NCM 113 Individual Activity-August 27
NCM 113 Individual Activity-August 27
NCM 113 Individual Activity-August 27
Accomplish the following: Submit your output at the end of your period in this class.
You are provided with copies of references and links. You may make use of any references too.
Health Care Delivery System is providing health care services to the people. What can the MDGs and
SDGs do to make this effect happen? Before answering this accomplish first the items below.
1. What are WHO’s millennium development goals (MDGs)? What are these for?
- The MDGs are goals targeted to improving the life of the world’s poorest people, they are
set to advance the health of women and children, gender equality, education, the
environment and global partnerships.
The MDG’s are composed of
- End poverty and hunger
-Achieve universal primary education
-Promote gender equality and empower women
-Reduce child mortality
-Improve maternal health
-Combat hiv/aids, malaria and other diseases
-Ensure environmental sustainability
-Develop a global partnership for development
2. What are WHO’s Development Goals?
- These are goals to end poverty and inequality protect the planet, and ensure that all people
enjoy health, justice and prosperity. It is critical that no one is left behind. It is directed to
ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
3. What are WHO’s sustainable goals or SDGs (2030)? What are these for?
- These are goals to attain improved lives and promote well being for all ages, it is to
eradicate any inequality as it is based on values such as equity and the respect for human
rights. These goals are targeting a global perspective, moreover, it is aimed more on
developing countries as same with the MDGs
4. What is the Philippine Health Agenda? What is it for?
- Philippine Health agenda is aimed for to create a society in which Filipinos have the means
to lead healthy and productive lives, and have a health system where Filipinos feel
respected, valued and empowered in all of their interactions with the system
5. What is the DOH Vision? Is it Mission?
- The vision of the DOH is to make the Filipinos the healthiest people in Southeast Asia by
2022, and Asia by 2040 while its mission is to lead the country in the development of a
productive, resilient, equitable and people-centered health system for Universal Health Care
6. How can a community health nurse help realize the MGDs, SGDs, and the goals of the Phil?
Health Agenda in our locality?
- Most of these goals are targeting a large community, as a part of the health care system, a
community health nurse can help attain these goals through being proactive in healthcare
management, it is to plan things ahead of time to avoid or prevent any potential health
issues tomorrow. CH nurses can educate the people on how to attain optimum health by