Pre Conception English Flopchart
Pre Conception English Flopchart
Pre Conception English Flopchart
Woman’s age
• Physical and mental growth of the woman should be
complete before she conceives
• Avoid conception before 20 years age of a woman
• Probability of abortion is more if a woman conceives
before 20 years of age
• It is likely that such woman may have hypertension/ PIH
and be fatal for her life
• Baby may be preterm birth, low birth weight. So chances of
neonatal death increase
• Chances of still birth are more
Hence such women should use contraceptive pills,
injectable or males should use condoms regularly
Other women should use contraceptives like Cu-T
Woman’s under nutrition or
overweight may be at risk for baby
Ratio of weight and height (BMI)
There is a specific ratio of weight and height; weight of a woman
is proportional to her height. This is called as Body Mass Index
BMI is calculated as follows
Weight in kg. ÷ square of height in m. = BMI
Meaning of BMI
BMI <18 Low weight
BMI 18.5-24.9 Normal
BMI >25.0 Overweight
• If BMI of woman is low, baby born may have low birth weight and length
• Sometimes preterm baby may be born
• Obviously probability of neonatal death may increase
• Overweight women also have risk of delivering preterm and low birth baby. She may get
diabetes, hypertension etc.
• Complications during pregnancy/ delivery or later may occur and be at risk for mother
and baby
• Baby born to such mother may also acquire diabetes, hypertension in future 13
sparingly Oil, ghee, butter, sweets etc
Non-veg :
Mutton, fish, eggs etc
2 parts/ servings
Milk and milk products:
milk, curd, cheese etc
3 parts/ servings Millets and legumes : Chana,
kidney beans, pigeon pea, green
gram, black gram
3-4 parts/ servings Fruits and vegetables:
banana, chickoo, guava,
fenugreek, spinach etc
4 parts/ servings Cereals: chapati, rice,
bhakari etc.