Chap 12 (Nutrition) F.SC 1st Year Biology Helping Notes
Chap 12 (Nutrition) F.SC 1st Year Biology Helping Notes
Chap 12 (Nutrition) F.SC 1st Year Biology Helping Notes
selection of food
grinding or mastication
food becomes easier to digest when it is in small particles, because small pieces
have much more surface for the enzyme to attack and much less solid material to
What is jejunum?
Jejunum is the second portion of the small intestine extending from the duodenum to
the ileum. It is about 2.4 metre in length comprising about two fifth of the small
How tubular digestive system is more efficient than sac like digestive
system? or Differentiate between sac like system and tube type digestion.
The tubular digestive system of cockroach is more efficient system than sac like
digestive system of Hydra or Planaria, in having specialized organs or partitions for
efficient digestion and absorption of food. Sac-like digestive has a single opening which
is used both as mouth as well as anus.
What are the main parts of digestive system in the direction of passage of
food in man?
The main parts in the direction of passage of food, are the oral or buccal cavity,
oesophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum), large intestine
(ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, caecum and rectum).
What is the function of sodium bicarbonate and other saits found in saliva?
Sodium bicarbonate and some other salts are slightly antiseptic but their main function
is to stabilize the pH of food. Fresh saliva is alkaline with a pH nearly 8 quickly loses
carbon dioxide and gets to pH 6.
What is peristalsis?
It consists of the wave of contraction of the circular and longitudinal inuscles of
digestive tract preceded by the wave of relaxation thus squeezing the food down along
the canal.
What is antiperistalsis?
Sometimes peristaltic movements are reversed and food may be passed from the
intestine back into the stomach and even into the mouth. This movement is called
What is chyme?
The muscles of stomach wall thoroughly mix up the food with gastric juice and
eventually convert it to semi-solid mass called chyme.
Lipase hydrolyzes a small percentage of fats into fatty acids and glycerol
What is rectum?
Rectum is the last part of large intestine, where faeces are temporarily stored and
rejected through anus, at intervals.
What is obesity?
It is the term employed when a person has abnormal amount of fat on the body. If one
eats too much food than body requirement, the surplus is stored as fat so becomes
overweight or obese (fat).
What is ulcer?
When the mucous layer breaks down, the digestive enzymes begin to eat away the walls
of stomach or duodenum. This results in a sore called ulcer.
What is the role of gastrin? or Why our stomach produces more gastric
juice if we have more proteins in our diet?
Small protein molecules stimulate some of the cells of the stomach lining which secrete
a hormone known as gastrin. The gastrin diffuses into blood and is carried by the
capillaries back to the stomach where it stimulates the gastric glands to secrete more
gastric juice.
The mid-gut is also called mesenteron stomach. The hepatic caecae open into the
anterior end of the midgut.
The hind-gut: Its terminal part is rectum, which opens to the exterior through
The backward movement of the tongue pushes the soft palate up and closes the
nasal opening at the back. At the same time the tongue forces the epiglottis into
more or less horizontal position thus closing the opening of the windpipe.
The larynx, cartilage round the top of the windpipe, moves upward under the back
of the tongue.
The epiglottis diverts the food mass to one side of the opening and safely down
the oesophagus.
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