Babina - English Colour Names
Babina - English Colour Names
Babina - English Colour Names
Liudmila Babina
Abstract: The article is devoted to the consideration of aspects of studying of English colour names
within the cognitive-discursive approach. As one of aspects of study, modeling of knowledge structures
defining creation and interpretation of the colour names, which are results of the secondary nomination,
is offered. The analysis of simple and parasynthetic words helps to come to a conclusion that their
meaning can be defined by the metonymic cognitive model WHOLE – PART (colour) and the
propositional cognitive models - HAVE QUALITY (COLOUR) LIKE/AS QUALITY (COLOUR), HAVE
QUALITY (COLOUR) LIKE OBJECT. Other aspect of studying of colour tone names assumes the
analysis of their functioning and the description of cognitive mechanisms of their interpretation.
Keywords: English colour names; secondary nomination; simple names; parasynthetic names;
formation of semantics; metonymic cognitive model; propositional cognitive model; cognitive
mechanisms; interpretation.
The study of linguistic phenomena from the standpoint of cognitive-discursive approach, which
investigates "language as a cognitive process implemented in communication activities and provided by
special cognitive structures and mechanisms in the human brain" [Kubryakova, 2004: 406], is very
promising. The cognitive aspect is related to the study of language units through the activities during
which a person operates knowledge structures as a special mental representation. The discourse
aspect involves identifying how language units are used in the communication process that
presupposes speech production and perception.
In this regard, colour tone terms are of interest, because they form the "periphery" of lexical-semantic
field of colour, which is a fairly extensive and growing vocabulary layer. According to their structure
names of colour tones can be divided into simple (chocolate, amber, tomato), compound, parasynthetic
(blood-red, snow-white, stone-coloured), as well as word combinations (dusky pink, Siberian squirrel,
dark red). The object of study in this article is simple names formed by semantic derivation and
parasynthetic words formed on the model of N + colour + ed (wine-coloured, jade-coloured, sky-
coloured). The purpose of research is the analysis of cognitive models and cognitive mechanisms that
International Journal "Information Content and Processing", Volume 2, Number 3, © 2015 275
may be used in the creation and interpretation of English names of colour tones in their functioning.
Methods of cognitive modeling, conceptual and contextual analysis are used in the study.
thus organizing our consciousness. In general, the ICM can be understood as a generalized set of
conceptual structures, which is conventional for speaking people belonging to a particular language
community [Lakoff, 1987]. In the conceptual system Lakoff distinguishes four types of models: image-
schematic, metonymic, metaphorical, and propositional.
The cognitive study of the above-mentioned British colour names allows to reveal cognitive models that
determine the formation of their meaning. Thus, the meaning of derivatives is determined by metonymic
cognitive model WHOLE - PART (colour), which may have the following varieties: WHOLE (object of
inanimate nature) - PART (colour): sand, rust, straw, etc; WHOLE (object of flora) - PART (colour):
thistle, wisteria, myrtle, etc; WHOLE (object of fauna) - PART (colour): canary, teal, egret, etc; WHOLE
(gem, mineral, metal) - PART (colour): jade, malachite, opaline, etc; WHOLE (paint and colour) - PART
(colour): indigo, manganese, pastel, etc; WHOLE (product) - PART (colour): coffee, marshmallow,
caramel, etc. The essence of cognitive metonymy is that any area of the conceptual content can serve
as a means of representation of the whole concept. Within the conceptual framework one of its
constituent concepts may represent other related concepts, or the entire structure as a whole. The
meaning of parasynthetic words with an element -coloured is formed with the help of metonymical
cognitive model WHOLE - PART (colour) and propositional cognitive model, which can be represented
in two varieties.
Among parasynthetic words formed by word-formation model N + colour + ed, according to V.V.
Bolkhovitinov, there are two semantic groups [Bolkhovitinov, 1967].
1) parasynthetic words, including the first element, which is a noun having the meaning of
«colour» (emerald-coloured, ruby-coloured, claret-coloured, ivory-coloured). Let’s identify a
propositional cognitive model that determines their meaning. As it is known, the suffix -ed joined to the
base words forms adjectives with the following meaning «having characteristics of» [Meshkov, 1976:
76]. On the basis of this derivational meaning the proposition HAVE QUALITY (COLOUR) can be
revealed. The element QUALITY (COLOUR) of the proposition HAVE QUALITY (COLOUR) LIKE / AS
QUALITY (COLOUR) is represented by the word colour; the element LIKE is revealed through
2) parasynthetic words, including the first element, which is a noun that does not have the
meaning «colour», but calls an object that has a specific colour (coal-coloured, flame-coloured, fox-
coloured, etc.). The meaning of the derivatives is determined by the propositional model HAVE
(COLOUR) LIKE OBJECT, is represented by a noun, and the element LIKE is revealed through
inference. We believe that the formation of meaning of these words is originally determined by the
propositional cognitive model HAVE QUALITY (COLOUR) LIKE OBJECT, and then metonymical
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cognitive model WHOLE – PART is used. However, not only cognitive models, but also cognitive
mechanisms are used during the interpretation of colour tone names in the process of their functioning.
(2) There, with the rest of the family, drinking whisky, smooth, dapper, silver hair gleaming, face
glowing, teeth shining, was Uncle Karl. ‘My dear fellow!’ As glossy as a fashion-plate, Karl jumped up,
grasped Herr Nordern's hand, and beamed into his face [LC].
In the second example, colour term silver is also used to describe the appearance of the character,
namely, the colour of his hair. The meaning of the derivative word is determined by the metonymical
cognitive model WHOLE (metal) - PART (colour). The dictionary article gives the following definition of
the colour term: of or tending towards the colour silver - a soft grayish-white metal that is very valuable
and is used to make jewelry, coins, knives, forks, etc. [MW]. The context determines whether to activate
background knowledge about the features of the metal. Through the mechanism of "completion"
characteristics 'lustrous sheen', 'sparkling' are borrowed from cognitive domain METAL. The mechanism
of "composition" allows to combine the above-mentioned characteristics and characteristics associated
with the colour of silver: 'lustrous sheen', 'sparkling grayish-white'. Next, the mechanism of "elaboration"
lets display an ironic connotation that the word acquires in this context. Therefore, the use of the colour
term silver gives an idea of the character's quest to gloss, his wish to make a brilliant impression on
Let’s consider some examples of parasynthetic words:
(3) Strether had become acquainted even on this ground with short gusts of speculation — sudden
flights of fancy in Louvre galleries, hungry gazes through clear plates behind which lemon-coloured
volumes were as fresh as fruit on the tree.
(4) His great hands (which can sprawl over half a piano, and produce those effects on the instrument for
which he is celebrated) are encased in lemon-coloured kids, new, or cleaned daily.
(5) Her bright eyes, brown hair, flowery bonnet, lemon-coloured gloves, and flush beauty, were like an
irradiation into the apartment, which they in their gloom could hardly bear [Wordnik].
It seems that in the proposed passages, along with the colour, there is an idea of brightness, splendor
of described objects. Let’s refer to the word lemon - an oval-shaped fruit with a thick bright yellow skin
[CCELD, 1993: 828]. This view is supported by the context: in the examples (3) and (5) the comparison
is used, in the example (4) - adjectives. The sense of considered derived words is formed not only with
the help of the aforementioned cognitive models. The background knowledge underlying the word
lemon is activated with the help of mechanism of "completion". This allows to borrow the characteristic
'bright', which is due to the mechanism of "composition" combines with the characteristics that give an
idea of the colour. The mechanism of "elaboration" lets deduce a positive connotation of colour terms.
(6) The roofs overhead were engulfed in the soot-coloured sky that seemed to be descending on the
heads of the passengers.
(7) They used to come trotting the five miles from Loughrea, little fellows with blue eyes shining out from
soot-black faces, wearing little soot-coloured smocks [Wordnik].
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The sixth example gives an idea not only about colour, but also makes us understand that the air is not
clean, there is soot in the air. In the example (7) it is obvious that faces and clothing of people were
black because of soot. Compare soot - black powder which is carried into the air in the smoke from a
fire, and which is left on the sides of chimneys and on other surfaces [CCELD, 1993: 1390].
Thus, the colour terms are widely used in literary texts, performing a variety of functions: they give a
detailed description of landscapes, portraits, acquire a symbolic importance being a component of
metaphors and comparisons, playing the role of keywords in the literary text, helping to reveal the
author's thought. To a large extent this contributes to their ability to transfer complex ideas about the
described object, including not only information about colour.
The investigation shows that the use of cognitive-discursive approach that takes into account knowledge
structure underlying linguistic units, mechanisms of their generation, opens new perspectives in the
study of meanings and functioning of colour tone names. The research of colour tone names involves
determining cognitive models and description of cognitive mechanisms used in the process of creation
and interpretation of colour terms.
The analysis of colour names (simple words) reveals a metonymical cognitive model - WHOLE - PART
(colour) and its variants. The study of colour names (parasynthetic words) leads to the conclusion that
their meaning can be determined by the metonymical cognitive model WHOLE - PART (colour) and the
propositional cognitive models HAVE QUALITY (COLOUR) LIKE / AS QUALITY (COLOUR), HAVE
QUALITY (COLOUR) LIKE OBJECT. The application of cognitive mechanisms provides an opportunity
to identify additional senses that colour tone names get in the process of their functioning.
The research is executed with the financial support of Russian Research Foundation (Project № 15-18-
10006 "Study of the anthropocentric nature of language in cognitive context") at Tambov State
University named after G.R. Derzhavin.
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