Organization & Management Notes (Q1-W1)
Organization & Management Notes (Q1-W1)
Organization & Management Notes (Q1-W1)
external pressures.
Leading - Entails Influencing or
MANAGEMENT is the process of
motivating subordinates to do their
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
best so that they would be able to
the activities of an organization effectively
help the organization's endeavor to
and efficiently to achieve its goals.
attain their set goals.
Controlling - Involves evaluating and,
if necessary, correcting the
performance of the individuals or
work groups or teams to ensure that
they are all working toward the
Controlling Organizing previously set goals and plans of the
Management organization.
Leading Staffing
to yield the maximum output from a
minimum amount of input.
setting aside funds, and bringing produce an effect that will help the
in organization. objective/result
that influence this function include: Careful analysis and critical thinking