Top 50 Sap Bo Interview Questions and Answers - 621ca4da
Top 50 Sap Bo Interview Questions and Answers - 621ca4da
Top 50 Sap Bo Interview Questions and Answers - 621ca4da
BO Interview
and Answers
“SAP BO is a reporting and business analysis
BI platform, wherein BO allows you to convert
the data in a database into information that
allows you to make decisions“
SAP BO (Business Objects) is the main application that comes under SAP Business Intelligence.
Earlier it was a separate company and in 2007 it was acquired by SAP.
Business Objects is the stationing platform for examining the data and creating reports based on
that. It is capable of creating any type of report as per the requirement of its users, from
anywhere ( using the internet also ). It is the main component for helping the organization for
following points:-
P erformance management
Access any type of data
Access from anywhere
creating the plans
generating the reports
Data analysis
Decision making based on the reports
Complex to simple, hierarchical levels reporting
ser module
Set Analyzer
Info view
Business Objects- Software Development Kit
Broadcast Agent
It is used for creating and maintaining universes. Universes can be considered as a semantic layer
that can isolate the end-users from the various issues that are technical and related to the
database structure.
Q.5 What Kind of Modes associated with the designer and Business Objects?
The following are two different types of modes associated with this platform
Enterprise mode
Working mode
Q.6 List of the various kinds of methods related to multidimensional analysis that
is inside business objects.
Following are the two different methods related to multidimensional analysis available inside
eneral Supervisor
Graphical interface
Supervisor designer
End users
Versatile users
S tored procedures
Queries over universe
Freehand- SQL
VBA procedures
Personal data les
Q.10 What is Drill Mode?
An analysis mode associated with Business Objects is Drill. It helps in breaking down data as
well as in viewing data from all possible angles and the levels of details for discovering the
factor that has caused a good or bad result.
In that case, objects that are from the various kinds of context, different kinds of SQL can be
generated, and the results can be merged inside the micro cube. It makes sure that there is no
incorrect result associated with a loop or any other kind of issues related to joining path.
I n the case of SQL parameters in the universe, the option generates various queries for
each and every measures that needs to be selected. This is helpful in generating a SQL
statement for every measure and provides the correct results.
Another approach is to include two joints in different context, where the problem will get
solved by bringing forth two synchronized questions.
Q.20 What are the utilities of Derived tables?
Derived tables are created in the universe by using SQL queires from the database level. The
columns selected in the query are the columns of the derived table. Derived Table can be used in
the tricky calculations which are dif cult to be achieved in the report levels. Another use of
Derived Tables is using a dblink, tables can be accessed from a different schema.
Q.23 What is the use of @functions?
To enter any speci c value, the end-user uses @functions.
To enter any speci c values the @prompt function is used by the end-user.
The visual basics for applications macro’s results will be recovered by using the @Script
S ecurity
Q.25 How one can access one derived table from another?
To access one derived table from another @Derived_table function is to be used.
Q.29 De ne a class.
The collection of objects in a universe is called a class. Subclasses can be derived from classes
and using these classes and the subclasses, hierarchy can be created.
Q.30 How many approaches are available there for linking universes?
Following are the three approaches available for linking the universes and they are:
T he Kernal approach.
The Master approach.
The Component approach.
Q.31 What is data mining?
A process through which you can extract the required details from the database, which can be
made used for making conclusions, is called Data Mining.
rill up.
Drill down.
Drill by.
Drill through.
Q.33 De ne Aggregate_Awarness.
Aggregate_Awarness function is used to de ne one object for measures in fact tables, where we
have the same fact tables in different grains. The syntax is as
@aggregate_aware(highest_level.lower level)
You de ne the calculations, periods, dimensional analyses, formulas, and controls, in this mode.
s tar schema.
Snow ake Schema
Multistar Schema
Normalized production schema.
Data warehouse with aggregates.
User objects are not shared/ sharable with other end users. It is stored in a speci c user object
de nition le, it will be automatically cleaned and removed if any end-user tries to refresh or
edit the query that contains another user’s user object
T he table browser.
The structure pane.
The universe pane.
Q.43 What is called a report bursting?
Report bursting is used to maintain the version documents according to the user pro les.
Q.44 De ne WEBI.
WEBI is “Web intelligence”, i a solution that is specialized in supporting decisions related to
queries, reports, and analysis is called WEBI.
Q.46 De ne strategies.
Strategies are also called scripts, to automatically extract structural information from a database
or from a at le.
The Henry Harvin SAP-BO Training Course helps the learner with a comprehensive knowledge of
the functioning of the Business Intelligence tools of SAP Gain Knowledge about Database
Concept, BO universe, BI Reports, Ad Hoc Reports, life-cycle management, Web Intelligence, and
Q.2 Is the Henry Harvin SAP BO Course available online?
Q.3 what is the course ( Henry Harvin SAP BO training ) offer to learn?
– The SAP BO Training Course from Henry Harvin offers SAP BO Architecture, Data Sources
theories, Data Warehouse, WEB Intelligent, and much more.
Q.4 What is the procedure to get enrolled in the SAP BO training course in Henry Harvin?
-Follow the mentioned steps to get enrolled with Henry Harvin SAP BO Training course:-
1. Get connected with the counsellor, discuss, and get information about the eligibility for the
2. Check the batch availability with the counsellor.
3. The next step is to get register yourself for the Certi ed SAP BO Training course.
-You need to attend 44 hours sessions and also you must gain 44 credits to get eligible for the
certi cate.
Q.6 Will there be Internships/ Projects during the Henry Harvin SAP BO Training course?
Yes, in order to get experience with the real world, assignments and practical projects are part of
the course.
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