Bastion Exterior - UV - TDS

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• Acrylic Fibre Reinforced Water Based Membrane

laundry’s, balconies, decks, Surface Preparation

roofs or any such area that
All surfaces to be
will be tiled/covered with an
waterproofed must be firm,
appropriate finish. Areas left
clean, dry, sound and
exposed as a UV resistant
suitable to accept a liquid
membrane finish to suitably
membrane. All contaminates
Description graded surfaces prepared
such as grease, oil, wax,
with adequate falls to
curing compounds, dust,
Bastion Exterior WPU is an minimise ponded water, and
droppings, loose materials,
elastomeric one-part allow water shedding to
paints, plaster must be
polyurethane/ Acrylic fibre drains. Acceptable
removed. Fibrous cement
reinforced water-based Substrates • Concrete after
sheeting, wet area
membrane developed as a curing period of 28 days •
plasterboard must be fixed in
high-performance internal/ Masonry / render after
accordance with
external membrane for most curing period of at least 7
manufacturers installation
general waterproofing days • cement sheeting /
instructions. Concrete must be
applications. It is suitable for underlay / external allowed to cure for at least 28
external applications where a weatherboard / blue board • days and cement render / sand
UV stable, occasional pre-cast concrete once cement screeds must be
trafficable membrane is release agent has been allowed to cure for at least 7
required. removed/ dissipated • Wet days prior to application of
area plasterboard / Bastion WPU. Porous substrates
Features and Benefits Villaboard • Structural must be primed with Bastion
Plywood Type A (PAA JAS- Waterbased Primer. Damp (Touch
• Tough flexible film when Dry) substrates must be primed
ANZ) • Brickwork , Hebel
cured • Class III membrane with a suitable vapour barrier. A
(aggregate block)
certified to AS 4858: 2004 wet vapour barrier is required to
area membranes when Product Data protect against hydrostatic
applied in accordance to pressure, the vapour barrier must
AS3740: 2010 • Tested in Colour: Grey be applied. Failure to
Accordance to AS4654. 1 Packaging: 15KG do so may result in poor adhesion
2012 for suitability for Specific Gravity: 1. 26 and subsequent delamination.
external use • Low VOC g/ cm 3 Elongation: 450% at Bond Breaker
content • Single pack no break Classification: Class
mixing • Excellent adhesion to III High Extensibility Bond breakers are required
a wide variety of substrates • Moisture Vapour at all wall/ floor, hob/ wall,
Safe and easy to use • UV Transmission Rate: junctions, and at all
stable for external 3. 15g/ m2 / 24h movement joint (wall/ wall)
applications • Can handle Tensile Strength: 5. 2 MPa where the membrane is
light maintenance traffic once Volume Solids: 60-62 % bonded to the substrate. The
fully cured Final Drying Time: 24 hr Bond breaker shall be of the
@ 23°C & 50% RH type compatible with class III
Areas of Application flexibility membranes.
Application Details
For use in commercial,
residential buildings in Commencement of
internal / external wet areas membrane application shall
such as bathrooms, kitchens, be deemed to be an
acceptance of the substrate
suitability by the applicator to
apply the intended membrane
Bastion Bond Breaker Joint 100mm either side of joint Wash down with appropriate
Sealant should be applied and in the case of a cleaner and flush with fresh
to produce 12mm x 12mm designated shower area the water and allow to dry Loose
minimum coved bead over total wall area 100mm rose or damaged membranes
change of plane joints . Bond height. Waterproof wall joints to must be cut to a clean
breaker profile must be a 1800 mm from the finished floor adhered edge and removed.
minimum of 6mm in depth at or 100mm past rose height Any exposed substrate must
the midpoint of the joint. If (whichever is greatest), and a be primed. Apply 2 coats of
any cracks in the substrate minimum width of 40 mm membrane to the damaged
are evident, grind out the either side of the junction area as per the coverage
crack to a width at least Seal all tap, shower rose, instructions ensuring a
6mm and fill with Bastion and bath spout penetration. complete overlap of a
Bond Breaker Joint Sealant and All floor/ wall joints should be minimum of 100mm either
Bastion Elastic Joint band as an waterproofed to a minimum side of damaged area.
easy alternative. of 40 mm either side of
junction, and 150mm outside Limitations
PRODUCT DATA of the shower.
Bastion Exterior WPU is not
Colour Light Grey designed to stop a hydrostatic
Application Rates
Packaging 15KG head of water pressure
Specific Gravity 1. 26g/ cm 3 Wall areas: Apply a minimum
Elongation 450% at break of 2 coats at a total rate of Bastion WPU must not be used
Classification Class III 0. 7 Litre/ m 2 to achieve a directly over damp, wet or
High Extensibility Moisture dry film thickness (DFT) of contaminated surfaces
Vapour Transmission Rate 0. 5mm. Floor Areas: Apply a
3. 15g/ m2 / 24h minimum of 2 coats at a Bastion Exterior WPU should not
Tensile Strength 5. 2 MPa total rate of 1. 5 Litre / m 2 be applied externally if it is
Volume Solids 60-62 % Final to achieve a dry film raining of rain is imminent.
Drying Time 24 hr @ 23°C & thickness (DFT) of 0. 9 mm.
50% RH2 Drying time between coats is Bastion Exterior WPU must not
approximately 12 hours be used as a wearing surface for
TECHNICAL DATA – depending on ambient heavy foot or vehicle traffic.
Apply silicon or bond breaker conditions and the porosity of
tape over the entire crack to the substrate In cooler Bastion Exterior WPU should
isolate from the temperatures and high not be applied where the
membrane. If applying humidity, a longer curing surface temperature is below
membrane over Hardies time will be required to 10°C or greater than 35°C.
flooring systems, follow achieve a cured film between
Hardies recommendations Clean Up
coats. If applying membrane
for fixing and sealing of externally, ensure the slab is Clean tools and equipment
expansion joints. Apply prepared with adequate falls with warm water and
Silicone or Fillet Joint Seal to to minimise ponded water, detergent while the
all drainage outlets, flanges, and to allow for surface membrane is still wet
water stops etc. water shedding to drains.
Avoid applying membrane if Packaging
Dedicated Expansion Joints
rain is imminent.
Bastion Exterior WPU is available in
Must be isolated from the
Wet film/ coat Dry film/ coat 15KG plastic pails.
membrane using
Total DFT
bondbreaker tape ensuring at Coverage
least 12mm either side of Walls
the crack and covering the 0. 5 mm 16m2 @ 0. 7 ltr / m 2 (DFT 0. 5
entire length and width of the mm) 7.5m2 @ 1. 5 ltr
joint. Floors / m 2 (DFT 0. 9 mm)
0. 9 mm
Application of M embrane Shelf Life
Recoating and Repair
All areas to receive 12 months in unopened
membrane must be primed The surface must be clean containers when stored in a
using the appropriate primer. and free of all adhesive cool dry and weatherproof
Bastion Exterior WPU can be residues, surface dust, or environment
applied by brush roller or trowel any other contamination.
in multiple coats Apply Bastion
Exterior WPU to the wall / wall
joints applying material at least
concerned, which is available
Technical Support on request. It is
recommended that products
Bastion Building Materials
should always be properly
manufactures a
stored, handled and applied
comprehensive range of high
under tested and
quality, high
recommended conditions.
performance construction
products. In addition, Bastion
offers technical support and on-
site advice to specifiers, end
users and contractors. Please
contact your Bastion sales Contact Details
representative or Bastion Head
Office for this service Product: RLA POLYMERS
WPU Issue Date: MAR 19 Issue
No: D01 Item Code: 14442. 215 Colchester Rd
Kilsyth VIC 3137.
T: 1800 242 931
Disclaimer E:

The information and any

recommendations relating to
the application and end-use of
all Bastion products are
provided in good faith based on
Bastion knowledge and
experience of the products. In
applications, the differences in
materials, and variances of
substrates and actual site
conditions can vary such that no
warranty in respect of fitness for
a particular purpose, nor any
liability arising out of any legal
relationship whatsoever, can be
taken as inferred either from
this information, or from any
written recommendations, or
from any other advice offered by
Bastion. The proprietary rights
of third parties must be
observed. All orders are
accepted subject to our sale
terms and conditions. All users
should always refer to the most
recent and up-to-date issue of
the Technical Data Sheet for the

This datasheet was issued in May 2022. Always refer to www. bunnings. com. au for the latest technical data.

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