HONRADO-Group 3 - Pedia NCP
HONRADO-Group 3 - Pedia NCP
HONRADO-Group 3 - Pedia NCP
Legazpi City
Subjective Data Febrile seizure r/t Febrile seizures are Long term Short term Independent Independent At the end of the
− Patient’s mother fever secondary to seizures that happen in 1. Monitor the child’s 1. Most febrile nursing
stated, viral infection as children between the temperature seizures usually interventions;
“Napakainit po nya evidenced by high ages of 6 months and 5 At the end of the At the end of the (tympanic or rectal). occurs within the 1. The patient’s
kanina. Hindi ko po temperature of years, that is associated nursing nursing 2. Assess for hydration first 24 hours of temperature has
alam anong dapat 38.9°C, loss of with high fever but with intervention; intervention; status. illness and close decreased to
gawin.” consciousness, eye an absence of 1. The patient 1. The patient’s 3. Eliminate excess monitoring of 37.5°C after 30
rolling, involuntary intracranial infection, will maintain temperature clothing temperature is minutes.
Objective Data moaning, crying, metabolic conditions, normal core will decrease 4. Administer tepid essential.
− T: 38.9°C passing of urine, or previous history of temperature and be within sponge bath. 2. A high body
− Sudden loss of and rigid limbs. febrile seizures. It is the normal 5. Advise the mother to temperature
consciousness subdivided into 2 range after avoid applying cold increases the
− Eye rolling classifications: A simple 30 minutes. water or alcohol to metabolic rate
− Involuntary febrile seizure is brief, the child. hence increases
moaning and isolated, and the insensible
crying generalized while a Dependent fluid loss.
− Passing of urine complex febrile 1. Administer antipyretic 3. Exposing skin to
− Rigid (stiff) limbs seizure is prolonged as per doctor’s order; room air
− Seizure duration: 5 (duration of more than Acetaminophen decreases
minutes 15 minutes), focal (Tylenol) warmth and
(occurs in one part of Ibuprofen (Advil) increases
the brain), or multiple evaporative
(occurs more than once cooling.
Bicol University
Legazpi City
1. This medications
will help in
lowering fever.
Bicol University
Legazpi City
Risk for Injury r/t Studies have found a At the end of the At the end of the Independent Independent At the end of the
altered level of strong relation nursing nursing 1. Assess and record 1. Documentation of nursing
consciousness between seizure type intervention; intervention; seizure activity and information is interventions;
resulting from and the risk of 1. The parents 1. The patient location. Note the essential for the 1. The patient is
seizure episode injury. Since GTCSs will verbalize will be free duration of seizures, prevention of free from injury
(General Tonic-Clonic understanding from injury parts of the body injury or with the
Seizure), atonic and of necessary with the involved, site of onset complications as occurring
myoclonic seizures lead interventions occurring and progression of a result of a seizure.
to falls by causing to so that the seizure. seizure. seizure. 2. The parents
loss of consciousness, patient will be 2. Assess skin for pallor, 2. Once seizures are verbalized
they carry a high risk in free from flushed, or cyanosis; prolonged and understanding
terms of injury. In this injury when a Monitor respiratory respiration is of necessary
study, the risk of injury seizure occurs. rate, depth, and signs compromised, interventions so
in the patients with of respiratory this will provide that the patient
GTCS was found to be distress. information on will be free from
high. 3. Maintain side-lying possible signs of injury when a
position; Keep aspiration of seizure occurs.
padded side rails up secretions.
with the bed in lowest 3. Side-lying
position and removed facilitates
any clutter from the drainage of
child. secretions and
4. Avoid restraining the maintains airway
child or putting patency; padding
anything in protects the child
his/her mouth; from injury during
provide gentle a seizure.
support to head and 4. Restraining a
arms if harm might child can result in
result. trauma due to the
5. Stay with the child amount of force
during the phase of exerted; inserting
Bicol University
Legazpi City
decreases the risk
of recurring
febrile seizures
Deficient Parents and/or other At the end of the At the end of the Independent Independent At the end of the
Knowledge r/t new members of the family nursing nursing 1. Assess parents’ 1. Provides nursing
disease as often feels fear and interventions; interventions; perceptions and information interventions;
evidenced by anxiety when a 1. The parents 1. The parents knowledge about regarding the 1. The parents will
expressed fear and member of the family will verbalize will disease condition, long-term care of enumerate side
anxiety upon the becomes sick or ill. understanding enumerate fears, and a child with a effects of
occurrence of Nurses and the of the side effects misconceptions about seizure disorder medicines
seizure. healthcare team information of medicines disorder, nature, and and how to deal administered or
members should regarding care administered frequency of seizures. with seizures and prescribed,
provide adequate of the child. or 2. Educate parents that the stigma 2. The parents will
information about the prescribed, a febrile seizure is attached to this verbalize
patient or child’s 2. The parents more of a symptom of disorder. understanding
condition, treatments, will verbalize fever than a 2. Understanding of interventions
and care following the understandin long-term condition. this information to prevent injury
family-centered g of 3. Advise parents and can help the as a result of
approach. interventions child to report parent seizure.
to prevent dizziness, drowsiness, understand the
injury as a gastrointestinal responsibility to
result of upset, nausea, vomiti take for future
seizure. ng, photosensitivity, care.
and rash. 3. These are the side
4. Inform parents about effects
the need for follow of anticonvulsant
up laboratory studies s and sedatives.
such as blood count 4. Prevents toxicity
and liver function test and other severe
Bicol University
Legazpi City
1. Martin, P. B. (2022, March 18). 4 Febrile Seizure Nursing Care Plans. Nurseslabs. Retrieved 2022, from https://nurseslabs.com/4-febrile-seizure-nursing-care-plans/4/
2. Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2013 Sep; 50(3): 269–273. Published online 2013 Sep 1. doi: 10.4274/npa.y6632