Kabaldin 2007
Kabaldin 2007
Kabaldin 2007
Original Russian Text © Yu.G. Kabaldin, S.N. Murav’yev, 2007, published in Vestnik Mashinostroeniya, 2007, No. 8, pp. 46–50.
There are various views at the present time on the the structural transitions and what controls the struc-
mechanisms of the structural transformations in the tural changes; is the order parameter the information
metallic materials. In several works, the structural carrier?
transformations are examined from the viewpoint of In this connection, it is necessary to note the impor-
synergetics theory as a nonequilibrium phase change tance of the studies that have been performed at the
with the forming of dissipative structures as a conse- Institute of Metallurgy and Machine Science of the
quence of self-organization [1–10]. Thus, in [11] the Russian Academy of Sciences under the guidance of
structural transformations are examined from the view- V.S. Ivanova [1, 4–6], in which the structural informa-
point of the forming and movement of the partial discli- tion is proposed as the measure of the orderliness of the
nations. In [12] the forming of the substructure is asso- system upon disruption of its symmetry. The technique
ciated with the polygonization processes. According to of multifractal parametrization of the materials has
the studies [9, 10], the structural transformations in the been created on the basis of this approach. It is well
defect subsystem are controlled by the scalar density of known that the fractals also have informational proper-
the partial dislocations and the accumulated strain ties. The connection of the fractal dimension with the
energy. It is noted in [3] that the structural changes in mechanical properties of the materials was shown in [1,
the defect subsystem may be determined by the form- 7, and others], and a new interdisciplinary scientific
ing of the collective mode carriers (structons), which direction was created (fractal materials science).
causes the “crystallization” of the material of the sub-
We should also note the extremely fruitful idea of
boundaries upon reaching the critical density of the
V.E. Panin [8] on the role of information in the struc-
chaotic dislocations.
tural transformations in the highly excited state of the
In accordance with the principles of synergetics the- crystals, in accordance with which there is embedded in
ory, self-organization, i.e., the transition from the the electron structure of the metals and alloys a genetic
unstable state to the stable state, is accompanied by code. This code determines the structural transforma-
decrease of the entropy production [2]. In this case the tions in the highly excited state of the crystals and the
open system exchanges both energy and information appearance of the new permitted states and degrees of
with the external medium. The founder of synergetics freedom. In accordance with Haken’s classification
theory, H. Haken [13], analyzed the changes of the [13], this form of information should be termed genetic.
information (the Shannon information entropy Su) in However the open systems interchange information
the nonuniform phase transition. It was shown that in with the environment, and the exchange of the genetic
this case the system acquires the ability to store infor- information that is embedded in the system with the
mation. Therefore Su can characterize the orderliness information of the environment leads to the creation of
(stability) of the system upon disruption of its symme- new information.
try. However, the role of the information has not been The prediction of the failure of materials and of their
studied in the literature on the basis of the principles of remaining service life is possible only on the basis of
synergetics theory in the case of the structural transfor- the development of the promising new techniques for
mations in the defect subsystem of the materials. From evaluating in real time the structural changes in the
the viewpoint of synergetics theory, it is important to materials that precede their failure. One such method is
determine which parameter in the system is the order acoustic emission (AE). It is well known that the AE
parameter that gives rise to the collective behavior of signals carry information on the forming and the move-
the dislocations. Several other questions arise when ment of the dislocations, on the correlated collective
examining the role of the information in the structural effects, and so on [14]. Thanks to the rapid develop-
transformations, specifically: how do the individual ment of computer technology and the new methods for
dislocations transfer the information (signal); what is analyzing the nonstationary signals (wavelet analysis
the mechanism of their coordinated (cooperative) inter- [15–17] and the neural networks), it is possible not only
action; how is the information stored in the course of to analyze the AE signals in real time but also to model
(‡) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 2. Electron photomicrographs illustrating the changes in the deformed volumes of steel 20 specimens: (a) dislocation structure
at the ferrite grain boundary in the microyielding stage (×14000); (b) chaotic dislocation structure in the ferrite grains (×14000);
(c) cellular dislocation structure in the strain hardening stage (×14000); (d) fragmented dislocation structure (×14000).
protrusions, indicating predominant deformation in the changes in the specimens of the OT-4 alloy that were
near-surface volume of the material. In the course of reconstructed from the AE signals with the various
increase of the number of loading cycles, there form in numbers of loading cycles. Figure 4b presents the
the favorably oriented ferrite grains slip lines, and then dependence of the Shannon information entropy Su on
stable slip bands (Fig. 1b) and microcracks (Fig. 1c). It the number of loading cycles. Similar relations were
was established by the electron-microscope study that obtained in the cyclic loading of the specimens of steel
in the course of the cyclic loading process the forming 20 [18].
of the dislocations is concentrated near the boundaries
of the ferrite grains (Fig. 2a). Their formation takes These studies made it possible to identify our pro-
place in the microyielding stage. With increase of the posed criteria (the fractal dimension and the informa-
number of the loading cycles, there forms in the ferrite tion entropy) for evaluating the structural state of the
grains in the strain hardening stage a chaotic (Fig. 2b) deformed materials in real time and compare this with
and then cellular dislocation structure (Fig. 2c), which the results of the electron-microscope studies of the
with increase of the number of the loading cycles tran- structural transformations, and the micro- and mac-
sitions to the fragmented (Fig. 2d) and then banded rodamages of the materials. There was established a
structure. correlation between the changes of the forms of the
AE signals in time and the multilevel nature of the
Figure 3 presents the photomicrographs of the struc- structural changes that are caused by the collective
tural changes in the grains of the OT-4 titanium alloy. motion of the defects with the forming of the various
Here there also form the slip lines (Fig. 3a), transitioning types of substructure (see Fig. 2), and the forming of
to the stable slip bands (Fig. 3b) with the forming of the stable microdamage and macrodamage slip bands
microcracks in the grains and along the grain boundaries. (see Figs. 1b and 3b).
Figure 4a presents the dependence of the fractal We investigated on the basis of the electron-micro-
dimension DF of the AE signals in the cyclic loading of scope studies, the fractal analysis of the AE signals, and
the OT-4 titanium alloy, and also shows the attractors the reconstruction on this basis of the attractors (see
(indicated by the numerals 1 to 6) of the structural Fig. 4a) the mechanisms of the structural changes in the
3.0 (a)
5 6
1.5 1 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
N, 104 cycles
Structural change attractors
1 2 3 4 5 6
Su, nat
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
N, 104 cycles
Fig. 4. Dependences of fractal dimension DF (a) and information entropy Su (b) on the number N of loading cycles of the OT-4
alloy: cyclic load σcy ≈ 282 MPa, frequency f = 22.5 Hz.
These studies also made it possible to suggest the result of the exchange of information and the coordi-
informational mechanism of the genesis of the fatigue nated action between the structural elements (the grains
microcracks as a result of the sequential, self-consistent and the grain junctions). In accordance with the subor-
(cooperative) structural changes on the various infor- dination principle, the system transitions to a new and
mation levels. On the lowest level, the transition of the more stable state with the forming of dissipative struc-
chaotic dislocation structure to the cellular and frag- tures (microcracks). This period is defined by the
mented structure is controlled by the internal mechani- degree of the strain hardening and the degree of the
cal stress field, which is the order parameter and the residual plasticity capacity of the material.
informator. Upon the formation of the slip bands in the The developed informational mechanism of the self-
favorably oriented grains and the transition to the organization process in the defect subsystem also made
higher structural deformation level, the accumulated it possible to model the AE signals on the basis of the
information is transferred to the adjacent grains or to neural networks and thereby predict the fatigue failure on
the near-surface deformation zone with the forming of the basis of the information criterion (the Shannon infor-
the stable slip bands in the grains or the creation of mation entropy). Figure 5 presents the dependence of Su
microcracks at the junctures of the grains, i.e., as a on the number N of the loading cycles in modeling the