Contemporary World Reflection Paper Robert
Contemporary World Reflection Paper Robert
Contemporary World Reflection Paper Robert
Globalization is a complex and dynamic phenomenon which encompasses economic, social,
political, technological, and cultural dimensions and this epoch of globalization has also
witnessed the spread of political democracy across countries in the developing world and in the
transition economies and we, the Filipinos, live in the Philippines wherein it is a nation that has a
certain degree of freedom that gives us the voices to speak our thoughts, to buy what we want
in various amounts, to acquire whatever knowledge we seek and the right to vote for the people
that possess the characteristics like their knowledge and passion for the nation and for its
people that we think will contribute for the betterment of the country and this is all possible
because democracy has been established. Democracy, according to our most dependable
confidant when it comes to finding definitions, the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a government
in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly
through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections and
according to Benjamin R. Punongbayan, a certified public accountant and founder of P&A Grant
Thornton, democracy is a form of political association among the people of a state within a
defined geographical area where sovereignty resides in the people who express such
sovereignty by voting to select the leaders of the government of the state so in other words,
democracy is a kind of government where the people of a nation have the right to choose
whoever they think has the knowledge and passion for service for the Philippines and the
Filipino people. Almost all nations in this world have their governments as democratic and this is
because it has many advantages that could benefit not only by the people of a nation but also
the nation itself and some of these are the following: it gives the people a chance to become
personally involved with their governments, it encourages equality in a positive way,
democracies or countries with a democratic government usually grow faster economically, and
democracy does not create a centralized power base for ruling over the people but democracy
can also destroy a state as it is the least effective kind of government because this kind of
government is based on the will of the majority; meaning the voting process is only based one
one’s opinion not on the skills, knowledge, or attitude that the candidates have. This means the
people can overlook the qualities the candidates have just because the said candidates have
shown “empathy” to them especially to those voters who
do not have enough common knowledge regarding governance and with this, the future of both
the country and people will suffer. In extreme cases that democracy will destroy a state, the
country can establish an authoritarian kind of government that is characterized by strong central
power and limited political freedoms but in doing so can violate the human rights that the people
have been protecting and enforcing for many years. There is no perfect government but all we
can do as part of the nation is to be educated about the leaders of our country since they are
the ones who are seated at the position to govern us and we can also do our best in doing our
duties and responsibilities as the citizens of the country. Maria Lowie R. Dadivas The progress
of a nation represents the influence of its leaders and cooperation of its citizens. Influence of the
leaders not only domestically but across the region. Cooperation of the citizens in terms of
labor, support and wisdom in choosing representatives with exceptional capabilities to lead and
implement developments in all aspects that a nation can benefit from, because it takes
tremendous efforts and appropriate strategies to create change and establish diplomatic
reputation and have other nations respect you. In a democratic sense of politics, in a
participative leadership implemented in a country, in a nation where election is the way to
choose competent leaders, what has liberal democracy made to make this country better when
we include globalization in the discussion? Globalization as it implies, a globally integrated
economy which is greatly affected by politics, culture, tradition, technology and science. This
phenomenon which is specially marked by free trade and free flow of capital within or across
borders, have made a massive change in the economy of each country. The issue here is, what
is the right world system we must practice to make globalization work fairly in every country, to
address the transborder issues for the benefit of the world and to address the demand of the
citizens in every nation at same time. As of now, it is sad to know that the countries who
practices liberal democracy -which we believed to be a better system, who are supposed to
serve their people, who are said to be liberal enough to change and achieve progress, those
countries are being outran by non-democratic countries in terms of progressive economy and
effective governance. Insecure government, selfish progress and developments, diplomatic
global relations to praise one’s country instead of investments for public welfarethese
conspiracies are evident in democratic countries. Democracy is wielded together with
territories and borders when it’s supposed to flow freely across borders and address
transnational issues and can be benefitted by everybody. One last thought, that whoever
Lorenzetti is, who will be the next? Who will paint the future with magnificent buildings, beautiful
herbs and spaces at the roofs of that building, flourishing agriculture represented by fat pigs and
greenery and the most important, happy citizens. Is it the young generation? The young
generation which is presently experiencing and witnessing the toxicity of the politics, issues of
the government, unappreciated cultures and traditions and expensive technological
advancements due to low currency and poor economic status? Let’s all hope again for another
change as we always do during elections. Let’s all hope for another effective world system,
another effective approach to implement change. Nyna Claire T. Gange Globalization intensified
social relations and consciousness across the world and across the space. Globalization leads
to the integration of economic, cultural, political and social systems across national borders. It
has changed the world in many ways and has brought several countries together. However, as
well as bringing countries together in some ways, it has also driven them apart. One of the most
controversial changes it has made is in the field of political culture of many countries around the
world. Politics is globalizing as government and societies make greater efforts to influence each
other and as internal tensions in one country spreads to neighbors. Many Scholars such as
David Held would agree that democracy is commonly being regarded as the best form of
government. Democracy has been associated with “the rule of the people” and “the rule of
majority”. Our country, the Philippines is considered a democratic country, wherein the supreme
power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them under a free electoral system.
Voters are free to choose their leaders, people have freedom of speech and expression, there is
equality, and right to life. Democracy enhances sovereignty by giving the state a strong base in
society but in cases where democracy destroy a state, we may undergo authoritarian kind of
government to
defend our sovereignty. Authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power
in the hands of a leader. Authoritarian leaders often exercise power arbitrarily and without
regards to existing bodies of law. The leader can make decision without consulting or taking
opinion of the people. People do not have the power, the leader’s decision will only matters.
Democracy is great but it can be worst, so we should live in a good governance. Democracy
cannot flourish in the absence of good governance. Our society needs a good governance, and
this is even important in times of crisis. Good governance is a precondition for any development.
Development cannot flourish when people cannot participate in. The most basic and important
principle of good governance is that a nation’s political institutions should be democratic. Good
governance is resulted in a democratic society where people can pursue their hopes and