Float Voltage

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Float voltage

Float voltage is the voltage at which a battery is maintained after being fully charged to maintain that
capacity by compensating for self-discharge of the battery.[1] The voltage could be held constant for the
entire duration of the cell's operation (such as in an automotive battery) or could be held for a particular
phase of charging by the charger.[2] The appropriate float voltage varies significantly with the chemistry
and construction of the battery, and ambient temperature.[3]

With the appropriate voltage for the battery type and with proper temperature compensation, a float charger
may be kept connected indefinitely without damaging the battery.

However, it should be understood that the concept of a float voltage does not apply equally to all battery
chemistries. For instance, lithium ion cells have to be float charged with extra care because if they are float
charged at just a little over optimum voltage, which is generally the full output voltage of the lithium cell,
the chemical system within the cell will be damaged to some extent. Some lithium ion variants are less
tolerant than others, but generally overheating, which shortens cell life is likely, and fire and explosion
possible other outcomes. It is important to make certain that the battery cell involved can be safely float
charged, and that in the absence of protection from a battery management system, that the charger circuit
goes into float charge status when full charge is achieved.[4]

Lead-acid batteries
Accepted average float voltages for lead-acid batteries at 25 °C can be found in following table:

Lead-acid battery type single-cell (2 V) 3-cell (6 V) 6-cell (12 V)

Gel battery 2.18 6.53 13.05
Flooded lead–acid cell 2.23 6.7 13.4
Absorbent glass mat 2.27 6.8 13.6

Temperature compensation

Compensation per cell of approximately −3.9 mV/°C (−2.17 mV/°F) of temperature rise is necessary.[5]

Example 1

A 12 V (6-cell) battery at 30 °C (86 °F) (+5 °C change):

(−3.9 mV/°C) × (6 cells) × (5 °C change) = −117 mV
13.4 V (flooded battery float) + (−117 mV) = 13.28 V
Example 2

A 12 V (6-cell) battery at 20 °C (68 °F) (−5 °C change):

(−3.9 mV/°C) × (6 cells) × (−5 °C change) = +117 mV
(13.4 V flooded battery float) + (117 mV) = 13.52 V
Not compensating for temperature will shorten battery life by over- or undercharging.
See also
Trickle charging

1. Team, M.I.T. Electric Vehicle, A Guide to Understanding Battery Specifications (http://mit.edu/
evt/summary_battery_specifications.pdf) (PDF), retrieved 2012-01-12
2. Bill Moeller; Jan Moeller (1 October 1994). RV Electrical Systems: A Basic Guide to
Troubleshooting, Repairing and Improvement (https://books.google.com/books?id=y97AV1N
8A20C&pg=PA34). McGraw-Hill Professional. p. 34. ISBN 978-0-07-042778-5. Retrieved
12 January 2012.
3. Whitham D. Reeve (2007). DC power system design for telecommunications (https://books.g
oogle.com/books?id=G1HTJcUEoQsC&pg=PA239). John Wiley and Sons. p. 239.
ISBN 978-0-471-68161-8. Retrieved 12 January 2012.
4. "Float charging lithium ion cells" (https://www.electronicsweekly.com/market-sectors/power/fl
oat-charging-lithium-ion-cells-2006-02/). Electronics Weekly.com. February 2006. Retrieved
4 September 2018.
5. John A. O'Connor, Unitrode Application Note: Simple Switchmode Lead-Acid Battery
Charger (http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slua055/slua055.pdf) (PDF), retrieved 2012-11-10

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