Module 2 Pr2 1st Quarter

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Practical Research 2 Module 2

SY 2021-2022: Second Quarter

Date: September 5- September 9,2022


The learners shall be able to:

 Define quantitative research accurately;
 Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research based on
some criteria or standards;
 Discuss the importance, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of
quantitative research.

II: TOPIC: Quantitative Research

III RESOURCES: Practical Research 2, For Senior High School by; Amadeo
Pangilinan and Maura Consolation Pangilinan Practical Research 2, Second Edition by
Esther Baraceros, Published and Distributed by Rex Book Store.


Punctuality is a great habit which surely results in success. Every research approach or
design contains an implicit set of values that guide how the researcher understands the
nature of reality and defines what constitutes knowledge, selects as a research question,
sets up the procedures for gathering and analyzing the information collected, interacts with
the research participants.


Research is searching for truth in a systematic way or in a scientific method. Quantitative

research, according to Aliaga and Gunderson, (2000), is “explaining phenomena by
collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods (in
particular statistics) “. This type of research utilizes numbers and statistical analysis. It is
deal in studying phenomenon which must contend with the problems of measurement. A
phenomenon is a peculiar incident that can happen anywhere, with any discipline or in any
organization. Quantitative research makes you focus your mind on specific things by means
of that involve collection and study of numerical data.

GEN-FM-018 Rev 0 Effective Date 01 Jun 2021


A. Definition of Quantitative Research

Expressions like numerical forms, objective thinking, statistical methods, and

measurement signal the existence of quantitative research. One word that
the true nature of this type of research is numerical. This term numerical, is a
descriptive word pertaining to or denoting a number or symbol to express how
many, how much, or what rank things are or have in this world.

B. Characteristics of Quantitative Research

1. It is reliable and objective.

2. It uses statistics to generalize a finding.
3. It reduces and restructures a complex problem to a limited number of
4. It looks at the connections between variables and establishes cause and
effect relationships in highly controlled circumstances.
5. It tests theories or hypotheses.
6. It assumes that the sample is representative of the population.
7. The subjectivity of its methodology is a secondary concern.
8. It deals with the details of the subject.

C. Advantages of Quantitative Research

1. It allows the researcher to measure and analyze the data to arrive at an
objective answer.
2. The result is reliable since the study uses a big sample of population.
3. Standards are usually used in choosing the instruments, in sampling
procedures, and in choosing the most appropriate statistical treatment, thus
making the research replicable.
4. Personal biases can be avoided since personal interactions is not part of the
research process.
5. Processes involved are simplified since the steps in doing quantitative
research are made easy and systematic.
6. Results can be reduced through statistical treatments and interpreted in a few

D. Disadvantages of Quantitative Research

1. The context of the study or the experiment is ignored in such a way that it
does not consider the natural setting where the study is conducted.
2. Having a large study sample requires researchers to spend more resources.
3. Results are limited since they are usually based on the analysis of numbers
and are not obtained from detailed narratives.
4. It provides less elaborate accounts of human perceptions.
5. In experimental research, the level of control might not be normally placed in
the real world because it is usually done in a laboratory.

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6. Preset or alternative answers may not necessarily reflect the true answers of
the participants.
7. Findings can be influenced by the researcher’s perspective since most of the
time, the participants are unknown to him/her.

E. Classification of Quantitative Research

1. Experimental Research
2. Non - Experimental Research

Sub – types of experimental research are: true experimental, quasi-

experimental, single subject, and pre- experimental.Quasi – experimental
comes in several types: matched comparative group, time series, and
counterbalanced quasi- experimental.
Non- experimental research on the other hand, has these sub-types: survey,
historical, observational, correlational, descriptive, and comparative research.

F. Importance of Quantitative Research

The importance of quantitative research lies greatly in the production of

results that should reflect precise measurement and an in-depth analysis of data.
It is also useful in obtaining an objective understanding of people, things, places,
and events in this world –
meaning, attaching accurate or exact meaning to objects or subjects, rather than
meanings resulting from the researcher’s bias or personal attachment to things
related to the research.

G. Importance of Quantitative Research in Different Fields

Education. Quantitative research can be used in measuring the level of

performance of students as well as the teachers. It can also be used to assess
the effectiveness of the methods used, the different programs conducted, and the
satisfaction of stakeholders in the educational sector including students, faculty,
parents, administrators, the community, the government, and non-governmental

Business. Quantitative research is a very valuable tool in business when it is

used intelligently. It can improve the overall marketing’s strategy; help the
company make informed decisions on how to move forward with a particular
product or service; and even solicit consumer’s opinions for productivity.

Medical and Health Allied Services. Since health practitioners are concerned with
human life, the discharge of their duties is very critical. Thus, healthcare
procedures, routines, and other systems must be based on the result of scientific
investigation. Experimental research on effective medicines, vaccines and other
drugs to cure specific sickness or illness, is conducted through quantitative

GEN-FM-018 Rev 0 Effective Date 01 Jun 2021

Science and Technology. The noted observation for a phenomenon, the rate of
processing of certain devices, and the time consumed for any procedure are
factors to be considered. The data collected will lead to a more responsible and
accountable operation of the different components of technology.


According to Aliaga and Gunderson (2000), quantitative research is “ explaining

phenomena by collecting data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods ( in
particular statistics).
Some characteristics of quantitative research are as follows: it is reliable and
objective; it uses statistics to generalize a finding; and reduces and restructures a complex
problem to a limited number of variables.
Some advantages of using quantitative research are as follows: it allows the
researcher to measure and analyze data; it gives reliable results and it is replicable.
The disadvantages of quantitative research include the following: it ignores the
context of the study in such a way that it does not consider the natural setting of the
conducted study.
The importance of quantitative research is evident in its use in certain fields
science and of study: In education, in business, in medical and health allied services and in
science and technology.


Answer activity 1 Concept Linkers on pp.7 – 8 of your textbooks.



Cristobal,Amadeo,Cristobal,Maura Consolacion,2017, Practical Research 2,For Senior High

School,Published by C & E Publishing,Inc.
Solano,Irene,David,Oliver ,2019,Practical Research 2,Published by;Diwa Learning Systems
Inc.Chin Uy,Ronaldo R. Cabuatan,Belinda V. De Castro Copyright 2019 by Vibal Group,Inc.

Prepared by;


GEN-FM-018 Rev 0 Effective Date 01 Jun 2021

Subject Teacher

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Department Coordinator

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Basic Education Principal

GEN-FM-018 Rev 0 Effective Date 01 Jun 2021

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