Roscas Njo Grantprideco

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High-Performance Tubulars
T H E L E A D E R I N H I G H - P E R F O R M A N C E T U B U L A R S .

Grant Prideco is a major

international manufacturer of
premium tubular products used
in the drilling and completion of
oil and gas wells. In addition to
being the world’s leading supplier
of drill pipe and other drill stem
products, Grant Prideco is also a
premier North American provider
of premium threads and high-
performance connections for
challenging onshore and
marine applications.

Introducing ADVANCED NJO™

tlas Bradford

is proud to

announce its

new connection that is an

improvement over our proven

NJO integral joint connection.


performance improvements

in compression and bending

strength, torsion capability,

and external pressure sealing

while maintaining inter-

changeability with the old

NJO design.

Table of Contents ADVANCED NJO Design Features 2

ADVANCED NJO Performance 4

ADVANCED NJO Casing Data 6 1

ADVANCED NJO™ Design Features

External Metal Seal

xternal pressure sealing of the ADVANCED NJO is
enhanced with the addition of a metal-to-metal
external pressure seal. Seal contact pressure results
from radial stress that is generated by the interference fit of
the seal surfaces that is further enhanced from the energiza-
tion of the applied pressure. The design provides external
seal capability that meets the API pipe body rating and acts
independently of applied axial loads, torsion load, and field
make-up conditions.

ADVANCED NJO with External Seal

Two-step Tapered Interference Thread

Providing easy stabbing and quick makeup, the design matches
the strength of the pin and box maximizing tensile and com-
pressive efficiencies.

Hooked Premium Thread Form

Gaps between stab flanks of

ontrasting with the old NJO design which relies entirely the old NJO threads
on the torque shoulder contact area for its compression
strength, ADVANCED NJO gains a significant increase in
compression strength by incorporating an improved premium
thread form with minimized axial clearance that supports the
majority of the compression load. The thread form’s negative
(hooked) tension flank prevents the possibility of connection
jump-out and insures predictable tensile performance. The 25o
stab and compression load flank stabs easily and resist cross
threading. Gaps between stab flanks of
ADVANCED NJO are reduced


Center Reverse Angle Torque Shoulder

he 15o reverse angle torque shoulder provides a positive
makeup position for the pin and box and a contact surface
for compressive loads. Compared to the old design, the
ADVANCED NJO torque shoulder contact area is significantly

Internal Metal Seal

Identical to the old NJO design, the 5o conical metal-to-metal seal is
generated by radial interference between the seal surfaces, reduc-
ing the effects of tensile load, back off, and field makeup condi-
tions. Capable of resisting API pipe body internal yield pressure,
the seal contact pressure is further enhanced from energization by
the applied pressure.

Swaged and Bored Pin, Expanded Box

To insure the primary seal integrity, the pin-end is cold-swaged and
stress-relieved to guarantee a uniform and concentric radial seal area.
During the threading operation, the pin is bored to an internal diam-
eter that exceeds the API drift diameter or API alternate drift diame-
ter as applicable. To provide increased tensile strength, the box is
expanded to 2% to 6% over the diameter of the pipe body.

Internal Metal Seal

Interchangeable with the Old NJO Design
ADVANCED NJO is completely interchangeable with the old NJO
design. ADVANCED NJO is now our standard integral-joint, expanded-
box product. The old NJO will be manufactured only upon special
customer request. The new ADVANCED NJO is completely compatible
with existing casing inventories. No crossovers are required. Disposal
of out-of-date remnants is not necessary. NJO accessories may be used
with ADVANCED NJO. When NJO is made-up with ADVANCED NJO,
the NJO performance ratings apply.

ADVANCED NJO™ Performance

old NJO

Pipe Body VME

Axial Load


compression performance

he ADVANCED NJO connection performance envelope illustrates the relative performance of the old NJO and
ADVANCED NJO products as compared with the pipe body VME envelope at 100% of the pipe body yield
strength. The ADVANCED NJO product performance was verified by a combination of finite element analysis
(FEA) and physical testing of several popular sizes at Grant Prideco's Tubular Test Facility.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

he performance verification ADVANCED NJO began
with finite element analysis (FEA) utilizing ANSYS
and ABACUS FEA codes. Maintaining our steadfast
dedication to rate our products within their elastic capability,
the designs were evaluated for a variety of load conditions
to assure that the connection mechanics were completely
Old NJO - 29.9% Compression understood and that stress levels were maintained within the
elastic limit of the material.

The FEA stress plots for 5 inch 23.30 ppf P-110 connection
designs illustrate ADVANCED NJO's increase compression
strength. Old NJO is shown for a compression load equal to
the connection's rating of 29.9% of the pipe body. The open
gaps on the thread compression (stab) flank indicate that the
compression load is supported entirely by the torque shoul-
der contact area. Stress levels are below the elastic limit of


Area of plastic strain the P-110 material, no elastic strain is present. Increasing
the compression load to 59.8% of the pipe body, the
plot indicates the occurrence of significant plastic strain
at the torque shoulder contact area indicating that the
elastic limit of the P-110 material has been exceeded.

In addition to the increased torque shoulder contact

area, a significant portion of the compression load is

Old NJO - 59.8% Compression supported by the ADVANCED NJO's improved thread
form as indicated by contact of the thread compression
(stab) flanks. The plot for the ADVANCED NJO design
indicates that the stress levels are below the elastic limit
for a compression load equal to the improved connec-
tion rating of 59.8% of the pipe body.

Seal surface contact pressures were analyzed to assure

that the proven NJO seal mechanics were maintained.
The normalized seal contact pressure chart (seal contact
pressure divided by internal pressure) displays a com-
parison of the normalized contact pressure for old and
ADVANCED NJO designs under compression combined
ADVANCED NJO - 59.8% Compression with internal pressure to produce a 90% VME connection
stress. Note that the seal contact pressure for the
ADVANCED NJO exceeds that of the current design at
their respective compression ratings of 29.9 and 59.8%.
At a 59.9% compression load, the standard design
displays degradation and shifting of the seal contact
Normalized Contact Pressure (psi)

@ 59.8% Laboratory Performance Tests

Current @ 59.8% Current
@ 29.9% n addition to FEA, the performance of several popular
sizes of the ADVANCED NJO were verified by physical
testing at Grant Prideco's Tubular Test Facility. Test

included: combined load of internal pressure with tension
and compression and combined load of external pressure
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Distance along internal seal (in.) with tension and compression.
Normalized Seal Contact Pressure


Size Nominal Plain End L80/N-80 C-90 C-95/T-95/HC-95 P-110 Q-125

OD Weight Weight Min Max Yield Min Max Yield Min Max Yield Min Max Yield Min Max Yield
in. lbs/ft lbs/ft ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs
4-1/2 13.50 13.05 1500 1700 1700 1600 1900 1900 1700 2000 2000 1900 2200 2200 2100 2500 2500
15.10 15.00 1700 1900 1900 1800 2000 2000 1900 2100 2100 2100 2400 2400 2300 2600 2600
18.80 18.71 2700 3000 3500 2900 3300 3800 3000 3500 4000 3400 3900 4500 3700 4300 5000
5 18.00 17.95 2600 3000 3400 2900 3300 3700 3000 3500 3900 3400 4000 4400 3800 4400 4900
20.30 20.03 2800 3200 3600 3100 3500 4000 3200 3700 4100 3600 4100 4600 4000 4600 5100
20.80 20.65 2900 3300 3700 3200 3600 4000 3300 3700 4200 3700 4200 4700 4100 4700 5200
21.40 21.32 3000 3400 3800 3200 3700 4100 3400 3800 4300 3700 4300 4800 4100 4700 5300
23.20 23.11 4400 5100 5500 4900 5600 6100 5100 5800 6400 5700 6600 7200 6400 7400 8000
24.10 24.05 4500 5200 5700 5000 5700 6200 5200 5900 6500 5800 6700 7300 6500 7500 8100
26.70 26.66 5200 5900 6400 5700 6500 7000 5900 6800 7300 6700 7700 8300 7400 8500 9200
5-1/2 20.00 19.83 3000 3500 3800 3300 3800 4200 3500 4000 4400 3900 4500 5000 4400 5000 5500
23.00 22.56 3300 3700 4200 3600 4100 4600 3700 4300 4800 4200 4800 5300 4600 5300 5900
26.00 25.56 3800 4300 4800 4100 4700 5300 4300 4900 5500 4800 5500 6100 5300 6100 6800
26.80 26.73 4100 4600 5200 4400 5000 5700 4600 5200 5900 5100 5800 6600 5600 6400 7200
28.40 28.16 5600 6400 7100 6200 7100 7800 6400 7400 8100 7200 8300 9100 8000 9300 10100
29.70 29.67 5800 6600 7300 6300 7200 8000 6600 7600 8300 7400 8500 9300 8200 9400 10300
32.00 31.98 7000 8000 8900 7600 8800 9700 8000 9200 10100 9000 10400 11400 10000 11600 12700
32.60 32.57 7100 8100 9000 7700 8900 9800 8100 9300 10200 9100 10500 11500 10100 11700 12800
6-5/8 28.00 27.67 5600 6500 7200 6200 7200 7900 6500 7500 8300 7400 8600 9400 8200 9600 10500
32.00 31.23 6900 8000 8800 7600 8800 9700 8000 9200 10200 9000 10400 11500 10000 11700 12900
35.00 34.23 7300 8400 9300 8000 9200 10200 8400 9600 10700 9400 10800 12000 10400 12100 13400
7 29.00 28.75 5200 6000 6800 5700 6600 7400 6000 6900 7800 6800 7900 8800 7600 8800 9900
32.00 31.70 5400 6500 7000 5900 6800 7700 6200 7100 8000 7000 8100 9100 7800 9000 10100
35.00 34.61 5800 6600 7600 6400 7300 8300 6600 7600 8600 7400 8500 9600 8200 9500 10700
38.00 37.29 7000 8000 8800 7600 8700 9700 8000 9100 10100 8900 10300 11300 9900 11400 12600
41.00 40.43 10100 11600 12700 11100 12800 13900 11600 13400 14600 13100 15100 16400 14600 16900 18300
42.70 42.59 10500 11900 13300 11400 13100 14500 11900 13700 15200 13400 15500 17000 14900 17200 18900
44.00 43.51 10600 12100 13300 11600 13200 14500 12100 13800 15200 13600 15600 17000 15000 17400 18900
46.00 45.34 10900 12400 13600 11900 13500 14900 12400 14100 15500 13800 15900 17400 15300 17600 19200
57.10 57.29 15700 17800 20200 16900 19200 22100 17400 19900 23000 19200 21900 25800 20800 23900 28500
7-5/8 29.70 29.06 5300 6000 6700 5800 6700 7400 6000 7000 7800 6800 7900 8800 7600 8800 9800
33.70 33.07 7400 8500 9300 8100 9400 10200 8500 9800 10700 9600 11200 12100 10700 12500 13600
39.00 38.08 10500 12200 13000 11600 13500 14400 12200 14200 15100 13800 16200 17200 15500 18100 19400
42.80 42.43 11000 12700 13800 12200 14100 15200 12700 14700 15900 14400 16700 18000 16000 18600 20100
45.30 44.71 11300 13000 14100 12500 14400 15500 13000 15000 16200 14700 17000 18300 16300 18900 20400
47.10 46.77 11600 13300 14500 12700 14600 15900 13300 15300 16600 15000 17300 18700 16500 19100 20800
50.80 50.62 12200 13900 15500 13300 15200 16900 13900 15800 17700 15500 17800 19800 16900 19500 21900
51.20 50.95 12300 13900 15600 13400 15300 17100 13900 15900 17800 15600 17900 19900 17000 19600 22000
52.80 53.62 12100 13800 20300 13200 15200 22300 13800 15900 23300 15500 17900 26400 17000 19700 29400
55.30 55.12 14100 16200 18400 15500 17900 20300 16100 18600 21200 17800 20700 24000 19500 22700 26800
59.00 58.37 15200 17200 19700 16400 18600 29500 16900 19300 22400 18600 21200 25000 20100 21600 27600
59.20 59.14 15200 17200 19900 16400 18600 29500 16900 19300 22500 18600 21200 25200 20100 21600 27800

7-3/4 46.10 45.51 11500 13200 14500 12600 14600 16000 13200 15300 16700 14900 17300 18900 16500 19100 21100
48.10 48.64 12300 14000 15500 13400 15300 16900 14000 16000 17700 15700 18000 19900 17100 19800 22100
54.20 53.57 14700 16900 18900 16100 18500 20700 16700 19200 21600 18400 21300 24400 20100 23300 27200

NJO Data Table Notes:

1. ADVANCED NJO pressure ratings are equal to the API pipe body rating for minimum internal yield and collapse.
2. For applications with bending both tension and compression joint strength must be evaluated. Contact Grant Prideco for a bending analysis.
3. Tension joint efficiency is calculated by dividing the connection critical area by the pipe body area.
4. ADVANCED NJO tensile joint strength is calculated by multiplying the critical area times the material yield strength.



Size Nominal Plain End L80/N-80 C-90 C-95/T-95/HC-95 P-110 Q-125

OD Weight Weight Min Max Yield Min Max Yield Min Max Yield Min Max Yield Min Max Yield
in. lbs/ft lbs/ft ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs
8-1/8 48.10 48.14 12800 14700 16300 14100 16200 17900 14700 16900 18600 16400 18900 2100 17900 20800 23400
8-5/8 36.00 35.17 6000 6900 7700 6600 7600 8400 6900 7900 8800 7700 8900 9900 8600 9900 11000
40.00 39.33 7900 9000 9900 8600 9900 10900 9000 10400 11400 10200 11800 12900 11300 13200 14400
44.00 43.43 12200 14100 15400 13500 15700 17000 14100 16400 17800 15900 18600 20200 17500 20500 22600
49.00 48.04 12900 14800 16200 14200 16300 17800 14800 17100 18600 16500 19100 21000 18100 21000 23400
68.10 67.82 19500 22700 27300 21200 24700 30300 22000 25700 31800 24400 28500 36300 26700 31200 40700
9-5/8 43.50 42.73 8400 9700 9700 9300 10600 10600 9700 11100 11100 10900 12500 12500 12100 14000 14000
47.00 46.18 8500 9700 9700 9300 10700 10700 9700 11200 11200 10900 12600 12600 12100 14000 14000
53.50 52.90 11300 12900 15400 12400 14200 17000 12900 14900 17700 14600 16800 20000 16100 18600 22300
58.40 57.44 12100 13700 16400 13200 15000 18000 13700 15700 18700 15400 17600 21000 16800 19300 23300
68.00 66.79 17700 20100 24000 19000 21700 26200 19700 22500 27400 21600 24800 30800 23400 27000 34100
70.30 69.76 18200 20600 24200 19500 22200 26500 20200 23000 27800 22100 25300 31000 23900 27500 34400
71.60 71.16 18500 20900 24600 19800 22500 26800 20500 23300 28100 22400 25600 31400 24200 27700 34700
9-7/8 62.80 61.80 15600 17000 21000 16800 19200 23100 17400 19900 24100 19200 22100 27100 20900 24100 30100
65.10 64.10 15900 18100 2100 17100 19600 23100 17700 20300 24100 19500 22400 27100 21200 24400 30100
10-3/4 51.00 49.55 10800 12300 13800 11800 13600 15200 12300 14200 15800 13900 16000 17900 15400 17900 19900
55.50 54.26 12100 13800 17000 13200 15200 18700 13800 15900 19500 15500 17900 22100 17000 19700 24600
60.70 59.45 13000 14800 18200 14200 16100 19900 14800 16800 20700 16400 18700 23200 17800 20500 25800
65.70 64.59 13200 14900 18400 14300 16300 20100 14900 17000 20900 16500 18900 23500 18000 20600 26000
72.33 72.40 14100 15800 19300 15200 17100 20900 15800 17800 21700 17200 19500 24200 18600 21200 26600
78.52 78.59 15500 17200 21000 16500 18400 22700 17000 19000 23500 18400 20700 25900 19800 22300 28400
85.30 84.80 20200 23000 29100 21700 24800 31800 22400 25600 33200 24500 28100 37300 26500 30500 41500
88.00 86.07 20500 23300 29600 22000 25100 32300 22700 25900 33700 24800 28400 37800 26800 30800 42000
91.20 90.83 21300 24100 30900 22800 25800 33600 23500 26700 35000 25600 29200 39100 27500 31500 43300
97.10 96.87 22500 25300 32800 24000 27000 35500 24600 27800 36900 26600 30200 41000 28600 32500 45200
102.90 102.73 37600 43500 62500 40100 46500 69100 41200 47900 72400 44600 51900 82300 47600 55500 92200
109.00 108.60 38400 44300 64500 40800 47200 71000 42000 48600 74300 45300 52500 84200 48200 56100 94100
11-3/4 54.00 52.62 11300 12900 12900 12400 14200 14200 12900 14800 14800 14500 16700 16700 16000 18500 18500
60.00 58.87 13700 15700 17500 15000 17300 19100 15700 18000 20000 17300 20000 22500 18900 21900 25000
65.00 64.03 13800 15800 17600 15100 17300 19200 15700 18100 20100 17400 20100 22600 19000 22000 25100
71.00 69.48 15500 17400 19600 16600 18800 21300 17200 19500 22100 18800 21400 24700 20300 23300 27200
75.00 73.54 22700 26100 31900 24500 28300 35100 25300 29300 36800 27800 32300 41600 30200 35100 46500
79.00 77.80 23400 26800 33000 25100 28900 36300 26000 29900 37900 28500 32900 42800 30800 35700 47700
83.00 81.69 24000 27400 34100 25800 29500 37300 26600 30500 38900 29000 33400 43800 31300 36200 48700
11-7/8 71.80 70.26 18700 21500 24400 20200 23300 26800 20900 24100 28000 23100 26700 31600 25100 29100 35200
12-1/16 78.10 78.15 25200 29100 35000 27200 31400 38800 28100 32600 40700 30800 35800 46400 33300 38800 52000
13-3/8 72.00 70.67 15200 17400 20400 16500 18900 22300 17100 19600 23300 18900 21800 26300 20600 23800 29200
77.00 75.40 20200 23100 27800 21800 24900 30500 22500 25800 31800 24700 28400 35800 26700 30900 39900
80.70 79.33 20800 23700 28700 22300 25500 31400 23100 26400 32800 25200 28900 36800 27300 31400 40800
85.00 82.98 21400 24200 29600 22900 26000 32300 23600 26900 33600 25700 29400 37600 27700 31900 41600
86.00 85.19 21400 24300 29700 22900 26100 32400 23600 26900 33700 25800 29500 37700 27800 31900 41700
92.00 91.25 26400 30300 38200 28300 32600 42000 29200 33700 44000 31900 37000 49700 34400 40000 55500
98.00 97.28 26400 32200 41900 30200 34500 45700 31100 35600 47600 33700 38700 53400 36100 41600 59100
13-5/8 88.20 86.86 23400 26800 33400 25100 28800 36700 26000 29900 38300 28400 32800 43300 30700 35500 48200

5. ADVANCED NJO reference minimum parting load is the ultimate strength or parting load of the connection. These values are offered for reference
only. The connection should never be subjected to loads in excess of the joint strength. Tubular designs should incorporate an appropriate design
6. Reference string length is calculated by dividing the tensile joint strength by both the plain end weight and air and a 1.4 design factor. These values
are given for reference only and do not include other load factors such as bending, buoyancy, temperature, load dynamics, combined loads, etc.
7. ADVANCED NJO designs grouped together by weight are interchangeable.
8. High Collapse-95 is not an API grade. An ultimate tensile strength of 110,000 psi was used for calculations in this table. This value is typical of the
industry, but may vary from mill to mill.

Pipe Data Connection Data Load Data

K-55 L-80
Nominal Reference Reference Reference Reference
Plain API Pipe Box Pin Tension Tension Compression Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum
Size Nominal End Wall Nominal Drift Body Turned ID Makeup Critical Joint Joint Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting
OD Weight Weight Thick ID Diameter Area OD Bored Loss Area Efficiency Efficiency Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load
in lbs/ft lbs/ft in. in. in. sq in. in. in. in. sq. in. % % 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs
4-1/2 13.50 13.05 0.290 3.920 3.795 3.836 4.662 3.848 2.84 2.290 59.7 38.2 126 6890 218 183 10030 218
15.10 15.00 0.337 3.826 3.701 4.407 4.662 3.754 2.84 2.861 64.9 41.6 157 7490 272 229 10900 272
18.80 18.71 0.430 3.640 3.515 5.498 4.673 3.570 3.70 4.019 73.1 44.7 221 8440 382 322 12280 382
5 18.00 17.95 0.362 4.276 4.151 5.275 5.178 4.191 3.27 3.745 71.0 45.4 206 8200 356 300 11920 356
20.30 20.03 0.408 4.184 4.059 5.886 5.194 4.099 3.27 4.356 74.0 40.7 240 8540 414 349 12430 414
20.80 20.65 0.422 4.156 4.031 6.069 5.206 4.071 3.27 4.539 74.8 39.5 250 8640 431 363 12560 431
21.40 21.32 0.437 4.126 4.001 6.264 5.218 4.041 3.27 4.734 75.6 47.8 260 8730 450 379 12690 450
23.20 23.11 0.478 4.044 3.919 6.791 5.206 3.954 3.74 5.161 76.0 59.8 284 8780 491 413 12770 491
24.10 24.05 0.500 4.000 3.875 7.069 5.223 3.915 3.74 5.442 77.0 57.5 299 8890 517 435 12930 517
26.70 26.66 0.562 3.876 3.751 7.836 5.252 3.826 4.26 6.022 76.9 58.9 331 8870 572 482 12910 572
5-1/2 20.00 19.83 0.361 4.778 4.653 5.828 5.672 4.693 3.29 4.060 69.7 42.2 223 8040 386 325 11700 386
23.00 22.56 0.415 4.670 4.545 6.630 5.698 4.585 3.29 4.862 73.3 46.3 267 8470 462 389 12320 482
26.00 25.56 0.476 4.548 4.423 7.513 5.726 4.543 3.70 5.692 75.8 38.2 313 8750 541 455 12720 541
26.80 26.73 0.500 4.500 4.375 7.854 5.745 4.600 3.70 6.033 76.8 45.7 332 8870 573 483 12900 573
28.40 28.16 0.530 4.440 4.315 8.275 5.748 4.355 3.74 6.431 77.7 54.5 354 8970 611 514 13050 611
29.70 29.67 0.562 4.376 4.251 8.718 5.777 4.302 3.74 6.874 78.8 51.7 378 9100 653 550 13240 653
32.00 31.98 0.612 4.276 4.151 9.398 5.789 4.206 4.48 7.463 79.4 61.5 410 9170 709 597 13340 709
32.60 32.57 0.625 4.250 4.125 9.572 5.799 4.370 4.48 7.637 79.8 60.3 420 9210 726 611 13400 726
6-5/8 28.00 27.67 0.417 5.791 5.666 8.133 6.815 5.706 3.45 5.686 69.9 48.6 313 8070 540 455 11740 540
32.00 31.23 0.475 5.675 5.550 9.177 6.849 5.590 3.79 6.757 73.6 52.7 372 8500 642 541 12360 642
35.00 34.23 0.525 5.575 5.450 10.061 6.890 5.490 3.79 7.640 75.9 48.1 420 8770 726 611 12750 726
7 29.00 28.75 0.408 6.184 6.059 8.449 7.177 6.099 3.45 5.887 69.7 40.9 324 8040 559 471 11700 559
32.00 31.70 0.453 6.094 5.969 9.317 7.197 6.051 3.45 6.755 72.5 46.4 371 8370 642 540 12170 642
35.00 34.61 0.498 6.004 5.879 10.172 7.235 5.919 3.45 7.610 74.8 42.5 419 8640 723 609 12560 723
38.00 37.29 0.540 5.920 5.795 10.959 7.243 5.920 4.25 8.268 75.4 48.7 455 8710 785 661 12670 785
41.00 40.43 0.590 5.820 5.695 11.881 7.279 5.735 4.25 9.080 76.4 54.8 499 8820 863 726 12830 863
42.70 42.59 0.625 5.750 5.625 12.517 7.308 5.650 4.25 9.720 77.7 52.0 535 8970 923 778 13040 923
44.00 43.51 0.640 5.720 5.595 12.788 7.319 5.635 4.25 9.987 78.1 50.9 549 9020 949 799 13100 949
46.00 45.34 0.670 5.660 5.535 13.324 7.344 5.575 4.25 10.523 79.0 48.9 579 9120 1000 842 13260 1000
57.10 57.29 0.875 5.250 5.125 16.837 7.452 5.250 5.91 13.690 81.3 56.3 753 9390 1301 1095 13650 1301
7-5/8 29.70 29.06 0.375 6.875 6.750 8.541 7.835 6.790 2.96 5.846 68.4 45.2 322 7900 555 468 11490 555
33.70 33.07 0.430 6.765 6.640 9.720 7.805 6.680 3.41 6.874 70.7 46.2 378 8160 653 550 11880 653
39.00 38.08 0.500 6.625 6.500 11.192 7.831 6.540 3.74 7.835 70.0 60.4 431 8080 744 627 11760 744
42.80 42.43 0.562 6.501 6.376 12.470 7.879 6.416 3.74 9.114 73.1 54.2 501 8440 866 730 12270 866
45.30 44.71 0.595 6.435 6.310 13.141 7.906 6.350 3.74 9.784 74.5 51.4 538 8600 930 783 12500 930
47.10 46.77 0.625 6.375 6.250 13.744 7.931 6.290 3.74 10.387 75.6 49.1 571 8730 987 831 12690 987
50.80 50.62 0.682 6.261 6.136 14.876 7.977 6.271 4.65 11.854 79.7 45.2 652 9200 1126 948 13380 1126
51.20 50.95 0.687 6.251 6.126 14.974 8.036 6.261 4.65 11.952 79.8 44.9 657 9220 1135 956 13400 1135
52.80 52.62 0.712 6.201 6.076 15.463 8.017 6.201 4.48 12.632 81.7 63.8 695 9430 1200 1011 13720 1200
55.30 55.12 0.750 6.125 6.000 16.199 8.019 6.145 4.95 13.015 80.3 52.9 716 9280 1236 1041 13490 1236
59.00 58.37 0.800 6.025 5.900 17.153 8.009 6.025 6.51 13.799 80.4 46.9 759 9290 1311 1104 13510 1311
59.20 59.14 0.812 6.001 5.876 17.380 8.018 5.959 6.51 14.026 80.7 46.3 771 9320 1332 1122 13550 1332
7-3/4 46.10 45.51 0.595 6.560 6.435 13.374 8.050 6.550 4.20 10.404 77.8 50.9 572 8980 988 832 13060 988
48.10 48.64 0.640 6.470 6.345 14.296 8.091 6.435 4.20 11.326 79.2 47.6 623 9150 1076 906 13300 1076
54.20 53.57 0.712 6.326 6.201 15.743 8.108 6.326 5.11 12.387 78.7 54.6 681 9080 1177 991 13210 1177

See page 6 for notes to this data table.



Load Data
N-80 C-90 C-95/T-95 High Collapse-95 P-110 Q-125
Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference
Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum
Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Size
Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load OD
1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 ft 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs in.
183 10020 229 206 11280 229 218 11900 240 218 11900 252 252 13780 286 286 15660 309 4-1/2
229 10900 286 257 12260 286 272 12950 300 272 12950 315 315 14990 358 358 17030 386
322 12280 402 362 13810 402 382 14580 422 382 14580 442 442 16880 502 502 19180 543
300 11920 374 337 13410 375 356 14160 393 356 14160 412 412 16400 468 468 18630 506 5
348 12430 436 392 13980 436 414 14760 457 414 14760 479 479 17090 545 545 19420 588
363 12560 454 409 14130 454 431 14920 477 431 14920 499 499 17270 567 567 19630 613
379 12690 473 426 14280 473 450 15070 497 450 15070 521 521 17450 592 592 19830 639
413 12770 516 465 14370 516 491 15160 542 491 15160 568 568 17550 645 645 19950 697
435 12930 544 490 14540 544 517 15350 571 517 15350 599 599 17770 680 680 20200 735
482 12910 602 542 14520 602 572 15330 632 572 15330 662 662 17750 753 753 20170 813
325 11700 406 365 13160 406 386 13890 426 386 13890 447 447 16090 508 508 18280 548 5-1/2
389 12320 486 438 13850 486 462 14620 511 462 14620 535 535 16930 608 608 19240 656
455 12720 569 512 14310 569 541 15110 598 541 15110 626 626 17490 711 711 19880 768
483 12900 603 543 14510 603 573 15320 633 573 15320 664 664 17740 754 754 20150 814
515 13050 643 579 14680 643 611 15500 675 611 15500 707 707 17940 804 804 20390 868
550 13240 687 619 14900 687 653 15720 722 653 15720 756 756 18210 859 859 20690 928
597 13040 746 672 15000 746 709 15840 784 709 15840 821 821 18340 933 933 20840 1007
611 13400 764 687 15070 764 726 15910 802 726 15910 840 840 18420 955 955 20930 1031
455 11740 569 512 13210 569 540 13940 597 540 13940 625 625 16140 711 711 18340 768 6-5/8
541 12360 676 608 13910 676 642 14680 709 642 14680 743 743 17000 845 845 19320 912
611 12750 764 688 14350 764 726 15140 802 726 15140 840 840 17540 955 955 19930 1031
471 11700 589 530 13160 589 559 13890 618 559 13890 648 648 16090 736 736 18280 795 7
540 12170 675 608 13700 676 642 14460 709 642 14460 743 743 16740 844 844 19020 912
609 12560 761 685 14130 761 723 14920 799 723 14920 837 837 17270 951 951 19630 1027
661 12670 827 744 14250 827 785 15040 868 785 15040 909 909 17420 1033 1033 19800 1116
726 12830 908 817 14440 908 863 15240 953 863 15240 999 999 17650 1135 1135 20050 1226
778 13040 972 875 14670 972 923 15490 1021 923 15490 1069 1069 17930 1215 1215 20380 1312
799 13110 999 899 14750 999 949 15570 1049 949 15570 1099 1099 18030 1248 1248 20490 1348
842 13260 1052 947 14920 1052 1000 15750 1105 1000 15750 1158 1158 18240 1315 1315 20720 1421
1095 13650 1369 1232 15360 1369 1301 16210 1437 1301 16210 1506 1506 18780 11711 1711 21340 1848
468 11490 585 526 12930 585 555 13650 614 555 13650 643 643 15810 731 731 17960 789 7-5/8
550 11880 687 619 13360 687 653 14100 722 653 14100 756 756 16330 859 859 18560 928
627 11760 784 705 13230 784 744 13960 823 744 13960 862 862 16170 979 979 18370 1058
729 12270 911 820 13810 911 866 14570 957 866 14570 1032 1002 16870 1139 1139 19180 1230
783 12500 978 881 14070 978 930 14850 1027 930 14850 1076 1076 17190 1223 1223 19540 1321
831 12690 1039 935 14280 1039 987 15070 1091 987 15070 1143 1143 17450 1298 1298 19830 1402
948 13380 1185 1067 15050 1185 1126 15890 1245 1126 15890 1304 1304 18400 1482 1482 20910 1600
956 13400 1195 1076 15080 1195 1135 15920 1255 1135 15920 1315 1315 18430 1494 1494 20940 1614
1011 13720 1263 1137 15430 1263 1200 16290 1326 1200 16290 1390 1390 18860 1579 1579 21440 1705
1041 13490 1301 1171 15180 1301 1236 16020 1367 1236 16020 1432 1432 18550 1627 1627 21080 1757
1104 13510 1380 1242 15200 1380 1311 16040 1449 1311 16040 1518 1518 18580 1725 1725 21110 1863
1122 13550 1403 1262 15250 1403 1332 16090 1473 1332 16090 1543 1543 18630 1753 1753 21180 1893
832 13060 1040 936 14700 1040 988 15510 1093 988 15510 1145 1145 17960 1301 1301 20410 1405 7-3/4
906 13300 1133 1019 14970 1133 1076 15800 1189 1076 15800 1246 1246 18290 1416 1416 20790 1529
991 13210 1239 1115 14870 1239 1177 15690 1301 1177 15690 1363 1363 18170 1548 1548 20650 1672
See page 6 for notes to this data table.


Pipe Data Connection Data Load Data

K-55 L-80
Nominal Reference Reference Reference Reference
Plain API Pipe Box Pin Tension Tension Compression Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum
Size Nominal End Wall Nominal Drift Body Turned ID Makeup Critical Joint Joint Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting
OD Weight Weight Thick ID Diameter Area OD Bored Loss Area Efficiency Efficiency Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load
in lbs/ft lbs/ft in. in. in. sq in. in. in. in. sq. in. % % 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs

8-3/16 48.10 48.14 0.593 7.001 6.876 14.147 8.494 7.093 4.10 10.925 77.2 49.1 601 8920 1038 874 12970 1038
8-5/8 36.00 35.17 0.400 7.825 7.700 10.336 8.844 7.745 3.46 6.990 67.6 43.5 384 7810 664 559 11360 664
40.00 39.33 0.450 7.725 7.600 11.557 8.839 7.675 3.88 8.077 69.9 44.1 444 8070 767 646 11740 767
44.00 43.43 0.500 7.625 7.500 12.763 8.852 7.550 3.93 9.209 72.2 52.6 506 8330 875 737 12120 875
49.00 48.04 0.557 7.511 7.386 14.118 8.901 7.436 3.93 10.564 74.8 47.5 581 8640 1004 845 12570 1004
68.10 67.82 0.812 7.001 6.876 19.931 9.041 6.946 6.36 16.039 80.5 59.6 882 9290 1524 1283 13510 1524
9-5/8 43.50 42.73 0.435 8.755 8.599 12.559 9.844 8.686 3.52 8.353 66.5 37.7 459 7680 794 668 11170 794
47.00 46.18 0.472 8.681 8.525 13.572 9.844 8.680 3.52 9.367 69.0 41.9 515 7970 890 749 11590 890
53.50 52.90 0.545 8.535 8.379 15.546 9.848 8.532 4.25 11.003 70.8 41.1 605 8170 1045 880 11890 1045
58.40 57.44 0.595 8.435 8.279 16.879 9.892 8.432 4.25 12.336 73.1 45.4 678 8440 1172 987 12270 1172
68.00 66.79 0.700 8.225 8.069 19.627 9.963 8.225 5.19 15.119 77.0 40.2 832 8890 1436 1210 12940 1436
70.30 69.76 0.734 8.157 8.001 20.502 10.011 8.157 5.19 15.994 78.0 48.1 880 9010 1519 1280 13100 1519
71.60 71.16 0.750 8.125 7.969 20.911 10.079 8.125 5.19 16.403 78.4 47.1 902 9060 1558 1312 13170 1558
9-7/8 62.80 61.80 0.625 8.625 8.469 18.162 10.162 8.605 4.75 13.543 74.6 46.1 745 8610 1287 1083 12520 1287
65.10 64.10 0.650 8.575 8.419 18.838 10.214 8.584 4.75 14.218 75.5 35.5 782 8710 1351 1137 12680 1351
10-3/4 51.00 49.55 0.450 9.850 9.694 14.561 10.995 9.765 3.51 9.727 66.8 37.2 535 7710 924 778 11220 924
55.50 54.26 0.495 9.760 9.604 15.947 10.975 9.688 4.20 10.951 68.7 38.3 602 7930 1040 876 11530 1040
60.70 59.45 0.545 9.660 9.504 17.473 10.978 9.575 4.20 12.477 71.4 42.0 686 8240 1185 998 11990 1185
65.70 64.59 0.595 9.560 9.404 18.982 11.027 9.563 4.20 13.986 73.7 38.6 769 8510 1329 1119 12370 1329
73.20 72.40 0.672 9.406 9.250 21.276 11.047 9.426 5.42 15.853 74.5 33.7 872 8600 1506 1268 12510 1506
79.20 78.59 0.734 9.282 9.126 23.096 11.151 9.302 5.42 17.673 76.5 31.1 972 8830 1679 1414 12850 1679
85.30 84.80 0.797 9.156 9.000 24.921 11.116 9.176 6.42 19.201 77.0 41.4 1056 8900 1824 1536 12940 1824
88.00 86.07 0.810 9.130 8.974 25.294 11.138 9.076 6.42 19.575 77.4 40.8 1077 8930 1860 1566 13000 1860
91.20 90.83 0.859 9.032 8.876 26.692 11.217 9.052 6.42 20.972 78.6 46.4 1153 9070 1992 1678 13190 1992
97.10 96.87 0.922 8.906 8.750 28.467 11.318 8.926 6.42 22.748 79.9 43.5 1251 9230 2161 1820 13420 2161
102.90 102.73 0.984 8.782 8.626 30.190 11.253 8.701 6.92 24.965 82.7 73.2 1373 9550 2372 1997 13890 2372
109.00 108.60 1.047 8.656 8.500 31.916 11.302 8.575 6.92 26.691 83.6 69.3 1468 9660 2536 2135 14040 2536
11-3/4 54.00 52.62 0.435 10.880 10.724 15.463 11.987 10.795 3.67 10.035 64.9 26.7 552 7490 953 803 10900 953
60.00 58.87 0.489 10.772 10.616 17.300 12.002 10.691 4.09 11.756 68.0 36.4 647 7850 1117 940 11410 1117
65.00 64.03 0.534 10.682 10.526 18.816 12.002 10.686 4.09 13.272 70.5 40.1 730 8140 1261 1062 11850 1261
71.00 69.48 0.582 10.586 10.430 20.420 12.032 10.506 4.09 14.876 72.9 37.0 818 8410 1413 1190 12230 1413
75.00 73.54 0.618 10.514 10.358 21.613 12.022 10.429 5.45 15.630 72.3 44.3 860 8350 1485 1250 12140 1485
79.00 77.80 0.656 10.438 10.282 22.863 12.055 10.353 5.45 16.881 73.8 41.9 928 8520 1604 1350 12400 1604
83.00 81.69 0.691 10.368 10.212 24.007 12.086 10.283 5.45 18.025 75.1 39.9 991 8670 1712 1442 12610 1712
11-7/8 71.80 70.26 0.582 10.711 10.555 20.648 12.134 10.681 4.49 15.073 73.0 43.7 829 8430 1432 1206 12260 1432
12-1/16 78.10 78.15 0.640 10.783 10.627 22.967 12.351 10.718 5.45 16.694 72.7 46.9 918 8390 1586 1335 12210 1586
13-3/8 72.00 70.67 0.514 12.347 12.191 20.768 13.680 12.315 4.28 14.059 67.7 40.7 773 7820 1336 1125 11370 1336
77.00 75.40 0.550 12.275 12.119 22.160 13.665 12.164 4.91 15.071 68.0 38.1 829 7850 1432 1206 11420 1432
80.70 79.33 0.580 12.215 12.059 23.314 13.665 12.104 4.91 16.225 69.6 43.4 892 8030 1541 1298 11690 1541
85.00 82.98 0.608 12.159 12.003 24.386 13.665 12.048 4.91 17.298 70.9 41.5 951 8190 1643 1384 11910 1643
86.00 85.19 0.625 12.125 11.969 25.035 13.665 12.045 4.91 17.946 71.7 40.4 987 8280 1705 1436 12040 1705
92.00 91.25 0.672 12.031 11.875 26.818 13.687 12.045 5.41 19.781 73.8 46.3 1088 8520 1879 1583 12390 1879
98.00 97.28 0.719 11.937 11.781 28.587 13.728 11.826 5.41 21.551 75.4 34.7 1185 8700 2047 1724 12660 2047
13-5/8 88.20 86.86 0.625 12.375 12.219 25.525 13.915 12.355 4.99 18.224 71.4 39.7 1002 8240 1731 1458 11990 1731

See page 6 for notes to this data table.




Load Data
N-80 C-90 C-95/T-95 High Collapse-95 P-110 Q-125
Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference
Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum Tensile String Minimum
Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Joint Length Parting Size
Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load Strength DF = 1.4 Load OD
1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 ft 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs in.
874 12970 1093 983 14590 1093 1038 15400 1147 1038 15400 1202 1202 17830 1366 1366 20260 1475 8-3/16
559 11360 699 629 12780 699 664 13490 734 664 13490 769 769 15620 874 874 17740 944 8-5/8
646 11740 808 727 13200 808 767 13940 848 767 13940 888 888 16140 1010 1010 18340 1090
737 12120 921 829 13630 921 875 14390 967 875 14390 1013 1013 16660 1151 1151 18930 1243
845 12570 1056 951 14140 1056 1004 14920 1109 1004 14920 1162 1162 17280 1321 1321 19630 1426
1283 13510 1604 1444 15200 1604 1524 16050 1684 1524 16050 1764 1764 18580 2005 2005 21120 2165
668 11170 835 752 12570 835 794 13260 877 794 13260 919 919 15360 1044 1044 17450 1128 9-5/8
749 11590 937 843 13040 937 890 13760 983 890 13760 1030 1030 15930 1171 1171 18110 1264
880 11890 1100 990 13370 1100 1045 14110 1155 1045 14110 1210 1210 16340 1375 1375 18570 1485
987 12270 1234 1110 13810 1234 1172 14570 1295 1172 14570 1357 1357 16880 1542 1542 19180 1665
1210 12940 1512 1361 14550 1512 1436 15360 1588 1436 15360 1663 1663 17790 1890 1890 20210 2041
1280 13100 1599 1439 14740 1599 1519 15560 1679 1519 15560 1759 1759 18010 1999 1999 20470 2159
1312 13170 1640 1476 14820 1640 1558 15640 1722 1558 15640 1804 1804 18110 2050 2050 20580 2214
1083 12520 1354 1219 14090 1354 1287 14870 1422 1287 14870 1490 1490 17220 1693 1693 19570 1828 9-7/8
1137 12680 1422 1280 14260 1422 1351 15050 1493 1351 15050 1564 1564 17430 1777 1777 19810 1920
778 11220 973 875 12620 973 924 13320 1021 924 13320 1070 1070 15420 1216 1216 17530 1313 10-3/4
876 11530 1095 986 12970 1095 1040 13690 1150 1040 13690 1205 1205 15860 1369 1369 18020 1478
998 11990 1248 1123 13490 1248 1185 14240 1310 1185 14240 1372 1372 16490 1560 1560 18740 1684
1119 12370 1399 1259 13920 1399 1329 14690 1469 1329 14690 1538 1538 17010 1748 1748 19330 1888
1268 12510 1585 1427 14080 1585 1506 14860 1665 1506 14860 1744 1744 17200 1982 1982 19550 2140
1414 12850 1767 1591 14460 1767 1679 15260 1856 1679 15260 1944 1944 17670 2209 2209 20080 2386
1536 12940 1920 1728 14560 1920 1824 15370 2016 1824 15370 2112 2112 17790 2400 2400 20220 2592
1566 13000 1957 1762 14620 1957 1860 15430 2055 1860 15430 2153 2153 17870 2447 2447 20310 2643
1678 13190 2097 1888 14840 2097 1992 15670 2202 1992 15670 2307 2307 18140 2622 2622 20620 2831
1820 13420 2275 2047 15100 2275 2161 15940 2389 2161 15940 2502 2502 18450 2843 2843 20970 3071
1997 13890 2497 2247 15620 2497 2372 16490 2621 2372 16490 2746 2746 19090 3121 3121 21700 3370
2135 14040 2669 2402 15800 2669 2536 16680 2803 2536 16680 2936 2936 19310 3336 3336 21940 3603
803 10900 1003 903 12260 1003 953 12940 1054 953 12940 1104 1104 14980 1254 1254 17030 1355 11-3/4
940 11410 1176 1058 12840 1176 1117 13550 1234 1117 13550 1293 1293 15690 1470 1470 17830 1587
1062 11850 1327 1195 13330 1327 1261 14070 1394 1261 14070 1460 1460 16290 1659 1659 18510 1792
1190 12230 1488 1339 13760 1488 1413 14530 1562 1413 14530 1636 1636 16820 1859 1859 19120 2008
1250 12140 1563 1407 13660 1563 1485 14420 1641 1485 14420 1719 1719 16700 1954 1954 18980 2110
1350 12400 1688 1519 13950 1688 1604 14720 1772 1604 14720 1857 1857 17050 2110 2110 19370 2279
1442 12610 1803 1622 14180 1802 1712 14970 1893 1712 14970 1983 1983 17340 2253 2253 19700 2433
1206 12260 1507 1357 13790 1507 1432 14560 1583 1432 14560 1658 1658 16860 1884 1884 19150 2035 11-7/8
1335 12210 1669 1502 13730 1669 1586 14490 1753 1586 14490 1836 1836 16780 2087 2087 19070 2254 12-1/16
1125 11370 1406 1265 12790 1406 1336 13500 1476 1336 13500 1547 1547 15630 1757 1757 17760 1898 13-3/8
1206 11420 1507 1356 12850 1507 1432 13560 1582 1432 13560 1658 1658 15700 1884 1884 17850 2035
1298 11690 1623 1460 13150 1623 1541 13880 1704 1541 13880 1785 1785 16070 2028 2028 18260 2190
1384 11910 1730 1557 13400 1730 1643 14150 1816 1643 14150 1903 1903 16380 2162 2162 18610 2335
1436 12040 1795 1615 13540 1795 1705 14300 1884 1705 14300 1974 1974 16550 2243 2243 18810 2423
1582 12390 1978 1780 13940 1978 1879 14710 2077 1879 14710 2176 2176 17030 2473 2473 19350 2670
1724 12660 2155 1940 14240 2155 2047 15030 2263 2047 15030 2371 2371 17410 2694 2694 19780 2909
1458 11990 1822 1640 13490 1822 1731 14240 1914 1731 14240 2005 2005 16490 2278 2278 18730 2460 13-5/8

See page 6 for notes to this data table.

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