Ang Ibong Adarna

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ANG IBONG ADARNA create in the reader’s visual KINDS OF CHARACTER

by Jose de la Cruz imagination the illusion of a solid

world in which the story takes place. According to PRINCIPALITY
The literature of the Philippines We understand better the story when
we know the setting of the story. 1) Protagonist – the character
whom the reader empathizes (can be
MAGDALENA good or evil)
Prose(Fiction-Short Story)
by Cecilia M. Brainard
Compiled by: Sanrio Marysze A.
Gamba 2) Antagonist – the character that
goes against the main character

OBJECTIVES by Jose Rizal

At the end of the lesson, the students

should be able to: *Place
a.) define what Prose is; -specific place; make the
b.) determine the elements of short characters seem real; it is where the
story; and writers have their root
c. ) read and analyze the affiliated
literature in today’s lesson. *Time
-period; another dimension
According to DEVELOPMENT
by Jose Rizal *Weather condition
1) Dynamic – the character changes
-ex. Sunny or rainy day
throughout the story
2) Static – the character remains as
*Social condition
it is from the beginning to end of the
-rich—poor; culture;
story (no changes)

*Mood/Atmosphere According to PERSONALITY

-sleepy (feelings created in
the story) 1) Round – a character that
Prose – it is a style of writing in
-each “where” includes the portrays multiple faceted personality
narrative form and is non-poetic.
mood that is presented in the story
2) Flat – a character who remains
Fiction – is the literary production of
man’s imagination finding shape in ERMITA the same throughout the story (one
by F. Sionil Jose personality only)
stories of people or events.

Short story – is a type of narrative

fiction compressed into one unit of FLORANTE AT LAURA
place, time, and action leaving a by Francisco Balagtas
single definite unified expression on
the reader through one
predominating character and one 2. Character – the second important
predominating event. element of a story is the character.
The action of the plot is performed by
THE WOMAN WHO HAD TWO the characters in the story, the
NAVELS people who make something happen *Sentimentality
by Nicomedes Joaquin or produce an effect. And not just -emotional over indulgence
always people, various authors have
experimented with trees, chairs and *Stereotyping
shoes as characters or with other -generalized,
animals, such as cows, cats and oversimplified judgment
bugs. But when we say character, -ex. Eyeglasses – genius
we usually mean a person.
by Amado V. Hernandez protagonist
1. Setting – the place and time of
the story. The writer attempts to
*Foil point-of-view the chronological order to show an
-striking role (exact event that happened in the past.
opposite of the protagonist) *Rising action (problem is -Flashback
introduced) -Foreshadowing
-the dramatization of events that -Suspense
complicate the situation and -Surprise
gradually intensify the conflict -Plot twist
by Carlos Bulosan
3. En medias res - is a kind of plot
*Climax (turning point) where the story commences in the
-the highest point of the middle part of the action
story which arouses the greatest
interest and evokes the most intense PILIPINO KOMIKS
feelings; emotional high point
(highest peak) of the story; the point
NOTE!!! where the greatest emotional
intensity, interest as well as
Protagonist suspense.
If the character is a bad or does
not possesses the traits of a NOLI ME TANGERE
conventional hero, he is described as by Jose Rizal
an anti-hero or anti-heroine.
It refers to the way the
story is told; determines the narrator
If the character is not a human
of the story, the one who tells it from
being but a natural force, the villain is
different points of view; the narrator's
called an “antagonistic force”, such
vintage point (who tells the story?)
as fire or cyclone
Unseen character
*Falling action (problem is slowly ESPESYAL KOMIKS
The unseen character is an
being solved)
absent character who, even in hiss
-the conflict proceeds its
absence, affects the development of
the story
*Denouement (the decisions of the
THE SECRET -the denouement ends
by Lin Acacio-Flores thee story; the finishing of things and
shows the resolution of the plot
Types of Point of View (POV)

1) First-person Narrator
Conclusion refers to the ending of
-pronoun I
the story depending on the outcome
-may be a major or minor
of the actions; final paragraph;
character that tells the story in his
3. Plot – the sequence of events in a comparatively brief and balancing
own words; the narrator is one of the
story and their relation to one the short exposition in the beginning
another; an artistic arrangement of
actions-sequence of beginning, 2) Third-person Narrator
by Lope K. Santos
middle and an end. The plot may be -pronoun he, she, they
of any kind such as: falling in love, -not a participant in the
an adventure at sea, a detective story
story, or a serious happening that
takes place to disrupt the activity or 3. Second-person Narrator
the established order. -pronoun you
-rarely used
by Magdalena G. Jalandoni
1) Linear Plot – moves with the
PARTS OF PLOT natural sequence of events where
actions are arranged sequentially.
*Exposition (Introduction) 2) Circular Plot – is a kind of plot
-introduces the where linear development of the
characters, scene, time, situation, story merges with an interruption in
c) Man vs Nature
5) STYLE -you against calamities
-is the language the author -a type of conflict where a character
uses in a narration. has a problem with some natural
phenomenon: a snowstorm, an
*Sentence structure avalanche, the bittercold, or any
*Figurative languages elements common to nature even
*Diction diseases.
*Principles in Stating the Theme of

a .It reports for all major details of the d) Man vs Himself/Herself

Sentence structure is the
story. -a type of conflict where a character
way a sentence is arranged,
b. It may be avowed in more than has trouble deciding what to do in a
grammatically. The sentence
one way. particular situation; dilemma
structure of your writing includes
where the noun and verb fall within c. It is stated in complete statements.
d. It asserts a sweeping statement e) Man vs Circumstance
an individual sentence.
about life. -man against destiny or fate
e. It avoids statements that -a type of conflict where a character
Sentence structure
condense the theme to some familiar has to battle what seems to be an
depends on the language in which
adage, aphorism, dictum, maxim, uncontrollable problem; whenever a
you're writing or speaking. There
saying or value. problem seems to be a strange or
are many ways to make the
NOTE: Theme comes last in a unbelievable coincidence, fate can
sentence structure much more
discussion of the elements because be considered the cause and effect
complicated while still providing a
framework for the information you're all the other elements must be
accounted for in determining it; their f) Man vs Supernatural
conveying and being grammatically
interaction creates a living pattern. -a type of conflict where a character
has a conflict with some supernatural
KENKOY KOMIKS beings such as gods, goddesses,
dwarves, etc
words for a non-literal definition
*DICTION color to the story

Diction refers to the a) Flashback

linguistic choices a writer makes to 7) CONFLICT -retelling of the past
effectively convey an idea, a point of -the writer uses this as an
view, or tell a story. In literature, the It is the opposition of interruption to the chronological
words used by an author can help persons or forces in a story that give order/sequence of the story; to go
establish a distinct voice and style. rise to the dramatic action in a back to the related incidents which
literary work. It is the basic tension, occured prior to the beginning of the
6) THEME predicament, or challenge that story
propels a story’s plot.
*generalization about the b) Foreshadowing
meaning of a story *TYPES OF CONFLICT* -future happenings
*it sums up the meaning of a) Man vs Man -the writer uses this as a hint or clues
the story; oftentimes, it is not directly -ideas versus ideas not only person to indicate events that will occur later
stated but rather revealed in the vs. person in the story (premonition); the use of
totality of the literary piece -a type of conflict where one this technique both creates suspense
*must be true to any and character in the story has a problem and prepares the readers for what is
all of the specific details in the with one or more of the characters to come
*only one theme; states b) Man vs Society c) Suspense
declaratively -ex. a girls is not welcome to the -part of the climax
*major and minor theme boy’s family -after suspense - surprise
should be in DIFFERENT ideas -a type of conflict where a character
*the message should be has a conflict or problem with some d) Surprise
high lightened in the theme elements of society - the school, the -unexpected happening - twist in the
law, the accepted way of doing story (plot twist)
things, and so on
e) Coincidence and chance
-unpredictable scenes; unexpected

f) Chronological narration
-most common order of a story


It is the emotional color of

the story; emotional attitudes or
feelings of the writer towards the
story. It could be humorous or
serious, excited or compassionate,


Menoy, Jesus (2014). Philippine

Literature for Today’s Generation: A
Thematic Approach. Books Atbp.
Publishing Corp.

Rodil, Ruel C., Ed. D. et al, (2014)

Heritage of World Literature. Books
Atbp. Publishing Corp. Mandaluyong

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