Assembly Manual For50cc
Assembly Manual For50cc
Assembly Manual For50cc
Wingspan: 88 in
Wingarea: 1479.8 sp in
Length: 78.8 in
Engine: 50CC
■ All Pilot-RC products are guaranteed against
defects for 30 days of receiving your airplane. This
warranty is limited to construction or production
defects in both material and workmanship , it does not
cover any component parts damaged through use or
modification .
Introduction ………………….………..….…….…. 1
Warranty …………………….……..….…..……. 2
Attention …………….…………..….……..……. 3
Fuselage Unit
Rudder Assembly
Rudder Control Horns ………..…….…...…….. 5
Tail Wheel Installation …………..…….......... 7
Rudder Axis Installation …….……...….…….. 9
Landing Gear Assembly .
Main Landing Gear Installation ………….…..……. 10
Pants Installation …………..….……… 12
Servo Unit
Wing Servo Assembly
Servo Arm Installation ………….….………. 13
Aileron Control Horns ………….……….….. 14
Servo Installation …….…………..…… 15
Rudder Servo Assembly
Servo Tray Installation ….…….….......…….. 18
Servo Installation ……….….……...…… 19
Elevator Servo Assembly
Servo Arm Installation ………….……………. 22
Elevator Control Horns ……………....….…. 23
Servo Installation ……………….....……… 24
Switch Assembly ………….……….....……… 27
Engine Unit
Firewall Assembly ……….…….....………. 28
Engine Assembly ……….…..……..…… 30
Throttle Servo Assembly ….….…...…….…… 30
Muffler Assembly
Canister Bracket Installation ……….…....………. 32
Muffler and Canister ………….…….………. 33
Ignition Module ………….…….………. 34
Hatch And Fuel Tank ………….….……....…… 35
Cowl Assembly …………………......…… 36
Fuselage Unit
Rudder Assemby
Rudder Control Horn
1. Tear off the cover on the horns 2. Trace around the locking plate
and locking plates with knife and cut off the cover (see
below). Then the pre-cut slots appear
Rudder Assembly
3. Scuff the middle of horns with a 5. Slid the horns into slots slightly,
piece of sand paper for good glue mount the locking plates in place.Wipe
bond.Then clean up the surface away excess glue with rubbing alcohol
Rudder Assembly
1. Draw a center line with a pencil 3. Install the blind nuts through the
as shown opening in the rear of the fuselage
and fit screws for the tail wheel
using Blue Loctite on the thread
Rudder Assembly
4. Install the hatch over the opening in Ensure the spring has been fitted
the rear of fuselage with the 4 screws tightly for correct operation of tail
in line with the pre-drilled holes wheel when rudder operates
Rudder Assembly
2. Align the rudder in place inserting
the steering arm through the steering
Rudder Axis Installation tube in top of rudder ensure pin bent
end sits flush on top of rudder
1. Using the rudder pin pierce the 3. Tighten the collar set screw with
cover through the pre-installed 1.5mm Hex Wrench as shown
brass tube by trial fitting through
hinges in reverse direction
Landing Gear Assembly
Taper to
edge to
front of
Landing Gear Assembly
1. Install the landing gear with 3. Lift the rear of fuse to line it up
supplied bolts and locking nuts with ground as shown
Note: Don’t over tighten and crack
the carbon fiber
Landing Gear Assembly
5. Install the collars and wheels in 2. Drill the holes for the mounting
correct order, use a drop of Blue bolts and install the blind nuts.
Loctite on the collar set screw.
Ensure the wheel freely rotates.
Pants Installation
1. Lift the rear of fuselage and line 3. Finish the wheel pants mounting
the wheel pant horizontal with ground by fitting the bolts, use Blue Loctite
by slipping them over the axles and on the threads
supporting them from the rear for the
proper clearance
Servo Unit
A drop of fast
cured gule here
Wing Servo Assembly
1. Tear off the cover on the horns 3. Scuff the horns with a piece of
and locking plates sand paper for good glue bond.Then
clean up the surface
Wing Servo Assembly
Servo Installation
4. Apply the 30 minutes epoxy
inside the pre-cut slot for horn ,and
coat the horn with epoxy as shown
Wing Servo Assembly
2. Lock the connector with the 4. Then put the extention lead
provided safety clip to prevent through the root of wing
disconnection during use.
Wing Servo Assembly
6. Install the servo arms facing 7. Repeat all steps above for the
toward the wing tip and adjust other wing
pushrod to correct length to keep the
aileron in the neutral position. The carbon tube and wing bolts are
(Connect servo, turn on radio to centre servo used to mount wings to fuselage in
reset pushrod as required) the final assembly.
Rudder Servo Assembly
Rudder Servo Assembly
Rudder Servo Assembly
4. Mount the pre-installed ball link to 5. Crimp the brass tubes with crimping
the rudder servo arm without locking pliers once satisfied alignment is
nut. Put two brass tubes on the cable correct
and thread through the coupler hole.
Ensure the cables are straight
Rudder Servo Assembly
Elevator Servo Assembly
Elevator Servo Assembly
1. Tear off the cover on the horns 3. Scuff the horns with a piece of
and locking plates sand paper for good glue bond.Then
clean up the surface
Elevator Servo Assembly
Elevator Servo Assembly
2. Thread the extension lead through 4. Cut the cover to expose the pre-
fuselage drilled hole for mounting horizontal
stabilizer to fuselage
Elevator Servo Assembly
6. Install the servo arms facing 7. Repeat all the step above for the
toward the ground, adjust pushrod to other stabilizer
correct length so elevator panel is in
the neutral position.
Switch Assembly
Engine Uint
1. Measure the length of the engine Note: The 2 degree right thrust is
(from the firewall to the prop thrust built in at time of fixing firewall,
washer), the cowl and the engine ensure you align the firewall the
box for the proper distance allowing same distance from each fuselage
1/4”to 1/2” from the edge of the edge as shown below.
cowl .Then mark the location
Firewall Assembly
2. Drill the firewall according to the 4. Epoxy the firewall with 30 minutes
pre-marked laser holes for DA 50.3W epoxy and use the mounting screws
50, or to suit the engine you use, note and lock nut to fasten it immediately as
the offset of the holes to allow for side shown
thrust & centre prop in cowl. Install the
firewall after drilling.
Engine Assembly
Not Include
Remember: Only use Blue Loctite on 1. Install the engine throttle arm
all engine mounting screws once you with a little Blue Loctite and mark
have installed the throttle servo and the throttle pushrod hole and fuel
drilled the fuel line hole in firewall, line location ,then drill as shown
pre-fit and try throttle before final
fixing of engine.
Throttle servo Installation
2. Measure and cut off throttle 4. Cut away the marked location as
pushrod extra wire and bend to a shown. Make surpports with the cut
sharp “z” to fit servo arm. Mount the off plywood in 2 layers and epoxy into
throttle pushrod to engine. Test fit to place to keep the servo a distance
ensure the hole is suitable. from muffler.
A drop of gule
Muffler Assembly
Muffler Assembly
1. Bend the pipe and trial fit till align 3. Use silicone coupler on exhaust
the canister. Then cut the excess joint securing with clamps as shown
pipe to correct length
Ignition Module
1. Use single sided self adhesive 3. Lock the connectors with the
foam rubber on bottom of ignition provided safety clip to prevent
unit and attach to plywood side as loosening with vibration.
Hatch And Fule Tank
Fule line
Epoxy the hatch in place and secure Fuel tank and fuel dot has been
with self-tapping screws installed. Tighten the Velcro ties
when finally positioned.
Crowl Assembly
Crowl Assembly
4. Ensue all corners are rounded 6. Install into position using the
and not a sharp 90 degree corner to bolts. There are two that mount
minimize any splitting under from the rear of the firewall on the
vibration. Trial fit and adjust hole top of the cowl and two that mount
until the cowl fits correctly from the front of the cowl opening
Center of gravity
Center Of Gravity
The center of gravity is on the rear of the wing
tube. For other planes refer to the CG list below
Center of gravity
Control Throws
Flight Preperation
■ Make sure you have the right model programmed into your
■ Check the direction of each control surface for correct
the air
■ Check the air plane with the engine running and do a range
maiden fight and check for damage if you made a bad landing
your first time
■ Have an experienced pilot fly it for the first time if you have
remember what you talked about during the flight or if you get
into trouble. Always balance your props, vibration is a killer.
■ Remember nose heavy airplanes fly all the time, tail heavy