from Oils
and Fats
B. Brian He
University of Idaho, USA
Scott W. Pryor
North Dakota State University, USA
Copyright / license:
© The author(s)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.
The work is published jointly by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
and Virginia Tech Publishing
Biodiesel from Oils and Fats
B. Brian He Scott W. Pryor
Biological Engineering Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and College of
University of Idaho Engineering
Moscow, ID, USA North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA
Ci,FA = mass fraction of a particular fatty acid
MWave,FA = average molecular weight of fatty acids in the oil
MWave,FAME = average molecular weight of fatty acid methyl esters or
MWgly = molecular weight of glycerol (92.09 kg/kmol)
MWi,FA = molecular weight of a particular fatty acid
MWwater = molecular weight of water (18.02 kg/kmol)
Biodiesel is the term given to a diesel-like fuel made from biologically derived
lipid feedstocks, such as vegetable oils, animal fats, and their used derivatives
such as waste cooking oils. Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that can be made from
a diverse array of domestic feedstocks, has low safety concerns for use and
handling, and can have relatively low environmental impact from production
and use.
Biodiesel has several properties that make it a safer fuel than conventional
petroleum-based diesel. While conventional diesel is categorized as a flammable
fuel, biodiesel is rated as combustible, which means it has a low vapor pressure,
is resistant to static sparks, and is much less likely to self-ignite during stor-
age. During transportation, tankers carrying pure biodiesel are not required to
display warning signs in the United States.
Biodiesel is especially of interest to farmers because of the potential for
on-farm production using harvested crops. Oil can be extracted from oilseeds
relatively easily, and this oil can then be used to make biodiesel to run farm
machinery. It provides farmers an additional resource for economic welfare
and an additional choice for managing cropland. In addition, using biodiesel
from domestically grown feedstocks can decrease a country’s dependence on
imported oil, thus enhancing national energy security. On the other hand, con-
cerns are sometimes raised about converting oils and fats, which could serve
as food resources, into fuels (Prasad and Ingle, 2019).
Biodiesel is typically considered an environmentally friendly fuel. Production
and combustion of biodiesel results in less air pollution than using conventional
diesel. According to a study sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
and the Department of Energy, using biodiesel in urban buses can reduce total
particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO) and sulfur oxides (SOx) by 32%,
35% and 8%, respectively (Sheehan et al., 1998).
The diesel engine is named for Rudolf Diesel, who invented it in the 1890s.
Diesel’s engines could run on various fuels including vegetable oils. At the Paris
Exposition in 1900, Diesel demonstrated his engines running on peanut oil and
made this famous statement:
The use of vegetable oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today. But such
oils may become in course of time as important as petroleum and the coal tar
products of the present time.
Diesel’s vision was valid in that vegetable oils can still be used directly as a
fuel for diesel engines. However, raw vegetable oils without pre-processing
are not an ideal fuel for modern diesel engines due to their high viscosity and
other chemical properties. Burning raw vegetable oils in today’s diesel engines
results in heavy carbon deposits in the cylinders, which can stall the engine in
a short period of time.
To overcome this problem, research was conducted starting in the late 1930s
to chemically process vegetable oils into a mixture of short-chained alkyl fatty
acid esters. This fuel has a much lower viscosity and is thus better suited for
use in diesel engines. During the petroleum crisis in the 1970s, the use of alkyl
fatty acid esters as a fuel for diesel engines became more popular. Two decades
later, in the 1990s, the name “biodiesel” was coined and gained popularity.
In the early 1980s, Mittelbach and his team at the Technical University of Graz
in Austria were the first to research biodiesel as a diesel fuel. The commercializa-
tion of biodiesel started with a pilot biodiesel production facility by an Austrian
company, Gaskoks, in 1987. The European Biodiesel Board (EBB), a non-profit
organization promoting the use of biodiesel in Europe, was founded in 1997.
Biodiesel research and utilization in the U.S. started around the same time
as in Europe. Dr. Charles Peterson and his research team at the University of
Idaho conducted a series of research projects on the use of vegetable oil as
tractor fuel. The team worked on biodiesel production, engine testing, emis-
sion assessment, and field utilization. The National Biodiesel Board (NBB)
was founded in the U.S. in 1992 and has conducted health and environmental
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
• Explain how biodiesel is similar to and different from conventional petroleum-based diesel
• Explain the important unit operations commonly used for producing biodiesel
• Calculate proportions of vegetable oil, methanol, and catalyst needed to make a given quantity of biodiesel, and
the size of the reactor required for conversion
Biodiesel Chemistry
To qualify as biodiesel in the U.S., a fuel must strictly comply with the ASTM
definition of a “fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids
derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, designated B100” (ASTM, 2015). It must
also meet all of the quality parameters identified in that standard. In Europe,
the definition of biodiesel is covered by the European standard EN 14214 (CEN,
2013). The generic name for vegetable oils (more generally plant oils) or animal
fats issimply fat or lipid. The primary distinguishing factor between a fat and
an oil is that a fat is a solid at room temperature while an oil is a liquid. The
primary compounds in both oils and fats
are a group of chemicals called triglycer-
ides (figure 1a).
Glycerol (figure 1b), also known as glyc-
erin, is a poly-hydric alcohol with three
alcoholic hydroxyl groups (-OH). Pure
glycerol is colorless, odorless, and hygro-
scopic. Fatty acids (figure 1c) are a family Figure 1. Chemical structure of triglycerides, glycerol, and fatty acids. R, R1,
of carboxylic acids with relatively long R2, and R3 represent alkyl groups typically with carbon chain lengths of 15–17
carbon chains. atoms.
Biodiesel Properties
Biodiesel is a commercialized biofuel used by consumers around the globe.
Several international standards have been developed and approved to assure
engine manufacturers and diesel engine customers that biodiesel meets speci-
fied fuel quality requirements. As a commercial product, biodiesel must comply
with the specifications defined by the ASTM Standard D6751 (ASTM, 2015) in
North America or EN14214 (CEN, 2013) in Europe. Several other countries have
also developed their own standards; in many cases, they are based on the ASTM
and EN standards. Table 2 summarizes the specifications for biodiesel fuel
according to these two standards.
Biodiesel properties are affected by both the feedstock and the conversion
process. Meeting specification for all parameters in the relevant standards must
be documented before a fuel can be marketed. However, some fuel proper-
ties are more critical than others in terms of use. In the USA, biodiesel sulfur
content must be no more than 15 ppm for Grade S15, and 500 ppm for Grade
S500, to qualify as an ultra-low sulfur fuel. If virgin vegetable oils are used as
the feedstock, sulfur content in the biodiesel is typically very low. However, if
used cooking oils or animal fats are used, the sulfur content in biodiesel must
be carefully monitored to meet the required specification.
A liquid fuel’s flash point refers to the lowest temperature at which its vapor
will be combustible. Biodiesel has a high flash point, making it safe for handling
and storage. The flash point, however, may drop if the residual alcohol from
the biodiesel production process is inadequately removed. To maintain a high
flash point, biodiesel alcohol content cannot be more than 0.2%. Cloud point
and cold soak filterability are both properties relating to flowability at cold
temperatures and are important for biodiesel use in relatively low temperature
environments. Cloud point refers to the temperature at which dissolved solids
begin to precipitate and reduce clarity. Cold soak filterability refers to how
well biodiesel flows through a filter at a specified temperature (4.4°C). Biodiesel
is limited in its use in colder climates because it typically has a much higher
cloud point (−6°C to 0°C for rapeseed and soybean based biodiesel and up to
14°C for palm oil based biodiesel) than conventional No. 2 diesel (−28°C to −7°C).
Biodiesel Feedstocks
The primary feedstocks for making biodiesel are vegetable oils and animal fats.
Typical properties are given in table 3. The feedstocks for biodiesel production
can be any form of triglycerides. The most commonly used feedstocks include
Conversion Process
Biodiesel is made by reacting triglycerides (the chemicals in oils and fats) with
an alcohol. The chemical reaction is known as transesterification. In transesteri-
fication of oils and/or fats, which are the glycerol esters of fatty acids (figure 2),
the glycerol needs to be transesterified by another alcohol, most commonly
methanol. The three fatty acids (R1, R2, and R3) react with the alkyl groups of the
alcohol to produce fatty acid esters, or biodiesel. Those fatty acids from the
triglyceride are replaced by the hydroxyl groups from the alcohol to produce
glycerol, a by-product. The glycerol can be separated from the biodiesel by
gravity, but the process is typically accelerated through a centrifugation step.
If methanol (CH3–OH) is used as the alcohol for the transesterification reac-
tion, methyl groups attach to the liberated triglyceride fatty acids (Rx–CH3), as
illustrated in figure 2. The resulting mixture after glycerol separation is referred
to as fatty acid methyl esters (or FAME as commonly called in Europe), and
biodiesel after further refining. Without the glycerol skeleton, the mixture of
FAME is much less viscous than the original vegetable oil or animal fat, and its
fuel properties are suitable for powering diesel engines.
The transesterification of oils and fats involves a series of three consecutive
reactions. Each fatty acid group is separated from the glycerol skeleton and
transesterified individually. The intermediate products are diglycerides (when
two fatty acid groups remain on the glyc-
erol backbone) and monoglycerides (when
one fatty acid group remains on the glyc-
erol backbone). Transesterification reac-
tions are also reversible. The diglyceride
and monoglyceride intermediate prod-
ucts can react with a free fatty acid and
reform triglycerides and diglycerides,
respectively, under certain conditions.
The degree of reverse reaction depends on Figure 2. Transesterification of triglycerides with methanol. R1, R2, and R3
the chemical kinetics of transesterification are alkyl groups in chain lengths of, most commonly, 15–17 carbons.
The water is subtracted in the equation because three individual fatty acids are
joined to the single glycerol molecule in a condensation reaction that produces
three water molecules in the process. The opposite reaction, hydrolysis, would
split the fatty acid from the glycerol through incorporation of the water mol-
ecule ions into the products. The overall average molecular weight of vegetable
oil fatty acids is calculated as:
1 C
i,FA (2)
The difference between the weight of the methyl group (–CH3; 15 kg/kmol)
and that of the hydrogen atom (–H; 1 kg/kmol) on the carboxyl group of fatty
acids is 14 atomic mass units. To find the average molecular weight of fatty acid
methyl esters (FAME) or biodiesel, MWave,FAME, the following formula can be used:
Biodiesel Production Systems
The fundamental unit operations for transesterification of a feedstock with
low free fatty acid content, such as virgin soybean or canola oil, using KOH as
catalyst are illustrated in figure 6. The catalyst solution is prepared by react-
ing it with methanol, in the case of hydroxide flakes, or by mixing it with a
measured amount of methanol, in the case of methoxide solution, in a mixer.
The prepared catalyst/methanol solution is added to the vegetable oil/fat in
the reactor under gentle agitation. The reactor may be an individual or a series
of stirred tanks, or some other reactor type. As discussed above, the trans-
esterification reaction typically takes place in 1–2 hours at 55–60°C (130–140°F).
Crude glycerol is the term used for the glycerol fraction after initial separa-
tion. It contains some residual methanol, catalyst and a variety of other chemical
impurities in the triglyceride feedstock. Crude glycerol is either refined on site or
sold to a market for further processing. Although there are many uses of glycerol
in industries from food to cosmetics to pharmaceuticals, the economics of refining
severely limits its use. The grey water from biodiesel washing is a waste product
containing small quantities of methanol, glycerol, and catalyst. It needs adequate
treatment before it can be discharged to a municipal wastewater system.
Example 1: Volumes of soybean oil for biodiesel production
Last year, a farmer used a total of 13,250 L of diesel fuel to run the farm’s
machinery and trucks. After attending a workshop on using biodiesel on farms
for both economic and environmental benefits, the farmer has decided to use
a B20 blend of biodiesel in all the farm’s vehicles. The average annual yield of
soybeans on the farm is 2,800 kg/ha. The soybeans contain 18.5% oil on a mass
basis, and the efficiency of soybean oil extraction through mechanical pressing
is approximately 80%. The density of soybean oil is 916 kg/m3.
Answer the following questions to help the farmer develop the details needed:
(a) How much pure biodiesel (B100) is needed to run the farm’s vehicles
using a B20 blend (i.e., a mixture of 20% biodiesel and 80% of conven-
tional diesel on a volume basis)?
(b) How much soybean oil is needed to produce sufficient B100 to blend with
conventional diesel?
(c) What field area will yield enough soybeans for the needed quantity of oil?
(a) Given that the farmer uses 13,250 L of diesel fuel yearly, if 20% of the
quantity is replaced by biodiesel, the quantity of pure biodiesel must be:
(c) The given soybean yield is 2,800 kg/ha, the oil content of soybean is
18.5%, and the oil extraction efficiency is 80%. Therefore, each ha planted
in soybean will yield:
The area of soybean field for produce the needed 2427 kg of soybean
oil is:
1 C
i,FA (2)
1 9% 4% 22% 59% 6%
MWave,FA 256.5 284.5 282.5 280.5 278.5
0.003589 kmol/kg
Next, calculate the average molecular weight of the soybean oil using
equation 1:
= 278.6 + 14 kg/kmol
In summary, the average molecular weights of the soybean oil and biodiesel
are 873.7 and 292.6 kg/kmol, respectively.
First, write out the transesterification of soybean oil to biodiesel with known
molecular weights (MW) (similar to figure 2):
Next, convert the quantity of biodiesel from volume to mass by the biodiesel
density, 880 kg/m3 = 0.880 kg/L:
Next, calculate the amount of methanol from the stoichiometric ratio of the
transesterification reaction.
methanol : biodiesel
Next, calculate the total amount of methanol with 100% excess, as required:
M′ = 2M = 2 × 255.5 = 511 kg
Finally, calculate the quantity of catalyst KOH needed. Since the application
rate of the catalyst KOH is 1% of the soybean oil, before the quantity of KOH
can be calculated, the quantity of soybean oil must be obtained from the stoi-
chiometric ratio of the transesterification reaction.
soybean oil : biodiesel
Image Credits
Figure 1. He, B. (CC By 4.0). (2020). Chemical structure of triglycerides, glycerol, and fatty acids.
R, R1, R2, and R3 represent alkyl groups typically with carbon chain lengths of 15–17 atoms.
Figure 2. He, B. (CC By 4.0). (2020). Transesterification of triglycerides with methanol. R1, R2,
and R3 are alkyl groups in chain lengths of, most commonly, 15–17 carbons.
Figure 3. He, B. (CC By 4.0). (2020). Chemical reaction between methanol and potassium
hydroxide to form potassium methoxide.
Figure 4. He, B. (CC By 4.0). (2020). Saponification between potassium hydroxide and a
fatty acid.
Figure 5. He, B. (CC By 4.0). (2020). Esterification of a fatty acid reacting with methanol (in
the presence of an acid catalyst) to yield a methyl ester and water.
Figure 6. He, B. (CC By 4.0). (2020). Schematic illustration of a biodiesel production system.
The chemical formula in Example 3. He, B. (CC By 4.0). (2020).
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