Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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2022 Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety Vol.31 No.4 pp.299-303 ISSN : 1229-1153(Print)
2021 DOI : ISSN : 2465-9223(Online)
2018 Bactericidal Efficacy of a Disinfectant Spray Containing a
Grapefruit-seed Extract, Citric acid, Malic acid and
2015 Benzalkonium Chloride against Salmonella Typhimurium
Archive and Brucella ovis
Chun-Nam Cha1, Eun-Kee Park2, Ji-Youn Jung3, Chang-Yeul Yoo4, Suk Kim, Hu-Jang Lee*
Institute of Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 52828, Korea
1Engineering Research Institute, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 52828, Korea
2Department of Medical Humanities and Social Medicine, College of Medicine, Kosin University, Busan 49267, Korea
3Department of Companion and Laboratory Animal Science, Kongju National University, Kongju 32588, Korea
4Department of Smart Information Convergence, Gyeongnam Provincial Namhae College, Namhae 52422, Korea
Correspondence to: Hu-Jang Lee, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University, 900 Gajwa-dong, Chinju 52828, Korea, +82-55-772-2352,
Received April 30, 2016 Review May 18, 2016 Accepted July 26, 2016
Key Words : Disinfectant spray , Salmonella Typhimurium , Brucella ovis , Disinfectant efficacy
All over the world, Salmonella Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is responsible for approximate a third of all cases of foodborne
diseases1). Salmonellosis is an increasingly important health concern and is usually associated with the consumption of
Salmonella-contaminated foods, mainly of animal origin, including beef, pork, poultry and turkeys2). The disease in human is
characterized by self-limiting gastroenteritis that occasionally can cause fever, systemic infection, and severe inflammation of
the intestinal mucosal epithelium3). In food animals, Salmonella infections play a significant role in public health and particularly
in food safety, as food products originated from animals are believed to be the major source of salmonellosis in human4).
Brucellosis is a zoonosis that is transmitted to humans from infected animals’ meat, milk, urine, body fluids, and pregnancy
material, as well as from milk products prepared by infected milk5). The disease is generally transmitted to humans by eating
cheese, made from raw milk, and milk products such as cream and butter6). In addition, the disease may be transmitted by
eating animals’ reticulo-endothelial organs, such as the spleen and liver, without proper cooking7). Brucella organisms are non-
motile gram-negative coccobacilli or short small rods measuring about 0.6- 1.5 × 0.5-0.7 μm without bipolar staining, not
encapsulated bacteria8). There are six recognized species of the genus which include Brucella abortus (B. abortus), Brucella
melitensis (B. melitensis), Brucella ovis (B. ovis), Brucella canis (B. canis), Brucella neotome (B. neotome) and Brucella suis
(B. suis)9). In six recognized Brucella species, B. abortus, B. melitensis, B. ovis and B. suis are responsible for bovine, ovine
and caprine, and swine brucellosis, respectively 10,11).
Due to abuse and overuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture and medicine, antibiotic-resistant strains of Salmonella and
Brucella are increasing12,13). Therefore, the effective cleaning and disinfection are essential measures for the prevention of
infections and outbreaks. The choice of proper biocides is very important for the cleaning and disinfectant regimes. In food
production, hospital settings, and the home, the increase of biocide use is contributing to the emergence of biocide resistant
strains14). Thereby, biocides are often composed of a mixture of ingredients that act upon a wide range of cellular mechanisms
and targets, which makes it difficult for bacteria to become resistant to biocides12).
In the world, salmonellosis and brucellosis cause significant economic loss in agriculture and the food industry15,16). The use of
disinfectant is very effective for successful control of diseases from bacteria, fungi and parasites17,18). In the food industry,
regular cleaning and disinfection are the most efficient way to control pathogenic bacteria that are prevalent in food and the
environment19,20). There are many kinds of disinfectants for food utensils and premises, such as alcoholic solutions and
hypochloric solutions, including organic acid, sodium hypochlorite, alcohol-based products and quaternary ammonium
compounds20,21). However, there is not the efficacy test for the disinfectant spray containing the grapefruit-seed extract, citric
acid, malic acid and benzalkonium chloride (BAC) against foodborne pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, this study was carried out
to examine bactericidal efficacy of a disinfectant spray against S. Typhimurium and B. ovis.
Disinfectant spray
A disinfectant spray (grapefruit-seed extract 750 mg, citric acid 600 mg, malic acid 187.5 mg and BAC 75 mg per 300 mL) was
provided by Korea Thumb Vet Co. Ltd. (Iksan, Korea). The disinfectant was stored in the dark in room temperature and
prepared for dilution on the day of evaluation. Determination of the bactericidal efficacy of the disinfectant was based on Animal
and Plant Quarantine Agency (Anyang, Korea), Regulation No. 2013-3422).
Experimental procedures
For the efficacy test against S. Typhimurium, the disinfectant was diluted 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 times with HW, and diluted 1, 2, 3,
4, 5 and 6 times with OM, respectively. For the efficacy test against B. ovis, the disinfectant was also diluted 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
times with HW, and diluted 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 times with OM, correspondingly.
To verify the lowest effective dilution of the disinfectant, five serial dilutions of the disinfectant were prepared and placed at 4°C
prior to test reaction. 2.5 mL of each the disinfectant diluent was mixed with the same amount of test organism followed by
contact time of 30 min at 4°C. During this period, the mixture was shaken at 10 min interval. At the end of 30 min contact time,
one mL of the mixture was neutralized with 9 mL of nutrient broth containing 5% inactivated horse serum (BD Korea Co., Ltd.,
Incheon, Korea) at 37°C. 0.1 mL of the neutralized reaction mixture was subcultured into 10 mL of each recovery cultural broth
at 37°C for 48 h in incubator. For the test of each bacteria control, 2.5 mL of HW was mixed with the same amount of each test
organism followed by contact time of 30 min at 4°C, and then all procedure were undertaken in parallel for the disinfection test.
The valid dilution of the disinfectant was determined that the greatest dilution showing no growth in four or more in the five
replicates was confirmed. The final dilution time was statistically determined by a median value among three valid dilution of
the triplicate test, but each value of which should be within 20% experimental error. In each bacteria control, the number of
bacterial growth in the five replicates was counted.
Table 2 shows the final valid dilution of the disinfectant spray. When the bactericidal effect on HW condition was evaluated, the
antibacterial activity of the disinfectant showed on 5 and 2 fold dilutions against S. Typhimurium and B. ovis, respectively. With
the investigation of the bactericidal effect of the disinfectant on OM condition, S. Typhimurium and B. ovis were inactivated on 4
and 1 fold dilutions, individually. Because the organic material interferes with the efficacy by either inactivating the disinfectant
or blocking it from surface contact, the bactericidal activity of the disinfectant on the OM condition was lowered against
pathogenic bacteria compared with HW condition.
Comparing the results of the disinfectant against two pathogenic bacteria in the present study, the bactericidal effect against S.
Typhimurium was higher than that against B. ovis on the HW and OM condition. In each bacterial control, the growth of S.
Typhimurium and B. ovis was verified in all replicates.
In food-processing environments, the ability to persist and multiply makes contamination by foodborne pathogens difficult to
control and eradicate. Therefore, food-processing facilities must be designed carefully, with an emphasis on effective cleaning
and disinfection operations in the production line23). The use of efficient cleaning agents and disinfectants on surface-attached
microbes minimizes contamination of the product, enhances shelf life and reduces the risks of foodborne illness24).
Various methods are used during cleaning and disinfection processes, to sanitize food-processing environments through the
use of alkaline and acid detergents, and to control the organism residing in the food and the processing devices through the
use of a wide range of chemical disinfectants25).
In a previous study26), a grapefruit-seed extract had antimicrobial properties against a wide range of gram-negative and gram-
positive organisms at dilutions found to be safe. In addition, organic acids, including citric acid and malic acid have been used
to control foodborne pathogenic bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and S. Typhimurium27,28).
Furthermore, BAC is a quaternary ammonium compound that is widely used as disinfectant and cationic surface active agent
for sanitation in foodprocessing lines and surfaces in the food industry29), as clinical disinfectant and antiseptic in health care
facilities and domestic households30).
A previous study reported that the log-reduction was 6.72 after 99 mL of an antiseptic containing 85% ethanol was interacted
with 1 mL of S. Typhimurium suspension for 15 sec31). In another previous study using a disinfectant containing 10% (w/v)
povidone-iodine11), the bactericidal activity against S. Typhimurium and B. ovis on HW condition was 400 and 150 fold
dilutions, respectively and 5 and 20 fold dilutions on OM condition, respectively. In addition, a disinfectant (chlorine dioxide
0.01% (v/v), betaine HCl 0.5% (v/v) and propylene glycol 0.30% (v/v)) had a bactericidal activity against S. Typhimurium and B.
ovis with 2.5 and 1.1 fold dilutions on HW and OM condition, respectively32).
Considering the ingredient content and components of above disinfectants, bactericidal activity of the disinfectant spray used
for this study was greater than that of the antiseptic composed of ethanol and the disinfectant composed of chlorine dioxide,
betaine HCl and propylene glycol. On the other hand, compared with a disinfectant containing 10% povidone-iodine, the
disinfectant spray had a low bactericidal activity on both HW and OM condition.
With the results from this study, the disinfectant spray as an effective and safe disinfectant can be applied to control foodborne
pathogens in food-processing environments. In the present study, the disinfectant efficacy of the disinfectant spray has a
limitation that the results are based on in vitro test. Organic material in suspension (OM condition) could not represent all
possible parameters of Salmonella and Brucella contaminated food-industry environment.
In the food industry, salmonellosis and brucellosis were very important diseases because of high mortality for farmed animals,
zoonoses and economic loss. In the study of the bactericide efficacy test of the disinfectant spray, the results suggest that the
disinfectant has a safe and potential bactericidal activity against S. Typhimurium and B. ovis. So, the disinfectant spray can be
used to control the spread of foodborne pathogens.
This work was financially supported by Korea Thumb Vet Co. Ltd. (Iksan, Korea).
Table 1..Experimental design for the determination of the bactericidal efficacy of the disinfectant spray
1)HW, standard hard water; OM, organic matter.
2)+, presence; -, absence
Table 2..Final valid dilution of the disinfectant spray against S. Typhimurium and B. ovis
1)HW, standard hard water; OM, organic matter; BC, bacterial control; DT, dilution time; VD, valid dilution.
2)The number of examinations.
3)○, growth inhibition, no growth of more than four in the five replicates.
4)×, no growth inhibition, growth of more than two in the five replicates
5)+, all growth in each replicate.
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