Assignment 1 ED

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Neglect mechanical and

Rectifier Control dc motor is fed froma

5.36 A 220 V, 1500 rpm, 10 A
with an ac
source Voltage of 230
V,50 H
lculate firing
c o n t i n u o u s . Calculate


Conduction can
assumed to be
for and 500 rpm.
motor torque
(a) half the rated
torque and (-1000) rpm. 5.36 be 50 mH. Calot
(b) rated motor
drive of Problem
of the
SS7 Let armature inductance
and developed torques
on the boundary
boundary betw
load speeds, and speeds a = 60° and (b) a-i
conductions for (a) 120
continuous and
excited motor has armature
A 220 V, 1200 rpm, 15 A separately
This motor is controlledi
inductance of 1.8 Q and 32
mH respectively. by
rectifier with an ac
voltage source of
single-phase fully-controlled
modes and calculate developed torques for:
50 Hz. Identify the
) a = 60° and speed 450 rpm

(i) 60° and speed =1500 rpm

identify modes and calculate speri
V5.39 For the rectifier drive of Problem 5.38,
(a) a= 45° and torque = 40 N-m
(b) a = 45° and torque =10 N-m.
5.40 A 230 V, 960 rpm, 20 A separately excited dc motor has armature resistane
and inductance of 1.2 2 and 50 mH respectively. Motor is controlled by a
single-phase half-controlled rectifier with source voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz
(a) Calculate no load speeds, and speeds and developed torques on the boundan
between continuous and discontinuous conductions for a= 45°, 90°an
(b) Calculate and plot speed-torque curve for a = 45°.
5.41 A 230 V, 650 rpm, 100 A separately excited dc motor has
armature cled
resistance and inductance of 0.08 2 and 8 mH respectively. Motor is
by a single-phase half-controlled rectifier with source voltage of 230 Y,
Identify the modes and calculate for speeds
de Motor Drives 149

a 60° and torque =
1000 N-m
(b) l20 and torque = 1000 N-m
he drive Problem
of Probl 5.41,
the dnve of
For identufy modes of operation and
calculate torques
a) 60° and speed 200 rpm.
a = =

h)a= 120 and speed 200 rpm. =

220 V.
A 220
\ 750 rpm,. 200 A
exciled motor has armature
tances of 0.05 and 20 S2
respectively. Load torque is given
and field
5(0-0.2N N-nm, where Nis the by the expression
speed rpm. Speeds below rated value
a r e abtained by armature voltage control
with full
ed are obtained by field control at rated armaturefield and the speeds above
Armature is ted from a voltage.
three-phase fully-controlled rectifier with ac source
ltage (line) of 170 V, 50 Hz and the
field is fed from
hase rectifier with a single-phase source half-controlled single-

voltage of 250 V, 50 Hz. Drive

op under continuous conduction. Calculate
firing angles for speeds:
(a) 600 rpm,
(b) 1200 rpm.
A 220 V, 600 rpm, S00 A separately excited motor
resi stances of 0.02 and 10 2 respectively. Armature is has armature and field
fed from a three-phase
fully-controlled rectifier and field from half-controlled single-phase rectifier. A
three-wire three-phase ac source with a line voltage of 440 V is available.
Armature rectifier 1iS fed from a three-phase transformer with Y-4 connection
and field rectifier from a single-phase transformer:
(a) Output voltages of transformers must be such that for zero
firing angles
rated voltages are maintained across the motor armature and field. Calculate
transformer turns ratios.
(b) With the transformer turns ratios as in (a), calculate firing angles of the
armature rectifier for:
(i) Rated torque and field, and 400 rpm
(i) Rated torque and field, and -400 rpm. Assume continuous conduction.
V.45 A 220 V, 750 rpm, 200 A separately excited motor has an armature resistance
of 0.05 2. Armature is fed from a three-phase non-circulating current dual
converter consisting of fully-controlled rectifiers A and B. Rectifier A provides
motoring operation in the forward direction and rectifier B in reverse direction.
Line voltage of ac source is 400 V. Calculate firing angles of rectifiers for the
following assuming continuous conduction:
(i) Motoring operation at rated torque and 600 rpm.
(i) Regenerative braking operation at rated torque and 600 rpm.
E AK Aatar af prahlenm 745 is naw fed from a three-phase dual converter with

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