FP Automation1 (Jumbo)
FP Automation1 (Jumbo)
FP Automation1 (Jumbo)
On Board Automation
Alex L. Armildez
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means , electronics or mechanical, including photography, recording or any
information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. The
manual is distributed subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise
circulated without the author’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than in
which it is published and without a similar condition, including this condition, being im-
posed on the subsequent reader.
Page 2
Table of Contents
Level Transmitters…………………………………………………………………………..………………… 38
The Incinerator………………………………………………………………………………………………. 43
Page 3
This manual is for those who want to learn the automation system of the vessel espe-
cially for the engineers who will serve and take care of the vessel during his tour of duty. The
contents of this manual was not exactly as accurate as can be but nearly accurate and informative
to the reader.
The initiative of creating this manual has been conceptualized due to the interest of most
Engineers I work with to learn how the systems work especially those aspiring engineers and
new technicians. This I hope will help the people who are interested to learn about the automa-
tion not only with this vessel but also in other industry that the automation is applied.
All the subject contains in this manual are those with concern with automation, electri-
cally and electronically by way of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) where this new tech-
nology is the most commonly used in new ship building at the time of this manual was created.
The computer technology is applied in the system in which a program is made to satisfy the op-
eration of the equipments based on the specifications of the clients. Programming of the PLC is
not included in this manual since that task is for the persons who specialized in that field. The
software of the PLC’s are already modified, tested and satisfied the requirements of the equip-
ment. When a problem arises in the system in which a defective hardware is not involve, reboot-
ing of the system is the most commonly way of fixing the problem. Rebooting of the system,
means to re-start or hard-reset of the micro processor to initialized the program.
Most of the main equipment on board are controlled through the PLC for automation.
They are the Main Engine automation, the main switchboard automation that includes the power
generation or the alternator, the alarm monitoring and control, auxiliary engine automation, the
steering gear control, the 900 tons cranes, control pitch propeller and the anti-heeling system.
Some information in which not elaborated in this manual are not readily available on
board and I suggest to the reader to read the manual on board for further and more detailed infor-
mation of the concern equipments.
This will not be possible without the approval and encouragement of Chief Engineer
Oege Monsma who also give suggestion and technical information regarding ship’s engineering.
Some pictures contains in this manual are taken on the actual location and installation
on board in which not taken professionally, I’m sorry for that.
Page 4
The vessel is a 14,672.52 GRT although the design is complied on a Dutch standard but it was built in Romania
that was released from the shipyard in 2004. Specially design for heavy lift cargo with two 800 tons crane that was
modified to 900 tons in 2006 at Rotterdam. With an overall length of 144.21 meter and 26.50 meter breadth and a
depth of 14.10 meters. An Unmanned Machinery System
(UMS), two 4320 kW, 750 rpm main diesel engines and a
controllable pitch propellers propelled this vessel with a
1400 kW bow thruster controllable pitch for a convenient
maneuvering capability. 17.2 knots speed was recorded
during the sea trials and it was proven since then. The
cargo hold has an adjustable tween deck for various sizes
of cargoes and a pontoon type hatch covers which is also
available for a long heavy cargo. A unique vessel of its
kind in the whole world aside from her sister ship the M/V
Jumbo Javelin.
Two Main Diesel Engines is the main propulsion. They are 9 cylinder,
medium speed, four stroke, turbo charged, 750 RPM, 4320kW feeds by
heavy fuel oil (HFO). The automation controls are mainly through
PLC. The sensors in different location in the engine are feed through
the terminal box in the engine side and runs into the Main Control
Cabinet located at the Engine Control Room where the Electronics
devices are installed. Those engine data is collected through PLC and
distributed through Ethernet in which the COCOS computer and the
engine operating panel are connected. Those data is also feed through
Modulation Bus (MODBUS) into the Alarm Monitoring and Control
(AMC) system where all the data can be visualized through SCADA.
Fig.-Main Engine
The local monitoring panel equipment located at the engine side is for
the monitoring of temperature especially for the exhaust gas of each
cylinder and turbocharger the can be visualized digitally through a
seven segment display. The switching for local and remote control is
accessible in this panel and the manual speed setting. The circular
image in the center is the speed indicator through red LED’s with the
graduation of 0-1000 rpm. Starting and stopping is also possible in this
panel though pushbutton on the side. Indication lamps are for warning
sign to the operator.
Page 6
Main Engine
Reduction gear
Pitch Propeller
The SCADA’s graphical representation of the main engine data that was collected by the engine PLC and process by the
AMC-PLC, those for the reduction gear and alternator are directly monitored by the AMC-PLC.
The Turning Gear used for the internal maintenance of the main
engine, especially for inspection of crankshaft and bearings. If this is
connected to the flywheel the starting of the engine is disable. The
pneumatic valve when trigged at gear engage condition, the control
in the pneumatic for starting is blocked and it also trigged a limit
switch that serves as a digital input to the PLC and processed by the
program to inhibit the starting and giving an indication in the
SCADA. Indication of gear engaged can be visualized from the local
control panel.
Page 7
The terminal box, pneumatic connection box and
the local control panel are shown in the left photo.
The lower box (gray color) is the terminal box
where all the sensor cables terminated. The box in
green color is for the pneumatic valves and fittings
for the pressure sensors and the silver color box is
the local monitoring and control panel as
represented in the previous picture in which the
pressure gauges is also installed. Inside of this box
you could be able to find various pressure
transmitter and pressure switch for the needed input
to the PLC. A dynamic calibration of the pressure
sensor is done in this location. (See the open box
photo at right)
Page 8
The Temperature Controller (Fig.1) is a programmable controller in which the setpoint, parameters and the cycle of
program can be changed. The read out of the temperature of the medium can be seen in the upper digital display and the
setpoint in the middle and the lower display is for the status of the controller. A digital input to the controller is necessary
to change the mode of operation to start a process according to the program. Resistance thermometer or Pt-100 is the
sensing device as a reference for controlling The Actuator (Fig.2) by
opening and closing the valve where the heating or cooling medium is
needed for a certain unit that needs to regulate the temperature. This
actuator is a reversible motor driven device operates on 230vac, equipped
of limit switches to stop the motor in the fully open and fully close position
of the valve. An alarm
is generated to the
AMC-PLC (DI) when
the units failed. A
potentiometer is
available inside for use
as position indicator
signal if necessary. One
main engine has 5 of
this; they are for lube oil
cooling, high
temperature cooling
water, charge air pre-
heating, low
temperature cooling and Fig.2– The Actuator
for high temperature
cooling water pre- Fig.1– Temperature Controller
The Lube Oil Automatic Back Flushing Filter works when the
increasing pressure at the inlet due to the contamination of in
service filter detected by the differential pressure, a back-
flushing cycle is initiated. When the cycle starts the geared
motor start and the change–over plug rotates from the chamber
held in reserve to the filter chamber to be cleaned. Connection to
the reserved chamber with clean element cause the differential
pressure reduces to acceptable level. The rotation stopped when
the plug is in placed and trig the limit switch in cam plate, then
the solenoid valves energized and a compressed air between 4
and 10 bar passes to the discharge valve shaft. Eventually the
discharge valve open and the sludge go to the collecting tank.
Page 9
The Resistance Thermometer or the Pt-100 with the range of 0-120ºC are the commonly use sensing device for the
temperature controller. The use of this device is not limited to the controller; it is also use in the various point of the main
engine to monitor the temperature of the medium. The changes of the resistance of the sensor that send to the analog input
of the PLC and then process by the program to convert that to an information that can be visualized from the SCADA in
decimal figure as the value of temperature of being monitored. Through the setpoint that was set to the software, the alarm
is raise if it is low or a high
temperature. A slowdown and
a shutdown of the main
engine is also influenced by
the program especially the
turbocharger lubrication oil
temperature outlet high, the
HT cooling water outlet
temperature high and the
engine lubrication oil temp
inlet high.
This type of pressure transmitter sensor can be calibrated if the reading is not giving
correct value (see method of calibration). If the calibration is no longer effective it
has to be replaced. Wire break and the sensor plausibility is being monitored by the
List of alarms using t he pressure transmitt er engine-
T ag Nr. Descript ion Signal t ype Sensor Nr. Setpoint PLC that
AI.778 LO Pressure low 4..20mA 1PT 2170 2.8 bar will raise
AI.780 LO pressure turbocharger 4..20mA 1PT 2570 1.1 bar the alarm
AI.782 HT cooling water pressure low 4..20mA 1PT 3170 1.8 bar to AMC-
AI.784 Nozzle cooling wat er pressure low 4..20mA 1PT 3470 2.8 bar PLC.
AI.786 LT cooling wat er pressure inlet low 4..20mA 1PT 4170 1.2 bar Fig.2– Pressure Gauge Panel
AI.788 FO pressure engine inlet low 4..20mA 1PT 5070 4.0 bar
Page 10
Fig.3-SCADA computer
Fig.4-COCOS computer
Page 11
The NiCr-Ni Thermocouple has the capability of measuring
temperature up to 600ºC. A small amount of differential voltage
in millivolt is generated when the probe is exposed to a high
temperature media. The differential voltage is directly
proportional to the differential temperature, a commonly used in
measuring the temperatures of the exhaust gas of each cylinder of
the main engine including the inlet/outlet air temperature of the
turbocharger. This sensor is directly connected to the engine-PLC
then process to convert into the decimal form that can be
visualized in COCOS-PC and the SCADA (see graph below).
This value is being monitor and comparing to the setpoint created
during the configuration of the system in which an alarm is
generated when value overshoot the setpoint. A deviation alarm
will arise first before the exhaust gas high temperature alarm. It
will happen only when the average temperature is greater than the
minimum temperature and eventually slow down the main engine.
But before that, a pre-processing alarm will arises before reaching the level of the deviation to alert the engineers. This
sensor could not be calibrated; it has to be replaced when plausibility is not good.
List of alarms using the NiCr-Ni thermocoup le
There are three ways of alarm test of these
T ag Nr. Description Signal type Sensor Nr. setpoint
sensors. First is by subjecting to a high
AI.744 Exh gas temp cyl 1 high TC 1T E6570A 550 ºC
AI.746 Exh gas temp cyl 2 high TC 1T E6570A 550 ºC
temperature medium up to the setpoint by means
AI.748 Exh gas temp cyl 3 high TC 1T E6570A 550 ºC of temperature calibrator if available. Second is
AI.750 Exh gas temp cyl 4 high TC 1T E6570A 550 ºC by using a calibrator that has the capacity to
AI.752 Exh gas temp cyl 5 high TC 1T E6570A 550 ºC produce a voltage signal in millivolt and injected
AI.754 Exh gas temp cyl 6 high TC 1T E6570A 550 ºC to the analog input of the PLC or from the wire or
AI.756 Exh gas temp cyl 7 high TC 1T E6570A 550 ºC terminal with the sensor is connected. Third is
AI.758 Exh gas temp cyl 8 high TC 1T E6570A 550 ºC by changing the setpoint in the PLC through
AI.760 Exh gas temp cyl 9 high TC 1T E6570A 550 ºC SCADA as long as the plausibility of the sensor
AI.762 Exh gas temp cyl T /C inlet high TC 1T E6575A 565 ºC is still good. The third one is the easiest way to
AI.764 Exh gas temp cyl T /C outlet high TC 1T E65780 400 ºC test since the alarm is generated by the program
and it is not defending on the mechanical switch like microswitch.
Fig.1-Reduction Gear Box Reduction Gearbox (Fig.1) is a mechanical equipment where the
propeller shaft and the shaft of the alternator were coupled to the main
engine. The propeller shaft could be able to engage and disengage
through a clutch within the gearbox. The operation of clutch is controlled
by the hydraulic system through a solenoid commanded by the PLC as
required by the operator. Clutch control is necessary due to the 3MW
alternator is directly coupled to the gearbox, that when in port, more
power is necessary during cargo operation because of the 900 tons cranes.
Page 13
The Control Pitch Propeller is a hydraulic operated equipment that
propelled the vessel in various degrees of thrust. A set of two, 35kW
electric motor, drive the hydraulics pumps for each propeller (Fig.3). One
for the in service and one for standby in case of failure that will
automatically start to maintain the required pressure. Solenoid valves are
used to control the hydraulic pressure that needs to move the propeller in a
certain angle, either forward or reverse. The signal to the solenoid valves
are came from the electronics circuitry with a processor where a remote
control lever (Fig.1) is connected in which an operator used to propel the
ship. The lever is attached to a 2 kilo-ohms potentiometer connected to the
electronics card (Fig.2) and processed to command the solenoid valves.
Several remote control levers are installed in the wheelhouse, in the center, Fig.1-Control lever
SB wing, PS wing and one in the engine control room. Coupled to the
potentiometer is a dc motor that called a “shouter motor” that used to drive the other
levers that is not under command as an indication of the position of the lever.
The system needs several digital and analog signals needed by the software to
function properly. Like the clutch engage or disengage signal, the reduce load
signal when the main engine experienced an overloading, an analog input of
generator load for loading adjustment, a digital input that the generator is connected
to activate loading limitation, hydraulic oil pressure and the actual RPM of the shaft
of the engine which is not running for trailing mode function during the navigation.
Trailing mode is a condition where the angle of the propeller is automatically
adjusted with respect to the shaft rpm. This mode is necessary to reduce the
dragging of the propeller of the engine that is not running or in stop mode. A zero
pitch signal, a digital input from a limit switch is also very important for
engagement interlock to the main engine.
There are two modes of operations are possible, one is the follow-up (FU). In this
mode the pitch is controlled through the remote control lever where the safety
Fig.2-Electtronics Processor
program of reducing the pitch automatically when the main engine experienced an
overload. The second mode is the non follow-up (NFU) in which a pushbutton
switch is used for the command, but the safety program is overruled. It is a risk in
the part of the operator to be aware of not overloading the main engine.
In an emergency situation, in a state the remote controller failed, the pitch is still controllable as long as the hydraulic
pump is running or the hydraulic oil pressure is still present. The solenoid valves that are located at the power pack unit
has an accessible button at each end that can be opened the valve manually.
The communication between the bridge and the local control is through
telephone or in the independent telegraph that gave the intended position of
the pitch coming from the wheelhouse. Only in this operation a wrong way
alarm is possible.
Any failure in the system will generates an alarm through its program and
feeds the information to the AMC-PLC that eventually activates the audio and
optical engine room alarms.
Page 14
The Bow Thruster is a transverse thruster, installed in the
forward part of the vessel. Primarily used for a convenient
maneuvering during departure or arrival at port. An electro-
hydraulics controlled pitch propeller geared to the shaft of the
electric motor where the needed thrust is developing.
The steering gear system, this is a hydraulic operated equipment controlled by the
program of the PLC (Fig.1). A steering wheel (Fig.2) is located at the wheelhouse
where the source of command for the hydraulic cylinder to actuate came from. The
two hydraulic cylinder (Fig.3) is connected to the driving shaft of the rudder and
when actuated through the solenoid valves, the angle of the rudder changed. The
hydraulic power pack (Fig.4) composed of two pumps is driven by its individual
electric motor with its own PLC for the safe operation and alarms of the pumps. The
hydraulic pump could be put in service one at the time or at the same time especially Fig.1– PLC Modules
during maneuvering. The solenoid valves are
controlled by the function of the PLC and
process accordingly.
Three location of steering controller can be selected, one from the center of the
wheelhouse and one in each of wings of the wheelhouse. Except in the center
Fig.4-Hydraulic Power Pack controller the wings controller used a knob connected to a potentiometer instead of
a wheel. Independent or Synchronized steering for starboard and port side rudder
can be selected and the functions rested from the software of the PLC. Page 15
Starting Bowthruster
Pus h button
"Hydr pum p
s tart"
Press button
Rectify Generator
N is running?
Rectify Pitch is
Generator de-energized
Generator energized
Bowthruster Ready
The exciting board which is interconnected to AVR, is installed inside the generator itself, where the dc excitation current
is flowing to the exciter stator and the exciter rotor received the magnetic flux in AC form and converted it to DC by
means of 6 rotating rectifier and eventually goes to the main rotor. The main stator that is in a star connected, cuts the ro-
tating field of the rotor and produces the rated AC voltage. The exciter board received an output voltage feedback so that
the exciter board maintains the exciting voltage in normal level, for unending
cycles of producing the rated voltage.
Page 17
Page 18
The auxiliary generator (Fig.1) is a 950kVA, 440Vac, 60Hz, 3-phase ma-
chine, driven by an 800kW, 8 cylinder and turbo charge diesel engine at 1200
rpm. The alternator has the same principle of operation as the main generator
as it is also a brushless and self excited.
The PLC box (Fig.2) used in this machine is for the monitoring of alarms and
safety devices of the diesel engine only, and the alternator alarms is monitored
by the MSB-PLC and the AMC-PLC. In the LED’s indication and seven seg-
ments display could be able to determine the status of the engine. Abnormality
of those monitored medium will send the alarm signal to the AMC-PLC Fig.1– The 950kVA Alternator
through a MODBUS communication and RS422 interface. All the data of the
engine is send to AMC-PLC and can be visualized in the SCADA in graphical form (See graphics next page). Pressure
transmitter, Pt-100 resistance thermometer, pressure switch and thermostat are commonly used as an analog and digital
input to the PLC. (See list of alarms below)
Compressed air is the starting medium of the diesel engine through a solenoid valve by the function of the PLC software.
The starting sequence is possible only when some digital input are true so that
the starting solenoid valve will energize. The starting can be done remotely in
the engine control room or locally through the PLC panel. On stand-by, the
engine is always pre-heated at 60 degrees centigrade for immediate needs.
The speed of 1200 rpm is maintained by the governor (Fig.1,beside the PLC
box) to deliver a 60 cycles generation. A pilot motor is installed in the top of
the governor to control speed manually during the synchronization process.
The control of the pilot motor is accessible at the main switchboard synchroni-
zation panel.
Fig.2– PLC Box and GovernorThis machine is primarily use when there is less demand of power especially
when the 900 tons cranes are not in operation at port. But during the naviga-
tion, one of the main generators is in service.
Page 19
Auxiliary diesel engine
The emergency switchboard is located near to each other where the switchgears are installed, equipped with two main
ACB, one for generator itself and one as bustie with interlocked connection from the ACB of generator for the feeder to
and from the main switchboard. The interlocking is necessary to avoid the closing of the ACB if the both source of
power are present. (See diagram below)
Bustie ACB Generator ACB
PLC of this system is for monitoring and control of the equipment installed in
the switchboard especially the opening and closing of the ACB. It communi-
cates to the AMC-PLC for alarms through a profibus connection. Blackout/
standby function is supervised and controlled by the software, depending which Fig.2– Synchronizing Board
one will be in the first standby and the second standby that the input signal
needed by the PLC. (See blackout flowcharts)
The ACB (Fig.3) is equipped with a microprocessor module where a parameter could be able to change especially for the
setting of over-current trip. The module is also capable of measuring the current in each phase that can be visualized
through the liquid crystal diode (LCD) display. Charging of the switch spring
is motorized that automatically charged right after the switching on and stay
on stand-by until the next switching cycle. But a manual charging can be done
by pumping the lever accessible to the front, until the force of the spring is
The synchronization panel (Fig.2) where the transferring of the load from one
generator to the other can be controlled. Pushbutton switch are provided in
the front of the panel for every generator that the operator can choose which
Fig.3– The ACB generator that has to be synchronized. The chosen generator is equipped in
their respective panel, a toggle switch that necessary to switchover to synchro-
nize position. Those inputs were needed by the MSB-PLC to process the synchronizing command in manual or auto-
matic mode. In automatic mode the PLC has to satisfy some input before sending a command to close the ACB. But in
manual mode the operator must have a good knowledge of analyzing the readout in the measuring instruments like the
voltage, frequency and the phases of both generators. Then at the right moment the pushbutton switch has to be activated
to close the ACB. The right moment is when the voltage, frequency and phases of both generators are nearly the same.
A bustie ACB is provided to separate a distribution of power by using two generators, especially when a high power is
required for a special operation of the vessel.
1 PTO on Put on
1st stby
1st 1st
PTO close
standby? N standby
the breaker
w/in 5 sec?
1st stby PTO take
over N
Aux gen Put on
on 2nd 2nd
N standby Aux gen
Y start & close
the breaker
w/in 25sec?
Aux Generator take
Em. gen in N Put on over N
emergency emerg
mode? mode Emerg gen start &
close the breaker
Emergency switchboard
Synchro is Switch it
off? off
EP1 & EP2 auto
transfer to E.S.B.
System on standby
A PLC blackout standby function where the label can be interchange for PTO_PS to PTO-SB
Page 22
Sea service 2 propeller running, Aux Gen
on duty, 1 PTO 1st stby, 1 PTO 2nd stby
1 PTO on Put on
1st stby
1st 1st Y PTO close
standby? N standby
the breaker
w/in 5 sec?
1st stby PTO take
over N
1 PTO on Put on
2nd 2nd
N standby 2nd stby
Y PTO breaker
Y close w/in
EP1 & EP2 auto
transfer to E.S.B.
System on standby
Page 23
Sea service 1 propeller running, 1 PTO on
duty, Aux Gen 1st stby, 1 PTO 2nd stby
System on standby
Page 24
Sea service 1 propeller running, 1 PTO on
duty, 1 PTO 1st stby, Aux Gen 2nd stby
Y Emergency switchboard
Stby PTO
Em. gen in Put on start & close
emergency emerg breaker w/in
mode? mode 5 min?
Aux gen take over
System on standby
Page 25
Harbour duty, 1 PTO on duty, 1 PTO 1st
stby, Aux Gen 2nd stby
Y Emergency switchboard
Stby PTO
Em. gen in Put on start & close
emergency emerg breaker w/in
mode? mode 5 min?
Aux gen take over
System on standby
Page 26
Harbour duty, 1 PTO on duty, 1 PTO 1st
stby, Aux Gen 2nd stby
Emergency switchboard
Stby PTO
Em. gen in Put on start & close
emergency emerg breaker w/in
mode? mode 5 min?
Aux gen take over
System on standby
Page 27
Harbour duty, Aux Gen on duty, 1 PTO 1st
stby, 1 PTO 2nd stby
Emergency switchboard
2nd stby PTO take
System on standby
Page 28
The inverter system is a source of emergency supply for 230vac lighting sys-
tem (EEL) for all emergency access way and other important spaces. There are
two set of inverter, system one is for the engine room distribution including out-
side deck and system two is for the accommodation together with the bridge
distribution. Each one system has a 5 unit of 3000W, 24vdc/230Vac micro-
logic controlled inverter that were connected in parallel and a 1200AH in group
of Ni-Cad battery. (See one line diagram below)
The Ni-Cad wet cell batteries (Fig.1) are the main source of power of the in- Fig.1– Ni-Cad Batteries
verter when the normal and emergency supply is out of service. Those batteries
are constantly charging by the automatic battery charger, and also served as a source of 24vdc supply as a back-up for
Fig.2 - The Inverters / Battery Charger
some critical automation equipment like the main engine PLC, AMC-PLC and the wheelhouse
navigational equipments, where the 24vdc supplies are needed. The 900 tons cranes are not
included in the system.
The inverters (Fig.2) are powered by a 230vac from either the main supply or from emergency
supply. In normal condition the supply to the emergency lightings (EEL) distribution pass
through the inverters and when the main supply and the emergency supply are no longer pre-
sent in the system, then the inverter source will be automatically transferred to the batteries.
That is the case when all the generators on board are incapable of generating electricity.
The main supply is coming from the main switchboard that when the power is disable, the
emergency switchboard will take over automatically, through an automatic control of relay in
which the main contactor are interlocked with each other (Fig.3). It means it will not close at
the same time. If in the case that the system one or system two is out of order, a by-pass
switch that can be activated manually was provided to serve the system that was in out order.
Each inverter is equipped of alarm relays in which their contacts are connected
in series that will serve as a digital input to the AMC-PLC for failure alarm
monitoring, including also the alarm relay of the battery charger. The battery
charger is additional equipment that was installed due to the charger mode of
the inverter is not stable when connected in parallel. Through the software of
the inverter the charger mode is inhibit.
For a convenient identification, all emergency lightings around the spaces with
the circular red mark are the one connected to the inverters through their re- Fig.3– Control Relays
spective circuit breaker. For further information for lightings identification,
blue marking is from emergency switchboard and the no marking is from the main switchboard
Battery charger
Battery charger
Page 29
Alarm Monitoring and Control
The Alarm Monitoring and Control system (AMC) is a PLC base automation
system. This is the central system for monitoring of alarms and controls of
some electrical and pneumatic equipment. The two set of main CPUs’ (Fig.1)
together of several I/Os’ module (Fig.2), are installed in the A1 cabinet located
at the engine control room. Due to the number of I/Os’ involved, more I/O
modules are used to accommodate the needs of operation. It was installed in
several racks with two interface modules each rack to communicate with the two
main CPU. The safety design of using two main CPUs’ are for redundancy op-
eration of the system, that when one CPU breaks down the other one has the
Fig.1-PLC-CPU w/ power supply and interface module capacity to continue its function.
Several racks of PLCs’ are installed in the forward of the vessel which is in the
cabinet A2 and the A3 cabinet at the wheelhouse aft desk. The communication
of A2 and A3 cabinet PLCs’ to A1 main CPU is through a fiber optics cables
that converts to the copper cables through a fiber optics-profibus converter, and
interfaced to SCADA computer that was identified as server 1 and server 2.
SCADA PC is also installed at the aft desk of the bridge as a client number 3
and 4 and the client number 5 at the A2 cabinet. They are all used a touch-
screen thin film transistor (TFT) monitors and the conventional 102-keyboard
and the mouse (Fig.3).
Fig.2- PLC I/O modules w/ interface modules
The alarm sounder and optical control circuits are installed under the engine
control desk. A digital output “0” from the PLC will energize the relays of alarms and eventually activate the audio and
optics alarm (fig.5) located in various places in engine room and strategic places
of the vessel. Acknowledge of engine alarms can be done in the engine control
room or in the A2 cabinet except the nautical alarms that can be accepted at the
bridge. Every alarm that was activated will always appear in a flashing red with
text at the lower part of the screen of the SCADA and in some windows a flash-
ing red of the sensors involved espe-
cially the alarm from the graphics of
the engine. When the alarms was
acknowledge and rectified the flash-
Fig.3-SCADA monitors ing red becomes steady green and it
will disappear when the acknowledge
button is pressed again.
The PLC user software is saved in the flash memory (FEPROM) that was in- Fig.4-SCADA computer
serted in the open slot in front of the CPU. A backup battery is installed as
standard equipment for the uninterrupted processing of the program. The program is made to suit the necessities of the
safe and smooth operation of the machineries and equipment with little human intervention. It is written in ladder, state-
ment list and function block programming language provided by the PLC maker. Fig.5-Audio & Optics Alarm
The digital input and digital output modules (Fig.6) are a 32 bit system that can
be visualized if it’s active or not through the LEDs’ in front of the module.
Those LEDs’ are so labeled for the convenient identification of the input or out-
put address that can be compared to the electrical diagrams available on board.
The significance of lighted LEDs’ is that the signal in that particular input/
output is high or a sensor voltage is present in that input/output, and vice versa
if that is not lit. In the analog input no lighted LEDs’ is visible, only a red LED
which means system or sensor failure when a failure of measuring instrument is
Most of the sensors used are contact of the relays, inductive proximity switch
and micro-switches for digital input, Pt-100 through a Pt-100/4..20mA converter
and 4..20mA signal for analog input. The digital outputs are used mostly to
energize or de-energize a relay for a function of particular equipment and the
analog output is for visualization of the values in digital form from SCADA.
The AMC is a normally close fail safe design, meaning all digital inputs must
be in high or the contacts are in closed condition.
Fig.6 - DI module
Page 30
Jib or Topping
Trolley Winch
Conveyor Belt
Right Tugger Winch
The heavy lift mast cranes are the main gear used for cargo handling. These were originally design for 800 tons,
and were modified to 900 tons due to demand of more heavy cargo in the oil industry. With an eight winches drives,
driven by the induction electric motors through a frequency speed controller or inverter drives. They are the main
hoist, the topping gear, the auxiliary hoist, the slewing gear, the trolley, the sling handling and the left and right tug-
ger (Fig.1). Those electric motors are directly coupled to the gear box of each winch. The movement of each winch
is controllable through a wireless remote controller capable of transmitting and receiving signal between the PLC
and the controller (Fig.2). A separated remote controller is also provided for the operation and control of the tugger
The main hoist is driven by the four 100kW, 440Vac, 60Hz electric motors controlled by the 2 units of 200kW fre-
quency inverter drives (two motors in each inverter), likewise with the topping gears. The slewing gear is driven by
six 60kW, 440Vac and 60Hz electric motors with two units of 200kW frequency inverter drives (three motors in
each inverter). The auxiliary hoist is driven by one 200kW, 440Vac, 60Hz electric motor through the 200 kW fre-
quency drive inverter. The trolley is driven by a 160kW, 440Vac, 60Hz electric motor and 200kW frequency drive
inverter. And the left and right tugger, each winches is driven by 54kW, 440Vac, 60Hz electric motor and a 55kW
frequency drive inverter (see single line diagram, next page). The right hand tugger frequency inverter is also use
for the sling handling winch gear through the activation of selector switch in the main remote controller. Four
200kW inverter drives are also installed for the electric heater (resistor load)
of 207kW connected for each inverter This is primarily use for the dumping Fig.2– The Remote Controller
of excessive power when the of movement of the hook stop with high load in
it, it is also called as a regenerative energy.
Page 31
Page 32
The type of inverter drive is a chassis DC/AC type (Fig.4). Two stacks of a
three phase, full wave diode (Fig.3) are the source of DC supply, with the
capacity of 1940A each and an output voltage of 600Vdc connected in par-
allel. During starting period, a 440Vac supply will pass through a trans-
former of 440/550Vac as pre-charge to the rectifier, until such time the DC
voltage will reach a 570Vdc, then the main circuit breaker for the diode
stack will close one at a time. The starting is controlled by the PLC. When
the PLC received the starting signal, the program process the signal and
check all the criteria if they are normal, before an output is going high, to
energize a relay for the starting circuit of each diode stack. This 600Vdc
link is where all the frequency inverter drives are connected in parallel.
An incremental encoder or a pulse generator (Fig.6) connected to the non-drive end shaft of the electric motor, served as a
feedback speed signal to the in-
verter for the smooth control of
the movement (PID). If this de-
vice is out of order there will be
no movement of winch and gave
an alarm of motor stall. The en-
coder is capable to generate a
Fig.5 - The PMU Fig.6 - Incremental Encoder Fig.7 - OP1 - Operator Panel - 1
pulse of around 10Vdc in two
outputs, 90º apart.
Page 33
Detail Drawing of PMU
Not all inverter drives have the same parameters setpoint due to the different capacities of the electric motor and uses. At
the PMU, measurement of actual magnitude can be access, like; the actual output voltage (r003), output current (r004),
output power (r005), the DC bus voltage (r006), the motor torque (r007), motor temperature (r009) and many other. By
pressing the key “P” of PMU (See detail drawing above) access to the parameters is possible. The characters appear in the
digital display is the parameter number and the value of parameter when it press the second time at that particular parame-
ter number. If the first character is “P” or “U” it is a parameter that a value can be changed, but if it’s “r” it means readout
as per sample mentioned above. Arrow key up/down is use to search to the parameter number to be accessed. Accessing
the parameters and changing its value is a delicate operation, further reading of the manual is a must so that the operation
will not be prejudiced. The OP1 is the same operation as the PMU the only difference is the four line display and with a
menu operation.
The PLC (Fig.8) is the heart of the automation of the cranes. There are 13
pieces of 8 bit DI module, 7 pieces of 8 bit DO module, 2 modules for AI and 3
interface modules installed in line with the CPU. Industrial Ethernet through
PROFIBUS-DP is the mode of PLC communication to the inverter drives and
remote control receiver/transmitter. The CPU has its own software/program as
an operating system and a user program is made for the PLC to control the auto-
mation of the crane. It is saved in the flash memory installed in front of the
CPU. The user program can be written directly to the CPU by means of a pro-
gramming device like a laptop. Failure in the software can be remedied by
Fig.8 - The PLC
switching of the power supply of the PLC for about 10 seconds.
Fig. 9 - PROFIBUS/CAN Converter
A PROFIBUS/CAN converter (Fig.9) is used for the communication between
the HUMAC computer (Fig.10) and the PLC for some needed input and output
especially for the load cells of each winch, except the slewing and the brake
inverter because they have no load cell. The jib angle inclinometer and the incli-
nometer for leads angle are also connected to the HUMAC.
The load cell (Fig.11) is an electronic device that measured the weight of the
Fig. 10 - HUMAC Computer load hanging from the hook, through a metallic strain gauge and converted to
4...20mA then sends the signal to the
HUMAC in which calculation is made for the safety limit of concerned winch.
If the weight of the load reaches the maximum limit, it will give a digital output
signal to the PLC and disable the winch motor, but before that a pre-alarm of
95% of maximum capacity will occur first. The slewing and the brake inverter
have no load cell connected to the inverter drive. Crane’s maximum capacity
alarm is calculated base from the input of main hoist load cell and the angle of
the jib. If the load cell is out of order, a failure in the drives is expected, so in
the case of very important operation, an “overrule load cell” input to the PLC is
activated as long as the operator aware of the weight of the load will not exceed
Fig. 11 - The Load Cell
the limit.
Page 34
Fig. 12 - The Current Loop Device A current loop device (Fig.12) is a device for simulation of the 4...20mA analog
signal for troubleshooting purposes, especially for the load cells and the incli-
nometers. One wire of the unit is to be connected to a +24Vdc while the other
wire is to the signal input going to the HUMAC through resistor board (Fig.13),
then the value can be adjusted to the potentiometer shaft and see the response of
the concern measuring instrument from the screen of the laptop, be sure that the
display program is running. The sling handling load cell failure alarm from the
inverter is not really from the sling
Fig. 13 - The Resistor Board
handling. Because the right tugger
load cell is the one that gives the sig-
nal to the inverter and not sling handling.
Page 35
The emergency stop relay (Fig.20) is a sophisticated relay that used for starting
and stopping of the crane. An “emergency stop reset” is the label for the starting
of the crane, once the operator press this button the crane will start only if the
input signal going to the PLC is present and also a signal input from various
switches leading to the emergency relay that includes the emergency stop but-
tons, safety switches of the inverters and the signal from the remote control
boxes. If the said input is present to
the emergency relay, three of the four
built in LEDs’ will lit, that means the Fig. 20 - Emergency Stop Relay
cranes is ready to start. Those four
LEDs’ are lighted when the cranes is running. If the crane’s tugger is enable,
the emergency switch of remote control of the tugger must be in reset position,
but if it is disable only the main re-
mote control is enough remote signal Fig. 22 - NAMUR Card
to start. This emergency reset opera-
tion is to energize the two rectifiers’
Fig. 21 - Inductive Proximity switch module and the next step is to press
the “System On” button for the com-
plete sequence of the crane starting.
All winches electric motor has a magnetic brake to hold the winch during stop- Fig. 23 - Brake Rectifier Module
ping or the crane is not in used. The brake activates through a brake rectifier
module (Fig.23) suitable for good excitation of the brake coil. A relay from the
inverter drive controls the lifting of the brake, and it is only possible if the brake
output from the PLC is high and the ISPS is all okay. For a good operational
design a small inductive proximity switch is so installed in the brake housing for
the feedback signal to the PLC to acknowledge the status of the brake if it is
lifted or not. The type of proximity switch used is a normally open type. If one
of them is in closed condition, the crane will not start or during operation an
alarm “Brake Release Failure” of the concern winch will occur.
A typical CU/VC card block diagram (Fig.-25) gives only the overview
of the connections although the actual connection is not the same as used
to be, because no Communication board and Simolink board is shown.
Fig. 25 - Connection Diagram of CU/VC Card The diagram serves only as a guide for general applications.
Page 36
Fig. 1 - Control Panel Cabinet The thermal oil plant is the source of heat that served the needs of the vessel
especially for the heavy oil fuel tanks and for supply bunker fuel to the main
engine and during the winter time a heating source for the accommodation area.
This equipment has the same function as the conventional water boiler but in-
stead of water medium, oil was used. The heated oil is continuously circulated
in the piping throughout the system and every fuel tanks and space heating unit
has an automatic temperature controller which actuates the valve actuator to
maintain the temperature setpoint in the controller as discussed in page 9.
The oil of the plant is heated by the diesel oil burner (Fig.2) that automatically
controlled in the control panel cabinet (Fig.1) when the main engine is not capable of enough exhaust gas temperature to
heat the oil. A turnover switch from burner to economizer is so provided for required service. Economizer is the name
given to the system when heat from the exhaust gas of the main engine is use. Since there are two main engines, they are
named as economizer one and economizer two.
The diesel oil burner is controlled by the temperature setpoint in the control
panel. It is automatically start and stop in maintaining the working temperature,
it is about 150°C to 180°C. There are two modes of operation of the burner, the
partial and the full load. Partial load mode of the burner is using a single nozzle
during the low demand of heat, but in high demand two nozzles are used. This
change of mode is automatically controlled by the temperature set point in the
controller set by the operator. The automation of the economizer is also base on
the working temperature through a separate temperature controller that control a
Fig. 2 - Burner Unit
pneumatic valve by diverting the exhaust gas through and out of the oil piping
inside the main engine exhaust pipe.
Several sensors are installed for the safety and control of the plant. Mostly for the oil pressure, temperature and oil level of
overhead tank. All these sensors are terminated to the control cabinet. Only several relay contacts from the control cabinet
are leading to the AMC-PLC for common alarms of the plant and the failure alarms can be visualized from the indicating
lamp in front of the control cabinet. Information of sensor alarm is shown in the table below. Those listed in the table has
to be tested every 4 months to verify the integrity of the system.
DESCRIPTION Cable Nr. Test Procedures
Thermal Fluid Flow Low Low Eco. 1 54.1027 Close 1-valve of the Differential switch
Thermal Fluid Temp High High Eco. 1 54.1028 Activate Temperature Switch
Exhaust Gas Temp High Eco. 1 54.1029 Activate Temperature Switch
Leakage Economiser 1 54.1030 Press Test Lever
Thermal Fluid Flow Low Low Eco. 2 54.1037 Close 1-valve of the Differential switch
Thermal Fluid Temp High High Eco. 2 54.1038 Activate Temperature Switch
Exhaust Gas Temp High Eco. 2 54.1039 Activate Temperature Switch
Leakage Economiser 2 54.1040 Press Test Lever
Level Expansion Tank High High 54.1009 Press Test Lever
Level Expansion Tank Low Low 54.1008 Press Test Lever
Level Expansion Tank Low 54.1017 Press Test Lever
Quick Emptying Valve Open 54.1012 Activate Limit Switch
Dearating Valve Open 54.1013 Press Test Lever
Air Pressure Expan Tank Low/High 54.1016 Activate Pressure switches
Return System Temp Low 58/56 Cont 93B2 Simulate the low temperature
Thermal Fluid Press Low 54.1011 Activate Pressure switch
Thermal Fluid Flow Low Low 54.1004 Close 1-valve of the Differential switch
Thermal Fluid Temp High High 54.1006 Activate Temperature Switch
Thermal Fluid Temp High 54.1018 Activate Temperature Switch
Flue Gas Temp High High (oil fire burner) 54.1007 Activate Temperature Switch
Limit Switch Burner Flange 54.1010 Remove the Flange
Burner Trouble Active on Alarm
Standby Therm Fluid Pump Actuated 54.1002 Activate Pressure switch
Elect Heater Flange 1to 8 High 54.1054 to 61 Adjust Set Point at the Flange
E.Heater Thermal Fluid Flow Low 54.1052 Close 1-valve of the Differential switch
E.Heater Thermal Fluid Flow Low Low 54.1052 Close 1-valve of the Differential switch
E.Heater Therm Fluid Temp High High 54.1053 Activate Temperature Switch
Page 37
Fig. 1 - Level Transmitter Tank level transmitter (Fig.1 and Fig.2) is an electronics device that measure the
pressure exerted to the diagram and converts it to the analog signal of 4..20mA
and directed to the AMC-PLC, where it will process to attain the value of pres-
sure in Pascal. With the measured pressure, a formula was used to calculate the
level of the medium in the tank in meters that can be visualized the mimic in the
SCADA (Fig.5). The calculated value of level is being equated by the PLC to a
volume in cubic meter base to the tank table that was pre-installed in the soft-
ware. The exact value of the volume from the SACADA as compared from the
hard copy of tank table is not to be expected due to the motion of the vessel
since the interpolation of the value is highly affected by the trim of the vessel. A
most acceptable value is more or less 5% differ to a value attained from the
hard copy tank table. Most of the tanks use this kind of transmitter except for the ballast tanks sounding.
Calibration of this transmitter is needed when the value being deliver to the SCADA is doubtful. The calibration can be
done from the actual location (Fig.2) or to the bench (Fig.4). Static calibration is much preferred way of calibrating the
transmitter because of the availability of the pressure calibrator (Fig.3). Calibrated value as indicated to the nameplate of
the transmitter will be the reference for adjusting the span potentiometer (20mA) for maximum level and of course zero
potentiometer for zero level (4mA).
Fig. 2 - Level Transmitter Installed to a Tank Fig. 4 - Transmitter Mounted on the bench
The sensor needs a supply of compressed air of about 6-7 bar to produce air
pressure in millibar in the sensing pipe, in which the distance of the end of this
pipe is very near the flooring of the ballast tank. As the level of the tank is in-
creasing, the air inside the sensing pipe will eventually trapped and the air pro-
duces a bubbles going out at the end of the pipe and the remaining air pressure
is sense by the diaphragm and amplified by the electronics card (Fig.2) that give
an analog output signal of a 4..20 mA. Fig. 2 - Electronics Card of the Transmitter
The device is also equipped with the solenoid valve for the electrically con-
trolled purging of the sensing pipe. Purging is an operation by diverting the 6-7
bar air pressure to the sensing pipe and at the same time closing the valve for the
diaphragm so that no harm will happen to the sensor. The reason for purging is
for cleaning, one push of a button switch is use to activate the solenoid valve of
all transmitter and this pushbutton are located in different location accessible to
the operator.
Calibration of the device is best done in the location where it was installed by
filling it up for maximum level (20mA) and emptying (4mA) but the disadvantage is, it consume a lot of time. Static cali-
bration is so convenient by applying a millibar pressure in the quick-coupling fitting provided in the device and sensing
tube must be blocked, then a simulation of 4..20mA can now be manipulated. The potentiometer for zero and span are
accessible in the electronics card as shown in figure 2 in blue color. Overhauling of this device on board is not advisable
due to the sensitivity of components, it must send to the manufacturer.
Separator is also called a purifier. This device is use to clean the oil of any impurities by centrifuge before it feeds to en-
gine system. It is controlled automatically with their own microprocessor that process the program cycles of purifying and
sludge discharging. Several sensors and solenoid was installed for the safety and smooth operation according to the in-
structions of the program. Any failure in the system will send a digital signal as a common alarm to the AMC-PLC and
eventually activates the audio and optics alarm. The operation of the separator are not controlled by the AMC-PLC only
the monitoring of failures. The concern alarm can be seen in the microprocessor panel through a digital display and light-
ing indication
Several inputs are connected to the microprocessor in the likes of oil tempera-
ture, oil pressure and the speed of the bowl component. Those inputs must al-
ways be in normal condition to attain a good operation of purifying. The proc-
ess of the operation can be altered through the changes of parameters accessible
from the microprocessor panel. Although it is possible to change the parame-
ters, it is not advisable to do it especially when the system is working without
any problem.
Fig. 1– AE Lube Oil Separator
The electric motor that drives the bowl’s component has a separate starting con-
trol from which a digital signal is send to the microprocessor to acknowledge that motor has been started and the micro-
processor waiting for the normal speed signal of the bowls until the purifying
system is ready to start.
There are several separator devices installed on board the vessel, 2 units for
Heavy Fuel Oil, 2 units for Main Engine Lube Oil, 1 unit for Auxiliary Engine
Lube Oil, 1 unit for Marine Gas Oil and 1 unit for sludge. The system of opera-
tion for the fuel oil is; the oil from the storage tank is transfer to the settling
tank, in this tank the first separation of impurities is happening by gravitational
force of the heavy particles of the fuel. Then the fuel oil is pump to the separa-
Fig. 2– Lube Oil and Fuel Oil Separator
tor device to process and deliver it in the daily tank for consumption of the en-
gine (see the mimics below). While for the lube oil system is; the lube oil from
the sump tank of the engine is continuously in the process of purification whenever the engine is running. The oil level in
the sump tank is constantly monitored by the AMC-PLC through a level transmitter
Page 40
The vessel has to be secured in port or in offshore if it is needed. That is the purpose of the mooring winches that was in-
stalled in the forward part and aft part of the vessel, two units in both part located in port side and starboard side. The unit
installed in the forward part (Fig.2) could also be used as an anchor winch for
Fig. 1– Aft Mooring Winch
lowering and heaving of the anchor. In anchor operation the speed of the winch
is limited up to second speed only by means of an inductive proximity switch
located near the clutch lever of the anchor chain drive. When the clutch lever
for anchor winch is disengage the metal lever position will sense by the induc-
tive proximity switch and eventually put in ready the contactors for maximum
Each winch was driven by a three-speed motor that coupled to the gearbox. The
motor has a built in brake at the non-drive end and it was controlled electrically
by a DC supply to the coil. When control lever operates in the desired position,
the brake is release, and then the winch will start to move. The speed is controlled through several magnetic contactor
(Fig.3) that start at low speed and after the time of the first timer elapsed the magnetic contactor for the second speed acti-
vates and the third speed magnetic
contactor will also activates after the
next timer elapsed. But the control
lever has three positions that can be
choose for the desired speed. But in
anchor operation, even the lever is in
high speed position the speed will run
only at the second speed.
The function of these is that during the high speed mode and the protector trips
due to overloading, the second speed contactor will set in and take over. The
same thing will happen when the second speed trips the protector; the low speed
will take over. If the electronics protector keeps on tripping, investigations is
necessary to evaluate the problem.
The ballast/anti-heeling valves actuator (Fig.1) is a device for closing and opening of the ballast line use for the stability
of the vessel. This is a hydraulic device controlled by the AMC-PLC through a set of solenoid valves (Fig.2). Each sole-
noid valves has an indicator to determine the status of the valves which is also equipped with limit micro-switches for a
digital signal to the AMC-PLC. The digital signal is needed for the program of anti-heeling operation and also serves as an
indicator in the SCADA for the position of the valves.
The operation of these valves can be operated automatically or manually through AMC-PLC at the SCADA. Anti-heeling
operation is fully automatic operation. One button
for starting of the ballast pump is a digital signal to Fig. 2– Actuator’s Solenoid Valves
the AMC-PLC will process the program for opening
of the suction valve and the discharge valve auto-
matically before the ballast pump start and vice
versa for the stopping.
All detectors are connected in parallel in two groups or loops and terminated at
the control panel (Fig.1). Most of the detectors from the accommodation are
connected to the group-A, and group-B for those installed in the technical or
machinery spaces. Those detectors are addressable with their assigned number Fig.1– Fire Alarm Control Panel
for identification, so that the processor or program can identify and monitor the
status of each sensor. When replacing the detector with a new one, it is a must
to change the address of the detector before it will be usable. The default ad-
dress of the new detector is 255 and it will be changed to the old number of de-
tector to be replaced. Re-addressing of the detector is through the password
protected control panel, where a procedure can be found in the instruction man-
Alarm of fire and failure of the system sends a digital input to the AMC-PLC for
engineer’s alarm in engine room where a repeater-control panel is installed in
the control room. This repeater has the same function of the control panel in the
bridge where resetting of the system can be done as long as the key-switch is in
“on” position. Isolating/de-isolating of the detector or group of detectors can
also be done upon request for maintenance in the area.
The detector sometimes gives a failure alarm in the control panel and most of
Fig.5 – A Dismantled Detector
the times the reason is some dirt is accumulate inside. The detector can be dis-
mantled cautiously (Fig.5) for cleaning. An electronics cleaning liquid and a clean dry rug are best suited for the purpose
of cleaning particularly the lenses.
A regular test is being carried out as per schedule in the planned maintenance system. The zone to be tested can be put in
test mode so that during the test, no alarm will be given to the sounder. An indicating light in the detector will be visible
signifying that the detector is working very well. This is also true with manual detectors.
There are two power supplies in the system, one from the 24Vdc from the inverter and its own back-up battery located near
the electronics/terminal box. When the system is behaving abnormally, hard resetting by means of switching of the
breaker from inverter and disconnects the battery for at least ten seconds.
Page 42
The incinerator (Fig.1) is the equipment for burning the waste or garbage pro-
duce on board except the sludge. Plastic and rubber can be burned but with
great care, it must be loaded little by little to avoid a very high temperature in-
side the chamber. It is equipped of an oil burner (Fig.2) using a diesel fuel oil
and it is automatically controlled by the processor in the control panel (Fig.38)
with a digital display. In this unit the pressure of the fuel, the flame in the cham-
ber, pressure in the chamber and the temperature of the chamber and the flue gas
are being monitored that in case of abnormality the system will shutdown and
activates the incinerator common alarm failure in AMC-PLC-SCADA through a
Fig.1– The Incinerator
digital input. The SCADA will not show the identification of the failure only in
the digital display at the control panel.
The equipment used a compact PLC for the digital inputs and outputs monitor-
ing the safety operation of the system, and feeds the data to the processor of the
control panel. Starting and stopping including the reset of alarm and changes of
parameters are accessible only in the control panel through a keyboard in front
of the panel.
During the operation, the pressure inside the chamber must always be below
Fig.2– The Burner Unit
atmospheric pressure and the flue gas
ventilator (Fig.4) served this purpose.
It is installed in the exhaust side of the
FLUE GAS TEMP HIGH Adjust set point below (FGTA)
set point 385°C / at stand still operating temp.
COMB CHAMBER TEMP HIGH Adjust set point below
set point 1200°C / at stand still operating temp. (CCTA)
COMB CHAMBER TEMP LOW Adjust set point (hcctla)
cctso set point 850°C to zero, and adjust (cctso) below operating
hcctla 50°C / at running mode temp then above operting temp
MOTOR OVERLOAD Activate test button at
at running mode overload protector F2
DOOR NOT CLOSED Open the waste door and start
before starting
DRAUGHT FAILURE Fan running disconnect
at running mode sensor tube from vacc
controller or press the rube
FUEL OIL TEMP LOW Start the burner program
foha 5 min (timer) Adjust set point to "0" (FOHA)
FUEL OIL TEMP HIGH Start the burner program
set point 90°C adjust down the thermo S3 below set point
for working thermostat S4
LOW FUEL OIL PRESSURE Start the burner program, take down
set point 8 bar FO press or disconnect X1-61/62
FLAME FAILURE Pull the photo resistor
at running mode out and blind off
LOW/HIGH VOLTAGE Adjust setpoint up and
at stand still down at relay K7 until
yellow LED flash
Page 43
Fig. 1– Chiller Machine Two chiller ma- Safety and con- Fig. 2– Control Panel
chine is the main trol of the ma-
source of air chine is process
conditioning for by the micro-
the accommoda- processor. Fail-
tion, crane’s ure alarms are
room, control send to AMC-
room and engine PLC as a com-
workshop. mon alarm.
This is use to Fig. 3– Valve Actuator Fig. 4 - Big Valve Actuator This is a big
open/close the actuator used for
valve of chilled the chilled water
water for smaller valve for the
room, and con- accommodation
trolled by the air handling unit.
controller Actuated by a 0-
(Fig.6). 10vdc from con-
Only the accom- Fig. 7 - Air Flow Controller Also for accom-
modation air modation use,
handling unit that when heat-
use this sensor ing is in service
that control the the humidity of
speed of the the accommoda-
electric motor tion must main-
through the in- tain at 90%.
verter drive.
Fig. 8 - Humidity Sensor
A thermostat for The chillers are the central air conditioning system for the
small air han- accommodation and some rooms that needs a cold air. A
dling unit that chilled water circulating by a pump from the chiller to each
controlled the air handling unit (AHU) and in this unit the room tempera-
relay for the ture is being maintained by each controller as stated above.
electric heating Pressure and temperature sensors are connected to the mi-
element when croprocessor in the control box for safety monitoring and
heat is needed. control.
Fig. 11 - Thermostat Page 44
Fig. 1 - Fresh water Generator The freshwater generator (Fig.1) process the seawater to freshwater as
the name implied for the consumption on board. The seawater is being
pump in to the casing and pass through an ejector to create a vacuum and
some seawater is diverted to the boiler section. A vacuum of around -0.9
bar is being created which is an acceptable pressure for good production.
A product of heat energy from the main engine is piped to the evaporator
section, to boil the sea water. Since it is under a vacuum condition the
temperature below 100°C is enough temperature to boil the seawater that
a main engine produce of about 85°C-92°C. Freshwater is collected from
the condenser section and is being pump by the distillate pump to the
fresh water storage tanks. This freshwater is passing through a salinity
sensor to detect any salt concentration. When it sense of more than
10ppm a solenoid valve is automatically energized to divert the contami-
nated freshwater back to the condenser section and eventually raise an
alarm to AMC-PLC-SCADA.
Reverse Osmosis Filter
The production of freshwater
will pass through a mineral
filter tank (Fig.6) to ensure the
cleanliness of the water before
it reaches the storage tank. A
dosage pump for chlorine is
Fig. 2 - Hydrophore Unit installed near the mineral filter
tank to mix with the freshwater
when it needed. A digital sig-
nal for dosage pump failure
alarm is also directed to AMC-
Fig. 3 - Ultraviolet Lamp Casing PLC-SCADA.
From the storage tank the water is being pumped into the hydrophore unit
(Fig.2) for another filtering, which are the charcoal/reverse osmosis and
the ultraviolet lamp (Fig3), and then delivered to the pressure tank for
distribution for the do-
mestic consumption. Fig. 5 - Ultraviolet Monitor
Page 45
Pressure Transmitter for various application Differential Pressure Sw.- Thermal Oil Plant
Hi/Low Press Sw. - Reefer Plant Pressure Transmitter for M.E. and A.E.
Page 46
Temperature Switch– Thermal Oil Plant Pt-100 For Main Engine and Aux. Engine
Temperature Switch for Starting Air Comp. Temperature Switch - Refrigerated Chamber
Pt-100 for Various Application Temp. Sw. for CPP Hydraulic Power Pack
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Float Switch for Various Application Float Switch for Sewage Tank
Float Switch for Emergency Generator Float Switch for sump Tank of A.E.
Float Switch for Fuel Oil Leakage– AE Float Switch for Fuel Oil Leakage– ME
For Starting Air Pressure Tank w/ alarm signal For Air Dryer w/ alarm signal
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Auxiliary Contact Blocks & Block w/ Timer Motor Protection & Isolation Switch
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MF-HF Radio for E-mail Fire Alarm Cont Panel & Em. Pump Switch
Watertight Sliding Door Panel & Indication Bridge and Engine Alarm Indication Lamps
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