The document discloses an ink for a printer. The ink contains one or more latexes from 0.1-15 wt%, one or more amines from 0-2 wt%, and one or more pigments from 0.5-8 wt%. It also contains four or more solvents totaling 10-50 wt% and one or more surfactants from 0.001-3 wt%. The ink has a jetting viscosity of 3-8 centipoise at 32°C and a surface tension of 10-40 dynes/cm. Particles in the ink have a maximum cross-sectional length of 0.20 um. A method for making the ink involves mixing the components in several steps and passing the final
The document discloses an ink for a printer. The ink contains one or more latexes from 0.1-15 wt%, one or more amines from 0-2 wt%, and one or more pigments from 0.5-8 wt%. It also contains four or more solvents totaling 10-50 wt% and one or more surfactants from 0.001-3 wt%. The ink has a jetting viscosity of 3-8 centipoise at 32°C and a surface tension of 10-40 dynes/cm. Particles in the ink have a maximum cross-sectional length of 0.20 um. A method for making the ink involves mixing the components in several steps and passing the final
The document discloses an ink for a printer. The ink contains one or more latexes from 0.1-15 wt%, one or more amines from 0-2 wt%, and one or more pigments from 0.5-8 wt%. It also contains four or more solvents totaling 10-50 wt% and one or more surfactants from 0.001-3 wt%. The ink has a jetting viscosity of 3-8 centipoise at 32°C and a surface tension of 10-40 dynes/cm. Particles in the ink have a maximum cross-sectional length of 0.20 um. A method for making the ink involves mixing the components in several steps and passing the final
The document discloses an ink for a printer. The ink contains one or more latexes from 0.1-15 wt%, one or more amines from 0-2 wt%, and one or more pigments from 0.5-8 wt%. It also contains four or more solvents totaling 10-50 wt% and one or more surfactants from 0.001-3 wt%. The ink has a jetting viscosity of 3-8 centipoise at 32°C and a surface tension of 10-40 dynes/cm. Particles in the ink have a maximum cross-sectional length of 0.20 um. A method for making the ink involves mixing the components in several steps and passing the final
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,309,419 B2
Breton et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 12, 2016 (54) INK WITH ENHANCED WETTING (58) Field of Classification Search PROPERTIES CPC ....................................................... CO9D 1 1/30 USPC .................................................. 523/160, 161 (71) Applicant: XEROX CORPORATION, Norwalk, See application file for complete search history. CT (US) (56) References Cited (72) Inventors: Marcel P. Breton, Mississauga (CA); Biby Esther Abraham, Mississauga U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (CA); James D. Mayo, Mississauga 2006/00796O2 A1* 4/2006 Johnson et al. ............... 523,160 (CA); Valerie M. Farrugia, Oakville 2006/0270756 A1* 11/2006 Hanmura et al. .. ... 523,160 (CA); Jenny Eliyahu, Maple (CA); 2007/0043146 A1 2/2007 House et al. .................. 523,160 Adela Goredema, Mississauga (CA); Barkev Keoshkerian, Thornhill (CA); OTHER PUBLICATIONS Yvan Gagnon, Mississauga (CA); Viscosity of water taken from "Properties of Ordinary Water-Sub Gabriel Iftime, Cupertino, CA (US) stance.” N.E. Dorsey, p. 184. New York (1940).* (73) Assignee: XEROX CORPORATION, Norwalk, The Viscous Properties of Diols. V. 1.2—Hexanediol inWater and Butanol Solutions, Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, CT (US) Tübingen (2004).* Several Properties of the 2-Pyrrollidone-Water System as Functions (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this of Composition and Temperature, Journal of Chemical and Engineer patent is extended or adjusted under 35 ing Data, vol. 1 1. No. 2, Apr. 1966.* U.S.C. 154(b) by 22 days. * cited by examiner (21) Appl. No.: 14/261,258 Primary Examiner — Edward Cain (22) Filed: Apr. 24, 2014 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm – MH2 TECHNOLOGY LAW GROUP, LLP (65) Prior Publication Data US 2015/0307723 A1 Oct. 29, 2015 (57) ABSTRACT An ink for a printer may include one or more latexes in an (51) Int. Cl. amount from about 0.1 wt % to about 15 wt %, one or more C09D II/30 (2014.01) amines in an amount from about 0 wt % to about 2 wt %, and C09D II/03 (2014.01) one or more pigments in an amount from about 0.5 wt % to C09D II/033 (2014.01) about 8 wt %. The ink may also include four or more solvents C09D II/322 (2014.01) that, in the aggregate, are present in an amount from about 10 C09D II/38 (2014.01) wt % to about 50 wt %. The ink may further include one or (52) U.S. Cl. more surfactants in an amount from about 0.001 wt % to about CPC .............. C09D 11/03 (2013.01); C09D 11/033 3 wit 9/6. (2013.01); C09D 1 1/322 (2013.01); C09D II/38 (2013.01) 20 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet U.S. Patent Apr. 12, 2016 US 9,309.419 B2
THROUGH AFILTER US 9,309,419 B2 1. 2 INK WITHENHANCED WETTING glycol, or a combination thereof. The ink may further include PROPERTIES one or more surfactants in an amount from about 0.001 wt % to about 3 wt %. The ink may have a jetting viscosity from TECHNICAL FIELD about 3 centipoise to about 8 centipoise at 32°C. The ink may have a surface tension from about 10 dynes/cm to about 40 The present teachings relate to an ink for a printer and, dynes/cm. Any particles in the ink may have a cross-sectional more particularly, to an aqueous ink for an indirect printing length less than or equal to about 0.20 um. application. A method for making an ink for a printer is also disclosed. The method may include mixing a latex, an amine, and water BACKGROUND 10 to form a first mixture. The first mixture may be stirred from about 100 RPM to about 500 RPM for about 30 seconds to In indirect aqueous printing, an aqueous ink is jetted onto about 30 minutes. A pigment may be mixed with the first an intermediate transfer member, typically called a blanket, mixture to form a second mixture. The second mixture may be and the ink is partially or fully dried on the blanket prior to Stirred from about 100 RPM to about 500 RPM for about 30 transfixing an image to a media Substrate. Such as a sheet of 15 seconds to about 30 minutes. Four or more solvents may be paper. The blanket may be overcoated with a sacrificial layer mixed with the second mixture to form a third mixture. to facilite transfix and long term printing reliability. The ink is a mixture of water, a solvent, a colorant, and a BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING polymer latex. The polymer latex may include an aqueous dispersion of polymer particles. The polymer latex may have The accompanying drawing, which is incorporated in and a minimum film forming temperature from about 55° C. to constitutes a part of this specification, illustrates embodi about 110° C. and a glass transition temperature from about ments of the present teachings and together with the descrip 45° C. to about 100° C. The softening point may be from tion, serves to explain the principles of the disclosure. In the about 40° C. to about 95°C. figure: There is a need for an ink with enhanced wetting properties 25 FIG. 1 depicts a flowchart of an illustrative method for for use in indirectaqueous printing utilizing a sacrificial layer. forming an ink, according to one or more embodiments dis closed. SUMMARY It should be noted that some details of the figure have been simplified and are drawn to facilitate understanding of the The following presents a simplified Summary in order to 30 present teachings rather than to maintain strict structural provide a basic understanding of some aspects of one or more accuracy, detail, and scale. embodiments of the present teachings. This summary is not an extensive overview, nor is it intended to identify key or DETAILED DESCRIPTION critical elements of the present teachings, nor to delineate the Scope of the disclosure. Rather, its primary purpose is merely 35 Reference will now be made in detail to exemplary to present one or more concepts in simplified form as a pre embodiments of the present teachings, examples of which are lude to the detailed description presented later. illustrated in the accompanying drawing. Wherever possible, An ink for a printer is disclosed. The ink may include one the same reference numbers will be used throughout the or more latexes in an amount from about 0.1 wt % to about 15 drawings to refer to the same, similar, or like parts. wt %, one or more amines in an amount from about 0 wt % to 40 As used herein, unless otherwise specified, the word about 2 wt %, and one or more pigments in an amount from “printer encompasses any apparatus that performs a print about 0.5 wt % to about 8 wt %. The ink may also include four outputting function for any purpose, such as a digital copier or or more solvents that, in the aggregate, are present in an printer, bookmaking machine, facsimile machine, a multi amount from about 10 wt % to about 50 wt %. The ink may function machine, etc. It will be understood that the structures further include one or more Surfactants in an amount from 45 depicted in the figures may include additional features not about 0.001 wt % to about 3 wt %. depicted for simplicity, while depicted structures may be In another embodiment the ink may include one or more removed or modified. latexes in an amount from about 0.1 wt % to about 15 wt %. FIG. 1 depicts a flowchart 100 of an illustrative method for The ink may also include one or more amines in an amount forming an ink, according to one or more embodiments dis from about 0 wt % to about 2 wt %. The one or more amines 50 closed. The method 100 may include combining latex, water, may be selected from the group consisting of monoethanola and an amine to form a first mixture, as shown at 102. mine, diethanolamine, triethanolamine, and a combination The latex may be natural or synthetic and may be a stable thereof. The ink may also include one or more pigments in an dispersion (e.g., emulsion) of monomer or polymer micro amount from about 0.5 wt % to about 8 wt %. The ink may particles in an aqueous medium. Any monomer Suitable for also include four or more solvents that, in the aggregate, are 55 preparing a latex for use in an ink may be utilized. Suitable present in an amount from about 10 wt % to about 50 wt %. At monomers that may be used to form a latex polymer emul least one of the four or more solvents may be selected from the Sion, and thus the resulting latex particles in the latex emul group consisting of glycerol. 2-pyrrolidone, 1.5 pentanediol. sion may include, but are not limited to, styrenes, acrylates, 1.3 propanediol. 2-butoxyethanol, diethylene glycol, 1.2 hex methacrylates, butadienes, isoprenes, acrylic acids, meth anediol, water, 1.2 propanediol, butyl carbitol, and a combi 60 acrylic acids, acrylonitriles, combinations thereof, and the nation thereof. The four or more solvents, when combined, like. may have a viscosity that is less than or equal to about 75 The latex may also include at least one polymer. The num centipoise at 32°C. The ink may also include an anti-foaming ber of polymers may range from 1 to 20, 2 to 15, or 3 to 10. agent in an amount from about 0.01 wt % to about 5 wt %. The Suitable polymers may include styrene acrylates, styrene anti-foaming agent may be selected from the group consisting 65 butadienes, styrene methacrylates, and more specifically, of an insoluble oil, a polydimethylsiloxane, a silicone, long poly(styrene-alkyl acrylate), poly(styrene-1,3-diene), poly chain fatty alcohols, fatty acid soaps and esters, a silicone (styrene-alkyl methacrylate), poly (styrene-alkyl acrylate US 9,309,419 B2 3 4 acrylic acid), poly(styrene-1,3-diene-acrylic acid), poly (sty Orange G. (Aldrich); Sudan Orange 220 (BASF); PALIO rene-alkyl methacrylate-acrylic acid), poly(alkyl GENR) Orange 3040 (BASF); PALIOGENR Yellow 152, methacrylate-alkyl acrylate), poly(alkyl methacrylate-aryl 1560 (BASF); LITHOLR) Fast Yellow 0991 K (BASF); acrylate), poly(aryl methacrylate-alkyl acrylate), poly(alkyl PALIOTOL.R. Yellow 1840 (BASF); NOVOPERMR. Yellow methacrylate-acrylic acid), poly(styrene-alkyl acrylate-acry FGL (Clariant); Ink Jet Yellow 4GVP2532 (Clariant); Toner lonitrile-acrylic acid), poly (styrene-1,3-diene-acrylonitrile Yellow HG (Clariant); LUMOGENRYellow D0790 (BASF); acrylic acid), poly(alkyl acrylate-acrylonitrile-acrylic acid), Suco-Yellow L1250 (BASF); Suco-Yellow D1355 (BASF); poly(styrene-butadiene), poly(methylstyrene-butadiene), Suco Fast Yellow D1355, D1351 (BASF); HOSTAPERMR) poly(methyl methacrylate-butadiene), poly(ethyl methacry Pink E 02 (Clariant); Hansa Brilliant Yellow 5GX03 (Clari late-butadiene), poly(propyl methacrylate-butadiene), poly 10 ant); Permanent Yellow GRL 02 (Clariant); Permanent (butyl methacrylate-butadiene), poly(methyl acrylate-butadi Rubine L6B 05 (Clariant); FANAL(R) Pink D4830 (BASF); ene), poly(ethyl acrylate-butadiene), poly(propyl acrylate CINQUASIAR) Magenta (DUPONT); PALIOGENR Black butadiene), poly(butyl acrylate-butadiene), poly(styrene L0084 (BASF); Pigment Black K801 (BASF); and carbon isoprene), poly(methylstyrene-isoprene), poly (methyl blacks such as REGALR 330 (Cabot), Nipex 150 (Evonik) methacrylate-isoprene), poly(ethyl methacrylate-isoprene), 15 Carbon Black 5250 and Carbon Black 5750 (Columbia poly(propyl methacrylate-isoprene), poly(butyl methacry Chemical), and the like, as well as mixtures thereof. The late-isoprene), poly(methyl acrylate-isoprene), poly(ethyl pigment(s) may be in the form of a dispersion in water. In at acrylate-isoprene), poly(propyl acrylate-isoprene), poly(bu least one embodiment, the pigment may be of the self-dis tyl acrylate-isoprene), poly(styrene-propyl acrylate), poly persing type where the pigment is coated with a resin or (styrene-butyl acrylate), poly (styrene-butadiene-acrylic polymeric dispersant. The resonated pigment(s) may be or acid), poly(styrene-butadiene-methacrylic acid), poly (sty include MCC-059-SJ, MCM-059-SJ, MCY-059-SJ, and/or rene-butadiene-acrylonitrile-acrylic acid), poly(styrene-bu MCBk-059-SJ sold by Sun Chemicals (about 14-15% by tyl acrylate-acrylic acid), poly(styrene-butyl acrylate-meth weight pigments); however, as will be appreciated, these pig acrylic acid), poly(styrene-butyl acrylate-acrylononitrile), ments are merely illustrative and not intended to be limiting. poly(styrene-butyl acrylate-acrylonitrile-acrylic acid), poly 25 A cross-sectional length (e.g., average diameter) of the pig (styrene-butadiene), poly(styrene-isoprene), poly(styrene ment particles may be less than or equal to about 200 nm, less butyl methacrylate), poly(styrene-butyl acrylate-acrylic than or equal to about 150 nm, or less than or equal to about acid), poly(styrene-butyl methacrylate-acrylic acid), poly 100 nm. (butyl methacrylate-butyl acrylate), poly(butyl methacrylate Once the pigment is added, the second mixture may be acrylic acid), poly(acrylonitrile-butyl acrylate-acrylic acid), 30 mixed or stirred from about 100 RPM to about 1000 RPM, or a combination thereof. The polymers may be block, ran about 100 RPM to about 500 RPM, or about 200 RPM to dom, or alternating copolymers. about 400 RPM. The second mixture may be mixed or stirred The amine may be or include monoethanolamine, dietha for about 30 seconds to about 30 minutes, about 1 minute to nolamine, triethanolamine ("TEA), or a combination about 20 minutes, about 1 minute to about 10 minutes, or thereof. 35 longer. Once combined, the first mixture may be mixed or stirred One or more solvents may then be added to the second from about 100 RPM to about 1000 RPM, about 100 RPM to mixture to formathird mixture, as shown at 106. The number about 500 RPM, or about 200 RPM to about 400 RPM. The of solvents may one, two, three, four, five, six, or more. For first mixture may be mixed or stirred for about 30 seconds to example, the third mixture may include four or more solvents. about 30 minutes, about 1 minute to about 20 minutes, about 40 The fourth solvent may add an additional degree of freedom 1 minute to about 10 minutes, or longer. that may allow ink design optimization (e.g., enhanced wet One or more pigments may be added to the first mixture ting) for a variety of skins or substrates. The term "enhanced (e.g., while stirring) to form a second mixture, as shown at wetting as used in this application refers to both an improve 104. In a specific embodiment, the pigment or colorant may ment in the initial wetting of the Substrate upon impact by the be or include a magenta pigment, a cyan pigment, a yellow 45 ink and an increase in the maximum spreading of the ink that pigment, a black pigment, or a mixture or combination is achievable on the Substrate during the printing process. thereof. Examples of suitable pigments may include PALIO Maximum spreading may also be dependent on drop size and GENR Violet 5100 (BASF); PALIOGENR Violet 5890 drop velocity. (BASF); HELIOGENR) Green L8730 (BASF); LITHOLOR The fourth solvent may still enable high yield transfer, Scarlet D3700 (BASF); SUNFASTR. Blue 15:4 (Sun Chemi 50 goodjettability (i.e., minimal or no nozzle blocking or drying cal): HOSTAPERMR) Blue B2G-D (Clariant); HOS on idling and good drop directionality), good ink stability, TAPERMR) Blue B4G (Clariant); SPECTRAR PAC C Blue minimal or no latex or pigment aggregation and settling, and 15:4 (Sun Chemical); Permanent Red P-F7RK; HOS minimal or no Swelling of the latex particles when exposed to TAPERMR) Violet BL (Clariant); LITHOLOR. Scarlet 4440 the solvent mixture. (BASF); Bon Red C (Dominion Color Company); OR A 55 The solvents (or combination of solvents) provide CETR Pink RF (BASF); PALIOGENR Red 3871 K (BASF); improved latex inkjet ink performance. The solvents may be SUNFASTR. Blue 15:3 (Sun Chemical); PALIOGENR Red used to assure stability of the colorant, pigment, or dye; help 3340 (BASF); SUNFASTR Carbazole Violet 23 (Sun Chemi control the film forming characteristics of the latexes/ink cal); LITHOLOR Fast Scarlet L4300 (BASF); SUNBRITE(R) through preferential Swelling of the latex particles; help con Yellow 17 (Sun Chemical): HELIOGENR. Blue L6900, 60 trol wetting characteristics of inks on a variety of Substrates; L7020 (BASF); SUNBRITE(R) Yellow 74 (Sun Chemical): Solvent blend selection affects drying properties, rheological SPECTRAR) PAC C Orange 16 (Sun Chemical): HELIO properties, jetting properties, flow properties in printhead ink GENR. Blue K6902, K6910 (BASF); SUNFASTR) Magenta channels, ink transfer for indirect printing processes. 122 (Sun Chemical); HELIOGENR. Blue D6840, D7080 The solvents may include alcohols and alcohol derivatives, (BASF); Sudan Blue OS (BASF); NEOPENR. Blue FF4012 65 including aliphatic alcohols, aromatic alcohols, dials, glycol (BASF); PV Fast Blue B2GO1 (Clariant); IRGALITER Blue ethers, polyglycol ethers, long chain alcohols, primary ali GLO (BASF); PALIOGENR) Blue 6470 (BASF); Sudan phatic alcohols, secondary aliphatic alcohols, 1.2-alcohols, US 9,309,419 B2 5 1,3-alcohols, 1.5-alcohols, ethylene glycol alkyl ethers, pro TABLE 1-continued pylene glycol alkyl ethers, methoxylated glycerol, ethoxy lated glycerol, higher homologues of polyethylene glycol Viscosity, Temperature, Solvent cPS Viscosity/cSt o C. WBNIndex alkyl ethers, and the like, with specific examples including ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, diethylene glycols, glyc Water O.76 O.76 32 -O.72 erine, dipropylene glycols, polyethylene glycols, polypropy 1.2 propanediol 28.56 27.20 32 28.5 butyl carbitol 4.90 4.67 25 18.7 lene glycols, trimethylolpropane, 1.5-pentanediol, 2-methyl 1.3-propanediol, 2-ethyl-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3- propanediol, 3-methoxybutanol, 3-methyl-1,5-pentanediol. VBN is defined as the Viscosity Blending Number (VBN). 1,3-propanediol, 1,4-butanediol. 2,4-heptanediol, and the 10 The viscosity of the blend of two or more liquids can be like; also suitable are amides, ethers, urea, Substituted ureas estimated using the Refutas equation. See Maples, Robert E. Such as thiourea, ethylene urea, alkylurea, alkylthiourea, Petroleum Refinery Process Economics (2nd ed.), Pennwell dialkylurea, and dialkylthiourea, carboxylic acids and their Books, 2000. salts, such as 2-methylpentanoic acid, 2-ethyl-3-propy The first step is to calculate the Viscosity Blending Number lacrylic acid, 2-ethyl-hexanoic acid, 3-ethoxyproponic, acid, 15 (VBN) (also called the Viscosity Blending Index) of each and the like, esters, organosulfides, organosulfoxides, Sul component of the blend: fones (such as sulfolane), carbitol, butyl carbitol, cellusolve, ethers, tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether, ether deriva tives, hydroxyethers, amino alcohols, ketones, N-methylpyr rolidinone, 2-pyrrolidinone, cyclohexylpyrrolidone, amides, where v is the kinematic viscosity in centistokes (cSt). The Sulfoxides, lactones, polyelectrolytes, methyl sulfonyletha kinematic viscosity of each component of the blend may be nol, imidazole, 1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone, betaine, obtained at the same temperature. Sugars, such as 1-deoxy-D-galactitol, mannitol, inositol, and The next step is to calculate the VBN of the blend, using the like, substituted and unsubstituted formamides, substi equation (2) below: tuted and unsubstituted acetamides, and other water soluble 25 or water miscible materials, as well as mixtures thereof. VBN = xxVBNF-ExxVBNF-- ... + xxx When mixtures of water and water soluble or miscible VBN (2) organic liquids are selected as the liquid vehicle, the water to where X, is the mass fraction of each component of the blend. organic ratio ranges may be any suitable or desired ratio. For Once the viscosity blending number of a blend has been example, the ratio may be from about 97:3 to about 30:70, 30 calculated using equation (2), the kinematic viscosity of the from about 95:5 to about 40:60, or from about 90:10 to about blend may be determined by solving equation (1) for v: 51:49. The non-water component of the liquid vehicle may serve as a humectant that has a boiling point higher than that of water (i.e., 100° C.), or as a co-solvent which has a boiling WBNR - 10.975 point as low as 70° C. The organic component of the ink 35 except Bied 14.534 )-08 (3)3 vehicle may also serve to modify ink Surface tension, modify ink viscosity, Swell the latex and/or disperse the colorant, and/or affect the drying characteristics of the ink. In at least where VBN is the Viscosity blending number of the one embodiment, the co-solvent may be sulfolane, methyl blend. ethyl ketone, isopropanol, 2-pyrrolidinone, polyethylene gly 40 The solvent set when including of 4 or more solvents has a col, or a mixture thereof. viscosity that may be less than or equal to about 100 centi The total amount of liquid vehicle may be provided in any poise (“chs’) at 32°C., less than or equal to about 75 cps at Suitable or desired amount. In at least one embodiment, the 32° C., or less than or equal to about 50 cps at 32°C. It is liquid vehicle may be present in the ink composition in an believed that such conditions are preferred to minimize the amount of from about 55 wt % to about 97 wt %, or from 45 building of a viscous plug as a result of water evaporation about 60 wt % to about 90 wt %, or from about 65 wt % to from the inkjet printhead nozzles when the printhead/printer about 90 wt %, by weight, based on the total weight of the ink is idle. The solvent set viscosity at 32°C. may be greater than composition. or equal to about 10 cps so to enable formulation of piezo In at least one embodiment, the solvents may be or include inkjet inks having good and stable high frequency jetting glycerol. 2-pyrrolidone, 1.5 pentanediol. 1.3 propanediol. 50 without front face wetting. If only one solvent at a high 2-butoxyethanol, diethylene glycol, 1.2 hexanediol, water, concentration or weight percent in the ink is selected, instead 1.2 propanediol, butyl carbitol, Liponic REG-1, ethoxylate of of a mixture of solvents making up that same concentration, it glycerine, or a combination thereof. may have detrimental effects on the blanket (e.g., Swelling) The properties of these illustrative solvents (at 32°C.) are and on the stability and jettability of the ink. The inks shown in Table 1 below: 55 described herein were found to have excellent long term stability in the printhead with no jetting problems even after TABLE 1. the printhead was kept idle for a period of two months. Once the solvents are added, the third mixture may be Viscosity, Temperature, mixed or stirred from about 100 RPM to about 1000 RPM, Solvent cPS Viscosity/cSt o C. WBNIndex 60 about 200 RPM to about 800 RPM, or about 400 RPM to glycerol 51O.OO 485.71 32 37.5 about 600 RPM. The third mixture may be mixed or stirred for 2-pyrrollidone 13.30 12.67 25 24.9 about 15 seconds to about 30 minutes, about 30 seconds to 1.5 pentanediol 90.00 85.71 32 32.7 about 10 minutes, or about 30 seconds to about 5 minutes. 1.3 propanediol S2.OO 49.52 2O 30.8 2-butoxyethanol 2.90 2.76 25 14.5 One or more anti-foaming additives may be added to the diethylene glycol 18. SO 17.62 32 26.5 65 third mixture to form a fourth mixture, as shown at 108. The 12 hexanediol 46.04 43.85 32 3O4 anti-foaming additive(s) may reduce or hinder the formation of foam during the processing of the ink. The anti-foaming US 9,309,419 B2 7 8 additive(s) may be or include insoluble oils, polydimethylsi cellulose, polyoxyethylene cetyl ether, polyoxyethylene lau loxanes, other silicones, alcohols, Stearates, glycols, or a ryl ether, polyoxyethylene octyl ether, polyoxyethylene combination thereof. octylphenyl ether, polyoxyethylene oleyl ether, polyoxyeth Once the anti-foaming additive(s) are added, the fourth ylene Sorbitan monolaurate, polyoxyethylene Stearyl ether, mixture may be mixed or stirred from about 100 RPM to 5 polyoxyethylene nonylphenyl ether, dialkylphenoxy poly about 1000 RPM, about 200RPM to about 800 RPM, or about (ethyleneoxy) ethanol, available from Rhone-Poulenc as 400 RPM to about 600 RPM. The fourth mixture may be IGEPAL(R) CA-210 IGEPAL(R) CA-520, IGEPAL(R) CA-720, mixed or stirred for about 15 seconds to about 30 minutes, IGEPAL(R) CO-890, IGEPAL(R) C0-720, IGEPAL(R) CO-290, about 30 seconds to about 10 minutes, or about 30 seconds to IGEPAL(R) CA-210, ANTAROXOR 890, and ANTAROXOR) about 5 minutes. 10 897. Suitable nonionic surfactants may also include a block One or more surfactants may be added to the third or fourth copolymer of polyethylene oxide and polypropylene oxide, mixture to form a fifth mixture, as shown at 110. The surfac including those commercially available as SYNPERONIC(R) tant(s) may lower the surface tension between two or more of PE/F, such as SYNPERONICR PE/F 108. the compounds (e.g., liquids or Solids) in the fifth mixture. Suitable anionic Surfactants may include Sulfates and Sul The surfactant(s) may be or include SURFYNOL(R) 104H, 15 fonates, sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), sodium dodecylben CHEMGUARDRS-761P, or a combination thereof. CHEM Zene Sulfonate, Sodium dodecylnaphthalene Sulfate, dialkyl GUARD(R) S-761 P is a short chain perfluoro-based anionic benzenealkylsulfates and Sulfonates, acids such as abitic acid fluorosurfactant of the phosphate ester type. It may provide available from Sigma-Aldrich, NEOGENR) R, NEOGENR) Surface tensions as low as 16 dynes/cm in water at very low SC available from Daiichi Kogyo Seiyaku, combinations concentrations. It also has excellent dynamic Surface tension thereof, and the like. Suitable anionic surfactants may also properties, allowing for rapid attainment of low equilibrium include DOWFAX(R) 2A1, an alkyldiphenyloxide disulfonate surface tensions. CHEMGUARDR S-761P may impart from Dow Chemical Company, and/or TAYCA POWER excellent wetting, spreading, leveling, and flow control prop BN2060 from Tayca Corporation (Japan), which are erties on various types of water-based coatings for architec branched sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonates. tural paints and stains, concrete coatings, industrial coatings 25 Once the surfactant(s) are added, the fifth mixture, now ink, as well as aqueous hydrocarbon surfactant solutions. CHEM may be mixed or stirred from about 100 RPM to about 1000 GUARD(R) S-761 P may be low foaming and may provide RPM, about 200 RPM to about 800 RPM, or about 400 RPM improved dirt pick-up resistance to exterior paints and inte to about 600 RPM. The fifth mixture (i.e., ink) may be mixed rior low gloss paints, sealers, and stains. or stirred for about 5 minutes to about 2 hours, about 10 SURFYNOLOR 104H is a nonionic Surfactant that has a 30 minutes to about 90 minutes, or about 20 minutes to about 1 combination of benefits, including wetting, defoaming, and hour. improving pigment dispersions. Its unique chemical structure The fifth mixture (i.e., ink) may then pass through a filter provides multifunctional properties Such as Surface tension having a plurality of openings to separate any Solid particu reduction, foam control, and viscosity stabilization, SUR lates larger than a predetermined size, as shown at 112. The FYNOL(R) 104H is a 75% active liquid in Ethylene Glycol. 35 openings may have a cross-sectional length (e.g., diameter) SURFYNOL(R) 104H may provide performance benefits in less than or equal to about 0.50 um, less than or equal to about many waterborne applications such as coatings, paints, adhe 0.40 um, or less than or equal to about 0.30 Lum. sives, inks, pigment manufacture and dispersion, cements, Latex may be present in the ink from about 0.1 wt % to metalworking lubricants, agricultural chemicals and dye pro about 15 wt %, about 1 wt % to about 10 wt %, or about 2 wit cessing, 40 % to about 6 wt %. Water may be present in the ink from about Other Suitable Surfactants may include ionic Surfactants, 40 wt % to about 90 wt %, about 50 wt % to about 80 wt %, anionic Surfactants, cationic Surfactants, nonionic Surfac or about 60 wt % to about 70 wt %. Amine may be present in tants, Zwitterionic Surfactants, and the like, as well as mix the ink from about 0.0 wt % to about 2 wt %, about 0.1 wt % tures thereof. Suitable surfactants may also include alkyl to about 1.5 wt %, or about 0.2 wt % to about 1.0 wt %. polyethylene oxides, alkyl phenyl polyethylene oxides, poly 45 Pigment may be present in the ink from about 0.5 wt % to ethylene oxide block copolymers, acetylenic polyethylene about 8 wt %, about 1 wt % to about 6 wt %, or about 2 wt % oxides, polyethylene oxide (di)esters, polyethylene oxide to about 4 wt %. Solvent (e.g., aggregate wt % of four or more amines, protonated polyethylene oxide amines, protonated solvents) may be present in the ink from about 10 wt % to polyethylene oxide amides, dimethicone copolyols, Substi about 50 wt %, about 15 wt % to about 40 wt %, or about 20 tuted amine oxides, and the like, with specific examples 50 wt % to about 30 wt %. The anti-foaming additive may be including primary, secondary, and tertiary amine salt com present in the ink from about 0.01 wt % to about 5 wt %, about pounds such as hydrochloric acid salts, acetic acid salts of 0.1 wt % to about 3 wt %, or about 0.5 wt % to about 2 wt %. laurylamine, coconut amine, Stearylamine, rosin amine; qua Surfactant may be present in the ink form about 0.001 wt % to ternary ammonium salt type compounds such as lauryltrim about 3 wt %, about 0.01 wt % to about 2 wt %, or about 0.1 ethylammonium chloride, cetyltrimethylammonium chlo 55 wt % to about 1 wt %. In addition the total amount of pigment ride, benzyltributylammonium chloride, benzalkonium and latex in the ink may be less than 15 wt %, and the ratio of chloride, etc.; pyridinium salty type compounds such as latex to pigment may be from about 0.2:1 to about 2.0:1, about cetylpyridinium chloride, cetylpyridinium bromide, etc.; 0.5:1 to about 1.5:1, or about 0.7:1 to about 1.3:1. nonionic Surfactant Such as polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers, Reducing the viscosity of the solvent set to within the range polyoxyethylene alkyl esters, acetylene alcohols, acetylene 60 disclosed above may cause the filtered ink (which includes glycols; and other Surfactants such as 2-heptadecenyl-hy the solvent set) to have a jetting viscosity from about 1.5 cps droxyethylimidazoline, dihydroxyethylstearylamine, to about 10 cps at 32°C., about 3 cps to about 8 cps at 32°C., stearyldimethylbetaine, and lauryldihydroxyethylbetaine; or about 5 cps to about 6 cps at 32° C. Optimization of the fluorosurfactants; and the like, as well as mixtures thereof. Viscosity of the solvent blends used for an ink may enhance Additional examples of nonionic Surfactants include poly 65 wetting performance. This may particularly be the case if the acrylic acid, methalose, methyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose, optimization of the Viscosity is combined with a surfactant to propyl cellulose, hydroxy ethyl cellulose, carboxy methyl adjust the dynamic Surface tension properties of the ink. As a US 9,309,419 B2 result of enhanced wetting and spreading, a smalleramount of TABLE 3 ink may be required for printing an image. For example, a drop of the ink having a mass from about 5.0 ng to about 10 EPSON (R) premium Bopp paper with photo paper Coating A ng, when printed on a Substrate coated with a semi-crystalline polyvinylalcohol polymer, may be configured to spread from Dots in Im 39.4 53.1 Lines in Im 33 51 about 2 times to about 4 times of an original drop diameter while maintaining a dot circularity of less than 1.1. The fil tered ink may have a surface tension from about 15 dynes/cm to about 50 dynes/cm, about 15 dynes/cm to about 40 dynes/ 10 TABLE 4 cm, or about 20 dynes/cm to about 30 dynes/cm. Ink and Substrate Circularity Examples 1-3 below describe illustrative inks (and prop Ink from Table 2 on O.9 erties thereof) prepared using the method 100 of FIG.1. The EPSON (R) premium photo examples are not intended to be limiting. paper 15 Ink from Table 2 on Bopp O.9 paper with coating A EXAMPLE1
A first illustrative ink produced by the method 100 shown EXAMPLE 2
in FIG.1 may include 3 solvents: 2-pyrrolidone, glycerol, and 1.5 pentanediol. The formulation of this ink may be seen in Another illustrative ink produced by the method shown in Table 2 below: FIG.1 may include 4 or more solvents: diethylene glycol, 1.5 pentanediol. 1.3 propanediol, glycerol, and 2-pyrollidone. TABLE 2 The properties of this ink may be seen in Table 5 below: 25 Solids Solid TABLE 5 wt % Content% Wto of Mass used in the in Component to make ink Solids Solid Component ink Component in Ink in grams wt % Content% Wt 90 of Mass used 30 in the in Component to make ink VF798 4.35 44.75 9.72 106.93 Component ink Component in Ink in grams Betaine 3.SO 1OO 3.SO 38.50 BK31075-72 4.35 41.50 10.5 5.24 2-pyrrollidone 2.50 1OO 2.50 27.50 Diethylene glycol 7.50 100.00 7.5 3.75 Glycerol 1O.OO 1OO 10.00 110.00 1.5 pentanediol 7.50 100.00 7.5 3.75 TEA 1.OO 1OO 1.00 11.00 1.3 propanediol 4.40 100.00 4.4 2.20 35 Glycerol 12.00 100.00 12.0 6.OO 104EH O.2O 1OO O.20 2.20 2-pyrollidone 2.60 100.00 2.6 1.30 Pigment 3.65 15 2433 267.67 Betaine 3.SO 100.00 3.5 1.75 1.5 pentanediol 20.30 1OO 20.30 223.30 Pigment (black) 3.65 14.87 24.5 12.27 Chemgard 0.0075 1OO 0.0075 O.O825 Triethanolamine 1.OO 100.00 1.O O.SO sS761p LIPONIC (REG-1 O.70 100.00 0.7 O.35 Water 54.49 1OO 28.44 312.82 40 CHEMGUARD (R) O.O1 100.00 O.O O.OO S-761P (34 active) Surfynol 420 O.30 100.00 O.3 O.15 Total 1OOOO 1OO 11OOOO Water 52.49 100.00 25.5 12.73
Total 100 1OO.O SO.OO
The ink in Example 1 was jetted on a DIMATIX(R) 2800 45 printer and printed on two different mediums: (1) EPSONR) Like the ink in Example 1, the ink in Example 2 was jetted premium photo paper and (2) biaxially oriented polypropy on a DIMATIX(R) 2800 printer and printed on two different lene (Bopp) paper coated with a dry coating (referred to mediums: (1) EPSONR premium photo paper and (2) Bopp herein as Coating A) obtained from a glycerol containing paper coated with Coating A. The ink was printed with a drop aqueous solution of a partially hydrolyzed (87-89%) polyvi 50 mass from about 7.0–7.2 ng, a drop velocity of about 8 m/s, a nylalcohol (CELVOL.R. 203) containing a non ionic surfac frequency of about 5 kHz, and a voltage from about 19-23 V. tant that has an HLB value of about 13, (e.g., TERGITOL(R) The diameters of the printed dots are shown in Table 6 below, TMN-6) and glycerol as cosolvent. The amount of glycerol and the circularities of the printed dots are shown in Table 7 may be between about 0.5 wt % and 5 wt % by weight of the 55 below. The diameters and circularities were measured using coating solution, preferably from about 2 wt % to 5 wt.%. In the PIAS II. The PIAS II is the personal image Analysis this particular embodiment, the amount of glycerol was 3% system—a digital loupe using a high resolution optic module by weight, and the amount of surfactant was 0.1% by weight, of about 5 um/pixel, which has a field of view about 3.2 but the amount may be outside these ranges. Suitable semi mmx2.4 mm to measure the dot size and the diameter. crystalline partially hydrolyzed polyvinylalcohol may 60 include those available from Sekisui under commercial name, TABLE 6 CELVOLR, e.g., CELVOL(R) 203, 205, 502, 513, 523, 540, EPSON (R) premium Bopp paper with and 418. The ink was printed with a drop mass from about photo paper Coating A 7.0–7.2 ng, a drop velocity of about 8 m/s, a frequency of Dots in Im 38.5 61.3 about 5 kHz, and a voltage from about 19-23 V. The diameters 65 Lines in Im 33 63 of the printed dots are shown in Table 3 below, and the circularities of the printed dots are shown in Table 4 below. US 9,309,419 B2 12 TABLE 7 EXAMPLE 4 Ink and Substrate Circularity Preparation of Emulsion Polymerization Latex Ink from Table 6 on O.9 EPSON (R) premium photo A surfactant solution of 1.99 grams of DOWFAX(R) 2A1 paper Ink from Table 6 on Bopp 1.O (anionic alkyldiphenyloxide disulfonate) and 285.43 grams paper with GS-10 skin of de-ionized water was prepared by mixing for 10 minutes in a stainless steel holding tank. The holding tank was then purged with nitrogen for 5 minutes before transferring the EXAMPLE 3 10 mixture into a reactor. The reactor was then continuously purged with nitrogen while being stirred at 450 RPM. The reactor was then heated up to 80° C. at a controlled rate. Yet another illustrative ink produced by the method shown Separately, 4.38 grams of ammonium persulfate initiator was in FIG.1 may include 4 or more solvents: diethylene glycol, dissolved in 45.54 grams of deionized water. 1.5 pentanediol. 1.3 propanediol, glycerol, and 2-pyrollidone. 15 Separately, a monomer emulsion was prepared by adding The properties of this ink may be seen in Table 8 below: 229.13 grams of styrene, 62.69 grams of butyl acrylate, 45.39 grams of methacrylic acid, 10.12 grams of beta CEA, 2.07 TABLE 8 grams of 1-dodecanethiol, and 1.18 grams of 1,10-decanediol Solids Solid diacrylate (ADOD) to a premix of 11.27 grams of DOW wt % Content% Wto of Mass used FAX(R) 2A1 in 152.91 grams of deionized water. 1% of the in the in Component to make ink emulsion (4.3 grams) was then slowly added into the reactor Component ink Component in Ink in grams containing the aqueous Surfactant phase at 80°C. to form the BK31075-72 4.35 41.50 1O.S 5.24 “seeds” while being purged with nitrogen. The initiator solu Diethylene glycol 7.50 100.00 7.5 3.75 tion was then slowly charged into the reactor. The monomer 1.5 pentanediol 7.50 100.00 7.5 3.75 25 emulsion was split into two aliquots. The first aliquot of 252.2 1.3 propanediol Glycerol 4.40 12.00 100.00 100.00 4.4 12.O 2.20 6.OO grams of the monomer emulsion was initially fed into the 2-pyrollidone 2.60 100.00 2.6 1.30 reactor at 2.03 grams/minute. The second aliquot of 259.8 12 hexanediol 3.SO 100.00 3.5 1.75 grams of the monomer emulsion was mixed with 2.45 grams Pigment (black) 3.65 14.87 24.5 12.27 of 1-dodecane thiol (“DDT”) and added to the reactor at 2.89 Triethanolamine LIPONIC (REG-1 1.OO O.70 100.00 100.00 1.O 0.7 O.SO O.35 30 grams per minute. Once all of the monomer emulsion was CHEMGUARD (R) O.O1 100.00 O.O O.OO charged into the reactor, the temperature was held at 80° C. S-761p (34 active) for an additional two hours to complete the reaction. Full Surfynol 420 O.30 100.00 O.3 O.15 cooling was then applied, and the reactor temperature was Water 52.49 1OO.O 25.5 12.73 reduced to 25°C. The product was collected into a holding Total 100 1OO.O SO.OO 35 tank and sieved with a 25 um screen. The particle size was then measured by a NANOTRAC(R) U2275E particle size analyzer to have a Dso of 131.3 nm and a Ds of 187.9 mm. Like the ink from Examples 1 and 2, the ink in Example 3 was jetted on a DIMATIX(R) 2800 printer and printed on two EXAMPLE 5 different mediums: (1) EPSONR premium photo paper and 40 (2) Bopp paper coated with Coating A. The ink was printed Preparation of Latex with a drop mass from about 7.0–7.2 ng, a drop velocity of about 8 m/s, a frequency of about 5 kHz, and a voltage from 360 grams of DOWFAX(R) 2A1, 11 grams of surfactant, about 19-23 V. The diameters of the printed dots are shown in and 360 grams of water were added to a 1 liter glass reactor. Table 9 below, and the circularities of the printed dots are 45 The reactor was heated to 80°C. with a nitrogen purge. An shown in Table 10 below. aqueous solution containing 3.7 grams of ammonium persul fate and 37 grams of water was then added to the reactor. A TABLE 9 feed of a monomer Solution was then added to the reactorata rate of about 1.7 grams per minute. The monomer Solution EPSON (R) premium Bopp paper with included 95 grams of styrene, 149 grams of n-butyl acrylate, photo paper GS-10 skin 8.5 grams of b-carboxyethyl acrylate, and 3.7 grams of dode Dots in Im 39.9 62.6 cylthiol. Once the monomer feed was added to the reactor, the Lines in Im 34 64 latex was stirred for 2.5 hours resulting in a latex with a solids loading of 43.8% and a particle size (Ds) of 49.3 nm. The 55 glass transition temperature (“Tg) of the dried latex was TABLE 10 75.4° C., and the softening temperature of the latex was 105.80 C. Ink and Substrate Circularity Notwithstanding that the numerical ranges and parameters Ink from Table 9 on O.9 setting forth the broad scope of the present teachings are EPSON (R) premium photo 60 approximations, the numerical values set forth in the specific paper examples are reported as precisely as possible. Any numerical Ink from Table 9 on Bopp 1.O value, however, inherently contains certain errors necessarily paper with Coating A resulting from the standard deviation found in their respective testing measurements. Moreover, all ranges disclosed herein Examples 4 and 5 below describe illustrative methods for 65 are to be understood to encompass any and all Sub-ranges preparing a latex that may be included in the ink (e.g., in step subsumed therein. For example, a range of “less than 10” may 102 above). The examples are not intended to be limiting. include any and all Sub-ranges between (and including) the US 9,309,419 B2 13 14 minimum value of Zero and the maximum value of 10, that is, an anionic alkyldiphenyloxide disulfonate mixed with any and all Sub-ranges having a minimum value of equal to or deionized water to form a first mixture; greater than Zero and a maximum value of equal to or less than an ammonium persulfate mixed with deionized water to 10, e.g., 1 to 5. In certain cases, the numerical values as stated form a second mixture; for the parameter may take on negative values. In this case, the a styrene, a butyl acrylate, a methacrylic acid, a beta example value of range Stated as “less than 10” may assume carboxyethyl acrylate, a 1-dodecanethiol, a 1,10-de negative values, e.g.-1, -2, -3, -10, -20, -30, etc. canediol diacrylate, an anionic alkyldiphenyloxide While the present teachings have been illustrated with disulfonate, and deionized water mixed together to respect to one or more implementations, alterations and/or formathird mixture, wherein the first mixture and the modifications may be made to the illustrated examples with 10 third mixture are mixed together to form a fourth out departing from the spirit and scope of the appended mixture, and wherein the fourth mixture is subse claims. For example, it may be appreciated that while the quently mixed with the second mixture to form a fifth process is described as a series of acts or events, the present mixture; teachings are not limited by the ordering of Such acts or one or more amines in an amount from about 0 wt % to events. Some acts may occur in different orders and/or con 15 currently with other acts or events apart from those described about 2 wt %; herein. Also, not all process stages may be required to imple one or more pigments in an amount from about 0.5 wt % to ment a methodology in accordance with one or more aspects about 8 wt %: or embodiments of the present teachings. It may be appreci four or more solvents that, in the aggregate, are present in ated that structural components and/or processing stages may an amount from about 10 wt % to about 50 wt %; and be added, or existing structural components and/or process one or more surfactants in an amount from about 0.001 wt ing stages may be removed or modified. Further, one or more % to about 3 wt %. of the acts depicted herein may be carried out in one or more 2. The ink of claim 1, wherein the four or more solvents are separate acts and/or phases. Furthermore, to the extent that selected from the group consisting of glycerol, 2-pyrrolidone, the terms “including.” “includes.” “having.” “has.” “with.” or 25 1.5 pentanediol, 1.3 propanediol, 2-butoxyethanol, diethyl variants thereofare used in either the detailed description and ene glycol, 1.2 hexanediol, water, 1.2 propanediol, butyl car the claims, such terms are intended to be inclusive in a manner bitol, and a combination thereof. similar to the term “comprising.” The term “at least one of is 3. The ink of claim 1, further comprising an anti-foaming used to mean one or more of the listed items may be selected. agent in an amount from about 0.01 wt % to about 5 wt %, Further, in the discussion and claims herein, the term “on” 30 wherein the anti-foaming agent is selected from the group used with respect to two materials, one “on” the other, means consisting of an insoluble oil, a polydimethylsiloxane, a sili at least some contact between the materials, while “over” cone, long chain fatty alcohols, fatty acid soaps and esters, a means the materials are in proximity, but possibly with one or silicone glycol, or a combination thereof. more additional intervening materials such that contact is 4. The ink of claim 1, wherein the four or more solvents, possible but not required. Neither “on” nor “over implies any 35 when combined, have a viscosity that is less than or equal to directionality as used herein. The term “conformal describes about 75 centipoise at 32° C. a coating material in which angles of the underlying material 5. The ink of claim 1, wherein the ink has a jetting viscosity are preserved by the conformal material. The term “about from about 3 centipoise to about 8 centipoise at 32°C. indicates that the value listed may be somewhat altered, as 6. The ink of claim 1, wherein the ink has a surface tension long as the alteration does not result in nonconformance of the 40 from about 10 dynes/cm to about 40 dynes/cm, and wherein process or structure to the illustrated embodiment. Finally, any particles in the ink have a cross-sectional length less than the terms “exemplary' or “illustrative' indicate the descrip or equal to about 0.20 Lum. tion is used as an example, rather than implying that it is an 7. The ink of claim 1, wherein the one or more latexes and ideal. Other embodiments of the present teachings may be the one or more pigments, when combined, are present in the apparent to those skilled in the art from consideration of the 45 ink in an amount less than or equal to about 15 wt %, and specification and practice of the disclosure herein. It is whereina ratio between the one or more latexes and the one or intended that the specification and examples be considered as more pigments is from about 0.2:1.0 to about 2.0:1.0. exemplary only, with a true scope and spirit of the present 8. The ink of claim 1, wherein a drop of the ink having a teachings being indicated by the following claims. mass from about 5.0 ng to about 10 ng, when printed on a Terms of relative position as used in this application are 50 substrate coated with a semi-crystalline polyvinylalcohol defined based on a plane parallel to the conventional plane or polymer, is configured to spread from about 2 times to about working Surface of a workpiece, regardless of the orientation 4 times of an original drop diameter while maintaining a dot of the workpiece. The term “horizontal or “lateral” as used in circularity of less than 1.1. this application is defined as a plane parallel to the conven 9. An ink for a printer, comprising: tional plane or working Surface of a workpiece, regardless of 55 one or more latexes in an amount from about 0.1 wt % to the orientation of the workpiece. The term “vertical refers to about 15 wt %, wherein the one or more latexes com a direction perpendicular to the horizontal. Terms such as prise: “on,” “side' (as in “sidewall”), “higher,” “lower,” “over.” an anionic alkyldiphenyloxide disulfonate, a Surfactant, “top” and “under are defined with respect to the conven and water mixed together to form a first mixture; tional plane or working Surface being on the top surface of the 60 ammonium persulfate and water mixed together to form workpiece, regardless of the orientation of the workpiece. a second mixture; and a styrene, an n-butyl acrylate, a b-carboxyethyl acrylate, The invention claimed: and a dodecylthiol mixed together to form a third 1. An ink for a printer, comprising: mixture, wherein the first mixture is mixed with the one or more latexes in an amount from about 0.1 wt % to 65 second mixture to form a fourth mixture, and wherein about 15 wt %, wherein the one or more latexes com the fourth mixture is subsequently mixed with the prise: third mixture to form a fifth mixture; US 9,309,419 B2 15 16 one or more amines in an amount from about 0 wt % to stirring the sixth mixture from about 100 RPM to about 500 about 2 wt %, wherein the one or more amines is selected RPM for about 30 seconds to about 30 minutes; and from the group consisting of monoethanolamine, dietha mixing four or more solvents with the sixth mixture to form nolamine, triethanolamine, and a combination thereof; a seventh mixture. one or more pigments in an amount from about 0.5 wt % to 11. The method of claim 10, further comprising stirring the seventh mixture from about 200 RPM to about 800 RPM for about 8 wt %: about 15 seconds to about 30 minutes. four or more solvents that, in the aggregate, are present in 12. The method of claim 11, further comprising mixing an an amount from about 10 wt % to about 50 wt %, anti-foaming agent with the seventh mixture to forman eighth wherein at least one of the four or more solvents is mixture. 10 Selected from the group consisting of glycerol. 2-pyr 13. The method of claim 12, further comprising stirring the rolidone, 1.5 pentanediol, 1.3 propanediol. 2-butoxy eighth mixture from about 200 RPM to about 800 RPM for ethanol, diethylene glycol. 1.2 hexanediol, water, 1.2 about 15 seconds to about 30 minutes. propanediol, butyl carbitol, and a combination thereof, 14. The method of claim 11, further comprising mixing a and wherein the four or more solvents, when combined, 15 surfactant with the seventh mixturetoforman eighth mixture. have a viscosity that is less than or equal to about 75 15. The method of claim 14, further comprising stirring the centipoise at 32° C.: eighth mixture from about 200 RPM to about 800 RPM for about 5 minutes to about 2 hours. an anti-foaming agent in an amount from about 0.01 wt % 16. The method of claim 15, further comprising filtering to about 5 wt %, wherein the anti-foaming agent is the eighth mixture to separate any particles having a cross Selected from the group consisting of an insoluble oil, a sectional length greater than about 0.50 m. polydimethylsiloxane, a silicone, long chain fatty alco hols, fatty acid soaps and esters, a silicone glycol, or a 17. The method of claim 16, wherein the eighth mixture has combination thereof; and a jetting Viscosity from about 3 centipoise to about 8 centi one or more surfactants in an amount from about 0.001 wit poise at 32° C., wherein the fourth mixture has a surface % to about 3 wt %, 25 tension from about 15 dynes/cm to about 40 dynes/cm. wherein the ink has a jetting viscosity from about 3 centi 18. The ink of claim 1, wherein a portion of the third poise to about 8 centipoise at 32°C., wherein the ink has mixture is mixed with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane prior a surface tension from about 10 dynes/cm to about 40 to being mixed with the first mixture. dynes/cm, and wherein any particles in the ink have a 19. The method of claim 10, wherein the first mixture is cross-sectional length less than or equal to about 0.20 30 mixed together in a steel tank, and further comprising: lm. purging the tank, having the first mixture therein, with 10. A method for making an ink for a printer, comprising: nitrogen; mixing an anionic alkyldiphenyloxide disulfonate with transferring the first mixture from the tank to a reactor after deionized water to form a first mixture; the tank is purged with nitrogen; mixing an ammonium persulfate with deionized water to purging the reactor, having the first mixture therein, with form a second mixture; 35 nitrogen; mixing a styrene, a butyl acrylate, a methacrylic acid, a stirring the first mixture within the reactor; and beta-carboxyethyl acrylate, a 1-dodecanethiol, a 1.10 heating the first mixture to about 80° C. while the first decanediol diacrylate, an anionic alkyldiphenyloxide mixture is in the reactor. disulfonate, and deionized water together to form a third 40 20. The method of claim 19, further comprising: mixture; mixing a first portion of the third mixture with the first mixing the first mixture with the third mixture to form a mixture in the reactor; fourth mixture; after the first portion of the third mixture is mixed with the mixing the fourth mixture with the second mixture to form first mixture in the reactor, mixing a second portion of a latex; 45 the third mixture with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane mixing the latex, an amine, and water to form a fifth mix prior to mixing the second portion of the third mixture ture: with the first mixture in the reactor; stirring the fifth mixture from about 100 RPM to about 500 heating the latex to about 80° C. while the latex is in the RPM for about 30 seconds to about 30 minutes: reactor; and mixing a pigment with the fifth mixture to form a sixth subsequently cooling the latex to about 25°C. mixture; ck ck ck ck ck