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Skill: Memory and Concentration ::Worksheet Number :3

Directions for Questions from 1 to 3: Darshan is the head of a family. Sulochana is

wife of Darshan. Darshan and Sulochana have two sons and one daughter. The
sons are Anuj and Hari. The daughter, Sneha, is unmarried. Anuj is married to
Laxmi and they have two daughters Suruchi and Prerna. Hari is also unmarried.
1 - How many members are there in the family?

a) 6 b) 7
c) 8 d) 9

2 - How many mothers are there in the family?

a) 3 b) 4
c) 1 d) 2

3 - How many daughters are there in the family?

a) 3 b) 2
c) 1 d) 0

4 - If every alternative letter starting from ‘A’ of the English alphabet is written in lower
case, rest all are written in UPPER case, how can we write the word ‘Kangaroo'?

a) kaNgaRoo b) kANgAroo
c) kangaROO d) kAnGaRoo

5 - The positions of the first and the fifth digits of the number 81943275 are interchanged.
Similarly, the positions of the second and the sixth digits are interchanged and so on till
the fourth and the eighth digits. Which of the following will be the third digit from the
right end after the rearrangement?

a) 1 b) 8
c) 7 d) 9

6 - How many EVEN numbers are common in all the three numbers given below?

a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4

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7 - If in a new language lion is called goat, elephant is called cat, rhino is called hippo,
bear is called dog, rat is called rabbit then which of the following animals (in the new
language) is NOT present in the image below?

a) Bear b) Rabbit
c) Cat d) Dog

8 - If ‘cylinder’ is called ‘cone’, ‘cone’ is called ‘cube’ and ‘cube’ is called ‘sphere’, then
which of the following has six flat faces?

a) Cyberlink b) Cube
c) Cone d) Sphere

9 - Arjun is facing North after taking 3 right turns from his original position. In which
direction was he facing before making these 3 right turns?

a) North b) South
c) East d) West

10 - If the 2nd and 3rd rows are interchanged, then which of the following options has the
correct order of colours in the middle column?

a) Blue-Black-Grey b) Blue-Grey-Black
c) Grey-Blue-Black d) Black-Blue-Grey

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