The History of Diabetes Mellitus

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Sultan Qaboos University Med J, August 2013, Vol. 13, Iss. 3, pp. 368-370, Epub.

25th Jun 13
Submitted 21ST May 13
Peer Reviewed
Accepted 3RD Jun 13 M e d i c a l H i s t ory

The History of Diabetes Mellitus

Ritu Lakhtakia

‫نظرة تارخيية عن مرض السكري‬

‫ريتو الكتكيا‬

“… no essential part of the drink is absorbed by the body while great masses of the flesh are liquefied into
urine.,, - Aretaeus of Cappadocia

Origins, Symptoms and came to be known as the ‘islets of Langerhans’.8

Signs However, the name insulin for the secretions of
the islets (Latin, insula = island), which could bring
A disease characterised by the ‘too great emptying
down blood glucose levels, was coined only in 1909
of urine’ finds its place in antiquity through
and 1910, individually by de Mayer and Schaefer,
Egyptian manuscripts dating back to 1500 B.C.1
respectively.9,10 In 1889, von Mering and Minkowski,
Indian physicians called it madhumeha (‘honey
when experimenting on dogs, found that removal
urine’) because it attracted ants. The ancient Indian
of the pancreas led to diabetes.11 In 1921, Banting,
physician, Sushruta, and the surgeon Charaka
Best and Collip, working in Macleod’s laboratory,
(400–500 A.D.) were able to identify the two types,
ligated the pancreatic duct, causing the destruction
later to be named Type I and Type II diabetes.2,3
of the exocrine pancreas while leaving the islets
Recognised for the last three millennia, recorded
intact. In their elegant animal experiments, by using
history attributes the first complete descriptions in
canine insulin extracts to reverse induced diabetes,
the first century A.D. to Aretaeus the Cappadocian,
they conclusively established that the deficiency of
who coined the word diabetes (Greek, ‘siphon’)
insulin was the cause of diabetes.12
and dramatically stated “… no essential part of the
drink is absorbed by the body while great masses
of the flesh are liquefied into urine,,.4–6 Avicenna Diagnosis
(980–1037 A.D.), the great Persian physician, in The
Willis, a London physician, epitomised the true spirit
Canon of Medicine not only referred to abnormal
of scientific enquiry by his bold action of tasting the
appetite and observed diabetic gangrene but also
urine of his patients—possibly because the passage
concocted a mixture of seeds (lupin, fenugreek,
of copious urine seemed to be the hallmark of the
zedoary) as a panacea.7 The term mellitus (Latin,
disease! This was a supreme and extreme example
‘sweet like honey’) was coined by the British
of bedside testing leading to labelling a patient as
Surgeon-General, John Rollo in 1798, to distinguish
diabetic if his urine was ‘honeyed’.13
this diabetes from the other diabetes (insipidus) in
which the urine was tasteless.1 Urine strips in the 1960s and the automated ‘do-
it-yourself ’ measurement of blood glucose through
glucometers, produced by Ames Diagnostics in
Pathophysiology through 1969, brought glucose control from the emergency
Experimentation room to the patient’s living room. It imbued diabetic
patients with a new sense of freedom, making the
In 1869, Paul Langerhans, then aged 22 and working
disease more comprehensible and manageable.
on his medical doctorate, identified the cells that

Department of Pathology, College of Medicine & Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Ritu Lakhtakia

Routine blood sugar tests at prescribed intervals proportion of the world populace.17 It won Banting
continued for a long time until the introduction of and Macleod the Nobel prize in Physiology and
the glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) estimation. Medicine in 1923.18 The hat trick of Nobel prizes
That test, which measured blood glucose control for this important molecule was complete with
over the previous three months (linked to the subsequent winners in Chemistry and Medicine,
life of red blood cells), defined an extremely respectively for its aminoacid sequence (Sanger,
important aspect of diabetes management—tight 1958) and radioimmunoassay (Yallow, 1977).19,20
control of blood glucose levels.14 The latter directly However, it was not until the 1950s that the first oral
determined the risk of the occurrence of devastating antidiabetic drugs (sulphonylureas) were added to
complications of target organs like the eyes, vessels, the treatment armamentarium. Others, including
nerves and kidneys that ultimately influenced metformin, glucosidase inhibitors and insulin
morbidity and mortality. sensitisers, followed in the succeeding decades with
different sites of action to enable better handling and
metabolic assimilation of ingested carbohydrates.1,13
Treatment Traditional spices, herbs and indigenous plants
With little understanding of pathophysiology, used through centuries have provided supportive
early remedies for diabetes included diverse and alternatives and potential for future research.21
interesting prescriptions like “oil of roses, dates, In 1980, the first human insulin was
raw quinces and gruel, jelly of viper’s flesh, broken manufactured by Graham Bell.22 In 1982, the first
red coral, sweet almonds and fresh flowers of biosynthetic insulin (humulin) was developed.
blind nettles” representing a variety of beliefs and Syringes appeared in 1961 but, being made of
practices of the times.4 Later, in the pre-insulin era, glass, brought with them the attendant hazards of
calorie restriction reigned supreme, and graphic infections until they were replaced with disposable
accounts of the terminal gasping and sighing and plastic ones. It was only 15 years later that the
sweet smell (ketosis) surrounding the patient in a introduction of the first needle-free insulin delivery
diabetic coma abound in the volumes written on system by Derata in 1979 provided relatively pain-
the disease. Diet and exercise advocacy was the free, metered doses. Insulin pumps, inhaled insulin
hallmark of treatment by 19th century physicians led and oral sprays in recent times have shown the way
by Joslin and Fitz from the Massachusetts General ahead for ease of administration.13,23,24
Hospital, among others.15 This advice still remains
an important component of diabetic management.
It may sound bizarre today, but opium (‘syrup of History in the Making
poppies’) was prescribed liberally for the malady In the new millennium, pancreatic transplantation,
for over two hundred years from Willis (1675) to first performed in 1966,25,26 exists as a radical
Joslin (1898).15,16 The rationale could only have therapy for especially intractable Type I diabetes
been an easing of the symptoms originating from with advanced complications. Still in experiment
complications like gangrene. mode, gene therapy with molecules like leptin and
The 19th and 20th centuries heralded galloping insulin may one day be a reality.27,28
advances in medicine in general and in diabetes
treatment in particular. One of the miracles of
the last century was the discovery of insulin by Lessons from the History
Canadian surgeon Banting and his assistant Best. of Diabetes
Following experimentation on dogs, their life-saving 1. The antiquity of early descriptions of diabetes
infusion of a bovine extract of insulin (made by their underscores the importance of the observation and
biochemist colleague, Collip) to a 14-year-old boy, recording of medical conditions as humans evolve.
Leonard Thompson, in 1922 at the Toronto General Early physicians used whatever was in their capacity
Hospital, proved to be a sensation in the world of (smell or even taste!) in pursuit of knowledge, skills
diabetic therapy.12 It galvanised research into and and diagnosis.
the commercial production of several modifications
2. Age is no bar to contributing significantly to the
of insulin with various durations of action, that
profession; Langerhans, was a 22 year old student
changed the entire course of life of a significant
when he wrote a thesis identifying the cells that were

Medical History | 369

The History of Diabetes Mellitus

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14. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research
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