Worksheet 2 3 Research

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Definition of Research

Research is derived from the old French word “cerchier” meaning to “seek” or to

“search”. Why do we need to seek or to search? These are the three reasons as mentioned by

Ariola (2006): (1) for more explanations, (2) for verifiable truth, and (3) to make discoveries.

In the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences defines research as “the manipulation of

things, concepts, or symbols for the purpose of generalizing; to extend, correct, or verify

knowledge whether that knowledge aids in the construction of a theory or in the practice of

an art.”

The Webster’s Third New International Dictionary defines research as “newly discovered

facts or the practical application of such new or revised conclusions, theories, or laws.”

According to Maranon, research is “a methodical, basically a habit of thought that can

be developed.”

Hillway defined researdh as a “way mankind perfected it very slowly over a period of

several centuries and at present it is considered as the most reliable means of advancing


Best difines research as “the systematic and objective analysis and recording of

controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles, or

theories, resulting in the prediction and possibly the ultimate control of events.”
According to Parel, research is “a systematic study or investigation of something for the

purpose of answering questions posed by the researcher.”

According to Whitney, research is “a scientific approach in terms of accepted mind

process involving all essential steps in problem solving through critical examination of

hypothesis to find tentative corroboration and succeeding search for certainty as a basis of


Merton asserts that “research contributes to the development of the-ory. It clarifies

concepts; it initiates; it reformulates; and it refocuses theory.”

According to Good, research is “a systematic, defensible pursuit of results which will

solve a problem. Research is good if it consummated an ordered, reasonable, communicable


Aguino, on the other hand, defined research as “the systematic search for pertinent

information of a specific topic or problem. After a careful, systematized research for pertinent

information or data on a specific topic or problem and after the research worker has analyzed and

interpreted the data, he eventually faces another essential task – that of preparing the research


According to Crawford, research “is simply a systematic and refined technique of

thinking employing specialized tools, instruments, and procedures in order to obtain a more
adequate solution of a problem than would be possible under means. It starts with a problem,

collects data or facts, analyzes these critically, and reaches decisions based on actual evidence. It

involves work instead of a mere exercise of opinion. It evolves from a genuine desire to know

rather than a desire to prove something. It is qualitative, seeking to know not only what but how

much, and measurement is therefore a central feature of it.”

Essential Factors for Effective Research

There are three (3) factors for an effective research: These are (1) men, (2) money, and

(3) materials.

Characteristics of a Good Research

According to Crawford (as quoted by Aquino):

1. It is a systematic and refined technique of thinking;
2. It employs specialized tools, instruments, and procedures in obtaining adequate solutions
to a problem;
3. It starts with a problem, collects data, analyzes data critically and reach a decision based
on actual evidence;
4. It involves original work instead of an exercise of mere opinion; and
5. It evolves from a genuine desire to know not only “what” but also “how much” rather
than a desire to prove something.

According to De Leon and Claudio (as cited by Ariola, 2006):

1. Produce Processible Result
2. Produce Specific Results
3. Produce Generalizable Result
4. Produce Interpretable Result

According to Best (as explained by Ariola):

1. Gathers new data.
2. Solves problems.
3. Develops sound theories.
4. Requires expertise.
5. Involves an accurate observation and description.
6. Is logical and objective.
7. Is carefully recorded and reported.

According to Thomas and Nelson (as cited by Ariola, 2006):

A good research must be:
1. Systematic.
2. Logical.
3. Empirical.
4. Reductive.
5. Replicable.

Qualification of a Good Researcher

According to Ariola (2006), a good researcher should possess the following qualities or
1. He must know the principles and methods of research.
2. He must know the parts or elements of a research paper and be able to apply them in
3. He must know the statistical measures that are applicable in the analysis of data.
4. He must be patient, persistent, and resourceful in conducting research.
5. He must have deep interest in searching for the truth no matter how bitter it is.
6. He must have a good command of the English language.
7. He must have analytical and critical mind.
8. He must be alert and can be relied on about past and current events.

According to Calmorin (2004), the researcher must be:

R - research oriented
E - efficient
S - scientific
E - effective
A - active
R - resourceful
C - creative
H - honest
E - economical
R - religious

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