Cinnamon - Health Benefits and Nutrition
Cinnamon - Health Benefits and Nutrition
Cinnamon - Health Benefits and Nutrition
People have used cinnamon since 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt, where they
regarded it highly. In medieval times, doctors used it to treat conditions
such as coughing, arthritis, and sore throats.
It is now the second most popular spice, after black pepper, in the United
States and Europe.
There are two main types of cinnamon: cassia and Ceylon. The two have
different nutritional profiles.
This article will look at the alleged health benefits of different types of
cinnamon and how to include them in the diet.
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A 2016 laboratory study found that cinnamon oil was effective against a
type of Candida that affects the bloodstream. This may be due to its
antimicrobial properties.
If further research confirms these findings, cinnamon oil could play a role
in treating this type of infection.
Influencing blood sugar levels 2/12
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Animal studies have shown that cassia cinnamon may reduce blood sugar
levels, according to a 2015 review .
The review also noted that after 60 people with type 2 diabetes
consumed up to 6 grams (g) of cinnamon per day for between 40 days
and 4 months, they had lower serum glucose, triglycerides, low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol, and total cholesterol.
Another small study looked at the impact of cinnamon, calcium, and zinc
on blood pressure management in people with type 2 diabetes. The
results did not show that this treatment had any impact.
Which foods are good choices for people with diabetes? Find out here.
Some animal studies have suggested that cinnamon may help prevent
Alzheimer’s disease. 3/12
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This does not mean that foods containing cinnamon can treat or prevent
HIV, but cinnamon extracts could one day become a part of HIV therapy.
Experts have tested cinnamon for activity against multiple sclerosis (MS).
People with MS appear to have lower levels of Tregs than people without
the condition. In mouse studies , cinnamon treatment has prevented the
loss of certain proteins specific to Tregs.
Scientists have also found that cinnamon treatment restored myelin levels
in mice with MS. MS occurs when the myelin coating on nerve cells
becomes damaged.
The NCCIH are supporting more research into how cinnamon may help
treat MS.
In this article, get some diet tips for people with MS. 4/12
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Research from 2015 says that scientists have found a way to package
antimicrobial compounds from peppermint and cinnamon into tiny
capsules that can both kill bacterial biofilms and actively promote healing.
Preventing cancer
The authors of one article note that cinnamaldehydes may have antitumor
and anticancer properties.
How else does diet link up with cancer? Find out here.
Other benefits 5/12
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According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture , a teaspoon of ground
cinnamon weighing 2.6 g contains:
iron: 0.21 mg
magnesium: 1.56 mg
phosphorus: 1.66 mg
potassium: 11.2 mg
Antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress and may help prevent cancer,
type 2 diabetes, and many other conditions.
Cinnamon is the bark of a tree. People can put small pieces of bark in
stews, desserts, and other dishes, or they can use ground cinnamon, for
example, in cakes or on buns.
Ceylon cinnamon comes from Sri Lanka. Some people call it “true
cinnamon.” Cassia cinnamon, on the other hand, originates from southern
China. Cassia is cheaper than Ceylon cinnamon. 6/12
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Dietary tips
People can use cinnamon in sweet or savory dishes. Cinnamon’s
distinctive fragrance is a result of the cinnamaldehyde it contains.
Top a waffle with cinnamon and apple for a low sugar treat.
Side effects
In the short term, consuming moderate amounts of cinnamon as a spice
or as a supplement seems to be safe for most people.
Consuming too much coumarin can lead to liver damage and affect
coagulation. Therefore, people should speak to their doctor before
adding cinnamon or cassia to their diet if they:
have diabetes
have a liver condition
Cassia cinnamon powder, a common ingredient in foods in the U.S.,
contains more coumarin than Ceylon cinnamon powder. 7/12
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A German study from 2010 found that coumarin content varies widely,
even in samples of cinnamon from the same tree. Cassia cinnamon was
particularly high in coumarin.
People should never use cinnamon in any form as a full replacement for
medical treatments for health conditions.
More in Nutrition 8/12
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15 sources
powder? 9/12
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Psych Central 11/12
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