Manuals Series HSJ Safety Valves Crosby en en 5193124
Manuals Series HSJ Safety Valves Crosby en en 5193124
Manuals Series HSJ Safety Valves Crosby en en 5193124
Field service
OVERVIEW Emerson field service provides on-site, in
line testing and repair capability for all types
Series HSJ is a full nozzle reaction type safety of pressure relief devices. It is strongly
valve designed for saturated and superheated recommended that on new installations, a
steam service on drums, superheater outlets, Emerson service engineer be present for
reheater inlets and outlets and economizer assembly and testing of safety valves.
applications. Increasing operating efficiency
through the use of the FLEXI-DISC™ seat Parts
design. The FLEXI-DISC™ seat design is Emerson will help you establish the right mix
recessed for pressure and temperature of on-site spares with our own distribution and
equalization, ensuring a flat and tight seal. manufacturing support.
Seal and
1. Consumable spare parts: soft goods (gaskets, On Series HSJ with closed bonnet option
etc.) which should be replaced as part of any (except Series HSJ-DOW) the bonnet vent
disassembly, and disk inserts which must be MUST REMAIN OPEN. Keeping the bonnet vent
replaced if seats are damaged. open is essential for proper valve operation.
2. Repair spare parts: goods exposed to wear and/
or corrosion during normal operation. They are in On Series HSJ-DOW (for organic fluid vaporizer
fluid flow paths and may require replacement as generator applications) use a closed bonnet having
part of any repair. the bonnet vent plugged and Type A screwed cap.
Seal and wire 3. Insurance spare parts: hard goods exposed to
process or environmental wear and/or corrosion
and may require replacement as part of a major
Emerson recommends that sufficient inventory
of spare parts be maintained to support process
Always be sure to use genuine Emerson parts to
ensure continued product performance and warranty.
Material and maximum temperature
Part No. Part name 750°F (399°C) 1000°F (538°C) Spare parts designation (See notes 1, 2, 3)
1 Body Carbon steel Alloy steel
2 Nozzle Stainless steel Stainless steel 3
3 Nozzle ring Stainless steel Stainless steel 3
4 Nozzle ring set screw Stainless steel Stainless steel 3
5* Disk holder Nickel alloy Nickel alloy 2
6* Disk insert Stainless steel Stainless steel 1
6A* Disk Stainless steel Stainless steel 1
7* Disk insert cotter Stainless steel Stainless steel 1
8 Guide Nickel alloy Nickel alloy 3
9 Guide ring Stainless steel Stainless steel 3
10 Guide ring set screw Stainless steel Stainless steel 3
11 Spindle assembly Stainless steel Stainless steel 3
12 Spring Alloy steel Alloy steel 3
Corrosion resistant coating Corrosion resistant coating
13 Spring washers Steel Steel 3
14 Bonnet Carbon steel Alloy steel
15 Bonnet stud ASME SA-193 Gr. B7 ASME SA-193 Gr. B7
16 Bonnet stud nut ASME SA-194 Gr. 2H ASME SA-194 Gr. 2H
17 Adjusting bolt Stainless steel Stainless steel 3
18 Adjusting bolt nut Steel Steel 3
19 Cap lever assembly Steel/iron Steel/iron
Gaskets Organic fiber non asbestos Organic fiber non asbestos 1
* One piece disk (6A) replaces part reference numbers 5, 6 and 7 in orifice sizes F, G, H, and J for CL 150, CL 300 and CL 600.
Discharge pipe
Drip pan
Wire and
seal Drain
See note **
Boiler drum
Gags should not be used when inlet pressures are
more than 10% greater than the safety valve set Set pressure adjustment
pressure. Damage to the valve may result. Before making any adjustments, reduce the
system pressure under the valve 10% to 20%
4 HYDROSTATIC TESTING below the set pressure stamped on the valve.
This will prevent damage to internal parts and
When a hydrostatic test is made on the system, minimize the chance of an inadvertent valve
it is recommended that blank flanges be used opening.
in preference to gagging of the safety valves. For parts identification see Figure 1 on page 2:
Excessive tightening of the gag (test rod) may a. Remove the cap (19) and lifting lever device
damage or bend the valve spindle. However, (if any) following the instructions on page 8.
when the valves are to be gagged for a b. Loosen the adjusting bolt nut (18).
hydrostatic test, a gag as shown in Figure 4 on c. Turn the adjusting bolt (17) clockwise to
page 10 should be used. increase set pressure or counterclockwise
Blank flanges must be removed and the safety to reduce set pressure.
valve reinstalled before the vessel is placed in d. Retighten the adjusting bolt nut (18)
service. following each adjustment.
When test rods are used, care must be e. Once the set pressure has been established
exercised to prevent overtightening that could replace the cap (19) and lifting lever device
damage the spindle and valve seats. Generally, (if any) following the instructions on page 9
a test rod which is finger tight will provide and install a new seal and wire.
sufficient force to hold the valve closed.
After the hydrostatic test, the test rod (gag) Nozzle ring and guide ring adjustment
must be removed and replaced by either a cap The nozzle ring (3) and guide ring (9)
plug or a cap not fitted with a test rod. adjustment is made at the factory and resetting
in service seldom is necessary.
5 TESTING SAFETY VALVES Should it be necessary to change blowdown
or reduce valve simmer, the following steps
Before a new boiler is put in service all safety should be taken:
valves should be tested. Each valve has been set
and tested at the factory but service conditions Whenever ring adjustments are changed, a
differ and it is sometimes necessary to make record should be kept of the number of notches
adjustments. Safety valves may be tested by and the direction in which the ring was moved.
raising the system pressure and popping the This will make it possible to return to the
valve. All safety valves on the system with lower original setting in case of error.
set pressures should be gagged.
6 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION Crosby steel safety valves have the shipment ring
settings stamped on the machined surface on the
The valve will open with a sharp pop at the bonnet directly under the cap. See Figure 2.
pressure for which it is set and remain open,
relieving full capacity at 3% overpressure. As CAUTION
pressure decays below the popping pressure, Should any ring adjustments be made while the
the valve will remain open until the blowdown valve is installed on a pressurized vessel, the
pressure is reached. The valve will close sharply. valve should be gagged. Care must be exercised
to prevent excessive tightening of the gag that
could damage the valve spindle and valve seats.
However, sufficient force must be applied to the
gag to prevent the valve from lifting.
Guide ring adjustment b. Remove the nozzle ring set screw (4). Check
The guide ring (9) is the principal blowdown the nozzle ring setting by turning the nozzle
control ring in the valve. To change the guide ring (3) to the right and counting the number
ring position, remove the guide ring set screw of notches turned until it makes contact with
(10) and insert a screwdriver to engage one of the disk holder assembly (5). Record the
the notches. Turning the guide ring to the right number of notches. This location is given as
raises it and decreases the blowdown. Turning minus (-) notches from this contact position.
the guide ring to the left lowers the ring, Remove the guide ring set screw (10). Check
thereby increasing the blowdown. the guide ring setting by returning the guide
The guide ring (9) should never be moved more ring (9) to its level position. The guide ring
than ten notches either way without retesting is in level position when the bottom face
the valve. After each adjustment always of the guide ring is level with the bottom
replace, tighten and seal wire the set screw face of the disk holder assembly (5). The
being careful that its point fits in the notch in guide ring should be turned to the right or
the ring without making contact with the ring or left, whichever is necessary to return it to
bearing on top of a tooth. its level position. The guide ring position is
recorded as minus (-) (down) or plus (+) (up)
Nozzle ring adjustment notches from this level position.
The nozzle ring adjustment is determined c. Before releasing the spring load, measure
carefully by factory test and resetting in and make note of the height of the adjusting
service is seldom necessary. Should it be bolt (17) over the top of the bonnet (14). This
necessary, the nozzle ring (3) is adjusted by information will help when reassembling the
removing the nozzle ring set screw (4) and valve to its approximate original setting.
inserting a screwdriver to engage the ring d. Loosen the adjusting bolt nut (18). Count the
notches. Turning the ring to the right raises number of turns required to remove the spring
it and results in a strong 'pop' action that will load by rotating the adjusting bolt (17) in a
increase blowdown. Moving the ring to the left counterclockwise direction.
lowers the ring, decreasing the blowdown and e. Loosen and remove bonnet stud nuts (16).
may result in warn or simmer if lowered too far. f. Carefully lift the bonnet (14) straight up to
The range of adjustment of this ring is limited clear the spindle (11) and valve spring (12).
and it should not be moved more than one Exercise care when lifting the bonnet as the
notch at a time from its set position. The valve spring and spindle will then be free to fall
performance should be checked after each aside.
adjustment. After each adjustment always g. Lift the spring (12) and spring washers (13) off
replace, tighten and seal wire the set screw (4), the spindle. The spring and spring washers
being careful that its point fits in the notch are fitted together and must be kept together
without making contact with the ring or bearing as a subassembly. Spring washers are not
on top of a tooth. It is very important not to let interchangeable between ends of the spring.
the valve pop before the nozzle ring set screw h. The disk holder assembly (5) or disk (6A) and
has been reinstalled and tightened. spindle (11) can now be removed from the
valve body (1) by lifting the spindle.
Restamping i. Remove the guide (8) and guide ring (9) from
If different ring locations are obtained after the body (1) as an assembly and unscrew the
testing, restamp the valve bonnet with the new guide ring from the guide.
(tested) ring settings. j. If the valve has a 2-piece disk design
(insert and holder), remove the disk insert
8 VALVE MAINTENANCE cotter pin (7) and the disk insert (6) from the
disk holder assembly (5).
The functioning and service life of a safety k. Remove the spindle (11) from the disk holder
valve depends primarily on methods used in assembly (5) or disk (6A) by pulling up on
its maintenance. For this reason, the following the spindle rod to engage the spindle point
maintenance procedures are recommended: threads in the disk/holder. Turn the spindle
counterclockwise while holding the disk/
Disassembly holder still and remove the spindle rod.
When possible, remove the valve from the l. Unscrew the nozzle ring (3) from the nozzle (2).
system before dismantling. There should be m. Unscrew the nozzle (2) from the body (1).
no system pressure when a valve is either
dismantled in place or removed for shop repair. CAUTION
For parts identification, see Figure 1 on page 2: Nozzle and guide ring set screws are custom
a. Remove the cap (19) and lifting lever device fitted to each valve and are not to be interchanged.
(if any) following the instructions on page 8.
Never loosen bonnet stud nuts before completely
releasing spring tension with the adjusting bolt.
Lapping block
If a reseating machine is not used, the most b. Screw the nozzle ring (3) onto the nozzle (2). i. Screw the bonnet stud nuts (16) onto the
satisfactory way to machine a nozzle is to Note: The top of the nozzle ring should be bonnet studs (15) and tighten down evenly
remove it from the valve body. However, it may approximately one ring revolution above to prevent unnecessary strain and possible
also be machined while assembled within the the nozzle seating surface. misalignment.
valve body. In any event it is vitally important c. Thread the spindle assembly (11) into the j. Lift the disk insert slightly by lifting the spindle
that the seating surfaces run absolutely true. disk holder (5) or disk (6A). Turn the spindle rod. Lower the nozzle ring (3) below the seats.
Machining dimensions for Crosby Series HSJ until it drops off the internal threads and Release the spindle slowly to permit the
valves are shown in Figure 5. Remove only contact is made between the spindle ball disk insert to contact the nozzle seat gently.
enough metal to restore the surface to its and the disk or disk holder bushing. Check that the nozzle ring moves freely.
original condition. Turning to the smoothest Note: If spindle does not thread into disk, k. Screw the adjusting bolt (17) and nut (18)
possible finish will facilitate lapping. check the design version number in the into the top of the bonnet (14) the same
The nozzle must be replaced when the model number for compatibility. Do not number of turns originally required to
minimum face to seat dimension is reached. force the spindle to thread into the disk. remove the spring load. The original set
This critical dimension is shown in Table 2. Reference Section 10 for more detail on pressure can be approximated by screwing
the design version numbers and contact the adjusting bolt down to the height above
Machining of disk and disk insert seats Emerson to get the correct disk and spindle. the bonnet measured during disassembly.
When the damage to the disk or disk insert d. If the valve has a 2-piece disk design l. Move the nozzle ring (3) up until it touches
seat is too severe to be removed by lapping, (insert and holder), place the disk insert (6) the disk holder (5). From this position
the disk or disk insert should be replaced. into the disk holder (5). Turn the insert until lower it to the original recorded position
Remachining of the disk or disk insert seat is alignment is achieved between the hole in (paragraph b. page 6). Move the guide ring
not recommended. the button end of the insert and the hole in (9) until the bottom of the guide ring is at
The disk or disk insert seating surface may be the bottom end of the holder. Insert disk the same level as the bottom face (6A) of the
lapped provided that the minimum overall disk insert cotter (7) to hold in place. disk or disk holder assembly (5). If the guide
height shown in Figure 6 is maintained. e. Thread the guide ring (9) onto the guide (8). ring position originally recorded is a positive
f. Valves with Type A/B and D/E caps require number, raise the guide ring by the number
CAUTION two guide gaskets (not shown), one above of notches indicated; if a negative number,
Care should be used in this assembly operation to and one below the guide (8). Valves with lower the ring that number of notches.
prevent damage to the valve seating surfaces. Type C caps do not include guide gaskets. Rings are moved up by turning them to the
If supplied, place one guide gasket on top of right and lowered by turning them to the left.
Assembly the body (1). Install the guide (8) and guide
All components should be clean. ring (9) assembly into the top of the body.
Before assembling the following parts, The guide of Type C valves should be seated
lubricate with pure nickel 'Never-Seez' or directly on the top surface of the valve
equivalent. body. Maintain proper alignment between
- Nozzle and body threads the guide (8) and the body (1) to ensure that
- Nozzle and body sealing surfaces the guide is seated correctly in the body.
- All stud and nut threads g. Lower the spindle (11) and disk (6A) or disk
- Spindle bearing surfaces and threads holder assembly (5) into the guide (8) and
- Set screw threads onto the nozzle (2).
- Spring washer bevels h. Place the second guide gasket of Type A
- Adjusting bolt and bonnet threads and D valves on top of the guide (8). Place
the spring (12) and washers (13) assembly
For parts identification, refer to Figure 1 on onto the spindle (11). Lower the bonnet (14)
page 2: over the spindle and spring, onto the bonnet
a. Before installing the nozzle (2), lubricate studs (15) in the body (1). In closed bonnet
the flange surface in contact with the valve valves, the bonnet vent should be aligned
body (1) and on the nozzle threads. Then with the valve outlet. Position the bonnet
screw the nozzle (2) into the valve body (1) counter bore on the O.D. of the guide (8) and
and tighten until the nozzle flange is seated lower the bonnet onto the guide.
fully against the valve body.
m. Place the set screw gaskets (not shown) Type D 10 VALVE DESIGN VERSION AND
onto the set screws (10, 4). Screw the set Install the cap gasket on the bonnet. INTERCHANGEABILITY
screws into the body (1) engaging both the Screw the spindle nut onto the spindle. Place
nozzle ring (3) and guide ring (9). Both rings the dog in the cap and install the dog shaft so The design version number is used to
should move back and forth slightly after that the dog is horizontal and the square on distinguish specific versions of the HSJ valve
the set screw is tightened. the end of the dog shaft has a corner on top. design where the updated parts are not
n. The valve is now ready for testing. After With the dog shaft in the position above, scribe interchangeable with the previous version. The
testing, the following steps should be taken: a horizontal line on the end of the dog shaft. design version number is needed for reference
- Be sure that adjusting bolt nut (18) is locked. This line must be horizontal when the lifting when ordering spare parts and servicing the
- Install the cap assembly (see below). gear is installed finally on the valve. Install the valve. If the design version does not match the
- Seal wire the cap and set screws to prevent dog shaft O-ring in the dog shaft bearing and current design version, new spare parts may
tampering. place the dog shaft bearing gasket on the dog not be compatible in the valve, and the valve
shaft bearing. Screw the dog shaft bearing into may need to be upgraded to the new version.
9 ASSEMBLY OF CAP AND LIFTING LEVER the cap. Rotate the dog shaft so that the dog
DEVICES is pointing down and install the cap assembly The design version number will be at the end of
onto the bonnet. the model number, and any model number with
Series HSJ safety valves are furnished with Rotate the dog shaft so that the dog contacts no design version number will be considered
several different caps and lifting lever devices. the spindle nut. With the scribed line horizontal, "-01".
The following describes assembly of the remove the assembly and adjust the position of
available types of construction the spindle nut. Repeat the operation until the Reference Table 3 for current version of HSJ
(disassembly is the reverse of assembly). scribed line is horizontal when the dog contacts design.
For part identification refer to Figure 4. the spindle.
Remove the assembly and install the spindle
Type A nut cotter pin. Install the lifting gear assembly
Install the cap gasket and screw the cap onto onto the bonnet and secure it with cap studs
the top of the bonnet. Tighten the cap with a and nuts.
strap wrench. For Type D lifting levers that have two part
caps (cap and cap top), the above procedure
Type B is accomplished more easily. After the cap is
Install the cap gasket and screw the cap onto screwed to the bonnet, the positioning of the
the top of the bonnet. Tighten the cap with a dog shaft is the same as above except that the
strap wrench. Install the cap plug gasket and positioning of the spindle nut is performed last
screw cap plug into the cap. The test rod is through the open end of the cap.
installed only during system hydrostatic testing. With the dog in the horizontal position, screw
Never install the test rod unless performing the spindle nut onto the spindle until it contacts
system hydrostatic testing. the dog.
Install the spindle nut cotter, cap top gasket
Type C and screw the cap top into the cap.
Screw the spindle nut onto the spindle.
Place the cap on the bonnet. Install the forked Type E
lever and forked lever pin. Attach the lever to Assembly of Type E lifting lever is identical
the cap using the lever pin and secure with the to Type D with the addition of the cap plug
lever pin cotter. Adjust the spindle nut until gasket and cap plug. The test rod is installed
there is a 1/16 inch minimum of play between only during system hydrostatic testing. Never
the forked lever and the spindle nut. The install the test rod unless performing system
spindle nut may be adjusted by removing the hydrostatic test.
forked lever pin, forked lever and cap. When
the spindle nut is in proper adjustment, install
the spindle nut cotter pin. Replace the cap and
forked lever and install the forked lever pin
and forked lever pin cotter. Position the lever
opposite the valve outlet and install the four cap
set screws and tighten them against the groove
in the top of the bonnet.
Cap and lifing levers
Cap plug Test rod Cap
Cap Cap Spindle nut
Cap plug gasket
Cap top
Valve spindle
Test rod
Dog shaft
Adjusting bolt
Cap stud nut
Adjusting bolt nut
300# 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01
600# 02 02 02 02 01 01 01 01 01 01
900# 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 - - -
1500# 01 01 01 01 01 - - - - -
2500# 01 01 - - - - - - - -
Nozzle seat critical dimensions in inches
.010 .010 Mach.
A .001 TIR Mach.
.014 .014
1 B .001
II B .001 (.203 mm) (.102 mm)
.001 .008 min. .004 min.
after lapping after lapping
Minimum face to
seat dim.
-0 45°
B .001
Disk insert minimum heights
F, G, H and J orifice
CL150, CL300 and CL600
'B' min.
after lapping
Orifice NPS DN
F .002 .051
G .003 .076
H .003 .076
J .004 .102
K .005 .127
L .006 .152
M .007 .178
N .008 .203
P .009 .229
Q .012 .305
VCIOM-01062 © 2017, 2022 Emerson Electric Co. All rights reserved 04/22. Crosby is a mark owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Automation Solutions
business unit of Emerson Electric Co. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their
prospective owners.
The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be
construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed
by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time
without notice.
Emerson Electric Co. does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of
any Emerson Electric Co. product remains solely with the purchaser.