Swep Technical Report Template
Swep Technical Report Template
Swep Technical Report Template
Table 2.1: Example of Table Format
Body Measurement
Mr A 69 120 12
Mr B 78 134 15
Mr C 67 119 21
Mr D 80 143 13
a. Figures: these include all drawings, smartArt, charts, graphs and objects. They must be numbered
serially as they are referred to in the text. Please refer to figures with capitalization and
unabbreviated (e.g. “as presented in Figure 4.1…”, and not “Fig. 4.1” or “figure 4.1”). Place caption
underneath every Figure and number them accordingly in Title Case Format. Please note that all the
figures that are not graphs/plots must be drawn with the computer tools e.g. with MS Visio,
AutoCAD etc. –handsketching is not allowed.
Axis Title
Series 1
Series 2
2 Series 3
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Axis Title
8. Headers and footers: this must not be used in the report write up
9. Equations: all equations in the Technical report must be presented in Equation editor and
numbered based on the chapter where they occur. All the terms in the equation should also be
defined appropriately. For example, the first equation in Chapter three will be numbered as follows:
Mw xCw x ∆Tw
P= (3.1)
Where: P is the Power (Watts),
Cw is the Specific heat capacity of water (J/kg.K),
∆ Tw is the change in temperature (i.e. T2 – T1)
Δt is the Time required to boil the water at 100oC, sec.
10. References: American Psychological Association - APA 6 style is acceptable. Citing of single
author is Surname (year) e.g. for a single author, the format is = Adeleke (2014); for two authors is
Ogunlade and Adeagbo (2019); for three or more authors is Adeleke et al. (2010).
11. Binding: The report shall be bound lightly with a blue film and covered at the back with a thick
cardboard cover.
The front matters of the project should be presented as arranged chronologically below:
i) Title Page (No page numbering)
ii) Certification (Page numbering starts here with number ii)
iii) Acknowledgement
iv) Table of Contents
v) List of Tables
vi) List of Figures
vii) List of Plates
viii) List of Abbreviations & Acronyms
ix) Abstract
i) Title Page
The title page containing the title of Project Report, full name (Surname first in Capital letters and no
comma thereafter. The other names should be in initial case capital)
size is 16)
Submitted By
ii) Certification
This is the page where the SWEP Departmental and faculty Coordinator will certify the originality of the
technical report.
This is to certify that this report of a two-month Students’ Work Experience Programme
(SWEP 1) was carried out by SURNAME, Firstname Othername (Matric Number) in the
State, Nigeria.
……………………………………………………. ………………………
Name and Signature Date
Departmental SWEP Coordinator
……………………………………………………. ………………………
Name and Signature Date
Faculty SWEP Coordinator
iii) Acknowledgement
This is a fresh page where you appreciate those that have assisted you in one way or the other all through
the course of SWEP both within and outside the university (this may include members of staff of your
department and faculty, relatives, friends, your colleagues and bosses at the place of SWEP attachment
iv) Table of Contents
The section shows the major headings of all sections and subsections and their respective pages as they
occur in the report, this may take more than one page and the format is as follows:
Contents Page
Title Page i
Certification ii
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Plates
Executive Summary
1.1 Adeleke University
1.2 Students’ Work Experience Programme (SWEP)
1.3 Objectives of SWEP
1.4 The place of attachment (Brief history of the organization where the SWEP was carried out)
v) List of Tables
The list of all tables in the project report should be presented under this page and labelled accordingly as
vi) List of Figures
The list of all figures in the project report should be presented under this page and labelled in accordance
with the List of Tables detailed above
vii) List of Plates
The list of all Plates in the project write up should be presented under this page and labelled in accordance
with the List of Tables detailed above
viii) Executive Summary: this is where you give the summary of the entire project. It should consist of
brief introduction, justification and objectives, methodology, results obtained and conclusion.
3.1 Conclusion
This section shows the summary and major highlight of the work done
3.2 Recommendation(s)
This section reports your suggestions on possible areas of improvement on what you have done and any
suggestion you deem fit for the SWEP exercise
Author(s)-Surname, initials (year). Title, Publisher, Place of publication, Total number of pages in the book
as “pp ….”. For example:
Ogunlade, C.A. (2018). Optimization and characterization of mechanically expressed African Oil
Bean (Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth) kernels. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, Agricultural
and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Pp 1-252.
Conference Proceeding
Author(s)-Surname, initials (year). Title of paper (in double quotes i.e. “ ”), Proceedings of ….(full name
of conference), Place conference held, page(s)
Ajayi, O. O. And Ogunlade, C. A. (2018). “Elements of civil engineering practices”, Proceedings
of the First Annual Conference of the Faculty of Engineering, Adeleke University, pp 11-21
Electronic Publication
Author(s)-Surname, initials (year). Title. URL address (date retrieved/accessed)
If applicable, it should contain items such as computer programs used or mathematical derivations,
drawings and such related information which could not be placed in the body of the report. It should be
numbered if it is more than one e.g. APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, etc.)
This template was coined out of the guideline for writing Undergraduate projects in the Faculty of
Engineering, Adeleke university as a guide for presentation and preparation of technical reports for SWEP
1 and 2, it is meant to help students produce good and accceptable reports, don’t limit yourself to the
content of this template, you may wish to present additional information that may not be captured in the
subheadings and headings provided here