Finance Balance Sheet IND SRF LTD Year 202203 202103 202003 201903 201803

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Finance >>Balance Sheet IND>>SRF Ltd

Year 202203 202103 202003 201903 201803

Non-Current Assets:

Fixed Assets 7,731.02 6,331.72 5,994.18 5,538.04 4,899.36

Property, Plant and

Equipment 5,750.50 5,568.33 5,303.64 4,735.70 4,228.29
Capital Work in
Progress 1,617.04 436.13 345.88 692.07 556.93
Intangible Assets 108.13 110.5 117.08 110.27 114.14
  Investments in
Associates and Joint
venture 88.66 83.6 83.6 83.6 83.6

Financial Assets :

Investments - Long-
term 4.16 4.16 4.16 0.11 0.12

Loans - Long - Term 410.05 346.7 43.89 34.05 30.41

  Others Financial
Assets - Long-term 140.53 80.61 15.86 4.71 5.5

 Non Current Tax

Assets - Long - Term 21.31 33.74 35.03 19 17.71

 Other Non-current
Assets 207.48 173.36 27.96 191.21 198.82

Total Reported Non-

current Assets 8,603.21 7,053.89 6,204.68 5,870.72 5,235.52

Current Assets:
 Inventories 1,750.88 1,286.70 1,110.32 1,099.11 827.62
Financial Assets :
Investments 316.74 412.52 198.5 100.49 121.7

  Trade Receivables 1,350.99 1,012.00 768.71 856.15 491.41

  Cash and Cash

Equivalents 319.64 86.72 98.26 162.8 67.66
 Bank Balances Other
Than Cash and Cash
Equivalents 8.87 143.71 9.03 9.33 9.73

  Loans - Short-term 178.42 281.48 8.41 7.33 11.99

  Others Financial
Assets - Short-term 226.51 217.64 170.16 202.31 146.04
 Other Current
Assets 179.96 216.64 251.51 364.06 362.34

Total Current Assets 4,332.01 3,657.41 2,614.90 2,801.58 2,038.49

Other Assets
Excluding Non-
Current and Current
Assets 3 0 0 0 0

Total Non-Current
and Other Assets 8,606.21 7,053.89 6,204.68 5,870.72 5,235.52

Total Assets 12,938.22 10,711.30 8,819.58 8,672.30 7,274.01


 Share Capital 297.44 60.26 58.5 58.5 58.44

Number of Total
Bonus Shares Issued
upto Current period 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Number of Equity
Shares - Paid Up 29.64 5.92 5.75 5.75 5.74

Paid Up Capital 297.44 60.26 58.5 58.5 58.44

 Other Equity 7,324.14 6,232.47 4,624.19 3,859.56 3,391.23

 Employee Stock
Options / Others 3.22 2.54 1.56 0.58 0

Total Stockholders’
Equity 7,624.80 6,295.27 4,684.25 3,918.64 3,449.67

Total Equity 7,624.80 6,295.27 4,684.25 3,918.64 3,449.67

  Long Term
Borrowings 1,189.73 1,422.24 1,117.43 1,694.92 1,504.57

  Others Financial
Liabilities - Long-
term 153.53 0.54 22.87 0 0

Provisions 44.86 38.23 33.28 26.89 24.87
 Deferred Tax
Liabilities (Net) 613.04 326.46 124.42 302.23 255.5
 Other Non-Current
Liabilities 0 0 0 2.08 14.4

Total Reported Non-

current Liabilities 2,096.34 1,851.30 1,371.98 2,026.12 1,799.34

Current Liabilities:

  Short Term
Borrowings 922.68 762.26 804.8 1,042.83 666.37

  Trade Payables 1,340.37 1,196.49 957.44 1,092.15 804.87

  Others Financial
Liabilities - Short-
term 810.64 499.66 891.72 510.81 454.24

 Current Tax
Liabilities - Short-
term 9.75 9.73 9.75 9.83 10.53
 Provisions 5.42 7 5.64 5.14 3.79
 Other Current
Liabilities 107.56 75.79 80.29 66.78 85.2
Total Current
Liabilities 3,217.08 2,564.73 2,763.35 2,727.54 2,025.00
Total Equity and
Liabilities 12,938.22 10,711.30 8,819.58 8,672.30 7,274.01

Liabilities and
Commitments (to
the Extent Not
Provided for) 973.63 751.38 211.8 257.31 265.34

Book Value of Share 256.24 1,044.26 800.45 669.75 590.29

Finance >>Profit & Loss IND>>SRF Ltd
Year 202203 202103 202003 201903 201803
Revenue From
Operations 9,953.44 6,988.32 6,330.84 6,205.59 4,677.93
Less: Excise Duty 0 0 0 0 95.83
Revenue From
Operations(Net) 9,953.44 6,988.32 6,330.84 6,205.59 4,582.10

 Other Income 135.31 63.3 53.29 42.13 103.8

Total Revenue 10,088.75 7,051.62 6,384.13 6,247.72 4,685.90


 Cost of Material
Consumed 4,748.26 3,278.50 3,198.85 3,437.30 2,412.64
 Purchases of
Stock-in-Trade 137.27 60.49 91.4 48.42 47.4

Changes in
Inventories of
Finished Goods,
and Stock-in-Trade -193.25 -28.21 -95.74 -67.48 -34.78

Benefits / Salaries
& other Staff Cost 658.48 534.13 487.08 413.83 377.84

 Finance Cost 94.45 111.21 182.11 173.78 97.97

 Depreciation and
Amortization 419.23 383.6 353.21 325.12 278.11
 Other Expenses 2,069.27 1,401.93 1,386.74 1,247.71 994.08

Total Expenses 7,933.71 5,741.65 5,603.65 5,578.68 4,173.26

Profit Before
Exceptional Items
and Tax 2,155.04 1,309.97 780.48 669.04 512.64
Profit Before
Extraordinary Items
and Tax 2,155.04 1,309.97 780.48 669.04 512.64
Profit Before Tax 2,155.04 1,309.97 780.48 669.04 512.64
Tax Expenses 648.03 384.91 -13.11 167.52 106.98
Current Tax 616.41 327.23 104.26 139.83 109.52

Deferred Tax 56.89 63.06 -80.64 114.8 34.4

Other Tax
Adjustments -25.27 -5.38 -36.73 -87.11 -36.94
Current Tax - MAT /
MAT Credit
Entitlement -25.27 -5.38 -36.73 -87.11 0
  Adjust for
Previous Year 0 0 0 0 -36.94

Others -25.27 -5.38 -36.73 -87.11 -36.94

Profit After Tax 1,507.01 925.06 793.59 501.52 405.66

Profit After Pre-

acquisition Profit 1,507.01 925.06 793.59 501.52 405.66

Profit/(Loss) for the

period from
Operations 1,507.01 925.06 793.59 501.52 405.66
Operations 0 0 180.59 15.66 0

Profit / (Loss) from

Operations 0 0 241.82 24.07 0

Tax Expense of
Operations 0 0 -61.23 -8.41 0

Profit Attributable
to Shareholders 1,507.01 925.06 974.18 517.18 405.66

Profit Attributable
to Ordinary
Shareholders 1,507.01 925.06 974.18 517.18 405.66
 Others -25.27 -5.38 -36.73 -87.11 -36.94
Profits Available for
Appropriation 1,507.01 925.06 974.18 517.18 405.66

Profits Carried
Forward 1,507.01 925.06 974.18 517.18 405.66

Income :

Income That Will
Not Be Reclassified
to Profit Or Loss -4.75 1.57 -5.33 -1.16 -0.56
Income That Will
Be Reclassified to
Profit Or Loss : 27.99 86.71 -107.21 35.46 -17.35

Income for the Year 1,530.25 1,013.34 861.64 551.48 387.75
Earning Per Share -
Basic 50.86 31.33 169.48 90.01 70.65
Earning Per Share -
Diluted 50.86 31.33 169.48 90.01 70.65

Dividend Per Share

Interim 1 12 5 7 6 6
Interim 2 4.75 19 7 6 6

Total Dividend Per

Share 16.75 24 14 12 12
Interim 1 12 5 7 6 6
Interim 2 4.75 19 7 6 6
Total Dividend
Percentage 167.5 240 140 120 120

Total Dividend 211.89 141.31 80.47 68.9 68.9

Weighted Average
Number of Shares
in Issue - Basic 29.63 29.53 5.75 5.75 5.74
Weighted Average
Number of Shares
in Issue - Diluted 29.63 29.53 5.75 5.75 5.74
Interim Dividend
Amount 211.89 141.31 80.47 68.9 68.9
Share Price
>>Share Price
Data >>SRF
Ltd (Curr. in )

Date Close -Unit Return NIfty 50 Return


8/30/2022 2,543.40 17,759.30 Beta 1.0090

8/29/2022 2,419.40 -0.05 17,312.90 -0.03
8/26/2022 2,401.55 -0.01 17,558.90 0.01
8/25/2022 2,371.50 -0.01 17,522.45 0.00
8/24/2022 2,381.50 0.00 17,604.95 0.00
8/23/2022 2,415.65 0.01 17,577.50 0.00
8/22/2022 2,393.45 -0.01 17,490.70 0.00
8/19/2022 2,455.10 0.03 17,758.45 0.02
8/18/2022 2,519.30 0.03 17,956.50 0.01
8/17/2022 2,486.65 -0.01 17,944.25 0.00
8/16/2022 2,493.85 0.00 17,825.25 -0.01
8/12/2022 2,438.45 -0.02 17,698.15 -0.01
8/11/2022 2,429.60 0.00 17,659.00 0.00
8/10/2022 2,436.80 0.00 17,534.75 -0.01
8/8/2022 2,480.90 0.02 17,525.10 0.00
8/5/2022 2,498.55 0.01 17,397.50 -0.01
8/4/2022 2,453.90 -0.02 17,382.00 0.00
8/3/2022 2,450.40 0.00 17,388.15 0.00
8/2/2022 2,453.95 0.00 17,345.45 0.00
8/1/2022 2,453.50 0.00 17,340.05 0.00
7/29/2022 2,428.30 -0.01 17,158.25 -0.01
7/28/2022 2,420.80 0.00 16,929.60 -0.01
7/27/2022 2,405.25 -0.01 16,641.80 -0.02
7/26/2022 2,366.35 -0.02 16,483.85 -0.01
7/25/2022 2,383.45 0.01 16,631.00 0.01
7/22/2022 2,290.55 -0.04 16,719.45 0.01
7/21/2022 2,343.50 0.02 16,605.25 -0.01
7/20/2022 2,286.50 -0.02 16,520.85 -0.01
7/19/2022 2,331.95 0.02 16,340.55 -0.01
7/18/2022 2,308.50 -0.01 16,278.50 0.00
7/15/2022 2,261.45 -0.02 16,049.20 -0.01
7/14/2022 2,209.15 -0.02 15,938.65 -0.01
7/13/2022 2,224.30 0.01 15,966.65 0.00
7/12/2022 2,199.75 -0.01 16,058.30 0.01
7/11/2022 2,186.20 -0.01 16,216.00 0.01
7/8/2022 2,175.50 0.00 16,220.60 0.00
7/7/2022 2,072.85 -0.05 16,132.90 -0.01
7/6/2022 2,059.20 -0.01 15,989.80 -0.01
7/5/2022 2,052.70 0.00 15,810.85 -0.01
7/4/2022 2,180.25 0.06 15,835.35 0.00
7/1/2022 2,161.65 -0.01 15,752.05 -0.01
6/30/2022 2,252.20 0.04 15,780.25 0.00
6/29/2022 2,286.65 0.02 15,799.10 0.00
6/28/2022 2,298.50 0.01 15,850.20 0.00
6/27/2022 2,302.25 0.00 15,832.05 0.00
6/24/2022 2,277.95 -0.01 15,699.25 -0.01
6/23/2022 2,207.00 -0.03 15,556.65 -0.01
6/22/2022 2,168.30 -0.02 15,413.30 -0.01
6/21/2022 2,226.25 0.03 15,638.80 0.01
6/20/2022 2,135.60 -0.04 15,350.15 -0.02
6/17/2022 2,181.85 0.02 15,293.50 0.00
6/16/2022 2,188.15 0.00 15,360.60 0.00
6/15/2022 2,292.15 0.05 15,692.15 0.02
6/14/2022 2,267.95 -0.01 15,732.10 0.00
6/13/2022 2,263.25 0.00 15,774.40 0.00
6/10/2022 2,304.55 0.02 16,201.80 0.03
6/9/2022 2,298.50 0.00 16,478.10 0.02
6/8/2022 2,260.70 -0.02 16,356.25 -0.01
6/7/2022 2,332.10 0.03 16,416.35 0.00
6/6/2022 2,381.65 0.02 16,569.55 0.01
6/3/2022 2,373.95 0.00 16,584.30 0.00
6/2/2022 2,387.20 0.01 16,628.00 0.00
6/1/2022 2,397.45 0.00 16,522.75 -0.01
5/31/2022 2,464.05 0.03 16,584.55 0.00
5/30/2022 2,450.05 -0.01 16,661.40 0.00
5/27/2022 2,362.00 -0.04 16,352.45 -0.02
5/26/2022 2,270.70 -0.04 16,170.15 -0.01
5/25/2022 2,235.95 -0.02 16,025.80 -0.01
5/24/2022 2,339.90 0.05 16,125.15 0.01
5/23/2022 2,306.05 -0.01 16,214.70 0.01
5/20/2022 2,337.70 0.01 16,266.15 0.00
5/19/2022 2,331.80 0.00 15,809.40 -0.03
5/18/2022 2,348.15 0.01 16,240.30 0.03
5/17/2022 2,334.30 -0.01 16,259.30 0.00
5/16/2022 2,243.40 -0.04 15,842.30 -0.03
5/13/2022 2,231.60 -0.01 15,782.15 0.00
5/12/2022 2,194.35 -0.02 15,808.00 0.00
5/11/2022 2,234.25 0.02 16,167.10 0.02
5/10/2022 2,113.15 -0.05 16,240.05 0.00
5/9/2022 2,224.30 0.05 16,301.85 0.00
5/6/2022 2,301.05 0.03 16,411.25 0.01
5/5/2022 2,394.30 0.04 16,682.65 0.02
5/4/2022 2,403.00 0.00 16,677.60 0.00
5/2/2022 2,504.80 0.04 17,069.10 0.02
4/29/2022 2,512.70 0.00 17,102.55 0.00
4/28/2022 2,511.95 0.00 17,245.05 0.01
4/27/2022 2,483.60 -0.01 17,038.40 -0.01
4/26/2022 2,514.55 0.01 17,200.80 0.01
4/25/2022 2,434.75 -0.03 16,953.95 -0.01
4/22/2022 2,489.35 0.02 17,171.95 0.01
4/21/2022 2,547.40 0.02 17,392.60 0.01
4/20/2022 2,542.65 0.00 17,136.55 -0.01
4/19/2022 2,528.95 -0.01 16,958.65 -0.01
4/18/2022 2,615.75 0.03 17,173.65 0.01
4/13/2022 2,611.05 0.00 17,475.65 0.02
4/12/2022 2,635.75 0.01 17,530.30 0.00
4/11/2022 2,698.90 0.02 17,674.95 0.01
4/8/2022 2,747.60 0.02 17,784.35 0.01
4/7/2022 2,688.60 -0.02 17,639.55 -0.01
4/6/2022 2,684.70 0.00 17,807.65 0.01
4/5/2022 2,709.50 0.01 17,957.40 0.01
4/4/2022 2,636.30 -0.03 18,053.40 0.01
4/1/2022 2,621.85 -0.01 17,670.45 -0.02
3/31/2022 2,679.35 0.02 17,464.75 -0.01
3/30/2022 2,705.85 0.01 17,498.25 0.00
3/29/2022 2,621.25 -0.03 17,325.30 -0.01
3/28/2022 2,605.75 -0.01 17,222.00 -0.01
3/25/2022 2,614.55 0.00 17,153.00 0.00
3/24/2022 2,608.10 0.00 17,222.75 0.00
3/23/2022 2,595.20 0.00 17,245.65 0.00
3/22/2022 2,630.45 0.01 17,315.50 0.00
3/21/2022 2,605.45 -0.01 17,117.60 -0.01
3/17/2022 2,588.20 -0.01 17,287.05 0.01
3/16/2022 2,469.20 -0.05 16,975.35 -0.02
3/15/2022 2,420.00 -0.02 16,663.00 -0.02
3/14/2022 2,355.40 -0.03 16,871.30 0.01
3/11/2022 2,250.75 -0.04 16,630.45 -0.01
3/10/2022 2,284.70 0.02 16,594.90 0.00
3/9/2022 2,223.80 -0.03 16,345.35 -0.02
3/8/2022 2,189.75 -0.02 16,013.45 -0.02
3/7/2022 2,153.30 -0.02 15,863.15 -0.01
3/4/2022 2,234.35 0.04 16,245.35 0.02
3/3/2022 2,343.75 0.05 16,498.05 0.02
3/2/2022 2,349.55 0.00 16,605.95 0.01
2/28/2022 2,383.65 0.01 16,793.90 0.01
2/25/2022 2,424.90 0.02 16,658.40 -0.01
2/24/2022 2,271.40 -0.06 16,247.95 -0.02
2/23/2022 2,396.40 0.06 17,063.25 0.05
2/22/2022 2,375.55 -0.01 17,092.20 0.00
2/21/2022 2,375.40 0.00 17,206.65 0.01
2/18/2022 2,382.95 0.00 17,276.30 0.00
2/17/2022 2,432.80 0.02 17,304.60 0.00
2/16/2022 2,462.65 0.01 17,322.20 0.00
2/15/2022 2,493.75 0.01 17,352.45 0.00
2/14/2022 2,345.65 -0.06 16,842.80 -0.03
2/11/2022 2,476.55 0.06 17,374.75 0.03
2/10/2022 2,584.55 0.04 17,605.85 0.01
2/9/2022 2,583.80 0.00 17,463.80 -0.01
2/8/2022 2,531.30 -0.02 17,266.75 -0.01
2/7/2022 2,450.80 -0.03 17,213.60 0.00
2/4/2022 2,435.90 -0.01 17,516.30 0.02
2/3/2022 2,439.80 0.00 17,560.20 0.00
2/2/2022 2,453.50 0.01 17,780.00 0.01
2/1/2022 2,447.20 0.00 17,576.85 -0.01
1/31/2022 2,406.80 -0.02 17,339.85 -0.01
1/28/2022 2,401.35 0.00 17,101.95 -0.01
1/27/2022 2,349.05 -0.02 17,110.15 0.00
1/25/2022 2,470.50 0.05 17,277.95 0.01
1/24/2022 2,369.70 -0.04 17,149.10 -0.01
1/21/2022 2,476.80 0.05 17,617.15 0.03
1/20/2022 2,567.75 0.04 17,757.00 0.01
1/19/2022 2,556.90 0.00 17,938.40 0.01
1/18/2022 2,615.15 0.02 18,113.05 0.01
1/17/2022 2,640.45 0.01 18,308.10 0.01
1/14/2022 2,652.70 0.00 18,255.75 0.00
1/13/2022 2,656.80 0.00 18,257.80 0.00
1/12/2022 2,626.10 -0.01 18,212.35 0.00
1/11/2022 2,532.85 -0.04 18,055.75 -0.01
1/10/2022 2,530.25 0.00 18,003.30 0.00
1/7/2022 2,504.95 -0.01 17,812.70 -0.01
1/6/2022 2,410.50 -0.04 17,745.90 0.00
1/5/2022 2,416.60 0.00 17,925.25 0.01
1/4/2022 2,429.25 0.01 17,805.25 -0.01
1/3/2022 2,412.50 -0.01 17,625.70 -0.01
12/31/2021 2,420.10 0.00 17,354.05 -0.02
12/30/2021 2,403.55 -0.01 17,203.95 -0.01
12/29/2021 2,391.70 0.00 17,213.60 0.00
12/28/2021 2,389.15 0.00 17,233.25 0.00
12/27/2021 2,344.00 -0.02 17,086.25 -0.01
12/24/2021 2,315.95 -0.01 17,003.75 0.00
12/23/2021 2,322.45 0.00 17,072.60 0.00
12/22/2021 2,306.00 -0.01 16,955.45 -0.01
12/21/2021 2,172.85 -0.06 16,770.85 -0.01
12/20/2021 2,074.65 -0.05 16,614.20 -0.01
12/17/2021 2,164.55 0.04 16,985.20 0.02
12/16/2021 2,216.40 0.02 17,248.40 0.02
12/15/2021 2,159.20 -0.03 17,221.40 0.00
12/14/2021 2,155.85 0.00 17,324.90 0.01
12/13/2021 2,149.45 0.00 17,368.25 0.00
12/10/2021 2,148.85 0.00 17,511.30 0.01
12/9/2021 2,133.45 -0.01 17,516.85 0.00
12/8/2021 2,124.80 0.00 17,469.75 0.00
12/7/2021 2,088.85 -0.02 17,176.70 -0.02
12/6/2021 2,057.65 -0.01 16,912.25 -0.02
12/3/2021 2,084.20 0.01 17,196.70 0.02
12/2/2021 2,089.70 0.00 17,401.65 0.01
12/1/2021 2,016.70 -0.03 17,166.90 -0.01
11/30/2021 2,005.85 -0.01 16,983.20 -0.01
11/29/2021 2,056.20 0.03 17,053.95 0.00
11/26/2021 2,091.05 0.02 17,026.45 0.00
11/25/2021 2,184.80 0.04 17,536.25 0.03
11/24/2021 2,140.55 -0.02 17,415.05 -0.01
11/23/2021 2,191.70 0.02 17,503.35 0.01
11/22/2021 2,093.90 -0.04 17,416.55 0.00
11/18/2021 2,187.90 0.04 17,764.80 0.02
11/17/2021 2,157.55 -0.01 17,898.65 0.01
11/16/2021 2,190.00 0.02 17,999.20 0.01
11/15/2021 2,192.90 0.00 18,109.45 0.01
11/12/2021 2,154.90 -0.02 18,102.75 0.00
11/11/2021 2,125.60 -0.01 17,873.60 -0.01
11/10/2021 2,146.60 0.01 18,017.20 0.01
11/9/2021 2,172.45 0.01 18,044.25 0.00
11/8/2021 2,127.55 -0.02 18,068.55 0.00
11/4/2021 2,099.25 -0.01 17,916.80 -0.01
11/3/2021 2,080.10 -0.01 17,829.20 0.00
11/2/2021 2,110.65 0.01 17,888.95 0.00
11/1/2021 2,122.10 0.01 17,929.65 0.00
10/29/2021 2,117.30 0.00 17,671.65 -0.01
10/28/2021 2,120.20 0.00 17,857.25 0.01
10/27/2021 2,144.80 0.01 18,210.95 0.02
10/26/2021 2,110.60 -0.02 18,268.40 0.00
10/25/2021 2,101.50 0.00 18,125.40 -0.01
10/22/2021 2,217.55 0.06 18,114.90 0.00
10/21/2021 2,268.85 0.02 18,178.10 0.00
10/20/2021 2,209.10 -0.03 18,266.60 0.00
10/19/2021 2,307.65 0.04 18,418.75 0.01
10/18/2021 2,333.30 0.01 18,477.05 0.00
10/14/2021 2,410.90 0.03 18,338.55 -0.01
10/13/2021 2,405.60 0.00 18,161.75 -0.01
10/12/2021 2,491.37 0.04 17,991.95 -0.01
10/11/2021 2,408.80 -0.03 17,945.95 0.00
10/8/2021 2,388.78 -0.01 17,895.20 0.00
10/7/2021 2,315.34 -0.03 17,790.35 -0.01
10/6/2021 2,279.86 -0.02 17,646.00 -0.01
10/5/2021 2,297.63 0.01 17,822.30 0.01
10/4/2021 2,311.40 0.01 17,691.25 -0.01
10/1/2021 2,217.94 -0.04 17,532.05 -0.01
9/30/2021 2,255.82 0.02 17,618.15 0.00
9/29/2021 2,239.09 -0.01 17,711.30 0.01
9/28/2021 2,184.39 -0.02 17,748.60 0.00
9/27/2021 2,225.39 0.02 17,855.10 0.01
9/24/2021 2,202.81 -0.01 17,853.20 0.00
9/23/2021 2,199.77 0.00 17,822.95 0.00
9/22/2021 2,146.14 -0.02 17,546.65 -0.02
9/21/2021 2,132.85 -0.01 17,562.00 0.00
9/20/2021 2,121.48 -0.01 17,396.90 -0.01
9/17/2021 2,219.81 0.05 17,585.15 0.01
9/16/2021 2,264.95 0.02 17,629.50 0.00
9/15/2021 2,244.92 -0.01 17,519.45 -0.01
9/14/2021 2,135.28 -0.05 17,380.00 -0.01
9/13/2021 2,137.10 0.00 17,355.30 0.00
9/9/2021 2,065.89 -0.03 17,369.25 0.00
9/8/2021 2,034.38 -0.02 17,353.50 0.00
9/7/2021 2,030.97 0.00 17,362.10 0.00
9/6/2021 2,046.09 0.01 17,377.80 0.00
9/3/2021 2,068.29 0.01 17,323.60 0.00
9/2/2021 2,034.18 -0.02 17,234.15 -0.01
9/1/2021 1,985.98 -0.02 17,076.25 -0.01
8/31/2021 2,027.95 0.02 17,132.20 0.00
8/30/2021 1,942.62 -0.04 16,931.05 -0.01
8/27/2021 1,884.71 -0.03 16,705.20 -0.01
8/26/2021 1,812.63 -0.04 16,636.90 0.00
8/25/2021 1,788.84 -0.01 16,634.65 0.00
8/24/2021 1,796.56 0.00 16,624.60 0.00
8/23/2021 1,794.20 0.00 16,496.45 -0.01
8/20/2021 1,777.82 -0.01 16,450.50 0.00
8/18/2021 1,796.71 0.01 16,568.85 0.01
8/17/2021 1,823.46 0.01 16,614.60 0.00
8/16/2021 1,758.58 -0.04 16,563.05 0.00
8/13/2021 1,771.32 0.01 16,529.10 0.00
8/12/2021 1,760.82 -0.01 16,364.40 -0.01
8/11/2021 1,752.60 0.00 16,282.25 -0.01
8/10/2021 1,772.23 0.01 16,280.10 0.00
8/9/2021 1,791.22 0.01 16,258.25 0.00
8/6/2021 1,781.22 -0.01 16,238.20 0.00
8/5/2021 1,797.40 0.01 16,294.60 0.00
8/4/2021 1,806.67 0.01 16,258.80 0.00
8/3/2021 1,808.00 0.00 16,130.75 -0.01
8/2/2021 1,800.99 0.00 15,885.15 -0.02
7/30/2021 1,731.74 -0.04 15,763.05 -0.01
7/29/2021 1,586.33 -0.08 15,778.45 0.00
7/28/2021 1,545.60 -0.03 15,709.40 0.00
7/27/2021 1,532.04 -0.01 15,746.45 0.00
7/26/2021 1,566.87 0.02 15,824.45 0.00
7/23/2021 1,580.38 0.01 15,856.05 0.00
7/22/2021 1,581.44 0.00 15,824.05 0.00
7/20/2021 1,559.39 -0.01 15,632.10 -0.01
7/19/2021 1,568.86 0.01 15,752.40 0.01
7/16/2021 1,552.37 -0.01 15,923.40 0.01
7/15/2021 1,534.81 -0.01 15,924.20 0.00
7/14/2021 1,516.21 -0.01 15,853.95 0.00
7/13/2021 1,520.74 0.00 15,812.35 0.00
7/12/2021 1,516.38 0.00 15,692.60 -0.01
7/9/2021 1,520.72 0.00 15,689.80 0.00
7/8/2021 1,508.81 -0.01 15,727.90 0.00
7/7/2021 1,515.50 0.00 15,879.65 0.01
7/6/2021 1,507.99 0.00 15,818.25 0.00
7/5/2021 1,498.64 -0.01 15,834.35 0.00
7/2/2021 1,499.20 0.00 15,722.20 -0.01
7/1/2021 1,469.54 -0.02 15,680.00 0.00
6/30/2021 1,455.14 -0.01 15,721.50 0.00
6/29/2021 1,416.38 -0.03 15,748.45 0.00
6/28/2021 1,423.73 0.01 15,814.70 0.00
6/25/2021 1,409.31 -0.01 15,860.35 0.00
6/24/2021 1,387.24 -0.02 15,790.45 0.00
6/23/2021 1,380.95 0.00 15,686.95 -0.01
6/22/2021 1,396.53 0.01 15,772.75 0.01
6/21/2021 1,386.64 -0.01 15,746.50 0.00
6/18/2021 1,413.84 0.02 15,683.35 0.00
6/17/2021 1,426.97 0.01 15,691.40 0.00
6/16/2021 1,429.41 0.00 15,767.55 0.00
6/15/2021 1,429.94 0.00 15,869.25 0.01
6/14/2021 1,396.75 -0.02 15,811.85 0.00
6/11/2021 1,413.02 0.01 15,799.35 0.00
6/10/2021 1,415.15 0.00 15,737.75 0.00
6/9/2021 1,396.69 -0.01 15,635.35 -0.01
6/8/2021 1,399.56 0.00 15,740.10 0.01
6/7/2021 1,337.25 -0.04 15,751.65 0.00
6/4/2021 1,324.69 -0.01 15,670.25 -0.01
6/3/2021 1,317.25 -0.01 15,690.35 0.00
6/2/2021 1,305.77 -0.01 15,576.20 -0.01
6/1/2021 1,311.72 0.00 15,574.85 0.00
5/31/2021 1,302.63 -0.01 15,582.80 0.00
5/28/2021 1,303.10 0.00 15,435.65 -0.01
5/27/2021 1,299.88 0.00 15,337.85 -0.01
5/26/2021 1,288.21 -0.01 15,301.45 0.00
5/25/2021 1,285.98 0.00 15,208.45 -0.01
5/24/2021 1,281.91 0.00 15,197.70 0.00
5/21/2021 1,290.36 0.01 15,175.30 0.00
5/20/2021 1,287.38 0.00 14,906.05 -0.02
5/19/2021 1,282.79 0.00 15,030.15 0.01
5/18/2021 1,285.47 0.00 15,108.10 0.01
5/17/2021 1,273.33 -0.01 14,923.15 -0.01
5/14/2021 1,251.90 -0.02 14,677.80 -0.02
5/12/2021 1,256.01 0.00 14,696.50 0.00
5/11/2021 1,258.90 0.00 14,850.75 0.01
5/10/2021 1,259.88 0.00 14,942.35 0.01
5/7/2021 1,255.83 0.00 14,823.15 -0.01
5/6/2021 1,372.63 0.09 14,724.80 -0.01
5/5/2021 1,367.33 0.00 14,617.85 -0.01
5/4/2021 1,341.70 -0.02 14,496.50 -0.01
5/3/2021 1,306.02 -0.03 14,634.15 0.01
4/30/2021 1,286.22 -0.02 14,631.10 0.00
4/29/2021 1,288.04 0.00 14,894.90 0.02
4/28/2021 1,284.50 0.00 14,864.55 0.00
4/27/2021 1,286.97 0.00 14,653.05 -0.01
4/26/2021 1,240.64 -0.04 14,485.00 -0.01
4/23/2021 1,234.18 -0.01 14,341.35 -0.01
4/22/2021 1,221.71 -0.01 14,406.15 0.00
4/20/2021 1,230.10 0.01 14,296.40 -0.01
4/19/2021 1,247.21 0.01 14,359.45 0.00
4/16/2021 1,225.45 -0.02 14,617.85 0.02
4/15/2021 1,199.57 -0.02 14,581.45 0.00
4/13/2021 1,210.56 0.01 14,504.80 -0.01
4/12/2021 1,224.59 0.01 14,310.80 -0.01
4/9/2021 1,251.87 0.02 14,834.85 0.04
4/8/2021 1,241.15 -0.01 14,873.80 0.00
4/7/2021 1,237.95 0.00 14,819.05 0.00
4/6/2021 1,222.33 -0.01 14,683.50 -0.01
4/5/2021 1,130.44 -0.08 14,637.80 0.00
4/1/2021 1,148.27 0.02 14,867.35 0.02
3/31/2021 1,082.16 -0.06 14,690.70 -0.01
3/30/2021 1,080.45 0.00 14,845.10 0.01
3/26/2021 1,054.65 -0.02 14,507.30 -0.02
3/25/2021 1,050.61 0.00 14,324.90 -0.01
3/24/2021 1,061.34 0.01 14,549.40 0.02
3/23/2021 1,067.87 0.01 14,814.75 0.02
3/22/2021 1,056.20 -0.01 14,736.40 -0.01
3/19/2021 1,062.93 0.01 14,744.00 0.00
3/18/2021 1,056.99 -0.01 14,557.85 -0.01
3/17/2021 1,080.94 0.02 14,721.30 0.01
3/16/2021 1,100.65 0.02 14,910.45 0.01
3/15/2021 1,106.93 0.01 14,929.50 0.00
3/12/2021 1,119.80 0.01 15,030.95 0.01
3/10/2021 1,131.72 0.01 15,174.80 0.01
3/9/2021 1,124.87 -0.01 15,098.40 -0.01
3/8/2021 1,132.65 0.01 14,956.20 -0.01
3/5/2021 1,124.89 -0.01 14,938.10 0.00
3/4/2021 1,142.97 0.02 15,080.75 0.01
3/3/2021 1,138.16 0.00 15,245.60 0.01
3/2/2021 1,100.36 -0.03 14,919.10 -0.02
3/1/2021 1,084.35 -0.01 14,761.55 -0.01
2/26/2021 1,087.59 0.00 14,529.15 -0.02
2/25/2021 1,108.07 0.02 15,097.35 0.04
2/24/2021 1,096.09 -0.01 14,982.00 -0.01
2/23/2021 1,082.14 -0.01 14,707.80 -0.02
2/22/2021 1,071.03 -0.01 14,675.70 0.00
2/19/2021 1,103.52 0.03 14,981.75 0.02
2/18/2021 1,136.12 0.03 15,118.95 0.01
2/17/2021 1,137.23 0.00 15,208.90 0.01
2/16/2021 1,157.52 0.02 15,313.45 0.01
2/15/2021 1,124.44 -0.03 15,314.70 0.00
2/12/2021 1,123.18 0.00 15,163.30 -0.01
2/11/2021 1,135.36 0.01 15,173.30 0.00
2/10/2021 1,107.02 -0.02 15,106.50 0.00
2/9/2021 1,105.42 0.00 15,109.30 0.00
2/8/2021 1,126.99 0.02 15,115.80 0.00
2/5/2021 1,113.58 -0.01 14,924.25 -0.01
2/4/2021 1,142.14 0.03 14,895.65 0.00
2/3/2021 1,123.99 -0.02 14,789.95 -0.01
2/2/2021 1,089.91 -0.03 14,647.85 -0.01
2/1/2021 1,098.19 0.01 14,281.20 -0.03
1/29/2021 1,073.99 -0.02 13,634.60 -0.05
1/28/2021 1,074.11 0.00 13,817.55 0.01
1/27/2021 1,072.34 0.00 13,967.50 0.01
1/25/2021 1,077.47 0.00 14,238.90 0.02
1/22/2021 1,081.06 0.00 14,371.90 0.01
1/21/2021 1,154.52 0.07 14,590.35 0.02
1/20/2021 1,173.19 0.02 14,644.70 0.00
1/19/2021 1,165.67 -0.01 14,521.15 -0.01
1/18/2021 1,147.26 -0.02 14,281.30 -0.02
1/15/2021 1,165.83 0.02 14,433.70 0.01
1/14/2021 1,195.91 0.03 14,595.60 0.01
1/13/2021 1,201.79 0.00 14,564.85 0.00
1/12/2021 1,185.88 -0.01 14,563.45 0.00
1/11/2021 1,184.21 0.00 14,484.75 -0.01
1/8/2021 1,183.39 0.00 14,347.25 -0.01
1/7/2021 1,141.92 -0.04 14,137.35 -0.01
1/6/2021 1,140.29 0.00 14,146.25 0.00
1/5/2021 1,139.05 0.00 14,199.50 0.00
1/4/2021 1,137.42 0.00 14,132.90 0.00
1/1/2021 1,136.24 0.00 14,018.50 -0.01
12/31/2020 1,114.78 -0.02 13,981.75 0.00
12/30/2020 1,103.39 -0.01 13,981.95 0.00
12/29/2020 1,097.16 -0.01 13,932.60 0.00
12/28/2020 1,101.07 0.00 13,873.20 0.00
12/24/2020 1,096.55 0.00 13,749.25 -0.01
12/23/2020 1,106.44 0.01 13,601.10 -0.01
12/22/2020 1,077.90 -0.03 13,466.30 -0.01
12/21/2020 1,055.79 -0.02 13,328.40 -0.01
12/18/2020 1,111.86 0.05 13,760.55 0.03
12/17/2020 1,105.92 -0.01 13,740.70 0.00
12/16/2020 1,068.61 -0.03 13,682.70 0.00
12/15/2020 1,043.25 -0.02 13,567.85 -0.01
12/14/2020 1,062.36 0.02 13,558.15 0.00
12/11/2020 1,053.59 -0.01 13,513.85 0.00
12/10/2020 1,062.87 0.01 13,478.30 0.00
12/9/2020 1,084.87 0.02 13,529.10 0.00
12/8/2020 1,069.14 -0.01 13,392.95 -0.01
12/7/2020 1,073.46 0.00 13,355.75 0.00
12/4/2020 1,066.58 -0.01 13,258.55 -0.01
12/3/2020 1,053.33 -0.01 13,133.90 -0.01
12/2/2020 1,042.55 -0.01 13,113.75 0.00
12/1/2020 1,019.60 -0.02 13,109.05 0.00
11/27/2020 1,026.73 0.01 12,968.95 -0.01
11/26/2020 1,015.22 -0.01 12,987.00 0.00
11/25/2020 1,021.15 0.01 12,858.40 -0.01
11/24/2020 1,066.52 0.04 13,055.15 0.02
11/23/2020 1,031.81 -0.03 12,926.45 -0.01
11/20/2020 1,017.43 -0.01 12,859.05 -0.01
11/19/2020 1,010.76 -0.01 12,771.70 -0.01
11/18/2020 1,005.60 -0.01 12,938.25 0.01
11/17/2020 1,012.40 0.01 12,874.20 0.00
11/14/2020 1,027.07 0.01 12,780.25 -0.01
11/13/2020 1,027.41 0.00 12,719.95 0.00
11/12/2020 1,016.93 -0.01 12,690.80 0.00
11/11/2020 1,000.99 -0.02 12,749.15 0.00
11/10/2020 996.93 0.00 12,631.10 -0.01
11/9/2020 1,011.05 0.01 12,461.05 -0.01
11/6/2020 993.38 -0.02 12,263.55 -0.02
11/5/2020 973.4 -0.02 12,120.30 -0.01
11/4/2020 888.63 -0.09 11,908.50 -0.02
11/3/2020 878.76 -0.01 11,813.50 -0.01
11/2/2020 880.53 0.00 11,669.15 -0.01
10/30/2020 883.36 0.00 11,642.40 0.00
10/29/2020 887.68 0.00 11,670.80 0.00
10/28/2020 874.49 -0.01 11,729.60 0.01
10/27/2020 876.24 0.00 11,889.40 0.01
10/26/2020 867.73 -0.01 11,767.75 -0.01
10/23/2020 884.51 0.02 11,930.35 0.01
10/22/2020 875.13 -0.01 11,896.45 0.00
10/21/2020 887.73 0.01 11,937.65 0.00
10/20/2020 897.08 0.01 11,896.80 0.00
10/19/2020 890.13 -0.01 11,873.05 0.00
10/16/2020 890.19 0.00 11,762.45 -0.01
10/15/2020 870.34 -0.02 11,680.35 -0.01
10/14/2020 874.35 0.00 11,971.05 0.02
10/13/2020 876.85 0.00 11,934.50 0.00
10/12/2020 874.59 0.00 11,930.95 0.00
10/9/2020 853.35 -0.02 11,914.20 0.00
10/8/2020 852.6 0.00 11,834.60 -0.01
10/7/2020 831.26 -0.03 11,738.85 -0.01
10/6/2020 825.11 -0.01 11,662.40 -0.01
10/5/2020 825.48 0.00 11,503.35 -0.01
10/1/2020 822.69 0.00 11,416.95 -0.01
9/30/2020 826.02 0.00 11,247.55 -0.01
9/29/2020 827.09 0.00 11,222.40 0.00
9/28/2020 833.83 0.01 11,227.55 0.00
9/25/2020 816.84 -0.02 11,050.25 -0.02
9/24/2020 801.13 -0.02 10,805.55 -0.02
9/23/2020 823.4 0.03 11,131.85 0.03
9/22/2020 825.31 0.00 11,153.65 0.00
9/21/2020 831.88 0.01 11,250.55 0.01
9/18/2020 863.59 0.04 11,504.95 0.02
9/17/2020 878.53 0.02 11,516.10 0.00
9/16/2020 869.35 -0.01 11,604.55 0.01
9/15/2020 863.29 -0.01 11,521.80 -0.01
9/14/2020 866.06 0.00 11,440.05 -0.01
9/11/2020 841.21 -0.03 11,464.45 0.00
9/10/2020 823.6 -0.02 11,449.25 0.00
9/9/2020 824.71 0.00 11,278.00 -0.01
9/8/2020 826.41 0.00 11,317.35 0.00
9/7/2020 839.37 0.02 11,355.05 0.00
9/4/2020 840.41 0.00 11,333.85 0.00
9/3/2020 864.78 0.03 11,527.45 0.02
9/2/2020 843.64 -0.02 11,535.00 0.00
9/1/2020 822.55 -0.02 11,470.25 -0.01
8/31/2020 810.78 -0.01 11,387.50 -0.01
8/28/2020 845.2 0.04 11,647.60 0.02
8/27/2020 847.66 0.00 11,559.25 -0.01
8/26/2020 851.33 0.00 11,549.60 0.00
8/25/2020 855.25 0.00 11,472.25 -0.01
8/24/2020 866.64 0.01 11,466.45 0.00
8/21/2020 857.29 -0.01 11,371.60 -0.01
8/20/2020 850.47 -0.01 11,312.20 -0.01
8/19/2020 859.01 0.01 11,408.40 0.01
8/18/2020 856.47 0.00 11,385.35 0.00
8/17/2020 828.46 -0.03 11,247.10 -0.01
8/14/2020 834.92 0.01 11,178.40 -0.01
8/13/2020 841.21 0.01 11,300.45 0.01
8/12/2020 829.7 -0.01 11,308.40 0.00
8/11/2020 831.88 0.00 11,322.50 0.00
8/10/2020 844.31 0.01 11,270.15 0.00
8/7/2020 816.27 -0.03 11,214.05 0.00
8/6/2020 766.21 -0.06 11,200.15 0.00
8/5/2020 763.84 0.00 11,101.65 -0.01
8/4/2020 762.28 0.00 11,095.25 0.00
8/3/2020 766.68 0.01 10,891.60 -0.02
7/31/2020 758.63 -0.01 11,073.45 0.02
7/30/2020 752.04 -0.01 11,102.15 0.00
7/29/2020 786.97 0.05 11,202.85 0.01
7/28/2020 754.18 -0.04 11,300.55 0.01
7/27/2020 753.14 0.00 11,131.80 -0.01
7/24/2020 758 0.01 11,194.15 0.01
7/23/2020 768.26 0.01 11,215.45 0.00
7/22/2020 762.58 -0.01 11,132.60 -0.01
7/21/2020 761.23 0.00 11,162.25 0.00
7/20/2020 769.86 0.01 11,022.20 -0.01
7/17/2020 762.66 -0.01 10,901.70 -0.01
7/16/2020 762.89 0.00 10,739.95 -0.01
7/15/2020 758.68 -0.01 10,618.20 -0.01
7/14/2020 760.81 0.00 10,607.35 0.00
7/13/2020 768.13 0.01 10,802.70 0.02
7/10/2020 778.93 0.01 10,768.05 0.00
7/9/2020 778.13 0.00 10,813.45 0.00
7/8/2020 780.12 0.00 10,705.75 -0.01
7/7/2020 766.2 -0.02 10,799.65 0.01
7/6/2020 770.06 0.01 10,763.65 0.00
7/3/2020 728.68 -0.05 10,607.35 -0.01
7/2/2020 730.84 0.00 10,551.70 -0.01
7/1/2020 719.59 -0.02 10,430.05 -0.01
6/30/2020 721.14 0.00 10,302.10 -0.01
6/29/2020 720.7 0.00 10,312.40 0.00
6/26/2020 720.4 0.00 10,383.00 0.01
6/25/2020 723.03 0.00 10,288.90 -0.01
6/24/2020 720.27 0.00 10,305.30 0.00
6/23/2020 743.04 0.03 10,471.00 0.02
6/22/2020 723.64 -0.03 10,311.20 -0.02
6/19/2020 722.83 0.00 10,244.40 -0.01
6/18/2020 720.95 0.00 10,091.65 -0.01
6/17/2020 724.25 0.00 9,881.15 -0.02
6/16/2020 723.05 0.00 9,914.00 0.00
6/15/2020 723.04 0.00 9,813.70 -0.01
6/12/2020 736.6 0.02 9,972.90 0.02
6/11/2020 725.14 -0.02 9,902.00 -0.01
6/10/2020 728.31 0.00 10,116.15 0.02
6/9/2020 730.95 0.00 10,046.65 -0.01
6/8/2020 739.43 0.01 10,167.45 0.01
6/5/2020 730.06 -0.01 10,142.15 0.00
6/4/2020 759.61 0.04 10,029.10 -0.01
6/3/2020 730.25 -0.04 10,061.55 0.00
6/2/2020 735.96 0.01 9,979.10 -0.01
6/1/2020 741.43 0.01 9,826.15 -0.02
5/29/2020 697.43 -0.06 9,580.30 -0.03
5/28/2020 681.88 -0.02 9,490.10 -0.01
5/27/2020 685.24 0.00 9,314.95 -0.02
5/26/2020 690.49 0.01 9,029.05 -0.03
5/22/2020 675.99 -0.02 9,039.25 0.00
5/21/2020 674.09 0.00 9,106.25 0.01
5/20/2020 675.99 0.00 9,066.55 0.00
5/19/2020 665.07 -0.02 8,879.10 -0.02
5/18/2020 684.64 0.03 8,823.25 -0.01
5/15/2020 719.21 0.05 9,136.85 0.04
5/14/2020 730.32 0.02 9,142.75 0.00
5/13/2020 721.16 -0.01 9,383.55 0.03
5/12/2020 707.47 -0.02 9,196.55 -0.02
5/11/2020 715.37 0.01 9,239.20 0.00
5/8/2020 719.02 0.01 9,251.50 0.00
5/7/2020 718.69 0.00 9,199.05 -0.01
5/6/2020 731.01 0.02 9,270.90 0.01
5/5/2020 729.98 0.00 9,205.60 -0.01
5/4/2020 728.11 0.00 9,293.50 0.01
4/30/2020 743.75 0.02 9,859.90 0.06
4/29/2020 733.12 -0.01 9,553.35 -0.03
4/28/2020 736.98 0.01 9,380.90 -0.02
4/27/2020 717.92 -0.03 9,282.30 -0.01
4/24/2020 697.61 -0.03 9,154.40 -0.01
4/23/2020 728.59 0.04 9,313.90 0.02
4/22/2020 688.56 -0.05 9,187.30 -0.01
4/21/2020 661.33 -0.04 8,981.45 -0.02
4/20/2020 668.11 0.01 9,261.85 0.03
4/17/2020 681.42 0.02 9,266.75 0.00
4/16/2020 682.82 0.00 8,992.80 -0.03
4/15/2020 667.44 -0.02 8,925.30 -0.01
4/13/2020 676.83 0.01 8,993.85 0.01
4/9/2020 647.55 -0.04 9,111.90 0.01
4/8/2020 599.35 -0.07 8,748.75 -0.04
4/7/2020 577.14 -0.04 8,792.20 0.00
4/3/2020 533.67 -0.08 8,083.80 -0.08
4/1/2020 530.99 -0.01 8,253.80 0.02
3/31/2020 556.66 0.05 8,597.75 0.04
3/30/2020 559.5 0.01 8,281.10 -0.04
3/27/2020 545.4 -0.03 8,660.25 0.05
3/26/2020 554.3 0.02 8,641.45 0.00
3/25/2020 555.59 0.00 8,317.85 -0.04
3/24/2020 543.7 -0.02 7,801.05 -0.06
3/23/2020 537.31 -0.01 7,610.25 -0.02
3/20/2020 643.37 0.20 8,745.45 0.15
3/19/2020 587.32 -0.09 8,263.45 -0.06
3/18/2020 592.22 0.01 8,468.80 0.02
3/17/2020 648.89 0.10 8,967.05 0.06
3/16/2020 629.59 -0.03 9,197.40 0.03
3/13/2020 711.5 0.13 9,955.20 0.08
3/12/2020 674.31 -0.05 9,590.15 -0.04
3/11/2020 743.64 0.10 10,458.40 0.09
3/9/2020 745.34 0.00 10,451.45 0.00
3/6/2020 777.47 0.04 10,989.45 0.05
3/5/2020 786.18 0.01 11,269.00 0.03
3/4/2020 791.35 0.01 11,251.00 0.00
3/3/2020 799.39 0.01 11,303.30 0.00
3/2/2020 781.48 -0.02 11,132.75 -0.02
2/28/2020 778.76 0.00 11,201.75 0.01
2/27/2020 828.74 0.06 11,633.30 0.04
2/26/2020 825.02 0.00 11,678.50 0.00
2/25/2020 823.95 0.00 11,797.90 0.01
2/24/2020 812.42 -0.01 11,829.40 0.00
2/20/2020 833.36 0.03 12,080.85 0.02
2/19/2020 832.43 0.00 12,125.90 0.00
2/18/2020 832.76 0.00 11,992.50 -0.01
2/17/2020 830.43 0.00 12,045.80 0.00
2/14/2020 838.59 0.01 12,113.45 0.01
2/13/2020 829.83 -0.01 12,174.65 0.01
2/12/2020 832.71 0.00 12,201.20 0.00
2/11/2020 831.75 0.00 12,107.90 -0.01
2/10/2020 826.86 -0.01 12,031.50 -0.01
2/7/2020 821.98 -0.01 12,098.35 0.01
2/6/2020 801.72 -0.02 12,137.95 0.00
2/5/2020 797.41 -0.01 12,089.15 0.00
2/4/2020 748.18 -0.06 11,979.65 -0.01
2/3/2020 757.88 0.01 11,707.90 -0.02
2/1/2020 737.63 -0.03 11,661.85 0.00
1/31/2020 756.81 0.03 11,962.10 0.03
1/30/2020 760.45 0.00 12,035.80 0.01
1/29/2020 753.26 -0.01 12,129.50 0.01
1/28/2020 752.97 0.00 12,055.80 -0.01
1/27/2020 734.72 -0.02 12,119.00 0.01
1/24/2020 732.07 0.00 12,248.25 0.01
1/23/2020 727.36 -0.01 12,180.35 -0.01
1/22/2020 722.08 -0.01 12,106.90 -0.01
1/21/2020 721.92 0.00 12,169.85 0.01
1/20/2020 723.23 0.00 12,224.55 0.00
1/17/2020 724.54 0.00 12,352.35 0.01
1/16/2020 714.98 -0.01 12,355.50 0.00
1/15/2020 714.33 0.00 12,343.30 0.00
1/14/2020 708.3 -0.01 12,362.30 0.00
1/13/2020 708.02 0.00 12,329.55 0.00
1/10/2020 699.04 -0.01 12,256.80 -0.01
1/9/2020 699.23 0.00 12,215.90 0.00
1/8/2020 693.11 -0.01 12,025.35 -0.02
1/7/2020 683.54 -0.01 12,052.95 0.00
1/6/2020 681.74 0.00 11,993.05 0.00
1/3/2020 690.53 0.01 12,226.65 0.02
1/2/2020 692.66 0.00 12,282.20 0.00
1/1/2020 687.91 -0.01 12,182.50 -0.01
12/31/2019 687.22 0.00 12,168.45 0.00
12/30/2019 683.06 -0.01 12,255.85 0.01
12/27/2019 684.16 0.00 12,245.80 0.00
12/26/2019 682.72 0.00 12,126.55 -0.01
12/24/2019 665.89 -0.02 12,214.55 0.01
12/23/2019 671.44 0.01 12,262.75 0.00
12/20/2019 665.3 -0.01 12,271.80 0.00
12/19/2019 665.9 0.00 12,259.70 0.00
12/18/2019 645.74 -0.03 12,221.65 0.00
12/17/2019 648.06 0.00 12,165.00 0.00
12/16/2019 653.68 0.01 12,053.95 -0.01
12/13/2019 660.6 0.01 12,086.70 0.00
12/12/2019 661.83 0.00 11,971.80 -0.01
12/11/2019 653.71 -0.01 11,910.15 -0.01
12/10/2019 647.68 -0.01 11,856.80 0.00
12/9/2019 648.89 0.00 11,937.50 0.01
12/6/2019 646.02 0.00 11,921.50 0.00
12/5/2019 648.24 0.00 12,018.40 0.01
12/4/2019 638.56 -0.01 12,043.20 0.00
12/3/2019 641.19 0.00 11,994.20 0.00
12/2/2019 647.49 0.01 12,048.20 0.00
11/29/2019 640.33 -0.01 12,056.05 0.00
11/28/2019 644.99 0.01 12,151.15 0.01
11/27/2019 632.98 -0.02 12,100.70 0.00
11/26/2019 624.29 -0.01 12,037.70 -0.01
11/25/2019 630.45 0.01 12,073.75 0.00
11/22/2019 624.81 -0.01 11,914.40 -0.01
11/21/2019 628.75 0.01 11,968.40 0.00
11/20/2019 644.07 0.02 11,999.10 0.00
11/19/2019 640.11 -0.01 11,940.10 0.00
11/18/2019 641.27 0.00 11,884.50 0.00
11/15/2019 643.14 0.00 11,895.45 0.00
11/14/2019 631.94 -0.02 11,872.10 0.00
11/13/2019 628.94 0.00 11,840.45 0.00
11/11/2019 630.95 0.00 11,913.45 0.01
11/8/2019 627.89 0.00 11,908.15 0.00
11/7/2019 629.75 0.00 12,012.05 0.01
11/6/2019 613.42 -0.03 11,966.05 0.00
11/5/2019 591.49 -0.04 11,917.20 0.00
11/4/2019 585.98 -0.01 11,941.30 0.00
11/1/2019 580.52 -0.01 11,890.60 0.00
10/31/2019 579.25 0.00 11,877.45 0.00
10/30/2019 559.23 -0.03 11,844.10 0.00
10/29/2019 563.92 0.01 11,786.85 0.00
10/27/2019 570.66 0.01 11,627.15 -0.01
10/25/2019 570.22 0.00 11,583.90 0.00
10/24/2019 569.21 0.00 11,582.60 0.00
10/23/2019 565.07 -0.01 11,604.10 0.00
10/22/2019 542.76 -0.04 11,588.35 0.00
10/18/2019 538.74 -0.01 11,661.85 0.01
10/17/2019 535.58 -0.01 11,586.35 -0.01
10/16/2019 526.79 -0.02 11,464.00 -0.01
10/15/2019 524.93 0.00 11,428.30 0.00
10/14/2019 522.53 0.00 11,341.15 -0.01
10/11/2019 538.79 0.03 11,305.05 0.00
10/10/2019 548.68 0.02 11,234.55 -0.01
10/9/2019 549.74 0.00 11,313.30 0.01
10/7/2019 530.14 -0.04 11,126.40 -0.02
10/4/2019 533.59 0.01 11,174.75 0.00
10/3/2019 546.2 0.02 11,314.00 0.01
10/1/2019 536.6 -0.02 11,359.90 0.00
9/30/2019 550.39 0.03 11,474.45 0.01
9/27/2019 550.48 0.00 11,512.40 0.00
9/26/2019 553.78 0.01 11,571.20 0.01
9/25/2019 557.55 0.01 11,440.20 -0.01
9/24/2019 576.32 0.03 11,588.20 0.01
9/23/2019 589.83 0.02 11,600.20 0.00
9/20/2019 572.73 -0.03 11,274.20 -0.03
9/19/2019 540.49 -0.06 10,704.80 -0.05
9/18/2019 548.08 0.01 10,840.65 0.01
9/17/2019 546.91 0.00 10,817.60 0.00
9/16/2019 559.5 0.02 11,003.50 0.02
9/13/2019 554.86 -0.01 11,075.90 0.01
9/12/2019 541.77 -0.02 10,982.80 -0.01
9/11/2019 563.01 0.04 11,035.70 0.00
9/9/2019 558.7 -0.01 11,003.05 0.00
9/6/2019 552.94 -0.01 10,946.20 -0.01
9/5/2019 546.57 -0.01 10,847.90 -0.01
9/4/2019 547.11 0.00 10,844.65 0.00
9/3/2019 544.75 0.00 10,797.90 0.00
8/30/2019 554.92 0.02 11,023.25 0.02
8/29/2019 548.12 -0.01 10,948.30 -0.01
8/28/2019 555.15 0.01 11,046.10 0.01
8/27/2019 561.29 0.01 11,105.35 0.01
8/26/2019 568.95 0.01 11,057.85 0.00
8/23/2019 561.97 -0.01 10,829.35 -0.02
8/22/2019 557.55 -0.01 10,741.35 -0.01
8/21/2019 579.74 0.04 10,918.70 0.02
8/20/2019 570.71 -0.02 11,017.00 0.01
8/19/2019 587.76 0.03 11,053.90 0.00
8/16/2019 577.26 -0.02 11,047.80 0.00
8/14/2019 576.17 0.00 11,029.40 0.00
8/13/2019 566.25 -0.02 10,925.85 -0.01
8/9/2019 579.6 0.02 11,109.65 0.02
8/8/2019 580.32 0.00 11,032.45 -0.01
8/7/2019 575.76 -0.01 10,855.50 -0.02
8/6/2019 596.16 0.04 10,948.25 0.01
8/5/2019 515.75 -0.13 10,862.60 -0.01
8/2/2019 526.54 0.02 10,997.35 0.01
8/1/2019 527.74 0.00 10,980.00 0.00
7/31/2019 540.36 0.02 11,118.00 0.01
7/30/2019 536.04 -0.01 11,085.40 0.00
7/29/2019 553.5 0.03 11,189.20 0.01
7/26/2019 547.51 -0.01 11,284.30 0.01
7/25/2019 531.08 -0.03 11,252.15 0.00
7/24/2019 535.48 0.01 11,271.30 0.00
7/23/2019 537.84 0.00 11,331.05 0.01
7/22/2019 539.54 0.00 11,346.20 0.00
7/19/2019 534.68 -0.01 11,419.25 0.01
7/18/2019 528.78 -0.01 11,596.90 0.02
7/17/2019 542.02 0.03 11,687.50 0.01
7/16/2019 555.58 0.03 11,662.60 0.00
7/15/2019 537.22 -0.03 11,588.35 -0.01
7/12/2019 549.62 0.02 11,552.50 0.00
7/11/2019 552.05 0.00 11,582.90 0.00
7/10/2019 552.39 0.00 11,498.90 -0.01
7/9/2019 559.2 0.01 11,555.90 0.00
7/8/2019 576.12 0.03 11,558.60 0.00
7/5/2019 596.41 0.04 11,811.15 0.02
7/4/2019 609.54 0.02 11,946.75 0.01
7/3/2019 605.32 -0.01 11,916.75 0.00
7/2/2019 613.39 0.01 11,910.30 0.00
7/1/2019 604.11 -0.02 11,865.60 0.00
6/28/2019 608.53 0.01 11,788.85 -0.01
6/27/2019 604.71 -0.01 11,841.55 0.00
6/26/2019 595.67 -0.01 11,847.55 0.00
6/25/2019 592.83 0.00 11,796.45 0.00
6/24/2019 598 0.01 11,699.65 -0.01
6/21/2019 604.24 0.01 11,724.10 0.00
6/20/2019 608.09 0.01 11,831.75 0.01
6/19/2019 594.31 -0.02 11,691.45 -0.01
6/18/2019 601.92 0.01 11,691.50 0.00
6/17/2019 572.5 -0.05 11,672.15 0.00
6/14/2019 577.14 0.01 11,823.30 0.01
6/13/2019 583.9 0.01 11,914.05 0.01
6/12/2019 577.9 -0.01 11,906.20 0.00
6/11/2019 578.12 0.00 11,965.60 0.00
6/10/2019 581.93 0.01 11,922.70 0.00
6/7/2019 575.08 -0.01 11,870.65 0.00
6/6/2019 568.31 -0.01 11,843.75 0.00
6/4/2019 579.2 0.02 12,021.65 0.02
6/3/2019 571.73 -0.01 12,088.55 0.01
5/31/2019 569.37 0.00 11,922.80 -0.01
5/30/2019 579.84 0.02 11,945.90 0.00
5/29/2019 582.54 0.00 11,861.10 -0.01
5/28/2019 577.98 -0.01 11,928.75 0.01
5/27/2019 591.66 0.02 11,924.75 0.00
5/24/2019 573.4 -0.03 11,844.10 -0.01
5/23/2019 578.53 0.01 11,657.05 -0.02
5/22/2019 586.39 0.01 11,737.90 0.01
5/21/2019 592.03 0.01 11,709.10 0.00
5/20/2019 583.66 -0.01 11,828.25 0.01
5/17/2019 559.69 -0.04 11,407.15 -0.04
5/16/2019 553.02 -0.01 11,257.10 -0.01
5/15/2019 551.49 0.00 11,157.00 -0.01
5/14/2019 520.02 -0.06 11,222.05 0.01
5/13/2019 493.32 -0.05 11,148.20 -0.01
5/10/2019 489.19 -0.01 11,278.90 0.01
5/9/2019 484.73 -0.01 11,301.80 0.00
5/8/2019 488.88 0.01 11,359.45 0.01
5/7/2019 500.9 0.02 11,497.90 0.01
5/6/2019 511.17 0.02 11,598.25 0.01
5/3/2019 516.16 0.01 11,712.25 0.01
5/2/2019 519.46 0.01 11,724.75 0.00
4/30/2019 513.53 -0.01 11,748.15 0.00
4/26/2019 511.46 0.00 11,754.65 0.00
4/25/2019 505.01 -0.01 11,641.80 -0.01
4/24/2019 502.69 0.00 11,726.15 0.01
4/23/2019 491.69 -0.02 11,575.95 -0.01
4/22/2019 484.91 -0.01 11,594.45 0.00
4/18/2019 490.56 0.01 11,752.80 0.01
4/16/2019 497.44 0.01 11,787.15 0.00
4/15/2019 492.14 -0.01 11,690.35 -0.01
4/12/2019 488.72 -0.01 11,643.45 0.00
4/11/2019 493.22 0.01 11,596.70 0.00
4/10/2019 490.38 -0.01 11,584.30 0.00
4/9/2019 492.97 0.01 11,671.95 0.01
4/8/2019 495.65 0.01 11,604.50 -0.01
4/5/2019 498.22 0.01 11,665.95 0.01
4/4/2019 496.98 0.00 11,598.00 -0.01
4/3/2019 476.88 -0.04 11,643.95 0.00
4/2/2019 477.83 0.00 11,713.20 0.01
4/1/2019 472.12 -0.01 11,669.15 0.00
3/29/2019 480.6 0.02 11,623.90 0.00
3/28/2019 490.22 0.02 11,570.00 0.00
3/27/2019 486.99 -0.01 11,445.05 -0.01
3/26/2019 493.03 0.01 11,483.25 0.00
3/25/2019 486.42 -0.01 11,354.25 -0.01
3/22/2019 490.9 0.01 11,456.90 0.01
3/20/2019 480.38 -0.02 11,521.05 0.01
3/19/2019 479.28 0.00 11,532.40 0.00
3/18/2019 481.55 0.00 11,462.20 -0.01
3/15/2019 483.62 0.00 11,426.85 0.00
3/14/2019 472.25 -0.02 11,343.25 -0.01
3/13/2019 480.67 0.02 11,341.70 0.00
3/12/2019 474.82 -0.01 11,301.20 0.00
3/11/2019 475.09 0.00 11,168.05 -0.01
3/8/2019 470.73 -0.01 11,035.40 -0.01
3/7/2019 470.13 0.00 11,058.20 0.00
3/6/2019 472.16 0.00 11,053.00 0.00
3/5/2019 463.74 -0.02 10,987.45 -0.01
3/1/2019 457.16 -0.01 10,863.50 -0.01
2/28/2019 459.03 0.00 10,792.50 -0.01
2/27/2019 450.57 -0.02 10,806.65 0.00
2/26/2019 443.71 -0.02 10,835.30 0.00
2/25/2019 447.52 0.01 10,880.10 0.00
2/22/2019 440.03 -0.02 10,791.65 -0.01
2/21/2019 441.07 0.00 10,789.85 0.00
2/20/2019 441.72 0.00 10,735.45 -0.01
2/19/2019 436.17 -0.01 10,604.35 -0.01
2/18/2019 436.63 0.00 10,640.95 0.00
2/15/2019 440.28 0.01 10,724.40 0.01
2/14/2019 449.24 0.02 10,746.05 0.00
2/13/2019 439.46 -0.02 10,793.65 0.00
2/12/2019 439.3 0.00 10,831.40 0.00
2/11/2019 441.81 0.01 10,888.80 0.01
2/8/2019 443.65 0.00 10,943.60 0.01
2/7/2019 445.2 0.00 11,069.40 0.01
2/6/2019 444.65 0.00 11,062.45 0.00
2/5/2019 404.66 -0.09 10,934.35 -0.01
2/4/2019 393.61 -0.03 10,912.25 0.00
2/1/2019 393.29 0.00 10,893.65 0.00
1/31/2019 402.27 0.02 10,830.95 -0.01
1/30/2019 407.04 0.01 10,651.80 -0.02
1/29/2019 405.17 0.00 10,652.20 0.00
1/28/2019 401.61 -0.01 10,661.55 0.00
1/25/2019 415.27 0.03 10,780.55 0.01
1/24/2019 418.98 0.01 10,849.80 0.01
1/23/2019 411.91 -0.02 10,831.50 0.00
1/22/2019 414.64 0.01 10,922.75 0.01
1/21/2019 407.17 -0.02 10,961.85 0.00
1/18/2019 414.23 0.02 10,906.95 -0.01
1/17/2019 410.18 -0.01 10,905.20 0.00
1/16/2019 408.24 0.00 10,890.30 0.00
1/15/2019 414.3 0.01 10,886.80 0.00
1/14/2019 405.29 -0.02 10,737.60 -0.01
1/11/2019 409.28 0.01 10,794.95 0.01
1/10/2019 410 0.00 10,821.60 0.00
1/9/2019 407.35 -0.01 10,855.15 0.00
1/8/2019 405.06 -0.01 10,802.15 0.00
1/7/2019 399.57 -0.01 10,771.80 0.00
1/4/2019 398.63 0.00 10,727.35 0.00
1/3/2019 395.23 -0.01 10,672.25 -0.01
1/2/2019 398.43 0.01 10,792.50 0.01
1/1/2019 397.8 0.00 10,910.10 0.01
Ratio Name Formula 2022

Liquidity Ratios
Current Ratio =Current Assets/Current Liabilities 1.347
Acid Test Ratio =(Current Assets- Inventory)/ Current Liabilities 1.29

Solvency Ratio
Debt Equity ratio Total Liabilities/ Total Shareholder's Equity 0.69686
Debt ratio Total Liabilities/ Total Assets 0.41
Interest Coverage ratio EBIT/Finance Cost 1.043827
Leverage Ratio Total Assets/ Total Equity 1

Profitability Ratios
Operating Margin EBIT/ Net Revenue from operations 0.23
Net Profit Ratio PAT/ Net Revenue from operations 0.15
Interest Efficiency PBT/EBIT 0.96
Return on Assets EBIT/ Total Assets 0.17
Tax Effeciency PAT/PBT 0.70
Return on capital employed EBIT/ Capital Employed 0.23
Return on Equity PAT/ Total Equity 0.20

Activity Ratio
Debtor Turnover Ratio Net Revenue from operations/ Trade Receivables 14.74
Average collection period 365/Debtor turnover ratio 24.77
Creditors Turnover Ratio Net Revenue from operations/ Trade Payable 7.43
Average Payment period 365/Creditor turnover ratio 49.15
Inventory Turnover ratio Net Revenue from operations/ Inventory 5.68
Inventory holding period 365/ Inventory turnover ratio 64.21
Capital Turnover ratio Net Revenue from operations/ Capital Employed 1.02
Fixed Assets Turnover ratio Net Revenue from operations/ Fixed Assets 0.74
Working capital Turnover Net Revenue from operations/ Working Capital 8.93
Asset Turnover Ratio Net Revenue from operations/ Total Assets 0.77

5 Factor RoE Analysis

5 Factor RoE RoA*Asset Turnover*Leverage*Interest Efficiency*Tax Efficiency 0.09
Yearly Ratio
2021 2020 2019 2018

1.426 0.946 1.027 1.007 The current ratio represents the company's short-term liquidity position
1.32 0.94 1.02 1.00 Acid test ratio reveals how much highly liquid assets, such as cash or ban

0.701484 0.882816 1.213089 1.10861 The debt to equity ratio is a metric used to assess how much a company
0.41 0.47 0.55 0.53 Debt ratio shows the extent to which a company's debt obligations fund
1.084895 1.233331 1.259745 1.191109 Interest Coverage ratio indicates the number of times that the firm can f
1.701484 1.882816 2.213089 2.10861

0.20 0.15 0.14 0.13

0.13 0.13 0.08 0.09
0.92 0.81 0.79 0.84
0.13 0.11 0.10 0.08
0.71 1.02 0.75 0.79
0.17 0.16 0.14 0.12
0.15 0.17 0.13 0.12

19.67 25.90 23.25 40.51

18.56 14.09 15.70 9.01
8.32 10.40 9.11 12.37
43.88 35.11 40.05 29.52
7.74 8.96 9.06 12.03
47.18 40.72 40.31 30.35
1.22 1.64 1.67 1.90
0.84 0.88 0.97 1.09
9.11 -67.05 134.43 737.84
0.93 1.13 1.15 1.37

0.14 0.19 0.15 0.16

s short-term liquidity position and whether it can pay its short-term debt commitments. Its Current Ratio has been throughout above 1 w
uid assets, such as cash or bank balances, are able to cover the short-term debt commitments of the company. Its Acid test ratio has only

o assess how much a company relies on borrowed money to finance its operations as compared to entirely internal resources. A debt to eq
mpany's debt obligations fund its assets. A lower than 1 ratio indicates that a greater share of a company's assets are backed by equity. Sin
ber of times that the firm can fulfil its commitments using the money it has earned. Its interest coverage ratio has been just sufficient arou
s been throughout above 1 which shows that it has been in a position to meet its obligations.
ny. Its Acid test ratio has only dipped in 2020 which can be attributed to beginning of Covid period during which most of the activities halt

nternal resources. A debt to equity ratio of less than 1 is regarded secure, whereas a ratio of 2 or above is deemed dangerous. Its Debt to E
ssets are backed by equity. Since the company's ratio has been constantly below 1 this shows has been decreasing over the years this sho
o has been just sufficient around above 1 which shows that can earn just enough money to fulfill its commitements.
hich most of the activities halted while in the rest of the years it has been above 1 which shows that it can meet its short term debts.

emed dangerous. Its Debt to Equity Ratio reflects the strong position of balance sheet and also it shows that the company is less leveraged
easing over the years this shows that the company does not want to rasie money through debt.
eet its short term debts.

the company is less leveraged which implies no interest payment obligation which reduces the profit of the company.
Calculation of Projected Free Cash Flow

Particulars 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Net Revenue from Operation 12,334.48 15,080.10 18,436.90 22,540.90 27,558.45
Cost of Goods Sold 6262.9321 7657.045 9361.483 11445.33 13993.03
Purchase of Stock in Trade 249.02219 304.4539 372.2246 455.0808 556.3806
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods,
Work-in-Progress and Stock-in-Trade -114.77255 -140.3206 -171.5556 -209.7435 -256.4318
Employee Benefits / Salaries & other Staff
Cost 921.7295 1126.904 1377.75 1684.434 2059.384
Other Expenses 2552.8539 3121.113 3815.864 4665.266 5703.742
EBITDA 2,462.71 3,010.91 3,681.13 4,500.54 5,502.35
Depriciation 278.11 325.12 353.21 383.6 419.23
EBIT 2,184.60 2,685.79 3,327.92 4,116.94 5,083.12
Tax 477.14 586.61 726.85 899.19 1,110.21
PAT 1,707.46 2,099.18 2,601.06 3,217.75 3,972.91

Add: Depreciation 278.11 325.12 353.21 383.6 419.23

Less: Capital Expenditure -1960.9195 -2397.415 -2931.074 -3583.523 -4381.206
+- Change in Working Capital 1449.7594 1662.543 2032.621 2485.077 3038.249

Free Cash Flow to Firm 2,496.73 3,159.17 3,852.73 4,699.80 5,735.09

Terminal Value 48710.93

Working Notes

Particular 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Net Revenue from Operation 0.333302 0.021834 0.104555 0.4307
Cost of Goods Sold 0.470649 0.464929 0.501063 0.550169 0.514872
Purchase of Stock in Trade 0.0289095 0.018451 0.028573 0.014087 0.019647
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods,
Work-in-Progress and Stock-in-Trade -0.019155 -0.004 -0.014997 -0.010801 -0.007422
Employee Benefits / Salaries & other Staff
Cost 0.0652687 0.075746 0.076295 0.066237 0.080633
Other Expenses 0.2051067 0.19881 0.217217 0.199706 0.212143

Depreciaition Calculation 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Purchase of Fixed Assets -1275.24 -887.44 -627.69 -853.05 -1575.85
Sale of Fixed Asset 0.89 3.21 15.67 4.06 14.95
Net Purchase -1276.13 -890.65 -643.36 -857.11 -1590.8
Net Revenue 4,685.90 6,247.72 6,384.13 7,051.62 10,088.75
Percentage of Net Revenue -27.23% -14.26% -10.08% -12.15% -15.77%

Depreciation 278.11 325.12 353.21 383.6 419.23

Gross Asset value 9,405.76 10,598.86 11,651.03 12,283.65 13,900.75
Depreciation percentage 2.96% 3.07% 3.03% 3.12% 3.02%

Depreciation calculation for forecasting 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Opening Balance 13,481.52 13,131.42 12,805.22 12,505.15 12,234.03
Addition to Fixed Assets -1960.9195 -2397.415 -2931.074 -3583.523 -4381.206
Depreciation 350.10213 326.198 300.0677 271.1214 238.6413
Closing Balance 13,131.42 12,805.22 12,505.15 12,234.03 11,995.39

Tax Calculation 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

PBT 2,155.04 1,309.97 780.48 669.04 512.64
Tax 616.41 327.23 104.26 139.83 109.52
Percentage of PBT 29% 25% 13% 21% 21%

Working Capital Calculation 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Working Capital 2693.9887 3293.664 4026.825 4923.186 6019.074
Percentage of revenue 57% 53% 63% 70% 60%

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Working Capital 7468.8337 9131.377 11164 13649.08 16687.33
Change in working capital 1449.7594 1662.543 2032.621 2485.077 3038.249

Calculation of Rates

Growth Rate b*RoE

RoE PAT/Equity
EPS 50.86
Dividend per share 0
Retention Rate 1
Return on Equity 0.2826356
Growth Rate 28%
Tax Rate 22%
Risk Premium 6%
Risk free Rate of Return 7.11%
Cost of Equity 13.16%
Average Change



Average Change


Average Change


Average Change

Finance >>Cash Flow (Standalone)>>SRF Ltd(Curr. Rs in )
Year 202203 202103 202003 201903 201803
Cash Flow Summary
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of the year 86.72 98.26 162.8 67.66 47.89
 Net Cash from Operating Activities 1,637.61 1,421.60 1,216.41 594.78 605.55
Net Profit before Tax & Extraordinary Items 2155.04 1309.97 1022.3 693.11 512.64
Depreciation 419.23 383.6 353.62 328.04 278.11
Interest (Net) 62.25 101.97 169.92 170.29 94.23
Dividend Received 0 0 0 0 0
P/L on Sales of Assets -3.09 -0.39 -246.5 0 -0.15
P/L on Sales of Invest 0.08 0.15 0 0 0
Prov. & W/O (Net) 17 4 10.18 -1.19 -18.53
P/L in Forex -21.27 7.59 3.5 -11.03 1.51
Fin. Lease & Rental Chrgs 0 0 0 0 0
Others 4.05 -24.48 -11.05 -22.25 -10.5
Total Adjustments (PBT & Extraordinary Items) 478.25 472.44 279.67 463.86 344.67
Op. Profit before Working Capital Changes 2633.29 1782.41 1301.97 1156.97 857.31
Trade & 0th receivables -331.15 -274.12 89.75 -365.51 21.5
Inventories -472.29 -178.37 -44.54 -272.28 -100.83
Trade Payables 142.65 248.04 -130.76 287.29 159.56
Loans & Advances -5.2 -1.64 -12.82 -0.05 9.79
Investments 0 0 0 0 0
Net Stock on Hire 0 0 0 0 0
Leased Assets Net of Sale 0 0 0 0 0
Trade Bill(s) Purchased 0 0 0 0 0
Change in Borrowing 0 0 0 0 0
Change in Deposits 0 0 0 0 0
Others 32.3 74.28 153.57 -61.41 -224.14
Total (OP before Working Capital Changes) -633.69 -131.81 55.2 -411.96 -134.12
Cash Generated from/(used in) Operations 1999.6 1650.6 1357.17 745.01 723.19
Interest Paid(Net) 0 0 0 0 0
Direct Taxes Paid -361.99 -229 -140.76 -150.23 -117.64
Advance Tax Paid 0 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0 0
Total-others -361.99 -229 -140.76 -150.23 -117.64
Cash Flow before Extraordinary Items 1637.61 1421.6 1216.41 594.78 605.55
Excess Depreciation W/b 0 0 0 0 0
Premium on Lease of land 0 0 0 0 0
Payment Towards VRS 0 0 0 0 0
Prior Year 's Taxation 0 0 0 0 0
Gain on Forex Exch. Tran 0 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0 0
 Net Cash Used in Investing Activities -1,279.58 -1,789.81 -422.07 -847.22 -1,186.93
Purchased of Fixed Assets -1575.85 -853.05 -627.69 -887.44 -1275.24
Sale of Fixed Assets 14.95 4.06 15.67 3.21 0.89
Capital Expenditure 0 0 0 0 0
capital WIP 0 0 0 0 0
Capital Subsidy Recd 0 0 0 0 0
Purchase of Investments -5.14 -188.72 -92.68 0 -530
Sale of Investments 102.84 0 0 33.15 614.02
Investment Income 0 0 0 0 0
Interest Received 31.57 0.07 13.11 3.47 4.64
Dividend Received 0 0 0 0 0
Invest.In Subsidiaires 0 0 0 0 0
Loans to Subsidiaires -230.2 -617.49 0 0 0
Investment in Group Cos 0 0 0 0 0
Issue of Sh. on Acqu. of Cos 0 0 0 0 0
Canc. of Invest. in Cos Acq. 277.41 0 0 0 0
Acquisition of Companies 0 0 0 0 0
Inter Corporate Deposits 0 0 0 0 0
Others 104.84 -134.68 269.52 0.39 -1.24
 Net Cash Used in Financing Activities -125.11 356.67 -858.88 347.58 601.15
Proceeds from Issue of shares (incl share premium) 0.2 750 0 0.06 0
Proceed from Issue of Debentures 0 0 0 0 0
Proceed from 0ther Long Term Borrowings 455.36 1294.04 156.59 798.88 841.21
Proceed from Bank Borrowings 0 0 0 0 0
Proceed from Short Tem Borrowings 157.22 0 0 385.52 310.33
Proceed from Deposits 0 0 0 0 0
Share Application Money 0 0 0 0 0
Cash/Capital Investment Subsidy 0 0 0 0 0
Loans from a Corporate Body 0 0 0 0 0
Share Application Money Refund 0 0 0 0 0
On Redemption of Debenture 0 0 0 0 0
Of the Long Tem Borrowings -414.05 -1344.41 -451.53 -558.02 -362.54
Of the short term Borrowings 0 -42.57 -259.8 0 0
Of financial Liabilities -25.68 -20.19 -18.87 0 0
Dividend Paid -211.74 -140.78 -80.32 -69.41 -68.9
Shelter Assistance Reserve 0 0 0 0 0
Interest Paid -86.42 -127.43 -188.41 -195.28 -104.92
Others 0 -11.99 -16.54 -14.17 -14.03
Net Inc/(Dec) in Cash and Cash Equivalent 232.92 -11.54 -64.54 95.14 19.77
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of the year 319.64 86.72 98.26 162.8 67.66

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