Matrix Workbook 2
Matrix Workbook 2
Matrix Workbook 2
A rectangular array of mn numbers A 12 i.e. column matrix has exactly
(which may be real or complex) in the
form of 'm' horizontal lines (called rows) a m1
and 'n' vertical lines (called columns), is one column.
called a matrix of order m by n, written
(c) Zero or Null Matrix : (A = Om × n) An
as m × n matrix.
m × n matrix whose all entries are zero.
Such an array is enclosed by [ ] or ( ).
An m × n matrix is usually written as 0 0
A 0 0 is a 3 × 2 null matrix &
a 11 a 12 a 13 a ln
a 0 0
a 22 a 23 a 2 n
0 0 0
B = 0 0 0 is 3 × 3 null matrix
a ml a m 2 a m 3 a mn
0 0 0
In compact form, the above matrix is
represented by A=[aij]m×n. The number (d) Horizontal Matrix : A matrix of order
a11, a12,.....etc are known as the elements m × n is a horizontal matrix if n > m
of the matrix A, aij belongs to the ith row
1 2 3 4
and jth column and is called the e.g.
2 5 1 1
(i, j)th element of the matrix A = [aij].
(e) Vertical Matrix : A matrix of order
1 2 3 m × n is a vertical matrix if m > n e.g.
e.g., A is a matrix having
0 1 9 2 5
1 1
2 rows and 3 columns. Its order is 2 × 3
and it has 6 elements : 3 6
a11= 1, a12 = 2, a13 = 3, a21 = 0, a22 = –1, 2 4
a23 = 9. (f) Square Matrix : If number of rows =
2. SPECIAL TYPE OF number of columns matrix is a square
If number of rows = number of columns
(a) Row Matrix (Row vector) :
= n then, matrix is of the order 'n'.
A = [a11, a12, ..........a1n] i.e. row
matrix has exactly one row. Note : The pair of elements aij& aji are
called Conjugate Elements.
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3. TRACE OF MATRIX : Properties of trace of a matrix :
The sum of the elements of a square Let A = [aij]n × n and B = [bij]n× n and be
matrix A lying along the principal a scalar then
diagonal is called the trace of A i.e.
(tr(A)). Thus, if A = [aij]n × n, then (i) tr(A) = tr(A)
n (ii) tr(A + B) = tr(A) + tr(B)
tr(A) a ii a11 a 22 ....a nn
i1 (iii) tr(AB) = tr(BA)
2 2
(d) Existence of additive identity : Properties of scalar multiplication:
Let A = [aij] be an m × n matrix and O (a) If A and B are two matrices of the same
be an m × n zero matrix, then A + O = order and 'k' be a scalar then
O + A = A. In other words, O is the k(A + B) = kA + kB.
additive identity for matrix addition. (b) If k1 and k2 are two scalars and 'A' is a
(e) Cancellation laws : hold good in case matrix, then (k1+ k2)A = k1A + k2A.
of addition of matrices. If A, B, C are (c) If k1 and k2 are two scalars and 'A' is a
matrices of the same order, then matrix, then (k1k2)A = k1(k2A) =k2(k1A)
A + B = A + C B = C
(left cancellation law) and 8. MULTIPLICATION OF MATRICES
B + A = C + A B = C (Row by Column) :
(right-cancellation law) Let A be a matrix of order m × n and B
be a matrix of order p × q, then the
Note: The zero matrix plays the same role in matrix multiplication AB is possible if
matrix addition as the number zero and only if n = p and matrices are said to
does in addition of numbers. be conformable for multiplication.
Do yourself -2 : In the product AB, A is called
pre-factor and B is called post factor.
2 3 9
(i) If A and AB is possible if and only if number of
8 2 5
columns in pre-factor = number of rows
5 7 2 in post-factor.
B , then find a matrix C
6 4 8 Let Am × n = [aij] and Bn × p = [bij], then
such that A – B + C = O and also find order of AB is m × p &
the order of the matrix C. n
(AB)ij a ir b rj
8 9 r 1
(ii) If A 7 / 2 8 , then find the additive
a a a13
1 1 e.g. A 11 12
a 23 23
a 21 a 22
inverse of A and show that additive
b11 b12 b13 b14
inverse of additive inverse will be
the matrix itself. B b 21 b 22 b 23 b 24
b31 b32 b33 b34 34
7. MULTIPLICATION OF A MATRIX Then order of AB is 2 × 4.
a b c ka kb kc
(AB)11= a11b11+a12b21+ a13b31 = a
r 1
1r r l
If A b c a ; k A kb kc ka
In general ai1b1j + ai2b2j + ai3b3j = a
r 1
ir br j
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9. PROPERTIES OF MATRIX Do yourself -3 :
(a) Matrix multiplication is not 2 9 1 5 9 7
A ,B and C ,
commutative: i.e. AB BA 4 5 6 8 2 4
then show that A(B + C) = AB + AC.
Here both AB & BA exist and also they
are of the same type but AB BA.
2 1 1 4
Example: (ii) If A and B , then
1 1 1 0 1 2 1 1
Let A & B ; then prove that (A – B)2 A2 – 2AB + B2.
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
AB ; BA (iii) Find the value of
0 0 0 0 3 1 2 1 0 1 4 2 2
x : 2 x
AB BA (in general) 1 3 4 3 4 5 8 14 2
(b) AB = O
A = O or B = O (in general)
3 3
0 i 0 0 1 2 3
(A) (B)
i 0 0 0 (i) The matrix A 1 2 3 is
1 0 i 0 1 2 3
(C) (D) (A) Idempotent matrix
0 1 0 i
(B) Involutory matrix
11. SPECIAL SQUARE MATRICES: (C) Nilpotent matrix
(D) Periodic matrix
(a) Idempotent Matrix: A square
x 1
matrix is idempotent provided (ii) If A and A2 is the identity
A2 = A. For idempotent matrix 1 0
note the following: matrix, then find the value of x
(i) An = An 2, n N.
(ii) Determinant value of 12. THE TRANSPOSE OF A MATRIX:
idempotent matrix is (Changing rows & columns)
either 0 or 1 Let A be any matrix of order m × n. Then
(b) Periodic Matrix: A square AT or A' = [aji] for 1 i m & 1 j n of
matrix which satisfies the order n × m
relation Ak+1 = A, for some
Properties of transpose:
positive integer K, is periodic
matrix. The period of the matrix If AT & BT denote the transpose of A and B,
is the least value of K for which (a) (A + B)T = AT + BT; note that A & B
this holds true. have the same order.
Note that period of an idempotent (b) (A B)T = BT AT (Reversal law) A & B
matrix is 1. are conformable for matrix product AB
(c) Nilpotent Matrix: A square Note: In general: (A1.A2,……….An)T = A Tn
matrix of the order 'n' is said to
……………. AT2 .A1T (reversal law for
be nilpotent matrix of order m, m
N, if Am = O& Am–1O. transpose)
(c) (AT)T = A
(d) Involutory Matrix: If A2 = I, the
(d) (kA)T = kAT, k is a scalar.
matrix is said to be an involutory
matrix. i.e. square roots of
identity matrix is involutory
matrix. A square matrix is said to be orthogonal
Note: The determinant value of matrix if A AT = I
involutory matrix is 1 or – 1. Note:
(i) The determinant value of orthogonal
matrix is either 1 or –1.
Do yourself -5 :
a1 a 2 a 3
(ii) Let A = b1 b 2 b3
c1 c 2 c3
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4 4
a1 b1 c1 14. SYMMETRIC & SKEW
AT = b 2 b 2 c 2 SYMMETRIC MATRIX:
a 3 b3 c3 (a) Symmetric matrix:
AA = A square matrix A = [aij] is said
a a a
3 a1b1 a 2b 2 a 3b3 a1c1 a 2c 2 a 3c3 to be, symmetric if, aij = aji i &
b1a1 b 2a 2 b3a 3 b12 b 22 b32 b1c1 b 2c 2 b3c3 j (conjugate elements are equal).
c1a1 c2a 2 c3a 3 c1b1 c 2b 2 c3b3 c12 c 22 c32
Hence for symmetric matrix
A = AT.
If AAT = I, then
3 Note: Max. number of distinct
a i2 bi2 ci2 1 and
i 1
entries in any symmetric matrix
n(n 1)
3 3 3 of order n is .
a b b c c a
i 1
i i
i 1
i i
i 1
i i 0 2
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A – AT is a skew symmetric Then, adj A = [Cij]T
matrix. T
C11 C12 C13
(iii) The sum of two symmetric
adj A = C23 C22 C23
matrix is a symmetric matrix and
the sum of two skew symmetric C31 C32 C33
matrix is a skew symmetric Theorem: A (adj. A) = (adj. A).
matrix. A = |A| In.
(iv) If A & B are symmetric matrices Proof :
then, a11 a12 a13 C11 C21 C31
(1) AB + BA is a symmetric
A.(adj A) = a 21 a 22 a 23 C12 C22 C32
matrix a a 33
31 a 32 C13 C23 C33
(2) AB – BA is a skew
symmetric matrix. | A | 0 0 1 0 0
(v) Every square matrix can be 0 | A | 0 | A | 0 1 0
0 0 | A | 0 0 1
uniquely expressed as a sum or
difference of a symmetric and a A.(Adj. A) = |A| I
skew symmetric matrix. (whatever may be the value only |A| will come
1 1 out as a common element)
A (A A T ) (A A T )
2 2 A.(adj.A)
symmetric skew symmetric If |A| 0, then = I = unit
1 1
and A (AT A) (AT A) matrix of the same order as that of A
2 2 Properties of adjoint matrix:
If A be a square matrix of order n, then
Do yourself -7 : (i) |adj A| = |A|n–1
2 1 1 (ii) adj(adj A) = |A|n – 2 A, where |A| 0
(i) If A = 1 7 4 be symmetric
(iii)|adj(adj A)| = | A |(n 1) , where |A| 0
6 6
Do yourself -8 : Note: If A1, A2,………….An are all
(i) For any 2 × 2 matrix, if A(Adj A) invertible square matrices of
15 0 order n then (A1A2………An)–1
= , then |A| is equal-
0 15 = An1An11 ………. A21A11
(A) 20 (B) 625 (ii) If A be an invertible matrix, then
(C) 15 (D) 0 AT is also invertible & (AT)–1
(ii) Which of the following is/are incorrect? = (A–1)T.
(A) Adjoint of a symmetric matrix is skew (iii) If A is invertible, (a) (A–1)–1 = A
symmetric matrix. (b) (Ak)–1 = (A–1)k = A–k; k N
(B) Adjoint of a diagonal matrix is a (iv) If A is non-singular matrix, then
diagonal matrix. |A–1| = |A|–1
(C) A(Adj A) = (Adj A) A = |A| I (v) If idempotent matrix is invertible
(D) Adjoint of a unit matrix is a diagonal then its inverse will be identity
matrix matrix.
(iii) If A be a square matrix of the order 5 (vi) A nilpotent matrix will not be
and B = Adj(A) then find Adj(5A). invertible because its determinant
(iv) If A be a square matrix of order 4 and value is zero.
|A| = 3 then find adj(adj A). (vii) Orthogonal matrix A is always
invertible and A–1 = AT.
(viii) A = A–1 for an involutory matrix.
(Reciprocal Matrix):
Cancellation law : Let A, B, C
A square matrix A said to be invertible if
be square matrices of the same
and only if it is non-singular (i.e. |A| 0)
order 'n'.
and there exists a matrix B such that,
If A is a non-singular matrix,
AB = I = BA.
B is called the inverse (reciprocal) of A
(a) AB = AC B = C
and is denoted by A–1. Thus
(Left cancelation law)
A–1 = B AB = I = BA
We have, A.(adj A) = |A| In (b) BA = CA B = C
(Right cancellation law)
A–1. A(adj A) = A–1 In |A|
Note that these cancellation laws
In(adj A) = A–1 |A| In
hold only if the matrix 'A' is
(adjA) non-singular (i.e. |A| 0).
A 1
Note: The necessary and sufficient Do yourself -9 :
condition for a square matrix A to be (i) If 'A' is a square matrix such that A2 = I
invertible is that |A| 0 then A–1 is equal to-
Properties of inverse: (A) A + I (B) A
(i) If A & B are invertible matrices (C) 0 (D) 2A
of the same order, then (ii) If 'A' is an orthogonal matrix, then A–1
(AB)–1 = B–1A–1. equals-
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(A) A (B) AT Note : This theorem is helpful to find the
(C) A2 (D) None of these inverse of any non-singular square
3 2 i.e. a0An + a1An–1 + ..... + an–1A + anI = O
(iii) If A , then (A–1)3 is equal to-
0 1 On multiplying by A–1 on both the sides
1 1 26 1 1 26 of above equation, we get
27 27 0 27
(B 1
27 0 A–1 = – (a0An–1 + a1An–2+…–1I)
1 1 26 1 26
27 0 27
27 0 27
Do yourself -10 :
17. MATRIX POLYNOMIAL: (i) Determine the characteristic roots of the
matrix A. Hence find the trace the
If f(x) = a0xn + a1xn–1 + a2xn–2+…..+
determinant value of A. Where
anx0, then we define a matrix polynomial
f(A) = a0An + a1An–1 + a2An–2 +….+anIn. 8 6 2
Where A is the given square matrix. If A 6 7 4 and also prove that
f(A) is the null matrix, then A is called 2 4 3
the zero or root of the polynomial f(x.)
A3 – 18A2 + 45A = O.
Let A be a square matrix. Then the 20. SYSTEM OF EQUATION &
polynomial |A – xI| is called as CRITERIA FOR CONSISTENCY
characteristic polynomial of A & the
equation |A – xI| = 0 is called as Gauss-Jordan method:
characteristic equation of A. After a1x + b1y + c1z = d1
solving the characteristic polynomial the
values of 'x' are said to be characteristic a2x + b2y + c2z = d2
roots of the polynomial.
Note: a3x + b3y + c3z = d3
(i) Sum of the roots of the characteristic
equation is equal to trace of the matrix.
(ii) Product of the roots of the a1x b1y c1z d1 a1 b1 c1 x d1
characteristic equation is equal to the a x b y c z d a b2 c 2 y d 2
determinant value. 2 2 2 2 2
(iii) The degree of characteristic a 3x b3 y c3z d 3 a 3 b3 c3 z d 3
equation is same as the order of the
matrix. AX = B …(i)
Multiplying adj A on both the sides of (i)
Every square matrix A satisfy its
characteristic equation (adjA) AX = (adj A)B
i.e. a0xn + a1xn–1 +…..+ an–1x + an = 0
is the characteristic equation of A, then |A|X = (adj A) B
a0An + a1An–1 +….+ an–1A + an I = O
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8 8
|A| X = (adjA)B
If |A| 0 If |A| = 0
(adjA) B
(adjA)B = null matrix If (adjA)B O
X A 1B
Infinite solutions Inconsistent (no solution )
(unique solution)
or no solution
Do yourself -11 : 3: (iii) x=–2
(i) The system of equations x + 2y – 3z = 1, 4: (ii) C
x – y + 4z = 0, 2x + y + z = 1 has- 5: (i) C (ii) x=0
(A) only two solutions 1 6 9
(B) only one solution 6: (ii) 1 6 3
(C) no solution
7: (i) –4
(D) infinitely many solutions
2 7 4 0 2 3
(ii) The system of equations x + y + z = 8,
x – y + 2z = 6, 3x + 5y – 7z = 14 has- (ii) 7 7 1 2 0
2 2
(A) Unique solution
1 3
(B) infinite number of solutions 4 0 3 0
2 2
(C) no solution
8: (i) C (ii) A
(D) none of these
(iii) 625 B (iv) 9A
9: (i) B (ii) B
10: (i) = 0, 3 and 15 tr(A) = 18, |A| = 0
3 5 7 11: (i) D (ii) A
1: (i) 4 6 8
(ii) 6
(iii) 30
(iv) x = 2, y = – 1, a = 1, b = – 3
7 10 7
2: (i) 2 6 3
8 9
(ii) 7 / 2 8
1 1
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