Bayesian Learning: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71
Bayesian Learning: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71
Bayesian Learning: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71
Bayesian learning methods are relevant to study of machine learning for two different reasons.
1. First, Bayesian learning algorithms that calculate explicit probabilities for hypotheses,
such as the naive Bayes classifier, are among the most practical approaches to certain
types of learning problems
2. The second reason is that they provide a useful perspective for understanding many
learning algorithms that do not explicitly manipulate probabilities.
Features of Bayesian Learning Methods
• Each observed training example can incrementally decrease or increase the estimated
probability that a hypothesis is correct. This provides a more flexible approach to
learning than algorithms that completely eliminate a hypothesis if it is found to be
inconsistent with any single example
• Prior knowledge can be combined with observed data to determine the final probability
of a hypothesis. In Bayesian learning, prior knowledge is provided by asserting (1) a
prior probability for each candidate hypothesis, and (2) a probability distribution over
observed data for each possible hypothesis.
• Bayesian methods can accommodate hypotheses that make probabilistic predictions
• New instances can be classified by combining the predictions of multiple hypotheses,
weighted by their probabilities.
• Even in cases where Bayesian methods prove computationally intractable, they can
provide a standard of optimal decision making against which other practical methods
can be measured.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71
1. One practical difficulty in applying Bayesian methods is that they typically require
initial knowledge of many probabilities. When these probabilities are not known in
advance they are often estimated based on background knowledge, previously available
data, and assumptions about the form of the underlying distributions.
2. A second practical difficulty is the significant computational cost required to determine
the Bayes optimal hypothesis in the general case. In certain specialized situations, this
computational cost can be significantly reduced.
Bayes theorem provides a way to calculate the probability of a hypothesis based on its prior
probability, the probabilities of observing various data given the hypothesis, and the observed
data itself.
• P(h) prior probability of h, reflects any background knowledge about the chance that h
is correct
• P(D) prior probability of D, probability that D will be observed
• P(D|h) probability of observing D given a world in which h holds
• P(h|D) posterior probability of h, reflects confidence that h holds after D has been
Bayes theorem is the cornerstone of Bayesian learning methods because it provides a way to
calculate the posterior probability P(h|D), from the prior probability P(h), together with P(D)
and P(D|h).
• P(h|D) increases with P(h) and with P(D|h) according to Bayes theorem.
• P(h|D) decreases as P(D) increases, because the more probable it is that D will be
observed independent of h, the less evidence D provides in support of h.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71
• In many learning scenarios, the learner considers some set of candidate hypotheses H
and is interested in finding the most probable hypothesis h ∈ H given the observed data
D. Any such maximally probable hypothesis is called a maximum a posteriori (MAP)
• Bayes theorem to calculate the posterior probability of each candidate hypothesis is hMAP
is a MAP hypothesis provided
• In some cases, it is assumed that every hypothesis in H is equally probable a priori
(P(hi) = P(hj) for all hi and hj in H).
• In this case the below equation can be simplified and need only consider the term P(D|h)
to find the most probable hypothesis.
P(D|h) is often called the likelihood of the data D given h, and any hypothesis that maximizes
P(D|h) is called a maximum likelihood (ML) hypothesis
• Consider a medical diagnosis problem in which there are two alternative hypotheses:
(1) that the patient has particular form of cancer, and (2) that the patient does not. The
available data is from a particular laboratory test with two possible outcomes: +
(positive) and - (negative).
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71
• We have prior knowledge that over the entire population of people only .008 have this
disease. Furthermore, the lab test is only an imperfect indicator of the disease.
• The test returns a correct positive result in only 98% of the cases in which the disease is
actually present and a correct negative result in only 97% of the cases in which the
disease is not present. In other cases, the test returns the opposite result.
• The above situation can be summarized by the following probabilities:
Suppose a new patient is observed for whom the lab test returns a positive (+) result.
Should we diagnose the patient as having cancer or not?
The exact posterior probabilities can also be determined by normalizing the above quantities
so that they sum to 1
Basic formulas for calculating probabilities are summarized in Table
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71
What is the relationship between Bayes theorem and the problem of concept learning?
Since Bayes theorem provides a principled way to calculate the posterior probability of each
hypothesis given the training data, and can use it as the basis for a straightforward learning
algorithm that calculates the probability for each possible hypothesis, then outputs the most
We can design a straightforward concept learning algorithm to output the maximum a posteriori
hypothesis, based on Bayes theorem, as follows:
In order specify a learning problem for the BRUTE-FORCE MAP LEARNING algorithm we
must specify what values are to be used for P(h) and for P(D|h) ?
Let’s choose P(h) and for P(D|h) to be consistent with the following assumptions:
• The training data D is noise free (i.e., di = c(xi))
• The target concept c is contained in the hypothesis space H
• Do not have a priori reason to believe that any hypothesis is more probable than any
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Given these choices for P(h) and for P(D|h) we now have a fully-defined problem for the above
Recalling Bayes theorem, we have
Where, VSH,D is the subset of hypotheses from H that are consistent with D
To summarize, Bayes theorem implies that the posterior probability P(h|D) under our assumed
P(h) and P(D|h) is
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• Every consistent learner outputs a MAP hypothesis, if we assume a uniform prior
probability distribution over H (P(hi) = P(hj) for all i, j), and deterministic, noise free
training data (P(D|h) =1 if D and h are consistent, and 0 otherwise).
• FIND-S outputs a consistent hypothesis, it will output a MAP hypothesis under the
probability distributions P(h) and P(D|h) defined above.
• Are there other probability distributions for P(h) and P(D|h) under which FIND-S
outputs MAP hypotheses? Yes.
• Because FIND-S outputs a maximally specific hypothesis from the version space, its
output hypothesis will be a MAP hypothesis relative to any prior probability distribution
that favours more specific hypotheses.
• Bayesian framework is a way to characterize the behaviour of learning algorithms
• By identifying probability distributions P(h) and P(D|h) under which the output is a
optimal hypothesis, implicit assumptions of the algorithm can be characterized
(Inductive Bias)
• Inductive inference is modelled by an equivalent probabilistic reasoning system based
on Bayes theorem
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Consider the problem of learning a continuous-valued target function such as neural network
learning, linear regression, and polynomial curve fitting
A straightforward Bayesian analysis will show that under certain assumptions any learning
algorithm that minimizes the squared error between the output hypothesis predictions and the
training data will output a maximum likelihood (ML) hypothesis
distributed according to a Normal distribution with zero mean.
• The task of the learner is to output a maximum likelihood hypothesis or a MAP
hypothesis assuming all hypotheses are equally probable a priori.
Assuming training examples are mutually independent given h, we can write P(D|h) as the
product of the various (di|h)
Given the noise ei obeys a Normal distribution with zero mean and unknown variance σ2 , each
di must also obey a Normal distribution around the true targetvalue f(xi). Because we are
writing the expression for P(D|h), we assume h is the correct description of f.
Hence, µ = f(xi) = h(xi)
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Maximize the less complicated logarithm, which is justified because of the monotonicity of
function p
The first term in this expression is a constant independent of h, and can therefore be
discarded, yielding
Finally, discard constants that are independent of h.
Thus, above equation shows that the maximum likelihood hypothesis hML is the one that
minimizes the sum of the squared errors between the observed training values di and the
hypothesis predictions h(xi)
Why is it reasonable to choose the Normal distribution to characterize noise?
• Good approximation of many types of noise in physical systems
• Central Limit Theorem shows that the sum of a sufficiently large number of
independent, identically distributed random variables itself obeys a Normal distribution
Only noise in the target value is considered, not in the attributes describing the instances
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What criterion should we optimize in order to find a maximum likelihood hypothesis for f' in
this setting?
• First obtain an expression for P(D|h)
• Assume the training data D is of the form D = {(x1, d1) . . . (xm, dm)}, where di is the
observed 0 or 1 value for f (xi).
• Both xi and di as random variables, and assuming that each training example is drawn
independently, we can write P(D|h) as
Applying the product rule
Equation (4) to substitute for P(di |h, xi) in Equation (5) to obtain
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Equation (7) describes the quantity that must be maximized in order to obtain the maximum
likelihood hypothesis in our current problem setting
• Derive a weight-training rule for neural network learning that seeks to maximize G(h,D)
using gradient ascent
• The gradient of G(h,D) is given by the vector of partial derivatives of G(h,D) with
respect to the various network weights that define the hypothesis h represented by the
learned network
• In this case, the partial derivative of G(h, D) with respect to weight wjk from input k to
unit j is
• Suppose our neural network is constructed from a single layer of sigmoid units. Then,
where xijk is the kth input to unit j for the ith training example, and d(x) is the derivative
of the sigmoid squashing function.
• Finally, substituting this expression into Equation (1), we obtain a simple expression for
the derivatives that constitute the gradient
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Because we seek to maximize rather than minimize P(D|h), we perform gradient ascent rather
than gradient descent search. On each iteration of the search the weight vector is adjusted in
the direction of the gradient, using the weight update rule
Where, η is a small positive constant that determines the step size of the i gradient ascent search
or alternatively, minimizing the negative of this quantity
This equation (1) can be interpreted as a statement that short hypotheses are preferred,
assuming a particular representation scheme for encoding hypotheses and data
• -log2P(h): the description length of h under the optimal encoding for the hypothesis
space H, LCH (h) = −log2P(h), where CH is the optimal code for hypothesis space H.
• -log2P(D | h): the description length of the training data D given hypothesis h, under the
optimal encoding from the hypothesis space H: LCH (D|h) = −log2P(D| h) , where C D|h
is the optimal code for describing data D assuming that both the sender and receiver
know the hypothesis h.
• Rewrite Equation (1) to show that hMAP is the hypothesis h that minimizes the sum given
by the description length of the hypothesis plus the description length of the data given
the hypothesis.
Where, CH and CD|h are the optimal encodings for H and for D given h
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The Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle recommends choosing the hypothesis that
minimizes the sum of these two description lengths of equ.
Where, codes C1 and C2 to represent the hypothesis and the data given the hypothesis
The above analysis shows that if we choose C1 to be the optimal encoding of hypotheses CH,
and if we choose C2 to be the optimal encoding CD|h, then hMDL = hMAP
Apply the MDL principle to the problem of learning decision trees from some training data.
What should we choose for the representations C1 and C2 of hypotheses and data?
• For C1: C1 might be some obvious encoding, in which the description length grows with
the number of nodes and with the number of edges
• For C2: Suppose that the sequence of instances (x1 . . .xm) is already known to both the
transmitter and receiver, so that we need only transmit the classifications (f (x1) . . . f
• Now if the training classifications (f (x1) . . .f(xm)) are identical to the predictions of the
hypothesis, then there is no need to transmit any information about these examples. The
description length of the classifications given the hypothesis ZERO
• If examples are misclassified by h, then for each misclassification we need to transmit
a message that identifies which example is misclassified as well as its correct
• The hypothesis hMDL under the encoding C1 and C2 is just the one that minimizes the
sum of these description lengths.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71
• The naive Bayes classifier applies to learning tasks where each instance x is described
by a conjunction of attribute values and where the target function f (x) can take on any
value from some finite set V.
• A set of training examples of the target function is provided, and a new instance is
presented, described by the tuple of attribute values (al, a2.. .am).
• The learner is asked to predict the target value, or classification, for this new instance.
The Bayesian approach to classifying the new instance is to assign the most probable target
value, VMAP, given the attribute values (al, a2.. .am) that describe the instance
• The naive Bayes classifier is based on the assumption that the attribute values are
conditionally independent given the target value. Means, the assumption is that given
the target value of the instance, the probability of observing the conjunction (al, a2.. .am),
is just the product of the probabilities for the individual attributes:
Where, VNB denotes the target value output by the naive Bayes classifier
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An Illustrative Example
• Let us apply the naive Bayes classifier to a concept learning problem i.e., classifying
days according to whether someone will play tennis.
• The below table provides a set of 14 training examples of the target concept PlayTennis,
where each day is described by the attributes Outlook, Temperature, Humidity, and
D11 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes
D12 Overcast Mild High Strong Yes
D13 Overcast Hot Normal Weak Yes
D14 Rain Mild High Strong No
• Use the naive Bayes classifier and the training data from this table to classify the
following novel instance:
< Outlook = sunny, Temperature = cool, Humidity = high, Wind = strong >
• Our task is to predict the target value (yes or no) of the target concept PlayTennis for
this new instance
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The probabilities of the different target values can easily be estimated based on their
frequencies over the 14 training examples
• P(P1ayTennis = yes) = 9/14 = 0.64
• P(P1ayTennis = no) = 5/14 = 0.36
Similarly, estimate the conditional probabilities. For example, those for Wind = strong
• P(Wind = strong | PlayTennis = yes) = 3/9 = 0.33
• P(Wind = strong | PlayTennis = no) = 3/5 = 0.60
Thus, the naive Bayes classifier assigns the target value PlayTennis = no to this new
instance, based on the probability estimates learned from the training data.
By normalizing the above quantities to sum to one, calculate the conditional probability that
the target value is no, given the observed attribute values
Estimating Probabilities
• We have estimated probabilities by the fraction of times the event is observed to occur
over the total number of opportunities.
• For example, in the above case we estimated P(Wind = strong | Play Tennis = no) by
the fraction nc /n where, n = 5 is the total number of training examples for which
PlayTennis = no, and nc = 3 is the number of these for which Wind = strong.
• When nc = 0, then nc /n will be zero and this probability term will dominate the quantity
calculated in Equation (2) requires multiplying all the other probability terms by this
zero value
• To avoid this difficulty we can adopt a Bayesian approach to estimating the probability,
using the m-estimate defined as follows
m -estimate of probability:
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• The naive Bayes classifier makes significant use of the assumption that the values of the
attributes a1 . . .an are conditionally independent given the target value v.
• This assumption dramatically reduces the complexity of learning the target function
A Bayesian belief network describes the probability distribution governing a set of variables
by specifying a set of conditional independence assumptions along with a set of conditional
Bayesian belief networks allow stating conditional independence assumptions that apply to
subsets of the variables
• Consider an arbitrary set of random variables Y1 . . . Yn , where each variable Yi can
take on the set of possible values V(Yi).
• The joint space of the set of variables Y to be the cross product V(Y1) x V(Y2) x. . .
• In other words, each item in the joint space corresponds to one of the possible
assignments of values to the tuple of variables (Y1 . . . Yn). The probability distribution
over this joint' space is called the joint probability distribution.
• The joint probability distribution specifies the probability for each of the possible
variable bindings for the tuple (Y1 . . . Yn).
• A Bayesian belief network describes the joint probability distribution for a set of
Conditional Independence
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The naive Bayes classifier assumes that the instance attribute A1 is conditionally independent
of instance attribute A2 given the target value V. This allows the naive Bayes classifier to
calculate P(Al, A2 | V) as follows,
A Bayesian belief network represents the joint probability distribution for a set of variables.
Bayesian networks (BN) are represented by directed acyclic graphs.
The Bayesian network in above figure represents the joint probability distribution over the
boolean variables Storm, Lightning, Thunder, ForestFire, Campfire, and BusTourGroup
A Bayesian network (BN) represents the joint probability distribution by specifying a set of
conditional independence assumptions
• BN represented by a directed acyclic graph, together with sets of local conditional
• Each variable in the joint space is represented by a node in the Bayesian network
• The network arcs represent the assertion that the variable is conditionally independent
of its non-descendants in the network given its immediate predecessors in the network.
• A conditional probability table (CPT) is given for each variable, describing the
probability distribution for that variable given the values of its immediate predecessors
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The joint probability for any desired assignment of values (y1, . . . , yn) to the tuple of network
variables (Y1 . . . Ym) can be computed by the formula
Consider the node Campfire. The network nodes and arcs represent the assertion that Campfire
is conditionally independent of its non-descendants Lightning and Thunder, given its
immediate parents Storm and BusTourGroup.
This means that once we know the value of the variables Storm and BusTourGroup, the
variables Lightning and Thunder provide no additional information about Campfire
The conditional probability table associated with the variable Campfire. The assertion is
• Use a Bayesian network to infer the value of some target variable (e.g., ForestFire) given
the observed values of the other variables.
• Inference can be straightforward if values for all of the other variables in the network
are known exactly.
• A Bayesian network can be used to compute the probability distribution for any subset
of network variables given the values or distributions for any subset of the remaining
• An arbitrary Bayesian network is known to be NP-hard
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Affective algorithms can be considered for learning Bayesian belief networks from training
data by considering several different settings for learning problem
➢ First, the network structure might be given in advance, or it might have to be inferred from
the training data.
➢ Second, all the network variables might be directly observable in each training example,
or some might be unobservable.
• In the case where the network structure is given in advance and the variables are fully
observable in the training examples, learning the conditional probability tables is
straightforward and estimate the conditional probability table entries
• In the case where the network structure is given but only some of the variable values
are observable in the training data, the learning problem is more difficult. The learning
problem can be compared to learning weights for an ANN.
The gradient ascent rule which maximizes P(D|h) by following the gradient of ln P(D|h) with
respect to the parameters that define the conditional probability tables of the Bayesian network.
Let wijk denote a single entry in one of the conditional probability tables. In particular wijk
denote the conditional probability that the network variable Yi will take on the value yi, given
that its immediate parents Ui take on the values given by uik.
Derive the gradient defined by the set of derivatives for all i, j, and k. Assuming the
training examples d in the data set D are drawn independently, we write this derivative as
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 18CS71
The EM algorithm can be used even for variables whose value is never directly observed,
provided the general form of the probability distribution governing these variables is known.
Estimating Means of k Gaussians
• This problem setting is illustrated in Figure for the case where k = 2 and where the
instances are the points shown along the x axis.
• Each instance is generated using a two-step process.
• First, one of the k Normal distributions is selected at random.
• Second, a single random instance xi is generated according to this selected
• This process is repeated to generate a set of data points as shown in the figure.
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In this case, the sum of squared errors is minimized by the sample mean
• Our problem here, however, involves a mixture of k different Normal distributions, and
we cannot observe which instances were generated by which distribution.
• Consider full description of each instance as the triple (xi, zi1, zi2),
• where xi is the observed value of the ith instance and
• where zi1 and zi2 indicate which of the two Normal distributions was used to
generate the value xi
• In particular, zij has the value 1 if xi was created by the jth Normal distribution and 0
• Here xi is the observed variable in the description of the instance, and zil and zi2 are
hidden variables.
• If the values of zil and zi2 were observed, we could use following Equation to solve for
the means p1 and p2
• Because they are not, we will instead use the EM algorithm
EM algorithm
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