IGCSE - Bio - Lesson Plan 21 - Using Microorganisms
IGCSE - Bio - Lesson Plan 21 - Using Microorganisms
IGCSE - Bio - Lesson Plan 21 - Using Microorganisms
Textbook pages
Chapter overview
This chapter covers the use of microbes in the food industry including the manufacture of bread and
yoghurt along with the design of industrial fermenters.
What to expect
Specification areas covered:
5.5 understand the role of yeast in the production of food including bread
5.6 practical: investigate the role of anaerobic respiration by yeast in different conditions
5.7 understand the role of bacteria (Lactobacillus) in the production of yoghurt
5.8 understand the use of an industrial fermenter and explain the need to provide suitable
conditions in the fermenter, including aseptic precautions, nutrients, optimum temperature and pH,
oxygenation and agitation, for the growth of microorganisms.
The contents of the chapter are best covered towards the end of course as it requires an
understanding of other areas of the specification. It revisits respiration from Chapter 1 and the
structure and function of yeast and bacteria from Chapter 2. An understanding of the factors
affecting enzymes is also required to understand how the fermenter is designed. Homework tasks
could include answering worksheet questions, researching and designing a fermenter and
completing practical write-ups.
Teaching notes
A good starting point for the topic is to show students a range of different foods, such as
yoghurt, bread, mycoprotein and cheese, and discuss which foods are manufactured using
Yeast structure should be described and this is a good opportunity to revisit the structure
and classification of fungi.
There are many practicals that can be performed including making bread with and without
yeast, comparing the effects of temperature on the rising of dough, comparing the effect of
glucose concentration on the rate of respiration of yeast (see practicals).
Bacterial cell structure should be revisited and it is useful to compare it to animal and plant
cell structure. Students can draw up a table to compare the structures.
Students could make yoghurt and investigate the change in pH of the yoghurt (see
Students could be given a diagram of a fermenter which they can label and annotate to
explain each of the features. Depending of the ability of the students, this could be
completed by giving them a list of problems to solve (maintain pH, temperature, aerobic
respiration, even distribution of food, etc.) and students could come up with their own
design. It may be possible to purchase a school fermenter to demonstrate all the key
It is important for students to understand the function of each of the features of a
fermenter, for example:
o pH monitor: help maintain pH for optimal enzyme activity
o cooling jacket and temperature probe: to maintain temperature for optimal enzyme
activity and prevent enzymes denaturing
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o sterilising mechanism: to prevent unwanted microbes growing, which would
compete for food, reducing yields and may be pathogens
o nutrient inflow: provide carbohydrates for energy and amino acids for growth
o stirrers: to prevent microbes settling and keep even distribution of heat and food
o aerator: to provide oxygen for aerobic respiration.
Students could investigate and research the use of fermenters when producing mycoprotein
and antibiotics.
Common misconceptions
Some students think that yeast are bacteria – completing a comparison table and diagram of
yeast and bacteria can help their understanding.
Some students do not realise that the conversion of lactose sugar into lactic acid causes the
clotting of milk protein. Adding acid or lemon juice to fresh milk to make it curdle will help to
show that acidity causes protein to clot.
For extension work, students could investigate the work of Fleming, Florey, Chain and
Heatley, and the role of fermenters in the production of penicillin. Students could plan
additional experiments on factors affecting the rate of yeast anaerobic respiration, such as
Less-able students often find the design of fermenters difficult. It may be useful for them to
build a model fermenter using plastic bottles, tubing, wires and a pump. When planning
experiments on the rate of anaerobic respiration, less-able students will need more
‘scaffolding’ to identify variables.
Making bread. Students can investigate rising of dough by making dough with and without
yeast. If kitchens are present, this could be done in the kitchen and the bread baked. If no
kitchen or oven is available, the initial rising of the dough is measured. Dough can also be
placed into beakers at different temperatures and the height it has risen measured after 1
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Respiration and balloons. Yeast and sugar solution can be placed into test tubes and
balloons fitted over the top to collect carbon dioxide gas. The speed at which the balloons
inflate when the test tubes are placed at different temperatures (other independent
variables can also be investigated) can be measured.
Yoghurt production. Students can make yoghurt easily by adding a teaspoon of live, natural
yoghurt to fresh milk and leaving it for 1 week in a refrigerator. If the yoghurt is for
consumption, all equipment must be sterilised, milk that has been sterilised should be used
and the yoghurt should not be made in a laboratory. If the yoghurt is not for consumption,
the daily change in pH can be monitored by using indicator paper, indicator solution or a pH
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