Digital Temperature Controller

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Model TF4-10 Product ID TF4-10A TF4-10V Product ID TF4-10VA •Power ON •Setting mode •Selection memo
or priority displays.
Wiring The TF4 is a class-A device (for general Outer Dimensions and Panel Cutout
•TF4-10 (V) 48
<SET1 : Initial Setting > <SET2 : Control Setting > <SET3 : Event Output 1 > <SET4 : Event Output 2 > <SET7 : Timer > < SET0 : Priority Displays. > Display NO. for record,

•TF4-10 (V)
Control method Two types, PID or ON/OFF Shows for 4 seconds industrial use). Electromagnetic
1. Initial setting display KEY 9. Details of control setting KEY 37. Event output 1 setting 47. Event output 2 setting 67. Timer setting 74. Setting for priority displays 1st display
(Warming up)
Thermocouples (K, J, R, T, N, S, and B) and interference may result if the TF4 is used 6 77
DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER Input Initial setting mode Control setting mode EV1 setting mode EV2 setting mode Timer setting mode Select priority displays NO.

Control cycle
resistance temperature sensors (Pt100 and JPt100)
1 to 120 s •Operate mode display MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
(Refer to Ex.1.)
MODE key MODE key
EV2 / OUT2 in the general home environment. 2

A. Primary displays : Press key * After select, TF4-10V
Sampling cycle 0.5 s 2. Input type setting 10. High limit setting in SV limitter 38. Function setting for EV 1 48. Function setting for EV 2 68. Timer output setting 75. Setting for 1st priority display 2nd display
Process value Set the temperature
Select input type
press MODE key
Display of high limit setting Select below function. Select below function. Select 1st display on NO.
1 6 Keyence Corporation has confirmed that this product
Relay output Voltage output Setting value required
Control output (OUT1) (3 A resistive load at 250 VAC) (20 mA max. at 12 VDC)
Refer to Table 1. of setting value.
(Within setting range of Table 1)
operation mode B
display. Relay output 2.4A 1 6 11 complies with the essential requirements of the applicable
MODE key longer. 48
Alarm output (EV1) Relay output (2.4 A resistive load at 250 VAC)
MODE key (2 seconds) MODE key MODE key PV Event functions.
0 : None
PV Event functions.
0 : None
Non-use timer function MODE key MODE key 250V AC (Load resistance) 2 7 12 EU Directive, based on the following specifications. OUT1

Instruction Manual
Control output 76. Setting for 2nd priority display 3rd display
Control/Alarm output 2
B. primary displays. Refer to Ex.1.
SET0 : Priority displays by
3. PV correction gain
When measurement value
11. Low limit setting in SV limitter
Display of low limit setting
1 : Deviation high and low limit 1 : Deviation high and low limit
Event 1 output Select 2nd display on NO.
3 8 13 EV1 Be sure to consider the following specifications when AL1 AL2 RDY

Relay output (2.4 A resistive load at 250 VAC) 2 : Deviation high limit 2 : Deviation high limit
(OUT2/EV2) setting and shows max.9 comes an error, set the
correction value (Multiplication)
of setting value.
(Within setting range of Table 1) 3 : Deviation low limit 3 : Deviation low limit MODE key operation mode B
display. OUT1 4 9 14
11 using this product in the Member States of European MODE FUNC

Current transformer (CT) input Yes (with OP-6694 used) displays by setting.
MODE key, return to A
MODE key MODE key
4 : Deviation high and low limit range
5 : High and low limit
4 : Deviation high and low limit range
5 : High and low limit
69. Timer function setting MODE key MODE key
Relay output SSR drive voltage
5 10 15 Union.
Heater current display 1 to 60 A 4. Zero point setting for PV correction 12. Control setting mode 6 : High limit 6 : High limit 77. Setting for 3rd priority display 4th display 12 45 +0.6
When measurement value Usable for control 7 : Low limit 7 : Low limit Select 3rd display on NO.
250V AC, 3A 12V DC output
Relay output
Heater burnout alarm Current set range from 1 to 30 A comes an error, set the 8 : High and low limit range 8 : High and low limit range operation mode B (Load resistance) Remarks: These specifications do not give any guarantee
•FUNC key
setting mode Auto start (ON delay)
correction value (Addition) Additional Event function Additional Event function display. 250V AC, 2.4A
Display precision ±0.3% of F.S ±1digit (23˚C±10˚C )
Operate on the selected
MODE key Control performance 0 : None 0 : None
Manual start
Event start
(ON delay)
(ON delay)
MODE key MODE key 2 + 2 (Load resistance) that the end-product with this product incorporated Single Unit Installation
Memory element EEPROM setting mode 5. 5. Filter input
CR filter effect is operational on
Non-control performance
(Manipulation low limitter output)
1 : EV output hold
2 : Stand-by sequence
1 : EV output hold
2 : Stand-by sequence Auto start (OFF delay) 78. Setting for 4th priority display
Select 4th display on
5th display
NO. 3 – 3
complies with the essential requirements of EMC 45 +0.6
Refer to Ex.2.
Power supply voltage 100 to 240V AC, 50/60 Hz software when making first-order Manual control 3 : EV output hold & stand-by sequence 3 : EV output hold & stand-by sequence Manual start
Event start
(OFF delay)
(OFF delay)
operation mode B
TF4-10 TF4-10V
Directive. The manufacturer of the end-product is solely
lag operation to process value (PV). MODE key MODE key display. Input
Overvoltage category II (2500V)
Ex.1. Priority displays & its setting MODE key
MODE key
13. Selection of control type setting 39. High limit setting for EV 1 49. High limit setting for EV 2
SV start (OFF delay) MODE key MODE key responsible for the compliance on the end-product itself 48
Power consumption Max. 10 VA This function is to shift the most essential 6. Position of decimal point Selectable below control mode Set high limit value. Set high limit value.
MODE key 79. Setting for 5th priority display 6th display

b according to EMC Directive. 60 Installation of Several Units
Decimal point with / without 70. Timer unit selection Select 5th display on NO.
Dielectric strength 1,500 VAC for one minute between the power supply terminal and casing screens on setting mode into operation mode
0.0 / 0
and switchable.
operation mode B + B
as a priority. Please select priority displays 14 14
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ min. (between each terminal and casing at 500 VDC) MODE key MODE key display. 100 to 240V AC 4 CT Input
through priority display setting. MODE key MODE key 50/60HZ 10VA 15 A  Precautions for EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)

40. Low limit setting for EV 1 50. Low limit setting for EV 2 (NO polarity)
Conforms to With intermittent vibration Number of Ex. : Basic display Output 1 manipulation indication
JIS B 3502 Frequency Acceleration Amplitude 10 times
sweeping times
Setting for event Output 1 high limit
Select PID,
Refer to Ex.3.
Select control
output 1
Select control output 2
0 : None
Set low limit value. Set low limit value.
80. Setting for 6th priority display
Select 6th display on
7th display
(NO polarity) 5 TC/RTD Applicable Ferrite Core
and 10 to 57 Hz — 0.075 mm (80 minutes)
* Screen is shifted when pressing mode key each time. MODE key 0 : Type A
1 : Type B
1 : PID
2 : ON/OFF
1 : PID
2 : ON/OFF MODE key operation mode B
Use the following noise filter for the power supply line.
MODE key MODE key L = (48 N-3)+0.6
IEC61131-2 57 to 150 Hz 9.8m/s2 — each in Z, Y, 7. FUNK key setting (Refer to Ex.2.) 3 : Event output
41. Control sensitivity setting for EV 1 51. Control sensitivity setting for EV 2
71. Timer SV start permissible range MODE key MODE key
For prevention of electric shock, please do wiring

Vibration resistance Ex.2. FUNC key work Selectable below Thermocouple/R.T.D.(Pt100, JPt100) Input
With continuous vibration and Z MODE key 81. Setting for 7th priority display 8th display SUP-F10H-ER-2 Noise Filter For installation of multiple units, L= (48xN-3)-0

Set sensitivity of Set sensitivity, when Setting range : 0 to 999
function connection only after turning power off and don't
This function is to enable FUNC key to use as

Frequency Acceleration Amplitude directions 14. Change of normal or reverse requirement. being in need. 0.0 to 999.9 Select 7th display on NO. When you use compressed lead wire to install multiple units, please be careful sufficiently
10 to 57 Hz — 0.035 mm
specific key, for the following actions selected in
FUNC key setting belonged to setting mode.
Change of digit
Switchable below
MODE key MODE key
Setting unit : ˚C
MODE key
operation mode B
display. touch the terminal part under power on. Restrictions on Cable Layout Length not to touch the other lead wires.
control output action. When fitting the product, give more than 12 mm space between the upper / lower / left / right
57 to 150 Hz 4.9m/s2 — 1.Digit shift RUN/READY 42. Delay timer setting for EV 1 52. Delay timer setting for EV 2 72. Timer time setting
MODE key MODE key Check that the maximum length of cable laid out,
If the unit is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the Setting digit shift is enabled when setting value is changed. 0 : Reverse (Heating) 82. Setting for 8th priority display 9th display • In the case of the relay output, Overvoltage Category is OUT1 and EV2/OUT2 and EV1. & the back face portion of the product and the peripheral device or plates.
Ambient temperature 0 to 50˚C (No freezing) 2.RUN/READY
Auto-Tuning Set delay timer of Set delay timer, when Setting range : 0:00 to 99:59
• It is reinforced insulation between OUT1 and EV2/OUT2 and EV1. except the power supply cable, is less than 30 m. Clean the unit by well squeezed cloth with water.
protection provided the unit may be impaired. 1 : Normal (Cooling) Select 8th display on NO.

MODE key requirement. being in need. 0:00 to 59:59
20 to 90 % RH (No condensation) Control stop (READY) and control performance (RUN) are operation mode B • OUT1 and OUT2 a case except the relay output, only the secondary circuit with
Relative humidity

MODE key display.
alternately switched every time FUNC key is pressed. 8. Key lock setting MODE key MODE key MODE key reinforced/double insulation from the primary side can be connected.
The meaning of the symbols indicated on the label found at the side of the Pollution Degree 2 (READY lamp is ON during control stop) Key lock setting for protection 15. Manipulated value for output 1 (%)
43. Abnormal for EV 1 53. Abnormal for EV 2 73. Timer residual time monitor setting
MODE key MODE key
• Measured current of the CT is up to classification of Overvoltage Category II.  Precautions for Low-voltage Directives (2006/42/EC)
3.Auto-Tuning (AT) of error operation. Shows process manipulated
unit is as follows Approved standards EN61326-1, EN61010-1, UL61010-1(UL/cUL) AT commences instantly after pressing FUNC key. Selectable below function value for output 1, and setting For outbreak of sensor For outbreak of sensor Residual time monitor 83. Setting for 9th priority display Return to primary display
Rated Voltage is 250V, Rated Current is 30A. Measurement category is II.
• The TF4 is an open-type unit. Therefore, install the
Fasten lead wire as it is at connecting to center it.
the value on manual control. Timer start is on when Select 9th display on Please be careful sufficiently not to touch the
: See Instruction Manual : Alternating current Enclosure rating IP66 (Front side only, provided that a single unit is panel-mounted) (Start/Reset operation is available, each time FUNC key
is pressed)
Display range : 0.0 to 100.0%
and heater abnormal and heater abnormal
pressing FUNC key. operation mode B • For CT input, use specified current transformer (OP-6694).
TF4 inside appropriate enclosures, such as control other lead wire.

All lock (–10.0 to 110.0%) type type display. • INPUT is Overvoltage Category I, MAX 5V.
MODE key, return to 67
Weight Max. 170 g 4.Timer
When having the purchased controller at hand, please be sure that its unit is Available for start/reset.
Operation mode lock only
Except operation mode
Setting range : Manipulation
low/high limiter
0 : None
1 : PV abnormal (sensor break)
0 : None
1 : PV abnormal (sensor break)
MODE key, return to 74 • Mains supply voltage fluctuations not exceed ±10 percent of nominal voltage. panel. The TF4 can be panel-mounted, provided that A conform wire: copper/AWG18-24.
• Places free of corrosive gas, powdered dust, or oil. • TEMPORARY OVERVOLTAGES occurring on the MAINS supply
a correct model (See the following "Model Configuration" ). MODE key 2 : Heater abnormal 2 : Heater abnormal the instructions specified in the Instruction Manual

• Places as far as possible from electrical noise sources, MODE key, return to 1 Short-term: 1440V (may last up to 5S)
3 : PV + Heater abnormal 3 : PV + Heater abnormal
The following symbol marks provide to prevent incident or damage. Kindly where electromagnetic fields do not have much influence. Ex.3. To select PID < Select PID control > type type Long-term: 490V (may last longer than 5S) are followed.
Feature of type A and B
refer to the details of the WARNING/CAUTION when using for the first time. Installation environment • Places with minimal mechanical vibration or shock. 16. Setting for PID tuning type 26. Manipulated value for output 2 (%) 0 : When PV and heater 0 : When PV and heater
• This unit is not equipped with the overcurrent

• Places not exposed to direct sunlight. Type A Ordinary PID Can do most suitable Shows process manipulated happen only/without happen only/without
Another copy of the user's manual "Advanced Version" is provided at • Indoor use only. Type B Over shoot protection PID tuning to setting value. value for output 2, and setting
the value on manual control.
1 : holding (reset power sours) 1 : holding (reset power source)
protection device (fuse).
customer's request.
• Altitude up to 2,000 m. If control is unstable under self-tuning, Auto-tuning output 1 Display range : 0.0 to 100.0% MODE key MODE key
Please change to type A or B and also to ON/OFF control. Self-tuning output 1
(–10.0 to 110.0%)
Setting range : Manipulation 44. Polarity setting for EV 1 54. Polarity setting for EV 2 to release
BLIND Function
eg. Release of Timer Setting
Mode from BLIND Function Prepare time-lag fuse (rated voltage: 250 V, rated WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMERS
Due to mishandling, serious dangers Auto-tuning output 2 low/high limiter Normal open/close is Normal open/close is before newly its set-up. current: 1 A) or circuit breaker when making power
CAUTION BEFORE CONTROL Self-tuning output 2 MODE key automatically selected automatically selected

WARNING may occur to the operator such as Ex.4. ARW

Auto-tuning output 1.2 27. Proportional band setting for output 2
while event output is ON. while event output is ON.
1. Power ON source wiring. In case of fuse, it is connected to the KEYENCE, at its sole option, will refund, repair or replace at no charge any
death,electrocution and a skin burn. Anti-reset wind-up take effect for overshooting
by over-integral of PID control action.
Auto-tuning : Select above • or and press Adjust proportional
Normal open Normal open
Automatically live side. defective Products within 1 year from the date of shipment. Unless stated

Normal close Normal close
FUNC key at once. Call off autotuning : press
band. taking 4 sec otherwise herein, the Products should not be used internally in humans, for
program is stored after power OFF, as non-volatile memory • Check function of integral action for accord with SV and PV. FUNC key at once on operating. MODE key MODE key 2. Initial Display human transportation, as safety devices or fail-safe systems. EXCEPT FOR
Owing to mishandling, it may cause • If integral value go down, it takes effects. MODE key (19. To Set multiple of output proportional band) 45. CT Input Monitor for EV 1 55. CT Input Monitor or EV 2
is equipped with TF4-10(V) controllers for setting storage.

If integral value is set "0", it stopped integral action. 17. AT coefficient setting MODE key For supervision on For supervision on
CAUTION some damage to the unit or the thermocouple or R.T.D.(Pt 100/JPt 100) is selectable Coefficient is multiplied by 28. Proportional cycle setting for output 2
current value of heater
current detector
current value of heater
operator getting slight injury. input type. For suitable application, please select most Table1. To select input sensors and setting range. unit:˚C
proportional band value
computed at auto-tuning. Adjust proportional MODE key MODE key Press MODE Key (10 sec) FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF
cycle Time
Symbol Low limit to High limit 0.0 Setting MODE key 1 to 120 (second) 46. Abnormal current value of heater for EV 1 56. Abnormal current value of heater for EV 2
appropriate input type and adjust input setup. 00 K Thermocouple – 200 to 1372 –199.9 to 990.0 • The TF4 is an open-type unit. Therefore, install the PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. KEYENCE

18. AT sensitivity setting MODE key Setting for current Setting for current
CAUTION PID or ON/OFF control is selective for the optimal performance 01 J
02 R
– 200 to 850 –199.9 to 850.0
– 0 to 1700
Sensitivity is set up during ON/OFF
control at auto-tuning, particularly
29. High limit setting of manipulated value for output 2
value when heater is
abnormal. 1 to 30A
value when heater is
abnormal. 1 to 30A TROUBLE SHOOTING 4. Immediately after the "Blink", (Blink once)
TF4 inside appropriate enclosures, such as control SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
and each detail of features is specified in the table on the right side. For setting of
panel. The TF4 can be panel-mounted, provided that

03 T – 200 to 400 –199.9 to 390.0 when PV is fairly unstable. MODE key, return to 37 MODE key, return to 47 press FUNC Key, and quickly
manipulated high limit
For prevention of its malfunction, do not push the 04 N – 200 to 1300 –199.9 to 990.0 MODE key value. (output 2) (%) press MODE Key. FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY
PID Control ON/OFF Control 05 S – 0 to 1700 19. Proportional band setting for output 1 MODE key the instructions specified in the Instruction Manual SUGGESTIONS OR INFORMATION PROVIDED BY KEYENCE. In some
front key with sharp points. 06 B – 0 to 1800
are followed.

Adjust proportional band
Better control result is achieved as Life span of relay is generally longer, as 30. Low limit setting of manipulated value for output 2 jurisdictions, some of the foregoing warranty disclaimers or damage limitations
Spare terminal must not be used for other purposes. 10 Pt100
11 JPt100
– 199 to 500 –199.9 to 500.0 for output 1 (% per SLL
For setting of 5. Press MODE Key (3 sec) may not apply.
opposed to that of ON/OFF control. it is ON when temperature is below SV
20 DC0 –5V
– 199 to 500 –199.9 to 500.0
–1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 MODE key
to SLH)
manipulated low limit
value. (output 2) (%)
** 1 • This unit is not equipped with the overcurrent E 1101-3
and it is OFF when temperature is over
WARNING SV (For heating control).
–19.99 to 99.99
–1.999 to 9.999
20. Integral time setting MODE key protection device (fuse).
6. Press UP Key ( ) for 1 7
Adjust integral time 31. Manual reset setting Prepare time-lag fuse (rated voltage: 250 V, rated
21 DC1 –5V –1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 ** 2
Make sure the correct wiring connection before turning on electricity. Life span of relay is shorter, as output Control value is worse in comparison 0 to 3600 (second) For movement of
exists frequently with relay contact . with that of PID control.
–19.99 to 99.99
–1.999 to 9.999 MODE key proportional band. (Display) (Description) (Trouble Shooting) current: 1 A) when making power source wiring.
may cause malfunction of the unit and fire or an electric 22 DC4 –20mA –1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 21. Deviative time setting MODE key Shown whenever input value exceeds the high limit of Check the snapping of thermocouple
7. Press FUNC Key
for OFF ON ** 3 A fuse is connected to the live side.
shock may be received. * PID constants are automatically reckoned up to write in, when control –19.99 to 99.99 display range. Also displays when the wire is

Adjust deviative time 32. Dead band Setting and R.T.D. input.
begins or SV is altered on self-tuning. –1.999 to 9.999 snapped off thermocouple, ABb terminal off R.T.D. • The terminal block is not approved as field wiring
Never modify the unit to prevent damage or incident such as 0 to 3600 (second) For the heating and < Select ON/OFF Control > Shown whenever input value exceeds Check short circuit of input lines
8. Power OFF
cooling control. terminals. Therefore, it is necessary to check the
malfunction and fire or an electric shock may be received. MODE key 33. Control sensitivity setting for output 1 the low limit of display range. between A-B and A-b R.T.D.

• PARTS INDICATION conformance of equipment to filed wiring, if the TF4

22. Proportional cycle setting for output 1 Use for adjustment of 9. Power ON
Do not use this product for the purpose to protect a human body or * Either thermocouple or R.T.D. control sensitivity. Display of memory error. In case this indication shows after the Automatically
(Pt 100/JPt 100) is selectable for
Adjust proportional
re-input of power, replace unit if it persists. is built into the end-product.
part of a human body. cycle Time
MODE key
taking 4 sec

1 to 120 (second) 10. Initial Display
This product is not intended for use as an explosion-proof product. TF4-10V PV Process value, character for setting mode display. input type, by pressing the front key. MODE key 34. OFF position setting for output 1 Display of A/D converter error or incorrect sensor
connection with selectable input.
Automatically * The model number label on the side of the unit
Do not use this product in a hazardous location and/or potentially SV Setting value, input value for setting mode display. 23. ARW setting (see Ex. 4)
Adjust anti-reset
OFF position on control
output is set up. Display of auto-tuning error. Check sensor connection or change to
bears a UL mark to certify that the unit is approved
11. TIMER Setting Mode (OPERATION Mode)
explosive atmosphere. OUT1 Lights ON when output 1 turns ON wind-up by %
0.0 to 100.0% (–10.0 to 110.0%) From 25. MODE key other tuning. Press MODE Key (2 sec) by UL.
OUT2 Lights ON when output 2 turns ON MODE key 35. Control sensitivity setting for output 2
• Copy or reprint of this manual, wholly or partially, is not allowed. Displayed when parameter is changed in Discontinue to change parameter.

24. High limit setting of manipulated value for output 1 Use for adjustment of 12. Press UP Key ( ) for 1 7
AL1 Lights ON when Event output 1 turns ON key-lock condition.
For setting of control sensitivity.
MODE FUNC AL2 Lights ON when Event output 2 turns ON manipulated high limit Alternately this and SV/PV display are shown. Normality
value. (output 1) (%)
MODE key
MODE key
36. OFF position setting for output 2
Displayed when making of setting value change in Discontinue to change setting value
13. Go on TIMER Setting
Press MODE Key consecutively
MODE KEY For change of display 25. Low limit setting of manipulated value for output 1 OFF position on control
control display while function key is on RUN/READY.
1) Please be sure that the unit enclosed in packing carton is a right model FUNC KEY For action of function setting
For setting of
manipulated low limit * When output 2
output is set up.
Displayed when altering setting value in control
** 1 Please select an appropriate character (eg. Timer Setting etc) being of
BLIND Function effect for the demanding release.
before using. KEY Up down key for change of setting value. Holding
value. (output 1) (%)
MODE key
is ON/OFF,
turn to 35. MODE key, return to 9 display while being on timer.
** 2 Character selected for TIMER Setting.
** 3 BLIND Function for "SELECTION DISPLAY (Timer Setting Mode)" is released.

2) Kindly check the following accessory being contained in that carton box. the up down keys are the value at a rapid rate.

• Installation Attachment (For installation, please see "INSTALLATION

• This user's manual : 1 copy Copyright (c) 2013 KEYENCE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
12697E 1093-1 96M12697 Printed in Japan
1 2 3 4
Model TF4-10 Product ID TF4-10A TF4-10V Product ID TF4-10VA •Power ON •Setting mode •Selection memo
or priority displays.
Wiring The TF4 is a class-A device (for general Outer Dimensions and Panel Cutout
•TF4-10 (V) 48
<SET1 : Initial Setting > <SET2 : Control Setting > <SET3 : Event Output 1 > <SET4 : Event Output 2 > <SET7 : Timer > < SET0 : Priority Displays. > Display NO. for record,

•TF4-10 (V)
Control method Two types, PID or ON/OFF Shows for 4 seconds industrial use). Electromagnetic
1. Initial setting display KEY 9. Details of control setting KEY 37. Event output 1 setting 47. Event output 2 setting 67. Timer setting 74. Setting for priority displays 1st display
(Warming up)
Thermocouples (K, J, R, T, N, S, and B) and interference may result if the TF4 is used 6 77
DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER Input Initial setting mode Control setting mode EV1 setting mode EV2 setting mode Timer setting mode Select priority displays NO.

Control cycle
resistance temperature sensors (Pt100 and JPt100)
1 to 120 s •Operate mode display MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
(Refer to Ex.1.)
MODE key MODE key
EV2 / OUT2 in the general home environment. 2

A. Primary displays : Press key * After select, TF4-10V
Sampling cycle 0.5 s 2. Input type setting 10. High limit setting in SV limitter 38. Function setting for EV 1 48. Function setting for EV 2 68. Timer output setting 75. Setting for 1st priority display 2nd display
Process value Set the temperature
Select input type
press MODE key
Display of high limit setting Select below function. Select below function. Select 1st display on NO.
1 6 Keyence Corporation has confirmed that this product
Relay output Voltage output Setting value required
Control output (OUT1) (3 A resistive load at 250 VAC) (20 mA max. at 12 VDC)
Refer to Table 1. of setting value.
(Within setting range of Table 1)
operation mode B
display. Relay output 2.4A 1 6 11 complies with the essential requirements of the applicable
MODE key longer. 48
Alarm output (EV1) Relay output (2.4 A resistive load at 250 VAC)
MODE key (2 seconds) MODE key MODE key PV Event functions.
0 : None
PV Event functions.
0 : None
Non-use timer function MODE key MODE key 250V AC (Load resistance) 2 7 12 EU Directive, based on the following specifications. OUT1

Instruction Manual
Control output 76. Setting for 2nd priority display 3rd display
Control/Alarm output 2
B. primary displays. Refer to Ex.1.
SET0 : Priority displays by
3. PV correction gain
When measurement value
11. Low limit setting in SV limitter
Display of low limit setting
1 : Deviation high and low limit 1 : Deviation high and low limit
Event 1 output Select 2nd display on NO.
3 8 13 EV1 Be sure to consider the following specifications when AL1 AL2 RDY

Relay output (2.4 A resistive load at 250 VAC) 2 : Deviation high limit 2 : Deviation high limit
(OUT2/EV2) setting and shows max.9 comes an error, set the
correction value (Multiplication)
of setting value.
(Within setting range of Table 1) 3 : Deviation low limit 3 : Deviation low limit MODE key operation mode B
display. OUT1 4 9 14
11 using this product in the Member States of European MODE FUNC

Current transformer (CT) input Yes (with OP-6694 used) displays by setting.
MODE key, return to A
MODE key MODE key
4 : Deviation high and low limit range
5 : High and low limit
4 : Deviation high and low limit range
5 : High and low limit
69. Timer function setting MODE key MODE key
Relay output SSR drive voltage
5 10 15 Union.
Heater current display 1 to 60 A 4. Zero point setting for PV correction 12. Control setting mode 6 : High limit 6 : High limit 77. Setting for 3rd priority display 4th display 12 45 +0.6
When measurement value Usable for control 7 : Low limit 7 : Low limit Select 3rd display on NO.
250V AC, 3A 12V DC output
Relay output
Heater burnout alarm Current set range from 1 to 30 A comes an error, set the 8 : High and low limit range 8 : High and low limit range operation mode B (Load resistance) Remarks: These specifications do not give any guarantee
•FUNC key
setting mode Auto start (ON delay)
correction value (Addition) Additional Event function Additional Event function display. 250V AC, 2.4A
Display precision ±0.3% of F.S ±1digit (23˚C±10˚C )
Operate on the selected
MODE key Control performance 0 : None 0 : None
Manual start
Event start
(ON delay)
(ON delay)
MODE key MODE key 2 + 2 (Load resistance) that the end-product with this product incorporated Single Unit Installation
Memory element EEPROM setting mode 5. 5. Filter input
CR filter effect is operational on
Non-control performance
(Manipulation low limitter output)
1 : EV output hold
2 : Stand-by sequence
1 : EV output hold
2 : Stand-by sequence Auto start (OFF delay) 78. Setting for 4th priority display
Select 4th display on
5th display
NO. 3 – 3
complies with the essential requirements of EMC 45 +0.6
Refer to Ex.2.
Power supply voltage 100 to 240V AC, 50/60 Hz software when making first-order Manual control 3 : EV output hold & stand-by sequence 3 : EV output hold & stand-by sequence Manual start
Event start
(OFF delay)
(OFF delay)
operation mode B
TF4-10 TF4-10V
Directive. The manufacturer of the end-product is solely
lag operation to process value (PV). MODE key MODE key display. Input
Overvoltage category II (2500V)
Ex.1. Priority displays & its setting MODE key
MODE key
13. Selection of control type setting 39. High limit setting for EV 1 49. High limit setting for EV 2
SV start (OFF delay) MODE key MODE key responsible for the compliance on the end-product itself 48
Power consumption Max. 10 VA This function is to shift the most essential 6. Position of decimal point Selectable below control mode Set high limit value. Set high limit value.
MODE key 79. Setting for 5th priority display 6th display

b according to EMC Directive. 60 Installation of Several Units
Decimal point with / without 70. Timer unit selection Select 5th display on NO.
Dielectric strength 1,500 VAC for one minute between the power supply terminal and casing screens on setting mode into operation mode
0.0 / 0
and switchable.
operation mode B + B
as a priority. Please select priority displays 14 14
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ min. (between each terminal and casing at 500 VDC) MODE key MODE key display. 100 to 240V AC 4 CT Input
through priority display setting. MODE key MODE key 50/60HZ 10VA 15 A  Precautions for EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)

40. Low limit setting for EV 1 50. Low limit setting for EV 2 (NO polarity)
Conforms to With intermittent vibration Number of Ex. : Basic display Output 1 manipulation indication
JIS B 3502 Frequency Acceleration Amplitude 10 times
sweeping times
Setting for event Output 1 high limit
Select PID,
Refer to Ex.3.
Select control
output 1
Select control output 2
0 : None
Set low limit value. Set low limit value.
80. Setting for 6th priority display
Select 6th display on
7th display
(NO polarity) 5 TC/RTD Applicable Ferrite Core
and 10 to 57 Hz — 0.075 mm (80 minutes)
* Screen is shifted when pressing mode key each time. MODE key 0 : Type A
1 : Type B
1 : PID
2 : ON/OFF
1 : PID
2 : ON/OFF MODE key operation mode B
Use the following noise filter for the power supply line.
MODE key MODE key L = (48 N-3)+0.6
IEC61131-2 57 to 150 Hz 9.8m/s2 — each in Z, Y, 7. FUNK key setting (Refer to Ex.2.) 3 : Event output
41. Control sensitivity setting for EV 1 51. Control sensitivity setting for EV 2
71. Timer SV start permissible range MODE key MODE key
For prevention of electric shock, please do wiring

Vibration resistance Ex.2. FUNC key work Selectable below Thermocouple/R.T.D.(Pt100, JPt100) Input
With continuous vibration and Z MODE key 81. Setting for 7th priority display 8th display SUP-F10H-ER-2 Noise Filter For installation of multiple units, L= (48xN-3)-0

Set sensitivity of Set sensitivity, when Setting range : 0 to 999
function connection only after turning power off and don't
This function is to enable FUNC key to use as

Frequency Acceleration Amplitude directions 14. Change of normal or reverse requirement. being in need. 0.0 to 999.9 Select 7th display on NO. When you use compressed lead wire to install multiple units, please be careful sufficiently
10 to 57 Hz — 0.035 mm
specific key, for the following actions selected in
FUNC key setting belonged to setting mode.
Change of digit
Switchable below
MODE key MODE key
Setting unit : ˚C
MODE key
operation mode B
display. touch the terminal part under power on. Restrictions on Cable Layout Length not to touch the other lead wires.
control output action. When fitting the product, give more than 12 mm space between the upper / lower / left / right
57 to 150 Hz 4.9m/s2 — 1.Digit shift RUN/READY 42. Delay timer setting for EV 1 52. Delay timer setting for EV 2 72. Timer time setting
MODE key MODE key Check that the maximum length of cable laid out,
If the unit is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the Setting digit shift is enabled when setting value is changed. 0 : Reverse (Heating) 82. Setting for 8th priority display 9th display • In the case of the relay output, Overvoltage Category is OUT1 and EV2/OUT2 and EV1. & the back face portion of the product and the peripheral device or plates.
Ambient temperature 0 to 50˚C (No freezing) 2.RUN/READY
Auto-Tuning Set delay timer of Set delay timer, when Setting range : 0:00 to 99:59
• It is reinforced insulation between OUT1 and EV2/OUT2 and EV1. except the power supply cable, is less than 30 m. Clean the unit by well squeezed cloth with water.
protection provided the unit may be impaired. 1 : Normal (Cooling) Select 8th display on NO.

MODE key requirement. being in need. 0:00 to 59:59
20 to 90 % RH (No condensation) Control stop (READY) and control performance (RUN) are operation mode B • OUT1 and OUT2 a case except the relay output, only the secondary circuit with
Relative humidity

MODE key display.
alternately switched every time FUNC key is pressed. 8. Key lock setting MODE key MODE key MODE key reinforced/double insulation from the primary side can be connected.
The meaning of the symbols indicated on the label found at the side of the Pollution Degree 2 (READY lamp is ON during control stop) Key lock setting for protection 15. Manipulated value for output 1 (%)
43. Abnormal for EV 1 53. Abnormal for EV 2 73. Timer residual time monitor setting
MODE key MODE key
• Measured current of the CT is up to classification of Overvoltage Category II.  Precautions for Low-voltage Directives (2006/42/EC)
3.Auto-Tuning (AT) of error operation. Shows process manipulated
unit is as follows Approved standards EN61326-1, EN61010-1, UL61010-1(UL/cUL) AT commences instantly after pressing FUNC key. Selectable below function value for output 1, and setting For outbreak of sensor For outbreak of sensor Residual time monitor 83. Setting for 9th priority display Return to primary display
Rated Voltage is 250V, Rated Current is 30A. Measurement category is II.
• The TF4 is an open-type unit. Therefore, install the
Fasten lead wire as it is at connecting to center it.
the value on manual control. Timer start is on when Select 9th display on Please be careful sufficiently not to touch the
: See Instruction Manual : Alternating current Enclosure rating IP66 (Front side only, provided that a single unit is panel-mounted) (Start/Reset operation is available, each time FUNC key
is pressed)
Display range : 0.0 to 100.0%
and heater abnormal and heater abnormal
pressing FUNC key. operation mode B • For CT input, use specified current transformer (OP-6694).
TF4 inside appropriate enclosures, such as control other lead wire.

All lock (–10.0 to 110.0%) type type display. • INPUT is Overvoltage Category I, MAX 5V.
MODE key, return to 67
Weight Max. 170 g 4.Timer
When having the purchased controller at hand, please be sure that its unit is Available for start/reset.
Operation mode lock only
Except operation mode
Setting range : Manipulation
low/high limiter
0 : None
1 : PV abnormal (sensor break)
0 : None
1 : PV abnormal (sensor break)
MODE key, return to 74 • Mains supply voltage fluctuations not exceed ±10 percent of nominal voltage. panel. The TF4 can be panel-mounted, provided that A conform wire: copper/AWG18-24.
• Places free of corrosive gas, powdered dust, or oil. • TEMPORARY OVERVOLTAGES occurring on the MAINS supply
a correct model (See the following "Model Configuration" ). MODE key 2 : Heater abnormal 2 : Heater abnormal the instructions specified in the Instruction Manual

• Places as far as possible from electrical noise sources, MODE key, return to 1 Short-term: 1440V (may last up to 5S)
3 : PV + Heater abnormal 3 : PV + Heater abnormal
The following symbol marks provide to prevent incident or damage. Kindly where electromagnetic fields do not have much influence. Ex.3. To select PID < Select PID control > type type Long-term: 490V (may last longer than 5S) are followed.
Feature of type A and B
refer to the details of the WARNING/CAUTION when using for the first time. Installation environment • Places with minimal mechanical vibration or shock. 16. Setting for PID tuning type 26. Manipulated value for output 2 (%) 0 : When PV and heater 0 : When PV and heater
• This unit is not equipped with the overcurrent

• Places not exposed to direct sunlight. Type A Ordinary PID Can do most suitable Shows process manipulated happen only/without happen only/without
Another copy of the user's manual "Advanced Version" is provided at • Indoor use only. Type B Over shoot protection PID tuning to setting value. value for output 2, and setting
the value on manual control.
1 : holding (reset power sours) 1 : holding (reset power source)
protection device (fuse).
customer's request.
• Altitude up to 2,000 m. If control is unstable under self-tuning, Auto-tuning output 1 Display range : 0.0 to 100.0% MODE key MODE key
Please change to type A or B and also to ON/OFF control. Self-tuning output 1
(–10.0 to 110.0%)
Setting range : Manipulation 44. Polarity setting for EV 1 54. Polarity setting for EV 2 to release
BLIND Function
eg. Release of Timer Setting
Mode from BLIND Function Prepare time-lag fuse (rated voltage: 250 V, rated WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMERS
Due to mishandling, serious dangers Auto-tuning output 2 low/high limiter Normal open/close is Normal open/close is before newly its set-up. current: 1 A) or circuit breaker when making power
CAUTION BEFORE CONTROL Self-tuning output 2 MODE key automatically selected automatically selected

WARNING may occur to the operator such as Ex.4. ARW

Auto-tuning output 1.2 27. Proportional band setting for output 2
while event output is ON. while event output is ON.
1. Power ON source wiring. In case of fuse, it is connected to the KEYENCE, at its sole option, will refund, repair or replace at no charge any
death,electrocution and a skin burn. Anti-reset wind-up take effect for overshooting
by over-integral of PID control action.
Auto-tuning : Select above • or and press Adjust proportional
Normal open Normal open
Automatically live side. defective Products within 1 year from the date of shipment. Unless stated

Normal close Normal close
FUNC key at once. Call off autotuning : press
band. taking 4 sec otherwise herein, the Products should not be used internally in humans, for
program is stored after power OFF, as non-volatile memory • Check function of integral action for accord with SV and PV. FUNC key at once on operating. MODE key MODE key 2. Initial Display human transportation, as safety devices or fail-safe systems. EXCEPT FOR
Owing to mishandling, it may cause • If integral value go down, it takes effects. MODE key (19. To Set multiple of output proportional band) 45. CT Input Monitor for EV 1 55. CT Input Monitor or EV 2
is equipped with TF4-10(V) controllers for setting storage.

If integral value is set "0", it stopped integral action. 17. AT coefficient setting MODE key For supervision on For supervision on
CAUTION some damage to the unit or the thermocouple or R.T.D.(Pt 100/JPt 100) is selectable Coefficient is multiplied by 28. Proportional cycle setting for output 2
current value of heater
current detector
current value of heater
operator getting slight injury. input type. For suitable application, please select most Table1. To select input sensors and setting range. unit:˚C
proportional band value
computed at auto-tuning. Adjust proportional MODE key MODE key Press MODE Key (10 sec) FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF
cycle Time
Symbol Low limit to High limit 0.0 Setting MODE key 1 to 120 (second) 46. Abnormal current value of heater for EV 1 56. Abnormal current value of heater for EV 2
appropriate input type and adjust input setup. 00 K Thermocouple – 200 to 1372 –199.9 to 990.0 • The TF4 is an open-type unit. Therefore, install the PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. KEYENCE

18. AT sensitivity setting MODE key Setting for current Setting for current
CAUTION PID or ON/OFF control is selective for the optimal performance 01 J
02 R
– 200 to 850 –199.9 to 850.0
– 0 to 1700
Sensitivity is set up during ON/OFF
control at auto-tuning, particularly
29. High limit setting of manipulated value for output 2
value when heater is
abnormal. 1 to 30A
value when heater is
abnormal. 1 to 30A TROUBLE SHOOTING 4. Immediately after the "Blink", (Blink once)
TF4 inside appropriate enclosures, such as control SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
and each detail of features is specified in the table on the right side. For setting of
panel. The TF4 can be panel-mounted, provided that

03 T – 200 to 400 –199.9 to 390.0 when PV is fairly unstable. MODE key, return to 37 MODE key, return to 47 press FUNC Key, and quickly
manipulated high limit
For prevention of its malfunction, do not push the 04 N – 200 to 1300 –199.9 to 990.0 MODE key value. (output 2) (%) press MODE Key. FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY
PID Control ON/OFF Control 05 S – 0 to 1700 19. Proportional band setting for output 1 MODE key the instructions specified in the Instruction Manual SUGGESTIONS OR INFORMATION PROVIDED BY KEYENCE. In some
front key with sharp points. 06 B – 0 to 1800
are followed.

Adjust proportional band
Better control result is achieved as Life span of relay is generally longer, as 30. Low limit setting of manipulated value for output 2 jurisdictions, some of the foregoing warranty disclaimers or damage limitations
Spare terminal must not be used for other purposes. 10 Pt100
11 JPt100
– 199 to 500 –199.9 to 500.0 for output 1 (% per SLL
For setting of 5. Press MODE Key (3 sec) may not apply.
opposed to that of ON/OFF control. it is ON when temperature is below SV
20 DC0 –5V
– 199 to 500 –199.9 to 500.0
–1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 MODE key
to SLH)
manipulated low limit
value. (output 2) (%)
** 1 • This unit is not equipped with the overcurrent E 1101-3
and it is OFF when temperature is over
WARNING SV (For heating control).
–19.99 to 99.99
–1.999 to 9.999
20. Integral time setting MODE key protection device (fuse).
6. Press UP Key ( ) for 1 7
Adjust integral time 31. Manual reset setting Prepare time-lag fuse (rated voltage: 250 V, rated
21 DC1 –5V –1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 ** 2
Make sure the correct wiring connection before turning on electricity. Life span of relay is shorter, as output Control value is worse in comparison 0 to 3600 (second) For movement of
exists frequently with relay contact . with that of PID control.
–19.99 to 99.99
–1.999 to 9.999 MODE key proportional band. (Display) (Description) (Trouble Shooting) current: 1 A) when making power source wiring.
may cause malfunction of the unit and fire or an electric 22 DC4 –20mA –1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 21. Deviative time setting MODE key Shown whenever input value exceeds the high limit of Check the snapping of thermocouple
7. Press FUNC Key
for OFF ON ** 3 A fuse is connected to the live side.
shock may be received. * PID constants are automatically reckoned up to write in, when control –19.99 to 99.99 display range. Also displays when the wire is

Adjust deviative time 32. Dead band Setting and R.T.D. input.
begins or SV is altered on self-tuning. –1.999 to 9.999 snapped off thermocouple, ABb terminal off R.T.D. • The terminal block is not approved as field wiring
Never modify the unit to prevent damage or incident such as 0 to 3600 (second) For the heating and < Select ON/OFF Control > Shown whenever input value exceeds Check short circuit of input lines
8. Power OFF
cooling control. terminals. Therefore, it is necessary to check the
malfunction and fire or an electric shock may be received. MODE key 33. Control sensitivity setting for output 1 the low limit of display range. between A-B and A-b R.T.D.

• PARTS INDICATION conformance of equipment to filed wiring, if the TF4

22. Proportional cycle setting for output 1 Use for adjustment of 9. Power ON
Do not use this product for the purpose to protect a human body or * Either thermocouple or R.T.D. control sensitivity. Display of memory error. In case this indication shows after the Automatically
(Pt 100/JPt 100) is selectable for
Adjust proportional
re-input of power, replace unit if it persists. is built into the end-product.
part of a human body. cycle Time
MODE key
taking 4 sec

1 to 120 (second) 10. Initial Display
This product is not intended for use as an explosion-proof product. TF4-10V PV Process value, character for setting mode display. input type, by pressing the front key. MODE key 34. OFF position setting for output 1 Display of A/D converter error or incorrect sensor
connection with selectable input.
Automatically * The model number label on the side of the unit
Do not use this product in a hazardous location and/or potentially SV Setting value, input value for setting mode display. 23. ARW setting (see Ex. 4)
Adjust anti-reset
OFF position on control
output is set up. Display of auto-tuning error. Check sensor connection or change to
bears a UL mark to certify that the unit is approved
11. TIMER Setting Mode (OPERATION Mode)
explosive atmosphere. OUT1 Lights ON when output 1 turns ON wind-up by %
0.0 to 100.0% (–10.0 to 110.0%) From 25. MODE key other tuning. Press MODE Key (2 sec) by UL.
OUT2 Lights ON when output 2 turns ON MODE key 35. Control sensitivity setting for output 2
• Copy or reprint of this manual, wholly or partially, is not allowed. Displayed when parameter is changed in Discontinue to change parameter.

24. High limit setting of manipulated value for output 1 Use for adjustment of 12. Press UP Key ( ) for 1 7
AL1 Lights ON when Event output 1 turns ON key-lock condition.
For setting of control sensitivity.
MODE FUNC AL2 Lights ON when Event output 2 turns ON manipulated high limit Alternately this and SV/PV display are shown. Normality
value. (output 1) (%)
MODE key
MODE key
36. OFF position setting for output 2
Displayed when making of setting value change in Discontinue to change setting value
13. Go on TIMER Setting
Press MODE Key consecutively
MODE KEY For change of display 25. Low limit setting of manipulated value for output 1 OFF position on control
control display while function key is on RUN/READY.
1) Please be sure that the unit enclosed in packing carton is a right model FUNC KEY For action of function setting
For setting of
manipulated low limit * When output 2
output is set up.
Displayed when altering setting value in control
** 1 Please select an appropriate character (eg. Timer Setting etc) being of
BLIND Function effect for the demanding release.
before using. KEY Up down key for change of setting value. Holding
value. (output 1) (%)
MODE key
is ON/OFF,
turn to 35. MODE key, return to 9 display while being on timer.
** 2 Character selected for TIMER Setting.
** 3 BLIND Function for "SELECTION DISPLAY (Timer Setting Mode)" is released.

2) Kindly check the following accessory being contained in that carton box. the up down keys are the value at a rapid rate.

• Installation Attachment (For installation, please see "INSTALLATION

• This user's manual : 1 copy Copyright (c) 2013 KEYENCE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
12697E 1093-1 96M12697 Printed in Japan
1 2 3 4
Model TF4-10 Product ID TF4-10A TF4-10V Product ID TF4-10VA •Power ON •Setting mode •Selection memo
or priority displays.
Wiring The TF4 is a class-A device (for general Outer Dimensions and Panel Cutout
•TF4-10 (V) 48
<SET1 : Initial Setting > <SET2 : Control Setting > <SET3 : Event Output 1 > <SET4 : Event Output 2 > <SET7 : Timer > < SET0 : Priority Displays. > Display NO. for record,

•TF4-10 (V)
Control method Two types, PID or ON/OFF Shows for 4 seconds industrial use). Electromagnetic
1. Initial setting display KEY 9. Details of control setting KEY 37. Event output 1 setting 47. Event output 2 setting 67. Timer setting 74. Setting for priority displays 1st display
(Warming up)
Thermocouples (K, J, R, T, N, S, and B) and interference may result if the TF4 is used 6 77
DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER Input Initial setting mode Control setting mode EV1 setting mode EV2 setting mode Timer setting mode Select priority displays NO.

Control cycle
resistance temperature sensors (Pt100 and JPt100)
1 to 120 s •Operate mode display MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
(Refer to Ex.1.)
MODE key MODE key
EV2 / OUT2 in the general home environment. 2

A. Primary displays : Press key * After select, TF4-10V
Sampling cycle 0.5 s 2. Input type setting 10. High limit setting in SV limitter 38. Function setting for EV 1 48. Function setting for EV 2 68. Timer output setting 75. Setting for 1st priority display 2nd display
Process value Set the temperature
Select input type
press MODE key
Display of high limit setting Select below function. Select below function. Select 1st display on NO.
1 6 Keyence Corporation has confirmed that this product
Relay output Voltage output Setting value required
Control output (OUT1) (3 A resistive load at 250 VAC) (20 mA max. at 12 VDC)
Refer to Table 1. of setting value.
(Within setting range of Table 1)
operation mode B
display. Relay output 2.4A 1 6 11 complies with the essential requirements of the applicable
MODE key longer. 48
Alarm output (EV1) Relay output (2.4 A resistive load at 250 VAC)
MODE key (2 seconds) MODE key MODE key PV Event functions.
0 : None
PV Event functions.
0 : None
Non-use timer function MODE key MODE key 250V AC (Load resistance) 2 7 12 EU Directive, based on the following specifications. OUT1

Instruction Manual
Control output 76. Setting for 2nd priority display 3rd display
Control/Alarm output 2
B. primary displays. Refer to Ex.1.
SET0 : Priority displays by
3. PV correction gain
When measurement value
11. Low limit setting in SV limitter
Display of low limit setting
1 : Deviation high and low limit 1 : Deviation high and low limit
Event 1 output Select 2nd display on NO.
3 8 13 EV1 Be sure to consider the following specifications when AL1 AL2 RDY

Relay output (2.4 A resistive load at 250 VAC) 2 : Deviation high limit 2 : Deviation high limit
(OUT2/EV2) setting and shows max.9 comes an error, set the
correction value (Multiplication)
of setting value.
(Within setting range of Table 1) 3 : Deviation low limit 3 : Deviation low limit MODE key operation mode B
display. OUT1 4 9 14
11 using this product in the Member States of European MODE FUNC

Current transformer (CT) input Yes (with OP-6694 used) displays by setting.
MODE key, return to A
MODE key MODE key
4 : Deviation high and low limit range
5 : High and low limit
4 : Deviation high and low limit range
5 : High and low limit
69. Timer function setting MODE key MODE key
Relay output SSR drive voltage
5 10 15 Union.
Heater current display 1 to 60 A 4. Zero point setting for PV correction 12. Control setting mode 6 : High limit 6 : High limit 77. Setting for 3rd priority display 4th display 12 45 +0.6
When measurement value Usable for control 7 : Low limit 7 : Low limit Select 3rd display on NO.
250V AC, 3A 12V DC output
Relay output
Heater burnout alarm Current set range from 1 to 30 A comes an error, set the 8 : High and low limit range 8 : High and low limit range operation mode B (Load resistance) Remarks: These specifications do not give any guarantee
•FUNC key
setting mode Auto start (ON delay)
correction value (Addition) Additional Event function Additional Event function display. 250V AC, 2.4A
Display precision ±0.3% of F.S ±1digit (23˚C±10˚C )
Operate on the selected
MODE key Control performance 0 : None 0 : None
Manual start
Event start
(ON delay)
(ON delay)
MODE key MODE key 2 + 2 (Load resistance) that the end-product with this product incorporated Single Unit Installation
Memory element EEPROM setting mode 5. 5. Filter input
CR filter effect is operational on
Non-control performance
(Manipulation low limitter output)
1 : EV output hold
2 : Stand-by sequence
1 : EV output hold
2 : Stand-by sequence Auto start (OFF delay) 78. Setting for 4th priority display
Select 4th display on
5th display
NO. 3 – 3
complies with the essential requirements of EMC 45 +0.6
Refer to Ex.2.
Power supply voltage 100 to 240V AC, 50/60 Hz software when making first-order Manual control 3 : EV output hold & stand-by sequence 3 : EV output hold & stand-by sequence Manual start
Event start
(OFF delay)
(OFF delay)
operation mode B
TF4-10 TF4-10V
Directive. The manufacturer of the end-product is solely
lag operation to process value (PV). MODE key MODE key display. Input
Overvoltage category II (2500V)
Ex.1. Priority displays & its setting MODE key
MODE key
13. Selection of control type setting 39. High limit setting for EV 1 49. High limit setting for EV 2
SV start (OFF delay) MODE key MODE key responsible for the compliance on the end-product itself 48
Power consumption Max. 10 VA This function is to shift the most essential 6. Position of decimal point Selectable below control mode Set high limit value. Set high limit value.
MODE key 79. Setting for 5th priority display 6th display

b according to EMC Directive. 60 Installation of Several Units
Decimal point with / without 70. Timer unit selection Select 5th display on NO.
Dielectric strength 1,500 VAC for one minute between the power supply terminal and casing screens on setting mode into operation mode
0.0 / 0
and switchable.
operation mode B + B
as a priority. Please select priority displays 14 14
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ min. (between each terminal and casing at 500 VDC) MODE key MODE key display. 100 to 240V AC 4 CT Input
through priority display setting. MODE key MODE key 50/60HZ 10VA 15 A  Precautions for EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)

40. Low limit setting for EV 1 50. Low limit setting for EV 2 (NO polarity)
Conforms to With intermittent vibration Number of Ex. : Basic display Output 1 manipulation indication
JIS B 3502 Frequency Acceleration Amplitude 10 times
sweeping times
Setting for event Output 1 high limit
Select PID,
Refer to Ex.3.
Select control
output 1
Select control output 2
0 : None
Set low limit value. Set low limit value.
80. Setting for 6th priority display
Select 6th display on
7th display
(NO polarity) 5 TC/RTD Applicable Ferrite Core
and 10 to 57 Hz — 0.075 mm (80 minutes)
* Screen is shifted when pressing mode key each time. MODE key 0 : Type A
1 : Type B
1 : PID
2 : ON/OFF
1 : PID
2 : ON/OFF MODE key operation mode B
Use the following noise filter for the power supply line.
MODE key MODE key L = (48 N-3)+0.6
IEC61131-2 57 to 150 Hz 9.8m/s2 — each in Z, Y, 7. FUNK key setting (Refer to Ex.2.) 3 : Event output
41. Control sensitivity setting for EV 1 51. Control sensitivity setting for EV 2
71. Timer SV start permissible range MODE key MODE key
For prevention of electric shock, please do wiring

Vibration resistance Ex.2. FUNC key work Selectable below Thermocouple/R.T.D.(Pt100, JPt100) Input
With continuous vibration and Z MODE key 81. Setting for 7th priority display 8th display SUP-F10H-ER-2 Noise Filter For installation of multiple units, L= (48xN-3)-0

Set sensitivity of Set sensitivity, when Setting range : 0 to 999
function connection only after turning power off and don't
This function is to enable FUNC key to use as

Frequency Acceleration Amplitude directions 14. Change of normal or reverse requirement. being in need. 0.0 to 999.9 Select 7th display on NO. When you use compressed lead wire to install multiple units, please be careful sufficiently
10 to 57 Hz — 0.035 mm
specific key, for the following actions selected in
FUNC key setting belonged to setting mode.
Change of digit
Switchable below
MODE key MODE key
Setting unit : ˚C
MODE key
operation mode B
display. touch the terminal part under power on. Restrictions on Cable Layout Length not to touch the other lead wires.
control output action. When fitting the product, give more than 12 mm space between the upper / lower / left / right
57 to 150 Hz 4.9m/s2 — 1.Digit shift RUN/READY 42. Delay timer setting for EV 1 52. Delay timer setting for EV 2 72. Timer time setting
MODE key MODE key Check that the maximum length of cable laid out,
If the unit is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the Setting digit shift is enabled when setting value is changed. 0 : Reverse (Heating) 82. Setting for 8th priority display 9th display • In the case of the relay output, Overvoltage Category is OUT1 and EV2/OUT2 and EV1. & the back face portion of the product and the peripheral device or plates.
Ambient temperature 0 to 50˚C (No freezing) 2.RUN/READY
Auto-Tuning Set delay timer of Set delay timer, when Setting range : 0:00 to 99:59
• It is reinforced insulation between OUT1 and EV2/OUT2 and EV1. except the power supply cable, is less than 30 m. Clean the unit by well squeezed cloth with water.
protection provided the unit may be impaired. 1 : Normal (Cooling) Select 8th display on NO.

MODE key requirement. being in need. 0:00 to 59:59
20 to 90 % RH (No condensation) Control stop (READY) and control performance (RUN) are operation mode B • OUT1 and OUT2 a case except the relay output, only the secondary circuit with
Relative humidity

MODE key display.
alternately switched every time FUNC key is pressed. 8. Key lock setting MODE key MODE key MODE key reinforced/double insulation from the primary side can be connected.
The meaning of the symbols indicated on the label found at the side of the Pollution Degree 2 (READY lamp is ON during control stop) Key lock setting for protection 15. Manipulated value for output 1 (%)
43. Abnormal for EV 1 53. Abnormal for EV 2 73. Timer residual time monitor setting
MODE key MODE key
• Measured current of the CT is up to classification of Overvoltage Category II.  Precautions for Low-voltage Directives (2006/42/EC)
3.Auto-Tuning (AT) of error operation. Shows process manipulated
unit is as follows Approved standards EN61326-1, EN61010-1, UL61010-1(UL/cUL) AT commences instantly after pressing FUNC key. Selectable below function value for output 1, and setting For outbreak of sensor For outbreak of sensor Residual time monitor 83. Setting for 9th priority display Return to primary display
Rated Voltage is 250V, Rated Current is 30A. Measurement category is II.
• The TF4 is an open-type unit. Therefore, install the
Fasten lead wire as it is at connecting to center it.
the value on manual control. Timer start is on when Select 9th display on Please be careful sufficiently not to touch the
: See Instruction Manual : Alternating current Enclosure rating IP66 (Front side only, provided that a single unit is panel-mounted) (Start/Reset operation is available, each time FUNC key
is pressed)
Display range : 0.0 to 100.0%
and heater abnormal and heater abnormal
pressing FUNC key. operation mode B • For CT input, use specified current transformer (OP-6694).
TF4 inside appropriate enclosures, such as control other lead wire.

All lock (–10.0 to 110.0%) type type display. • INPUT is Overvoltage Category I, MAX 5V.
MODE key, return to 67
Weight Max. 170 g 4.Timer
When having the purchased controller at hand, please be sure that its unit is Available for start/reset.
Operation mode lock only
Except operation mode
Setting range : Manipulation
low/high limiter
0 : None
1 : PV abnormal (sensor break)
0 : None
1 : PV abnormal (sensor break)
MODE key, return to 74 • Mains supply voltage fluctuations not exceed ±10 percent of nominal voltage. panel. The TF4 can be panel-mounted, provided that A conform wire: copper/AWG18-24.
• Places free of corrosive gas, powdered dust, or oil. • TEMPORARY OVERVOLTAGES occurring on the MAINS supply
a correct model (See the following "Model Configuration" ). MODE key 2 : Heater abnormal 2 : Heater abnormal the instructions specified in the Instruction Manual

• Places as far as possible from electrical noise sources, MODE key, return to 1 Short-term: 1440V (may last up to 5S)
3 : PV + Heater abnormal 3 : PV + Heater abnormal
The following symbol marks provide to prevent incident or damage. Kindly where electromagnetic fields do not have much influence. Ex.3. To select PID < Select PID control > type type Long-term: 490V (may last longer than 5S) are followed.
Feature of type A and B
refer to the details of the WARNING/CAUTION when using for the first time. Installation environment • Places with minimal mechanical vibration or shock. 16. Setting for PID tuning type 26. Manipulated value for output 2 (%) 0 : When PV and heater 0 : When PV and heater
• This unit is not equipped with the overcurrent

• Places not exposed to direct sunlight. Type A Ordinary PID Can do most suitable Shows process manipulated happen only/without happen only/without
Another copy of the user's manual "Advanced Version" is provided at • Indoor use only. Type B Over shoot protection PID tuning to setting value. value for output 2, and setting
the value on manual control.
1 : holding (reset power sours) 1 : holding (reset power source)
protection device (fuse).
customer's request.
• Altitude up to 2,000 m. If control is unstable under self-tuning, Auto-tuning output 1 Display range : 0.0 to 100.0% MODE key MODE key
Please change to type A or B and also to ON/OFF control. Self-tuning output 1
(–10.0 to 110.0%)
Setting range : Manipulation 44. Polarity setting for EV 1 54. Polarity setting for EV 2 to release
BLIND Function
eg. Release of Timer Setting
Mode from BLIND Function Prepare time-lag fuse (rated voltage: 250 V, rated WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMERS
Due to mishandling, serious dangers Auto-tuning output 2 low/high limiter Normal open/close is Normal open/close is before newly its set-up. current: 1 A) or circuit breaker when making power
CAUTION BEFORE CONTROL Self-tuning output 2 MODE key automatically selected automatically selected

WARNING may occur to the operator such as Ex.4. ARW

Auto-tuning output 1.2 27. Proportional band setting for output 2
while event output is ON. while event output is ON.
1. Power ON source wiring. In case of fuse, it is connected to the KEYENCE, at its sole option, will refund, repair or replace at no charge any
death,electrocution and a skin burn. Anti-reset wind-up take effect for overshooting
by over-integral of PID control action.
Auto-tuning : Select above • or and press Adjust proportional
Normal open Normal open
Automatically live side. defective Products within 1 year from the date of shipment. Unless stated

Normal close Normal close
FUNC key at once. Call off autotuning : press
band. taking 4 sec otherwise herein, the Products should not be used internally in humans, for
program is stored after power OFF, as non-volatile memory • Check function of integral action for accord with SV and PV. FUNC key at once on operating. MODE key MODE key 2. Initial Display human transportation, as safety devices or fail-safe systems. EXCEPT FOR
Owing to mishandling, it may cause • If integral value go down, it takes effects. MODE key (19. To Set multiple of output proportional band) 45. CT Input Monitor for EV 1 55. CT Input Monitor or EV 2
is equipped with TF4-10(V) controllers for setting storage.

If integral value is set "0", it stopped integral action. 17. AT coefficient setting MODE key For supervision on For supervision on
CAUTION some damage to the unit or the thermocouple or R.T.D.(Pt 100/JPt 100) is selectable Coefficient is multiplied by 28. Proportional cycle setting for output 2
current value of heater
current detector
current value of heater
operator getting slight injury. input type. For suitable application, please select most Table1. To select input sensors and setting range. unit:˚C
proportional band value
computed at auto-tuning. Adjust proportional MODE key MODE key Press MODE Key (10 sec) FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF
cycle Time
Symbol Low limit to High limit 0.0 Setting MODE key 1 to 120 (second) 46. Abnormal current value of heater for EV 1 56. Abnormal current value of heater for EV 2
appropriate input type and adjust input setup. 00 K Thermocouple – 200 to 1372 –199.9 to 990.0 • The TF4 is an open-type unit. Therefore, install the PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. KEYENCE

18. AT sensitivity setting MODE key Setting for current Setting for current
CAUTION PID or ON/OFF control is selective for the optimal performance 01 J
02 R
– 200 to 850 –199.9 to 850.0
– 0 to 1700
Sensitivity is set up during ON/OFF
control at auto-tuning, particularly
29. High limit setting of manipulated value for output 2
value when heater is
abnormal. 1 to 30A
value when heater is
abnormal. 1 to 30A TROUBLE SHOOTING 4. Immediately after the "Blink", (Blink once)
TF4 inside appropriate enclosures, such as control SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
and each detail of features is specified in the table on the right side. For setting of
panel. The TF4 can be panel-mounted, provided that

03 T – 200 to 400 –199.9 to 390.0 when PV is fairly unstable. MODE key, return to 37 MODE key, return to 47 press FUNC Key, and quickly
manipulated high limit
For prevention of its malfunction, do not push the 04 N – 200 to 1300 –199.9 to 990.0 MODE key value. (output 2) (%) press MODE Key. FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY
PID Control ON/OFF Control 05 S – 0 to 1700 19. Proportional band setting for output 1 MODE key the instructions specified in the Instruction Manual SUGGESTIONS OR INFORMATION PROVIDED BY KEYENCE. In some
front key with sharp points. 06 B – 0 to 1800
are followed.

Adjust proportional band
Better control result is achieved as Life span of relay is generally longer, as 30. Low limit setting of manipulated value for output 2 jurisdictions, some of the foregoing warranty disclaimers or damage limitations
Spare terminal must not be used for other purposes. 10 Pt100
11 JPt100
– 199 to 500 –199.9 to 500.0 for output 1 (% per SLL
For setting of 5. Press MODE Key (3 sec) may not apply.
opposed to that of ON/OFF control. it is ON when temperature is below SV
20 DC0 –5V
– 199 to 500 –199.9 to 500.0
–1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 MODE key
to SLH)
manipulated low limit
value. (output 2) (%)
** 1 • This unit is not equipped with the overcurrent E 1101-3
and it is OFF when temperature is over
WARNING SV (For heating control).
–19.99 to 99.99
–1.999 to 9.999
20. Integral time setting MODE key protection device (fuse).
6. Press UP Key ( ) for 1 7
Adjust integral time 31. Manual reset setting Prepare time-lag fuse (rated voltage: 250 V, rated
21 DC1 –5V –1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 ** 2
Make sure the correct wiring connection before turning on electricity. Life span of relay is shorter, as output Control value is worse in comparison 0 to 3600 (second) For movement of
exists frequently with relay contact . with that of PID control.
–19.99 to 99.99
–1.999 to 9.999 MODE key proportional band. (Display) (Description) (Trouble Shooting) current: 1 A) when making power source wiring.
may cause malfunction of the unit and fire or an electric 22 DC4 –20mA –1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 21. Deviative time setting MODE key Shown whenever input value exceeds the high limit of Check the snapping of thermocouple
7. Press FUNC Key
for OFF ON ** 3 A fuse is connected to the live side.
shock may be received. * PID constants are automatically reckoned up to write in, when control –19.99 to 99.99 display range. Also displays when the wire is

Adjust deviative time 32. Dead band Setting and R.T.D. input.
begins or SV is altered on self-tuning. –1.999 to 9.999 snapped off thermocouple, ABb terminal off R.T.D. • The terminal block is not approved as field wiring
Never modify the unit to prevent damage or incident such as 0 to 3600 (second) For the heating and < Select ON/OFF Control > Shown whenever input value exceeds Check short circuit of input lines
8. Power OFF
cooling control. terminals. Therefore, it is necessary to check the
malfunction and fire or an electric shock may be received. MODE key 33. Control sensitivity setting for output 1 the low limit of display range. between A-B and A-b R.T.D.

• PARTS INDICATION conformance of equipment to filed wiring, if the TF4

22. Proportional cycle setting for output 1 Use for adjustment of 9. Power ON
Do not use this product for the purpose to protect a human body or * Either thermocouple or R.T.D. control sensitivity. Display of memory error. In case this indication shows after the Automatically
(Pt 100/JPt 100) is selectable for
Adjust proportional
re-input of power, replace unit if it persists. is built into the end-product.
part of a human body. cycle Time
MODE key
taking 4 sec

1 to 120 (second) 10. Initial Display
This product is not intended for use as an explosion-proof product. TF4-10V PV Process value, character for setting mode display. input type, by pressing the front key. MODE key 34. OFF position setting for output 1 Display of A/D converter error or incorrect sensor
connection with selectable input.
Automatically * The model number label on the side of the unit
Do not use this product in a hazardous location and/or potentially SV Setting value, input value for setting mode display. 23. ARW setting (see Ex. 4)
Adjust anti-reset
OFF position on control
output is set up. Display of auto-tuning error. Check sensor connection or change to
bears a UL mark to certify that the unit is approved
11. TIMER Setting Mode (OPERATION Mode)
explosive atmosphere. OUT1 Lights ON when output 1 turns ON wind-up by %
0.0 to 100.0% (–10.0 to 110.0%) From 25. MODE key other tuning. Press MODE Key (2 sec) by UL.
OUT2 Lights ON when output 2 turns ON MODE key 35. Control sensitivity setting for output 2
• Copy or reprint of this manual, wholly or partially, is not allowed. Displayed when parameter is changed in Discontinue to change parameter.

24. High limit setting of manipulated value for output 1 Use for adjustment of 12. Press UP Key ( ) for 1 7
AL1 Lights ON when Event output 1 turns ON key-lock condition.
For setting of control sensitivity.
MODE FUNC AL2 Lights ON when Event output 2 turns ON manipulated high limit Alternately this and SV/PV display are shown. Normality
value. (output 1) (%)
MODE key
MODE key
36. OFF position setting for output 2
Displayed when making of setting value change in Discontinue to change setting value
13. Go on TIMER Setting
Press MODE Key consecutively
MODE KEY For change of display 25. Low limit setting of manipulated value for output 1 OFF position on control
control display while function key is on RUN/READY.
1) Please be sure that the unit enclosed in packing carton is a right model FUNC KEY For action of function setting
For setting of
manipulated low limit * When output 2
output is set up.
Displayed when altering setting value in control
** 1 Please select an appropriate character (eg. Timer Setting etc) being of
BLIND Function effect for the demanding release.
before using. KEY Up down key for change of setting value. Holding
value. (output 1) (%)
MODE key
is ON/OFF,
turn to 35. MODE key, return to 9 display while being on timer.
** 2 Character selected for TIMER Setting.
** 3 BLIND Function for "SELECTION DISPLAY (Timer Setting Mode)" is released.

2) Kindly check the following accessory being contained in that carton box. the up down keys are the value at a rapid rate.

• Installation Attachment (For installation, please see "INSTALLATION

• This user's manual : 1 copy Copyright (c) 2013 KEYENCE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
12697E 1093-1 96M12697 Printed in Japan
1 2 3 4
Model TF4-10 Product ID TF4-10A TF4-10V Product ID TF4-10VA •Power ON •Setting mode •Selection memo
or priority displays.
Wiring The TF4 is a class-A device (for general Outer Dimensions and Panel Cutout
•TF4-10 (V) 48
<SET1 : Initial Setting > <SET2 : Control Setting > <SET3 : Event Output 1 > <SET4 : Event Output 2 > <SET7 : Timer > < SET0 : Priority Displays. > Display NO. for record,

•TF4-10 (V)
Control method Two types, PID or ON/OFF Shows for 4 seconds industrial use). Electromagnetic
(Warming up) 1. Initial setting display 9. Details of control setting 37. Event output 1 setting 47. Event output 2 setting 67. Timer setting 74. Setting for priority displays 1st display
Thermocouples (K, J, R, T, N, S, and B) and interference may result if the TF4 is used 6 77
DIGITAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER Input Initial setting mode Control setting mode EV1 setting mode EV2 setting mode Timer setting mode Select priority displays NO.

Control cycle
resistance temperature sensors (Pt100 and JPt100)
1 to 120 s •Operate mode display MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
MODE key
Calling display
(Refer to Ex.1.)
MODE key MODE key
EV2 /OUT2 in the general home environment. 2

A. Primary displays : Press key * After select, TF4-10V
Sampling cycle 0.5 s 2. Input type setting 10. High limit setting in SV limitter 38. Function setting for EV 1 48. Function setting for EV 2 68. Timer output setting 75. Setting for 1st priority display 2nd display
Process value Set the temperature
Select input type
press MODE key
Display of high limit Select below function. Select below function. Select 1st display on NO.
1 6 Keyence Corporation has confirmed that this product
Relay output Voltage output Setting value required
Control output (OUT1) (3 A resistive load at 250 VAC) (20 mA max. at 12 VDC)
Refer to Table 1. setting of setting value.
(Within setting range of Table 1)
operation mode B
display. Relay output 2.4A 1 6 11 complies with the essential requirements of the applicable
MODE key longer. 48
Alarm output (EV1) Relay output (2.4 A resistive load at 250 VAC)
MODE key (2 seconds) MODE key MODE key PV Event functions.
0 : None
PV Event functions.
0 : None
Non-use timer function MODE key MODE key 250V AC (Load resistance) 2 7 12 EU Directive, based on the following specifications. OUT1

Instruction Manual
Control output
Control/Alarm output 2
B. primary displays. Refer to Ex.1.
SET0 : Priority displays by
3. PV correction gain
When measurement value
11. Low limit setting in SV limitter
Display of low limit setting
1 : Deviation high and low limit 1 : Deviation high and low limit
Event 1 output
76. Setting for 2nd priority display
Select 2nd display on
3rd display
3 8 13 EV1 Be sure to consider the following specifications when A L1 A L2 RDY

Relay output (2.4 A resistive load at 250 VAC) 2 : Deviation high limit 2 : Deviation high limit
(OUT2/EV2) setting and shows max.9 comes an error, set the
correction value (Multiplication)
of setting value.
(Within setting range of Table 1) 3 : Deviation low limit 3 : Deviation low limit MODE key operation mode B
display. OUT1 4 9 14
11 using this product in the Member States of European MODE FUNC

Current transformer (CT) input Yes (with OP-6694 used) displays by setting.
MODE key, return to A
MODE key MODE key
4 : Deviation high and low limit range
5 : High and low limit
4 : Deviation high and low limit range
5 : High and low limit
69. Timer function setting MODE key MODE key
Relay output SSR drive voltage
5 10 15 Union.
Heater current display 1 to 60 A 4. Zero point setting for PV correction 12. Control setting mode 6 : High limit 6 : High limit 77. Setting for 3rd priority display 4th display 12 45 +0.6
When measurement value Usable for control 7 : Low limit 7 : Low limit Select 3rd display on NO.
250V AC, 3A 12V DC output
Relay output
Heater burnout alarm Current set range from 1 to 30 A comes an error, set the 8 : High and low limit range 8 : High and low limit range operation mode B (Load resistance) Remarks: These specifications do not give any guarantee
•FUNC key
setting mode Auto start (ON delay)
correction value (Addition) Additional Event function Additional Event function display. 250V AC, 2.4A
Display precision ±0.3% of F.S ±1digit (23˚C±10˚C )
Operate on the selected
MODE key Control performance 0 : None 0 : None
Manual start (ON delay)
Event start (ON delay)
MODE key MODE key 2 + 2 (Load resistance) that the end-product with this product incorporated Single Unit Installation
Memory element EEPROM setting mode 5. 5. Filter input Non-control performance
(Manipulation low limitter output)
1 : EV output hold
2 : Stand-by sequence
1 : EV output hold
2 : Stand-by sequence Auto start (OFF delay) 78. Setting for 4th priority display
Select 4th display on
5th display
NO. 3 – 3
complies with the essential requirements of EMC 45 +0.6
Refer to Ex.2. CR filter effect is operational on
Power supply voltage 100 to 240V AC, 50/60 Hz software when making first-order Manual control 3 : EV output hold & stand-by sequence 3 : EV output hold & stand-by sequence Manual start (OFF delay)
Event start (OFF delay)
operation mode B
TF4-10 TF4-10V
Directive. The manufacturer of the end-product is solely
lag operation to process value (PV). display. Input
Overvoltage category II (2500V)
Ex.1. Priority displays & its setting MODE key
MODE key
13. Selection of control type setting
MODE key
39. High limit setting for EV 1
MODE key
49. High limit setting for EV 2
SV start (OFF delay) MODE key MODE key responsible for the compliance on the end-product itself 48
Power consumption Max. 10 VA This function is to shift the most essential 6. Position of decimal point Selectable below control mode Set high limit value. Set high limit value.
MODE key 79. Setting for 5th priority display 6th display

b according to EMC Directive. 60 Installation of Several Units
Decimal point with / 70. Timer unit selection Select 5th display on NO.
Dielectric strength 1,500 VAC for one minute between the power supply terminal and casing screens on setting mode into operation mode
and switchable.
operation mode B + B
as a priority. Please select priority displays 14 14
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ min. (between each terminal and casing at 500 VDC) 0.0 / 0 MODE key MODE key display. 100 to 240V AC 4 CT Input
through priority display setting. MODE key MODE key 50/60HZ 10VA 15 A  Precautions for EMC Directive

40. Low limit setting for EV 1 50. Low limit setting for EV 2 (NO polarity)
Conforms to With intermittent vibration Number of Ex. : Basic display Output 1 manipulation indication
JIS B 3502
sweeping times
Setting for event Output 1 high limit
Select PID,
Refer to Ex.3.
Select control
output 1
Select control output 2
0 : None
Set low limit value. Set low limit value.
80. Setting for 6th priority display
Select 6th display on
7th display (NO polarity) 5 TC/RTD Applicable Ferrite Core
Frequency Acceleration Amplitude 10 times NO.
and 10 to 57 Hz — 0.075 mm (80 minutes)
* Screen is shifted when pressing mode key each time. MODE key 0 : Type A
1 : Type B
1 : PID
2 : ON/OFF
1 : PID
2 : ON/OFF MODE key operation mode B
Use the following noise filter for the power supply
MODE key MODE key L = (48xN-3) +0.6
IEC61131-2 57 to 150 Hz 9.8m/s2 — each in Z, Y, 7. FUNK key setting (Refer to Ex.2.) 3 : Event output
41. Control sensitivity setting for EV 1 51. Control sensitivity setting for EV 2
71. Timer SV start permissible range MODE key MODE key
For prevention of electric shock, please do wiring
line. -0

Vibration resistance Ex.2. FUNC key work Selectable below Thermocouple/R.T.D.(Pt100, JPt100) Input
With continuous vibration and Z MODE key 81. Setting for 7th priority display 8th display OKAYA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES' For installation of multiple units, L= (48xN-3-0
Set sensitivity of Set sensitivity, when Setting range : 0 to 999
function connection only after turning power off and don't
This function is to enable FUNC key to use as 14. Change of normal or reverse 0.0 to 999.9 Select 7th display on When you use compressed lead wire to install multiple units, please be careful sufficiently
Frequency Acceleration Amplitude directions specific key, for the following actions selected
requirement. being in need.
Setting unit : ˚C operation mode B
SUPF-EX10-ER-6 Noise Filter
None Switchable below touch the terminal part under power on. not to touch the other lead wires.

10 to 57 Hz — 0.035 mm in FUNC key setting belonged to setting mode. Change of digit control output action. MODE key MODE key MODE key display.
When fitting the product, give more than 12 mm space between the upper / lower / left / right
57 to 150 Hz 4.9m/s2 — 1.Digit shift RUN/READY 42. Delay timer setting for EV 1 52. Delay timer setting for EV 2 72. Timer time setting
MODE key MODE key Restrictions on Cable Layout Length
If the unit is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, Setting digit shift is enabled when setting value is changed. 0 : Reverse (Heating) 82. Setting for 8th priority display 9th display • In the case of the relay output, Overvoltage Category is OUT1 and EV2/OUT2 and EV1. & the back face portion of the product and the peripheral device or plates.
Ambient temperature 0 to 50˚C (No freezing) 2.RUN/READY
Auto-Tuning Set delay timer of Set delay timer, when Setting range : 0:00 to 99:59
• It is reinforced insulation between OUT1 and EV2/OUT2 and EV1. Check that the maximum length of cable laid out, Clean the unit by well squeezed cloth with water.
the protection provided the unit may be impaired. 1 : Normal (Cooling) Select 8th display on NO.

MODE key requirement. being in need. 0:00 to 59:59
Relative humidity 20 to 90 % RH (No condensation) Control stop (READY) and control performance (RUN) are MODE key operation mode B • OUT1 and OUT2 a case except the relay output, only the secondary circuit with except the power supply cable, is less than 30 m.

alternately switched every time FUNC key is pressed. 8. Key lock setting MODE key MODE key MODE key display.
reinforced/double insulation from the primary side can be connected.
The meaning of the symbols indicated on the label found at the side of the Pollution Degree 2 (READY lamp is ON during control stop) Key lock setting for protection 15. Manipulated value for output 1 (%)
43. Abnormal for EV 1 53. Abnormal for EV 2 73. Timer residual time monitor setting
MODE key MODE key
• Measured current of the CT is up to classification of Overvoltage Category II.
3.Auto-Tuning (AT) of error operation. Shows process manipulated
unit is as follows Approved standards EN61326-1, EN61010-1, UL61010-1(UL/cUL) AT commences instantly after pressing FUNC key. Selectable below function value for output 1, and setting For outbreak of sensor For outbreak of sensor Residual time monitor 83. Setting for 9th priority display Return to primary display
Rated Voltage is 250V, Rated Current is 30A. Measurement category is II.  Precautions for Low-voltage Directives Fasten lead wire as it is at connecting to center
the value on manual control. Timer start is on when Select 9th display on it.
: See Instruction Manual : Alternating current Enclosure rating IP66 (Front side only, provided that a single unit is panel-mounted) (Start/Reset operation is available, each time FUNC key
is pressed)
Display range : 0.0 to 100.0%
and heater abnormal and heater abnormal
pressing FUNC key. operation mode B • For CT input, use specified current transformer (OP-6694).
• The TF4 is an open-type unit. Therefore, install the Please be careful sufficiently not to touch the

All lock (–10.0 to 110.0%) type type display. • INPUT is Overvoltage Category I, MAX 5V.
MODE key, return to 67 other lead wire.
Weight Max. 170 g 4.Timer
When having the purchased controller at hand, please be sure that its unit is Available for start/reset.
Operation mode lock only
Except operation mode
Setting range : Manipulation
low/high limiter
0 : None
1 : PV abnormal (sensor break)
0 : None
1 : PV abnormal (sensor break)
MODE key, return to 74 • Mains supply voltage fluctuations not exceed ±10 percent of nominal voltage. TF4 inside appropriate enclosures, such as control
• Places free of corrosive gas, powdered dust, or oil. • TEMPORARY OVERVOLTAGES occurring on the MAINS supply
a correct model (See the following "Model Configuration" ). MODE key 2 : Heater abnormal 2 : Heater abnormal panel. The TF4 can be panel-mounted, provided that A conform wire: copper/AWG18-24.

• Places as far as possible from electrical noise sources, MODE key, return to 1 Short-term: 1440V (may last up to 5S)
3 : PV + Heater abnormal 3 : PV + Heater abnormal
The following symbol marks provide to prevent incident or damage. Kindly where electromagnetic fields do not have much influence. Ex.3. To select PID < Select PID control > type type Long-term: 490V (may last longer than 5S) the instructions specified in the Instruction Manual
Feature of type A and B 26. Manipulated value for output 2 (%)
refer to the details of the WARNING/CAUTION when using for the first time. Installation environment • Places with minimal mechanical vibration or shock. 16. Setting for PID tuning type 0 : When PV and heater 0 : When PV and heater
are followed.

• Places not exposed to direct sunlight. Type A Ordinary PID Can do most suitable Shows process manipulated happen only/without happen only/without
Another copy of the user's manual "Advanced Version" is provided at • Indoor use only. Type B Over shoot protection PID tuning to setting value. value for output 2, and setting
the value on manual control.
1 : holding (reset power sours) 1 : holding (reset power source)
• This unit is not equipped with the overcurrent
customer's request.
• Altitude up to 2,000 m. If control is unstable under self-tuning, Display range : 0.0 to 100.0% MODE key MODE key
Auto-tuning output 1
Please change to type A or B and also to ON/OFF control. Self-tuning output 1
(–10.0 to 110.0%)
Setting range : Manipulation 44. Polarity setting for EV 1 54. Polarity setting for EV 2 to release eg. Release of Timer Setting
Mode from BLIND Function protection device (fuse).
BLIND Function
Due to mishandling, serious dangers Auto-tuning output 2 low/high limiter Normal open/close is Normal open/close is before newly its set-up. Prepare time-lag fuse (rated voltage: 250 V, rated
CAUTION BEFORE CONTROL MODE key automatically selected automatically selected

WARNING may occur to the operator such as Ex.4. ARW Self-tuning output 2
Auto-tuning output 1.2 27. Proportional band setting for output 2
while event output is ON. while event output is ON.
1. Power ON current: 1 A) or circuit breaker when making power KEYENCE, at its sole option, will refund, repair or replace at no charge any
death,electrocution and a skin burn. Anti-reset wind-up take effect for overshooting
by over-integral of PID control action.
Auto-tuning : Select above • or and press Adjust proportional
Normal open Normal open
Automatically source wiring. In case of fuse, it is connected to the defective Products within 1 year from the date of shipment. Unless stated

Normal close Normal close
FUNC key at once. Call off autotuning : taking 4 sec otherwise herein, the Products should not be used internally in humans, for
program is stored after power OFF, as non-volatile memory • Check function of integral action for accord with SV and PV. press FUNC key at once on operating.
MODE key MODE key 2. Initial Display live side. human transportation, as safety devices or fail-safe systems.EXCEPT FOR
Owing to mishandling, it may cause • If integral value go down, it takes effects. MODE key (19. To Set multiple of output proportional band) 45. CT Input Monitor for EV 1 55. CT Input Monitor or EV 2
is equipped with TF4-10(V) controllers for setting storage.

If integral value is set "0", it stopped integral action. 17. AT coefficient setting MODE key For supervision on For supervision on
CAUTION some damage to the unit or the thermocouple or R.T.D.(Pt 100/JPt 100) is selectable Coefficient is multiplied by 28. Proportional cycle setting for output 2
current value of heater
current detector
current value of heater
operator getting slight injury. input type. For suitable application, please select most Table1. To select input sensors and setting range. unit:˚C
proportional band value
computed at auto-tuning. Adjust proportional MODE key MODE key Press MODE Key (10 sec) FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF
cycle Time
Symbol Low limit to High limit 0.0 Setting MODE key 1 to 120 (second) 46. Abnormal current value of heater for EV 1 56. Abnormal current value of heater for EV 2
appropriate input type and adjust input setup. 00 K Thermocouple – 200 to 1372 –199.9 to 990.0

18. AT sensitivity setting MODE key Setting for current Setting for current
CAUTION PID or ON/OFF control is selective for the optimal performance 01 J
02 R
– 200 to 850 –199.9 to 850.0
– 0 to 1700
Sensitivity is set up during ON/OFF
control at auto-tuning, particularly
29. High limit setting of manipulated value for output 2
value when heater is
abnormal. 1 to 30A
value when heater is
abnormal. 1 to 30A TROUBLE SHOOTING 4. Immediately after the "Blink", (Blink once)
• The TF4 is an open-type unit. Therefore, install the SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DI RECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
and each detail of features is specified in the table on the right side. For setting of
TF4 inside appropriate enclosures, such as control
03 T – 200 to 400 –199.9 to 390.0 when PV is fairly unstable. MODE key, return to 37 MODE key, return to 47 press FUNC Key, and quickly
manipulated high limit
prevention of its malfunction, do not push the 04 N – 200 to 1300 –199.9 to 990.0 MODE key value. (output 2) (%) FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY
PID Control ON/OFF Control 05 S – 0 to 1700 19. Proportional band setting for output 1 MODE key
press MODE Key.
panel. The TF4 can be panel-mounted, provided that SUGGESTIONS OR INFORMATION PROVIDED BY KEYENCE. In some
front key with sharp points. 06 B – 0 to 1800
the instructions specified in the Instruction Manual
•Spare terminal must not be used for other purposes.
Adjust proportional band
Better control result is achieved as Life span of relay is generally longer, as 10 Pt100 – 199 to 500 –199.9 to 500.0 for output 1 (% per SLL
30. Low limit setting of manipulated value for output 2 jurisdictions, some of the foregoing warranty disclaimers or damage limitations
opposed to that of ON/OFF control. it is ON when temperature is below SV 11 JPt100 – 199 to 500 –199.9 to 500.0 to SLH) For setting of
manipulated low limit
5. Press MODE Key (3 sec)
** 1 are followed. may not apply. E 1101-3
20 DC0 –5V –1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 MODE key value. (output 2) (%)
and it is OFF when temperature is over
WARNING SV (For heating control).
–19.99 to 99.99 20. Integral time setting MODE key • This unit is not equipped with the overcurrent
–1.999 to 9.999 6. Press UP Key ( ) for 1 7
Adjust integral time 31. Manual reset setting protection device (fuse).
21 DC1 –5V –1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 ** 2
Make sure the correct wiring connection before turning on electricity. Life span of relay is shorter, as output Control value is worse in comparison 0 to 3600 (second) For movement of
exists frequently with relay contact . with that of PID control.
–19.99 to 99.99
–1.999 to 9.999 MODE key proportional band. (Display) (Description) (Trouble Shooting) Prepare time-lag fuse (rated voltage: 250 V, rated
may cause malfunction of the unit and fire or an electric 22 DC4 –20mA –1999 to 9999 –199.9 to 999.9 21. Deviative time setting MODE key Shown whenever input value exceeds the high limit Check the snapping of thermocouple
7. Press FUNC Key
for OFF ON ** 3 current: 1 A) when making power source wiring.
shock may be received. * PID constants are automatically reckoned up to write in, when control –19.99 to 99.99 of display range. Also displays when the wire is
A fuse is connected to the live side.

Adjust deviative time 32. Dead band Setting and R.T.D. input.
begins or SV is altered on self-tuning. –1.999 to 9.999 snapped off thermocouple, ABb terminal off R.T.D.
Never modify the unit to prevent damage or incident such as 0 to 3600 (second) For the heating and < Select ON/OFF Control > 8. Power OFF
cooling control.
Shown whenever input value exceeds Check short circuit of input lines
• The terminal block is not approved as field wiring
malfunction and fire or an electric shock may be received. MODE key 33. Control sensitivity setting for output 1 the low limit of display range. between A-B and A-b R.T.D.

Do not use this product for the purpose to protect a human body or PARTS INDICATION * Either thermocouple or R.T.D.
22. Proportional cycle setting for output 1
Adjust proportional
Use for adjustment of
control sensitivity. Display of memory error. In case this indication shows after the
re-input of power, replace unit if it persists.
9. Power ON
terminals. Therefore, it is necessary to check the
conformance of equipment to filed wiring, if the TF4
part of a human body. (Pt 100/JPt 100) is selectable for cycle Time
MODE key
taking 4 sec

1 to 120 (second)
Display of A/D converter error or incorrect sensor Ditto 10. Initial Display is built into the end-product.
This product is not intended for use as an explosion-proof product. TF4-10V PV Process value, character for setting mode display. input type, by pressing the front key. MODE key 34. OFF position setting for output 1
connection with selectable input. Automatically
Do not use this product in a hazardous location and/or potentially SV Setting value, input value for setting mode display. 23. ARW setting (see Ex. 4)
Adjust anti-reset
OFF position on control
output is set up. Display of auto-tuning error. Check sensor connection or change to
* The model number label on the side of the unit
11. TIMER Setting Mode (OPERATION Mode)
explosive atmosphere. OUT1 Lights ON when output 1 turns ON wind-up by %
0.0 to 100.0% (–10.0 to 110.0%) From 25. MODE key other tuning. Press MODE Key (2 sec) bears a UL mark to certify that the unit is
OUT2 Lights ON when output 2 turns ON MODE key 35. Control sensitivity setting for output 2 approved by UL.
• Copy or reprint of this manual, wholly or partially, is not allowed. Displayed when parameter is changed in Discontinue to change parameter.

24. High limit setting of manipulated value for output 1 Use for adjustment of 12. Press UP Key ( ) for 1 7
AL1 Lights ON when Event output 1 turns ON key-lock condition.
For setting of control sensitivity.
MODE FUNC AL2 Lights ON when Event output 2 turns ON manipulated high limit Alternately this and SV/PV display are shown. Normality
value. (output 1) (%)
MODE key
MODE key
36. OFF position setting for output 2
Displayed when making of setting value change in Discontinue to change setting value
13. Go on TIMER Setting
Press MODE Key consecutively
MODE KEY For change of display 25. Low limit setting of manipulated value for output 1 OFF position on control
control display while function key is on RUN/READY.
1) Please be sure that the unit enclosed in packing carton is a right model FUNC KEY For action of function setting
For setting of
manipulated low limit * When output 2
output is set up.
Displayed when altering setting value in control
** 1 Please select an appropriate character (eg. Timer Setting etc) being of
BLIND Function effect for the demanding release.
before using. KEY Up down key for change of setting value. Holding
value. (output 1) (%)
MODE key
is ON/OFF,
turn to 35. MODE key, return to 9 display while being on timer.
** 2 Character selected for TIMER Setting.
** 3 BLIND Function for "SELECTION DISPLAY (Timer Setting Mode)" is released.

2) Kindly check the following accessory being contained in that carton box. the up down keys are the value at a rapid rate.

• Installation Attachment (For installation, please see "INSTALLATION

• This user's manual : 1 copy Copyright (c) 2013 KEYENCE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
16310GB 2020-1 96M16310 Printed in Japan
1 2 3 4

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