Woke Imperium
Woke Imperium
Woke Imperium
JUNE 2022
Woke Imperium:
The Coming Confluence Between
Social Justice & Neoconservatism
Table of Contents
Executive Summary..........................................................................................................................1
Key Findings..................................................................................................................................... 2
Conclusion...................................................................................................................................... 17
The primacist, interventionist wing of the United States foreign policy establishment—’the Blob’—has a long
history of using prevailing moralist trends to serve as ideological justifications for expansionist and hawkish
policies. From Presidents William McKinley and Woodrow Wilson on through the militant democracy
promotion of the George W. Bush administration, this process often mutated to accommodate the de jour
proclivities and entrenched biases of the policy-making class. The newest iteration of this process is the
adoption of social justice causes and rhetoric as the explicit goals of the United States’ foreign policy. Such use
and weaponization of the language of justice to advance the foreign policy objectives of the liberal Atlanticist
Blob is particularly evident against regions and countries the West believes actively challenge the Liberal
International Order (LIO) status quo or where it seeks to justify military and economic interventions on
normative grounds.
Rather than a coordinated conspiracy directed from a central organization or even a conscious desire on the
part of the participants however, this process of adopting, incorporating, and cultivating new rationales to
sustain what is an idealist and internationalist strategic culture in the United States has become routinized.
This entrenchment of systemic moralism in the American national security apparatus has been facilitated,
and is at least partly driven, by a highly competitive professional class vying to secure their position in
the system by using virtue signaling to demonstrate class solidarity to their higher ranks. This mimetic
mechanism incentivizes pushing the envelope and chasing trending causes (normative mimicry)—but always
in service of the imperial needs of the state where expansionism and primacy are viewed as the triumph of a
universalized American conception of virtue over those forces which are viewed as being on ‘the wrong side
of history’. Under such moralistic conditions, prudence, moderation, and narrower conceptions of interest—
provisos of realism—could be effectively vilified as enabling oppression and injustice.
The current Wokeist incarnation of American globalist evangelism seeks not only to change the governments
of other nations, but engineer their very cultures according to the Western progressive model. Its universalist
framing of human values could be readily applied to violate or undermine the sovereignty of alternate political
or cultural systems and justify those interventions for the domestic Western audiences in the name of ‘moral
This white paper seeks to elucidate the often hidden processes and mechanisms that have led to the
consolidation of this “woke imperium” of moralistic cosmopolitanism: its historical roots, present day trends,
and possible future evolution. It is also intended as a guide for advocates of realism and restraint: to help
realists understand the nature of the resistance they are likely to encounter from certain sectors of the foreign
policy establishment and their sympathizers as they try to realign U.S. foreign policy goals with more limited
and concrete national interests.
• The advocates of American primacy within the United States foreign policy establishment historically
rely on prevailing ideological trends of the time to justify interventionism abroad. The new ‘woke’
face of American hegemony and projects of empire is designed to project the U.S. as an international
moral police rather than a conventional great power—and the result is neo-imperialism with a moral
• This is an iterative and systemic process with an internal logic, not one controlled by a global cabal:
when the older rationalizations for primacy, hegemony, and interventionism appear antiquated or
are no longer persuasive, a new rationale that better reflects the ruling class norms of the era is
adopted as a substitute. This is because the new schema is useful for the maintenance of the existing
system of power.
• The rise of a ‘woke’ activist-driven, social justice-oriented politics—particularly among the members
of academia, media, and the professional managerial class—has provided the latest ideological
justification for interventionism, and it has become readily adopted by the U.S. foreign policy
establishment. These groups now have an even greater level of symbiotic relationship with state
• Professional selection and advancement under these conditions require elite signaling of loyalty to
‘progressive’ universalism as the trending state-sanctioned ideology, which further fuels the push
towards interventionism. This combination of factors encourages a new institutional and elite
consensus around trending shibboleths.
• The emerging hegemonic posture and its moral imperialism are at odds with a sober and realistic
appraisal of U.S. interests on the world stage, as they create untenable, maximalist, and utopian
goals that clash with the concrete realities on which U.S. grand strategy must be based.
• The liberal Atlanticist tendency to push moralism and social engineering globally has immense
potential to create backlash in foreign, especially non-Western, societies that will come to identify
the West as a whole with niche, late-modern progressive ideals—thus motivating new forms of anti-
These worries were magnified by a leaked draft The adoption of progressive speech patterns
policy by the army that would provide soldiers the by the establishment serves to fracture and
ability to request to move from states if they felt effectively silence internal dissent against
discriminated against in some way—a policy that hawkish policies such as sanctioning or launching
would “in practice, [see] the military taking sides military operations against the ‘illiberal’ country
in a bitterly divisive political dispute.”58 Other in question. This, in turn, makes it easier for
signs of this type of gradual infiltration of domestic interventionists to adjust to a post-9/11 era that
politics into the functioning and indoctrination has largely discarded security-based arguments
of the military came in the form of a video from in favor of a United States that acknowledges
the Naval Undersea Warfare Division in Newport and repents for its troubled past, and then uses
in June of 2021 which served as an instructive that newfound self-awareness and atonement to
video on the usage of preferred pronouns in the proclaim that countries that have not gone through
workplace.59 the same process should adopt an American-style
historical reckoning.
57 Edward Chang, “Whose Army Is It, Anyway? Substack, May 2022: 60 Liza Featherstone, “Radical Academics for the Status Quo,” Jaco-
https://edwardchang.substack.com/p/whose-army-is-it-anyway?s=r bin, December 2019: https://jacobinmag.com/2019/12/radical-aca-
58 Ibid. demics-judith-butler-kamala-harris-donation
59 NAVspeaks-Pronouns, Defense Visual Information Distribution 61 David Klion, “Anne Applebaum and the Crisis of centrist politics,”
Service, June 2021: https://www.dvidshub.net/video/844401/nav- The Nation, January 2021: https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/
speaks-pronouns anne-applebaum-twilight-democracy/
The pivot towards these themes as the new It is questionable whether these policies advance
way to single out rival states also came up at the concrete U.S. national interests or if they
acrimonious Alaska summit between Washington function as yet another vehicle to empower the
and Beijing, where both sides accused each liberal-Atlanticist ruling class internationally.
other of hypocrisy on human rights.64 Building Nevertheless, the cumulative effect of such policy
on this trend, in September 2021, the Biden shifts, should they continue, will likely be to create
Administration released an executive order a new method for delegitimizing foreign states in
imposing sanctions on actors related to the the eyes of the Western media consumers who
outbreak of civil war in northern Ethiopia’s largely share similar socio-cultural mores. Such
Tigray region which explicitly cited the ethnic an ideological pivot also means keeping rhetoric
nature of the violence and its impact on women consistent and complementary with much of the
specifically as justifications for the U.S. to begin news media’s priorities which in turn allows less
inserting itself into that conflict.65 Coupled with scrutiny of the strategic wisdom of the adopted
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) policies and their benefit to the general public.
hosting workshops on “Exploring Gender and It further suggests that a new generation of
Hybrid Threats” in February of 2022, and the policymakers will more successfully integrate
themselves with mainstream public opinion
bringing non-state activists into closer alignment
62 Nikole Hannah-Jones, The 1619 Project. One World Publishing,
with the objectives of the state.
October 2021.
63 Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, “Remarks at an UNGA With the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War
Commemoration on International Day for the Elimination of Racial
of 2022, some of this commentary has already
Deiscrimination,” U.S. Mission to the United Nations, March 2021:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILBYPnhSle8&t=3s&ab_chan- started to percolate in the press, with Ukraine’s
nel=USMissiontotheUnitedNations%5BPress%5D poor record on LGBT issues being positioned as
64 CNN, “US-China meetings breaks into tense confrontation on
camera,” YouTube, CNN channel, March 2021: https://www.youtube.
com/watch?v=nfGkJAX2WUc&ab_channel=CNN 66 Charlotte Greenfield and Jonathan Landay, “US cancels talks with
65 Presidential Actions, “Executive Order on Imposing Sanctions on Taliban over U-turn on girls’ education,” Reuters, March 2022: https://
Certain Persons With Respect to the Humanitarian and Human Rights www.reuters.com/world/exclusive-us-officials-cancel-talks-with-tal-
Crisis in Ethiopia,” The White House, September 2021: https://www. iban-over-bar-girls-education-state-2022-03-25/
whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/09/17/ex- 67 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, “Deep Dive Recap: Exploring
ecutive-order-on-imposing-sanctions-on-certain-persons-with-re- Gender and Hybrid Threats,” February 2022: https://www.nato.int/
spect-to-the-humanitarian-and-human-rights-crisis-in-ethiopia/ cps/en/natohq/news_191429.htm
Dr. Christopher Mott is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Peace & Diplomacy and an inter-
national relations scholar focused on historical geopolitics, grand strategy, and the intersection
of defensive realism and conceptions of sovereignty in an era of increasing multi-polarity. He
holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the University of St Andrews, an MA in International
Relations from London Metropolitan University, and a BA in History from Rutgers University. He
has published a book, 'The Formless Empire: A Short History of Diplomacy and Warfare in Central
Asia,' on the rise of indigenous forms of geopolitical strategy on the Eurasian steppe as well as
numerous peer reviewed and general audience articles on foreign policy and historical topics in
a variety of places. Dr. Mott was previously a fellow at Defense Priorities in Washington DC, and
a former researcher and desk officer at the U.S. Department of State.
About Us
The Institute for Peace & Diplomacy (IPD) is a non-profit and non-partisan North American inter-
national affairs think tank operating in the United States and Canada dedicated to promoting dia-
logue, diplomacy, prudent realism, and military restraint—principles which we believe are the four
cornerstones of sustainable peace in an increasingly complex and dynamic international system.
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