Organization & Management Notes (Q1-W1)

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Organization & Management recruited, and some internal or

external pressures.
 Leading - Entails Influencing or
MANAGEMENT is the process of
motivating subordinates to do their
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
best so that they would be able to
the activities of an organization effectively
help the organization's endeavor to
and efficiently to achieve its goals.
attain their set goals.
 Controlling - Involves evaluating and,
if necessary, correcting the

performance of the individuals or
work groups or teams to ensure that
they are all working toward the
Controlling Organizing previously set goals and plans of the
Management organization.

EFFICIENCY - the character of being able

Leading Staffing
to yield the maximum output from a
minimum amount of input.

 Planning - Involves determining the  The ability to maximize output with

organization's goals or performance minimum input

objectives, defining strategic actions  “doing things right”

that must be done to accomplish  Seeks to limit the wasted input

them, and developing coordination  It requires things to be done quickly

and integration activities. to avoid wasting time and effort

 Organizing - Demands assigning tasks, EFFECTIVENESS – being adapted to

setting aside funds, and bringing produce an effect that will help the

harmonious relations among the organization attain it aims.

individuals and work groups or teams  The capacity to attain an intended

in organization. objective/result

 Staffing - Indicates filling in the  “doing the right thing”

different job positions in the  Meet the desired goal regardless of

organization's structure; the factors the amount of input required

that influence this function include:  Careful analysis and critical thinking

size of the organization, types of  Things that need to be done are

jobs, number of individuals to be prioritized to achieve that goal

THE CLASSICAL THEORY 4. Impersonal connections with on
 Systematic study of management another
began with the Classical Approach Bureaucracy is “the exercise of control on
 Oldest and widely accepted viewpoint the basis of knowledge” – Weber
in management Administrative Management Theory
 It emphasizes that there is “one  In 1914, Henri Fayol delineated
best way” to manage management functions
Scientific Management 14 Principles of Management
 It makes use of the step by step, 1. Division of work into specialized
scientific methods for finding the tasks, with specific duties and
single best way for doing a job responsibilities given to individuals
Frederick W. Taylor – Father of Scientific 2. Authority of managers to delegate
Management work and tasks to the employees.
To Increase production, the following The employees, in turn, are expected
principles must be observed: to comply and exercise their tasks
1. Develop a science for each element of responsibly
an individual's work to replace the 3. Discipline where expectations should
old rule of thumb method; be clearly set and violators of rules
2. Scientifically select and then train, must be punished
teach, and develop the workers: 4. Unity of command where an
3. Heartily cooperate with the workers employee should only report to one
so as to ensure that all work is done supervisor
in accordance with the principles of 5. Unity of direction which means that
the science that has been developed; the efforts of the employees are
4. Divide work and responsibility almost guided toward the attainment of
equally between management and organizational objectives
workers. 6. Predominance of the general interest
Bureaucratic Management of the organization over the
 Max Weber believed to increase individual interests of employees
efficiency; the ideal bureaucracy has 7. Remuneration of the efforts of the
to be based on rational authority. employees which should be
Dimensions of The Ideal Bureaucracy: systematically rewarded in line with
1. Division of labor the organization's vision and mission
2. Hierarchal identification of job 8. Centralization where the roles of all
positions employees are clarified, with emphasis
3. Detailed rules and regulations
on distinction between superior and
subordinate roles
9. Scalar chain which means that
communication should be open within
chain of command
10.Order where the organization of jobs
and materials must be done in an
orderly fashion
11. Equity which means that fairness and
order must be practiced to maintain
employee commitment
12.Stability and tenure of personnel to
actively promote employee loyalty to
the organization
13.Initiative to encourage employees to
act on their own in support of the
organization's objectives
14.Esprit de corps to promote
teamwork and the unity of interest
between the employees and the
 Behavioral science approach
 Gives importance to human and social
aspects of the worker and his
relations in the organization
Robert Owen (1771-1858)
 Increased profit ability for the firm
and reduced hardships for workers are
the positive result of showing
concern for workers
 He disapproved of his colleagues’
failure to appreciate human element,
which when given careful attention
can result to 50% return of

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