Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
Enerveo has a zero tolerance approach towards any form of corruption, fraud and criminality (including financial
crime), and the giving or receiving of bribes for any purpose.
• To maintain our established reputation for lawful and ethical behaviour and for financial integrity in all aspects of
its business;
• To minimise Enerveo’s (including its Directors’ and employees’) exposure to bribery, corruption and financial
crime; and
• To maintain a culture where bribery or corruption is never acceptable, taking appropriate action where this is not
adhered to.
• The Executive Board are responsible for the oversight for this policy including the approval of any changes to
the policy. They support the Policy Owner to make sure that the policy is adhered to through awareness, training
and monitoring of policy implementation.
• Incidents and breaches are reviewed and where appropriate opportunities for improvement are actioned.
• Training will be provided by the legal team to all Enerveo employees and Directors to ensure compliance with
this policy.
• There are clear channels for employees to escalate concerns about wrongdoing through line managers and the
Board's sub-committees.