) the members have inadequate relative lap length (the
ratio between the applied lap length and the minimum lap length for ultimate deformation should
be defined); and (iii) the members have inadequate lap length (the absolute lap length should be
Advanced Member Properties module
Modelling Parameters
The member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the Properties Window. Herein, users may define the concrete and steel material
types and the frame element type that will be used to model the structural member in
SeismoBuild, together with other modelling options, such as the number of sections fibres and
the assignment of Moment/Force releases.
Materials and frame element types that are to be used within a SeismoBuild project come defined
in the Advanced Building Modelling tab of the Advanced Settings module. The choices made in
the Advanced Building Modelling tab are the “Default” options within the Member Modelling
Parameters tab.
Eleven material types are available in SeismoBuild, four types for concrete and seven for steel.
The complete list of materials is proposed hereafter:
Mander et al. nonlinear concrete model ‐ con_ma
Trilinear concrete model ‐ con_tl
Chang‐Mander nonlinear concrete model – con_cm
Kappos and Konstantinidis nonlinear concrete model ‐ con_hs
Menegotto‐Pinto steel model ‐ stl_mp
Giuffre‐Menegotto‐Pinto steel model ‐ stl_gmp
Bilinear steel model ‐ stl_bl
Bilinear steel model with isotropic strain hardening‐ stl_bl2
Ramberg‐Osgood steel model ‐ stl_ro
Dodd‐Restrepo steel model – stl_dr
Monti‐Nuti steel model ‐ stl_mn
Different frame element types may be employed within the structural members. Users may select
between inelastic force‐based frame elements (infrmFB), inelastic plastic‐hinge force‐based frame
elements (infrmFBPH), inelastic plastic‐hinge displacement‐based frame elements (infrmDBPH),
inelastic displacement‐based frame elements (infrmDB) and elastic frame elements (elfrm). The
inelastic displacement‐based frame element type (infrmDB) is suggested to be employed for short
members, a choice that improves both the accuracy and the stability of the analysis.
NOTE: Code based checks are not executed for the member of the elastic frame element type (elfrm). Hence, this
element type may be employed only for special modelling cases, when an elastic member behaviours is
Further, the number of section fibres used in equilibrium computations carried out at each of the
element's integration sections needs to be defined. User may assign the number of fibres of their
choice or they may select the automatic calculation, according to which 50 fibres are defined for a
member’s concrete area less than 0.1m2 and 200 fibres for a member’s concrete area more than
1m2, whereas linear interpolation is executed for the in between values. Each longitudinal
reinforcement bar is defined with 1 additional fibre; added to the abovementioned concrete
number of fibres.
Finally, users may also 'release' one or more of the element degrees of freedom (forces or
Modelling Parameters module
FRP Wrapping
FRP wraps may be assigned to columns through the FRP Wrapping module. Users may select the
FRP sheet from a list of the most common products found in the market, or alternatively
introduce user‐defined values.
The number of applied layers may also be defined, as well as whether the dry or the laminate FRP
properties are to be used in the calculations. Finally, for the rectangular cross sections the radius
of rounding of the corners R may be specified, a critical parameter in the application of FRP
Select from a list module
When users choose to specify user‐defined values, the required information is the type of the FRP
sheet (Carbon, Aramid, Glass, Basalt or Steel fibres), its laminate or dry properties, the number of
direction(s) and the orientation (relatively to the longitudinal direction of the sheet) of the fibres,
as well as the number of layers and the radius of rounding corners R.
User‐defined Values module
Finally, FRP systems may be proposed to Seismosoft through the “Propose FRP system to
Seismosoft” button. Herein, the user is asked to assign the name of the FRP system, the link
where information about the product may be found and the technical properties of the FRP
Propose FRP System window
Column Members
The columns can be inserted from the main menu (Insert >...) or through the corresponding
toolbar buttons. The column's Properties Window will appear where the properties below can be
explicitly defined:
(i) the dimensions (height, width and if it is full length or free length, assigning the length
difference in the last case)
(ii) the foundation level
(iii) the reinforcement
(iv) the material sets
(v) the FRP wrapping
(vi) the advanced member properties
(vii) the modelling parameters
The column members may be inserted in the project with a single mouse click.
Currently, eight section types are available in SeismoBuild:
Rectangular Column
L‐Shaped Column
T‐Shaped Column
Circular Column
Rectangular Jacketed Column
L‐Shaped Jacketed Column
T‐Shaped Jacketed Column
Circular Jacketed Column
Wall Members
The walls can be inserted from the main menu (Insert >...) or through the corresponding toolbar
button. The wall's Properties Window will appear where its properties are explicitly defined in the
similar way to the columns. The walls may be inserted in the project by defining their edges; only
two mouse clicks are needed.
Currently, the following types are available in SeismoBuild:
Compound Wall
If the Insert Compound Wall toolbar button is selected, an informative window will appear
proposing the best way to insert compound wall sections. According to recent research, (Beyer
K., Dazio A., and Priestley M.J.N. [2008]), the best way to subdivide non‐planar wall systems, e.g.
U‐shaped or Z‐shaped walls, into planar subsections is by splitting the corner area between the
flange and the wall elements. In this way the inner corner bar is attributed to both the web and
the flange section, while the outer bar is not assigned to any section, the total reinforcement area
is therefore modelled correctly.
Modelling of Wall Systems message
NOTE: Horizontal links are automatically assigned by the program in order to connect the defined vertical
Beam Members
The beams can be inserted from the main menu (Insert >…) or through the corresponding toolbar
buttons. Several additional parameters, in addition to those provided for columns, need to be
specified for the correct definition of a beam, i.e. whether it is an inclined beam (in this case the
height of the two ends should be specified), the additional permanent load and the reinforcement
in three integration sections of the beam (in the middle and two edges). Beams may be inserted
in the project by defining their edges with two mouse clicks. After assigning the beams and the
slabs, the choice of including the effective width and customizing its value, as well as if the beam
members will be inversed beams, may be made.
Currently, two types are available in SeismoBuild:
Jacketed Beam
The insertion of slabs can be done through the Menu (Insert > Insert Slab) or by clicking the
toolbar button.
A slab can be defined with a single mouse click on any closed area surrounded by structural
members (columns, walls and beams).
In the slab’s Properties Window users can define (i) the section’s height, (ii) the reinforcement
and its rotation to the X & Y axes, and (iii) its self weight and the additional permanent, live and
snow loads; the latter is required by ASCE 41‐17. The self‐weight of the slabs may be
automatically calculated and included in the structural model or a user‐defined value may be
used. The slab's live loads are automatically assigned by the program after the user selects the
appropriate type of loaded area.
Slab's Properties Window
Type of Loaded Area
Slab insertion
After defining a slab, users may modify its support conditions, thus adjusting at which beams the
slab loads are to be distributed.
Slab Support Conditions
Further the inclination of the slab may be modified, by specifying the slab elevation at three
points that can be graphically selected. The neighbouring beams’ elevation and column heights
are automatically adjusted, whereas the columns are subdivided in shorter members by the
program, if this is required, i.e. in the cases where two or more beams are supported by the same
column at different levels, thus creating short columns.
Slab Inclination
NOTE 1: The slab modelling is carried out with rigid diaphragms; hence, a rigid slab is implicitly considered in the
structural configuration, which is the case for the vast majority of RC buildings. The slab’s loads (self weight,
additional gravity and live loads multiplied by the corresponding coefficients in the Static Actions module) are
transformed to masses, based on the g value, and applied directly to the beams that support the slab.
NOTE 2: The slab reinforcement is applied at the effective width of the beams at the perimeter of the slab.
Obviously, when users select not to include the effective width in the modelling, such reinforcement settings
become redundant.
Slab by perimeter
Slabs of any geometry can be defined in the Building Modeller by selecting the Insert > Insert Slab
by perimeter from the Menu (or through the respective toolbar button ).
After defining the Slab’s perimeter by identifying its corners, the “Apply & Insert Slab” button
should be clicked. The slab is automatically assigned.
Draw Slab by perimeter
NOTE 1: Slabs are modelled in SeismoBuild as rigid diaphragms that connect the beams, columns and walls in
their perimeter and as additional loads applied to the beams. Obviously, in the case of cantilevered slabs no rigid
diaphragm is created and a slab is only considered as additional mass on the supporting beam; the additional
mass account for the slabs' permanent and live loads.
NOTE 2: When the assigned perimeter does not define a closed area, the first point is automatically connected by
the program with the last one in order to assign the new slab.
Free Edge
Cantilever slabs can also be defined in the Building Modeller. In order to do so, a Free Edge must
be added from the Menu (Insert > Insert Free edge) or through the respective toolbar button .
After defining the Free Edge's corner points, the “Apply” button should be clicked. Once drawn,
the Free Edge is used to outline the shape of the slab.
Draw Free Edge
After the definition of the necessary free edges needed to define a closed area, users can insert a
new slab.
Create a new cantilevered slab
The insertion of stairs can be done through the Menu (Insert > Stairs) or by clicking the toolbar
Stairs may be easily defined by specifying their centreline. Landings may be applied through the
“Add Landings” button after the insertion of the stairs member in the project. The two ends of the
landings need to be specified graphically on the centreline. The defined landings may be removed
through the “Remove All Landings” button.
On the Properties Window users can further define the stairs’ width, the riser height, the stairs
minimum depth, the elevation difference relatively to the base and the top floor level, as well as
the self‐weight and the additional permanent, live and snow loads; the latter is required by ASCE
41‐17. The self‐weight of the stairs may be automatically calculated according to the stairs’
geometry, materials and specific weight or a user‐defined value may be used.
Stairs Properties Window
Type of Loaded Area
Editing Structural Members
By using the edit tools from the main menu (Tools >...) or through the respective toolbar buttons,
users can select ( ) a member to view or change its properties. Further they can move it ( ) to
a different location, rotate it ( ) in plan view or delete it ( ).
It is noted that there is a number of ways to delete elements: (i) by clicking on the element (ii) by
its name or (iii) by selecting a rectangular area on the Main Window.
Delete element window
The option of multi‐editing structural members is available from the main menu (Tools >
View/Modify Member Properties) or through the corresponding toolbar button . Users may
select multiple members of the same section type and modify their properties at once.
View/Modify Member Properties window
The properties of one member may be applied to others from the main menu (Tools > Copy
Member Properties) or through the corresponding toolbar button . A window with a list of the
properties that will be copied appears after the selection of the member. Users should just click
on a member in order to change its properties. It is noted that the additional rebars cannot be
Copy Member Properties window
Moreover, an option to renumber the structural members is offered from the main menu (Tools >
Renumber Elements) or through the toolbar button. By clicking on a member the selected
number is assigned to it, and the numbering of all other members is changed accordingly.
After creating a building model, it is relatively common that one or more very short beams have
been created unintentionally, due to graphical reasons (e.g. by extending slightly a beam’s end
beyond a column edge). For this reason, a check is carried out from the main menu (Tools > Verify
Connectivity...) or through the corresponding toolbar button for the existence of any beam
with free span smaller than its section height should be carried out. If such beams exist, the
following message appears, and the user can select to remove or to keep it.
Verify connectivity
Creating New Storeys
The possibility of automatically creating new floors, based on the already created ones is offered
through the main menu (Tools > Copy Floor...) or through the toolbar button.
Copy floor
It is noted that users may use the layout of an existing floor as background, in order to easily
introduce new members on another storey.
New Floor & Background
View storey 3D model
The possibility of viewing the 3D model of the current floor is offered through the main menu
(View > Storey 3D Model...) or through the toolbar button.
3D View of Storey window
Other Building Modeller Functions
The Building Modeller offers a variety of tools to facilitate the introduction of the structural
Different zoom tools are available to users (zoom in, zoom out, dynamic zoom, zoom to
window, center all and zoom to member). These tools are also available through the
respective toolbar buttons or through the main menu (View >...).
Zoom tools
Snap & Grid Properties
Further, an Ortho facility is provided; Ortho is short for orthogonal, and allows for the
introduction of either vertical or horizontal ‐ but not inclined ‐ line (beams or walls)
members. Again, all these facilities can be accessed from both the main menu (View >...)
and through the corresponding toolbar buttons.
Snap and Ortho tools
The axes origin of the CAD drawing at the background can also be moved from the main
menu (View >Move Axes Centre) or through the toolbar button.
Move Axes Center
The building in plan view may also be moved from the main menu (Tools > Move Building)
or through the toolbar button.
The option of rotating the building in plan view is available from the main menu (Tools >
Rotate Building) or from the toolbar button.
The possibility of undoing and redoing the last operations is offered (Edit >Undo)/ (Edit
>Redo) or through the buttons .
The selected plan view can be printed or previewed from the main menu (File >Print... &
File >Print Preview...) or through the respective toolbar buttons &
Print Preview
Saving and Loading SeismoBuild Projects
The SeismoBuild project (with the *.bpf extension) may be saved from the main menu (File >Save
As...)/(File >Save) or through the toolbar button. These files can be opened again from the
Main Window of SeismoBuild (File >Open) or through the corresponding toolbar button .
The 3D SeismoBuild model may be visualised by selecting the button or the main menu (File
>Exit & Create 3D Model).
New SeismoBuild model
Code Requirements
The Code requirements may be defined through a dialog box accessed by in the main
SeismoBuild window.
The Code Requirements area features a series of pages where the necessary settings for the
analyses and the checks may be determined according to the selected Code or Standard. The
available Codes in the current version of SeismoBuild are the Eurocode 8‐ Part 3, the American
Code for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings (ASCE 41‐17), the Italian National
Seismic Code (NTC‐18), the Italian National Seismic Code (NTC‐08), the Greek Seismic
Interventions Code (KANEPE) and the Turkish Seismic Evaluation Building Code (TBDY); once the
Code is selected the pages are respectively modified.
Available Codes
The available pages within the Code Requirements area are listed below and will be described in
detail in the following paragraphs:
Limit States
Analysis Type
Knowledge Level
Seismic Action
Static Actions
NOTE: The available Codes depend on the edition of the SeismoBuild. Users should select the edition with the
required Codes.
Limit States
Herein users may define the Limit States or the Performance Levels to be used to check the
Limit States module
Analysis Type
In SeismoBuild the most common method in assessment practice of existing buildings is
employed, which is the nonlinear static analysis. It is based on pushover analyses carried out
under constant gravity loads and increasing lateral forces, applied at the location of the masses to
simulate the inertia forces induced by the seismic action. As the model may account for both
geometrical and mechanical nonlinearity, this method can describe the evolution of the expected
plastic mechanisms and structural damage.
The different load patterns that will be applied to the structure are defined in this module in two
The first one is by selecting one of the pattern schemes as defined by the Codes, i.e. (i) Basic
Combinations, (ii) Eurocode 8, (iii) ASCE 41‐17, (iv) NTC‐08, (v) NTC‐18 (vi) KANEPE and (vii)
TBDY. By choosing one of these schemes the appropriate load patterns will be selected.
The second way is to choose individual user‐defined load patterns from the corresponding
checkboxes. Users may decide about the vertical distribution of loads (uniform and/or
modal patterns), the simultaneous or not application of the lateral incremental loads in the
two horizontal directions (Uniaxial or Biaxial load patterns) and the existence or not of
Single and/or Double Eccentricity.
Analysis Type module
Knowledge Level
In this module users may select the Knowledge Level that corresponds to the available data on
the structural configuration. Three knowledge levels are defined. The default values for the
confidence factor are those recommended in the corresponding Code, although it is also possible
to assign different values by selecting the Custom value checkbox (e.g. according to the country’s
National Annex for the case of Eurocodes).
Knowledge Level module
Seismic Action
Herein the elastic response spectrum (as specified in the selected Code) is determined, and scaled
to the values of the design ground acceleration established for the different Limit States. Users
should assign the basic parameters needed for the generation of the spectral shape (i.e. peak
ground acceleration, damping, spectrum type, ground type and important class).
Seismic Action module
Static Actions
The permanent and live loads coefficients are assigned in this module. As described in the General
section of Pushover Analysis, in addition to the introduced vertical loads in nonlinear static
analyses the permanent and live loads are applied, which are also used for the definition of the
structural mass in the Eigenvalue Analysis. The snow load coefficient is also assigned in the case of
ASCE 41‐17.
Static Actions module
Herein, the checks to be carried out according to the selected Code for structural members and
beam‐column joints may be selected. The available checks For Eurocodes and ASCE 41‐17 are the
Members Chord Rotations
Members Shear Forces
Joints Shear Forces
Joints Horizontal Hoops Area (Eurocode 8)
Joints Vertical Reinforcement Area (Eurocode 8)
Interstorey Drifts (ASCE 41‐17)
Checks module
The values of the safety factors used in the checks may be specified through the corresponding
button, as well as the employed Code expressions. The program default factors are those defined
in the selected Code.
Eigenvalue Analysis
Eigenvalue parameters
The efficient Lanczos algorithm [Hughes, 1987] is used by default for the evaluation of the
structural natural frequencies and mode shapes. However, the Jacobi algorithm with Ritz
transformation may also be chosen by the user in the Advanced Settings module.
Eigenvalue analysis is a purely elastic type of structural analysis, since material properties are
taken as constant throughout the entire computation procedure. However, in SeismoBuild
inelastic frame elements are used, that will be employed in all the analyses, including the
eigenvalue one. Hence, different material and section types are employed in the characterisation
of the elements' sectional mechanical properties, which are not defined by the user, but internally
determined by the program, using classic formulae that can be found on any book or publication
on basics of structural mechanics [e.g. Gere and Timoshenko, 1997; Pilkey, 1994].
Having defined the eigenvalue analysis’ parameters in the Advanced Settings module, the user is
then ready to run the analysis. This is carried out in the Eigenvalue Analysis area of SeismoBuild,
by selecting the Run Analysis button.
Processor area
When the analysis is completed an informative message appears suggesting to check the
deformed shapes of the different modes for possible connectivity problems between the beams
and the columns.
Verification of Connectivity with Eigenvalue Analysis
After running the Eigenvalue analysis users may go to view the results by clicking the Show
Results button. The Show Results area features a series of modules where results from Eigenvalue
analysis can be viewed in table or graphical format, and then copied into any other Windows
application (e.g. tabled results can be copied into a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, whilst results
plots can be copied into a word‐processing application, like Microsoft Word).
The available modules are listed below and will be described in the following paragraphs:
Deformed Shape Viewer
Modal/Mass Quantities
Step Output
Analysis Logs
Post‐Processor Modules
Deformed Shape Viewer
With the Deformed Shape Viewer, users have the possibility of visualising the deformed shape of
the model for every period of the model (click on the desired output identifier to update the
deformed shape view).
Deformed Shape Viewer
The deformed shape plot can be tweaked and customised using the 3D Plot options and then
copied to any Windows application by means of the Copy 3D Plot facility. In addition, and
whenever the real‐time deformed shape of the structure is difficult to interpret (because
displacements are either too large or too small), users can make use of the Deformation Amplifier
available on the left of the Deformed Shape Viewer tab or of the Deformed Shape Multiplier,
available from the right‐click popup menu, the main menu (Tools > Deformed Shape Settings…) or
through the corresponding toolbar button , to better adapt the plot.
Deformed Shape Viewer‐Deformation Amplifier
Deformed Shape Settings
Finally, the vibration mode of a structure (as obtained from eigenvalue analysis) is animatedly
depicted through the selection of the Animate 3D model check‐box.
Modal/Mass Quantities
The Modal/Mass Quantities module provides a summary of (i) the main eigenvalue results (i.e.
the natural period/frequency of vibration of each mode, the modal participation factors and the
effective modal masses), and (ii) the nodal masses. These results can be easily copied to a text
editor, through the right‐click popup menu.
Modal/Mass Quantities Module – Modal Periods and Frequencies
Modal/Mass Quantities Module – Nodal Masses
Regarding the nodal masses, SeismoBuild provides a table in which are summarized the masses of
the nodes for each degree of freedom (also for rotation). For a particular node, the rotational
mass is computed as the rotational mass defined by the user for that node, plus the translational
mass at that node times the square of the distance to the centre of gravity of the model.
The modal participation factors, obtained as the ratio between the modal excitation factor
(Ln=nT*M) and the generalised mass (Mn=nT*M*n), provide a measure as to how strongly a
given mode n participates in the dynamic response of a structure. However, since mode shapes
n can be normalised in different ways, the absolute magnitude of the modal participation factor
has in effect no meaning, and only its relative magnitude with respect to the other participating
modes is of significance. [Priestley et al., 1996]
For the reason above, and particularly for the case of buildings subjected to earthquake ground‐
motion, it is customary for engineers/analysts to use the effective modal mass (meff,n=Ln2/Mn) as a
measure of the relative importance that each of the structure's modes has on its dynamic
response. Indeed, since meff,n can be interpreted as the part of the total mass M of the structure
that is excited by a given mode n, modes with high values of effective modal mass are likely to
contribute significantly to response, whilst the inverse is also true.
Step Output
This post‐processing module provides in text file‐type of output all the analytical results (nodal
displacements/rotations, natural frequency and natural period) obtained by SeismoBuild. The
entire step output, or selected parts of it, can be copied to text editors for further manipulation,
using the corresponding menu commands, keyboard shortcuts, toolbar buttons or right‐click
popup menu.
Step Output
Rather than copying and pasting the contents of this module, users may also choose to simply use
the Export to Text File facility, which gives also the possibility of choosing the start and end mode
numbers of interest, together with a mode number increment. This useful facility is available from
the toolbar button .
Finally, users may also activate the option of creating, at the end of every analysis, a text file
(*.out) containing the output of the entire analysis (as given in this module). This feature may
result useful for users, who wish to systematically, rather than occasionally, post‐process the
results using their own custom‐made post‐processing facility.
Analysis Logs
As discussed above, during any given analysis, a log of its numerical progress and of the
performance response of the model is created and saved within the project’s log file (*_Eig.log).
The contents of such file can be visualised in the Analysis Logs module and, if required, copied
and pasted into any other Windows application.
It is also noted that, since the date and time of the last analysis are saved within the log file, users
can refer to this module when such type of information is required.
Pushover Analysis
Conventional (non‐adaptive) pushover analysis is employed in the estimation of the
horizontal capacity of structures implying a dynamic response that is not significantly
affected by the levels of deformation incurred (i.e. the shape of the horizontal load pattern,
which aims at simulating dynamic response, can be assumed as constant).
The introduced vertical loads applied to the 3D model, in addition to the incremental loads,
are equal to CgG+CqQ, where Cg and Cq are the permanent and live loads coefficients,
respectively, defined in the Static Actions tab of the Code Requirements module. It is noted
that the snow load is also introduced when it is required, i.e. CgG+CqQ+CsS for ASCE 41‐17.
The self weight of the beam and column elements is automatically computed according to
the materials’ specific weight and sections’ geometry. The slabs’ additional gravity and live
loads are automatically introduced as beams’ additional mass. Nonlinear static analysis may
be applied with two vertical distributions of loads:
(i) a “uniform pattern”, which attempts to simulate an inelastic response dominated by a
soft‐storey mechanism (development of plastic hinges at both top and bottom ends of all
columns of a storey, in general the ground floor, which is subjected to highest lateral forces);
(ii) a “modal pattern”, proportional to the fundamental elastic translational mode shape.
The incremental loads may be applied in both positive and negative directions. Furthermore,
the incremental loads applied in X and in Y direction, may be taken as acting simultaneously
by employing both of the following combinations:
I. ±Fx ± 0.30Fy
II. ±0.30Fx ± Fy
With Fx and Fy representing the incremental loads applied in the X and Y direction of the
structure, respectively.
Finally, in order to account for uncertainties in the location of masses and in the spatial
variation of the seismic motion, the calculated centre of mass at each floor may be
considered as being displaced from its nominal location in each direction by an accidental
eccentricity equal to 5% of the floor‐dimension perpendicular to the direction of the seismic
The applied incremental load P is kept proportional to the pattern of nominal loads (P°)
defined by default by the program according to Code requirements: P = λ(P°). The load
factor λ is automatically increased by the program until a Code‐defined limit, or numerical
failure, is reached. For the incrementation of the loading factor, a displacement control
strategy is employed, which refers to direct incrementation of the global displacement of
the control node and the calculation of the loading factor that corresponds to this
After introducing the model’s configuration and carrying out the eigenvalue analysis, the
user is then ready to run the analysis. This is carried out in the Pushover Analysis area of
SeismoBuild by selecting the Run Analysis button.
Processor area
As the analysis is running, a progress bar provides the user with a percentage indication of
how far has the former advanced to, and a message placed above the progress bar informs
about the number of the analysis that is running.
The analysis can also be paused, enabling users to (i) momentarily free computing resources
so as to carry out an urgent priority task or (ii) check the results obtained up to that point,
which may be useful to decide the worthiness of progressing with the other analyses. If the
user presses the Run Analysis button again, the analysis can be continued.
Progress bar and “Pause”/“Stop” buttons
The Analysis Log is also shown to the user, in real‐time, providing expedient information on
the progress of the analysis, loading control and convergence conditions (for each global
load increment).
Real‐time Analysis Log area
This log is saved on a text file (*_Push(number of analysis).log) that features the same name
as the project file, as well as the name and number of the analysis, and indicates the date
and time of when the analysis was run (the sort of non‐technical information that comes
very handy on occasions). In addition, the corresponding real‐time log is shown during the
analysis and saved to the same *_Push(number of analysis).log file.
At the bottom of the window, the convergence norms at the end of a given (global) load
increment are shown.
Convergence norms
Further, the user has also the option of graphically observing the real‐time plotting of a
capacity (static pushover) curve of the control node and respective degree‐of‐freedom.
Real‐time plotting option
Alternatively, the user may also choose to visualise the real‐time plotting of the deformed
shape of the structure (see Deformed Shape Viewer settings).
Real‐time deformed shape option
Both of these options, however, might slow down the analysis and increase its running time
when used in relatively slow computers, for which reason the user has also the possibility of
simply disabling any real‐time plotting, choosing to follow only the analysis logs.
See only essential information option
A message appears, when the analyses are completed, that provided information about the
execution of the analyses. In particular, the message informs if the whole process was
successfully completed, (i.e. all the analyses have reached the specified maximum
displacement), or whether the SeismoBuild solver could not execute all the analyses until
the end, because of convergence difficulties. In the last case the message informs about the
percentage of the maximum displacement reached when the analysis terminated.
Informative message
After running the analysis/es users may view the results by clicking the Show Results button.
The results of the analysis are saved in a SeismoBuild Results File, and are identified by the
*.brf extension, with the same name as the input project file and the analysis.
The Show Results area features a series of modules where results from all the analyses can
be viewed in table or graphical format, and then copied into any other Windows application
(e.g. tabled results can be copied into a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, whilst results plots
can be copied into a word‐processing application, like Microsoft Word). Users may choose
which analysis results to view through a drop‐down menu available on the top right side of
the program.
Selection of the analysis to view
The modules available in the Post‐Processor are listed below and will be described in the
following paragraphs:
Target Displacement
Deformed Shape Viewer
Convergence Problems
Action Effects Diagrams
Global Response Parameters
Element Action Effects
Stress and Strain Output
Step Output
Analysis Logs
Post‐Processor Modules
There are some general operations that apply to all the post ‐processor modules. For
example, the way in which model components (e.g. nodes, sections, elements, etc.) appear
on all dialogue boxes in the post‐processor.
Target Displacement
In the Target Displacement module the capacity curves before and after the linearisation
that correspond to the selected analysis are shown, as well as the target displacements for
the selected limit states in the Code Requirements window. Data about the linearisation
procedure are also provided in this module.
Target Displacement
Deformed Shape Viewer
With the Deformed Shape Viewer, users have the possibility of visualising the deformed
shape of the model at every step of the analysis (click on the desired output identifier to
update the deformed shape view), thus easily identifying deformation, and eventually
collapse, mechanisms.
Deformed Shape Viewer
Deformed Shape Viewer – Displacement values display option
The deformed shape plot can be tweaked and customised using the 3D Plot Options and
then copied to any Windows application by means of the Copy 3D Plot facility. In addition,
and whenever the real‐time deformed shape of the structure is difficult to interpret
(because displacements are either too large or too small), users can make use of the
Deformation Amplifier available on the left side of the Deformed Shape Viewer tab, through
the program menu (Tools > Deformed Shape Settings…) or through the corresponding popup
Deformed Shape Settings
The option to automatically update the 3D model after changing the multipliers is available.
Users may deactivate this option and update it manually by clicking on the update 3D plot
button on the right.
Convergence Problems
Whenever convergence problems arise, users may be informed about the elements that
cause the diverging solutions. The elements or the locations of the structure, where the
convergence problems are caused, are marked in the 3D view format, whereas information
about the type of divergence (value of convergence norms and their limits, divergence
message and the corresponding elements or nodes) are displayed on the top‐left corner of
the screen.
Convergence Problems
Action Effects Diagrams
The internal forces (axial and shear) and moments (flexure and torsion) diagrams are
provided in the 3D plot view. By default the diagrams for horizontal and vertical elements
are shown in the same plot. If users wish to obtain the diagrams separately (for horizontal or
vertical elements only), they have to check the appropriate box. The possibility of scaling the
diagrams and the thickness of the lines is also available.
Action Effects Diagrams (Elements as Lines)
Action Effects Diagrams
Users may customize the diagrams aspect by changing the ‘Structural Members’ settings in
the 3D Plot Options menu (i.e. main line and secondary line colours, number of sec. lines and
number of values).
Element Action Effects – Frame Forces Viewer
Global Response Parameters
For pushover analysis four different kinds of global response parameters results can be
output in this module:
Structural Displacements
Forces and Moments at Supports
Hysteretic Curves
Code‐based Checks
Apart from the latter, all the other results are defined in the global system of coordinates, as
illustrated in the figure below, where it is noted that rotation/moment variables defined
with regards to a particular axis, refer always to the rotation/moment around, not along,
that same axis.
All of these parameters are briefly described hereafter:
Structural displacements
The user can obtain the displacement results of any given number of nodes including the
control node, for any of the six global degrees‐of‐freedom. The possibility for relative
displacement output is also available, as well as the choice of displaying in the graph the
maximum, minimum and absolute maximum values.
Global Response Parameters – Structural displacements
Forces and Moments at Supports
Similarly to the structural deformations, the support forces and moments in every direction
can be obtained for all restrained nodes. The possibility for outputting the total support
force/moment in the specified direction, instead of individual support values, enables also
the computation and plotting of total base shear values, for instance. Finally, the maximum,
minimum and absolute maximum values may be displayed on the selected graph.
Global Response Parameters – Forces and Moments at Supports (total support)
Global Response Parameters – Forces and Moments at Supports (distinct support)
Hysteretic Curves
The user is able to specify a translational/rotational global degree‐of‐freedom to be plotted
against the corresponding total base‐shear/base‐moment or load factor (pushover analysis).
In static nonlinear analysis such a plot represents the structure's capacity curve. The
possibility for relative displacement output is also available, as well as the choice of
displaying in the graph the maximum, minimum and absolute maximum values.
Global Response Parameters – Hysteretic Curves
Code‐based Checks
Here, it is possible for the user to perform the Code‐based Checks in every step of the
analysis. Users may select the name of the check from the relevant drop‐down menu, and
the step of the analysis, and click on the Refresh button. The results can be displayed for all
the structural members, or just for those members that have reached the selected check.
Global Response Parameters – Code‐based Checks
Element Action Effects
For the inelastic frame element type employed in the structural model, there can be three
kinds of Element action effects results (subdivided into three categories), which are
described in detail hereafter.
Frame Deformations
The deformations incurred by inelastic (infrm, infrmPH) frame elements, as computed in
their local co‐rotational system of reference, are provided. The values refer to the chord
rotations at the end‐nodes of each element, the axial deformation and the torsional
rotation. Finally, the maximum, minimum and absolute maximum values may be displayed
on the selected graph.
Element Action Effects – Frame Deformations
Frame Forces
The internal forces developed by inelastic (infrm, infrmPH) frame elements, as computed in
their local co‐rotational system of reference, are provided. The values refer to the internal
forces (axial and shear) and moments (flexure and torsion) developed at the end‐nodes of
each element, referred to as A and. The possibility of obtaining the cumulative, rather than
the distinct, results of each element can be very handy when a user is interested in adding
the response of a number of elements (e.g. obtain the shear at a particular storey, given as
the sum of the internal shear forces of the elements at that same level). Further, the
maximum, minimum and absolute maximum values may be displayed on the selected graph.
Element Action Effects – Frame Forces
Frame Hysteretic Curves
Hysteretic plots of deformation vs. internal forces developed by inelastic (infrm, infrmPH)
frame elements, as computed in their local co‐rotational system of reference, are provided.
The maximum, minimum and absolute maximum values may be displayed on the selected
Stress and Strain Output
The material response in each of the inelastic frame elements (infrm, infrmPH) employed in
the modelling of the structure can be obtained in this module.
Frame Element Curvatures
The curvature of selected members is provided, for each of the Integration Sections of the
element, and with reference to local axes (2) or (3), defined in Building Modeller. The
maximum, minimum and absolute maximum values may be displayed on the selected graph.
Stress and Strain Output – Frame Element Curvatures
Peak Strains and Stresses
The maximum/minimum values of stresses and strains observed in a particular member, as
well as the local sectional coordinates where these values occurred, can be obtained. The
user has the possibility of selecting the Integration Section and the material type to which
these results should refer to.
Stress and Strain Output – Peak Strains and Stresses
Step Output
This post‐processing module provides, in text file‐type of output, all the analytical results
(nodal displacements/rotations, support and element forces/moments, element strains and
stresses) obtained by SeismoBuild at any given analysis step plus the analytical results for
the selected limit state(s). The entire step output, or selected parts of it, can be copied to
text editors for further manipulation, using the corresponding menu commands, keyboard
shortcuts, toolbar buttons or right‐click popup menu.
Step Output
Rather than copying and pasting the contents of this module, users may also choose to
simply use the Export to Text File facility, which gives also the possibility of choosing the
start and end output steps of interest, together with a step increment. This useful facility is
available from the toolbar button .
Finally, and as noted in Advanced Settings >General, users may also activate the option of
creating, at the end of every analysis, a text file (*.out) containing the output of the entire
analysis (as given in this module). This feature may result useful for users, who wish to
systematically, rather than occasionally, post‐process the results using their own custom‐
made post‐processing facility.
Analysis Logs
As discussed above, during any given analysis, a log of its numerical progress and of the
performance response of the model is created and saved within the project’s log file (*.log).
The contents of such file can be visualised in the Analysis Logs module and, if required,
copied and pasted into any other Windows application.
It is also noted that, since the date and time of the last analysis are saved within the log file,
users can refer to this module when such type of information is required.
The results of the Code‐based checks can be accessed through the corresponding module in
the program Main Window.
Structural Model Checks informative window
The Checks module features a series of tabs where results from different type of checks can
be viewed in table or the 3D view format, and then copied into any other Windows
applications (i.e. tabled results can be copied into a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, whilst
results plots can be copied into a word‐processing application, like Microsoft Word). Herein,
the checks already selected in the Checks module of Code Requirements are shown.
The available tabs, within Eurocodes and ASCE 41‐17, are listed below and will be described
in the following paragraphs:
Members Chord Rotations
Members Shear Forces
Joints Shear Forces
Joints Horizontal Hoops Area (Eurocodes)
Joints Vertical Reinforcement Area (Eurocodes)
Interstorey Drifts (ASCE 41‐17)
Checks Modules
Members Chord Rotations
Herein the results of the deformation capacity checks for beams, columns and walls,
according to the selected Code, are exported. Users may select for which Limit State, or
Performance objective, to view the results and choose filters, which include the
determination of the analysis, the floor, the members’ type and the local axis. The available
limit states are those already selected in the Limit States module in Code Requirements.
Further, in the drop‐down menu for the analysis selection apart from the executed analyses
there is an option called Critical Analysis, which is the envelope of the results of all the
analyses. The elements that have exceeded their deformation capacity are marked with red
both in the table view and the 3D view format, whereas different visualisation options are
available. For instance users may select to display the members’ performance ratios or each
member’s critical analysis on the 3D plot, or to display the elements with different colours,
depending on the value of their performance ratio for the selected limit state.
Member Chord Rotations Module
It is possible to hide the data entry table through the corresponding button in order to view
the 3D rendering of the structural model in 'full‐screen' modality. By right clicking on an
element and selecting the View Members Checks, a window appears with the checks for all
the analyses for that particular element.
Member Checks module
Members Shear Forces
The results of the shear capacity checks for beams, columns and walls, according to the
selected Code, can be visualised in this module. Users may select for which Limit State, or
Performance objective, to view the results and choose filters, which include the
determination of the analysis, the floor, the members’ type and the local axis. The available
limit states are those already selected in the Limit States module in Code Requirements. In
addition, in the drop‐down menu for the analysis selection apart from the executed analyses
there is an option called Critical Analysis, which is the envelope of the results of all the
analyses. The elements that have exceeded their shear capacity are marked with red both in
the table view and the 3D view format, whereas different visualisation options are available.
For instance users may select to display the members’ performance ratios or each member’s
critical analysis on the 3D plot, or to display the elements with different colours, depending
on the value of their performance ratio for the selected limit state.
Member Shear Forces Module
It is possible to hide the data entry table through the corresponding button in order to view
the 3D rendering of the structural model in 'full‐screen' modality. By right clicking on an
element and selecting the View Members Checks, a window appears with the checks for all
the analyses for that particular element.
Member Checks module
Joints Shear Forces
Herein the results of the shear forces checks for beam–column joints, according to the
selected Code, are exported. Users may select for which Limit State, or Performance
objective, to view the results and choose filters, which include the determination of the
analysis and the floor. The available limit states are those already selected in the Limit States
module in Code Requirements. In addition, in the drop‐down menu for the analysis selection
apart from the executed analyses there is an option called Critical Analysis, which is the
envelope of the results of all the analyses. The elements that have exceeded their shear
capacity are marked with red both in the table view and the 3D view format, whereas
different visualisation options are available. For instance users may select to display the
joints’ performance ratios or each joint’s critical analysis on the 3D plot, or to display the
joints with different colours, depending on the value of their performance ratio for the
selected limit state.
Joints Shear Forces Module
It is possible to hide the data entry table through the corresponding button in order to view
the 3D rendering of the structural model in 'full‐screen' modality. By right clicking on an
element and selecting the View Members Checks, a window appears with the checks for all
the analyses for that particular element.
Performance Criteria Checks module
Joints Horizontal Hoops Area (Eurocodes)
Herein the results of the horizontal hoops area checks for beam–column joints are exported
(this check applies only to Eurocode 8). Users may select for which Limit State to view the
results and choose filters, which include the determination of the analysis and the floor. The
available limit states are those already selected in the Limit States module in Code
Requirements. In addition, in the drop‐down menu for the analysis selection apart from the
executed analyses there is an option called Critical Analysis, which is the envelope of the
results of all the analyses. The elements whose horizontal hoops area is less than the Code
defined are marked with red both in the table view and the 3D view format, whereas
different visualisation options are available. For instance users may select to display the
joints’ performance ratios or each joint’s critical analysis on the 3D plot, or to display the
joints with different colours, depending on the value of their performance ratio for the
selected limit state.
Joints Horizontal Hoops Area Module
It is possible to hide the data entry table through the corresponding button in order to view
the 3D rendering of the structural model in 'full‐screen' modality. By right clicking on an
element and selecting the View Members Checks, a window appears with the checks for all
the analyses for that particular element.
Performance Criteria Checks module
Joints Vertical Reinforcement Area (Eurocodes)
Herein the results of the vertical reinforcement area checks for beam–column joints are
presented (this check applies only to Eurocode 8). Users may select for which Limit State to
view the results and choose filters, which include the determination of the analysis and the
floor. The available limit states are those already selected in the Limit States module in Code
Requirements. In addition, in the drop‐down menu for the analysis selection apart from the
executed analyses there is an option called Critical Analysis, which is the envelope of the
results of all the analyses. The elements whose vertical reinforcement area is less than the
Code defined are marked with red both in the table view and the 3D view format, whereas
different visualisation options are available. For instance users may select to display the
joints’ performance ratios or each joint’s critical analysis on the 3D plot, or to display the
joints with different colours, depending on the value of their performance ratio for the
selected limit state.
Joints Vertical Reinforcement Area Module
It is possible to hide the data entry table through the corresponding button in order to view
the 3D rendering of the structural model in 'full‐screen' modality. By right clicking on an
element and selecting the View Members Checks, a window appears with the checks for all
the analyses for that particular element.
Performance Criteria Checks module
Interstorey Drifts (ASCE 41‐17 )
Herein the results of the interstorey drifts checks for walls controlled by shear are checked
according to the ASCE 41‐17. Users may select for which Limit State to view the results, as
well as the View criteria, which include the determination of the analysis and the floor. The
available limit states are those already selected in the Limit States module in Code
Requirements. In addition, in the drop‐down menu for the analysis selection apart from the
executed analyses there is an option called Critical Analysis, which is the envelope of the
results of all the analyses. The elements that have exceeded the Code defined relative drift
are marked with red both in the table view and the 3D view format, whereas different
visualisation options are available. For instance users may select to display the members’
performance ratios or each member’s critical analysis on the 3D plot, or to display the
elements with different colours, depending on the value of their performance ratio for the
selected limit state.
It is possible to hide the data entry table through the corresponding button in order to view
the 3D rendering of the structural model in 'full‐screen' modality. By right clicking on an
element and selecting the View Member Checks, a window appears with the checks for all
the analyses for that particular element.
After running all the analyses and the carrying out the Code‐based checks, the technical
report can be delivered, through the Report module in the program Main Window. Once,
the Report button is clicked, a dialog box appears whereby users can determine which
information will be included in the report. The available tabs are listed below and will be
described in the following paragraphs:
General Information
Beam‐Column Joints
Detailed Calculations (Annex)
General Information
In the General Information module users may determine the general information of the
structure that will be included in the technical report. The option of not extracting any
general information is available by disabling the Export General Information check‐box.
General Information tab
Preliminary Information
Herein, the information about the program and the Codes that will be included in the report
is specified. An effort has been made to include by default the information needed for the
case of the most common structures, but there are also numerous options available to the
user with data to be included in the report. Further, by selecting the relevant Edit Text
buttons predefined texts appear providing some guidelines for the technical description of
the structure and the software, which can be partially or totally modified according to the
users’ needs and preferences.
View/Modify Text for Building Technical Description
All the information about the SeismoBuild program and the Codes, such as the rehabilitation
objectives, the structural assessment, the knowledge factors, the types of analysis and the
capacity models for assessment and checks, as well as the numerical model and the basic
assumptions are predefined or automatically assigned and may be exported to the technical
report by selecting the corresponding check‐box.
The perspective of the 3D plot views of the structure exported in the technical report may
be modified once the Update Report View button is selected within the ‘View/Modify 3D
Views’ window, accessible by the 3D Views... buttons.
Modify/View 3D Views
Eigenvalue Information
The choice of including the eigenvalue analysis results in the technical report is available in
this module. The eigenvalue results that will be exported are the natural period/frequency
of vibration of each mode, the modal participation factors, the effective modal masses and
their percentages, as well as, two figures for the fundamental periods along global axes X
and Y. Users may modify the perspective of these figures through the 3D Views... button,
wherein a scale amplifier is also available in order to change the 3D plot deformations scale.
Modify/View 3D Views
Target Displacement Information
The capacity curve of the structure before and after the linearisation for the selected
analysis, as well as the target displacement for the selected limit states may be exported to
the technical report. Users may define, for which analyses the target displacement
information will be exported, as well as for which limit states. The default selection is to
export the information for all the executed analyses and for all the limit states.
Select Pushover Loading Patterns module
In the Members module users may determine the information about the structural members
checks that will be exported to the technical report. The choice of selecting whether to
export just the vertical or the horizontal members, all or none is available from the
corresponding check‐boxes.
Members tab
It is noted that the module is active only if the checks for member chord rotation, member
shear forces, member strains or Interstorey Drifts have been carried out. The members’
properties may also be selected to be exported. Further, users may choose the members’
results that will be included in the technical report, i.e. which of the checks results to be
exported, for which analyses and for which limit states. The option of selecting the envelope
of the most critical analyses is available through the Critical Pushover Analyses check‐box. It
is noted that the perspective of the 3D plot view is modified in the report, through the 3D
Views... button, once the Update Report View button is selected.
Modify/View 3D Views
Beam‐Column Joints
In the Beam‐Column Joints module users may determine the information about the beam‐
column joint checks that are to be exported in the technical report. It is also possible not to
output any information by disabling the Export Beam‐Column Joints check‐box.
Beam‐Column Joints tab
It is noted that the module is active only if one, or more, of the checks regarding the beam‐
column joints has been carried out. Users may select whether to export just simple or
detailed information about the geometry and the configuration of the joint. It is noted that
the exported results for the joints may differ depending on the selected Code. The option of
selecting the envelope of the most critical analyses is available through the Critical Pushover
Analyses check‐box, otherwise specific analyses may be selected through the Select Analyses
button. Finally, the limit states for which the results will be exported, as well as the
corresponding 3D Views can be defined. It is noted that the 3D plot view is modified in the
report once the Update Report View button is selected.
Modify/View 3D Views
Detailed Calculations (Annex)
In the Detailed Calculations (Annex) module users may select the members and the beam‐
column joints, for which detailed checks calculations are to be output in the technical report.
Members Checks Calculations
The detailed Members’ Checks Calculations may be exported to the technical report. Users
may select the information to export per member, i.e. for which check type, edge, axis, limit
state and pushover analysis, by selecting the member and the ‘Modify’ button. The default
selection is to export all the members’ checks calculations for the selected members.
Members Checks Calculations tab
Modify Checks Specifications for Member tab
Joints Checks Calculations
The detailed Joints’ Checks Calculations may be exported to the technical. Users may select
the information to export per joint, i.e. for which check type, limit state and pushover
analysis, by selecting the joint and the ‘Modify’ button. The default selection is to export all
the joints’ checks calculations for the selected joints.
Joints Checks Calculations tab
Modify Checks Specifications for Joints tab
Inserting Structural Members
In this part the section types available in SeismoBuild are described in details.
Rectangular Column
Rectangular columns may be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert Rectangular
Column) or through the corresponding toolbar button . On the Properties Window that
appears, users can adapt the section’s dimensions either in the View/Modify Geometry
window or by selecting one section from the predefined standard sections (square or
Edit sections dimensions
It is possible to define a column height different from the storey height, through the
selection of the Free length radio button and the assignment of different length. If, on the
other hand, the Full length radio button is selected then the member has the same height
with the storey height. In addition, the foundation level of the column may be adapted, thus
providing the possibility to the user to define different foundation levels.
Further, the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be defined by editing the
relevant reinforcement patterns.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically as shown in the following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the section is displayed (longitudinal and transverse), and the View/Modify
Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed and modified.
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s Properties Window. The required values for the definition of
the materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members.
By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the
new ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through
the Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button. The
member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the corresponding button. Further, FRP wraps may be assigned to column
elements through the FRP Wrapping module, where the users may select the FRP wrap from
a list of the most common products found in the market, or introduce user defined values.
The insertion point (point of the section that corresponds to the location of the mouse click),
and rotation of the section on plan view may be selected.
Selecting the insertion point and rotate the section’s plan view
After defining all the section's properties, the new member may be added with a simple click
on the Building Modeller Main Window.
Insertion of column section, C1
L‐Shaped Column
L‐Shaped columns can be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert L‐Shaped Column) or
through the corresponding toolbar button . On the Properties Window that appears,
users can adapt the section’s dimensions either in the View/Modify Geometry window or by
selecting one section from the predefined standard sections (symmetric or asymmetric).
Edit sections dimensions
It is possible to define a column height different from the storey height, through the
selection of the Free length radio button and the assignment of different length. If, on the
other hand, the Full length radio button is selected then the member has the same height
with the storey height. In addition, the foundation level of the column may be adapted, thus
providing the possibility to the user to define different foundation levels.
Further, the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be defined by editing the
relevant reinforcement patterns.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically as shown in the following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the section is displayed (longitudinal and transverse), and the View/Modify
Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed and modified.
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s Properties Window. The required values for the definition of
the materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members.
By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the
new ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through
the Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button. The
member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the corresponding button. Further, FRP wraps may be assigned to column
elements through the FRP Wrapping module, where the users may select the FRP wrap from
a list of the most common products found in the market, or introduce user defined values.
The insertion point (point of the section that corresponds to the location of the mouse click),
and rotation of the section on plan view may be selected.
Selecting the insertion point and rotate the section’s plan view
After defining all the section's properties, the new member may be added with a simple click
on the Building Modeller Main Window.
Insertion of column section, C1
T‐Shaped Column
T‐Shaped columns may be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert T‐Shaped Column) or
through the corresponding toolbar button . On the Properties Window that appears,
users can adapt the section’s dimensions either in the View/Modify Geometry window or by
selecting one section from the predefined standard sections (symmetric or asymmetric).
Edit sections dimensions
It is possible to define a column height different from the storey height, through the
selection of the Free length radio button and the assignment of different length. If, on the
other hand, the Full length radio button is selected then the member has the same height
with the storey height. In addition, the foundation level of the column may be adapted, thus
providing the possibility to the user to define different foundation levels.
Further, the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be defined by editing the
relevant reinforcement patterns.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically as shown in the following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the section is displayed (longitudinal and transverse), and the View/Modify
Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed and modified.
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s Properties Window. The required values for the definition of
the materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members.
By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the
new ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through
the Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button. The
member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the corresponding button. Further, FRP wraps may be assigned to column
elements through the FRP Wrapping module, where the users may select the FRP wrap from
a list of the most common products found in the market, or introduce user defined values.
The insertion point (point of the section that corresponds to the location of the mouse click),
and rotation of the section on plan view may be selected.
Selecting the insertion point and rotate the section’s plan view
After defining all the section's properties, the new member may be added with a simple click
on the Building Modeller Main Window.
Insertion of column section, C1
Circular Column
Circular columns may be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert Circular Column) or
through the corresponding toolbar button . On the Properties Window that appears,
users can adapt the section’s dimensions either in the View/Modify Geometry window or by
selecting one section from the predefined standard sections.
Edit sections dimensions
It is possible to define a column height different from the storey height, through the
selection of the Free length radio button and the assignment of different length. If, on the
other hand, the Full length radio button is selected then the member has the same height
with the storey height. In addition, the foundation level of the column may be adapted, thus
providing the possibility to the user to define different foundation levels.
Further, the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be defined by editing the
relevant reinforcement patterns.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically as shown in the following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the section is displayed (longitudinal and transverse), and the View/Modify
Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed and modified.
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s Properties Window. The required values for the definition of
the materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members.
By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the
new ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through
the Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button. The
member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the corresponding button. Further, FRP wraps may be assigned to column
elements through the FRP Wrapping module, where the users may select the FRP wrap from
a list of the most common products found in the market, or introduce user defined values.
The insertion point (point of the section that corresponds to the location of the mouse click)
may be selected.
Selecting the insertion point
After defining all the section's properties, the new member may be added with a simple click
on the Building Modeller Main Window.
Insertion of circular column section, C1
Walls may be added from the main menu (Insert > Insert Wall) or the corresponding toolbar
button . On the Properties Window that appears, users can adapt the section’s width
dimension in the View/Modify Geometry window, whereas its length is graphically defined
with its insertion by specifying two points, start and end. Initially, the pseudo‐columns width
is automatically estimated as one fifth (1/5) of the total wall’s length with a maximum value
equal to 600 mm. After the insertion of the wall, it can be modified from the wall's
Properties Window.
Edit sections dimensions
It is possible to define a wall height different from the storey height, through the selection of
the Free length radio button and the assignment of different length. If, on the other hand,
the Full length radio button is selected then the member has the same height with the
storey height. In addition, the foundation level of the column may be adapted, thus
providing the possibility to the user to define different foundation levels.
Further, the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be defined by editing the
relevant reinforcement patterns.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically as shown in the following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
NOTE: In order to add longitudinal reinforcement bars through the Additional Rebars module, users should first
insert the wall section in the model, so as to have completely defined the wall’s dimensions, that is wall’s total
length and pseudo‐columns width.
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the section is displayed (longitudinal and transverse), and the View/Modify
Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed and modified.
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s Properties Window. The required values for the definition of
the materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members.
By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the
new ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through
the Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button. The
member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the corresponding button. Further, FRP wraps may be assigned to column
elements through the FRP Wrapping module, where the users may select the FRP wrap from
a list of the most common products found in the market, or introduce user defined values.
Contrary to the columns definition, where a simple click is adequate to define the member,
in wall sections two points should be outlined on the Building Modeller Window. The
inserting line can lie at the centre or at either of the two sides of the wall; this can be
determined by clicking on any of the three lines on the View/Modify Geometry window (the
black line is the selected option).
Select the inserting line
Insertion of wall
Beams may be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert Beam...) or through the
corresponding toolbar button . On the Properties Window that appears, users can adapt
the section’s dimensions either in the View/Modify Geometry window or by selecting one
section from the predefined standard sections.
Edit sections dimensions
Inclined beams may be efficiently modelled by specifying the elevation differences of the
two beam ends relatively to the storey height. The height of the supporting columns is then
automatically adapted.
NOTE: In the case of beams being supported by the same column at different heights, the program automatically
subdivides the column member, so that to simulate effectively the short column that is generated.
Inclined beam
Further, the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be assigned through the
relevant reinforcement patterns. Different reinforcement patterns may be defined at the
middle and at the two edges of the beam.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars modules, where additional reinforcement can be
introduced graphically as shown in the following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
In the beams sections module, additional permanent distributed load may also be assigned,
which will serve to define any load not associated to the self‐weight of the structure (e.g.
finishings, infills, variable loading, etc).
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the start, middle and end sections is displayed (longitudinal and
transverse), and the View/Modify Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed
and modified.
Beam’s start section reinforcement Beam’s middle section reinforcement
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s Properties Window. The required values for the definition of
the materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members.
By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the
new ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through
the Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button.
Further, the member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling
Parameters dialog box, accessed by the corresponding button.
In a similar fashion to the walls, for beam’s definition two points should be outlined on the
Main Window. The inserting line can lie at the centre or at either of the two sides of the
beam; this can be determined by clicking on any of the three lines on the View/Modify
Geometry (the black line is the selected option).
Selecting the insertion point
When an assigned beam intersects an existing column or wall, it is automatically subdivided
and two members are thus created. Consequently, several beams may be defined in a row
with just two clicks.
Inserting 3 beams in one move
After the definition of the slabs, two additional options may appear on the beams Properties
Window: (i) select whether to include or not the beam's effective width in the calculations
and (ii) select whether the beam is inverted or not. The effective width is automatically
calculated by the program, but it can also be modified by the user.
Beam's Properties Window (after the definition of slabs)
Rectangular Jacketed Column
Rectangular jacketed columns may be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert
Rectangular Jacketed Column) or through the corresponding toolbar button . On the
Properties Window that appears, users can adapt the section’s dimensions either in the
View/Modify Geometry window or by selecting one section from the predefined standard
sections (square or rectangular).
Edit sections dimensions
It is possible to define a column height different from the storey height, through the
selection of the Free length radio button and the assignment of different length. If, on the
other hand, the Full length radio button is selected then the member has the same height
with the storey height. In addition, the foundation level of the column may be adapted, thus
providing the possibility to the user to define different foundation levels.
Further, both external and internal longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be
defined by editing the relevant reinforcement patterns. It is noted that the term ‘internal’
refers to the old/existing part of the section, whether the ‘external’ refers to the new/added
part of the section.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically to both the existing and the new part of the section, as shown in the
following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the section is displayed (longitudinal and transverse), and the View/Modify
Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed and modified.
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s Properties Window. The required values for the definition of
the materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members.
By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the
new ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through
the Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button. The
member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the corresponding button. Further, FRP wraps may be assigned to column
elements through the FRP Wrapping module, where the users may select the FRP wrap from
a list of the most common products found in the market, or introduce user defined values.
NOTE: In the Advanced Member Properties module users should take decisions about the jacketed section’s
properties, selecting the parameters so as to account for the whole section, both existing and new one.
The insertion point (point of the section that corresponds to the location of the mouse click),
and rotation of the section on plan view may be selected.
Selecting the insertion point and rotate the section’s plan view
After defining all the section's properties, the new member may be added with a simple click
on the Building Modeller Main Window.
Insertion of Ractangular jacketed column section, C1
L‐Shaped Jacketed Column
L‐Shaped jacketed columns may be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert L‐Shaped
Jacketed Column) or through the corresponding toolbar button . On the Properties
Window that appears, users can adapt the section’s dimensions either in the View/Modify
Geometry window or by selecting one section from the predefined standard sections
(symmetric or asymmetric).
Edit sections dimensions
It is possible to define a column height different from the storey height, through the
selection of the Free length radio button and the assignment of different length. If, on the
other hand, the Full length radio button is selected then the member has the same height
with the storey height. In addition, the foundation level of the column may be adapted, thus
providing the possibility to the user to define different foundation levels.
Further, both external and internal longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be
defined by editing the relevant reinforcement patterns. It is noted that the term ‘internal’
refers to the old/existing part of the section, whether the ‘external’ refers to the new/added
part of the section.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically to both the existing and the new part of the section, as shown in the
following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the section is displayed (longitudinal and transverse), and the View/Modify
Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed and modified.
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s properties window. The required values for the definition of the
materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members. By
default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the new
ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through the
Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button. The
member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the corresponding button. Further, FRP wraps may be assigned to column
elements through the FRP Wrapping module, where the users may select the FRP wrap from
a list of the most common products found in the market, or introduce user defined values.
NOTE: In the Advanced Member Properties module users should take decisions about the jacketed section’s
properties, selecting the parameters so as to account for the whole section, both existing and new one.
The insertion point (point of the section that corresponds to the location of the mouse click),
and rotation of the section on plan view may be selected.
Selecting the insertion point and rotate the section’s plan view
After defining all the section's properties, the new member may be added with a simple click
on the Building Modeller Main Window.
Insertion of L‐Shaped jacketed column section, C1
T‐Shaped Jacketed Column
T‐Shaped jacketed columns may be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert T‐Shaped
Jacketed Column) or through the corresponding toolbar button . On the Properties
Window that appears, users can adapt the section’s dimensions either in the View/Modify
Geometry window or by selecting one section from the predefined standard sections
(symmetric or asymmetric).
Edit sections dimensions
It is possible to define a column height different from the storey height, through the
selection of the Free length radio button and the assignment of different length. If, on the
other hand, the Full length radio button is selected then the member has the same height
with the storey height. In addition, the foundation level of the column may be adapted, thus
providing the possibility to the user to define different foundation levels.
Further, both external and internal longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be
defined by editing the relevant reinforcement patterns. It is noted that the term ‘internal’
refers to the old/existing part of the section, whether the ‘external’ refers to the new/added
part of the section.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically to both the existing and the new part of the section, as shown in the
following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the section is displayed (longitudinal and transverse), and the View/Modify
Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed and modified.
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s properties window. The required values for the definition of the
materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members. By
default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the new
ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through the
Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button. The
member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the corresponding button. Further, FRP wraps may be assigned to column
elements through the FRP Wrapping module, where the users may select the FRP wrap from
a list of the most common products found in the market, or introduce user defined values.
NOTE: In the Advanced Member Properties module users should take decisions about the jacketed section’s
properties, selecting the parameters so as to account for the whole section, both existing and new one.
The insertion point (point of the section that corresponds to the location of the mouse click),
and rotation of the section on plan view may be selected.
Selecting the insertion point and rotate the section’s plan view
After defining all the section's properties, the new member may be added with a simple click
on the Building Modeller Main Window.
Insertion of T‐Shaped jacketed column section, C1
Circular Jacketed Column
Circular jacketed columns may be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert Circular
Jacketed Column) or through the corresponding toolbar button . On the Properties
Window that appears, users can adapt the section’s dimensions either in the View/Modify
Geometry window or by selecting one section from the predefined standard sections.
Edit sections dimensions
Edit sections dimensions
It is possible to define a column height different from the storey height, through the
selection of the Free length radio button and the assignment of different length. If, on the
other hand, the Full length radio button is selected then the member has the same height
with the storey height. In addition, the foundation level of the column may be adapted, thus
providing the possibility to the user to define different foundation levels.
Further, both external and internal longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be
defined by editing the relevant reinforcement patterns. It is noted that the term ‘internal’
refers to the old/existing part of the section, whether the ‘external’ refers to the new/added
part of the section.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically to both the existing and the new part of the section, as shown in the
following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the section is displayed (longitudinal and transverse), and the View/Modify
Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed and modified.
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s Properties Window. The required values for the definition of
the materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members.
By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the
new ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through
the Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button. The
member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling Parameters dialog box,
accessed by the corresponding button. Further, FRP wraps may be assigned to column
elements through the FRP Wrapping module, where the users may select the FRP wrap from
a list of the most common products found in the market, or introduce user defined values.
NOTE: In the Advanced Member Properties module users should take decisions about the jacketed section’s
properties, selecting the parameters so as to account for the whole section, both existing and new one.
The insertion point (point of the section that corresponds to the location of the mouse click),
and rotation of the section on plan view may be selected.
Selecting the insertion point
After defining all the section's properties, the new member may be added with a simple click
on the Building Modeller Main Window.
Insertion of Circular jacketed column section, C1
Jacketed Beam
Jacketed beams may be inserted from the main menu (Insert > Insert Jacketed Beam) or
through the corresponding toolbar button . On the Properties Window that appears,
users can adapt the section’s dimensions either in the View/Modify Geometry window or by
selecting one section from the predefined standard sections.
Edit sections dimensions
Inclined jacketed beams may be efficiently modelled by specifying the elevation difference
of the two beam ends relatively to the storey height. The height of the supporting columns is
then automatically adapted.
NOTE: In the case of beams being supported by the same column at different heights, the program automatically
subdivides the column member, so that to simulate effectively the short column that is generated.
Inclined jacketed beam
Further, both external and internal longitudinal and transverse reinforcement may be
defined by editing the relevant reinforcement patterns. Different reinforcement patterns
may be defined at the middle and at the two edges of the beam. It is noted that the term
‘internal’ refers to the old/existing part of the section, whether the ‘external’ refers to the
new/added part of the section.
Reinforcement Pattern
Adding single longitudinal reinforcement bars may also be carried out through the
corresponding Additional Rebars module, where additional reinforcement may be
introduced graphically to both the existing and the new part of the section, as shown in the
following figure:
Modify/View additional reinforcement window
In the jacketed beams sections module, additional permanent distributed load may also be
assigned, which will serve to define any load not associated to the self‐weight of the
structure (e.g. finishings, infills, variable loading, etc).
On the Properties Window users may choose between the View Reinforcement, where the
reinforcement of the start, middle and end sections is displayed (longitudinal and
transverse), and the View/Modify Geometry, where the section’s dimensions may be viewed
and modified.
Beam’s start section reinforcement Beam’s middle section reinforcement
Reinforcement View
The material set properties can be defined from the main menu (Tools > Define Material
Sets), through the corresponding toolbar button, or through the Define Material Sets
button within the member’s Properties Window. The required values for the definition of
the materials properties depend on the type of the members, i.e. existing or new members.
By default, there are two material schemes, one for the existing elements and one for the
new ones. The code‐based settings of the structural member can also be defined through
the Advanced Member Properties dialog box that opens from the corresponding button.
Further, the member’s modelling parameters may be defined from the Modelling
Parameters dialog box, accessed by the corresponding button.
NOTE: In the Advanced Member Properties module users should take decisions about the jacketed section’s
properties, selecting the parameters so as to account for the whole section, both existing and new one.
In a similar fashion to the walls, for jacketed beam’s definition two points should be outlined
on the Main Window. The inserting line can lie at the centre or at either of the two sides of
the beam; this can be determined by clicking on any of the three lines on the View/Modify
Geometry (the black line is the selected option).
Selecting the insertion point
When an assigned jacketed beam intersects an existing column or wall, it is automatically
subdivided and two members are thus created. Consequently, several jacketed beams may
be defined in a row with just two clicks.
Inserting 3 beams in one move
After the definition of slabs, two additional options may appear on the jacketed beams
Properties Window: (i) select whether to include or not the beam's effective width in the
calculations and (ii) select whether the beam is inverted or not. The effective width is
automatically calculated by the program, but it can also be modified by the user.
Beam's Properties Window (after the definition of slabs)